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A What? : SPN, Castiel


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Sam and Dean sat on the bed of the dirty motel room pouring over their Dad’s Journal. Castiel sat by the grimy window. There was silence until…


Dean looked at Sam

“It wasn’t me.” He said

“Wasn’t me either.” Said Dean.

They looked over at Castiel who was staring at his hand with a mixed look of shock and disgust on his face.

“What was that?” Castiel said calmly- his dark eyebrows knitted together.

“You sneezed, Cas” said Sam passively.

“I wha- HETCHUUH!”

“Bless you”

“Bless you too Dean”

“I didn’t- oh yeah… angel and all that…”

“Is my vessel malfunctioning?” Castiel asked Sam.

“No, you just sneezed, it’s a natural human thing, usually due to an irritant in your nose or illness, such as a cold- are you feeling OK?”

“My head feels a little strange, I am have difficulty getting air through my nose.”

“Sounds like you got yourself a cold,” said Dean “that’s all we need- a sick angel.”

“Angels do not succumb to human sickness.”

“Maybe not in your natural form, but you may have exhausted your vessel, his immune system could be weakened by a lack of sleep- you should rest.” He motioned for Castiel to sit on the bed.

“That’s my bed!” Dean moaned- Sam shot him a dirty look.

“I don’t wish to inconvenience you, I could go elsewhere” He coughed lightly and winced as he felt his chest tighten.

“Its fine,” Dean said “You need to rest, God knows we need you”


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Aaaaahhhh!! <_< I love this! Poor, confused, sick Cas. Love his reaction.

What a fun read. :hug: (Uh... will you be continuing? :))

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Umm... Sick Cas in lovely you know. And this is nicely written as well (love the Bless you -scene... :drool:). Sick Cas leaves me wanting for more (...one shot... .__.) ^__^'''

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Do you think he's ok?" Sam asked Dean quietly, sweeping castiel's hair from his eyes as he shivered, asleep on the bed.

"I didn't know angels could get sick. Just tell him to suck it up and take some meds." Dean said not looking up from his busty asian beauties magazine.

Castiel whimpered in his sleep, tossing over.

"Dean I think he has a fever."

Dean threw down his magazine and went to the motel bathroom. He came back with a cool damp washcloth. He moved Sam out of the way and gently placed it on the sleeping angel's forehead... at the same time as he sneezed.

" Hi'chuh!"

"Ew, gross dude!" Dean yelled using a tissue to wipe up the spray on his arm.

Sam laughed.

Cas woke up.

"Whads goig od? Why ab I id a horizo'tal positiod?"

"You're sick cas, you were sleeping." Sam said

"By vessel's temperature has rised above dinedy eighd poind six...?"

"You have a fever, thats what happens when you are sick." Dean sighed. "I'm going to the store to get some supplies, Sammy stay here."

"Its, Sam. Dean, its Sam ok?"

"Whatever dude..."

Just a bit... more soon :laugh:

Edited by cara
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*sick!Cas sensors quided the way back here*

I really though this was going to be left as a oneshot, but what a pleasant surprise here was... :laugh:

And there's more coming? *melts* :(

...A feverish Cas... :(

I love it that Dean says he didn't know angels could get sick. :3

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Ah yay, there's more!! Sam sweeping Cas' hair from his eyes is such an adorable image:) Loved Cas sneezing on Dean, and the yummy congestion :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sam sat on his bed watching Cas drift back into an uneasy sleep.

Castiel was shivering even under the cover and the spare blanket they found in the closet. Sam took his own bed cover off his bed and draped it over the angel.

"Brother, please! Lucy... Lucifer!"

Sam raised his eyebrows as castiel spoke in his sleep- did he really just refer to the fallen angel as... Lucy? He shook his head. He must have misheard.

He went into the bathroom to get some water.

"Cas, wake up! You need to drink something." He shook his shoulder gently.

"Whad? I... Hi'ESHH! ugh sorry."

"S'ok, you need to drink Cas."

"mm'k," Sam helped him sit up and held the plastic motel cup for him to drink from. "Thags, Sab, could you bass be a tissue?"

"Sure." He handed him one from the table. "Are you feeling any better yet?"

"I fear I caddod rebeber whad dormal feels like."

Sam chuckles lightly. "You will soon." He smiled. "Hows your head?"

The door opened suddenly. "#Ramble On, And now's the time, the time is now, to sing my song. I'm goin' 'round the world, I got to find my girl, on my way. I've been this way ten years to the day, Ramble On, Gotta find the queen of all my dreams#. MAN I LOVE THIS SONG!" Dean sang as he walked in with a couple of bags.

"They were playin' it on the radio as i was coming back!" He continued humming the tune. A harsh sneeze brought him back to reality.

"Hey Cas, feeling any better man?"

"Probably was before you strangled that cat on your way in." Sam laughed and ducked as Dean threw a couple of lemons at him.

Dean emptied the bag onto the table, Lemon, honey, tylenol, tissues, orange juice, chicken soup, beer and some *colourful* magazines.

"I take it the dirty mags and beer are not for Cas?" Sam asked wryly.

"Er... no."

More later today i hope :hug:

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Yes please, do continue! RL got in my way, too, so I didn't have the time to reply earlier. This is a great story! It's so cute when Cass is confused about his vessel needs and reactions to his cold! :P

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Do we want? It's Cas, of course we want!

And you write it nicely so that's a double yes.

yes, yes. Continue. :P

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