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LYK's Drabble Thread THE SEQUEL [57/100] 11/5/15


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I have located more drabbles!!!!!!!!! Just joking :mellowsmiley:

WOW!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally adore the last line of Rest, and I consider it a very good thing that you have a fetish for cleepy boys... I like it!

These are amazing! So cute, and perfect!!!

I can't wait for the next ones, though these will definitely do for now... :hug::):confused:

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aww, sleepy boys!! They are too flipping adorableee aren't they?

love your drabbles, I'm sorry I can't keep up with them as much as I'd like to! D:

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YES. :proud: You are the greatest. I can't believe how brilliant you are.

I lovelovelove Compassion.

“Okay,” Arthur finally says, planting both hands on Eames’s desk and leaning forward. His tie almost falls into Eames’s coffee mug, but the Brit doesn’t even point it out. Arthur frowns, a sliver of worry creeping up into his bewilderment. “What’s wrong?”
That part was sooo my favorite part!! Or how Eames is just like "Probably too much" when asked how much medicine he's on. Lol. I'm a sucker for exhausted suffering too, LYK. <3 <3 <3 <3

And Rest. *sigh* I am in love with Arthur now. I mean him all fetishy and sneezing and now he's all sleepy?! I love how Arthur is the cute, worn out one in this drabble, even though Eames is the one who sneezes!! I think sleepy boys are doing something for me too. :) I love you.

YAYAY! Jazz's AU fic is coming out soon?! Inception is fabulous. I think I'm obsessed. You might have had something to do with that... But it's a marvelous thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you, everyone! :blushing: Sorry it's been so long! :)

Title: Nuzzle

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Fetish-Arthur.

“I love your nose,” Arthur confesses as they lie together in bed, and it must be the tequila, because Arthur is never this open. He tucks his head against Eames’s neck and sighs. “It’s perfect.”

“Yours isn’t half bad, either,” Eames chuckles, though he knows he doesn’t feel quite the same.

Arthur pulls away and shifts so that their eyes are level. He rests his nose against Eames’s cheek. “You’re warm,” he murmurs.

“You’re just cold, as always,” Eames says. He turns so that their noses meet and gives Arthur an Eskimo kiss. Arthur gives him a genuine smile, eyes crinkling. His dimples make him look much younger.

“True.” Arthur lifts cold fingers to lie against Eames’s forehead. He is serious as he lifts Eames’s bangs to see the almost-healed cut that remains from their last job. Then he runs a light finger down the bridge of Eames’s nose, smiling again as Eames’s face scrunches. “Does that tickle?”

“Yes,” Eames admits, and Arthur does it again. “Nng. Heh…”

Arthur hums expectantly.

“Heh-gissh!” Eames sneezes into Arthur’s waiting palm, familiar with this game, and feels Arthur shiver beside him.

“Bless you…” Arthur says softly, and he pulls out his shirttails. “Darling.”

Title: Apologize

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Robert Fischer Jr., m.

Notes: I think I'm a little bit in love with Cillian Murphy right now. <3 Also, Fischer/Ariadne pairing because they are adorable (even though there's no evidence).

“I’m sorry! For whatever I did…” Fischer leaned his forehead against the white cottage door and attempted to think past the pounding in his head. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t recall any reason why Ariadne would lock him out. In the pouring rain. He’d remembered her birthday, he’d gone to her presentation at school, he’d even recalled their anniversary. He had a bottle of wine in a bag at his feet, just for the occasion. “Ari, please!” he called again, and banged on the door, but still there was silence. He sighed.

With a freezing hand he pulled a soaking handkerchief from his pocket, barely in time to catch a volley of sneezes like those that had been bothering him all day. “Etschuuh! Etschhu! Ehtshuu!”

From somewhere behind him came a startled cry of “Bless you!” Fischer glanced over to see none other than Ariadne standing at the end of the driveway in a matching raincoat and boots. “Robby?” she cried, jogging up. “What are you doing here?”

He blinked at her. “Happy anniversary?” he ventured, shivering. “Can I come in?”

Ariadne’s hands flew to her mouth. “Yes, yes of course! Jesus, I… I totally forgot! …Sorry!”


I can't wait until this movie is out on DVD!

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Jesus whoa, I didn't even realize that I hadn't commented on your last drabbles! I could've sworn I did. I know I read them. :| That's peculiar. I distinctly remember typing out comments too. I guess I was having forum!fail. Sorry about that!

Let's try this again. (:


You have no idea how much I love concerned Arthur. I think the reason I love it so much is because he's usually so detached, or even if not actually detached, he seems like it sometimes. So to see him caring and concerned when Eames is under the weather is nice. It's so hilariously in character how he doesn't ask if he's sick or anything, just how many meds he's on. And poor Eames, I just want someone Arthur to snuggle with him because he's so miserable. You wrote this one really well. (: And I love how Arthur's the compassionate one here.


Mmm. Right there with you on the sleepy boy front. They're just so adorably heart-warming and endearing and I really rather love them. They're quite nice. (: It struck me as funny (but oddly in character for him) that instead of taking off his jacket when he was tired, Arthur just moved so it was less constricting. Anyone else would take off their jacket. Nope, not Arthur. :) And Eames. I love him in this. So sweet. And adorable. And the last line was just love. The whole thing was just love, really. <3


Have I ever told you how much absolutely adore the fact that you invented Arthur with the fetish? Because it's pure genius, especially the way you write it, and it leaves me speechless all the time. It just occured to me how much it makes sense that he would have the fetish, what with his personality and all. And it just suits him. So well. And this drabble was no exception. This is definitely up there on my list of favorites. Tom Hardy really does have a perfect nose, just saying. :blushing: I love how sweet this is; it really shows how close the two of them are, what with Eames 'familiar with this game' (love how you phrased that) and how Arthur's totally tipsy on tequila. All together, this is a perfect drabble. :laugh: Love it.


Cillian! :D For the record, I totally loved this, which is saying something, because I usually ship Yusuf/Ariadne, but this, the way you wrote it right now, it worked. (: It worked really well. This was so cute. I love how Fischer automatically assumed he'd done something to get in Ariadne's bad book because she wasn't letting him in, not that she wasn't there. :cheers: And it would totally be like her to forget. :laugh: Haha. Poor Fischer. He was so worried, and he'd gone and bought them wine and everything! That sucks. I'm glad she found him though.

Your drabbles are brilliant.


You go and make me explode with happiness every time. (:

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Omigoodness!! These were sooo adorable!! I missed your drabbles, though your Inception comment-fic meme thingy was fabulous!!


Awwww... so amazingly adorable! I love how Arthur's being all open in this one. I have to say, I do look at people's noses, but I haven't really inspected Eames' that much. I must go check that out now. I love how you put in Arthur's dimples making him younger! He's so cute! And tickling Eames to make him sneeze? I'm pretty sure it's been long established that you are fabulous and a genius, but I just thought I would bring it up again...


Woowww... This is certainly different, I kind of love it!! I guess I never thought of an Ariadne/Fischer pairing before, but now that you've written it, I am totally in love with it. I agree with Jazz. in that it's definitely adorable that Fischer just assumes he's done wrong and Ariadne locked him out! And it's so cute how he brought her wine on their anniversary and caught a little cold waiting for her! And yes, it's very in character that Ariadne forgot their anniversary. Now she has to nurse him back to health to make up for it... :lol:

Loved this batch! Thanks! <3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for your continuing support! I know I'm being very slow recently... I hope you enjoy these ones!

Title: Ice Cream

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Mentioned/implied Arthur/Eames mpreg.

“Eh… Heh-gisshx! Ehgissh!” Eames tried to cover the sneezes with his shoulder but wasn’t sure how successful he was.

“Bless you,” remarked the woman behind the cash register, raising an eyebrow. She finished ringing up the few items of the boy in front of Eames in line, a college student buying mostly soda and chips, and started to bag them. She was the only employee in the convenience store; not surprising, considering it was nearing two in the morning.

“Thanks,” muttered Eames, dropping his groceries on the counter as the kid walked away. He rubbed a hand over his eyes. “It’s been a rough week.”

She nodded and began scanning the bar codes of the ice cream Eames was buying. “You having a party?” she asked, just to make conversation, “Or is your girlfriend pregnant?”

“Some- heh, something like th- that. Heh-gisshx!” Eames sniffed heavily and handed her his credit card.

“Stay out of the rain, all right now?” advised the woman as Eames left. “Have a nice night!”

“Yeah, sure,” Eames replied, throwing the bags into the car. With Arthur as bitchy as he had been, he didn’t think he’d have a nice night until the baby was born.

Title: Twenty

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: AU. Fetish-Arthur. (You can probably just assume most of them contain fetish-Arthur. XD)

Arthur turns twenty in November of his junior year at Princeton. It wouldn’t normally be a big deal – he won’t see his family until Thanksgiving break, and they’re having the party then – but Eames flies in without telling him and shows up at his dorm room door. Arthur is standing there like an idiot in a sweatshirt, boxers, and socks, and Eames is at his door.

“Hello, darling!” declares the Brit. He throws his arms around Arthur as if Arthur’s floormates aren’t all watching curiously. “Happy birthday!”

“You should have called,” is what Arthur gets out, pulling Eames inside and closing the door.

“That wouldn’t have been much of a surprise, would it?” Eames grins charmingly, but quickly turns away. “Eh-gisshx!”

“Um, bless you,” says Arthur, who suddenly feels a lot less grumpy. He takes Eames’s hand in his and looks for a tissue box.

“Thanks,” sighs Eames, making Arthur’s day again as he fetches a blue handkerchief from his pocket and blows his nose. “I think I caught something on the plane. But,” he puts the cloth away, “I’ll make sure you still have a good time.”

Arthur finally smiles. “I’ve no doubt of it, James. None at all.”


I'm procrastinating studying for finals. I think I actually have some kind of no-motivation condition. XD

Edited by Leap-Year Kisses
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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ice Cream: Ohh How funny!!!! But how sad!!! I hope they can work something out... hey, who am I kidding, of course they will! Haha

Twenty: Brill!!!! ALL OF THEM ARE BRILL!!!!!

Thank you!!!!

Please, when you have time, do more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted::laugh::drool::winkkiss:

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I am so glad you're back! (: You have no idea. I've missed your drabbles so much! It's such a pleasant surprise to see you posting again; it made my day.

Ice Cream.

Um. Holy shit. Words can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. Mpreg? Arthur mpreg? I did not realize how much I wanted needed this until now. It was like an epiphany. A beautiful, beautiful epiphany. And it thrills me.

Poor Eames; I'm sure having a pregnant boyfriend is more than a shitton of pain for him, especially because I can just imagine how bitchy Arthur would be. And I'm not sure whether to feel sympathy or hilarity. I'm thinking a combination of both. :cry: And then add to that just not feeling well, and his life pretty much sucks. ): He needs cuddles. Seriously.

But he's gonna be a daddy! And that's just adorable.

This whole drabble was adorable. :wub:

- - -

I'm so tired, I have to go to sleep now, but I'll comment on 'twenty' tomorrow :wub: I just had to let you know how I felt about your mpreg one. I loved it! (:

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Um... yes???? This was soooo good!!! Ack, I love you!

Ice Cream

This was just... just so good. I could totally picture Eames at the convenience store I used to walk my dog to when I needed ice cream!!! Except if he was there, I might attack him and take him home with me which would not make Arthur very happy. HAHAHAHA! It just hit me what an amazing and hilarious thing it would be to see Arthur pregnant. I mean... it's genius and also it totally makes me giggle. Eames will make a wonderful dad... <3 I'm pretty sure reading this is better than eating ice cream. But both at the same time... this---> :cry:


Oh my goodness! How we've been neglecting Eames! I was totally all Arthur-loving and now... This is actually perfect. It balances everything out. I love it. And Eames came down with something on the plane to surprise Arthur on his twentieth birthday!!!! I'm imagining Arthur as a college boy. <3 I think I would like to bake you a batch of cookies. You are marvelous.

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Okay. So, I've had a really, really, really, really bad day. (See: Dear Jerk thread if you're interested.) And rereading these has relaxed me a little bit, not going to lie. And that's really, truly saying something right now.

Twenty. really made me smile. I absolutely love Eames' enthusiasm in greeting Arthur, and his surprise visit to him on his birthday. It's so endearing. (: And have I ever mentioned exactly how much I love fetish-Arthur? Because I do. He's so adorably awkward and whatnot. D'aw, Eames got sick on the flight over. Damn recycled air. (Not that I, or Arthur, I'm sure, mind). And askjdfhasdlkfjhasdfh. Handkerchief? Tell me why on earth I find that so sexy. So very, very sexy. (Probably because I find Eames, and the way you write him, very sexy, but still...)

That was absolutely lovely. (: Fantastic.

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Thank you, everyone! I appreciate the support, a lot. :laugh:

Jazz, I'm sorry you had a bad day... I read your post, and I feel for you, I really do. But I hope things get better and I'm glad my drabbles could help!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finals are over, and though I had a very short break and am back at school, I have plenty of free time again! Hope you enjoy these!

Title: Sunrise

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: This is set in the same AU as Moonlight and Punctuation, which I will now call the delinquent!AU. In this Arthur is about 17 and Eames is around 20.

In the predawn the world is gray and indistinct. On a power line above the parking lot a crow cackles; it echoes in the stillness. Eames climbs out from under the car, gravel crunching, and blows his nose on an oil-streaked rag. “’S busted,” he declares, sniffing heavily. Arthur scowls and starts shoving his sleeves up over his elbows.

“Let me look at it.”

Eames chuckles until he coughs. “Sweetheart, you know sweet Fanny Adams about cars,” he drawls, but he hands the wrench over anyway. A sliver of Arthur’s pale stomach is revealed when the boy wriggles under, and Eames smiles, remembering his hands on Arthur the night before. He sighs contentedly, then sneezes wetly into his palm. “Heggssh!”

Arthur makes a discontented noise and slides back into the light. “You’re right.” He scratches his cheek absently as he straightens up, bothered by his patchy stubble. “We need a new ride.”

Eames nods and scrubs his hand on his jeans, directing his next sneeze at the ground. “Ehhggssh! I heard there’s an Accord on Met Pkwy.”

“Lies,” says Arthur, but he tags along when Eames starts walking. There’s nothing like a carjacking to warm the blood in the morning.

Title: Orange

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Mpreg Arthur.

Eames brings Arthur breakfast in bed. It isn’t a special occasion, but Arthur has been upset recently and Eames had figured he should try to cheer him up. He makes an omelet with red peppers and Swiss cheese, a stack of rye toast with a side of apple jelly, and cuts an orange into slices after peeling it perfectly. He arranges all of it on a tray and carries it into the bedroom with aplomb. Arthur is still asleep when he arrives, curled on his side, his hair falling over his face in sweet curls. Eames briefly considers kissing him awake, but recoils from the sentimentality, preferring to tickle Arthur’s ankle gently until he starts.

“Eames,” Arthur growls, pulling away. “Stop.” He peers blearily at his husband through narrowed eyes. “You know I don’t like it when you do that.”

“I brought you food,” Eames explains, and Arthur sniffs.

“I don’t care.” He turns away and then sneezes kittenishly into the bedcovers. “Ih-kissh! Ih-kissch!”

“Bless,” says Eames, sitting beside Arthur on the bed. “Here now, say ‘ah.’” He rests a warm hand on the swell of Arthur’s belly under the sheet as he presses an orange slice to Arthur’s lips.


There should be more later today. I would have posted them now, but I have to go fix my work hours. ALSO, if mpreg isn't your thing, let me know. I don't want to post too many of this verse if it freaks people out, but you have to say something, since mpreg is most definitely my thing. XD

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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Title: Superstition

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: This is an Indian superstition, but I figured Yusuf might know it since there's an Indian population in Kenya.

“It’s really quite a conundrum,” Yusuf said, his attention slipping back to the collection of glasses on his desk, several of which contained viscous yellow liquid.

“I can see that.” Arthur smiled as the chemist’s eyes went far-off again, lost in concentration. “Let me know if you make any headway.”

“I will.”

“I’m going to go over the Farrow files again, so I’ll be in the back room. Let Cobb know when he comes back, all right?” Arthur accepted Yusuf’s nod and then went to collect his papers. He paused picking up the folder as his nose tickled. Impatiently, he pinched the bridge, but it did nothing to halt the impending sneeze. “Heh-tchh!” Sniffling, he grabbed his computer bag and headed across the warehouse. Suddenly, he realized that Yusuf was staring at him. “…What?”

“I wouldn’t go to work right away,” Yusuf said. “Drink some coffee.”


“You sneezed. You’re going to be interrupted if you start now.”

Arthur laughed. “I’m not superstitious,” he said. “But thanks for the warning.”

Of course, Yusuf was the one laughing ten minutes later when Arthur was dragged by Eames into an argument about Chinese food, the Farrow files left forgotten on the table.

Title: Caught in the Act

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Model/photographer AU.

“Turn your head sideways a tick, there’s a love,” murmured Eames, face hidden behind his camera. He changed the settings slightly, adjusting the focus. “Perfect.”

“You are so British,” remarked Arthur, following Eames’s instructions and holding still, his chin up at an angle, his eyebrows raised. He adjusted his hand on his hip slightly so that his fingers were more comfortable. It was hour two of his modeling session with Eames, the new photographer for Saito’s magazine, and he quite liked the man.

“So I am.” Eames took a moment to peer over the camera, giving Arthur a charming smile. “You look gorgeous, Arthur. Don’t move.”

Arthur hummed in agreement and tried not to, but he quickly became aware of a twinge deep within his nose. He squinted to try and relieve the sensation, pressing his tongue to his teeth.

“Eyes open,” said Eames, snapping another shot.

“Yes, I just have to- to- Ih-hngst!” Arthur forwent looking classy and brought a hand up to his face to stifle, bending forward.

Eames whistled and looked at the photo he’d just taken. “You’re cute when you sneeze,” he declared. Then he grinned. “Perhaps I should get one of those pink ears, too.”

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You lucky duck! Finals are just about to begin for me! :D Should be studying but... Ah! So cute! I love all these AUs!! I actually went skiing this past weekend and met a guy there who looked just like Tom Hardy, so I was SO excited when I saw you had posted some more... and some more!


Um. I love this. I love the first sentence, and I love Eames calling Arthur 'sweetheart' and the fact that Arthur doesn't know anything about cars, and the whole delinquent!AU and this:

There’s nothing like a carjacking to warm the blood in the morning.


Ohhh, yes. Mpreg is so definitely my thing! Especially the way you write it. This is so sweet! I can picture this in my head so well. Eames is so nice for making Arthur breakfast in bed, even if the man isn't very grateful at first. But who could blame him? Pregnancy suits him though, even if it's a little strange at first. And I like picturing Arthur sneezing kittenishly. It's adorable!


I've never heard of this superstition before. I like how this could totally be an excerpt from the movie. It sounds so right. And the ending made me laugh!

Caught in the Act

Yes!!! This one might be my favorite! I really like the Model/Photographer AU. I absolutely do. I lovelovelove this. Arthur as a model!? And Eames catching his sneeze on film! I love the end as well! Arthur is such a cutie with his little pink ears. <3

Thank you, darling! :)

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I love Caught in the Act!

I hope you get the results you wanted, and I'm glad you're back!

Looking forward to more!!!!!!!!!!! :drool::twisted::drool::twisted:

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Gaahhh! New drabbles YAY! And they're so cuuute. My favorite bits:

He turns away and then sneezes kittenishly into the bedcovers. "Ih-kissh! Ih-kissch!"
"You're cute when you sneeze," he declared. Then he grinned. "Perhaps I should get one of those pink ears, too."

I love your way with words and your imagery; how I can see and hear everything even in the short little story excerpts. It's nice to have you back :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, everyone who commented! :D

But... Are most people no longer enjoying these? It seems like a lot of my regular readers have stopped coming by. :D

Title: Kitchen

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: Hannah is their daughter, according to mine and my sister's mpreg canon. Lol.

Arthur carefully set the knife aside once more, turning to sneeze wetly into his shoulder. “Eht-tchuh! Ehk-chuu!” He sniffed heavily and pulled out a tissue, though made little progress shifting the congestion in his sinuses. His head pounded with a dull pain that seemed to reverberate from his ears to his throat and he had to take a minute to lean on the counter before washing his hands for what felt like the thousandth time.

“I think you’re coming down with it, too,” remarked a voice behind him, and Arthur glanced back. Eames was standing in the kitchen doorway, sporting worn flannel pants and swathed in a blanket. His eyes were bloodshot and he raised a hand to cough desperately. When he could breathe again he smiled, exhausted, at Arthur. “You should rest.”

“Where’s Hannah?” Arthur asked instead, looking down at the vegetables he still had to cut for the soup.

“I put her down in our bed.” Eames shuffled across the linoleum until he was within arm’s reach and took Arthur’s cold hand between his much-too-hot palms. “Go sit on the couch and I’ll bring you some Campbell’s,” he rasped, touching his nose briefly to Arthur’s before pulling away.

Title: Cuddle

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Boarding school AU.

“Eh-gissh! Heh-gisshx!”

“Bless you.” Arthur curled up closer beside his boyfriend and languidly trailed a finger across his now-damp collarbone. He shivered slightly at the sensation and felt a heat start in his belly. “Are your allergies acting up again?”

“Yes,” admitted Eames, rubbing his nose. He dropped his arm to wrap it around Arthur’s waist, slipping his hand under Arthur’s crumpled uniform shirt. “You’re sure this doesn’t bother you?” He frowned slightly. “That I’m snee-hih… Sneezih- Heh-gissh! Ugh. Sneezing on you.”

“It really doesn’t bother me,” Arthur confirmed, tucking his head against Eames’s neck. Eames smelled faintly of clean sweat and aftershave. “Remember I told you on Tuesday.” He blushed at the memory and was glad he couldn’t see Eames’s face. That had been a rather awkward conversation.

“I remember.” Eames rubbed Arthur’s back lightly. “But it’s a little hard to believe.”

“Mm.” Arthur rubbed up against Eames’s thigh lazily. “Still having trouble?”

“Ahaha… Won’t Cobb be back in half an hour?” Eames asked, though his grip on Arthur had grown tighter.

Arthur stopped moving and sighed. “You’re right.” Now he was all worked up for no reason.

Eames smiled. “Don’t fret, my love. My roommate’s gone all weekend.”

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I read each and every one of these! I live for them! I don't usually have time to comment, but please keep writing. You make my day when you update!

I love your Arthur and Eames characterizations more than almost any other inception fic that I read! :wub:

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I'm still enjoying them! I've been a little preoccupied; I haven't been on the forum at all in about a month, and this is my first time back since then. But I'm still here, and I'm still loving these, darling! Please don't stop! (:

Shall we go bottoms up this time? I think so. (:


Oh, how I've missed the Boarding School AU! I haven't seen it around here in a while. :D The dynamic between these two...gah. It's so undeniably adorable. And what more could you expect? Especially with a prompt like "cuddle."

“You’re sure this doesn’t bother you?” He frowned slightly. “That I’m snee-hih… Sneezih- Heh-gissh! Ugh. Sneezing on you.”

I'm pretty sure this bit right here made me go :boom:. Not even going to lie. That is my favorite thing in the world. The interrupted speech and repeatedly trying to get the word out. Not even lying. Favorite thing ever. I read and reread that line like ten times. yum! And, and and! Arthur told him? Yay! Good for him. (: I can imagine Eames' confusion. But it's perfect regardless. (: Have I told you how much I love this AU? Because I do. :D


This is adorable! I love domestic-parent!Arthur and Eames. :D They're fantastic. And they have a daughter? D'aww. (: That's so cute. Eames is lovely, as usual, all sweet and concerned for Arthur even though he's obviously under the weather himself. That just means that the two of them can have sniffly snuggle time together, I think. (: And also, I love how Arthur didn't stifle like he usually does. Small little details like that make me smile. I love snapshots like this into their lives. It's wonderful. (:

Caught in the Act

First not-a-one-word-prompt prompt I've seen. (: I like it, because the title perfectly suits the contents of the drabble. I love this AU too, by the way. Eames makes a brilliant photographer, and it definitely made me lol a little to see that Arthur was a model for Saito's magazine. Seriously. I don't know why that idea made me laugh so much, but it did. (: And this was brilliant. Poor Arthur; everybody has that one embarrassing photo they don't want anybody to see, and I'm sure that's his. And Eames! Haha. "You're cute when you sneeze." Arthur's probably so embarrassed. I'd sure like to see that photo though ;D


First of all, yes! Yusuf! We never see Yusuf enough in the fandom. I love that he was a major part of this drabble. It definitely made me smile. (: And I think it's perfectly plausible for him to know the superstition. Makes sense to me. (: And I love how it actually happened; I bet Arthur will take what Yusuf says into a bit more consideration now. :wub: Interruped about chinese food. XD Typical Eames. This is a perfect little snapshot from a job they could've done. I love it. (: I can definitely visualize it in my head. Fantastic job!


If I didn't make it clear enough when I drooled over the wonderfully domestic pair in the Kitchen drabble, I'll do so now: I am fantastically, irrevokably in love with your mpreg AU. You have no idea. Words can't even adequately describe it. It's just asdkjfhasdfjkhasdfkh adorable and brilliant and sweet and cute and goddamn it, it just works. And your use of detail in here is fantastic (what with his "kittenishly" sneezing, dear god, I can picture that and hear that and it just fits so well!) and Eames is such a good guy, bringing Arthur breakfast in bed, even if he does tickle him to wake him up (and makes him grumpy by doing so. :rolleyes: ) This is amazing, dear. Simply amazing.


I'd like to start by saying that you've created a kink that I wasn't even aware that I had. There is something incredibly hot about the two of them working on a car. Especially Eames all sneezy and whatnot, and Arthur's bare stomach and Jesus Christ, that's so undeniably sexy in ways I wasn't aware were possible. Thank you so much for introducing them to me. (: And I absolutely love the delinquent AU. I love all of your AUs. They're so perfect and all of them are realistic and make sense and I can totally see the two of them wherever you put them. It's a talent, and you have it. This was a brilliant drabble.

They were all brilliant, really, and I'm sorry it took so long to comment on them. I'm caught up now though :D I missed a lot too while I was on hiatus. But I'm glad I'm back because these are just asdjhfgasdjkfgasdfjh wonderful. I definitely missed them while I was gone.

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(why do I start every comment like that? :twisted::twisted: )

I love love love love Cuddle!

You've got to do more of these, I don't think my life would be complete without them haha x :boom::twisted::D

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