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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Since We've No Place To Go (M) - (Supernatural, 12 parts) - Completed 12/25/12


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You always post a new bit at the best times... I rather needed some sick Sammy today! He's SO cute. I would be so worried about him, too! You're far better at writing action scenes than I am, this one was really good!

I loved THIS:

“Bless –”

“Don't bother, you'll be at it all night,” Dean advised him, returning with the small object held out on his palm. “Sam?”

His brother had taken a couple of paces backward, then turned his body to face the wall. “Uhh … ehh'CHSHhh! Huh'uh … huhh'IHShoo!”

Sam just faces the wall out of embarrassment, and Dean just stops Jim from even trying to bless him!

You're great! Thank you so much!

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

As this was for a Secret Santa about two years ago, this seems like an appropriate time to finish it up! tonguesmiley.gif

Thanks again for all the lovely comments, and sorry for the shamefully long gap …

Part Twelve

“This one really took it out of you, huh?” Dean settled on the end of Sam's bed, handing him the cup of Starbucks coffee and scooping the laptop onto the covers.

They had driven to the next town, considerably larger than the village they had just vacated. Sam had been noticeably subdued in the car, trying to comfort the ache in his head without Dean realising, and failing miserably. Every now and then he would pull his sleeve further down on his cast-free arm and run his wrist under his nose, pretending to scratch his eyebrow or yawn. Not fooled for a minute, Dean took the opportunity on reaching the town to check them into the first motel they came to, and blackmail Sam onto one of the beds. He had thought a certain amount of wrestling would be necessary, but Sam seemed to have given in, murmuring incomprehensibly and rolling over onto his front. Dean's caffeine cravings had kicked in at this point, and he had left to get a fix.

“Guess so.” Sam reached a hand between his own shoulder blades, stretching uncomfortably. He gripped the coffee cup a little tighter in his other hand, a ripple of unsteadiness passing through him. “Uhh'HESCHh! Huhh … huhh'Shehh!

“Good thing they make those with lids,” pointed out Dean, finishing the last of his and tossing it into the trash can.

“You know,” Sam paused, wriggled his nose tentatively, and continued. “I can't help thinking Dad could've dealt with that one on his own.”

“What do you mean?”

“It was so simple: track down a spirit, burn the remains. If he'd finished it, maybe the second victim didn't have to die.”

“Don't, Sam.” Dean avoided his eyes, unwilling to enter into the father conversation, knowing where it would lead. “It's over now.”

Sam still looked dubious, but he had already begun to tense, the ridge above his eyebrows deepening. “Huh-uh … hehh … huhh'KSChh! Uhh-hh.” He let out a long sigh, cradling his head in his hands. “This sucks.”

“Well, as soon as you've shaken this thing,” Dean swiveled the laptop to face his brother, indicating an article featuring a jewelry store in Milwaukee, “I think I've found our next case.”

Sam rubbed the backs of his fingers gently under his nose, scrolling through the webpages on his computer with his injured hand. He jerked to one side suddenly, throwing his elbow up to his face and leaning in the direction away from Dean. “Uhh'HESCHhoo!

“Might be later rather than sooner. C'mere, you.” Dean flung an arm around Sam, pulling his brother towards him.

“Are you kidding me? Get off, Dean,” protested Sam, although his attempt to push him away was only half-hearted.

Dean grinned and crossed over onto the other bed, sobering up as his thoughts seemed to shift. For a few moments he was quiet, apparently contending with himself. “He wasn't so bad, y'know. Jim.”

“Yeah, he saved your ass in there.” Sam eyed his brother with curiosity, but Dean's expression had cleared and he was already attempting to inconspicuously finish up Sam's coffee.

They passed the rest of the evening in a sort of exhausted haze, Dean flicking mindlessly through the television channels until he crashed out fully-clothed on the bed. Sam couldn't settle: the room was dark now, aside from the light of the street lamps peeking through the cracks in the blinds, but he felt hot and uneasy.

He slipped out of the motel room, letting the door click shut as quietly as possible behind him. He pressed his back to it and slid down to huddle on the ground, his arms wrapped loosely around the knees of his jeans. The air was cold and irritated his nose immediately, but at least it went some way towards cooling the heat from his body. “Ehh'SHUHH! Huhh … hehh'TSCHh!” He clapped one hand over his nose, willing himself to stay quiet enough not to wake Dean.

Drifting into semi-consciousness, he barely noticed the door opening behind him, a low voice murmuring something. A few seconds later, Dean's muscled frame was crouched next to him, pulling one of the motel blankets over his back. He looked up through half-shut eyelids, part of him wanting to object to being manhandled, the rest reluctant to move at all. His brother ducked under one end of the blanket, his body warm from sleep and surprisingly comforting next to his own.

Dean scratched the back of Sam's neck in awkward reassurance, then looped his arm round to rub warmth into his shoulders with both hands. He considered insisting that they went back indoors, but Sam's head was tilting heavily to one side as it rested on his knees, his mouth slightly open and his breathing deep. Dean glanced upwards at the clouds streaming across the familiar constellations, and sighed, pulling him closer.

“Sammy?” His voice sounded distant.


“Tomorrow, this never happened.”

The End.

Edited by BlueRandom
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Awwwww! I love it! And i missed your stories so, so, so much. Once I joined the forum, I stopped reading on fanfiction.net. But I missed you a lot and I'm overjoyed to know that you are part of this forum!!!

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Hello, wow, I love this. It is just... very very perfect. I feel like I can't even adequately put into words how much I love it! Really, it's like you looked up all of the things I SPECIFICALLY LOVE and incorporated them into this story. The frequent bouts of sneezing, the occasional blessings, Dean teasing Sam about all of the sneezing and having a cold and am being totally annoyed but Dean totally unphased (and just THEIR ENTIRE RELATIONSHIP and the CHARACTERIZATION, oh my god, so so so super flawless, you really could write for the show) and the plot (stranded and snowed in! and the case too! SO CREATIVE. again, you could be a professional!) and and the little bits of brotherly affection and caretaking in there, and also your SPELLINGS and just, wow, everything here! I just really really deeply loved all of this. Thank you!

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Wow. What a beautiful end to a beautiful story!! I've adored this lovely creation start to finish! You're wonderful! Snuggling brothers under the stars?? Plus I love that Dean's a little awkward still, because it's only second season, and Sam isn't being super open anyway... So in character, so fitting. I don't understand how you can keep it so consistent! Because this was written over the span of... two years, did you say?? What talent!

The story was great! Thank you!

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Oh wow. I didn't realised that you'd finished this. It was so good to read it to the end. I love this fic. I love the plot. I love the characterisation. I love you're writing. It's all just very, very happy-making.

I think my favourite thing throughout the whole of it is their macho-pretending-not-to-care but really caring tons and you really captured that in the last bit. Thank you so much for this fic! I've loved it!

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  • 4 months later...

The end was so, so sweet XD! I love how Sam didn't want to wake Dean but the big-brother sense kicked in

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