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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sam's got a cold (Supernatural)


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This is from the garage sale of prompts collected by ooo. I did this one specifically as a present for 27jaredjensen cause you totally rock and found one of my favorite stories of all time. I’m sorry it’s not very long. I’ve got another project that I’ve been working on forever and want to get back to. I might continue this sometime, or if anyone else wants to continue it feel free to and let me know.

Prompt 8. (from 27jaredjensen) Sam is a sad camper (after Jess dies, after Dean dies in Mystery Spot, after Dean makes his deal, something along those lines), and so he’s sad and angsty and coming down with a cold. Sam doesn’t even realize it at first, but Dean is an awesome big brother and caretaker and realizes right away. And also I wouldn’t mind contagion because both boys sniffly and sneezy together is yummy=D

“Ngxsht.” Sam stifled a sneeze into his shoulder for about the tenth time in an hour.

“Ready to admit you’re sick yet?”

“I’m fine.” Sam grumbled before giving a liquidy sniff.

Slumping down in the passenger seat the younger brother stared out the side window. ‘How could Dean do it? Bring him back to life just to leave him in a year. It wasn’t fair. Not that Sam wouldn’t have done the same thing, but…’

Sam brought a finger up to his nose just in time to somewhat contain the mucous trying to escape.

“Heh NGSHT.”

“Seriously dude, blow your nose already.” Dean twisted a hand around his pocket and pulled out a crumpled brown napkin and threw it at Sam’s lap.

Taking the napkin Sam folded it around his nose and bent at the waist with another sharp sneeze.

So much for blowing his nose. The sneeze had completely soaked the fake tissue with a huge fluidy glob. Careful to not squeeze the dripping mess out, Sam gently wrapped the napkin shut and put it under the seat.

“Bless. So are you sick yet?”

Sam glared.

“Fine, we’re stopping at the next town anyways, sick or not.”

Resuming looking out the window, Sam pretended he didn’t hear Dean.


Dean shoved their bags in the dingy room, as Sam followed sullenly behind.

‘He didn’t… he did.’ Sam looked at the bed. Dean had gotten a queen instead of two fulls. If only he had the strength to argue.’

“I’m going to take a shower.”

“Okay.” Dean didn’t know what else to say. He wanted to beg… plead for forgiveness. He missed his brother… his friend… his lover.


Sam unintentionally let the bathroom door slam shut. He didn’t hate Dean, he was just…hurt.

Turning on the shower, Sam got into the water. His nose instantly took advantage of the warmth and began streaming down his face. Clasping his hands around his nose Sam blew his nose several times. It was nice to able to breathe through his nose again.

“HnGSHhhhh… heh NTSHH… hIGSHhhooo.” ‘So much for being able to breathe.’

Sam wiped his nose and leaned his head against the cool shower tile.

“Mind if I come in?”

Sam groaned in response.

Dean got in, ignoring the incomprehensible answer, and touched a hand to Sam’s shoulder.

Flinching, Sam pulled away.

“Please don’t hate me forever.” Sam could hear the tears welling up in his brother’s eyes. Finally he turned around.

“I don’t hate you.” Sam continued his stare at the floor. Finally he lifted his head and Dean thought maybe Sam would look him in the eyes.

“hiH’TSHHH,” Sam’s head snapped forward as he sneezed openly, landing a thin sheen of spray on Dean’s lower abdomen.

“Snfff, sorry.”

“Bless you.” Dean’s voice sounded empty and blank.

“Thanks.” Snot left a trail along the side of Sam’s hand as he wiped at his nose. Quickly he turned away from Dean and sneezed twice more, this time into the spray of the shower.

Dean placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder blade and whispered “Blow.”

Hesitant due to embarrassment, the thought of being able to breathe again won out. It took several attempts to clear his nose and although Sam thought the noise was probably disgusting, Dean didn’t mind in the least and enjoyed the feeling of Sam’s lungs expanding and contracting beneath his hand.

When Dean sensed his brother was done he wrapped an arm around Sam’s waist and leaned in, allowing his warm breath to graze Sam’s neck.

“Now, let’s get you into bed.” Dean whispered seductively.

“You know you’re not completely off the hook?” Sam turned around to face Dean.

“I know.” Stated Dean calmly, before reaching around Sam to turn off the water.

As Sam stepped out of the tub a shiver ran down his spine. Grabbing a towel he intended to dry himself off with it. Instead Sam cupped the towel in his hands before muffling several sneezes into the cloth. Keeping his nose buried for a moment Dean took his towel and wrapped it around Sam’s lanky shivering frame.


Sam scrubbed at his nose with the towel, and lowered it slightly as his breath began to hitch.

“Eh…heh… ihhh,” Sam breathed out a frustrated sigh.

Dean couldn’t help himself. He reached around and gently ran his index finger down the bridge of Sam’s nose.

“HEC’NGSHhoo.” Sam’s body doubled from the massive sneeze. Following with a gurgly blow, Sam was thankful that the itch had finally subsided and that he actually had something in hand that could handle all the fluid his nose was producing.

Dean went back to drying Sam.

“Okay dude, boxers, t-shirt, and you are sentenced to bed.”

Sam flipped his brother off even though both knew he wasn’t really serious. Stumbling slightly, Sam dug around in his duffel and found a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt. Good thing they were stopping though, cause these were probably his last clean pair.

Collapsing onto the bed Sam didn’t even bother to pull the covers up. Instead he just mumbled something about being cold and shivered as he rolled onto his side. Dean came and lightly pushed Sam’s hair out of his face before planting a kiss on his forehead.

“You’re definitely running a fever. Ready to admit you’re sick yet.”

“Cold.” Sam’s teeth chattered, voice barely above a whisper.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Now sit up a little.”

Sam pushed his body up, using about all the strength he had left in him. Dean maneuvered the sheets around and finally managed to get them on top.

Crawling in, Dean nudged Sam out of his way. Immediately Sam rolled towards Dean and curled his head into Dean’s chest, allowing Dean to embrace him.

“Snfff, I don’t feel good.”

“I know babe… I know” Dean whispered as he used his free hand to grab a tissue from the bedside box.

“Here, blow.” Dean held the tissue to Sam’s nose as he willingly obeyed. When finished Dean squeezed the last remaining goo from Sam’s nostrils and threw the tissue on the floor.

“It’s all going to be okay.” Dean tried to soothe Sam but all it did was cause Sam to start weeping. As tears and snot began to flow Sam began to mumble.

“No, no it’s not going to be okay. You’re going to die.” This thought hadn’t even come close to entering Dean’s mind since Sam had started to become ill.

More sobbing.

“Shhhhh, don’t worry about that now, okay, let’s just focus on getting you better.”

Sam whimpered and let a few more tears fall.

“Come on now.” Dean grabbed a few tissues and began to wipe off Sam’s face before tackling the wet splotches on his t-shirt.

“Shhhhh.” Dean ran fingers through Sam’s wavy hair. Suddenly he felt Sam’s body tense but couldn’t grab a tissue in time.

“Hk’NSHhhh.” ‘Oh well, it’s not like his shirt could get much more damp.’ “Heh’NGXT…heh…” Dean finally got a tissue to Sam’s nose. “HehMPSHHHH.” Sam followed with a gurgly blow that completely obliterated the tissue.

Throwing the tissues remnants on the floor, Dean grabbed another one and rubbed at Sam’s twitching nostrils. Finally, Dean saw Sam’s face relax.

“Thangs.” A mixture of congestion and hoarseness filled Sam’s throat.

“You’re welcome.” Dean kissed the top of his lover’s forehead before continuing. “Think you can get some sleep now?”

Before the sentence had even escaped his lips Sam was already snoring softly.


THWACK! Sam’s hand smacked right into Dean’s face.

“Dude great wake up call.”

“HK’SHHH” Sam sneezed onto Dean’s side.

“Even better.”

“Sorry,” Sam groaned wiping snot all over his fist.

“Tissue?” Dean held out one towards Sam who took it and wiped off his hand and face, before letting his head fall back onto the mattress.

“Ready to hit the road?” Dean asked jokingly. Sam looked up with blood shot eyes before burying them into the mattress.

“Didn’t think so. Want anything to eat?” Dean waited for a sec and got nothing from Sam. “Well, I’m starving, I’ll bring you back juice. You okay here?”

Dean thought he could detect a nod.

“Anything else you want?”

Unintelligible grumbling came from the mattress.

“Tissue’s and cold meds… got it. Be back in a bit.”

Sam heard the door close and rolled over. Sneezing openly to the side he wiped his nose on his sleeve. Even dying didn’t make him feel this bad. His head pounded, his throat felt like sand paper had been run over it a million times and he didn’t even care about the snot trailing down to his upper lip. Okay, maybe he did. Rolling just far enough to reach a tissue Sam scrubbed at his nose before returning to a restless sleep.


“I’m back!”

Sam tried to groan but it was cut short by the burning in his throat.

“That good huh?” Dean said sympathetically and sat down beside Sam. Running his fingers through his lovers hair he gauged Sam’s temp.

Curling into Dean’s leg Sam wanted to cry.

“Kill me now.”

“I didn’t bring you back just to kill you.”

Sam did cry.

“Sorry sorry,” yup, definitely a foot in mouth moment. “Come on, it’s going to be alright. Here.” Dean took a tissue and wiped away Sam’s tears and streaming nose.

Sam sniffed before starting to cough.

Dean grabbed a bottle from the bag by his feet and helped Sam to a sitting position.

“Here, drink this.”

Sam tried to sip at the bottle but continued to cough instead.

“Okay, it’s okay, just lean on me.”

Dean held Sam and rubbed his back as Sam muffled his coughs into Dean’s chest.


It took a few minutes but Sam was finally able to slow his coughing to every few seconds.

“Let’s try this again.” Dean brought the bottle up to Sam’s lips and swallowed small gulps. Wincing as the apple juice went down.

When he seemed done Dean took the bottle and set it down on the table.

“Hold me.” Sam looked up with half open puppy dog eyes.

“Of course.” Dean laid down next to Sam and allowed his brother to curl onto his chest.

“You really don’t feel good huh sweetie?”

“Mnh nhh.”

“I know you don’t want to get up but I really think you should take some Tylenol before going back to sleep.”

Sam encircled Dean with his long arm in resistence.

“Please…” Dean let his green eyes sparkle at Sam, “then tonight we can take a shower and I’ll wash your hair.”

“With the good smelling stuff?” Sam looked up hopeful.

“Of course, anything you want.”

“Did you bring back butterscotch candies?” Suspicious eyes glared at Dean.

“You’re sick, what do you think? Tylenol?”

“Fine.” Sam loosened his grip and allowed Dean to dig in the bag. Handing Sam the pills and bottle he waited for Sam to swallow and took the containers back.

“Mind if I watch tv?”

Sam yawned and rubbed his nose before pushing his head against Dean and nodding.

“If it gets too loud let me know?”

Sam just snuggled closer into Dean.

Dean smiled.

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This is sad and beautiful and sad and lovly and sad and awesome and sad and... I don't have words. This is written so greatly! I lofe the Caring Dean and Sam so broken - it'sFANTASTIC! Thank you for writing and sharing this amazing piece of work!

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It's very cute and sentimental. <3

I do enjoy the hint of Dean-with-fetish that we see here. And, of course, the shower scene. STEAMY!

The very chipper!Dean juxtaposed with crying/whiny!Sam is interesting...Might have to explore that dynamic a little more. But I especially loved your shivery and cranky Sam.

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You wrote me sneezy!Sammy!! Love love love times twenty-seven million :wub: Gahhh there’s so much goodness here…I really love the part in the shower, all those yummy sneezes. And then the image of Sam sneezing into the towel while Dean dries him off. This was one of my favorite parts:

Sam scrubbed at his nose with the towel, and lowered it slightly as his breath began to hitch.

“Eh…heh… ihhh,” Sam breathed out a frustrated sigh.

Dean couldn’t help himself. He reached around and gently ran his index finger down the bridge of Sam’s nose.

“HEC’NGSHhoo.” Sam’s body doubled from the massive sneeze.

Mmm and the way Sam just immediately clings to Dean when he gets into the bed and he admits he doesn’t feel good, and then being a sneezy snotty crying mess, but Dean’s just like awesomely there with the tissues and comforty-ness and GAH. I freaking love it and I love you :cryhappy:

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“No, no it’s not going to be okay. You’re going to die.” This thought hadn’t even come close to entering Dean’s mind since Sam had started to become ill.

This line! :heart: :heart:

I really adored this awesomely sweet and sad and tender piece of love! Your broken!sick!Sammy is just wonderful, and Dean is so caring! :innocent:

Fantastic work. :hat:

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Poor sad Sammeh! I love the part with the towel and it getting repurposed due to sneeziness, and Sam hovering on the edge and Dean teasing him over with his finger, and drying him off and sentencing him to bed. :laugh:

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