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Borrow the Moonlight [Sam/Dean]


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Title: Borrow the Moonlight

Author: 27_jaredjensen

Characters/pairing: Sam/Dean

Word Count: 3,060

Spoilers/warnings: Season 3 AU, mentions of 3.11 (Mystery Spot), sneeze!kink, angst (my attempt at it, anyway:P)

Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys or Supernatural. Title is taken from a line in a song from Wicked.

Summary: Written for the Again but with Colds comment-fic meme, for the prompt at the end.

::: ::: :::

They pull into the motel late, almost midnight, hair wet and boots muddy with grave dirt. Dark clouds cover all but a sliver of the moon, and it’s raining hard, soaking them thoroughly again as they make the short distance between the Impala and their room.

Sam makes a beeline for the bathroom, tossing a towel out to Dean before closing the door. Dean hears the shower turn on, and he shakes his head before stripping out of his wet, blood splattered clothes. If Sam wasn’t in one of his post-hunt-gone-south moods, Dean would probably join him in the shower, but he knows well enough by know that Sam just needs a little breathing room.

He doesn’t blame him for being upset- he’s still shaken from whatever happened with the Trickster, just a week ago, and even after countless hunts, thousands of innocent people they can’t save, it’s like Sam still takes it personally. Sam always gets emotional over things that Dean, after all these years, is numb to.

It’s something Dean’s always admired about Sam.

When he hears the shower turn off, Dean turns the covers down in the bed and climbs in to wait. Sam emerges from the bathroom in sweats and a t-shirt, hair still a little damp, and turns out the lights before sliding in next to Dean.

Despite the fact that he’s been clingy as hell the past week, he doesn’t cuddle up like Dean expects him to. Instead, he lies on his side, facing away from Dean, but he doesn’t shrug Dean off when he drapes an arm across his waist and runs his fingers steadily up and down Sam’s back until he falls asleep.

::: ::: :::

The next morning, much too early, they’re driving back across the country.

Sam’s already up and packed, coffee run completed, before Dean even thinks about dragging his ass out of bed.

In the Impala, Sam’s quiet, and Dean turns the music on to fill the silence. Eventually, Sam makes his way over to lean against the passenger window, and he falls asleep quickly, having only slept for about three or four hours during the night.

Dean nudges Sam’s shoulder around noon, and Sam rubs tiredly at his eyes before looking at Dean.


“Wanna stop for food up at the next exit?”

Sam yawns, stretches his arms out in front of him.

“Not really hungry…” Sam trails off at the last word, and Dean glances over just as Sam scrunches up his face and snaps forward with a sudden sneeze, caught in cupped hands.


A shiver runs down Dean’s spine. Sam sniffs and rubs his knuckles back and forth under his nose, and Dean can’t help looking over again. Sam gives another small sniff and looks over at Dean, who can’t take his eyes off Sam’s now-pink nose.


Dean turns his eyes back to the road and has to swerve back into the lane.

“Nothing. Bless you.”

Sam shrugs one shoulder and turns back to the window, and Dean quickly turns up the music when he hears Sam sniffle again.

He pulls off at the exit anyway, goes through a drive-thru and orders for both himself and Sam, but he ends up eating everything. When he finishes off the second burger, he tosses the wrapper in the backseat and clears his throat.

“You know what I’m going to say, right?”

Sam glances over at Dean, then turns his eyes to the road, idly rubbing his nose before he answers.


Dean’s not used to being on this end of a heart-to-heart conversation, which Sam clearly doesn’t want to have right now. He’s been avoiding it all week. Dean sighs, shakes his head.

“Never mind. Just…if you want to talk about it, I’m listening.”

Sam doesn’t answer, but when he starts to doze off later, he scoots over on the seat and rests his head on Dean’s shoulder.

::: ::: :::

The sun is just setting when Dean decides to stop for the night. They’re both tired, and he can hear Sam’s stomach growling, so they check into a motel before heading to the 24-hour diner down the street.

It’s a clear night out, and they walk to the diner. Sam seems to be in better spirits, and he slips his hand into Dean’s as they make their way down the empty street. On any other day, Dean would groan about Sam being a girl, but tonight he lets him get away with it.

“I’m worried about you,” he tells Sam, as they’re approaching the diner. “You gotta talk to me, man. Why are you so quiet today?”

“I’m just a little tired, I guess.”

“Tired? You slept the whole way here. If this is still about the Trickster thing-”

Still about the Trickster? Dean, you don’t even-” he drops Dean’s hand, runs both hands through his hair in frustration, stops walking. “I watched you die, Dean. Over and over, and what part of that don’t you-”

“Hey, hey. Look at me.” Dean reaches over and pulls Sam close, so they’re face to face. This isn’t really where he expected to have this conversation.

“I’m right here, okay? I’m not going anywhere.”

Sam sniffles and rubs the bridge of his nose. He looks down at his hands and sniffs again before he nods, slowly. He’s about to say something, but his rumbling stomach interrupts the moment. Dean sighs.

“Let’s get some food, okay?”

They make the short distance to the diner, go inside to wait. A waitress, who only has eyes for Dean’s ass, leads them to a table, and as soon as she’s gone to get their coffee Sam stands quickly.

“I’m going to use the restroom,” he says abruptly, cutting off Dean’s inquiry, then hurries off. Dean watches him make his way toward the back of the diner, shoulders hunched, and runs a hand over his face in frustration.

::: ::: :::

In the bathroom, Sam catches a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror before he snaps forward with the sneeze he’s been holding in.


He rubs his nose, which turns instantly red, and sighs. He can’t believe Dean hasn’t noticed he’s sick yet, and he’s not sure he’ll be able to hide it much longer. He blows his nose into rough toilet paper and splashes water on his face, but the flush on his face from the fever he’s most likely running is there to stay.

He doesn’t really want to go back out and try to force food down his sore throat. He’s hungry, but the thought of swallowing anything sounds painful, and Dean is sure to notice. Just as he’s about to push the door open, he sneezes twice more and has to blow his nose again, which leads to a coughing fit.

Finally, he makes his way back to Dean, knowing it’ll be another minute until before comes looking for him.

::: ::: :::

Dean watches Sam walk back to the table, notices how exhausted he looks. There are dark circles under his eyes, and he’s running a hand through his hair like he’s nervous about something until he catches Dean’s gaze.

When Sam sits down, he doesn’t quite conceal a wince as his aching body protests.

“You okay?” Dean asks. Sam shifts in his seat a little to hide a shiver before he nods.

“Just sore from the last hunt, I guess.”

Sam almost looks surprised when Dean nods in agreement.

“My side is still a little bruised.”

Concern flashes in Sam’s eyes, but then he ducks his head and pinches the bridge of his nose with a small grunt.

“Headache?” Dean ducks his head a little in an attempt to meet Sam’s eyes again, and Sam gives him a weak smile but doesn’t answer. Their food arrives a few minutes later. Dean practically inhales his food while Sam tries to eat the sandwich Dean ordered for him without whimpering.

::: ::: :::

Back at motel, Sam can barely hide the shivers wracking his body. He can feel sweat trickling down his back, which makes him shiver harder. Dean’s brushing his teeth in the bathroom, so Sam takes the opportunity to make a run to the ice machine. The cool air causes his nose to run, and the lingering need to sneeze intensifies.

Ehhh…heh-HISHSH-uh! Huh-ktchsh!”

The slamming of a car door across the street makes him jump, and he wipes his nose guiltily on his sleeve and quickly fills the ice bucket.

Back inside the room, he creates a makeshift icepack with ice and a towel, and pushes Dean onto the bed before sitting next to him.

“Lift up your shirt.”

Dean pulls his shirt up to reveal a long patch of bruised skin, spreading from just above the waistband of his jeans to his armpit. Sam presses his fingers lightly to the black-and-blue spot, and Dean winces.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It’s just a little bruise.”

Sam closes his eyes and can’t keep himself from reliving the Trickster’s loop for a brief moment, can’t stop himself from remembering all the times when it should have been just a little bruise but it wasn’t.

He fights back a wave of nausea and gently places the icepack on Dean’s side. Dean leans his head against Sam’s chest, closing his eyes as the ice soothes his bruised skin. Sam grabs his hand, guides it over the icepack, and Dean sighs at the warmth of Sam’s hand beneath his, but then Sam pulls away and stands.

“Keep ice on that. I’m going to take a shower.”

“Again?” Dean tries not whine. “You took one this morning.”

Sam disappears into the bathroom. Dean closes his eyes and lies back on the bed, suddenly exhausted. He’s just dozing off when a loud sound jolts him awake, and he sits upright to see Sam standing at the end of the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist, one hand over his mouth and nose.


Sam turns away and quickly pulls on a pair of sweats. Dean stands and shuffles up behind him as he’s pulling on a shirt, and Sam turns around to face him. He takes a step closer and puts an arm around Sam’s waist, leans forward for a kiss, but Sam turns away and pulls out of Dean’s grip.

“I’m just- I’m going to try and get some sleep.”

Sam buries himself under the covers, and within minutes he’s snoring softly.

“What is with you?” Dean whispers, and Sam stirs slightly but doesn’t wake.

::: ::: :::

“Dean!” Sam’s voice is raspy, hardly there, but his frantic moan has Dean awake in an instant.

“S’mmy?”His arm is suddenly in a death grip, and he reaches out in the darkness to find the bedside lamp.

Sam is clinging to Dean in his sleep, clearly in the middle of a nightmare. He’s flushed and sweaty, his brow furrowed as he whimpers and moans.

“Sam? Sam, wake up!” Dean strokes Sam’s hair back, gently shakes his shoulder. There’s heat coming off him, and his breathing is uneven, almost congested sounding. He shakes Sam again, and Sam’s eyes snap open.

“Sammy,” Dean murmurs, relieved, but then Sam’s coughing, rolling onto his side and curling himself around Dean’s leg. He coughs for a long time, harsh, stuttering coughs, and Dean rubs Sam’s back through his shirt, not liking how hot he feels. When the coughing subsides, Sam looks up at him blearily, gasping.

“Shhh, you’re okay. Let me go get you some water.” He has to pry Sam’s hands off of him so that he can get up, and Sam buries his face into the pillow as Dean goes into the bathroom.

When he comes back out, Sam hasn’t moved, but there’s a faint sound coming from the bed, and Dean pauses when he sees that Sam’s shoulder are shaking. At first, Dean thinks Sam is coughing again, into his pillow. When he sits on the edge of the bed, Sam sits up, and that’s when Dean sees the tears running down his face.

“Oh, Sam…” Dean sets the glass of water on the nightstand and takes his brother in his arms. “What’s wrong?”

Sam makes a sad, miserable sound and leans against him.

“Shhh. Hey, hey.” Dean hugs Sam tighter, and Sam buries his face against his shoulder, his entire body trembling as he cries. Dean rubs his arms and his back and presses kisses to Sam’s warm forehead. Sam’s chest heaves and his tears soak Dean’s shirt as he snuffles and whimpers against him. His sobs eventually die down, and Sam sniffles, breathing heavily. Dean’s about to say something when Sam’s breath hitches, and he sneezes messily, right onto Dean’s shirt.


Dean gasps, and Sam sniffles wetly and lets out a trembling breath, finally pulling away.

“S-sorry,” he mumbles. His eyes are puffy, his nose bright red, his breathing shaky. Tears are streaming down his cheeks, and Dean reaches to wipe them away. He lets his thumb linger on Sam’s cheek, just below his dark, wet lashes, but then Sam’s breath hitches again and his nostrils flare.

Hehh! KTCHshuh!” Sam looks up, dazed, fresh tears filling his eyes. “Dean,” he whispers, sniffling and dragging a hand under his nose. “I thought…I thought you were gone.”

He falls against Dean’s chest, and Dean’s arms are tight around him.

“Hey, I’m right here. I’m never gonna leave you, you know that, right?”

Sam’s breath hitches with a sob.

“I couldn’t save you. I tried, Dean. I- HETCHSH!” Sam sniffs hard and wipes uselessly at his nose with his wrist, and suddenly Dean realizes why Sam’s been acting so distant.

“Oh my god, you’re sick, aren’t you?”

“I didn’t want you to know,” Sam says in a small voice, his eyes filling with tears again.

“Well, that explains the fever.” Dean sighs. “How long has this been going on?”

Sam shrugs, and Dean thinks back to the night they finished the last hunt. It seems like a month ago.

“There is no way I wouldn’t have noticed…” he trails off, glances over at Sam, who’s wiping his nose on his arm. “I would have noticed you sneezing.” Dean flushes. “And coughing, and…stuff,” he adds quickly, but Sam still hasn’t clued it.

“I’ve been sneezing all day,” he admits. He bites his lower lip and sniffles, and Dean’s gaze is drawn to his red nose. He looks over and spots a box of Kleenex, then looks back at Sam. It’s now or never.

He folds the white tissues carefully in half and takes Sam’s face gently in his hand.

“Blow.” Sam leans back a little as Dean fits the tissue over his nose, his eyes wide. His breath hitches and he sniffs hard, but he doesn’t blow. Instead, he reaches up and replaces Dean’s hand with his own.

“I can- you shouldn’t have to do this.” Sam’s flushes, embarrassed. He turns away and blows messily into the tissue, but Dean puts a hand on his shoulder.

“I want to.”

“You want-? Heh-HITCHshuh!”

“Oh, God.” Dean leans forward and covers Sam’s mouth with his own. Sam grunts in surprise and Dean pulls him closer, until Sam gently pushes away, gasping.

“Sorry…I couldn’t breathe.” He sniffs to demonstrate, and Dean can’t help but to kiss him again, this time slower. When he pulls away Sam looks confused.

Dean pulls out another tissue, but he spreads it out on his lap. With his other hand he traces a line down Sam’s red nose, from the bridge to the tip, then tilts Sam’s head up for another kiss.

“D-Dean- hptchsh!” He turns away at the last second, his wrist pressed to his nose. When he looks back at Dean, his eyes are watery. “You’re gonna get sick too.”

“Don’t care. You’re so fucking sexy right now.” He slides his hand up Sam’s thigh, brushes back Sam’s hair from his forehead, and Sam sniffles.

“This…” He pauses, his nostrils flaring slightly. “This turns you on?”

Dean nods and continues to thread his fingers through Sam’s hair. Sam inhales sharply and coughs, groaning when he’s done.

“I’m so not sexy right now.”

“Mmm. You are.”

Sam laughs, and it comes out a hitched, croaky sound.

“Don’t laugh,” Dean growls, but he works his hands under Sam’s shirt and runs his hands over his stomach. “The sweatpants, though, aren’t so sexy. Lose ‘em.”

Sam quickly obeys, and then he sneezes again.

“Huh-htshchush!” He sniffles wetly, and Dean snatches up the tissue from his lap, bringing it to Sam’s nose.


Sam empties his nose into the tissue, and Dean moans when his breath hitches again afterwards in anticipation of another sneeze.

“Y-you like thahhhhehh…you like this?” Sam sniffles and Dean readies another tissue eagerly, but then Sam instinctively turns away as his breath hitches.


He catches the sneeze in the crook of his arm, and he stays like that for a second, sniffling into his sleeve, nostrils flaring, until Dean gently reaches over and takes his fever-warm face in his hand.

“Don’t turn away.” Dean’s voice is husky.

Hehh…etchSHOO!” Sam pitches forward, his face buried in Dean’s chest. After blowing his nose again, he shivers, and Dean’s expression changes to concern.

“You should take some medicine,” Dean says, panting, but he’s having a hard time making his body agree. Sam coughs softly into his shoulder, his eyes gleaming.

“I have a better idea.”

::: ::: :::

They’re both almost asleep when Sam starts coughing, and he sits up halfway until he catches his breath.

“Hey. You okay?”

Dean finds the bedside lamp and turns it on. Sam slumps back down on his back and nods sleepily, rubbing his nose.

“’M perfect.” His dimples appear and he sniffles, the sound a little squeaky. “Didn’t mean to wake you up.”

Dean leans down with a fond smile and presses his lips to Sam’s forehead.

“’S okay.”

Sam closes his eyes and sighs deeply.



“’M never gonna let you die.”

“I know, Sammy. I know.” He waits, but Sam’s breath is already evening out.

Dean reaches over and turns out the lights, and the moonlight coming through the window casts a bluish glow across the bed. He lies back down and wraps his arms around Sam, pulls him close, and he falls asleep to the rise and fall of Sam’s chest against his own.

::: ::: :::

Prompt: Sam's suffering from a messy cold. Not only does he keep sneezing over and over, but he's also absolutely miserable - feverish, and his entire body aches. He and Dean are staying somewhere and Sam is trying to hide the fact that he's sick, but eventually he just feels so shitty that he breaks down and cries (and sneezes?) in front of his brother. Dean comforts him - hugs him and wipes away his tears, holds a tissue up to his nose and makes him blow when he's through - but he also has a sneeze!kink. Once Sam figures this out, he has no objection to being taken care of, having his nose blown for him when he needs it, and having his sneezes lusted over.

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I haven't even read the story but am freaking out because THAT IS MY FAVOURITE LYRIC FROM "AS LONG AS YOU'RE MINE" FROM WICKED... right? Unless I'm cracked out?

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FYI. Sam and I are not on speaking terms right now. (Not after the stunts he pulled recently). But...I had to read it. I owed myself that much after the torture of the previous episode...:)

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:):drool: awesome!

Thank you!!!

WOW. I'm no Wincest fan (really), but this was just...so...hot...

Awww, thank you so much for reading!!

I haven't even read the story but am freaking out because THAT IS MY FAVOURITE LYRIC FROM "AS LONG AS YOU'RE MINE" FROM WICKED... right? Unless I'm cracked out?

Yes ma'am! Best musical ever...saw it when I was in 8th grade, original cast, on Broadway:)

....there are no words for this.... :laugh::drool::drool: Oh, Sam...

Hee, that's a lot of drooling:) Thank you!


*goes back to reread*

Thank you!! I'm happy that you liked it!

You just made the Sneezy!Sam lover in me very very happy!

Yay! Thanks for reading:)

FYI. Sam and I are not on speaking terms right now. (Not after the stunts he pulled recently). But...I had to read it. I owed myself that much after the torture of the previous episode...:cryhappy:

Oh, that makes me very sad:( More Sammy for me. Thank you for reading though!

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Ohhhh! I Like IT!!!!!!!


What an amazing piece of writing!!!

Fantastic!!!! I love it!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:wub::P:mellow:

No, thank you!! I'm really happy that you liked this:) You rock :heart:

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This... I love this. On so many levels. When I first saw "Mystery Spot" I found it funny but also felt horrible for Sam, and now the for I think back to it, the worse I feel for him. Did the poor boy ever get to tell Dean what really happened? :(

Anyway, I love this story because Dean is totally there for him. It's beautiful. Not to mention hot. Extremely hot.

So yeah. For me, this makes up for any loving that Sammy didn't get after his 101 Tuesdays plus the six months he spent without Dean. :mellow:

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I love this! It was really sweet...and now I'm reading more Wincest! What is it with your stories that make me go against my basic principles! Even so, this is most definitely one of my favorites.

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This... I love this. On so many levels. When I first saw "Mystery Spot" I found it funny but also felt horrible for Sam, and now the for I think back to it, the worse I feel for him. Did the poor boy ever get to tell Dean what really happened? :lol:

Anyway, I love this story because Dean is totally there for him. It's beautiful. Not to mention hot. Extremely hot.

So yeah. For me, this makes up for any loving that Sammy didn't get after his 101 Tuesdays plus the six months he spent without Dean. :laugh:

Mystery Spot is one of my favorite episodes:) I could seriously write fic about it (in which Sam is sick, of course) ALL DAY.

Thank you!! :heart:

I love this! It was really sweet...and now I'm reading more Wincest! What is it with your stories that make me go against my basic principles! Even so, this is most definitely one of my favorites.

Haha, next thing you know you'll be writing it and you'll never want to stop and you'll write excessive amounts of sick!Dean just so you can write sneezekink!Sam and...No? Just me? Okay ;)

Thank you so much for reading! We don't have to tell anybody;D

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

OMG ok so this is random and like years late but this...this was my first story that I ever read of yours and i fell in love with your writing style and supernatural (this story is legit the reason why i started watching it lol). i doubt you will see this as this is 3ish years after you posted but you are seriously awesome. i swear i dont mean to be a creep lol.

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