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LYK's Drabble Thread THE SEQUEL [57/100] 11/5/15


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nkghkfjhbjkhkjfdhkjfg you did it. OH MY GOD. *A*

They were all delicious.

I've no idea why, but your writing is just...well I salivate. It's beautifully written, the diction and everything.

You capture a scene so aptly, I can picture it happening in my head.

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Awww... Three drabbles? For the price of two? :blushing:


That's so so cute! Is THIS the other half of the story of how our lovely men met? And Arthur, such an adorable little runaway. I'm trying to imagine him all scruffy and street-hardened. I like. And Eames! He's playing the responsible one for the first time... Sort of. No, walking never hurt anyone. Especially when Arthur's coming down with a little cold...


Oh my. Poor Eames! I love Arthur melting at the sight of the little kitten! And Eames putting up with his allergy to make Arthur happy. That's so sweet and adorable! I like that Arthur loves the kitten so much, and Eames loves Arthur so much!


Arthur at Cobb's wedding? I really like that he was there to witness that. I don't know why. And I really like Cobb vs. smoke! And Arthur being naughty. "I'm trying to quit... Really. It's just one..." Ha.

I really like that you expanded on drabbles too. That's cute. It's like more pieces of the story.

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haha how did I miss these new updates? :blushing: wow I really need to go on more. lol. :dead: Yah the anti-gravity fight scene was amazing I loved it! and now I want to watch Inception again and I can't believe I didn't see it before. haha. and you made more Eames fics? GASP!!! I :boom: you!!! :laugh: thank you so so sooooooo much! haha and Eames being allergic to cats....... :drool: I think I died of happiness. :laugh: haha I :heart: cat allergies. lol. :wub: thanks again.

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@Teh Ninjin: Thank you, darling! :laugh: I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. :laugh: Hopefully, my drabbles will continue to please!

@Zwee: :blushing: Glad you're enjoying them! And I love to expand on drabbles, because it gives me an excuse to write longfic without telling my writer's block that's what I'm doing.

@27jaredjensen: Thank you!

@Zane: Yes, the movie really is fantastic. I've seen it too many times to be healthy. XD Oh well. Thank you! There are many people on here who love cat allergies, it seems, and I love the scenario of trying to hide allergies, so I'm sure Annabelle will be appearing again. :3


Title: Phone Call

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None, but Arthur's still sick.

Notes: Delinquent AU. Follows Home and Hiking. Basically, I'm writing the whole stupid scene. XD Yes, Yusuf's family name is actually his actor's (Dileep Rao) name. I am so clever. Ha. Yusuf is 18-19, Eames is 18, Arthur's 14.

“Never figured you for the bleeding-heart type,” remarks Yusuf, passing a cigarette to Eames across the expanse of one of the bar’s tables. He still sounds Kenyan despite having lived in America for three years, his accent an elegant mix of British English and Swahili. “Yet you’re picking kids up off the street.”

Eames shrugs and takes a drag, declining to answer. Behind the bar, Yusuf’s father is on the phone, a stained copy of the phone book spread before him, trying to find a DeLacey family who might be missing a boy named Arthur, about yea high, sporting a bad cold and an endearing lack of manners. The boy in question is currently curled up on a cot in the room reserved for the Rao family’s guests (a glorified storage closet), exhausted and unwilling to be of much use in the search himself.

“He needed help,” says Eames finally, relinquishing the cigarette.

“I suppose that resonated with you,” Yusuf drawls, taking it back between his teeth. “What are you going to do if his parents don’t show?”

Eames thins his lips. Over the sound of pages turning, they can hear Arthur coughing upstairs.

“I suppose I’ll find them myself.”

Title: Weird

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: ...It's still the Delinquent AU. Let me know if you get bored. Same ages apply.

Eames pauses on the sidewalk to tie his shoelaces, scrubbing dirt off while he’s kneeling. The shoes aren’t anything special, really, but they do look nice, and at the moment they’re the most expensive thing on him. Including his wallet. He listens for a moment as he finishes the knot, and sighs soundlessly; he should have known the kid would stop, too. He straightens and turns, folding his arms.

“Are you just going to follow me now? ‘S’that it?”

Arthur scowls, his most frequent expression, and looks away, which is as good as screaming “Yes!” He then proceeds to ruin whatever tough image he was trying for by sniffing pathetically and sneezing into his hands, now free of dirt. “Eh-hsnng!”

“…Bless,” says Eames, because wherever his mum is now, she did manage to beat etiquette into him before he left. “Look…” It’s been three days since Arthur was returned to his family, but he still insists on hanging around. “Oughtn’t you be in school?”

“It’s Saturday,” Arthur explains belligerently, blowing his nose on a borrowed handkerchief (possessed of the initials J.E). He waits for Eames to start walking again. “Where are we going?”

Eames can feel a headache starting already.


My Eames is absorbing Tom Hardy's shoe fetish. XD

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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Title: Storm

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Angst. References canon.

“How is everyone?” Dom asks over the phone, trying hard to be cheerful. Arthur doesn’t fall for it, but humors him anyway. After all, Dom is on vacation right now, trying to reconnect with Mal. Arthur gathers that there’s recently been some bad blood between them, which makes him uncomfortable, but he doesn’t pry.

“We’re all fine.” He leans his hip against the counter. “The kids are in the yard, playing in the puddles. Do you want me to call them in?”

“No, that’s okay. Let them play. How’s James’s cold?”

“Much better,” says Arthur. “He’s sleeping through the night agai- Eh… Hh-ngght!”

This earns a chuckle. “I’m sorry, Arthur. How’s yours?”

“I’ll live.” He rubs his nose. “So what’s bothering you?”

Dom hesitates just long enough that Arthur frowns, but then he sighs lightly. “I just have to confirm the reservation for dinner tomorrow night. The manager called me this morning about some big party trying to take up the whole space or something like that. Everything needs to be perfect. It’s our tenth anniversary. It needs to go well.”

“Right.” Outside, thunder rumbles ominously. Arthur looks out the window and sees another bank of clouds come rolling in.

Title: Fog

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: ...It's Victorian London. And they're in it. XD I think they're cops? They were going to be, but I ran out of words.

Arthur shuts the carriage door and steps down to the cobblestones, the sharp click of his soles lost in the billowing white fog. The carriage follows, swallowed up whole, the rattle of tack and the horse’s blunt breathing hanging eerily disembodied before they, too, have disappeared. On either side of the street, tenements loom like tombstones, windows unlit. Arthur shivers and tucks his nose into his collar. It’s a bad night to be out.

He reaches his destination in another minute, stopping under a streetlamp. It does little to ease the misty darkness, but it does give him enough light to see by as he fumbles a lighter from his trouser pocket and lights a cigarette, taking a short puff. He checks his pocket watch. It’s a quarter past. He’s late.

Suddenly, a dark shape looms before him. Arthur almost jumps, his heart racing. “Identify yourself,” he barks, reaching for his concealed revolver.

The shape halts. Arthur hears an intake of breath, and then- “Hgh-gissh!”

He sighs. “Eames,” he says, and holds out a hand as his partner resolves from the fog. “…Bless you. You nearly scared me to death.”

Eames just smiles and pats his shoulder. “Let’s go, darling.”

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oh my :balloon: i have only just discovered this whole ENTIRE thread, but i am so so so glad that i did! i am ridiculously in love with Inception, and your drabbles are just amazing! have you ever considered writing a full length fic? your writing is AWESOME! :(

please keep writing, these have just made my day :cryhappy:


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haha yay! a new update! and an Arthur and an Eames?! yay!!! hehe :( so cute! thanks so much for writing these! I love every single one! looking forward to more :balloon:

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@Misssabrina: Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying them. It's always nice to meet a fellow fan. To answer your question, yes, I have actually written many full-length fics for Inception, but they mostly aren't fetish-related, so I don't post them here. I am working on a full-length fetish piece, but since I'm lazy and easily distractable, I couldn't tell you when it'll be done! ^^;

@Zane: It's my pleasure! Thank you for reading them, and for your nice comments!

Title: Silk

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: I love sleepy sick Arthur.

Arthur wasn’t sure what had woken him, but now that he was awake, he moaned quietly. His head throbbed, his sinuses ached, and his throat felt like he’d swallowed sandpaper. He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his Adam’s apple gently. It didn’t help. Behind him, Eames shifted slightly, huffing out a warm breath that ghosted across the back of Arthur’s neck. Eames was still asleep. This was a blessing, because Arthur hated being fussed over.

Why did this always seem to happen to him? The moment they got a few days off for vacation – and yes, Arthur did love his job, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want a rest now and then – he always caught a cold. When they’d been in Hawaii… That time when they’d gone on the train tour of Italy… Eames took photos. Arthur looked for somewhere he could buy cheap tissues.

Speaking of… Arthur felt an itch deep within his nose. He tried to stop the oncoming sneeze with a quick pinch, but- “Ihk-chhgsh!” It set his throat to burning and he felt Eames stir behind him.

“I’m sorry, darling,” he murmured, rubbing Arthur’s back as Arthur dabbed his nose wearily on silk sheets.

Title: Quarrel

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Continuation of Kitten and the other ones with Arthur's pet cat Annabelle.

“Okay, enough is enough,” declared Arthur, marching into the bedroom just as Eames stifled another desperate sneeze. “You should have told me ages ago. You’re allergic to Annabelle, aren’t you?”

Eames declined to answer, just blowing his nose again on a blue handkerchief.

“You thought I wouldn’t notice that you’ve been sick for a month?”

“It wasn’t that.” Eames sighed. “You just… You really like her.” He sniffed unhappily. He’d known this conversation would come eventually. That didn’t make it easier.

“I like you better than a cat, Eames. This is my fault.” At ‘this’ he gestured to Eames and the almost-full trashcan of tissues. And yet Arthur’s face betrayed him. He couldn’t just dismiss Annabelle.

“I’ll start taking allergy shots or something. Don’t worry. Hh- Heh-gissh!” It was a bloody inconvenience, but for Arthur he would do that. He’d even gotten kind of used to having the cat around.

“You don’t have to,” said Arthur, and he thinned his lips. “I took her to the shelter this morning.”

Eames blinked. “Arthur!”

“It’s fine. It’s just a cat. I’m fine.” He turned on his heel and left the room, shutting the door with a controlled sort of anguish behind him.


Dun dun duuunn... There will be more with the cat. :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Title: Judge

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None.

Notes: Boarding school AU.

Arthur had to admit that he wasn’t exactly an angel himself, sitting there in the boarding school library and thinking, for lack of a better word, mean thoughts. But, acknowledging the inherent hypocrisy of his musings, he wasn’t wrong. There was really no way of getting around it: Eames was an asshole. Why? Well, he was popular, for one, but not in the way of ‘everyone likes him’. It was more like everyone was afraid not to like him, lest their reputation somehow be dashed on the rocks of Outcast Island. Arthur was rowing a boat out there himself, just because he was tired of Eames shooting him superiority-establishing leers through the crowd. Apparently, Eames’s popularity stemmed from the fact that he was English, which, despite the accent, was no great reason to celebrate.

Second, Eames was beloved by the female population. This would have been annoying if Arthur were straight, as obviously he would have no chance against Eames’s supposed suavity. Since Arthur wasn’t straight, it was even worse. This way he had absolutely no chance standing up to Eames’s very real suavity.

Third, Eames had hayfever. Arthur supposed God must hate him.

This year was going to suck.


I'm going to be putting this drabble thread on hiatus for a while so I can work on a bazillion other fics I'm writing that are all half-finished and going to be reached by a wider audience once they're done. Not sure when I'll get back to this, but hopefully I will, sometime. Thanks to everyone who has read up to this point. I think interest has diminished somewhat (I don't care what you say, I must be repeating myself by now! XD), so hopefully a break will do us all good.


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Wow. I just read these all tonight. Whatever you may think... interest is not diminished. I do hope you'll be posting back again. If not here... somewhere else on this site. I'll visit, certainly.

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  • 3 weeks later...


please? For me?? Your icon-sister? *wibbles* :D

I'm sorry I was on hiatus. Exams and things ate my life. But now it's summer!

Here's the rundown for commenting:

Judge - This is fun. It's kind of sad that I feed off of Arthur's misery. But you make him sound so precious!

Silk - OMG. Workaholic!Arthur leading to sickonvacation!Arthur??? Have you been spying on my fantasies again? Honestly it's brilliant and fitting and I love it to pieces!

Quarrel - Ooh more with cat? I have to admit allergy!fic are not my fav. But when it's you writing it? For Inception?? I'm there.

Storm - This is probably one of my favourite ones. No idea why. Is it sexy because he sneezes on the phone? Or because it's both Eames and Arthur that are sick at the same time, and it's sexy that Dom is concerned about them?

Fog - Something I never would have pictured... but Victorian London really suits the both of them. You should definitely write more in this AU!!

Phonecall - Love the hint of sick!Arthur as the background to a touching moment between friends.

Weird - Tom Hardy with a shoe fetish?? That's like, only a couple steps away from SF.... or so I happily imagine...

Garden - I love the casual sneezing in this! Also reminds me of an online article I saw about Leo himself being allergic to the cigarettes they were using in his latest film. And pictures there of him sneezing between takes.

Purr - Wow. If I was as miserable as Eames (and believe me I am when cats are around) I have no idea how he could withstand getting rid of the furry mongrel, cute or not. He must really love Arthur...

Hiking - You have a great feel or teen!Arthur in this one. I can see the buds of his personality coming through the teenage nonchalance.

Neglect - And now the delinquent universe is starting to grow on me. All it took was some sneezy!Eames and caring!Arthur. *sigh* So sweet.

Home - So interesting. I'm not sure that this AU is my favourite. Maybe it's just weird for me to picture Arthur as 14...I keep seeing JGL at that age on 3rd rock. =P

*This is a crazy-lot of fic that I've missed. Makes me want to cry..

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  • 4 weeks later...

It makes me shudder to think that the last drabble of yours that I reviewed in full was back in February. I've gone without this for that long, and I can't believe what I've missed! Really, darling, these are absolutely incredible and I don't think (though I very much tried in my messages) I can apologize enough for taking this long to read them.

Now, back to old times, shall we? (:


There's something to be said about the fluidity with which you move these characters from AU to AU, you know. Not too many people can transition that well from one to another but you do a phenomenal job with keeping them in character even despite that they're in entirely different circumstances than the canon. That being said, you did an absolutely brilliant job with this one, I'll have you know. This was the AU I always wanted but never even knew, and there's something wonderfully sexy about Eames as an actor (and because he's a forger, I love it even more that you've made him an actor!). The situation here is beautiful, and I wish just once that something like this would actually happen on live television. And his reaction to it was brilliant!

"Excuse me. Success must be catching."

Honestly. Best thing ever.


Trains are brilliant, and I think that some of your best work in this fandom (ironically enough, given the stigma attached to trains in Inception) is set on trains. This was no exception. Poor Eames, though, it must be absolutely miserable to be ill and on a train and unable to sleep - Arthur as well, but to be in poor health and exhausted like that, seriously. Poor guy. I loved the way Arthur handled the situation, though. Everyone always makes him out to be an asshole, but you kept him sweet enough to not mention exactly how grating and difficult it was to deal with Eames' incessant coughing and whatnot. And the minute physical contact was quite lovely, understated but tender. Very sweet, darling!


Can I just say that I feel completely and wholly spoiled by all of these lovely sneezy Eames drabbles? Because quite frankly, I am. Believe it or not, despite that in the beginning Arthur was my favorite, I'm growing an even stronger fondness for Eames. It might be partially due to the fact that he's got one of the sexiest accents known to man, which is why I absolutely love this little drabble. I'm not even going to lie, I did giggle at Eames' blatant obliviousness to Arthur's questions and his answers, namely "Yes? I am, in fact, one of Her Majesty's loyal-" And Arthur's irritation. Oh, fetish Arthur in all of his constantly irritated glory. Really, the dynamic between these two is absolutely spot on, honestly.


Dear lord, I know one pointman who is going to be very, very embarrassed with himself in the morning, if he remembers even saying that, because if he's drunk, he might forget. Not that Eames would ever let him live that one down, would he? (: Haha. Can I just say that I love the way that you weave sweet, romantic notes into drabbles that are otherwise adorable and silly? Seriously, it warmed my heart when you mentioned the bit about Arthur's dimples taking Eames' breath away. That's absolutely adorable. You did a fantastic job boiling down the essence of a close-knit New Year's Eve party into two hundred words - I quite literally could picture the entire thing in my head from what you've given us. The bit about James and Philippa was a nice touch, too. You've quite a knack for weaving in details without overloading your plot with them. Brilliant! (:


Have you ever seen Mysterious Skin? If you have, thanks to your description, that is almost exactly how I picture Arthur in the delinquent!AU, if only a little bit younger in ones like this where you've mentioned he's only fourteen or so. I love the delinquents, though, really. Their characters are so distinct, and I'm in love with Arthur's fabricated tale for their meeting. Something in particular I like about this AU is that you've made Eames seem (at least to me) a bit more grounded, more serious than Arthur and it's an interesting change to see something like that, but a very welcome one as well.


And more delinquent!AU! (: Oh, words cannot describe to you how much I love it when you do successive drabbles from the same AU in one post. It's almost like looking at different snapshots from a larger movie or story, like a montage of different clips that show the evolution of the characters. This entire drabble, as expected by the name, has a very strong air of exhaustion, from Arthur's impatience to Yusuf's tired response to poor Eames, asleep on Yusuf's bed. You didn't even have to say he was exhausted for it to be obvious; the way you described his movements and his actions was proof enough. You're quite gifted at that, you know, describing a feeling instead of blatantly saying it. It's a good trait to possess, and you do it quite well. Also, I think it's so fuckin' adorable that Arthur brought Eames soup. It needed to be said. (: Haha.


Oh, young delinquent Arthur. He's such an adorable little mess, all dirty and tired and helpless. It's a good thing that Eames was there, or he'd probably still be on the street, and that's no good at all. ): I love that this is an expansion of Home, because that drabble in and of itself was a good one, but it left me with quite a bit of curiosity pertaining to the details of the night they met. You did a wonderful job of fulfilling my curiosity with this one. I liked it very much. Also, I'd like to point out that your sensory description of the empty street was wonderful. I got this image of a wet (perhaps a bit grimy) city street, similar to those in Baltimore or New York. Wonderful, love. Absolutely wonderful.


First of all, Arthur's cat-talk doesn't seem out of character at all, so don't even worry about that a little bit. I think anybody would talk to a cute little kitten like that (well, with the exception of Eames, for obvious reasons XD) and it's rather endearing, to be honest. I'm sur eyou know by now that I'm absolutely in love with the kitten and Eames' cat allergies and Arthur's ignorance to them because his kitten has blinded him with rose-tinted glasses. But something that adorable, how could it not, you know? Nevertheless, I love allergic Eames and shameless cat lover Arthur with all of my heart. Seriously, it's probably my favorite of all of the different AUs and whatnot (though it has the potential to be canon, I think, doesn't it? Not necessarily an AU.) I loved this to absolute pieces and I've read it multiple times over. Brilliant job.


Gasp! Cobb and smoke! I do believe that I saw pictures that reminded me of this (something for a scene for a new movie or something with Leo in it) somewhere, and I'm quite glad it made its way into a drabble. I like to think of drabbles like this as an almost palate-cleanser of sorts. It's incredibly enjoyable, and it's a nice reprieve from the Arthur/Eames in order to recollect my thoughts after all the drool-worthiness that I've just reviewed. It's brilliant that it's taking place during Mal and Dom's wedding, and even moreso that you've explored the friendship between Dom and Arthur through this little tidbit. I can't help but find it undeniably sexy that Arthur smokes (even if he is 'trying' to quit) and all in all, you've done a lovely job capturing the lighthearted, jovial mood of the wedding, I think.

Phone Call.

Darling, I'm telling you, I'm loving that you're continuing out this scene. It doesn't feel the least bit contrived, so I wouldn't even worry about the fact that you went through and wrote the whole thing. It's very captivating, actually, especially Yusuf. I love Yusuf and Eames and their friendship, because really, that's definitely one friendship that's so often understated. I love the voice you take on when you're writing, it's so distinct as well, the way you can take something completely serious like Yusuf's father searching for Arthur's parents and lighten it up a little by referring to the Rao family guest room as a glorified storage closet. You've mastered the balance of relevance to plot and comic relief, which is a difficult thing to do.


I'm not bored yet. (: Don't worry, I like to think that we've developed a close enough bond that I would tell you if I ever were to get bored with any of the drabbles you were writing, but as it stands, I have not. How could I be? They're all masterfully crafted and wonderful to read. Especially the delinquent AU! :wub: I probably sound like a broken record right now but I love it so much. I find Arthur's trying-to-be-badass-but-I'm-still-going-to-follow-you-around-like-a-lost-puppy attitude to be the most amusing thing ever, and poor Eames, it's obvious he's getting a bit frustrated with having the boy following him around all the time. Oh, and his snark, with his little belligerent retorts. Maybe Eames can do him some good, teach a little etiquette to Arthur the way his mother taught him. XD


This right here, I'm going to have to say right now, is quite possibly one of your best drabbles. I genuinely had to pause for a moment after I finished reading it to let it all really sink in, because it was such an intense thing to read. I'm really captivated by the parallels you drew to the canon, and I'm visualizing this entire scene playing out in my head and it's really quite beautifully crafted. I've always been a fan of the fanon tendency to have Arthur babysit Philippa and James, especially in scenarios like this. The foreboding imagery you used in describing the weather was perfect for building this scene and it was just ominous enough without being overbearing. I really do love this one, and I can't describe to you enough why. It's absolutely perfect and I can really genuinely picture it happening as a part of the movie, you know? It was so well done.


This AU makes me smile if for no other reason that it's so entirely unexpected but simultaneously perfectly executed. Those first two paragraphs are absolutely excellent prose, and I can't praise enough your imagery. Every time, you paint these vivid, realistic images of setting for us and they're flawless. I really do feel half the time like I'm watching a movie rather than reading, that's how well I can visualize what you've written. I was going to quote a particular phraser which stood out to me the most, but I really can't pick one. They're all too fantastic, and I'm not going to be one of those people that quotes an entire drabble. Just suffice it to say that the entirety of it was brilliant. Also, I love the way you blend sneezing into your drabbles without always making them the forefront and main focus. Sometimes it's nice to have them in the limelight, but in ones like this, there are so many more things to appreciate as well that it's not even necessary. Fantastic.


Trust me when I say that you're not the only one who loves sleepy, sick Arthur. It does figure that every time they would get a few days off of work he would fall ill - being the pointman, I imagine he overworks himself to the point of exhaustion on his jobs, so it's no surprise. It is quite a shame, though, that he can't enjoy his vacation time because he's always under the weather. He needs snuggles and relaxation and it looks like Eames is doing a well enough job trying to provide that for him. Like I said before (somewhere up there) I really do love the understated physical affection - you don't make it too much, but small touches like Eames' breath on Arthur's neck and his hands rubbing Arthur's back are quite heartwarming and really just adorable. And by the way, this image: Arthur dabbed his nose wearily on silk sheets. Yeah, I may have drooled a bit. Good god. You're turning me into a puddle of goo, love.


If I tried to explain to you the look on my face when I realized there was another drabble that had to do with the kitten and Eames' cat allergies that I love so wholeheartedly, I'm relatively certain you'd either think me crazy or crack up laughing. Really, though, I was so excited because I'm invested in this little story within your drabbles about the cat. Oh, how I love the cat. (Or rather, oh, how I love what the cat does to Eames, if we're being honest). There was a lot of sadness in this drabble, though, and I wasn't sure who I wanted to hug more. I think it's incredibly sweet that Arthur sacrificed Annabelle because he cared for Eames more, but you know Eames is definitely going to have to go get that cat now. He's going to feel guilty. Oh, darling, this is so upsetting, and I really do hope you continue this one because there has to be some sort of resolution here. I'm holding on to the fact that there has to be a happy ending to this, with an adorably sneezy Eames bringing Annabelle back to Arthur. Maybe I'm just too hopeful, but I can't help it.


Oh my goodness, I've forgotten exactly how much I loved the boarding school AU! I love that this was strictly a narration that gave us a peak into Arthur's mind because, while we get that from his actions, it's always interesting to see exactly what he's feeling and what he's thinking, especially when what he's thinking is exactly how much God must hate him. (I laughed out loud at that one. He's such an angsty kid sometimes.) Suavity is such a fantastic word, and it makes me smile that you had Arthur use that word to describe Eames. Oh, angst-ridden teenage Arthur, you should enjoy the fact that Eames has hayfever; it's such a nice thing to have the opportunity to witness, I'm sure. I loved this one. (: It was wonderful, and gave me a deeper insight into Arthur.

Again, lovely, I am so sorry it took me so long to adequately provide you feedback on all of these, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of them and letting you know what I thought. I hope that soon you'll consider returning from your hiatus and indulging us in more of your fantastic writing, but as always, take your time. We'll all still love you either way. <3

P.S. I still want you to marry me, because you're still brilliant.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 years later...

So I have now pulled an all-nighter, and I have re-read my old drabble threads as I stayed awake, foolishly, and then I wrote some more. I have no idea what I'm doing with this thread and don't know if I'm likely to update regularly or again. But these drabbles are part of the prompt challenge, so I'll stick them here.

Title: Brood

Fandom: Psycho-Pass, S1

Sneezer: Ginoza, m, my husband

Notes: Ambiguously stuck in season 1 somewhere because S1 is the best.

“You’re in a bad mood today, senpai.” Akane places a mug of coffee on his desk next to the bonsai and places her hands on her hips. “Are you still thinking about the Ryuji case? I don’t think it’s a good idea to ruminate, now that Division 2 has taken over.” They had enforcers with skills more suitable to the investigation, anyway.

Ginoza reached for the coffee but had to put down the mug quickly as he sneezed, afraid of dropping it over his desk. “Hh- heissh!” He scowled. “No. I’m sure Aoyanagi has it well in hand.”

“Bless you! I’m sure she does, too.” Akane glanced over the incident room as Ginoza drank; it was empty right now, but Kogami and Kagari were due to arrive for their shift in five minutes. “Um. Are you feeling all right, sir? You look awfully pale…”

“I’m fine.” His tone was no-nonsense but congested. “Please get back to writing your report of yesterday’s incident. Heh-itssch!” This one was covered with a dark handkerchief.

Akane sighed. “Yes, sir.” If he wanted to sulk at his desk, that was his choice. But she’d bring him some chicken soup from the cafeteria for lunch later.

Title: Lonely

Fandom: D. Gray-man

Sneezer: Lavi, m

Notes: It has been literal months since I read DGM, but I still love them.

Lavi leaned his cheek on his palm and blew his bangs from his face. The silence stretched, interrupted only infrequently by the sound of bells in the town far below, brought by the wind. On the other side was the ocean, washing almost imperceptibly against the cliffs, waves impossible to hear. He was the only one sitting on the wall, the only person for miles. In the shadow of the lighthouse, he was shielded from the chill, but bereft of the sunlight.

If there was no Innocence here, then he was wasting his time. There were a dozen – no, two­ dozen – things he would rather be doing. And he certainly would have preferred some company.

“Ah-tchiu!” He rubbed his nose, sniffling as the wind picked up again. In the town, the bells marked 4 PM. If he travelled down now, it would be much too dark to return without injury. He would be eating alone again. He missed the sounds of the cafeteria at the Order, the taste of Jerry’s cooking.

With another sneeze, he resigned himself and stood. At the least, he could get some work done. He climbed the steps to the lighthouse and bolted the door behind.

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Title: Abuse

Fandom: Durarara!!

Sneezer: Izaya, m

Notes: Set during Raira-era.

"Get off."

Izaya didn’t stir, his eyes closed, head pillowed on Shizuo’s lap. His hood was pulled up and his face barely visible behind the fur trim. His coat had swallowed the rest of him, leaving him a dark ink stain on the roof.

“If you don’t feel well, go to the goddamn nurse and leave me alone!” Shizuo’s legs were going grey with static and it was cold. He’d only wanted to eat lunch and steal a quick cigarette before class. He’d been expecting Izaya to come at him as soon as he’d spotted the flea, but he hadn’t thought Izaya would pass out on him. It had taken several seconds of shaking Izaya by the collar before he realized it wasn’t fake.

“I don’t want to get up,” came Izaya’s mumble, minutes later. “Head hurts.” He tried to clear his throat and then sneezed roughly into his hood. “Hh-hnngt!”

“You’re disgusting.” Shizuo stared at the low clouds. He could throw Izaya off the roof, get rid of him that way. But he felt his stomach churn. That was how a monster would do it. “I’m going to call Shinra.”

Izaya didn’t answer. He probably shouldn’t have shaken him.

Title: Blurred

Fandom: Psycho-Pass

Sneezer: Ginoza, m, most perfect man forever

Notes: Set during S1. Dime is Gino's husky. Implied Kougino, most perfect OTP.

“That’s why we decided to do it completely naked,” said Kougami, placing his glass of wine on the coffee table. Dime whined at his feet.

“I see.”

“…Gino.” Kougami reached out and suddenly there was a cold hand on his face. He jerked back, surprised, glasses slipping. “Gino, you’re burning up. Go to bed.”

“And let you have the run of my apartment?” Ginoza crossed his arms. “Absolutely not. What do you take me for, a fool?” He reached up to massage the bridge of his nose and ended up hurriedly catching a pair of sneezes in his palm. “Heissh! Hh-iitsch!”

“Bless you.” Kougami stood up and Dime wagged his tail. “You’ve been spacing out all evening. I’m not going to run away, all right? Would it help if I call Tsunemori to take me back to the station?”

Ginoza scowled at the wine bottle in front of him, blurred and brilliantly red. Why this night of all nights… “Yes, fine.” He stood as well, catching himself on the back of the couch as the world spun. Kougami took his elbow.

“I’ll come again when you’re better. If you’ll have me.”

“Fine.” And Ginoza let himself be moved, heart hazy.

Title: Bright Lights

Fandom: Uta no Prince-sama

Sneezer: Masato, m

Notes: UtaPri is trash. I'm trash. Let the world burn.

“Are you ready?” The whisper didn’t carry far, but Masato wasn’t entirely sure which of them had voiced it. It was pitch black in the venue. He could feel the heat of Ren to his right and beyond that, the shushing, trembling, incredibly wide space of the concert hall. There were thousands of people out there, waiting just for them.

The first note welled up from around them, growing louder and louder, and applause rose from the invisible crowd like a flock of birds lifting from a river. Cell phones and glow sticks appeared like myriad stars beyond the stage and Masato felt a deep sense of anticipation, a certainty that this is where he was supposed to be, and a rush of excitement through his core.

“We! Are! STARISH!” yelled Syo, the cue to begin buzzing through their earpieces. The stage lights came up, spotlights pinning each of them, dazzling. They took a breath as one, and Masato hastily covered his mic before he sneezed, curling to his shoulder. “Tchiu!” Thankfully, Tokiya had already started singing; he hoped no one had noticed.

Ren patted his back, his touch light and fleeting, and then the two of them joined in.

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Ahhh, you're back! I love your drabbles~

I was wondering if I could request something?

It took me WAY TOO LONG to realise that your profile pic is actually Klavier Gavin, so... p-possibly something with that cute prosecutor? I mean, if you want to. //hides

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Ahhh, you're back! I love your drabbles~

I was wondering if I could request something?

It took me WAY TOO LONG to realise that your profile pic is actually Klavier Gavin, so... p-possibly something with that cute prosecutor? I mean, if you want to. //hides

ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. :) I hope these are to your liking!


Title: Work

Fandom: Ace Attorney

Sneezer: Klavier Gavin, m

Notes: It's Ace Attorney.... 'nuff said?

Klavier raised an eyebrow. “Really, Herr Forehead… You expect me to believe this murder was accidental? You must be joking! What could possibly have caused your client to squeeze the trigger but pure malice? He’s already admitted to going there with the intention to shoot!”

Apollo smiled, that annoying, adorable smirk he always wore when he thought he was on to something. “It will be easier to demonstrate. Here.” From his pocket he produced a water pistol. Very seriously he handed it over. “Hold it like you’re going to shoot me.”

“How do you come up with this…” Klavier put his finger on the trigger and pointed it at Apollo’s chest. “Ja, and?”

A bundle of flowers was suddenly produced next to his face, brandished by Trucy. “Would you like to buy some roses?”

“What? Nein, you know I’m allergih- Igkssh!”

Drops of water darkened Apollo’s vest. Klavier stared at it. Apollo smirked harder.

“….There was someone else there!”

“A flower-seller. And Don T. Blaymee is just as allergic as you are!”

“Herr Forehead, you may have something.” Klavier stowed the water pistol. “Thank you for opening my eyes to this… Hh-ikkgsh! Now for goodness’ sake, take those roses away!”

Title: Rent

Fandom: Ace Attorney

Sneezer: Klavier Gavin, m

Notes: Klavier/Apollo

It was hot in the apartment, hotter still in the bed. Apollo tried once more to shift his boyfriend’s arms from around his waist. “Look,” he said, irritated. “I have to work. Let go of me, you freeloader.”

“That’s mean,” mumbled Klavier, face pressed to Apollo’s back. “I’m comfortable.”

“You have your own bed, at your own apartment.” Apollo grabbed Klavier’s wrists. “Why don’t you go there?”

“’Cause I love you.”

“But at least your place has air conditioning. That’s something, right?”

He could feel Klavier’s breath against his skin as Klavier sighed sleepily. “’M cold. Doesn’t matter if there’s AC…”

Apollo frowned. “Wait, what? You’re cold? Klav… it’s like a hundred degrees in here. Are you sick?” He tried to reach around behind him to check his boyfriend’s temperature, but everything was hot…

“Weiß nicht… Hh…. Hh-tchiiksch!”

Apollo shuddered, flushing. “Gross, Klavier!” He finally pried Klavier’s arms away and turned around, sliding down next to him and pushing back his bangs. “…I think you have a fever.”

“Es tut mir Leid, Mein Forehädchen…”

“Don’t make up dumb words.” Apollo removed his hand but rested it on top of Klavier’s head. He supposed Klavier would be staying a little longer.


Notes: 1. I don't know. 2. I'm sorry, my little forehead. (not a real German endearment) XD)


Title: Chalk Dust

Fandom: Psycho-Pass

Sneezer: Ginoza, m, perfect perfect man of perfection

Notes: Set during their secondary education. Kougino.

“Hh-ittsch! Hh… Hh-iktch! Ikttsch!”

“Bless you.” Kougami leaned against the wall and tapped a cigarette from a pack quickly re-hidden about his person. “Did the teacher know you have allergies when she was assigning classroom duties, Gino?” He lit up, taking a welcome after-school drag.

“Put that out.” Ginoza transferred both of the erasers he was cleaning to one hand and tugged a blue handkerchief from his pocket. He blew his nose self-consciously. “How many times have I told you you shouldn’t smoke?”

“Oh, at least six dozen,” Kougami said. “Do you want one?”

“No!” Ginoza put the handkerchief away and frowned at him. “What part of this makes you think-”

“I’m kidding.” Kougami pushed off the wall and came over, inserting himself into Ginoza’s personal space. Ginoza tried to take advantage of his one extra inch, drawing himself up, but looking down his nose at Kougami had never been effective. Especially when Kougami was kissing him.

It was soft, sweet, tasting of ash. Ginoza felt his eyes sliding shut and only pulled away when the erasers slipped from his hand, clattering to the courtyard. “Oi. Ih- ih-kittsch! We’re still at school.” His face was flaming.

Kougami just smiled fondly.

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When I saw these this morning, I genuinely squealed, and couldn't stop smiling all day. @//w//@ thank you so much!

They're so cute and I can barely take it~! And with Klapollo, as well!! <3

Poor, sweet Klav... Is there anything I can do in return?

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  • 3 weeks later...

You.....You did three Ginoza fics?! :jawdrop::drool: These are amazing! I love them! Thank you so much for writing this and I so hope you write more!! :D and you did Lavi as well?!! :jawdrop::wub: Oh I so hope there's going to be more!!! :drool:

Edited by Zane
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