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Thankful (M, Harry Potter fic)


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It was Canadian Thanksgiving today, so here's a little drabble about being thankful for friends. Based in the Harry Potter fandom, Marauder's's Era.


by Dusty15

Ehhh…Hurrusch! Hih'Heshoo!

Remus Lupin doubled over with his face pressed to his handkerchief, sneezing twice, the sound thick with congestion. Clearing his throat wearily, he pulled the hankie across his nostrils and tucked it back into his sleeve so it was within easy reach.

“Sure you’re okay, Moony?” Sirius asked, looking up from his pint.

“I can’t seem to shake this cold,” Remus said, irritably. He was sitting at the Potter’s kitchen table, nursing a cup of tea alongside his friends.

“Dumbledore shouldn’t be sending you on those missions so soon after moons,” James remarked.

“Dumbledore shouldn’t what?” Lily said, entering the kitchen. She was seven months pregnant and it suited her wonderfully, Remus thought. Even with a belly the size of a cauldron, she looked radiant.

“Nothing,” he said, cutting off James and giving Lily a smile.

“Hullo, Remus,” she said affectionately, kissing his cheek. “You look a bit peaky, love. I see James had the decency to fix you some tea.”

“He fixed it himself,” Sirius quipped. “James has no decency. And Moony’s sick.”

“Well then,” Lily scoffed mockingly. “I guess I’m in deep shite, married to a man who can’t fix proper tea for his friends, eh? Suppose Remus and I will have to be off and raise this child without you.”

James rose and kissed his wife lovingly.

“You’re the cruelest.”


Remus’ sneeze interrupted the teasing as he pitched forward, scrambling for his handkerchief.

“Remus,” Lily cooed. “Sirius wasn’t lying for once in his life. Have you had a potion or something?”

“I’m fine,” Remus insisted, dabbing at his nose. “Please, you know me. How often have I been sick? I bet you’ve lost count. I’m likely at a million by now.”

He blew his nose wetly and coughed a few times.

“Besides, I’m off on a mission tomorrow. I’ll be able to rest up during the journey.”

“Moony!” Sirius growled. “Seriously, don’t.”

“Siriusly?” Remus replied, defaulting to their old familiar pun in hopes of avoiding this argument.

“He’s right,” James said.

“Agreed,” chimed in Lily. “You don’t sound well at all, Remus. Why don’t I fix up the guest room and you can kip here for a bit after supper?”

“Really,” Remus insisted. “It’s okay. I prefer my own bed anyhow.”

“Your flat is freezing,” Sirius interjected. “Let Lily practice her mothering skills.”


Remus sneezed again, shielding his nose in his shirtsleeve and then sniffling miserably.

“You look a bit like this,” James said, letting his eyes droop half closed and leaving his mouth slightly open in an imitation of Remus’ congested expression. “Just go up to bed.”

Remus thought for a moment. He’d been battling this cold for almost a week and hadn’t really rested in an attempt to fight it off properly. Perhaps a nice bed and a kip would do him good.

“Alright,” he said. “Just for a bit.”

“Good,” said Lily, squeezing his shoulder. “I’ll just go make it up.”

“No, no,” James insisted. “Sit. I’ll do it.”

Lily raised an eye brow and gave a sly grin.

“Trying to make up for earlier, I see?” she teased.

James pinched her bum playfully and sprinted up the stairs.

“You better go on and supervise, Remus,” Lily advised. “I’m not sure he’ll know which is the top sheet.”

Remus smiled crookedly and gave Lily a quick hug.

“Thanks, Lils,” he said. “You’ll be a great mum, I’m sure of it.”

“Anytime,” she replied cheerfully. “You’re always welcome here. But the first cold this baby gets, you’re in charge, okay? It’ll be repayment for our kindness.”

Remus laughed hoarsely.

“Done. I’ll play nursemaid for every bump and bruise, if you like.”

He made his way upstairs and managed to sort out the bedding with James before slipping under the quilts and dozing off, quite thankful he had such lovely mates.

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Wonderful! I rarely ever read Harry Potter sfics, because most people sadly butcher the characters, but you did a PERFECT job here. It was a delicious fic, and you wrote them all 100% in character. I love it!

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:doh: I have been craving Harry Potter like nobody's business...but I don't like to write it myself because I don't want to ruin the characters...you did a fantastic job with them! Thanks for posting!
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I LOVE Harry Potter stories!!! And although it wasn't the pairing in your story, I do love seeing a sick Remus and a caretaking Sirius. :laugh: Loved this so much, thanks for sharing!

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-Wants moar-

I'm really liking the way you did all the characters. I did this when you mentioned the Siriusly pun---> :drool:

Plez rite moar?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I freaking love you, Dusty15!!! :lol: When I saw that there was a new HP story, I was like, "Please Remus or Sirius! Not someone I hate, like Snape! :hug: ) And luck was on my side, so yayyyy!!!! :chef::laugh: Marvelous characterizations and spectacular sneeze spellings! Loved it, please update!

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I have missed this whole fic? That should be a crime! This is really, really a lovely fic.

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  • 4 years later...
  • 1 year later...

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