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Your love is my drug* Justin Bieber fic*


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Justin sat on his tour bus, gazing aimlessly out the window. He stared at the clouds, studying the details of each individual one. He felt the bus lurch to a stop and realized he had reached his destination. He ran and hopped off the bus and immediately started looking for his girlfriend Jenna. She had flown out from Atlanta to come spend time with him and he was really looking forward to it. He had invited her to come along on tour with him but her mom wouldn't let her because it was the middle of the school year. He continued to look around for Jenna but didn't see her. She said she would meet him when he got off the bus and he began to worry if everything was alright. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed her number." Where are you?" Justin asked.

" My flight got delayed. I won't be there for like another to hours." Jenna responded.

"I can't wait that long."

" I'm sorry. It's not my fault. I want to see you so badly. I miss you so much."

" I miss you too. I'm so tired of just being able to talk to you over the phone. I miss your pretty face." Jenna smiled.

" Justin!," Scooter, his manager shouted." Come on!"

" Hey," Justin said." I gotta go. See you hopefully soon. I love you. Bye baby." He hung up the phone and shoved it back into his pocket. As he followed Scooter into the building, he felt a small tickle in the back of his nose. His breathe started to hitch and he quickly cupped his hands quickly around his mouth and nose." Hahtschhh!" He sniffed a bit and a small shiver ran up his spine. As he walking into the building, the need to sneeze still lingered in his nose. He stopped walking and brought his hands back over his face." Huh... Hutschooo!"

" Bless you." Justin's mom, Pattie, said.

" Thanks." Justin responded. Before he could take another step, but the need to sneeze took over him once more." He... Hetschoo! Hatcheww! Huhtschhh!"

" Bless you." Pattie said again.

" Thanks." Justin responded. Pattie looked at her child skeptically

" Are you okay?"

" Yeah I'm fine," Justin reassured her." There's just something in the air."

" When's Jenna coming?" Scooter, Justin's manager, piped in.

" Her flight got delayed. She won't be here for a couple hours." Scooter nudged him playfully in the stomach.

" Aw lover boy doesn't get to see his girlfriend." Justin's face turned a shade a bright red. He tried to argue but a hitching breathe consumed his lungs. He cupped his hands quickly around his mouth and nose and turned to the side.

" Huh... Hutschoo! Hetschoo! Hatscheww!" Justin stumbled, trying to regain his balance after being shaken by his forceful sneezes. Scooter helped him get back on his feet.

" You sure you're okay?," Scooter analyzed Justin's rather pale complexion that had somewhat of a rosy red tint around his cheeks." I think you're getting sick."

" Am not!" Justin protested but a sneeze contradicted him." Huh...Hutschooo!"

Scooter looked at him doubtfully." Uh hu."

" Seriously i'm fine."

" Go back to the bus and get some rest." Scooter ordered.


" Because I know you're getting sick and you need to rest up for the show tonight."

Justin sighed and trekked back to the tour bus parked out back. He climbed onto the bus and under the covers of his bed. After he settled down in his bed and got comfortable, he realized how tired he actually was. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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  • 3 weeks later...

* I know it's short and there's not a lot of sneezing in this part but there's A LOT more sneezing to come :laugh:*

" Justin."

A faint voice rang in Justin's ears, waking him from his sleep.

" Justin."

The voice repeated, forcing him to open his eyes.

" Hey Jenna."

He groggily rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times to focus his eyes.

" Hi," Jenna smiled at him sweetly" Scooter told me to wake you up because you have a Meet and Greet in 30 minutes."

Justin sat up slowly. He stretched his long arms over his head and yawned.

" How long have you been here?"

" About 30 minutes. I wanted to wake you up earlier but Scooter told me to let you sleep."

" Well I'm happy your here now."

Jenna smiled, noticing the small beads of sweat forming at the base of his forehead. Justin saw Jenna staring at him and ran the back of his hand over his fore head before coughing into the crook of his arm.

" Are you okay?"

Jenna examined Justin with her concerning eyes.

" Yeah I'm fine," Justin wiped his nose on his sleeve." I'm just a little sick. That's all."

Jenna hoisted herself onto the edge of Justin's bed.

" I'll take care of you."

She moved the tangled mess of blonde hair out of Justin's face to see his full appearance. Justin caught a glimpse of her checking him out before his breathe started to hitch. Jenna noticed his audible breathing and handed him a tissue.

" Hatschooo!"

Justin blew his nose fiercely before sitting up from his semi sitting, laying position.

" Are you sure you're alright?"

" I'm fine, promise."

Jenna handed him a bottle of water she saw sitting on the floor by his bed.

" Besides," Justin said in between gulps." Would I lie to you?"

Jenna raised her eyebrow. Justin tried to laugh but it just turned into a coughing fit. Jenna put a firm yet soothing hand on his chest forcing him to lay back down.

" What are you doing?"

" You're sick and you need to rest."

Jenna pulled the blanket over Justin's body but he flung the covers onto the ground and sprang up.

" What are you-"" I can't let my fans down."

Jenna sighed and picked the blanket up and placed it back up on the bed.

" I think your health is a little more important than-"" No," Justin said in a firm tone." My fans come first."

Justin felt Jenna's disapproving stare hitting him like a knife. Despite Jenna's warning, Justin ran off the tour bus and into the building. Jenna knew Justin was sick and he was just gonna keep getting more sick until he would have to cancel a show or something worse but she also knew Justin was a very strong willed person and wasn't going to listen to her in a situation like this so she decided to just step back and let Justin make his own decisions, no matter how stupid they were.

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  • 3 years later...

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