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Wings, a Supernatural fic [Sam/Cas]


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A/N: In case you missed it, this fic is Sam/Cas!! Which, yeah. I don’t even know. Enjoy?



“Yeah?” Sam doesn’t look up from his laptop, barely even pays attention to the bright blue eyes he knows are boring into the side of his head. He clears his throat and absently covers the hand on his thigh with his own as he shifts from side to side, his back growing uncomfortable from sitting up again the headboard too long. He jumps a little when something unseen brushes his bare arm.

“What was that?”

Cas grins, clearly pleased at having gained Sam’s full attention.

“My wings.” The statement is followed by another invisible stroke down Sam’s cheek. Sam’s breath catches, and Cas’ gaze meets his.

“Oh.” He clears his throat, lifts his hand from Cas’ to rub his nose. “I didn’t know you could…do that.”

Cas reaches for the laptop and slowly closes it, and Sam clears his throat, stopping him with a gentle touch.

“I have to finish this, Cas.”

“You do not, Sam. Dean will gladly continue when he returns, and you are becoming ill- you need to rest.”

Sam laughs, and reluctantly closes the computer.

“I’m not becoming ill- Cas, I’m fine.”

Cas leans forward and presses his lips to Sam’s temple.

“Your temperature has increased, your throat is irritated, and you have been sneezing the entire day. Dean told me you have a cold.”

“I have not been sneezing all day,” Sam protests, folding his arms across his chest. “And since when have you ever listened to Dean?”

Cas moves closer, his nose inches away from Sam’s.

“Since your health is concerned.”

Sam’s breath catches again when something ghosts over the tip of his nose. Though he isn’t about to admit it to anyone, his nose has been irritated all day, and the touch makes his sinuses tingle, an inevitable sneeze growing quickly.


Cas stares at him pointedly.

“You did that on purpose!” Sam scrubs at his nose and frowns. “Damnit.” His breath hitches and he sneezes twice more into his sleeve.

“Huh-hptchsh! HTSHSH-uh!”

When he looks up, bleary-eyed, Cas is holding out a Kleenex. Sam snatches it out of his hand with a glare. Before he can say anything else, the door opens and Dean rushes into the room. Sam sniffles and shoves the Kleenex under the covers, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Cas.

Dean is dripping wet, soaked from the rain outside.

“It’s raining pretty hard out there,” he announces as he shrugs out of his jacket.

“Hello, Dean,” Cas greets him, moving from the bed.

“Hey.” Dean hands a paper bag of fast food to Cas, then looks over at Sam. “How’re you feeling, Sam?”

“Uh, fine. Fine. Why?”

Dean raises his eyebrows, but doesn’t say anything, and he disappears into the bathroom with a change of clothes. As soon as he’s gone, Sam clears his throat as quietly as he can.

“Why are you trying to hide your condition from Dean?”

Sam’s eyes flicker toward the closed bathroom door, and his cheeks redden.

“You both are making a big deal over nothing,” he mumbles.

“You should rest, Sam,” Cas says as he sets the bag down on the table. Sam doesn’t answer, and Cas looks over to see his eyelashes fluttering, one hand in front of his face. His breath hitches, his chest expanding with each stuttering inhale, and he sneezes into a cupped hand.

Hetchsh-choo!” He looks up with watery eyes and scrubs his nose with his fist. “Cas, c-cut it- hehhh…cut it out already.”

“I’m not doing that, Sam,” Cas replies with an amused smile. He goes over to the bed and climbs under the covers, pulling Sam close. Sam reluctantly moves over and rests his head against Cas with a small sniffle.


There’s a moment of silence, and then Sam sniffles again and closes his eyes.

“Can’t,” he admits softly into Cas’ chest. “Don’t feel good.”

Cas silently runs a hand through Sam’s hair and presses his fingers to Sam’s forehead, and the last thing Sam feels is the gentle, feathery brush of Castiel’s invisible wings across his brow.

When Dean emerges from the bathroom in dry clothes, he finds them both sleeping soundly.


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Ok, I'm honest: I'm ususally not a fan of Sam/Cas - but this... ok, now I'm a fan of Sam/Cas because this is so yummy! I like Cas' wings touching Sam and making him sneeze.

And the last sentence... it's just well, yeah.... :laugh::zippy:

I this this says enough :D ! I love it!

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Aww I never read Sam/Cas before, so it's new for me,

but I guess I like it :zippy:

Wow, I didn't imagine that feathers could be so...sexy :laugh:

I'd love to read more Sam-Cas-Feather-Cold stuff <3

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I <3 this.

Watched "Bad Day at Black Rock" recently, and was so in the mood for more "I lost my shoe"-Sam. This. Was it.

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This may have been the cutest thing I've so far this...year...

Feathers! So awesome. And sexy. And Sam being cute and avoidy.

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Eeee! I like this! :P I'm waaay behind on SPN... like, never made it past, like, Yellow Fever, so I'm still not all that familiar with Cas, hence have been avoiding him for now. But this? Yes, please. I will take. :yuck:

I like Cas being seductive! And the mystrious cold/feather sneezes ARE AWESOME. (PS- I didn't mean to hit my caps lock; obviously my laptop was reading my mind. :P)

Sam denying a cold and then having to give in makes me happy. So, YAY.

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Ok, I'm honest: I'm ususally not a fan of Sam/Cas - but this... ok, now I'm a fan of Sam/Cas because this is so yummy! I like Cas' wings touching Sam and making him sneeze.

And the last sentence... it's just well, yeah.... :boom::laugh:

I this this says enough :laugh: ! I love it!

Haha:) I felt the same way- Sam/Cas is so...weird...but this makes it okay for me. Thank you so much for reading!!

Aww I never read Sam/Cas before, so it's new for me,

but I guess I like it :)

Wow, I didn't imagine that feathers could be so...sexy :D

I'd love to read more Sam-Cas-Feather-Cold stuff <3

Hee, thank you!! Glad you liked it:) And uh, yeah...there's probably more. :D

I love love love Sam admitting to Cas softly that he doesn't feel good.

Thank you for reading!!!

aw:) I like the Sam and Cas thing. It's fresh. :heart:

Fresh :hug: I like that. Thanks for reading:)

I <3 this.

Watched "Bad Day at Black Rock" recently, and was so in the mood for more "I lost my shoe"-Sam. This. Was it.

Aww, that is the best Sam:) Thank you so much!! :heart:

This may have been the cutest thing I've so far this...year...

Feathers! So awesome. And sexy. And Sam being cute and avoidy.

YOU are kind of ridiculously awesome :heart: THANK YOU.

Eeee! I like this! :hyper: I'm waaay behind on SPN... like, never made it past, like, Yellow Fever, so I'm still not all that familiar with Cas, hence have been avoiding him for now. But this? Yes, please. I will take. :heart:

I like Cas being seductive! And the mystrious cold/feather sneezes ARE AWESOME. (PS- I didn't mean to hit my caps lock; obviously my laptop was reading my mind. :lol:)

Sam denying a cold and then having to give in makes me happy. So, YAY.

Yay! I'm glad you liked it:) Thank you!!

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  • 2 years later...
angel.gif Castiel. I love him. He's so confused most of the time. I can't wait till he's back as a regular in season 9.
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