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O.O I was so busy with my life lately that I haven't been on. This is one hell of a welcome back committee! I love it!!! *glomps* Did you ever know that you're my heeeero? :D

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Loving this story so much!! The sweet memories with Jess, and poor sneezy, sleepy, congested SNEEZY Sammy, and Dean being all awesome. So much amazingness.

Alsooo, for the record, sneezy!Sam is never actually a bad place to leave off… :winkkiss:

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Awwww this is great!

We don't get to know a lot about Jess in the series, but this is probably how I would picture her behaving in this situation.

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"J'ss?" he mumbled, and Dean felt his heart seize up in his chest. He brushed Sams hair back from his face.

Awww, so cute and heartbreaking at the same time :wub:

Awesome update - and I like the flashback in particular! YAY for flashbacks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 6 

A/N: Okay so I' m starting out with the flashback this time, just in case anyone gets confused. I wanted to update this as soon as possible as a sort of 'welcome back' present for 27jaredjensen, because she is absolutely amazing, and I am very very very happy she's back.

Once they got back to the apartment, Jess made sure to medicate Sam thoroughly, much to Brady's amusement.

"Seriously dude? You didn't even last 5 minutes?" Sam glared at him and he chuckled and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like 'Wuss' under his breath, wincing when jess knocked him upside the head with the box of tissues as she walked past.

"Hush you. I think it's great Sam didn't try to lie to me about how he feels." she rubbed her hand comfortingly between shoulder blades as he coughed roughly into his fist. Brady scowled.

"Oh, god you two are going to be nauseating, I can tell. I'm gonna go out, hit some bars, pick up some ladies. Cool?" Sam nodded and waved him off, then grinned at Jessica when the door shut behind him.

"Well that was easier thad I thought it was goig to be....Hehh..heetshoo! Ehkishoo!" he grounded and rubbed her forehead. Jess slipped her hand onto his cheek and frowned when she felt the fever there.

"Go lie down on the couch, I'm going to get you some Tylenol, okay?" Sam nodded exhaustedly. He must have spaced out, because the next thing he was aware of was Jess shaking him by the shoulder gently. She handed him a glass of water and three pills  that he swallowed with a wince. Jess sat next to him with a sigh and hit play on the DVD remote, an action that only helped prove That he had fallen asleep or spaced out, as he never noticed her putting anything in. Sam sighed congestedly and slumped sideways into Jess, who smiled and reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. He smiled up at her, wondering how he ever got so lucky, and before he knew it, he was falling asleep to the sound of her heartbeat.


Dean looked over at his brother and grinned. For the first time since he was about 7 years old, his little brother was smiling in his sleep. He brushed Sams bangs out of his face, glad that he felt considerably cooler than he had a few hours ago. Smiling again, Dean bent down and pressed a soft kiss to his brothers forehead before turning the lights of. He glanced once more at Sam before  climbing into his own bed.

"Night Sammy."

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This chapter was so great! I love these flashbacks…college-boy!sneezy!Sammy :whistle: And he’s all sleepy and congested, mmm. The ending is SO SWEET :dribble:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 7

A/N So this is going to be the final part to this story, but I am already working on the next part for my other fic on here, so if you liked this one, go ahead and check that one out too! 

When Sam woke again, it was morning, and he could hear Dean moving around in the room. He took a deep breath in through his nose and decided he felt a lot better than he had the previous day. 

"hey, look who decided to wake up!" Dean exclaimed, sitting down on the edge of Sam's bed. Sam grinned at him and sat up in bed, rubbing his nose slightly.

"Borning....heeshctchoo!!" Dean grinned sympathetically and handed Sam the box of kleenex.  

"Bless. So it turns out it was definitely human, so I went ahead and tipped the police off to who it was. But more importantly, how are you feeling?" Sam blew his nose and rolled his eyes.

"I've beed bedder, but I dod't feel as bad as I did yesterday. Hehh...heheshoo! Ehheshoo!" Dean raised an eyebrow, and Sam grinned again.

"I'b serious, Dead. I soud really bad, but I do feel bedder.". Dean reached out and placed his palm on his brothers forehead and smiled in relief when he found it to be cool and fever free.

"So what, you wanna hit the road? Head to Bobby's for a little bit?" Sam grinned, nodded. They both set a bout packing up there things, and a half-hour later they both sat in the car. Before they pulled of of the parking lot, however, Sam turned to Dean in his seat and smiled fondly.

"Hey Dead?"

"Yeah Sammy?" Sam grinned at the nickname and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes.

"Thags. You kndow, for everythig." Dean felt his heart swell and he patted his brother on the knee before pulling onto the road.

"Anytime Sammy."

A/N So there it is, people! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I couldn't have done it without your guys encouragement, so thank you guys so much! I really hope y'all enjoyed the story!

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;) Awww, this is sooo cute - I really love Dean taking care of Sam and the flashbacks are very well written! Thank you for this nice peice of work!!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Awww. The flashbacks were adorable. As was Dean giving Sammy a kiss goodnight.

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