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Another Beatles story from me :) - (7 Parts)


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Well i take it that The Beatles with colds is more popular than The Beatles with allergies. Am i right?

Im not making another one because im desperate for comments or anything, I just happen to believe that there aren't enough Beatles fics.

Tell me iff you like it.

If you dont i wont continue.


Ok then

part 1.

The lads climbed into the plane waving goodbye to their crazy screaming fans.

"I do love a good crowd" Paul stretched out his arms hitting George across the chest.

"You always did" John put his luggage in the overhead compartment. As did the others.

"Georgie your next to me" Paul patted the seat next to him.

"George are you feeling alright? Your very quiet today" Paul asked sincerely.

"-Paul your forgetting that he's always quiet" John peered over the seat. Joined by Ringo

"Im fine alright? True. I feel fine" George pulled a magazine from the seat pouched and said no more on the subject.

"Fine then but tell be if you dont ok?"

"Ok mother" George said with sarcasm.

George was lying.

He felt terrible. He had a headache, a sore throat and had been fighting off sneezes all day.

He knew it would be alot harder to hide once the plane took off.

The plane started speeding along the runway. They all hated flying. It was something about it that just scared them.

George felt a strong tickle in the back of his nose. It was very strong

He tried to shake it away. No

He tried Sniffing. That made it worse.

He pulled the magazine over his face.

"Hehngxtshu" He failed stifling a wet sneeze

John and Ringo peered over the seat again

"What was that noise?" Ringo obviously heard it aswel

Paul pulled the magazine from Georges face

"Heh...heh...Heptshhhhhoo" George sneezed on Pauls hand

"I'b sorry Paul" George said stuffy

"Awww man thats fine" Paul wiped his hand on Georges jacket.

"Are you super sure your feeling alright?" John went to place his hand on Georges head, George ducked

"I said i was fine!"

That was a lie.

He just had to get sick on their Miami trip.

"I dont get sick"

Another lie.

George muttered under his voice

"This is going to be a very long plane trip"


Well what did you think?

It wasnt that great.

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Heres Part 2

It was a 17 hour flight.

The four lads were asleep.

George frequently woke up to sneeze.

He noticed that he never sneezed more than twice.

He blew his nose quietly.

"You awake George?" Came Johns voice over the back of his seat

"Yeah cant stop sneezing" George said quietly

"Tell me the truth, are you sick?"

"Find yes i ab, i feel awful"

"Dont worry your secrets safe with me"

"Thanks John"

The plane trip was increasingly difficult for George.

First he would fall asleep for what seemed like five minutes then wake up again to sneeze.

Then after that he would be so congested that he couldnt breathe.

It seemed like an eternity before they landed.

"That felt like five minutes to me" Ringo said yawning

"Psssh no wonder you slept the whole time"

"Ah hear that? Its the roar of yet another adoring crowd" Paul said getting his luggage

Great a crowd thats going to help my headache- not!

They pushed the door open to find thousands of screaming fans welcoming them to Miami.

As they came out it started to poor.

Paul and Ringo hurried ahead to miss the rain.

But John took his coat off and covered the now violently shivering George

"Pull yourself together man!" John slapped George on the back.

"This is going to be hard to hide from them"

"I bet this rain doesnt really help does it"


"Bless you, come on Pauls waving to us to hurry up, give me my jacket back, you dont want the suspecting that your ill"

They all ran to the taxi that was waiting for them.

George was happy to be sitting in a more warm place.

He only dreaded what might happen next.....


You guys like?

I did!

I loved writing it.

George is so sexy....

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Hey just wondering, is Blah Blah my only reader?

Eh maybe its just me.

Ok part 3.

"Finally a decent hotel room" Paul Threw his bag on the couch.

"Er so you say, there are only two beds" John appeared from the bedrooms

"What!?!?!?!?!? this is terrible"

"I call one!" John shouted

"Er me too" Paul said.

"I call couch" Ringo raised his hand

"Ugh i guess i'b left with the floor then" George sat down and put his head in his hands

"Wait, I'll sleep head to toe with you George" John kindly offered.

"Really? That would be nice"

John and George walked into their room

"Just so you know i'm not actually sleeping in the same bed as you, IM taking the floor"

"Oh thagk god"

"You really dont sound good"

"I feel like crap, but if you tell the others, they'll just bake be stay in bed the whole trip and it will ruid everythig"

"Ok i promise, but will you promise me something?"


"Will you please lie down, and dont push your limits"

"You soud like by bother"

"Yeah? You sound like crap"

"Thangs al...alot....heh.....Hatshhhhhh.......HitShhhhh......HeHTSChhhhhhh....." George sniffed wetly

"Bless you"


George fell back on the bed

"Oh by the way, take this" John threw a Handkerchief to George

"Its clean, i have to use for it"

"Thags John" George blew his nose

"One last thing, could you try keeping the snoring to a minimum?"

"Ha i'll try"

John left the room

"John, theres another very corny episode of The Brady Bunch on"

"Oh yay" John said sarcastically


What did you think?

Yes i know the whole Brady Bunch thing was not in the same time period....ect but still?

This wasnt my best

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I'm sure there are some people who don't have accounts and can't review, I was like that before I got mine. ^-^

I love the fact that John is helping sick Georgie :drool:

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Part 4

"Shit!" John swore under his breath.

"Just shut up" He said to himself.

John was kept awake for a long time from the sound of Georges snoring.

Come to think of it, he wasnt snoring loudly at all, John was just so used to silence.

Georges eyes fluttered open.

"Hello" Paul was coming out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on.

"You could take the clothes id with you"

"OH coming laddie, you know you cant resist this body"

"HaHa...hah...hah...hahhah...HaPtshhhhhh.....Haptshhhhh" George eyed Paul, who was eyeing him back

Paul stepped close and squinted at George.

"And you say your not sick.."

"I'b not, Its allergies i'b allergic to feathers, and there are feathers in the pillows"

"New allergy?"

"Apparently so"

"Ok then"

John came through the door with a brown paper in his hand

"What you got there?" Paul pointed to the bag

John hesitated "Bagel"

"Uh huh"

Paul left the room

"A bagel, really?"

"Its not just a bagel, i bought you some tissues and some anti-congesgents"

"Thags, I better get up"

George stood up. And sat back down.

"You okay?"

"Yeah stood up too quickly"

George showered, and changed.

He walked onto the lounge/living area.

"Geeze you took long enough" Brain was now sitting on the couch

"And what are you doing in a suit?" George noticed they were all wearing swimming trunks

"Find i'll changed"

When they got ready they went to the beach for their photo shoot.

"You going to be alright?" John asked

"Uhg i dont dnow, How mbch worse do you think i'll get?"

"Good point"

"Ok lets do this thed"

The lads set themselves down for they're day on the beach.

Shit not another sneeze


"What you allergic to the beach now?"

"Yes i am actually"

"BLESS YOU!!!" Ringo called from the water

George closed hos eyes and fell asleep.


BlahBlah i need some advise for the next one.

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Of course BlahBlah is not your only reader,

but I have to admit that I'm being lazy with commenting,

so don't be upset when you don't get any comments.

Possibly there aren't as many Beatles Fans out there as you would like to.

Look at my Kinks story, it didn't get that much comments either,

it's not that the Kinks are dumb, but there are for example much more Supernatural Fans out there.

You just have to understand, that we all got different preferences :)

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Hey, I'm reading too. I like the interplay between them. I can hear their voices speaking those lines. Very nice.

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Ooh, this is really good, please continue! I love the Beatles, but George has always been my favourite.

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OK OK i stand corrected i have more readers.

Part 4.


"Georgie boy?"


Georges eyes fluttered open.


"You fell asleep"

"No i didnt, a-and if i did it was because of jetlag nothing else"

"Alright" Paul went back to his magazine

Ringo went back to the water.

But John stayed next to George

"I think its time you gave in"

"Doh i wont. Besides i'b having fud"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah really"

"Fine then"

John went back to building is sandcastle

and George went back to sunbaking.

A few hours passed and the lads went back inside

"Ow ow ow ow" Ringo said walking up the stairs

"I told you to put sunscreen on Ringo"

"I did Paul i did but you know it just doesnt work"


All eyes turned to George

"I'b find"

"Why are you shivering then" Ringo pointed out

"FIND! yes i'b sick i just didnt want it to ruid the trip"

"You got a temperature boy" Paul took his hand off Georges head

"I think you should get into bed" John said

"Traiter: George whispered as he went into the bedroom


It was a little on the short side today because of lurking parents.

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Love this chapter no matter what the length is.:P

I understand the lurking parents thing, I always make sure they're preoccupied when I go on here. lol

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Part......(I dont remember ;))

"Stop fussing i'b find" George was already in bed

"I'll believe that when i see it" Paul was cooling a thermometer down in his hands

John came in followed by Ringo

"Why didnt you tell us Georgie" Ringo sat on the edge of the bed

"Because its just a cold and i didnt wad to ruid the trip"

"We dont care about the trip, we care about you" Ringo smiled at George.

"And plus this gets us away from soldering heats and more crazy fans, which evidently is etting rather put of hand" Paul said and pursed his lips

"i have to agree its like we need bodyguards to just cross the street" John agreed

"HehKshhhhh....*sniff*.....HeHNNnGggggx" George sneezed into cupped hands

"Bless you" The three said at the same time

"Ugh thags, Ugh i'b all stuffed up" Paul handed George a tissue. George didnt blow his nose but dabbed at it.

"I thought you said you werent sick" John said very smugly.

"I'b not, well shut up"

"Alright open"

"What!? you are dot taking by tebperature"

"Yes i am you are sick"

"Me and Ringo will leave you to it then" John left the room

Paul put the thermometer under Georges tongue.

"Mhhhmmm and you say your not sick"

"I'b dot!"

"Fine i'll leave you to rest"

Paul left George on his own.

It was true George felt terrible.

when Paul left George closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.


Another shortie.

I dont have much time

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm so sorry i haven't updated in so long. I had nothing more to write, but now i do!

Next part.

"Look Paul i don't care how sick he is, i dont care if he's got the plague, your going on stage tonight is that understood?" Brians voice echoed from the lounge area.

"Come now he can barely speak normally, how do you suppose he's supposed to sing, huh" It was apparent to George that they were all fighting because of a stupid little cold.

"Last month we had to cancel because Paul caught the flu, if we cancel another concert the ratings will fall fast"

"He's just too sick, he has a temperature!" John was clearly winning the argument.

"HapSHhhT..uh." It was clear to George that he wasn't the only sick one

"Buddy, i think you may be getting sick too" Ringo patted John shoulder.

"fine, FINE we'll cancel! But this is very bad for you publicity" Brians voice faded out the door.

George lay there in bed. After listening in on that, he came to a conclusion. There was something special about this concert.

"George how ya feeling?" John mustn't be that sick.

"Dot great"

John, Georges and Pauls eyes summed up George at once. His arms were folded against his stomach, he had a slight slouch, he looked as skinny as always, his hair was as untamed as a pirates, the dark circles under his eyes told them that he hadn't slept well and the redness around his nose proved to them that he had probably blown his nose quite a few times during the night.

"Did we wake you up?" Pauls eyes were very caring.

"Doh, i wish you would all stop treatig be like a child, why cadcel the codcert?"

"Because you're unwell"

"Cob od we cad still perforb"

"Oh really? Hmm George then can you please sing a song for us?" Paul threw George a guita. George caught it with precision.

George began attempting to prove that he was up to performing.

The three cringed at the nasalness of his voice. His voice repeatedly broke during the small song.

"Like i said the concert is canceled" John said. George sat down on the couched and pouted.


Not too much sneezing in this one. But im ill be back

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I'm new here but your story is...AMAZING!! Poor George :unsure: I love him! You are an amazing writer don't ever doubt that! And sometimes short posts are better than long posts :blush: Keep writing! I love this fic, love the Beatles, love your writing style!

Write on,


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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Thank you for this belatedly... I can't believe I never found this one before! Excellent!

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