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LYK's Drabble Thread THE SEQUEL [57/100] 11/5/15


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Thank you, everyone! I really do appreciate your feedback.

Title: Snore

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: None.

Notes: Eames's POV. I don't usually write in first person, but he demanded. XD Also, bit of language.

Arthur usually doesn’t – snore, that is. In fact, he’s one of the quietest sleepers I’ve ever encountered, and I’ve had the pleasure of sharing my bed with quite a few. This of course says nothing about Arthur’s tendency to steal the covers, to stick his freezing feet on my legs, or to randomly eat crisps that crumble all over the sheets. But heaven forbid I should digress.

In any case, usually Arthur is as quiet as clouds, or mice, or what have you. However, when he gets a bit of a cold up in his head, he suddenly becomes some sort of monster. I took it upon myself to inform him of this fact yesterday when he was asking me about the bags under my eyes. I believe the exact words I used were “the demented lovechild of a lawnmower and an eighteen-wheeler downshifting on the highway.” You can imagine poor, delicate Arthur didn’t take this so well (in fact, he was quite offended and refused to speak to me for the rest of the day (until he wanted me to make him soup, of course)), and that is why I am writing this from my terrible couch.

That prick.

Title: Drained

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m. God, how spoiled you all are!

Notes: This is almost the same scenario as my previous drabble Raincoat, but... I like it? >.O Let me know if you get bored, guys.

His head rocks softly with the train as it shudders around another bend in the tunnel, and Arthur feels sleep tugging at him. He shifts, trying to stay alert… to keep from drifting off. He mustn’t close his eyes; who knows who could be waiting at the next stop? Or the next? It’s a losing battle, as he’s well aware. His head feels heavy as lead.

The train slows with a pneumatic hiss as they enter the next station. Arthur puts a hand in his jacket pocket, thumbing aside his handkerchief so he can feel the smooth grip of his gun. But no one steps on but Eames, his expected companion. Relieved, Arthur eases off.

“Darling, you look awful,” Eames says as he sits beside him. The rest of the car is empty and still he sits beside him.

Arthur would reply with some biting remark if he felt at all up to it. Instead, he turns his head and sneezes, desperately, into his shoulder. “Eh-chxxst!”

“Bless.” Eames hands Arthur a clean handkerchief. “Go to sleep. I slept yesterday morning. I’ll keep watch.”

Arthur can’t refuse, so he doesn’t, and Eames’s shoulder makes too good of a pillow by far.


Um, I might be a bleeding hypocrite in this department, but... It helps me a lot if you tell me what about the drabbles you like instead of just asking for more... Although, I get a kick out of that, too. :shutup: Thanks!

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Wow... This was soooo great! Really, I don't know how you do it. I loved Snore. It was a bit of a change having it be in first person, but I liked it. It made me laugh so much. I was just sitting there cracking up! It was great. And Drained was even better. It was super dramatic like the movie. I think the image of Arthur all sick and sleeping on Eames' shoulder on the train is really sweet. All of your drabbles make me want to see Inception again and again! I love it. Thanks!

P.S. Am I wrong or did you have a birthday? Happy Birthday, if so.... :shutup:

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Bored? NEVAR.

Requests? Ooh.

I like Arthur, of course. I really like your pillow-talk. How about a situation where they're winding down for the night or getting ready for their day, that's drabbled twice: once for Arthur and once for Eames? (He's no slouch either, of course)

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Thank you! :laugh: @Zwee: No, I didn't have a birthday. I would have liked to, though. XD C: Thanks, anyway?

These two are for Swann_ee_song. :eat: Only one of them is pillow-talky, though.

Title: Frost

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m.

Notes: Language, fetish-Arthur, implied sexytimes to follow.

Arthur’s nose was cold. It seemed to Eames that Arthur’s nose was frequently cold, and so was the rest of him. This was, he’d been assured, because of Arthur’s low blood pressure. Not because of his… rather chilly personality. After they’d begun seeing each other – actually dating, not just fucking every time they were in the same city - it somehow became Eames’s job to keep Arthur warm in the morning.

He delighted in it, of course.

“Darling,” he purred, rubbing their cold noses together. “Wake up.” He reached over to the window shade beside the bed and pulled it up, letting the pale light of morning spill across Arthur’s face. The glass was rimed with a delicate lace of frost.

“No,” was Arthur’s eloquent reply. He opened his eyes only to make a point of closing them again, and turned over. “Go away,” he mumbled into his pillow.

The forger chuckled and planted a kiss on Arthur’s shoulder blade. Then he paused, sniffed, and sneezed into the crook of the man’s neck. “Eh-gissh!”

Arthur gasped. “Eames!” he cried, peering over his shoulder. “That isn’t fair…” He was blushing.

“Anything to get you up, sweetheart,” said Eames, and kissed him again.

Title: Office

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: None.

Arthur splashed another handful of water onto his face, trying to clear the fog from his mind. It was only six; he had slept over at the warehouse, unintentionally, after working late last night. Even with the three cups of coffee he’d had, he still felt like crap. He sighed and grabbed a paper towel, drying himself off as he walked back to his desk. When he got there, he poured himself another coffee.

“Easy there,” came a voice out of nowhere, and Arthur almost dropped the pot. He fumbled with his desk drawer for his Glock before, belatedly, realizing that it was just Eames, sitting across the way on his own desk. He frowned.

“You’re here early.”

“What can I say? I missed you.” Eames smiled at him and came over, leaning across the desk to kiss Arthur’s cheek. “You look awful, darling.”

“I know.” Arthur sighed. “I think I’m coming down with somethih- ih- Ih-hnngst!” He pitched forward, and was surprised to meet the soft silk of a handkerchief. He blinked, peering over it to see Eames grinning at him.

“Bless you,” said Eames. “Now blow.” And he pinched Arthur’s nose playfully until the point man, resigned, complied.


I'm beginning to like Eames's calling Arthur 'sweetheart' even more than him calling Arthur 'darling'...

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Waaaaah!! ^__^

Thank you thank you thank you!!

Frost: Soo sexy. Nose-nuzzles are incredibly cute. But I think I like Eames calling Arthur 'darling' more than I like 'sweetheart.' Jury's still out. ... What an exciting way to wake up. Seriously.

Office: This is officially my new favourite Inception drabble! The whole thing is just so hot. Arthur coming down with something, fighting through with work, and then miraculously Eames shows up! Silk handkerchief to the rescue! The coda with Eames grinning and Arthur resigned to blow his nose, is just so perfect. Fits their characters perfectly! (I hardly ever comment about the fetishy stuff anymore with good fics. It's not the part that we focus on by the fact that it's integrated so seamlessly.)

Seriously man, you have such a gift for plot. Which is why I hardly comment on the other stuff, because, it's kind of like DUH that's already perfect and the fantastic plot is the extra mile!

Thank you thank you once again for writing these!

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I don't think any amount of sad-faced emoticons and 'I'm sorry's can express exactly how sorry I am for not being here in like, at least a month. I have missed you and your drabbles and this thread more than you can possibly fathom. Really. <3 It's love. And I remember now why I needed it so much to make my days better before. It really just puts me in a fantastic mood and makes my shittiest days better. And I really feel like I need to give you the accolades you deserve for this, and I really do apologize for how belated this is.

And now, like old times, here we go! (:


There is something so undeniably romantic about this, despite the fact that Eames is drunk. Perhaps it's the idea of them waltzing in the rain. I absolutely adore it. I love the way that Arthur protests but he doesn't leave, and stays outside with Eames despite it all. And thunder? You've created a wonderful setting. It's stunning. “Haven’t you ever wanted to kiss in the rain?”

“I’d rather be dry,” Arthur responds... That bit was my favorite, honestly. It seems so in character for the both of them: Eames, ever the romantic and Arthur, stiff and stoic as ever, but it just seems to work. It's just brilliant. In every sense of the word.

(P.S., I'm loving that they're two hundred words now. I just thought I'd let you know. (: )


I can't even possibly describe to you all of the reasons I loved this one. I can't imagine how terrifying that dream must have been for him; to be waiting for a kick because you're certain it's a dream, and to hear Non, je ne Regrette Rien and then let go...but then hit the ground like you weren't even dreaming but you were dying and just...oh my god. Poor Arthur. And the closeness between Arthur and Eames, and his concern for Arthur and his protection of him, telling him he's safe. That's just beautiful. It shows exactly how deep their relationship runs, and that Eames doesn't even really have to say anything, he just has to be there. This was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. One of my favorites, for sure.


Please excuse me while I go drool buckets, okay? Because that was just...aaksjdhfaskdfalsdas words can't even describe how hot that was in a really...almost kinky sort of way. Just imagining the two of them being tied up together and Arthur's all sneezy and he's totally getting turned on by it while being tied to Eames is just so...jesus christ, words can't even describe how hot it is. And I love your use of the prompt, too. It's pretty genius. Dear God...this was just...whoa.


Okay, yeah. First of all. I really, really like the thought of a sick and sneezy Eames chasing after his dog. I'm not even sure why I like it so much. But I really, really liked it. The idea's genius. And hot, in a pathetic and innocent sort of way, you know? And the paisley! You mentioned the paisley! It's small little details like his trademark tacky pattern that make me love these so much, because it really reflects how much work you put into these. And Arthur has such a believable routine. I could see him as 'that guy', the one who takes the same route every day. It just makes sense. But this was a fantastic little break in his routine, wasn't it? At least...I think so. (:

OH. And, if I ever get the time to (and I'm going to try tonight, I think) I'll try to work on that idea for the AU fic. It seems fun. (:


I know I've said it time and time again but I'm going to say it again, I love rainy settings. Even if they're not in the rain, the fact that the rain caused the power to go out is absolutely fantastic. And the lightning. And the candles. <3 You've got such a way for settings that make me go weak in the knees, just sayin'. And the atmosphere of the cluttered flat and Eames on the couch. And Arthur cuddling with him even though he's contagious; that's just undeniably sweet and adorable. I love it. I love it so much. Like, you have no idea. You're amazing with drabbles. I can't even wrap my mind around it. Their dynamic is fantastic.


YES YES YES! The boarding school AU! I'm so excited! I love the boarding school AU like nobody's business. And this is no exception. And they're officially together now! Yay! That makes me so happy. It's so sweet that Eames lets Arthur sit (or...straddle ;D) his lap so he doesn't get wet sitting in the grass. Of course Eames wouldn't care. And there's something hot about Arthur pulling away from a kiss to sneeze. Especially because he didn't get the chance to stifle. ;D And Eames is such a good boyfriend, not saying anything about it to Arthur. <3 I don't think people give Eames as much credit as he deserves. He's so nice, and he can be compassionate. I loved this so much! Seriously.


Despite my (obvious) love of established relationship fics, I have a soft spot in my heart for ones where they don't really know each other like they do in non-AU fics. (I wouldn't call it strangers in this one because they obviously know one another, just not too well. They're merely bus stop friends. Which I love. Also, I think that's why I like the idea of them meeting through their dogs in the fic suggestion up there so much. (: ) Poor Arthur. He seems so completely and utterly miserable. Going to work when he feels like shit too, that's no fun. I love Eames' concern for Arthur here, because it's not too overbearing. It's just perfect. And so sweet. Especially when Eames protects him from the wind. It's adorable and endearing and I just love it. <3


Oh my goodness, this is like the AU I've always wanted but never even realized I wanted until now. If that makes any sense. I love how Eames is an actor, because it transfers so well from his forging ability in Inception. That's so smart, like, not even kidding. And oh my god! Allergies! They're my absolute favorite. (: This is brilliant. And I love the way they've been trying to film that one bit for a while, because it would totally suck and I could just imagine Cobb getting all frustrated and being like "WTF, it's a five minute scene forreal. Why can't you do it oh my god. Fail.' XD It's pretty amusing. :drool:


How dare Eames demand you write in first person! Who does he think he is? :wacko: Haha. You did a really good job with first person, though, and it was a really nice change of pace, I think. You got the narration down perfectly; I could imagine Eames saying all of that himself! The voice was so in character. (: It was brilliant. I imagine it's really hard to write something like that in first person, too, so seeing you do such a fantastic job is so amazing. And poor Arthur. I bet he wasn't happy when Eames told him that. “The demented lovechild of a lawnmower and an eighteen-wheeler downshifting on the highway.” That's hilarious! But kinda adorably pathetic at the same time, I think. (: This was such a cute, lighthearted drabble. I loved it. Especially that it was in first person. (:


We really are spoiled, aren't we? So much Arthur! :hug: I really do love it though. More than you can possibly imagine! And I don't think I could ever, ever get bored, even with a scenario like this! In fact, I love a scenario like this. I love the dynamic between the two, and how Eames can be totally blunt by telling him he looks awful and totally kind and caring at the same time by telling Arthur he can sleep, and that he'll keep watch. I swear, you have every facet of Eames' personality down, and it's so wonderfully evident in these drabbles. I'm not even going to lie. You've gotten so fantastic at writing them, and that's saying something, because you were incredible to start with! Oh, I love it so much. <3


My, oh my. What a way to wake up! Let me tell you, I certainly wouldn't mind if that were my alarm in the morning...:laugh: I think it's adorable that Eames keeps Arthur warm in the morning. But I agree with swann_ee_song; what's even more adorable than that is the nose nuzzling. This whole thing is adorable and sweet, and I love how, even with that, you can still manage to bring some humor in with things like Not because of his… rather chilly personality. That literally made me laugh out loud. This is just a beautiful little drabble right here, so sweet and endearing and lovely. <3 And implied sexy-times are always fun. :D


This one's certainly going up there on my list of favorites (but let's face it...I love all of them!) There's something so adorably pathetic about Arthur accidentally staying overnight at the warehouse. Poor thing, so miserable and probably tired. He needs a bed and some cuddles. And Eames. <3 I really, really love the dynamic. Even though I say it a million times. :wub: I love how Eames had a handkerchief ready for him when he sneezed, and then made him blow his nose. I really, really like care-taking Eames, even if it's something as small as making sure Arthur blows his nose. It's just so sweet and heartwarming, you know? Adorable. And you write it so well! All of it! <3

Suffice it to say that I've missed you and your drabble thread so much and I promise never, ever to be gone this long again, okay? <3 And I'm totally going to try to write that AU fic for you. We'll see how it goes. (: I've missed you so much!

And in case you've forgotten, I love you! <3 And your fantastic drabbles!

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Oh, Jazz., please let's just get married, okay? XD I was all bored doing homework, and I've been freaking out since I haven't really studied for my Statistics mideterm (wait, I'm on the computer RIGHT NOW .__.) but you just made my week a million times better. Seriously! I missed you so much! But I'm glad that you're back, and I hope some of your stress has sorted itself out. I can't believe you took the time to get every one. *wibble* You're just fantastic! Really!

And thank you so much for the AU attempt! <3<3 I don't care if it takes you years to write it. I can be very patient. C: I am so happy right now!

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I'd marry you any day, darling! And I'm glad I could relieve your boredom and make your week better <3

I'm so excited about trying to write that AU. Hopefully I can get it done for you soon. (: I do have a question though. Do you want their dogs to have a hundred and one puppies, or just the premise of them meeting through their dogs? ;P

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THESE ARE SO CUTE. omg. and frost. <3<3<3

I'm really useless when it comes to requests, honest. Just do whatever and know you have a reader ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the long wait! I was busy with school and other stories.

Title: Dust Bunnies

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: None. Let me know, really, if I'm repeating myself.

“My original plan was to hack his financial rec- rih- ih-hnngst! Excuse me. His financial records, but then I discovered an interesting omission h- here, on hih- hih-nggt! Ugh, sorry. On his school record.” Arthur stopped talking for a minute, tugging a blue handkerchief out of his pocket and raising it just in time to catch yet another sneeze. “Ih-hnngt!

“Bless you, Arthur!” said Eames, glancing up from the notes he was taking. There was no trace of the teasing Arthur expected in his face, just simple concern. “Are you all right?”

He sighed, aggravated. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just th- the- Ih-hnngt! Ih- Ih-hxngt!” He huffed. “The dust.” Indeed, though their current base had been cleared out, there was a formidable layer of dust remaining in the corners and along the walls. “It’s irritating.”

“Well, you’re never going to get it out if you keep pinching your nose like that,” said Eames, ignoring Arthur’s embarrassed flush.

Eames,” said Arthur, wanting so much to change the subject that he didn’t notice when the man took both of his hands in his own. “That’s none of your bih-business! Eh-chxxsht!” He looked up, scandalized, and Eames handed him a tissue.

“Better, darling.”

Title: Playground

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: AU. ...It's okay to write about kids if it's not sexual, right? Also, pre-fetish Eames. (My personal sneeze-canon is that it's Arthur with the fetish, but I occasionally like to mix it up.)

It was raining, and James was sad. His favorite part of kindergarten was recess! Now he was going to be cooped inside for the whole hour! No running… No jumping… He couldn’t even play with the ball.

He supposed he would go to play blocks.

Arthur was already there, sitting in the middle of three tall towers and numerous smaller ones. He was wearing a sweater today, and kept rubbing the sleeve across his nose.

“Hi,” said James, plopping himself down. He picked up a few blocks that had not yet been assimilated by Arthur’s city and stacked them. He and Arthur were sort-of friends. They didn’t usually play together because Arthur didn’t like to play footba- soccer.

“Hi,” Arthur replied, sniffling. He added another level to his tower.

“I like your castle,” James said.

“Thanks.” Arthur smiled, and then sneezed suddenly. “Kissh!” He knocked into his tallest tower and it fell, taking James’s with it. “Oh no! Sorry…” Arthur mumbled, rubbing his nose.

And James just shrugged. He didn’t know why he wasn’t angry, but for some reason he just felt… warm. He helped pick up the blocks without complaining even once.

He wondered if Arthur would sneeze again.


I love writing about kids. :P One day, I really want to be a mom.

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Arthur.... trying... to... talk... through... sneezing....? :P Are you *trying* to kill me? ;) (read: :wub::laugh:)

And aww, Arthur and Eames as kids. So cute. :)

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OMG! Sorry it's been a while since I've posted! I don't know why, but for some reason I thought you were older... :laugh: lol.


I lovelovelove the image of sick Arthur sleeping over at the warehouse and Eames being the only one there to take care of him. It's the sweetest thing ever! Arthur's so cute. I love him sneezing in the middle of trying to say that he's coming down with something. ;)


This one was fantastic! I thought, despite the heading, that it would be Arthur who was sneezing because it said his nose was cold. I love cold noses in stories. But then, you turned it around and made it Eames who sneezed to try to get Arthur up, and I was not disappointed, rather, in a puddle on the floor from the cuteness. And I love this part:

'“Darling,” he purred, rubbing their cold noses together. “Wake up.” He reached over to the window shade beside the bed and pulled it up, letting the pale light of morning spill across Arthur’s face. The glass was rimed with a delicate lace of frost.'

It's soooooo amazing....


This is so cute! I love picturing Eames and Arthur knowing each other since childhood, especially because of the way they act in the movie, familiar and even flirtatious because I've read your drabbles. :nohappy: Ooohh... and Eames with the fethish-y feeling this time. Cuuute!

Dust Bunnies

I agree with Sigrith. I absolutely love Arthur all allergic and sneezing while talking. And I about died when Eames took his hands so that he wouldn't pinch them off! :drool: :drool: :twisted: You are the best. You would be a great mom :innocent:

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:D I'm so glad you posted again! And you're not repetitive at all! I'd honestly tell you if you were. But these are all unique. (:

Dust Bunnies.

Oh...oh dear god. This is just so...:stretcher: I can't even come up with a cohesive reply to how absolutely, mindblowingly hot this whole scenario is. My absolute, most favorite fetishy thing in the world is talking while sneezing. And while about to sneeze. And you did it. With Arthur. And it was beautiful. I really want to print this out and frame it. (...I won't, because that's weird, and nobody in my family really knows about my...secret...) But it's honestly that good. I love how you have Eames intervening to keep him from stifling. This whole thing was gorgeous. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. And brilliant. And I loved it. And wow, this really wasn't a cohesive reply.


This has to be the most adorable thing in the world. (: Seriously. I'll be honest though. For a moment, I had a brain lapse and when I read James, I thought instantly about Cobb's son James, and then I was mindfucked when I was like...why's Arthur young at the same time as Cobb's kid? Time warp? But then I realized you were talking about Eames. (I also realized that as a child, nobody would call him by his last name and thus, it would totally make sense that he were called James.) This is just fantastic, though. I love how you kept them in character even in their youth; Arthur would totally be doing something logical like playing blocks while Eames plays soccer. :stretcher: (Footba- was one of my favorite bits in there.) And the whole pre-fetish reaction? Been there. Still remember that stuff as a little kid. You wrote it incredibly well. (: I loved it. Beautiful take on the prompt.

OH. And I started on your AU fic. I'm about 2000 words in. (: It seems to be maybe halfway done, but I'm not sure yet. (: It could go either way.

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Yay, the AU fic! :cry: I am so happy!

Notes on this post: I just finished watching the movie RocknRolla, which is an awesome heist film (with TOM GORGEOUS HARDY in it as a gay thug. I kid you not, he is beautiful. And he cries! ;__:) and so, these drabbles take place in an AU with a similar feel. Make of them what you will.

Title: Moonlight

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Arthur, m.

Notes: None.

“Arthur,” says Eames. They’re sitting on the hood of his mate’s truck, out in an alley behind the bar, passing a beer back and forth even though he’s only nineteen and Arthur’s younger. “I have to tell you something.”

“What?” asks Arthur, and holds out his hand for the bottle. He’s wearing a sweater that’s too big for him and the sleeve slips down past his fingers before he shakes it back. He sniffs. He’s been sniffing all week and Eames is a little worried when he’s not being annoyed out of his mind.

Eames takes a drink and hands it over, their cold fingers brushing. He hesitates and then says “Never mind.”

“No, what?” Arthur raises the bottle to drink and ends up turning his head. “Ih-hxxt! Ih-chsst!” He sneezes uncovered and doesn’t bother to wipe his nose. He’s spilled beer on his hand and licks it off.

Eames stares openly. Then he takes a deep breath. “I think I’m gay.” It seems weird to finally vocalize the turmoil that’s inside him, the weeks of agonizing, the fighting with himself… that confused, drunken fumble in the dark.

Arthur drinks. “So?” he finally says, and he passes Eames the beer.

Title: Punctuation

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames, m. 'Bout freakin' time, innit? XD

Notes: 'Blow' is slang for cocaine. Language warning.

“Eh-gissh!” Eames sneezes into his shoulder for what must be the hundredth time that night and the other guys at the table start to look at him strangely.

“You getting into blow, Eames?” asks Rudy, laughing. “Your eyes are red as fuck,”

“It’s hayfever,” Eames says, giving him a look and daring anyone to say something more. They quiet and change the topic and he is inwardly relieved. It is hard to look tough if you feel like shit, and Eames puts himself firmly in that category. He sniffs unhappily and looks at his cards. He ends up folding.

“You lost. Again,” remarks Arthur, sitting down beside him at the table, clad that night in too-tight jeans and one of Eames’s old button-downs from when he’d weighed half as much. Arthur has just turned twenty and he acts like it, slouching back in his chair, bottle in hand. At least he hasn’t tried to put his feet up. Eames would have had no choice but to grab his ankle and make him laugh like a little kid.

“I can see that, Arthur. Heh-gissh!”

Arthur smirks lazily. “Bless.” He pecks Eames absently on the cheek.

Eames wonders again about their “relationship.”


You should all watch RocknRolla. It's awesome. There is much slash potential, and some canon slash (WITH TOM GOREGEOUS HARDY), so YAY! :bawl:

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Holy shit! You're a genius! Wowow.... You write so well that it literally took me like a minute to remember how to spell write. I'm still in blissful shock....


Was amazing. It makes me want to see this movie. I love it when guys cry in movies. I have a soft spot for that, and you just wrote a drabble based off of it, so I'm going out and seeing it. Right now. I love how it's not even centered around the sneezes, it's more centered around the plot. It seems sort of more random, but it's like a vignette. I love this. And Arthur's reaction, too. Just, "So?" It seems right that it wouldn't bother him at all, maybe because Eames and Arthur are perfect for each other. AAHHH! Thank you!!


I know that the whole plots of these drabbles aren't meant to be cute, but I love 20-year-old Arthur trying to be all laid back and cool and mature, and Eames thinking about how he could make him laugh like a little kid! I've missed Eames, but Arthur is so freaking hot that I can't help but love it when you make him sneeze, too. Ah, their "relationship". I love it.

YAYAYAY! I'm so excited for the AU fic. This is the best. :(

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I'm seriously in love with you. <3 You're the most amazing, ever. And I almost don't want to post the AU fic when it's done because it will pale in comparison to your drabbles. :heart:


I've been wanting to see that movie for a while, and I really like the feel this drabble (and the next one) has, so I'm definitely going to have to see it soon. Have you ever seen Mysterious Skin with Joseph Gordon-Levitt in it? Because in this drabble, that's what I picture Arthur looking like. Anyway. It was brilliant. I really liked Eames' hesitation and Arthur's nonchalant attitude about the whole thing, like Zwee said. The setting and descriptions are just absolutely fantastic, and I love that it's got so much plot for only two hundred words. Also. Uncovered sneezes by Arthur? Hot damn! :hug: This was incredibly incredible. Yeah. Incredibly incredible. You read that right. XD Really. <3


I had no idea how much I'd been missing Eames action until now, just so you know. (: And I really did miss it. Which is why I'm ridiculously happy that it's here. Like...you have no clue. XD This one was absolutely brilliant. I think it's hilarious how they think he's getting into cocaine because his eyes are red and he's sneezing. Seriously? I literally laughed out loud at that. And poor Eames, trying to give off the tough facade when he feels shitty. That's kinda hot and adorable and pathetic all at the same time, you know? But you know what's really hot? Arthur "clad that night in too-tight jeans and one of Eames’s old button-downs from when he’d weighed half as much." Droooooling. :hug: But this was fantastic and I really like this AU you've developed based on the movie. Very successful. :hug:

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Nonsense, Jazz. I really enjoy your writing. You shouldn't compare yourself to anyone, let alone me. :yuck:

Lol, Zwee. :yuck: Thank you so much!

I watched Mysterious Skin last night for the first time... Yikes. O.o Parts of it actually made me feel sick. But there was a lot of really good acting!

Title: Compassion

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames

Notes: I'm a sucker for exhausted suffering.

Eames looks rough around the edges, not his usual put-together, charming self. He’s also been quiet all day, barely speaking even when asked for his (usually intelligent) opinions. He doesn’t even point out the psychological flaw in their plan when it must be obvious to him, letting Arthur stumble around to it after he’s already spent ten minutes discussing it.

“Okay,” Arthur finally says, planting both hands on Eames’s desk and leaning forward. His tie almost falls into Eames’s coffee mug, but the Brit doesn’t even point it out. Arthur frowns, a sliver of worry creeping up into his bewilderment. “What’s wrong?”

“Wrong?” Eames blinks back up at him, gray eyes glassy. “No, I’m fine.” He clears his throat and now that Arthur is close to him he can hear that Eames is breathing only through his mouth. He had sounded a little congested earlier…

“How much medicine are you on right now?” Arthur asks, cutting to the obvious answer. That earns a weak smile from Eames.

“Too much, probably,” he says thickly. He pulls out a handkerchief and turns away. “Eh… Heh-gisshx! Hehhggsh!”

“Bless you,” says Arthur, turning away to give Eames some privacy. “Let me take you home.”

Title: Rest

Fandom: Inception

Sneezer: Eames

Notes: I think I also have a fetish for sleepy boys. ^^;

Arthur leaned back in his seat and sighed, letting his eyes drift closed. He folded his hands and shifted so that the seam of his jacket was no longer digging into his shoulder. He relaxed.

“If you’re going to sleep, you should take off your shoes,” Eames said, disturbing the stillness. He was standing in the doorway with groceries and the most ridiculous tender expression. Arthur opened one eye a slit and glared at him. “Here,” Eames continued. He set down the bags and came into the den, flopping down on the couch beside Arthur.

“Nnh,” said Arthur when Eames grabbed his foot, pulling it off the coffee table so he could unlace Arthur’s shoe.

“I know, love,” laughed Eames indulgently, rubbing Arthur’s socked ankle. He unlaced the other shoe and replaced Arthur’s feet on the table. “Do you need anything else? A blanket?”

“Quiet,” Arthur murmured sleepily.

“Okay.” Eames got up and carried the groceries into the kitchen almost-silently. He put them away noiselessly. Of course, just as Arthur had nodded off, Eames sneezed and dropped a can of soup, startling him awake with a gun in his hand.

Arthur wasn’t too upset afterward, though. The apology-massage was fantastic.

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Okay, so I have been reading your drabbles since the beginning and I love them to pieces. Seriously, your characterizations of Eames and Arthur are exactly how I see them in my mind and I love your dialogue. I'm not usually a big drabble reader because I hate that the stories are so short and I want them to continue on. Reading yours, however, I don't feel that way because I feel like they are lots of short stories telling one larger story. Whether you write them that way or not it's fantastic!

I wish I had better feedback, but I wanted to say that I think my favorite drabbles from you are the sleepy-boy ones (perhaps I share your sleepy-boy fetish?), the ones where one boy is taking care of the other (Arthur taking care of Eames is my favorite, but the other way is good too), and when Arthur is all fetish-y. I always imagine Arthur with a sneeze fetish too because there is something to be said about the contrasting visuals of uptight Arthur being turned on by something so.....germ-y and pedestrian as sneezing.

Anyway, excellent work, I look forward to these and check the site every day in the hopes that you update again. Please keep up the excellent work!!!!!! <3

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