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A What? : SPN, Castiel


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Sam boiled the crappy kettle and made a honey and lemon drink for Castiel, who was sitting up in bed as Dean was telling him of the joys of his favourite magazines.

He heard Cas mumble something about God's will before being overtaken by a coughing fit. Dean patted him on the back awkwardly.

Once it had gone, Sam gave Castiel the drink. "Here this should make you feel better." He said.

Castiel took the cup gratefully.

Dean pulled Sam aside. "How do you know all this crap?" He asked.

"There was a time in college when I got sick a lot- I swear I had a cold or flu every month, Jess used to look after me, she was good at it too." Sam turned away ashamed of the tears in his eyes.

"Sammy please, I need to take your temperature!" Jess pulled the covers off Sams head. "Baby please?"

Sam coughed and turned over- he was a mess, his hair was everywhere and his face was flushed with fever.

"k," He opened his chapped lips and she slid the thermometer under his tongue.

Sam waited for the beep, it felt like an eternity.

"103.2! Sammy, you should have told me you were sick days ago!" Jess said, stroking his hair.

Sam whimpered.

"Im going to make you a drink ok?"

He nodded painfully.

She came back a little while later carrying a steaming mug and a bowl of soup. She helped him take a few sips of the soothing lemon and honey drink before he collapsed back onto the pillow exhausted.

Jess adjusted the pillows carefully so he could sit up.

She blew on the soup, gently and spooned it into his mouth.

"Jess, please waid!" Sam croaked deperately.

Jess knew what was coming and held a tissue to his face.



"Do you eber ged tired ob taging care ob be?

"Never." She kissed his forehed as he fell back to sleep.

"Dude? DUDE?" Dean was snapping his fingers impatiently. "Where did you put the tissues?"

Hehehe the italics are Sam's memory... thought i'd be a little sneaky there....

PS is there any way someone can change the title and take out the 'oneshot' bit? :yes:

Edited by cara
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Another piece of this great story! Awesome!!!!

I really liked Sam's flashback - it's sooo cute!!! It's kind of funny how Dean has to pull Sam out of his memories...

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Only a little bit, :(


"Dude? Hello? Tissues!?"

"uh, yeah... sorry, in the bag by my bed." He wiped his eyes subtly and went to get them, Dean got there first.

"Hechoo!... huh...ETCHUU!...heh..hehe NGXT! OWW!"

Taken over by the sneezing fit, Castiel didnt notice Dean hurling the box of tissues at him until it was too late.

"Sorry man..."

"S'ok I deeded sobe addyway." He took a few out and blew his nose.

"Soup time!" Sam said bringing in a bowl and a spoon. "Can you sit up, Cas?"

"I'b tired Sab... I'b dot hugry."

Sam helped him up. "You gotta eat man, we need you." He spooned some soup out and held it up to Castiel. "Eat it."

"K," He allowed Sam to feed him the chicken soup. "Thags Sab, this is good."

Sam smiled. "Came from the best deli I know here."

The was silence as sam continued to feed Castiel- Dean watching incredulously.

Sam could feel Castiel stiffen. "Sab, please waid!"

He knew what was coming, he put down the spoon and plucked out a tissue as he heard Castiel's breath hitch. He held the tissue over his nose. Cas widened his eyes in surprise.


"Bless." Sam said as Castiel took over the tissue.

"Do you eber ged tired ob taging care ob be?


He could feel her kiss, he missed her lips... her smile

"Eww, dude thats gross!" Dean grimaced.

Squeeeeee more soon i hope! Hope you are enjoying this... Im thinking of sending the guys on a little hunt... All of them :zippy:

Edited by cara
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This is so adorable:)

My favorite part is this:

She blew on the soup, gently and spooned it into his mouth.

"Jess, please waid!" Sam croaked deperately.

Jess knew what was coming and held a tissue to his face.



"Do you eber ged tired ob taging care ob be?

"Never." She kissed his forehed as he fell back to sleep.

And then how Sam’s remembering it when he take care of Cas :)

Edited by 27jaredjensen
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Sam held a hand to Castiel's forehead. "Your fever seems to have gone down a bit, thats good."

Castiel smiled. "I am feeling much better."

"Well you're not quite there yet."

"I know." Castiel said wiping his pink nose.

"Well, we have to go gank 'Carla' now, some demon bitch that likes torturing, young, foolish, drunk guys... should be a blast." Dean said, tucking his gun into his Jeans.

"You know where everything is. This hunt should be pretty straightforward so call me if you need anything, ok?" Sam said tapping his jacket pocket.

"Ok, you know I will be there if you need me... HETCHOO! Despide by illdess." He snatched up a few tissues and blew his nose.

"See ya soon Cas!" Dean said.

"Look after yourself." said Sam.


"Dean, she went out back!" Sam whispered down his cell phone.

"Yeah, I know I saw her go, dude, go to the left will ya?"

"Ok, Meet you round the back." Sam ran quickly to the other side of the club

"Im just edging in..." said Dean, flat against the brick wall.

"I can see you, wait there." Sam said peeking out from his spot.

"Ok, 3...2..." Dean counted and turned, gun ready

"Hello boys." Said a blonde woman, an evil smirk playing on her lips.

"Ah crap..."


Not much, Just a bit of setup.... :P

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They were surrounded.

The demon Carla in the middle and her male demons around her.


"Oh Dean, watch your mouth!" Carla smirked.

Sam and Dean struggled against the huge men.

"I've been tracking you for months! And now... I have you!" She snapped her fingers and the men holing the brothers shoved them into a waiting car boot.


Sam had his eyes closed, counting the seconds, memorising ever turn. He sniffed.

"Dean, did you...?"

"Yeah... sorry man."


They came to a stop. They heard the footsteps of the demons coming to haul them out of the boot.

"Run for it?" said Dean.

"Dude, our feet are tied" Sam groaned.

They got roughly pulled from the car. Carla lifted her hands and the Winchesters flew against the wall- Dean was knocked out. Sam struggled against the ropes and the demon mojo holding him to the wall, he called out to his brother- when he did not respond he turned to Carla.

"Why-?" sam started,

"You killed my friend! maybe 6 months ago, carelessly! Like she didnt even deserve to die with some respect!"

"We don't respect demons!"

"She wasnt a demon, she was a human possesed! I remember being human and I remembered her!"

"She was dead long before we exorcised the demon!"


Castiel woke up from a deep sleep, something was wrong, he could feel it. He sniffled and rubbed his itchy nose. He took out some tissues to blow his nose.

Huh...ESHOOO! ETCHOO! HUH'NGXT! The blow had worsened the itch.

The feeling of wrongness was back. Sam and Dean were in trouble. he could visualise the place- if he just had the strength to -how Dean put it- 'zap' out of the motel to where they were maybe he could help them.

He called on his grace, he visualised the place and.... nothing.

He tried again harder....

getting to the good bit soon! xxx love you all. I dont really know how cas does the zap thing so i made it up hehe. :drool:

also... for you non Brits Boot=Trunk

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Sam had his eyes closed, counting the seconds, memorising ever turn. He sniffed.

"Dean, did you...?"

"Yeah... sorry man."



This fic's getting better and better!

I love how caring Sam is to Cas. :heart:

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Awwww cara,

I'm so sorry I didn't realize that you continued!!

I thought there was only one part since you called it an oneshot.

I remember reading the first post and squealing because it's just soooo cute :D

There are way to less Cas fics out there, which is a pity because he's also adorable!!

Your fic is really sweet and I like where it is going.

Cas can't zap anywhere but is trying to,

Dean and Sam are in trouble and awwww....

I think I might know where this is going :yes:

I'm excited!!

So thank you a lot for writing it, I really love sick, confused, sneezy Cas :)



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Ohmy! Another cliffie! Cass can't zap?! But the boys are in trouble.... I'm really curious how they get out. And maybe - no, i guess, for sure - Cass will come and save the day... :P

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This story is so great I can't wait to see where it goes from here!

And my favourite part so far, is the flashback with Jess. *sigh* So sweet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Carla slammed Sam's head into the wall, kocking him unconscious.

"You shouldnt have done that."

Carla turned, startled. "Castiel?"

"I-" His sentence was cut short, he stumbled and fell to his knees- weakened by the journey.

Carla laughed coldly.

"You look almost human, Castiel."

Castiel coughed. "Leave the boys alone, fight me." He said roughly.

"Then where would the fun be?" she extended her arm towards castiel and forced him to stand.

"ETCHOO!" Castiel sneezed and was dropped to the ground next to Sam and Dean, out cold.


All three of the guys were tied together on the cold floor of a basement. Sam was the first to wake up, he winced at the pain in his head and struggled against the ropes- surprised to see Castiel next to him.

"Dean, Cas?" he said gently. An irritated groan and a painful cough told him that they were now both awake.

"Cas, what the hell are you doing here?!" Asked Dean.

"You were in trouble, you need-heh-needed me. Excuse me i have to..."

"Cas dont-!" Sam cried

"HETCHOO!" All three of them yelped in pain as thier heads banged together violently.

"I'm going to try to get us out of this." Sam sighed, slipping his penknife out of his pocket.

I know its not a lot but RL keeps getting in the way hahaha :yes:

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Hee, I love it:) All of them tied up, and Cas still sick and sneezy, poor muffin. Definitely one of my favorite parts is Cas sneezing, and all their heads banging together :D Ouch!

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Aww, sick fierce Cas is great!

And tied up Cas is even greater - especially when he has to sneeze!

Seems, it's up to Sam to save the day, then :)

Edited by Foxfire
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Wow... it has been a very long time. I spent a long time offline and completely forgot about everything I wrote years back... I'm going to try to finish some things even though RL keeps getting in the way!

Sam struggled against the rope, he needed to angle himself so he could start sawing through.

"Hurry up Sam!" Dean whispered.

"I'm trying ok?" Sam replied, just managing to get a grip on the rope.

In a matter of moments the rope was broken and he started to untie the others. Castiel looked up, his eyes were red rimmed and his nose was the same. He looked exhausted.

"Sab? Deed? Whad happened? Where is she?"

"She's setting up the altar for the ritual, we need to get out fast." Sam replied.

Castiel sniffled and stood to adjust his trenchcoat. He wobbled, about to fall...

"Woah, Cas, steady! You ok man?" Dean asked gripping the Angel by the waist.

"I'b feeling strange... id took a lod of efford to ged here to helb you. Heh...HETCHOO!" He sneezed violently, almost knocking Dean off balance.

"Guys, I really don't see a way out, this door is solid metal." Sam slammed his fist against the door in frustration and yelped in pain having probably broken his hand.

"Sam, we need to get out, now. He's burning up again- bad this time."

"I cad ged us oud. I jusd deed to consentrade." Cas wimpered at he pain banging in his head.

"No, Cas. You're not well enough- you'll hurt yourself." Dean tried to sit him back down.

"We don'd hab tibe Deed! Take by had... Sab, c'mod."

"Dude, we can't let him use his Angel mojo! He'll kill himself!" Dean glared at Sam who was taking Cas' hand.

"It's our only option, Dean."

"No, Sammy, we can fight!"

"There's too many and we'd have to protect Cas too- even sick he'll be valuable to them and whoever they're working for."

Dean glowered and thought hard for a moment weighing up his options.

"Ok, but lets make this fast, Cas, can you do it? Cas? Answer me!"

Castiel's fast was contorted with concentration... but not on zapping.

"Heh...*sniffle*.. he- HETCHOOO! Hih... HETCHUUUH... Heh-Ngxt!"

"Bless you." Said Sam and Dean in unison.

"I'b ready" Cas sniffed.

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