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Okay, so like every one who has posted their first story on here has said, I cant belive I'm doing this, but I might as well post it before I change my mind....

The story is set somewhere in the early first season, like, right after Jess dies.

Okay, so here goes nothing....

Part 1

She was screaming. Burning. Calling out his name. He had to save her, protect her, like he always promised he would. But he was frozen to the spot by his own fear. The light in her pretty blue eyes had gone out, replaced by the inferno that now consumed her body. He could almost reach her. He stretched out his hand...she was so close now.....

"Sam!" Dean called out sharply, bringing Sam out of his nightmare with a snap. He looked around wildly, his heart lodged in his throat. It took him a minute to realize he was in the impala, not his burning apartment trying to save the woman he had planned to marry. He could never save her again. She was gone. Sam blinked hard to force back his tears and looked over at his brother, who was looking at him with a mixed expression of concern, guilt, and pity.

"Hey." Sam said. He meant it to sound casual, but it ending up making him sound like he was in pain. He cleared his throat softly and looked at Dean expectantly. Dean raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"Dude, you look like crap. Are you feeling any better?" Sam rolled his eyes. He should of know Dean would notice he was sick. There was no way to hide it from someone, really, when you spent every second with them. Honestly, Sam felt like his head was about to explode. But if he told dean that, then he would be stuck in a motel room for the next 3-4 days with Dean hovering over him 24/7. Instead, Sam opened his mouth to tell Dean he was absolutely fine. Before he could however, he was propelled forward by a set of unexpected sneezes that he managed to catch in his fist.

"Heh....heheshoo! Ehchoo!" Sam groaned and coughed lightly before settling against back against the seat again. Dean chuckled.

"I'll take that as a no then." In response, Sam only glared and sniffed sharply, and Dean sighed. "Look, Fist sign of life we see, we'll stop." He knew it would be better to keep driving until nightfall, but his number one job was to look after Sammy, and that was exactly what he was going to do. As if to prove that it would be better if they stopped somewhere now, Sam groaned again as and snapped forward with a few more sneezes into his cupped hands.

"Heh....hetchshh! Etschoo! Ehh....hehetcshoo!" He sniffled wetly and glared at Dean as if daing him to say anything before lying his head back against the window. Within minutes, the sound of his soft snores filled the car, and Dean took the opportunity to step on the gas. The sooner they were in a motel somewhere, the better.

Alright then seeing as how I've filled my quota of embarrassing things to do today, I am going to go...hide. Under that rock....

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Alright then seeing as how I've filled my quota of embarrassing things to do today, I am going to go...hide. Under that rock....

sexygirl1012 - Don't hide! :puke: It's a great start. I don't watch the show, but I keep getting sucked into the sneeze fics based on the show. :drool:

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"Heh....heheshoo! Ehchoo!" Sam groaned and coughed lightly before settling against back against the seat again. Dean chuckled.

"I'll take that as a no then." In response, Sam only glared and sniffed sharply, and Dean sighed.

I like this - it's Dean in a nutshell :puke:!

Plus - no need to embaressed. I like this start, it's promising. So don't hide, please. I like your sneezes!

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I love it, and I love that it's in S1, and I love the sneezy sneeziness of Sammy :puke: Dooooon't be embarrassed!!!

I'm looking forward to more!

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Awwww... thank you guys so much! I feel so special and loved!! :boom:

Part 2

Sam woke again several hours later and opened his eyes blearily. There had been no nightmares this time. In fact, he had dreamed that he and Jess had gotten married, and that they had a little girl named Madison. Sam wasnt sure what was worse, reliving what had happened over and over again, or getting to live his life with her and then be forced to leave it all behind for reality. He looked around to find himself in the impala still, parked in front of a convienience store with the enjine running. He knew he had alredy lost the battle with dean, and that no matter what he said, he would be forced in to bed and not be allowed to leave until he was 100% better.And he was seccretly glad for it. It was nice to know that despite everything, someone still cared enough to force him to take care of himself. A few minutes later, Dean came jogging back to the car with a few plastic bags in his hands. He slid in next to Sam and smiled.

"Hey sleeping beauty, nice of you to join the land of the living for a little bit." Sam rolled his eyes at Dean, but when he met his eyes, he smiled a little, then motioned at the plastic bags in his lap.

"What did you get?" Dean returned the smile and tossed the bags to Sam as he started to back of the parking space. Sam shifted through the first bag and smiled again when he pulled out a box of popsicals. He quickly had to set them down, however, when his breath started to hich again.

"D- Dean, where are the...heh..the ehhetcshoo!" Dean smirked and opened his mouth to reply, but he was cut off by his brother, who apparently wasnt done sneezing just yet.

"Heh...ehshoo! ehheshoo! hetchshoo! heh...hehh...hehehtchoo!" he sniffled wetly against his hands and Dean sighed.

"Bless you. You going to live over there sneezy?" Sam rolled his eyes again and surpressed a shiver.

"Not if you dont help be find the dab tissues..hehetchoo!" Sam scowled as Dean lauged a little and continued to look for the tissues. As soon as he found them, he ripped the box opened and blew his nose with a sigh of relief.

"Gross, dude!" Dean exclaimed, wrinkling his nose at the sound the action had produced. Sam smiled adn wiped his nose a little with another tissue before replying.

"Well would you rather I wipe my snot all over your precious 'original interior leather seats'?" Deans eyes widened a little at this, and his head snaped around to look at Sam, who was laughing a little at his reaction. He quickly fixed his brother with a glare and pointed a finger at him.

"That is NOT funny, dude! Dont even joke about that!" he exclaimed as they pulled in to a nearby motel parking lot. When they went inside to check in the pretty blonde at the counter smiled at Dean, who gave her a heart stopping smile before leaning up against the counter and requested a room with two beds.

"Odd time to be in town, I'm afraid." she comented brightly as she handed him their room keys. Dean raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh? Whys that?" he asked casually, eyeing Sam standing next to him, who looked like he was about to pass out.

"Well, because of all the mysterious disaperences recently, of course." Both brothers groaned inwardly at this. They could never get a break, could they?

yaaayy! part 2 is now done!!! this makes me very happy! :twisted:

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Yay, update!I like your sneezy sneezy Sam! of course they never get a little rest - I mean, they are hunters and Winchesters no less.

Like the best Sam teasing Dean to use his precious baby's leather seats as a tissue if he didn't help him... :twisted:

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Eeeee! Cute!! :D Season 1/season 2 Sam is definitely my favorite sick!Sam. He still lets Dean be the pushy big brother, taking care of his Sammy. And he would be so squishable, looking all young like that with a sick, sad-puppy face, hair in his eyes... shivering with a fever... aaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaa. :wacko:

I like this so far! And I'm glad you became comfortable enough to come back and post part 2-- now, don't go hiding under that rock again, because you know a bunch of us will come drag you out. :laugh:

PS- For some reason, I have a serious thing for sick people dreaming, then waking up and taking longer to process reality because they're sick. And the line "Are you feeling any better?" absolutely melts me. No clue why. :laugh:

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Aww, I didn't read this before, but it's sooooo sweet :D

Thank you a lot for writing it!

Strawberry is right, if you go hiding under that rock again, we will all come and drag you out,

we need more of your amazing sneezy!sick!Sam :wacko:

So be a little more confident about posting :bday:



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UNF. THIS STORY. :D I looove that Sam is all blearily waking up and sneezing desperately as he tried to find the tissues and the mysterious disappearances!!

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Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update. My longtime girlfriend proposed, and things have been kinda hectic here since. Anyways, thank you to everyone that replied, I’m so, so glad that y’all are enjoying it. I do have one question though. Does anyone have any suggestions for what kind of beastie to put Sam and Dean up against? Cause I have NO idea...

The second they got into their room, Sam collapsed on to one of the beds, coughing harshly in to his fist. Dean crossed over to him and sat next to him and waited patiently. When the coughs died down, he nodded and clapped a hand on Sam’s knee.

“Okay, so I am going to go and question that cute receptionist, and you,” he pointed a finger at Sam “Are going to stay put and get some rest.” Sam rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to reply.

“Dean-“ Dean narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

“No, I mean it Sam. If you really want to help, then do your nerdy research and see what kind of nasty’s might be lurking around here. Although, I doubt you’ll be awake long enough to do any research, because this medicine you’re going to take should knock even a Sasquatch like you out long enough to get a good night sleep.” Sam sighed and opened his mouth, ready to try again to argue with his brother, but was stopped when his breath caught and his head snapped forward and he caught another set of sneezes in his cupped hands.

“Heh...hehechoo! Ehehshoo! Heh-kshoo!” Sam groaned and rummaged in one of the plastic bags again to retrieve the tissues. Dean just smiled widely.

“See? Even your nose doesn’t want you arguing with me. Now get into bed, bitch.” Sam smirked at this, and Dean heard his reply with a muffled “Jerk.” as he pulled his hoodie over his head. Deans smile widened, and he turned to grab the bag off medicine off the table behind him. His small victory was short lived, however, when he saw Sam shivering hard, his eyes glazed.

“Are you cold?” he asked, taking in Sam’s unusually pale face and his slightly flushed cheeks. He knew Sam probably would have gotten a fever at some point during his sickness, but he hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

“Sam?” Dean questioned, and he took a step closer to his brother who held up a finger to signal him to wait a minute.

“W-wait a ...huh...a second D-Dean...heh...heheshoo! Ehhehetcshoo!!” Dean raised his eyebrows and closed the distance between them. He waited for Sam to blow his nose again before swiftly placing the back of his hand against Sam’s forehead, frowning when he found it warmer then he would of liked.

“Fever, Sammy. You’re staying put.” Sam sighed again in response and reached for the bag Dean was holding and looked through it. He pulled out several types of candies, and looked up at Dean, an uncertain smile on his face. Dean shrugged.

“Well, those were supposed to be a surprise for if you were a good boy, but I guess you can have some now if you promise to stay here.” he heaved a huge sigh, glad when Sam started to laugh a little. Dean turned back around again and grabbed Sam’s laptop off the table and handed it to him.

“Like I said, if you really want to help, look up any kind of fuglies that might be in the area that can make people disappear without a trace, alright?” Sam nodded at him before his eyes fluttered shut and he buried his nose and mouth into the hoodie he was still holding in his lap.

“Heh...ehtchsoo! Hihetcshoo! Hehh...hehehtshoo!” Sam coughed a little and sniffled wetly. This was starting to get old fast. Even as he knew blew his nose again, he felt no relief from the pressure in his head. Dean offered him a sympathetic smile and clapped a hand on his shoulder.

“Bless you Sammy. I’ll be back in a little bit, alright? You just hang tight.” Sam nodded again and reached back into the bag to finish unloading the medicine. When he reached the door, Dean turned and gave his little brother one last calculating look. He was already pulling himself under his blanket sand turning on his laptop, and Dean smiled. He was glad to have Sammy back with him, but he still felt guilty. Sam blamed himself for Jessica’s death, but Dean knew it was his own fault for forcing Sam to tag along with him, He sighed again and stepped out into the short hallway, ready to do his job.

Taaa-daaa!!! And part 3 is complete! I am quite proud of myself for sticking with it for this long. Usually I’ll write, like, a paragraph before giving up completely, so yay!!! I should have more up soon, and hopefully by then some idea of where my plot is headed,,,,,

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Sammmmmmy B):dead::boom: I loved the sneezing-into-cupped-hands A LOT and the hoodie :boom: and the flushed-shivery-feverishness and all the delicious sneeziness!!

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“See? Even your nose doesn’t want you arguing with me. Now get into bed, bitch.” “Sam?” Dean questioned, and he took a step closer to his brother who held up a finger to signal him to wait a minute.

:dead: Awww, that's Dean! You are portraying him nicely!

“W-wait a ...huh...a second D-Dean...heh...heheshoo! Ehhehetcshoo!!”

:boom: :boom: O:)

Ooooh, I love talking while sneezing -it's soo ROWR! HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT!

Great update! Right now I have no idea for a monster for you but I'm thinking B)

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  • 6 months later...

Wow, um oaky I just realized that I never DID get around to updating this thing, but now that I remember about wanting to actually FINISH this story, I will definitely continue it. That is, if y'all still want me to....

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Part 4

A/N: Hey, check me out with my new update! So I'm trying something new to stall thinking of a bestie! Enjoy!

After Dean closed the door behind him, Sam sighed and rested his head against the headboard. He was sore, his eyes burned with exhaustion, and he couldn't breathe through his nose. He opened his laptop, determined to help his brother find whatever beastie was here. After a few minutes of this, however, he felt his eyes begin to slip shut, and he drifted off to sleep, remembering the first time Jess had taken care of him.


A fist pounded on the closed bathroom door and Sam jumped a little. He had been feeling a little off all week, but had blamed it on the stress of midterms and his resulting lack of sleep, but when he woke up that morning, it was to a stuffy, itchy nose and a killer headache. He opened the door to see his best friend/roommate Brady grinning crookedly at him, and Sam couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey, it lives!" Brady cheered, and Sam smirked in reply before slipping past him and into his bedroom to get dressed while Brady waited outside. 

"So you excited? First date with the girl of your dreams and all?" Sam smiled at this, then gasped as a sudden itch welled up in his nose and he snapped forward with a few sneezes.

"Heh....hehtshoo! Eshoo!" he sniffed experimentally, pleased to find that  the itch had died down some.

"Whoa! You okay in there man? Not getting sick or anything, right?" Sam smirked and blew his nose lightly.

"Nah, I don't think so. And even if I was, I wouldn't tell you, Mr. I'm going to be the greatest doctor ever!" he opened his door to Brady's grinning face once again and pushed past his to the bathroom where he pulled out their bottle of Tylenol and swallowed two with a wince. When he turned back around, Brady was standing against the door frame, eyebrows raised. Sam frowned.

"Shut up, I'm allowed to have headaches." Sam said defensively, causing the knowing smile in Bradys face to widen. A sudden knock at the door cut whatever response he was about to say off, and Sam grimes widely as he opened the door. 

"Jess, hey."


The door of their motel room slammed shut, and Sam jerked awake, coughing roughly into his fist. He looked around to find a very guilty looking brother standing by the door and he raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry man, I didn't realize that you were asleep." he crossed the room to where Sam was still sitting in bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress. Sam smiled softly and patted Dean on his knee.

"S'ok Dean. What'd you fid out frob the receptionist?" he grimaced when he heard how congested he had gotten already, but it was to be expected. Dean returned the from and brushed his palm against Sams forehead briefly.

"I'll tell you in a minute. We need to bring this fever down first." He stood up then, smirking slightly when he heard Sam sniff sharply behind him as his breath caught for what seemed to be the millionth time that day.

"huheschoo! Ehh...hehehchoo! Ehschoo!" he sniffles again, thickly this time, and Dean gave him a sympathetic smile as he passed him the tissues.

A/N: Okay, so I know it's short, and it's kinda a shitty place to leave off, but I promise there will be more to come very soon! And the whole flashback thing is SO gonna continue in the next few parts, just you know.

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Yay, update! :D

And I love it! A nice flashback of Jess taking care of a sick sneezy Sam? Awesome!

A even nicer is Dean taking care of Sam!

Thank you so much for continuing!

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Great update! The way the flashback scene intertwines with the present reminds me of the kind of jumpcut style we see in a lot of SPN episodes! Brilliant!

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Part 5

A/N: Oh dear god, is it really part 5 already? That is slightly fantastic. OKAY! On to the story, yes? 

Several hours later, Sam huffed in frustration and looked over at his brother. 

"I'm not finding any signs of the supernatural in the area, Dean. Are you sure this is our kind of gig?" his throat felt rubbed raw, and he coughed roughly into his fist in an attempt to clear it. Dean frowned and pulled out a bag of cough drops from the bag sitting on the table and tossed it to Sam.

"Yeah, pretty sure. Each victim dissapered for exactly a week, and they were all found in the same place out by the lake, their throats slit. Are you sure it's not a spirit?" he asked, and Sam blinked slowly at him for a minute before realizing he was expected to respond. He cleared his throat again and said

"I already checked, there are no deaths that I can find that match the M.O." Dean nodded, then smiled softly when he noticed Sams eyes drooping closed again. He walked over to the bed and nudged him slightly.

"Sam, go to bed." Sam jolted awake and blinked  up at Dean blearily.

"J'ss?" he mumbled, and Dean felt his heart seize up in his chest. He brushed Sams hair back from his face.

"No, buddy. It's just me. " Dean fit his palm over Sams forehead and frowned. "Your fevers up. Let's get some more mess into you, okay?" Sam nodded sleepily and sat up a little in his bed before accepting the tylenol and nyquill Dean handed him. He swallowed each dose with a wince, then gasped and sneezed twice into his wrist.

"Heh....hekischoo! Heheshtchoo!!" Dean handed him a few tissues, and Sam blew his nose before yawning widely and rubbing at his eyes, making Dean smile fondly. He reached over and picked Sams laptop off his lap with one hand and rubbed his shoulder soothingly with the other.

"Okay Sammy, time to get some more sleep, alright?" Sam nodded sleepily and lowered himself into the bed, sighing as Dean pulled the covers back over him. He rolled onto his side, and for the first time since Jess died, he welcomed the sleep that came when he closed his eyes.


Sam pulled out Jess's chair for her, and she smiled warmly at him.

"Such a gentleman." She teased as he took his seat across the small table, and Sam smiled at her.

"That's me. A regular southern debonair."  This made her laugh, the way that made nose crinkle up like Sam loved so much. He groaned inwardly as the need to sneeze rose again, and he ducked to the side and sneezed into cupped hands.

"Hehh...hehkishoo! Ehkishoo! Hehestchoo! Ughh..." Sam straightened in his seat and found Jess looking at him in concern. She reached across the table and took Sams in hers and smiled softly.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam smiled back at her and was about to nod when he remembered that lying would be a little pointless, so he shook his head.

"No, actually, I think I might be coming down with something. But don't worry, I'll be okay for now." she smiled at him.

"Wow. You might be the only guy I've ever dated who actually owns up to when their sick. I'm impressed." Sam grinned, but he frowned when Jess stood suddenly and held out her hand.

"C'mon." she said, and he took her hand and let her pull him to his feet.

"Where are we going?" he asked as she pulled him back outside of the restaurant and to his car. She laughed and climbed into the passenger side. When Sam got into the drivers seat, she looked at him and smiled softly.

"I was thinking that instead of eating out, we could just go back to your place and rent a movie, maybe order some takeout?" Sam beamed at her.

"Yeah?" he asked, sniffling a little. Jess returned the grin and nodded.



A/N: So there was part 5!! I think I can get maybe 1 or 2 more parts out of this fic, so prepared for a part 6 coming your way soon!!

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This is so freaking adorable!!! :blushing: I just can't get enough of sweet, sick Sammy with Dean taking care of him, and then the flashback with Jess. :) I definitely think you should try and go beyond one or two more chapters, it's way too good! :lmfao:

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