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SPN ficlet (...with beets)


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Okay. Doing this before I lose my nerve. But I already basically outed myself over at hoodietime, with non-fetish people (and some of you guys too, ::wave:: um, hi :lol: ), so...what the heck.

Have some sneezy!Dean. And thank madserver :D (her prompt!).

“Hhheeh- heh…huhRISHOO!” Dean blinks. Swallows. Sniffs. Sonofabi-“Hehishoo! KTSHOO! Hehhh. hihHIH-ugh. sniffff.” Damn. Lost it.

Sammy’s trained his bitchface on the book he’s paging through – some eighth century monk’s tips on how to grow heartier beets. Or something. Dean scratches his nose. “Problem, Princess?”

“No.” Which totally means yes. Dean sniffs. Sam’s eye twitches and that forehead vein of his kind of…bulges. If Dean just waits a second…ah, but, no. Ack.

“Uh-heh” He tucks his face into his elbow and bends to the side. “hATCHKZPfftz!”

“God!” Sam slams his beet book shut. “Would you just - stop doing that!”

Dean rolls his eyes, sniffles and stands up – and the world tilts just a bit. “Sure,” he answers on his way to the bathroom. He grabs a handful of the crappy motel tissues and blows his nose, but it doesn’t really get rid of the burning/tickling feeling that lodged itself in his right sinus. He chucks the wad, grabs the box and goes back into the main room.

Sammy’s pulled his laptop out and is angstily punching away. If the kid rams that stick of his up any farther, he’s gonna start burping woodchips. Dean scrubs at his nose. Tickles. Sonofabitch. He presses two fingers to his face, under his eye. The tickle goes away for a moment, which is awesome. But it's back with a vengence the instant he moves his finger. He aims an uncovered “HuHRISHSHOO!” towards the floor. Ugh. Pretty sure that one took some lung with it.

“Anything else I could do while I’m at it?” Dean asks when he gets himself moving forward again. “Rustle up a little w-hih-world peace, maybe? Braid your h-hhhIH – hi-haITCHOO!” Dean wipes his nose on his sleeve before remembering the tissues. Oh, well. “Braid your hair?”

“With complementary snot shampoo?”

“Hehh…HehhIH-Dabbit! Bite be.” He reaches for a tissue, but doesn’t quite get there before –“Hehhehh-EH! hheh-“

“Anytime today.” And Beet Boy’s mocking him. Dean flips him off. Beet Boy laughs. Bastard.

“Heh-hhhhehuh! Ow, goddabbit.” It’s like the itch in his sinuses has decided to tunnel its way out, through his cheekbone. He jams a finger into the corner of his eye and rubs. Sniffles. Totally doesn’t groan.

And then Sam’s completely disregarding Dean’s 8 inch bubble of personal space and sliding one ginormous –FREEZING COLD, holy MOTHER – hand onto the back of his neck. The other paw lands on Dean’s forehead, slipping in and out before Dean can remember where he put his knif-“HARISHOO! HeKETCHugh.” Okay. This? Starting to get old.

He squints at Sam, jacket on, snaking the keys to the Impala off Dean’s nightstand. “Don’t you have borscht to make, Rachael Ray?”

“I’m going to the store,” Sam says, opening the door. “To get NyQuil.”


“And an ear thermometer.”

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I'm glad you decided to post this!

“No.” Which totally means yes.

Which is totally adorable and sorta hot.

Love this. I hope you keep posting in our lil story section. :D

Question, where are all these prompts coming from? :lol:

Edited by obsessed
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I knew it! Those sneezes were too professionally spelled. :D:lol:


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Sneezy Dean?! I love it! This story just cracked me up lol. Hope you write more cause sneezy dean is just sooooooooo :drool::drool::drool::twisted::drool::drool::twisted::drool: :drool: yummy!!!!! :twisted:

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The fun in this is that it is mega-snarky..... exactly how brothers (especially sick brother-types) should behave in close quarters.

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*has to take a break from computer before she explodes*

Okay, I’m back.

So basically I’m going to say all the things I REALLY wanted to say over on hoodietime except I didn’t because, well, yeah. But now I can and I’m just crazy happy all over the place right now.

As much as I loved it when I read it the first time, I love it that much now times twenty-seven. And ESPECIALLY these parts:

Dean scrubs at his nose. Tickles. Sonofabitch. He presses two fingers to his face, under his eye. The tickle goes away for a moment, which is awesome. But it's back with a vengence the instant he moves his finger. He aims an uncovered “HuHRISHSHOO!” towards the floor. Ugh. Pretty sure that one took some lung with it.


“Hehh…HehhIH-Dabbit! Bite be.” He reaches for a tissue, but doesn’t quite get there before –“Hehhehh-EH! hheh-“

“Anytime today.” And Beet Boy’s mocking him. Dean flips him off. Beet Boy laughs. Bastard.

“Heh-hhhhehuh! Ow, goddabbit.” It’s like the itch in his sinuses has decided to tunnel its way out, through his cheekbone. He jams a finger into the corner of his eye and rubs. Sniffles. Totally doesn’t groan.

Seriously, your sneeze spellings are HOT.

Also, do you possibly like to write Sam at all? Because there’s this comm like hoodietime except for Sam:) And they’re also having a h/c comment-fic meme right now. HINT HINT.

OH and I forgot to say, YAY for you de-lurking and WELCOME!!!

Edited by 27jaredjensen
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Yayyy, sneezy Dean!!

I loved "Pretty sure that one took some lung with it", hee, and all the snarky sneezy Dean and of course the lovely forehead feel :drool: And yay for de-lurking - welcome!

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...You guys are awesome. :heart:


I'm glad you decided to post this!

“No.” Which totally means yes.

Which is totally adorable and sorta hot.

Love this. I hope you keep posting in our lil story section. :heart:

Question, where are all these prompts coming from? :lol:

:heart: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! And the prompts are from the h/c mem over at hoodietime on livejournal. Lots of yummy Dean whump.

I knew it! Those sneezes were too professionally spelled. :heart: :heart:


Hahaha, yeah. I thought the lack of an 'achoo' might tip you off. :drool: And yes, that's exactly what it means. :heart:

HOTTTT!!!!! Very hot. And this is so them... feels like first season. Love it. You need to write more....ummmm...like now. :)

Thanks! LOL. I have some more sitting, almost finished, on my computer. So soon?

Aw, super-sneezy!Dean! This was DELICIOUS.

:heart: Thrilled you liked it!

Sneezy Dean?! I love it! This story just cracked me up lol. Hope you write more cause sneezy dean is just sooooooooo yummy!!!!! :heart:

LOL. Thanks. Sneezy Dean is cooperating with me, so (hopefully) more soonish.

The fun in this is that it is mega-snarky..... exactly how brothers (especially sick brother-types) should behave in close quarters.

The snark was so much fun to write. I'm glad it worked for you!


*has to take a break from computer before she explodes*

Okay, I’m back.

So basically I’m going to say all the things I REALLY wanted to say over on hoodietime except I didn’t because, well, yeah. But now I can and I’m just crazy happy all over the place right now.

As much as I loved it when I read it the first time, I love it that much now times twenty-seven. And ESPECIALLY these parts:

Seriously, your sneeze spellings are HOT.

Also, do you possibly like to write Sam at all? Because there’s this comm like hoodietime except for Sam:) And they’re also having a h/c comment-fic meme right now. HINT HINT.

OH and I forgot to say, YAY for you de-lurking and WELCOME!!!

LOL, you crack me up. :D Thank you for such an awesome welcome!

You know, it's funny. If I have to pick, Dean's my favorite brother to beat on. :) Something about the role reversal gets me every single time. But up until this week, most of what I'd written was Sam whump. Stuff for my h/c bingo card, mainly. Maybe I'll go poke around - Oh!Sam? Is that the comm?

LOVE this! Love Dean's crankiness and the way the brothers interact. Great writing :)

E x

Thank you! Love me a cranky Dean. :D

Yayyy, sneezy Dean!!

I loved "Pretty sure that one took some lung with it", hee, and all the snarky sneezy Dean and of course the lovely forehead feel :D And yay for de-lurking - welcome!

Hehe. Thanks! Glad you liked it :)

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Awesome ficlet!! ;) I hope you'll write more in the future. :D

Thanks! I definitely hope to. :D

But up until this week, most of what I'd written was Sam whump. Stuff for my h/c bingo card, mainly. Maybe I'll go poke around - Oh!Sam? Is that the comm?

Yes ma'am! ohsam http://community.livejournal.com/ohsam/44339.html

And I must read this Sam whumpage!!

I snagged 6 prompts, in addition to the bazillion I have from hoodie_time. Why must these mems be so addictive????

:) I think I'll be done with one of the Sam whumps sometime this week.

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