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Sneezy Winchesters - NEW "It's Sheer Force of Will"


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I'm sorry that I haven't posted that much lately. School sucks, you know.

Here's another drabble anyway. :innocent:


“I’m back.”

Sam he shut the door of their small hotel room, and placed the bag from the drugstore on the table.

“Dean? Where are you?”

He was confused because he didn’t spot his older brother in the room.

Neither was he lying in bed - as when he left - nor was he being sprawled out on the couch.

Sam almost began to worry because he didn’t get an answer,

he wondered if Dean had made an escape to the next bar once again.


A suspicious noise from the bathroom drew his attention.


Some coughing echoed through the room, then a hoarse, small voice answered.


Sam gave a delighted sigh.

“Brought you some stuff from the drugstore.”

He didn’t have to say this twice, immediately a red-nosed Dean appeared at his side and tore the bag open,

looking expectantly for something.

Suddenly he stopped moving and produced something square out of the bag.

„Dude, seriously?“

Doubtfully, Dean eyed the blue-pink-coloured box with flower print he was holding in his hands

and glanced at his brother, one of his eyebrows furrowed askingly.

Sam blushed slightly and tried to explain his girly choice.

“Dean, they’re good, at least the shop assistant told me so.”

“I bet she thought you were a girl, look at them, they’re… pink and …lotioned ah…and… hehh...’DGGGShh

He wiped his nose with his sleeve and Sam’s face screwed up in disgust.

“Dude, just try them. Your nose is all red and sore, just do yourself a favour.”

“Yeah, shut up, I’ll do it.”

Reluctantly his older brother buried his nose in a bunch of these tissues.

After he blew his nose his eyes lit up and he gave Sam a confused look.

“…They are really soft.”

Sam gave him a smug grin and kissed the tip of his nose.

“So you’re admitting that you like girly tissues?”

He couldn’t hide the amusement any longer.

Dean frowned.

“I swear, if you ever tell someone about it, I’ll end you.”

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Awesome! Manly Dean likes soft pink tissues! And by the way, your spelling are one of the hottest thing I ever read!

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Aww, thank you :wub:

I do have some other drabbles, but I'm not quite happy with them.

So it may take me a while to post another drabble. Maybe it won't :boom:

Hehe, I also like the spellings, it took me a while to figure out how to write them.

I remember how it all started with "achooo" :blush::) Geez.

Uh, and one more thing! I've written a new story, it's already finished AND beta-ed,

but I haven't corrected all of the mistakes by now, but I will post it soon.

It's not a SPN fic, but the guy, it's an italian cop, is a lot like Dean. Really.

I'm pretty sure you'll like him :laugh:

Keep your eyes open, I'll call the story "If there's one thing I hate, it's a wise-ass bounty hunter."

Love! :woot2:

Ps: Dean and pink tissues? God yes :clapping::cheers: I love teasing him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmm, this. So hot. I love how Dean wipes his nose on his sleeve even though he's holding the tissues, LOL. And NOSE KISSES. They're my favorite. And I so agree, very nicely spelled sneezes:)

I do have some other drabbles, but I'm not quite happy with them.

Saddd. I say you should post them!! Because I love all of your writing. *pressures* I mean, if you want to... :winkkiss:


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I do have some other drabbles, but I'm not quite happy with them.

So it may take me a while to post another drabble. Maybe it won't <_<


Your spellings are some of the sexiest I've ever seen. Rrrr. Also, I love Dean with his red nose and his pawing at Sam for tissues. And the big bunch of tissues Dean uses all at once, and the idea of Sam asking the cashier to help him find the best possible tissues for Dean's poor sneezy nose. And the nose-kiss! This is so cute and so hot.

Edited by mads3rv3r
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  • 2 months later...
QUOTE (LovelyLinda @ Jun 9 2011, 09:01 AM) *

I do have some other drabbles, but I'm not quite happy with them.

Saddd. I say you should post them!! Because I love all of your writing. *pressures* I mean, if you want to... laughing.gif

Aww... :D

I'm still not quite sure about it, I'll post it anyway.

There is such a lot of stories out there, so I decided to post it here :)

„I’m back, honey.“

Jensen entered the front door, stepping into the warmth of the dimly lit house.

He heard the soft voice of his wife Daneel promisingly calling from the living room.

He put his wool hat and his coat into the wardrobe and entered the cosy room that was lightened up by thousands of little candles, smelling sweetly.

“Candle light dinner? Seriously?”

Jensen gave a low chuckle from the back of his throat and approached the lovingly set and decorated table, where Daneel was waiting for him.

“Why yes, sweetie, ‘course I’m serious,”

She smiled when Jensen took her in his arms, softly pressing her to his chest and breathing in the soft scent of perfume she was wearing.

“You look wonderful tonight,”

he whispered before he pulled her closer to give her a soft kiss.

“Thank you.”

She smiled, straightened her lace dress and the both of them sat down at the table.

“This wine’s really tasty,”

She poured her husband and herself a glass of the booze.

“Sue sent me a bottle to try, she’ll have it at her wedding.”

“Sounds lovely,“

Jensen unobtrusively swiped a finger under his nose that was tickling since he entered the house. T

hey brought out a toast and Jensen took a sip from his glass, curious what to think about the wine.

It was tasty, indeed, but he nearly winced as the tickle in his nose intensified and quickly swallowed the wine down.

Obviously Daneel noticed his discomfort, or maybe he set his glass a bit too hastily back on the table, because now her eyes were lingering on him.

“Anything wrong?”

She let her fingertips dance from his hand up his arm.

The expression on his face went blank and he raised one hand, gesturing her to wait. He took a quick inhale of breath and turned around on his chair, muffling a sudden sneeze into the crook of his elbow. “Heh’Gnng’xssh

“Uhh…Nah, I’m good. You’re right, the wine’s kinda, erm, fruity.”

He gave her a thumbs up and sniffed quietly.

“Bless you, honey. You know, I’m so sorry we can’t spend the weekend together, but as you know my cousin, she really needs me at her wedding.

You sure you don’t wanna come with me?”

She gave him a quizzical look but Jensen didn’t change his mind.

“Positive. I can’t just leave her, Eric’ll go nuts if I do. Besides, Jared’s coming tomorrow. Everything’s already planned.”

He gave her an excusing smile.

Daneel stuck out her tongue, which made him laugh, and she changed the topic.

“Okay, okay, I get it. No wedding. You’re meeting Jared tomorrow? How is he? The last time I saw him he was quite a bit under the weather.”

Jensen made a sound of agreement and swallowed his bite before answering, “Yeah, he’s fine, even on set again. He’s still coughing a little, though.”

Daneel nodded. “Nice to hear he’s better. Jared’s such a lovely guy, you seem to get along very well.”

“Yeah, we do. We’re just like real brothers, know what I mean?”

Jensen laughed and finished his plate.

She smiled and cleared the table.

“Mind if I switch the TV on? It’s been kind of a long day.”

He asked almost shyly and let himself slump unto the couch, feeling his head pound with tiredness.

“’Course not, go ahead.”

When she was done cleaning the dishes, she approached the faint sound of the TV and nearly burst out laughing when she found Jensen slumbering on the sofa, his head resting on a pile of pillows, the rest of his body being balled up like a little child that was afraid of the dark.

She kneed down and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from it. Surprisingly the rest of his body felt kinda cold and it even seemed like he was shivering slightly.

Careful not to wake him, she tugged one of the blankets around him, making sure he was warm and comfortable.

“Yeah, it’s been a long day, I see.”

She smiled and stroked over his short, soft hair. After she adjusted the blanket once more, she finally wished him a good night and disappeared, due to the lack of space to sleep beside him, into the empty bedroom, leaving her softly snoring lover on his own.

* * *

“Good morning, sunshine.”

A soft voice woke him from his sleep and he cracked an eye open to spot the disturber of his sleep.


“Shh, it’s okay, it’s still dark outside, but I have to leave now.”

The soothing voice reappeared.

Yawning he sat up and the owner of the mysterious voice, also known as Daneel, hugged him tightly.

“I’ll miss you.”

He kissed her, not letting go of her.

“Me too, but it won’t be long, promise.”

She kissed him back.

She gently touched his warm cheek, and then was gone before he was even totally aware of what just had happened.

Without giving it another thought he crawled back under his blanket, hoping to get a few more hours of sleep.

When he woke up the next time, he was startled and jumped off of the couch and wondered why he was not in his own bed.

Not even a single second later he regretted this action because it made him feel strangely dizzy and he was swaying on his feet.

After he regained his composure again, he shuffled into the kitchen even though he wasn’t really hungry.

Due the lack of appetite he decided to skip breakfast/lunch or how ever you may call it and have some coffee instead.

While the coffee was dripping into the can, a sudden cough caught him off guard. As another one escaped him, he found himself hacking up a lung till he managed to take a few sips from the water bottle on the table that fortunately calmed his throat down a bit.

“Whew,” he sighed with relief and poured himself a cup of coffee. Just as he sat down at the table and attempted to read the newspaper, the doorbell rang.

What the fuck?

* * *


Who else could it be?

“Dude, I didn’t tell you to come for lunch. What are you doing here that early?”

A sleepy looking Jensen hissed at his co-worker and muffled a cough into his sleeve.

“Why are you so grumpy? Just woken up, princess? It’s already afternoon,” Jared asked him rather amusedly, his voice was still a little hoarse from the cold he’s been nursing the previous couple of days.

“Hmmm,” his friend grumbled in agreement, at least it sounded like that, and led him into his warm living room.

“What were you doing before I came here?” Jared wanted to know as they slumped onto the sofa.

“Nothing. Actually I just woke up,” Jensen admitted and gave a shrug.

“Seriously? Dude, it’s 3 pm, you’re not supposed to sleep until afternoon,” Jared laughed and nudged him playfully.

Jensen’s face adopted a pained expression and he immediately felt guilty.

“You okay? Did I…hurt you?”

“’s okay. Just my head, hurts like a bitch,” he mumbled, pressing the cool back of his palm against his forehead.

“Sounds like you were on a very nice bender yesterday, huh?” Jared smiled sympathetically.

Jensen made a sound you could interpret as a “yes” or a “no”, mumbled something about it only being a glass of wine and stretched out on the cuddly sofa.

“Is watching TV okay with you?”

“Sure,” Jared replied and joined him on the sofa, their shoulders touching. After a while Jensen slipped into a lying position, his eyes fluttering shut frequently.

“Dude, are you cuddling with me?” he laughed as he noticed Jensen’s head resting on his lap.

“Mmmnn,” the slurred reply was and Jared couldn’t resist stroking through Jensen’s soft, ashblonde hair.

Almost he fell asleep, too, but then a sudden movement drew his attention.

“Oh fuck, ehh…hihh – “

Jensen shifted his weight uncomfortably and tried to turn away from him as he rocked forward, barely catching a sudden sneeze in his elbow.


He sighed with relief and fell back onto Jared’s lap, continuing to sleep like before. Jared didn’t know that it was physically possible to swear, to sneeze and not to wake up at the same time.

“Bless,” he laughed and tucked Jensen in the blanket that was lying beside him as he was feeling his co-worker shivering slightly in his sleep.

It was almost midnight when the warm pile of pillows and blankets on Jared’s lap was stirring again.

“You awake?” Jared wanted to know and lifted the edge of the blanket.


“I love you too” he replied and wiped the spray from his arm,

“Gross dude, gross.”

After another sharp inhale that led to a coughing fit, Jensen came finally alive.



“Don’ feel tha’ good,”

Shivering, Jensen looked at him, his green eyes sparkling in the dim light .

Jared cupped one of his giant palms over Jensen’s forehead, sensing the unusual heat radiating.

“Jen, you’re burning up!” he stated worriedly and stroked his blushed cheek, “I’m so sorry I passed this bug on you! I should get you something to bring that fever down. Do you have any medicine?”

“Yeah. Bathroom. Near the mirror,” he slurred, a sudden shiver passing his body and leaving him with chattering teeth.

“You’re seriously cold? Oh Jensen,” Jared gave him a concerned look and tucked him into another blanket, trying to get him as warm as possible.

While he was opening one cupboard in the bathroom after another, Jensen huddled himself deeper into the blanket and groaned.

He didn’t remember the last time he felt that bad.

Suddenly he felt a warm hand helping him to sit up and passing him a glass of water while another hand plopped two pills onto his palm.

Then two bright green-brownish puppy dog eyes were watching him struggling to swallow them, even with the help of water.

“Ughh..Don’ like pills,” he mumbled and slipped back into a laying position.

“Shhh, it’s alright, just rest,” Jared propped Jensen up against his chest and adjusted the blanket. “It’s alright, I’m here now.”

With these words, Jensen fell back asleep, feeling warm and secure with Jared watching over him.

* * *

Yeah, rough end, I know.

But I love caring Jared here *_*

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Oh. Oh holy good god, woman, this was amazing!!! I was actually was thinking on posting something with Danneel taking care of a sick Jensen, and this helped convince me that I definitely will soon!! Great job, darling!

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Oh man. So much sweetness and so much hotness, all in one place! I love all the soothing inviting warmth and the crazy urgent sneezes and the blankets and snuggling. MORE. Please. Please more.

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Me too :)

Aww, actually I didn't plan on continuing this one, there's this writer's block, you see :(

But there will definitely be more sick Jared/Jensen fics, so don't be sad! :)

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:( OH MY GOSH!!!! how could i miss these AWESOME drabble/stories thingy???

I must have been TOTALLY blind!

ALL of them are sooo CUTE :)

you did a GREAT job here sweety!!!! :laugh:

sure enough i WANT more! PLEASE!!! :)

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Jeeeeeez… I can’t really breathe right now. Ahh, Jensen is SO cute. This is actually one of the first RPFs I’ve read with Daneel, and you made her so sweet! I love it. And, of course, I absolutely love Jared taking care of Jensen like that. They’re both adorable, I can’t take it.

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“Dude, are you cuddling with me?” he laughed as he noticed Jensen’s head resting on his lap.

“Mmmnn,” the slurred reply was and Jared couldn’t resist stroking through Jensen’s soft, ashblonde hair.

Almost he fell asleep, too, but then a sudden movement drew his attention.

“Oh fuck, ehh…hihh – “

Jensen shifted his weight uncomfortably and tried to turn away from him as he rocked forward, barely catching a sudden sneeze in his elbow.


He sighed with relief and fell back onto Jared’s lap, continuing to sleep like before. Jared didn’t know that it was physically possible to swear, to sneeze and not to wake up at the same time.

“Bless,” he laughed and tucked Jensen in the blanket that was lying beside him as he was feeling his co-worker shivering slightly in his sleep.

This is soooo cute! I kind of want to join them on the couch - do you mind? :laugh:

“I love you too” he replied and wiped the spray from his arm,

“Gross dude, gross.”

After another sharp inhale that led to a coughing fit, Jensen came finally alive.



“Don’ feel tha’ good,”

Shivering, Jensen looked at him, his green eyes sparkling in the dim light .

Jared cupped one of his giant palms over Jensen’s forehead, sensing the unusual heat radiating.

“Jen, you’re burning up!” he stated worriedly and stroked his blushed cheek, “I’m so sorry I passed this bug on you!

Just awwww - I love Jared taking care of Jensen and he is so gentle! Now I really want to be there, too. Cuddling both :wub:

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@ Sexygirl1012

Aww, thank you :bleh: Wow, that would be awesome!! I’d definitely want to read some caring!Daneel and Jensen schmoopiness <3 I loooove it so much. Please give it a shot!! :)


Thank youuuu! :) I’m also such a sucker for blankets and cuddling, aww, makes me feel really warm inside. Thanks for reading and liking!


*blushes* Uh, thank you :) But actually I’m done with it, sort of. Maybe I could write a few more lines, but I think it’ll be better to start a new story :) I’m always more motivated to write on a new story than to continue an old one. But there will be a lot more of Jared/Jensen caretaking, so you have something to look forward to =)


Oooops, I thought I had told you before o.O Well, yeah, I also got a drabble thread :D Thank you for liking it so much! I’m working on it, I’ll try to post more regular =)

Oh, and yay for sneezy Dean! (I know that you’re also a sneezy!Dean!whore just like me =D )


Aww, thank you! Uh, I didn’t know that =D There should be a lot more fics with Daneel, I bet she can be reaaaally sweet :) Guhh, yeah, Jared and Jensen caretaking is one of my favourite things ever *_*

@ Foxfire

Hehe, course I don’t mind =) But I wanna join you on the couch, too!

Whew, I think we need a huge couch. Who else wants to join us? =D I want the seat next to Jenseeeeen <3

Okay, have some sneezy!Sam :)


When he entered the hotel room, Sam was already waiting for him in bed,

shivering slightly and fumbling with the belt of the bath robe he was wearing.

“Dude, what are you wearing? Is that a…bathrobe?

Geez, Samantha, didn’t think you were so gay,”

Dean greeted him with a low chuckle from the back of his throat and slammed the door shut.

Sam gave him the finger and launched into a round of hacking coughs.

“You hungry?” he asked him and waggled the paper bag from the diner in his hand temptingly.

“ ‘m not hungry, Dean. Jus’ wanna sleep,”

Sam slurred, puppy dog eyes facing his brother and making his heart melt a little with sympathy.

“Sammy? You okay? What happened?”

“Too many questions.”

“You sick?”


“So, yes? Why didn’t you tell me?”


A quiet sniff. More coughing. No answer.

Sighing, Dean sat down on the edge of his bed and opened one of the Styrofoam container he just bought.

“Come on, Sammy. Just a few bites, it’ll make you feel better,”

he had another try at convincing him, but his brother stayed stoic and huddled into his blanket.

“Being all stubborn is my part, you know? You are supposed to…”


“…supposed to be more sensi…”


“…more sensible than me,” Dean finished his sentence.

Sam shifted uncomfortably before he answered,

“I don’t want you to come near me.”

“Hell, what?”

“Don’t want you to get sick, too.”

Sam wiped his nose with his sleeve and looked embarrassed.

“That’s it?” Dean seemed to be delighted,

“I don’t mind getting sick. Not being near you is a lot worse”

A smile hushed over Sam’s face but as his brother reached out to feel his forehead, it gave way to a frown and he swatted the hand away weakly.

A frustrated look crept over Dean’s face.

His little brother moaned before turning away and covering the lower part of his face with his hands.


“Bless you,” Dean sighed, defeated.

“Thank you,” was the muffled reply and he had trouble to resist the temptation to reach out for him again.

“What about cuddling?”


“And if it’s only to warm you up?”

“Hmm…Sounds okay”

“There we go”

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Hehe, course I don’t mind =) But I wanna join you on the couch, too!

Whew, I think we need a huge couch. Who else wants to join us? =D I want the seat next to Jenseeeeen <3

Thanks! No problem - I want the seat next to Jared! Perfect! :P

Though the size of the couch may become a problem :D

“Being all stubborn is my part, you know? You are supposed to…”


“…supposed to be more sensi…”


“…more sensible than me,” Dean finished his sentence.

Sneezing while talking is love - but the is even more hot!!!

“I don’t want you to come near me.”

“Hell, what?”

“Don’t want you to get sick, too.”

Sam wiped his nose with his sleeve and looked embarrassed.

“That’s it?” Dean seemed to be delighted,

“I don’t mind getting sick. Not being near you is a lot worse”

Aww, this is majorextrasupermega cute (that's not even a word but I don't care and I don't have a word for this)

Edited by Foxfire
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys :unsure:

There was this really awesome plot-bunny over at MadServer's LJ page and I decided to give it a shot.

I hope you enjoy :blushing: I tried to make this not +18, it's kinda tame I guess.

Have some sneezy Dean!

Here's the original plot by the way:

OK, so I haven't watched any of the episodes with Pestilence (for obvious reasons), and it just occurred to me that Sam (or Dean) having a sneeze!kink would lead to Pestilence's disguise-sickness being not just a turn-off, but downright traumatizing (just hearing about it was traumatic for me). So, after whatever happens with the Apocalypse is over (or if they have a free moment or something), Dean notices Sam looks incredibly freaked out and asks why. Sam reveals that seeing Pestilence not only sneeze, but purposely spread germs around completely and utterly screwed with his mind - he can't even think about sneezes now without automatically thinking of that guy. Dean induces some young, sexyman!sneezes for him to drive the association away. <_<

Dean threw a big yellow packet of M&M’s into the cart and greedily eyed the chocolate chips in the next sideboards, which earned him an amused look from his younger brother.

“Haha, typical. Hey, get me some gummi bears too, will ya?”

Dean chuckled and did what he was told.

They were flush with the book section when a group of teenagers approached, grabbing a few magazines out of the shelves and thumbing through them.

“Huh, you see that? The youth is only reading porn. Ahh, sweet times.” Dean gave a cocky grin.

In that moment one of the guys sneezed wetly towards himself, barely containing the sneeze with his hand.

Sam cringed and felt an involuntary shiver pass his entire body.

The guy looked at his hands, shrugged, and continued thumbing through the pages.

Sam turned white as a sheet, swallowed hard to keep the content of his stomach in himself and muttered a “gross”.

Leaning against a shelf for support, he choked back tears.

“Dude, you’re freaking pale, anything wrong?”

Suddenly Sam felt a warm hand on his shoulder blade and jerked aside.

“Don’t! …ohh…it’s you.”

Now he was breathing heavily and pressed a hand against his forehead.

“Dean, please, let’s go. I …I need a shower, now, please.”

His eyes looked so panicked that Dean decided to do him this favour and both of them left the supermarket in a hurry.

* * *

Even as Sam could feel the fresh air ruffling his hair, he still looked pale and was shaking.

His brother watched him with concern.

“Dude, what’s the matter? I’ve never seen you so freaked out without a reason.”

Sam gulped and blushed slightly. “Actually there is…some kind of reason.”

He mumbled quietly.

“Yeah?” Dean cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Do you remember our encounter with …Pestilence?” At the mentioning of the horse man’s name a shudder passed through Sam’s entire body.

Dean nodded. Sam hesitated, but then continued.

“And do you remember the one thing I told you when we had our first anniversary? You know, my…uhm…preferences?”

Dean’s eyes widened and his mouth crinkled in disgust.

“So you’re saying, you …liked the fact that Pestilence was spreading his germs everywhe...”

“NO!” Sam almost yelped in pain. “It was the worst thing I’ve experienced. I can’t even think about…sneezing anymore. When I do I’m near to throwing up. It’s horrible. And then I saw this guy in the supermarket.”

Sam’s face adopted a slightly greenish colour and Dean could see that he was fighting the nausea.

“I didn’t know that it would hit you that hard.”

“Believe me. It did.”

Dean rubbed his forehead and seemed to be lost in thoughts.

Suddenly he snapped his fingers and a wide grin spread on his face.

“I’ve got an idea, give me five minutes. We’ll meet in the car.”

Speechless, Sam watched Dean disappear into the super market once again, shrugged, and returned to the Impala.

A few minutes later, Dean came out, clutching a little plastic bag.

“Let’s drive to the motel, got a surprise for you.”

Sam raised an eyebrow at him and pressed the gas pedal.

* * * In the motel * * *

When Sam came out of the shower, Dean was waiting impatiently for him in the living room, a couple of things stacked in front of him on the table.

“What’s that for?” Sam sat down beside him.

“I wanna free you from that Pestilence crap.”

Sam gave him a sceptical look. “How?”

“Hey, not all sneezes are bad, you know.”

“Uh-huh. And how exactly do you want to do that? There’s no way I’m going into a supermarket again!” He cringed at the thought.

“No, better. Look at that.”

Sam eyed the things his older brother had collected on the table.

There were some Q-tips, a box of tissues, perfume, some pepper and a feather.

“I don’t get it.”

Dean sighed at the dullness of his brother because his plan seemed pretty obvious.

“I want you to make me sneeze. A while before you would have died to do that. This is your only chance. I’m sure you won’t think of Pestilence anymore once you have done that.”

Huge eyes looked at him with surprise.

“You sure about that? You have never let me induce before, because you said you didn’t like sneezing.”

Sam looked really insecure and avoided his look.

“Yep. But I’d rather sneeze myself to death that watching my brother being uncomfortable the whole time.”

This made Sam smile a little and he finally collected enough courage to take the pepper from the table. “Okay, let’s do this.”

* * *

“Come on, you can do it.” Dean smiled at him and inched closer on the couch.

Sam sprinkled a bit pepper on his left hand and eyed it cautiously.

“You ready?”

Dean nodded. “As can be.”

“Okay, here we go.”

With these words he blew the pepper from his palm in Dean’s direction.

The brothers watched the little particles floating around in the air, and slowly falling down.

Dean raised his face into the cloud like it was the stream of a shower and took a long, deep breath, waiting expectantly. Seconds passed in silence.

Dean’s eyes started to water and he suppressed a yelp.

“Dammit! It freaking burns! Gosh!”

Sam didn’t look happy at all. “I’m sorry.”

Irritated tears were streaming down from his brother’s eyes and he vigorously wiped them away with one hand.

“The fucking pepper doesn’t do anything at all.”

He coughed and rubbed his nose that was also on fire.

“Ugh…What a waste.”

He set the pepper back on the table and grabbed a tissue to wipe his eyes.

Red-rimmed eyes turned now to his younger brother.

“Wanna try something else?”

Sam shifted nervously on the couch. “You sure?”

Dean looked annoyed and answered sarcastically,

“Would I ask you that if I wasn’t sure?”

“True.” Sam slowly took the perfume bottle from the table.

“Are you sure that this is supposed to work?”

Dean shrugged. “Just try it.”

Sam aimed for his direction and sprayed a little bit of perfume into the air.

At once the strong scent of perfume was present.

His brother sniffled and his face contorted in disgust.

“Ugh, that smells awful.” He sniffed another time and started coughing.

“Fuck. It just burns in my nose and throat. What the hell?”

The coughing didn’t subside so he fanned himself, trying to get the scent out of his nose. Sam hurried to open the window.

As some fresh air entered the room, Dean could finally stop coughing.

“Geez. I didn’t think that it would be so hard.”

Sam shrugged. “Maybe you’re immune?”

His brother shook his head. “Don’t think so.”

They sat in silence for a while until Dean suddenly gave a scream of triumph!

“Sammy! I have THE idea! Wait a second.”

Dean rushed into the bedroom and tore his bag pack open, frantically looking for something.

After a few minutes he returned, proudly holding a little paper bag between his thumb and forefinger.

“I knew that I had some left.”

He handed the bag to Sam who read the writing on it.

“Sneezing powder?” He asked doubtfully.

“Actually I bought it for April Fool’s Day, but somehow I forgot about it. So, if this doesn’t work, then I’m clueless.”

Sam tore it open and emptied the content on his palm. Then he aimed at Dean and softly blew the white powder in his direction.

Once again, Dean took a deep inhale and waited expectantly.

For a while nothing happened and Sam sighed disappointedly.

Suddenly Dean’s nose gave an involuntary twitch which caused him to cheer up.

“Hey Sam! I thiih-think it’s working!” He carefully breathed in and out, waiting for the tickle to grow bigger. He took a sharply inhale and his nostrils flared widely. “Hehhh-“

Sam’s eyes grew to the size of tomatoes as Dean’s eyelids fluttered shut and his body was snapping forward.

Heh’…Hihhh’…Hehh’DGZSHH-uhh, He’dZCH-uhh, Heh’…Hehh’GRSH.”

He exhaled shakily, taken aback by the strongness of the sneezes.

“Uhh…Sahh-Sabby. It tihh-tickles so bad. I- heh- I hope it’s frea-ihh-king worth ihh…Ihh’KTSH-uhh. God..” He gave a exhausted sigh and sniffed wetly.

Sam felt himself blushing but he didn’t care anymore and kissed the still breathless Dean on his lips, his mind raving and a quiet moan escaping his lips. “Dean…More.”

His puppy dog eyes were begging his bigger brother now, who just chuckled and snatched something from the table.

“Wanna try this?”

He held out a feather to him and Sam’s eyes were as full of joy as the ones of a child on Christmas.

Gently he scraped around Dean’s nose, casually poking into and watched with a face of pleasure his brother’s reactions. His red nose was twitching constantly and his chest expanded as he tickled the underside of his irritated nose.

“Uhh…Sahh…Sammy. It’s ahh…awful. Hurry the fuck uhh…Huhh…GXXTSHH-ehh...Hehh’GTSH, hhhRSCHH, god dabbiehhGDTZSHD-uhh.”

Sam brought up a tissue to Dean’s brightly red nose and dabbed at it carefully.

“I’m sorry. But…man…I want…more of you. Now. You and me. Bed.”

His eyes were full of desire and Dean couldn’t resist this temptation, it’s been a while since he’s seen his brother so full of pleasure.

Since then Sam had…nice connections whenever he heard a sneeze, and no single thought about Pestilence crossed his mind ever after.

The End

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:o GUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!! :blink::cryhappy:


girl i LOVE how you spell out the sneezes <_<:unsure::blushing::heart:

....and i ADORE sneezy!dean!!!!! :blushing:

Edited by Ciuty80
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“I’m sorry. But…man…I want…more of you. Now. You and me. Bed.”

His eyes were full of desire and Dean couldn’t resist this temptation, it’s been a while since he’s seen his brother so full of pleasure.

Since then Sam had…nice connections whenever he heard a sneeze, and no single thought about Pestilence crossed his mind ever after.

I definitely LOVE this part!!!! :lol::P :P

Aww, this is all kinds of awesome! That's a really nice plot bunny! And Dean is so... well DEAN! Great how he replaced Pestilence with his (totally hot by the way!!!) sneezing!

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WOW. I have missed TONS of awesome updates! Great sneeze spellings in all of these, btw<3

The sick!Jensen one: Looooooveeee!!!! I don’t think I’ve ever read rpf fic with Danneel before, and I thought it was very sweet :laugh: And of course I adored Jared being there at the end, watching over him.

Then the sneezy!Sam one: EVEN MORE LOVE. God, I loved Sam sneezing and interrupting Dean. And him being all embarrassed and stubborn with not wanting to get Dean sick. Great ending too!!

The sneezy!Dean one: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Love love love love LOVE. I have always wanted to write read an inducing fic…so hot :D I mean, that was ridiculously hot there;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hejhej :)

@ Ciuty80

Thank youuu!!

But I think you already know that you're aewsome :)

@ Foxfire

Hihi, thanks for liking!

Yeah, I kind of imagined it as a happy end like in fairy tales,

like "Happy ever after" :)

"Gluecklich bis an's Ende ihrer Tage" I guess :)

Oh, and it's nice that you think that my Dean is "so well Dean" :P

Makes me glad, a lot!

@ MadServer

No biggie :) Thank you!!

I already told you that I'd love to take the bunny.

Maybe I'll take more in the future.

It's up to the time I get in my free time.

@ Rachiella

Aww, thank you!! I didn't think that my writing'll take away anyone's breath :D

I'm glad you liked it!

@ 27JaredJensen

1) Thank youuu! I think there should be more with Daneel!!

2) Tehehe, I also loved the interrupting part :) I'm glad you liked it!

3) Cool :D I was actually faster than you with writing it! I'd love to read your future fic too :)

I do have another story, but it's kind of ...stuck.

Here's a little "teaser", there will be definitely more, but it may take a while.

Sorry :)

The Exploration of the Human Race

Castiel had seen a lot of humans in the long time he was on earth, but even now he doesn’t know everything about them. Every day there was something new to learn, after all, the human world stayed a big mystery for him.

With a quiet fluttering of his wings he appeared in the small hotel room, which Sam and Dean had booked for the next couple of days.

It was late afternoon, actually he’d expected the boys to do some interviews or to be in a library, doing some research on their latest case, but however there was a towel and a heap of clothes kicked out on the floor.

Curious, he followed the trail that was leading to the bedroom and took a glimpse through the slightly opened door.

At first he thought that it was empty, because he didn’t see anybody in it, but when he listened closely, he could hear quiet snoring coming out of the general direction of the bed.

Cas eyes spotted a bare foot poking out from under the covers and he approached the bed and saw his friend Dean huddled into the thin hotel blanket, obviously sleeping. Castiel was confused, why would Dean take a nap?

Dean would never do that…unless…

He sighed.

He studied his friend with concerned eyes, took in his dishevelled hair and his red nose and came to the conclusion, that he had to be feeling pretty poor.

Castiel didn’t make a sound, but obviously his presence was enough reason for Dean to wake up.

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Hi LovelyLinda! My name is Bubbles! I've been lurking your drabbles for a while now, but I've finally worked up the courage to say these are AWESOME! I especially loved Stubborn. Love, love, love sick!Sam! I really liked the idea of your last drabble and I can't wait for your next update on it. I'm not normally a sick!Dean fan, but I can't help antcipating (I spelled that wrong, didn't I) it. Oh, and maybe add some sick!Sam too. :shy: 'Cuz sick!Sam is always awesome. ;) You could have him, like, be coming back from the drugstore while Dean and Cas are talking, but he's sick too and he only went out because he felt Dean was worse than he was and maybe Dean can be. Anyway, Sam could get back from the drugstore, but maybe it's raining outside and the parking lot was full so he had to park far away or something so he's worse than he was when he left and Dean can't help because he's almost as bad as Sam. So, you know who's left to take care of the two sick Winchester boys? That's right. Castiel. This is only an idea though. You don't have to do this though. It's just an idea coming from someone who can write plots but not stories. I love your drabbles! Update soon! :)

BYE! :)

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