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LYK's Drabble Thread THE SEQUEL [57/100] 11/5/15


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Um... I've been away for too long. It's impossible to comment on all the fic-goodness that's been happening in my absence! But if I had to say a blanket statement i'd definitely say: AWESOME.

... Although I have to say mpreg is still kinda weird for me. But the way you write it, doesn't really freak me out as much as it should. Hmm. I have expanded my fic-repertoire a lot this past year into slash and now mpreg. I would wonder waht's next but i doubt there's anything else much out of the way beyond that, right? RIGHT??

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Thank you all so much! I'm glad you are all still getting a kick out of these. :bleh: I don't want to take up your time; I know that it's precious (oh how I know!). But comments are the only way I know anything about your reaction at all. You may be flailing happily or unimpressed behind your computer screen, but I would have no idea unless you wrote a response. No feedback is bad feedback...

... Although I have to say mpreg is still kinda weird for me. But the way you write it, doesn't really freak me out as much as it should. Hmm. I have expanded my fic-repertoire a lot this past year into slash and now mpreg. I would wonder waht's next but i doubt there's anything else much out of the way beyond that, right? RIGHT??

Lol, embrace it! Mpreg "should"n't freak you out at all! *random enthusiasm* But I will say this - the internet is a vast and wonderful place, but it can occasioanlly be terrifying. If you don't want anything 'worse' than mpreg, I humbly suggest you don't go looking too hard. :)

And now!


Title: Bathroom

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: ...I have sick Arthur on my mind. :blushing: Suggestion of messiness.

“You’ve got to take better care of yourself,” Eames sighed, kneeling gingerly beside the tub. He scooped up another cupful of water to pour along Arthur’s shoulders, washing away suds. “How is it that every time we get back together, you’re sickening with something?”

“Not every time,” Arthur said indistinctly. He could barely keep his eyes open and had his head pillowed in the corner where the tub met the wall. Though the bath was hot, he was still shivering.

“Well, almost every,” Eames persisted stubbornly. He lifted Arthur’s head up and carefully started to wash his hair, gently separating the sweat-tangled strands.

“I feel like shit,” Arthur said. “I probably shouldn’t have gone on that surveh- ih… surveillance r- run… hh…” His eyes drew slowly closed. Eames smoothed Arthur’s hair back as Arthur drew a hand up to rub his nose. “Hh… hih-”

“You’re almost there,” Eames chuckled.

“Sh-shut up, J- hih… Ih-hynggt! Hih-tchyuh!” Though the first stifle was successful, the second sneeze proved too powerful… and also quite wet.

“Bless you,” said Eames, rubbing Arthur’s back. “That was rather cute.” He handed Arthur a handkerchief from the bathroom counter, only smiling when Arthur shot him a lukewarm glare.

Title: Share

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Arthur, you rascal.

Eames is spread on the counterpane like butter, his hands folded across his stomach, his eyes closed. His breathing is even, but Arthur can tell that he isn’t sleeping yet. It makes him smile slightly and draw the gauzy curtains closed, muffling the late afternoon sunlight.

“James,” he says softly, climbing onto the bed beside him. He kisses the corner of Eames’s mouth. “I have a present for you.”

“Mm?” Eames doesn’t open his eyes, but he does lean up to press his own kiss to Arthur’s temple.

“Mmhm.” Arthur reaches into his breast pocket and removes a small box. Opening it fills the air with the aroma of good chocolate and almonds. Now Eames is looking at him, lazily, and raising an eyebrow.

“Darling, your generosity knows no bounds,” he purrs.

“You have to do something for me first,” says Arthur, and Eames indulges him, in a good mood. “Here.” Arthur takes the ribbon from the box and carefully strokes it across Eames's nose.

“Little devil,” Eames chuckles, eyes crinkling at the corners. He takes a short breath and turns to the side. “Eh-gissh!”

“Ah, bless,” Arthur says with a shiver, and he presses a chocolate to Eames’s lips.


And now, I sleep. ;D

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Ahh... Sweet love!!!!!!!! :laugh:;):)

I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!

Normally when you update I like them both, but one really stands out, now that is sooo not true!!!!!!

Bathroom: I adore the teasing, the "You're almost there." That made me laugh so hard, and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

Share: Arthur you rascal is exactly right!!!!! I also love the exchange, a sort of, one for me, one for you, and that was entirely gorgeous!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Haha :angry::rolleyes::D:D:D

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Oh, my dear. Words fail me. Breathing fails me. Basic functions fail me and all I can do is sit here and hope to God I don't explode because I really think I just might.


Oh damn, there I went.

These were seriously fantastic.

Bathroom is definitely one of my most favorite you've ever written. Everything about this is fantastic. The scenario is gorgeous; I can't even tell you how much I love the fact that Eames is bathing Arthur and washing his hair. That alone made me want to melt into a little puddle of goo. I love sweet, tender Eames, even if he's getting on Arthur for not taking better care of himself.

“I probably shouldn’t have gone on that surveh- ih… surveillance r- run… hh…” His eyes drew slowly closed. Eames smoothed Arthur’s hair back as Arthur drew a hand up to rub his nose. “Hh… hih-”

“You’re almost there,” Eames chuckled.

“Sh-shut up, J- hih… Ih-hynggt! Hih-tchyuh!”

THIS. Seriously. I think you want me to go into cardiac arrest. I love this. I love the interrupted speech and the build up and Eames teasing him which leads to even more fantastically interrupted speech. And a messy wet sneeze from our uptight Arthur?

This is like a rare, fantastic, delectable treat! It's everything I could possibly want in a drabble, and I really do think it's my favorite ever. Sweet Jesus. I'm having heart palpitations. You might need to break out the defibrilator. Oh my God. How many times have I read this one already? Woo.

Fantastic job.


Oh my goodness, have I ever told you how much I love mischevious, naughty fetish!Arthur? And he comes bearing chocolate? I don't think there's any way this could get any better. (:

I love your attention to detail and description in this particular drabble. It's gorgeous. Your words are put together so beautiful, and the simile about Eames being "spread on the counterpane like butter" and the curtains and the crinkles around Eames' eyes when he laughs, and I can just see this in my head right now like a movie. It's gorgeous.

And Eames indulges him.

I think I'm drooling a bit. And not from the chocolate.

These were brilliant, dear. Both of them. Wonderful job!

(And for the record, I agree. mPreg should be embraced! ;D)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm back! It's been a while since I posted any of these, lol. :twisted:

Title: Waiting

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Messiness. I need to pick on Eames more.

“Ih- Ih-hngt! Hih… hih… hh… Damn it. Hih-nngt!” Arthur pinched his nose tightly, trying to keep from sneezing again. Already he had drawn the attention of several passers-by, who looked at him strangely before continuing with their shopping. He sighed and ran a hand back nervously through his hair, knowing his ears and throat must be bright red by now. “Dammit, Eames,” he muttered when the incessant tickle had subsided somewhat. “H-hurry up.”

His partner was currently meeting with a potential client in the client’s place of business… a perfume boutique. Arthur had taken one look at the place and volunteered to watch the door. Unfortunately, being outside was not helping.

“Hih-nnggst!” Even more unfortunate was that Arthur had foolishly forgotten his handkerchief. It would have been useful right about then. “Christ,” he said, hand concealing his face. He wished a hole would swallow him up right there.

It was just then that Arthur heard a familiar British accent behind him, saying goodbye to the client. He turned to see Eames leaving the store, waving a folder triumphantly. In his other hand… he was holding out a handkerchief. He smiled kindly as Arthur took it and said “Bless you, darling.”

Title: Kitten

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: :3 Meow.

“You’re going to keep it?” Eames asks blankly, jacket halfway off, one arm still stuck in a sleeve.

“Not it,” chides Arthur. “Her. And yes, I am.” He places the fluffy kitten onto the couch – the couch! screams Eames’s brain. Look at all the fur on that-

“Okay.” Eames takes his coat off. “But it- she’s not sleeping in the bed.”

“That’s fine.” Arthur was petting her now. “I already bought her a bed of her own.” He was calm, as if they always made decisions without talking to each other first. “She’s cute, huh? What should we name her?”

“Fishstick,” suggests Eames, going to put on a cup of tea. He covers a sneeze in the kitchen door. “Hih-gssh!”

“Bless you,” says Arthur, smiling. “How about Annabelle?”

“Sure.” Eames puts the kettle on the stove and turns it on. “That’s a lovely n- name. Hih-gissh!”

“Bless!” Arthur comes over and kisses his cheek. “Are you coming down with a cold?” Eames doesn’t sneeze much when it’s not hayfever season, more’s the pity.

“Nah. Must be the dry air,” says Eames, kissing him back. He doesn’t have the heart to tell Arthur that he’s always been allergic to longhaired cats.

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Title: Ask

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None.

Notes: Boarding School AU.

Arthur says “You’re not as annoying as you used to be.” He means “When can I pick you up for dinner?”

He says “Your mother never taught you about personal space, I see.” He means “Come closer.”

He writes “You don’t know much about me, Mr. Eames.” It’s one in the morning. He writes “I love the way you look at me, and only me.” He leans his head on a textbook and smiles softly, fingers resting on the keys. Behind him, his roommate is asleep. He writes “Use proper punctuation and I’ll tell you a secret.”

He says “I didn’t mean to say that” the next morning, when he is thinking clearly. He reaches out for Eames’s sleeve, but he stops himself. He doesn’t mean to stop himself.

He says “We’ll never talk about it again.” He means “Stop looking at me like that.”

He says “Please” and “Eames” and “Even if I’m strange, you could at least do me the courtesy of breaking up with me face to face, you fucker!”

One week later, Eames cups his chin in warm hands and says “I don’t think you’re strange. I’m sorry. I’m an idiot.”

He means “I love you.”


EDIT: Previously, I had posted a passive-agressive rant here. I'd like to thank swann_ee_song for helping snap me out of my self-pity. I was a little frustrated, but I've been thinking (how novel!) and this isn't the way I should be dealing with that.

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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*Likewise edited as above. Although I did like my carefully-worded counter...

The only thing to say is: I would probably have done the exact same thing as Arthur if my boyfriend brought home a cute new kitten they were so proud of. And it would have made me just as miserable!

In general the whole Boarding School AU is brilliant. How many people would ever have thought of that as an original meeting place for Eames and Arthur? And I love the way their relationship is characterised at the various stages.

Edited by swann_ee_song
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OOHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Eames!!!!! I hope he feels better, though I'm not entirely sure that I don't want to see him sneezing... :bleh::blushing::blushing: Lol.

And Poor Arthur too at the Perfume shop! Hehe, please torture these boys some more!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm far too mean for my own good lol! :blushing:

GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK!!!! :winkkiss:

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::kisscheek::drool::twisted:

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I feel as though I have the most horrible timing, as I'm always commenting late and never commenting when you post because I'm never on until a few days after you post, but I'm very sorry and I don't like it when you're unhappy - and judging by your (albeit edited, so I missed the actual rant) post, you were unhappy. I just want you to know I love you, dear, and I appreciate your writing more than you know, and I'm sorry I'm not around to show it as often as I would like to be. <3


Oh my goodness - was this Arthur telling Eames his secret about the fetish? I don't think it ever could've been written more perfectly. I love the parallel structure in this one with the whole "He says... He means..." It's absolutely perfect. This one really showed off your skills with prose, I think, because of the style you adopted for it and the devices you used to get the point across. It was masterfully done, and unimaginably satisfying. Plus, it's from the boarding school AU, which you know I love with all of my teeny tiny little cyclonic black hole of a heart. XD I love it, I love it. I can't say that enough. (:


I would like to start by saying that I have no idea if you know this or not but I'm certain this is my absolute favorite drabble right now because my favorite fetishy trigger is a cat allergy, moreso than anything else, be it cold or allergy of another sort. And Eames with a cat allergy is enough for me to drop dead where I sit right now with complete and total glee. I love Arthur's ridiculously sweet affection for the cat, because it doesn't surprise me that he would love something so cute and adorable. I can't believe he got it without telling Eames though (not that I mind, given the results!) Poor Eames is going to have a hell of a time with living with Annabelle. By the way, I totally had a cat named Annabelle. And also, I think Fishstick is an adorable name for a cat. XD This drabble is perfect, and the sneezes are perfect and I swear I think I'm drooling dear because this was just that good. :winkkiss: Definitely a favorite.


And more allergy sneezes! :kisscheek: I love Arthur's sensitivity to perfume, and this is the perfect setting for him. I only wish that he would've had to go in. XD Does that make me a bad person? Either way, I loved this one. I loved everything about it, from Arthur's ever-present stifles to the fact that he'd drawn the attention of shoppers (he would've caught my attention, let me tell you ;D) and that he'd forgotten his handkerchief. But it was okay because Eames, being the wonderfully well prepared individual that he is, had one for our sniffly little pointman. :drool: You're really my favorite author on this site, and I've fallen in love with your drabbles. I do every time I read them. They're brilliant.

Please don't ever stop, love. <3 You're amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wheeee... I need to write more of these. XD

@Swann_ee_song: Thank you again for your counter-attack. :frust: It was most helpful. Arthur is just so cute with his kitten, isn't he? I would let him keep it. And I'm glad you like the boarding school AU! Someday, I will finish writing it fully. Someday.

@Aprilcot: Thank you, dear! :bday: I would love to torture the boys some more, just for you! Who wouldn't want to see them sneezing up a storm, hmmm?

@Jazz.: Oh, please don't worry about your timing, darling. You didn't miss anything of importance, just my ego-fueled drama. In any case, that's over now. I'm glad you like my writing so much! I'm so flattered to be your favorite author. :D Thank you for always giving me such brilliant comments! I don't know if you knew, but I get a lot of ideas for what to write from your feedback. :rolleyes: I hope you feel better soon, and that you have time to do fun stuff like write. I'm looking forward to the next fic gem from your pen, darling! :bicycle:


Title: Shock

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Betcha can't guess what I just finished watching... Film AU.

“And the Oscar goes to… James Eames!”

“…What?” Eames blinked, and then suddenly, Arthur was at his side, pulling him up and congratulating him with a kiss, sending him off to the stage where Helena Bonham Carter was waiting to shake his hand and hand him his award. As his fingers closed around the base of the golden statuette, he felt his mouth go bone dry in shock. Then the mic was in front of him and he had no choice but to speak.

“I… can’t believe it,” he said, licking his lips. “I… I never thought I’d be nominated for this award, much less win it on my first go ‘round. I’m honored to have stood with my fellow nominees; you are all amazing actors whom I’d love to work with someday. I’d like to thank the Academy. I’d especially like to thank my mum, who told me never to give up... on pain of death. I’d like to thank my husband, my friends…” He sniffed, emotional, and then, panicked, couldn’t stop the sneeze that followed. “Hih-gissh!”

The hall was silent. Eames shrugged, sure he must be beet red. “Excuse me. Success must be catching. Now where was I?”


:book: Thanks to all my readers and all my persistent reviewers who stand by my silliness even when I waste long periods of time not writing! Yours truly, LYK.

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Oh my god that was fantastic. *A*

I wish something like that would actually happen at the Oscars.

Fantastically written. All of your drabbles are. They're so vivid I feel like I'm actually watching it happen before me.

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I wonder what I would do, if I was by some miracle at Oscar night and one of the hosts, presenters, or award winners (anyone with mic privileges, really) sneezed...

And yes, I admit I was rehearsing my acceptance speech in my head on my walk to school Monday morning. =B

But anyway Eames's recovery is brilliant and witty. Just like everyone in the AMPAS should be on stage.

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HAHA!!!!! Brilliant,

'Success must be catching.' I love it!

THANK YOU FOR THE TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEHE :twisted::twisted::twisted:

I agree, you do need to do more haha :twisted: And I don't think anyone would be able to refuse these lovely boys sneezing! :twisted::D:):)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've never even seen Inception, or know anything about the characters beyond the google images I just did - but wow, these are brilliant. Thanks!

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@Teh Ninjin: Thank you! I wish it would happen, too! That would be a dream come true... Especially if JGL or Tom hardy happened to be on the stage... XD

@Swann_ee_song: I would be ecstatic if that happened. Yes, indeed. My Oscar speech would be boring, I think. It wouldn't be at all witty, just a thank-you list. XD Thank you!

@Aprilcot: Thank you very much! I'm a fan of torture, so there will be much more. :D

@Bangbang: Thank you! I appreciate it! You should definitely watch the movie; it's awesome! And awww, you even commented on my old thread. :D Thank you so much! *hugs* I'm glad you enjoy them!

There are three here to make up for lost time.

Title: Naked

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: I like trains.

Arthur shifted in his bunk and tried once more to fall asleep to the rock of the train, the repetitive clatter of wood and metal and track. He was just drifting off when he was startled by another harsh cough from above him. He sighed and propped himself up on his elbows. “James,” he said, when the coughing had subsided, “Want me to get you some water?” His voice was still rough and he cleared his throat.

“I’m sorry, love. Am I keeping you up?” The bunk above him creaked as Eames rolled over. “I can go out to the lounge, if you like.” He coughed again, the sound exhausted and exhausting, then sniffed miserably.

“It’s okay,” said Arthur, though it wasn’t. He wasn’t enough of an asshole to say it; besides, he’d move himself first if it came to that. He got out of bed, stretched, then stepped up onto his bunk to peer over the top at Eames. He started to stroke Eames’s thigh under the blankets as the man tensed.

“Hh- Hih-gisshx! Bloody hell…”

“Bless,” mumbled Arthur, taking Eames hand. He rubbed their fingers together soothingly and yawned, losing himself in the feel of skin on skin.

Title: Accent

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Fetish Arthur.

“What are you doing?

“Hm?” Eames looked up from his bagel to meet Arthur’s gaze. “Um. Eating breakfast? Want a bite?”

Arthur shook his head. “That’s not what I mean. You’ve got an accent.”

Eames blinked. “Yes? I am, in fact, one of Her Majesty’s loyal-”

“It’s different!” Arthur tapped his coffee mug on his desk in irritation. “You’re putting on a different one. Why?”

Eames persisted in looking confused for a few seconds before something dawned on him. He pulled out a handkerchief and, setting aside the cream cheese, blew his nose. He sniffed. “Better?” Arthur’s faintly discomfited expression made him smile. “I’ve hayfever, darling. Sometimes makes me a bit nasal.”

“You’re putting me on,” Arthur insisted faintly, suddenly feeling lost. His mouth had gone dry, his palms sweaty. Eames had not just said that.

“…Why on Earth would I do that?” Eames raised a quizzical eyebrow.

“Because you…” Arthur bit his tongue.

“I what?”

Luckily, it was then that Cobb banged into the warehouse, followed by Ariadne. They were arguing good-naturedly about the Tower of Pisa and effectively ended the conversation. Unfortunately, the noise wasn’t enough to cover Eames’s explosive sneeze. Arthur put a hand over his eyes.

Title: Crackers

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None. Implied inducing, m.

Notes: Drunk fetish Arthur. What's not to love? XD

“Pour the wine!” Arthur pushed Eames’s hand across the table until he could close his fingers around the bottle. “Quick!”

“You,” pronounced Eames, filling their glasses again, “are drunk.” He took a sip of wine, an excellent vintage from Cobb’s pantry, and smiled. Cobb himself was in the kitchen with Ariadne, talking quietly with James, asleep, in his arms. Philippa was on the floor with her crayons, making herself a pair of 2031 glasses. The clock on the mantle read 11:58.

“That doesn’t matter,” Arthur confided. His dimples took Eames’s breath away. “Here. Take this.” He held out a shiny paper construction, a noisemaker or some such. He had a tight grip on one end. Eames took the other.

In the kitchen, Philippa began to count down loudly, waking her brother, who sleepily joined in. At the stroke of midnight, Eames leaned in to kiss Arthur, but the other man just laughed and pulled his end of the cracker. Eames’s lips met Arthur’s in a cloud of gold-dyed feathers. Arthur picked one up as they parted and grinned.

“For later,” he said seriously, and then burst out giggling.

Eames shook his head fondly. “You’re tweaked, my love. Happy New Year.”

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Your drabbles just make me want to watch Inception again and again and again...not that I didn't before, but they just makes me adore Arthur and Eames SO much more!!! I want Arthur to be mine.

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:laugh::bleh: I've read each one of these which are amazing by the way! and now I finally understand alot more than I did. I watched Inception for the first time and it was EPIC!! I've got to say Eames and Arthur are my favorites. :D hope you write more, especially about Eames. thanks for writing these! >:D
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I love drunk fetish Arthur!!!!

He's sooo sweet!!!!!!!!

Lol, thank you for updating, and please do more!!!!!!!!

These really are scrummy hehe :)

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I'll offer you one of my traditional, in depth comments as soon as I get home but I'm about to run out the door. I just want you to know that I've read these and they're brilliant, as per usual! :(

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Naked - Mmmmm. Who doesn't like the silky feel of skin on skin? Plus coughing!Eames seems to be just what I wanted.

Accent - Haha that concept is just awesome. I love noticing little things like that! Accents and word-choices tell you everything about a person. It's too bad I can only break out the Britslang in certain company. Otherwise I get looks...

Crackers - Best use of this drabble-word ever! And I'm so loving drunk!Arthur. And the picture of the rest of the gang is just so sweet. Question: Why is it 2031? I don't remember a year being mentioned in the film itself? Or maybe I just missed it.

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Ah! Sorry I have no new drabbles yet; it's midterm week and I still have a test to study for tomorrow (whoops. Why am I on the computer again? XD). In any case, I decided to answer my comments now so I wouldn't forget. Spring break is next week, so I should have more drabbles by then!

@Glowstick03: I'm so glad! The movie really does get better and better with more viewings, as I continue to learn. >:D I'm glad you like my drabbles so much! And I will fight you for Arthur... But we'll probably both lose to Eames!

@Zane: Thank you very much! Yes, Inception is truly a fantastic film. :D I'm glad you've had the chance to watch it now! Isn't the anti-gravity fight scene awesome? I showed one of my good friends the movie for the first time the other day and she was just saying "He is brilliant. He is just brilliant!" I'll keep your request for Eames in mind; I am getting a little biased, I think. XD

@Aprilcot: Drunk fetish Arthur was so fun to write, so I'm glad you liked him! You're welcome; thank you so much for reading! I'll try and get some more done after my testing. Bleah! At leats spring break is soon. :lol:

@Jazz.: Thank you, darling! Take your time. :)

@Swann_ee_song: I love accents, and languages, so much. So much that I'm considering becoming a linguist. Buuuuttt... that's a different story. XD I'm glad you liked them! The year is 2031 simply because of my own fanon conceit; since the movie takes place in the indeterminable future, I decided to assign a random year that wasn't too far ahead to the Fischer inception, which turned out to be 2030, and then plan the rest of my fanon timeline around that. Ha! it's obviously an alternate timeline from our own, but if dreamshare were real, they'd probably be discovering the premise for it in some government lab as we speak! Meanwhile, Arthur would be about 10 and Eames would be 13-14... XD

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Title: Home

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Delinquent AU.

Arthur liked to say they met trying to steal a car from behind the country club and bonded later in the overnight cell of the local police station. He liked to tell the story on slow nights in the bar, getting drunk on the best beer Yusuf could bring himself to give away to them for free, which wasn’t very good.

“I swear we’d almost had the door jimmied when this old bat in mink came out of the club and spotted us. Started screaming bloody murder, too…” He shook his head and drank. “You’d’ve thought we were killing her ugly lapdog or something.”

Eames rested a hand on Arthur’s lower back to keep him from falling off the back of his chair and didn’t say anything.

There hadn’t been a car involved. No theft at all, actually. It had been pure dumb luck that Eames had been walking past that particular bus stop at the right time.

“Hih-hnng…” It was the sneeze of a kid, and one who was just hitting puberty, by the cracking voice. Eames poked his head in. Arthur had been skinnier then than even now, and dirty. And fourteen.

Arthur’s tale made a better story.

Title: Neglect

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Delinquent AU.

“Yusuf, where is he?” Arthur leaned on the bar impatiently, his sleeve catching on a rough patch of wood. “He’s not out, so he has to be here.”

“Yeah, he’s in the back,” said Yusuf, who was pouring himself a glass of his own whisky. The bar was almost empty on this Monday night. Without the bustle of people, the space looked its age. Even Yusuf seemed wrung-out. “On my bed, I might add. You got somewhere else to put him?”

“You know I don’t.” Arthur got up and slipped past him and through the door to the back. He shoved aside a moth-eaten curtain and went into Yusuf’s bedroom. It was dark, but he could immediately tell that lump on the bed was Eames from the sound of his breathing. “Hey,” he said, plopping himself down next to Eames’s head. “Wake up.”

Eames made a disgruntled sound and then sneezed heavily into the pillow. “Eh-hehgsh!” Arthur ignored it and shoved at Eames’s shoulder until he turned over.

“Bodie told me you were sick.”

“That what you came here for?” Eames scrubbed a hand over his face.

“Yeah, here.” Arthur reached into his bag and pulled out a thermos. “Soup.”

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Oh, LYK. I am so sorry I haven't stopped by in SO long! There's really no excuse. I feel terrible. But these were so marvelous!

Okay, I know I've missed more than these, so I'll come back later, but:


Oh, goodness. There's something about Eames sick on a train, a bunk above Arthur's, and keeping him up that seems completely perfect to me. I don't know what it is... But this was too good. I loved Arthur trying to help Eames, and Eames just apologizing. And then Arthur getting naughty, and climbing in! But all Eames really needed was a snuggle anyway. :yes:


This was too great! I absolutely loved how Arthur thought that Eames was putting on a different accent! That's so clever! And Eames being like “Yes? I am, in fact, one of Her Majesty’s loyal-” It was too good. And then Arthur trying not to get all muddled and give himself away when it turns out Eames has hayfever. I have sorely missed embarrassed, fetishy Arthur. <3


Ahh! Future Arthur-Eames! Year 2031! I love how cute and snapshot-y this is! Because I can totally picture the look on Eames' face when they pull the cracker, and Phillipa counting down, and James (not-Eames) all sleepy. Way too adorable. Oh, and Eames trying to kiss Arthur, and Arthur with no inhibitions because he's drunk, keeping feathers for later and smiling hugely with dimples, and pulling crackers. So so amazing.


This was really really cute! I love that Arthur embellishes the story, or actually, just makes up a better one for how he and Eames met! And the reality is even cuter than the classic story! Aw, Delinquent AU. So adorable. I love Eames preventing Arthur from falling off the stool, too. And keeping his silence, probably amused that Arthur is making such a big story. <3


Aw, Eames! Poor darling, all sick and asleep on Yusuf's bed. Arthur has to come and take care of him with soup so he doesn't get neglected anymore! Aw, I missed Delinquent AU! It's too wonderful. I have to remember how to breathe.

Ok, I don't know how I could have abandoned you and your drabbles. I'll never do it again. I don't know if it will be physically possible, because I'll just be drawn back. I promise!

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Poor Eames in Neglect!!!!

And I LOVE how they actually met lol!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know!!!!!

I have three weeks left of school, and then, about 20 days off!!!!!!!!!!!

WHOPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Lol.

Enjoy your break!!!!!!

Please keep writing!!!!!!!!!!!! :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Zwee: Don't feel terrible! Don't even worry about it. :laugh: I'm glad that you're still enjoying them when you have time to swing by! Crackers was incredibly fun to write, just because hey! It was drunk Arthur. XD And I love the delinquent AU, too, so there will definitely be more of those. There's one in this post!

@Aprilcot: Thank you, darling! I always love to see your enthusiasm. :yay: I am enjoying my break quite well; I hope you enjoy yours when it rolls around! And I'm not done writing by a long shot.

Three this time 'round!

Title: Hiking

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Delinquent AU. Expanding on Home. Eames is 18, Arthur's 14.

“Ih-nggnt! Hih-hnngt!” The stifles rang out around the empty street, as did the wet sniff that followed. The only other sounds were the drip-drip-drip of water off the gutters and the slap of worn sneakers on pavement.

“Whatsit… Gesundheit,” said Eames, slowing and glancing over his shoulder. “You need a tissue, mate?” The kid who had been following him for the past hour –Arthur – shook his head sullenly and scrubbed a sleeve across his face. He’d been sneezing the whole time since Eames had found him at the bus stop and looked like he could use a few square meals.

“No, I’m fine.” Arthur took a deep breath and hurried up a little, though he looked exhausted. “You said you knew somewhere I could stay? Where?” He was suspicious, but not suspicious enough. Eames sighed.

“Not far. My mate Yusuf’s dad'll give you a bed for the night.” They were still about half an hour from the bar, but Eames didn’t have bus fare, and besides, walking never hurt anyone. “Then we can call your parents.”

“No, not that,” said Arthur, defeated. He wrinkled his nose and sneezed once more, helplessly. “Ih-hihngt!”

Eames sighed again. “We’ll see. Come on, now.”

Title: Purr

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Continuation of Kitten. Sorry if Arthur's cat-talk seems OOC. XD

“Here, kitty kitty. Come here, now. Want a treat?” Arthur tapped a spoon against the rim of the tuna can and smiled as Annabelle scampered into the kitchen, meowing. “Yes you do! You’re my good girl.” He spooned the fish into her bowl and stroked her head as she bent to eat.

In the living room, Eames rolled his eyes. Frankly, Arthur’s fascination with the newest member of their household was inexplicable to him. Yes, kittens were cute. He could understand that. But was that any reason for the best point man in the business to turn into mush? He scowled and pulled another tissue from the box on the coffee table. “Hh… Heh-gissh! Hehshh!”

“Bless you,” said Arthur, coming back to sit on the other couch. “You sure you’re not sick?” He shot Eames a concerned look as he opened his laptop and turned it on. “You’ve been sneezing for a week, now.”

Eames blew his nose. This could be his chance. “I’m not sick, Arthur, I-” But it was then that Annabelle finished and trotted back to Arthur’s side, leaping to sit, contentedly, in his lap. Arthur smiled at this and petted her ears.

Eames lost his nerve.

Title: Garden

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Dominic Cobb, m.

Notes: This is for Teh Ninjin, who prompted me Cobb vs. smoke quite some time ago. Here you are!

“Tired of the fun already?” Arthur smiles, dimples taking five years off his already youthful face. He steps forward to join Dom outside. Behind him, in the ballroom, someone laughs loudly. “Where’s Mal? Still dancing with her father?”

“Yep.” Dom leans back against the balcony rail, grinning. “I just needed a breath of fresh air.”

“I still can’t wrap my head around it.” Arthur punches Dom’s arm playfully. “You’re married! What?” He chuckles. “I thought you two would play hard-to-get forever.” He also leans against the rail, pulling out, as he does so, a lighter from his jacket pocket. From the other, he withdraws a pack of cigarettes, tapping one out. “Want one?”

Dom shakes his head. “Not tonight. I thought you were going to quit?”

Arthur shrugs. “I’m trying. It’s just one.” He lights up and takes the first puff, relaxing. He blows the smoke out in a thin, practiced stream. It hangs, for a moment, in the air.

“Hh… Ah-chggst!” Dom rubs his nose.

Arthur laughs again. “Bless you.”

It’s then that they hear Mal calling for them, it’s time for the cake, won’t you come in? Neither of them has ever been able to deny her anything.

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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