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Wait For Me

White Rose

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Okay, so my latest obsession is the movie The Runaways that was released earlier this year. If you are not familiar with the movie or the band it was based off of, that's okay. The movie is rated R but I will keep it age appropriate for the forum. You dont really need to know the movie or anything but, it helps. The main characters are Joan Jett (Kristen Stewart) and Cherie Currie (Dakota Fanning). Anyway, because there are some f/f scenes, it inspired me to write a story for you guys. Hope you like it!

Part One

It was 11:00 am. Joan Jett woke up in a motel next to her sleeping girlfriend to the telephone ringing. She rubbed her eyes, sat up and answered the phone quietly. “Hello?”

“Well if it isn’t Joan Jett. The world’s biggest fucking rockstar there ever was! Sorry to wake you Kitten, but… I’m gunna need you girls at the studio by one. So wake your Diva asses up and get going!” Kim Fowley. The Runaways’ jerk of a record producer practically screamed into Joan’s ear.

“Okay, sure man… Yeah, that’s fine.”

“Well I didn’t ask you if it was ‘fine’ I told you to be there. You’re my property. You do what I say. Got that?”

“Yeah, whatever… We’ll be there okay?” Joan hung up the phone and returned to her girlfriend who was still fast asleep. She decided to cuddle next to her and doze until noon…

“Wake up kid.” Joan said groggily while rubbing her girlfriend’s shoulder.

“Mmm… What time is it?” Cherie sniffled and rolled over to face Joan.

“Almost noon babe. Kim just called… He said we have to be at the studio by one…” She said, her jet-black hair hanging in her face as she leaned up and looked down at her sleepy girlfriend.

“*sniffle* Okay…” Cherie’s voice was scratchy. She winced as she tried clearing her throat.

“What’s a matter? Is someone losing her voice from singing so much?” Joan said, sitting up on the bed.

“Mmm… No… I’m fine. *sniffle*” She wiped her nose and coughed into her fist.

“Well I hope so because you know Kim’s gunna make you sing anyway.”

“Ugh, I know…” She rolled over and sniffled.

“Come on… Lets get in the shower hun.” Joan walked over to Cherie’s side of the bed and held her hand.

Cherie sighed and grabbed Joan’s hand as she got up out of bed. All of a sudden Cherie quickly let go of Joan’s hand and cupped her hands over her face. “Hihh… Tshewww!”

“Bless you Cher.” Joan rubbed her back. “Need a hanky or something?” She asked, looking down at her feet, a bit embarrassed.

“Nah, I’m okay *sniffle* Lets go shower” She held Joan’s hand and they went off to the bathroom.

Hope you all liked the first part! I'll continue if i get nice feedback B)

Love you guys <3

Thanks for reading!

Edited by TheSneezeLover
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OMG!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! this is AMAZING!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!! i cant wait to see what happens next!! this is so good TheSneezeLover!!! your writing is always so awesome!!!

heehee love you! :wuv:

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Aw, thanks so much for the feedback guys! Heres part two! Hope you like :D

Part Two

After their shower, Cherie and Joan got dressed. They went back into the bedroom and did their makeup and hair.

“Cher, hand me the hairspray will ya?”

“Here Joanie” She handed the AquaNet to her black-haired girlfriend.

“Thanks babe.” Joan started spraying her hair and teasing the layers.

“*sniffle* No problem.” She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand.

“Hey, you sure you’re okay?” Joan stopped spraying her hair as she saw a sneezy expression form on Cherie’s face.

“Hehh… Yeah… I’m…. Fuhh… Fine…”

Joan walked over to Cherie and rubbed her back.

“Hehh… Hitshew! Itchoo!” She sneezed into cupped hands and Joan grabbed a bandana out of her pocket and wiped Cherie’s nose. “*sniffle* Thag you Joad.”

“Bless you…” She felt Cherie’s forehead. “Aw, you’ve got a little fever, kid. I think someone should take the day off.”

“*sniffle* No, really, I’b okay…”

“Babe, listen to yourself.” Joan chuckled, “I mean, you’re all… congested… You… You can’t sing today…”

“*sniffle* But… but I’m a rockstar… I shouldn’t let a stupid little cold stop me.” She said, rubbing her nose again.

“Cher, everyone gets sick. It’s just a fact of life.” Joan handed her the bandana. “Don’t worry, I’ll call Kim for you and tell him you’re under the weather. I uh… *fake cough* feel something coming on too… So, how about I ditch with you and take care of you?”

“Aww, baby, you’d really do that for me?”

“Well of course!” Joan held Cherie’s hand. “I’d do anything for you.”

“Wow, Joan Jett, the big, tough rockstar has a soft side…” Cherie smiled into Joan’s eyes.

“Just… Don’t spread that around.” Joan winked and kissed Cherie on the cheek.

“Don’t worry, secret’s safe with me.” Cherie sniffled and Joan handed her the hanky.

Joan just smiled. “I’ll call Kim… You just sit tight okay kid?”

Cherie nodded and sat back in bed while Joan picked up the phone.

TBC? :)

Edited by TheSneezeLover
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so I couldnt resist continuing this :laugh:

And you guys were so nice so... here you go :)

After their shower, Cherie and Joan got dressed. They went back into the bedroom and did their makeup and hair.

“Cher, hand me the hairspray will ya?”

“Here Joanie” She handed the AquaNet to her black-haired girlfriend.

“Thanks babe.” Joan started spraying her hair and teasing the layers.

“*sniffle* No problem.” She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand.

“Hey, you sure you’re okay?” Joan stopped spraying her hair as she saw a sneezy expression form on Cherie’s face.

“Hehh… Yeah… I’m…. Fuhh… Fine…”

Joan walked over to Cherie and rubbed her back.

“Hehh… Hitshew! Itchoo!” She sneezed into cupped hands and Joan grabbed a bandana out of her pocket and wiped Cherie’s nose. “*sniffle* Thag you Joad.”

“Bless you…” She felt Cherie’s forhead. “Aw, you’ve got a little fever, kid. I think someone should take the day off.”

“*sniffle* No, really, I’b okay…”

“Babe, listen to yourself.” Joan chuckled, “I mean, you’re all… congested… You… You can’t sing today…”

“*sniffle* But… but I’m a rockstar… I shouldn’t let a stupid little cold stop me.” She said, rubbing her nose again.

“Cher, everyone gets sick. It’s just a fact of life.” Joan handed her the bandana. “Don’t worry, I’ll call Kim for you and tell him you’re under the weather. I uh… *fake cough* feel something coming on too… So, how about I ditch with you and take care of you?”

“Aww, baby, you’d really do that for me?”

“Well of course!” Joan held Cherie’s hand. “I’d do anything for you.”

“Wow, Joan Jett, the big, tough rock star has a soft side…” Cherie smiled into Joan’s eyes.

“Just… Don’t spread that around.” Joan winked and kissed Cherie on the cheek.

“Don’t worry, secret’s safe with me.” Cherie sniffled and Joan handed her the hanky.

Joan just smiled. “I’ll call Kim… You just sit tight okay kid?”

Cherie nodded and sat back in bed while Joan picked up the phone.

“Hey, Kim… Yeah um, Cher and I are gunna take the day off…” Joan said hesitantly into the phone. Cherie could hear the aggravated record producer on the other end, yelling at Joan while she just sat there, rolling her eyes, waiting for him to pause so she could explain herself.

“Look, Cherrie and I aren’t feeling too hot… Come on, let the kid have a break, you don’t want her to lose her voice for the show tomorrow do you?” Cherrie coughed into her fist and winced at her painful, dry throat. “Yeah… Okay Kim, but Cherrie and I wont be there, just tell Lita and Sandy to practice or do a sound check or something… Okay? Yeah…. Whatever man, see you later…” And with that, Joan hung up the phone and smiled at her sniffling girlfriend. “You’ve got the day off, kid…” Joan crawled in bed next to Cherie.

“*sniffle* Thank you so much babe!” Cherie said, cuddling up to Joan while wiping her nose with the bandana.

“Hey, anytime, Sugar. I’ve gotta make sure my girl gets some rest so she can get better.” Joan said, kissing Cherie’s forehead.

Cherie yawned and burrowed into Joan’s chest sleepily.

“Hey, how about we get some sleep huh? You didn’t get a very good night’s sleep last night…” Joan remarked

“Mkayy…” Cherie said, falling asleep quickly.

“Just let me know if you need anything, I’m here…” Joan rubbed Cherie’s back.

“I love you Joan…” Cherie said, almost asleep.

Joan looked down at her drowsy girlfriend and smiled. “I love you too Cher…”

Let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading everyone :D

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  • 5 months later...

Okay guys, I know I started this story forever ago, but I just thought I'd continue. Better late than never right? :D


Part Three

The next time Cherie woke up, she was all alone. The bright sun came shining through the window, intensifying her throbbing headache. Cherie just layed there for a few minutes, trying to work up the energy to get out of bed and find her absent girlfriend. With a groan, Cherie slowly sat up and slid out from under the covers, causing a shiver to go down the blond girl's frame. She wrapped her arms around herself as she dragged her feet sleepily along the shaggy carpet in search for Joan. She approached the tiny bathroom; the door was closed and a small sliver of light shone from underneath the crack. She opened the door to find Joan sitting on the counter, talking on the motel phone, rolling her eyes and puffing her cigarette, obviously aggravated with the person on the other end.

“Look Kim, chill out! So we missed one rehearsal, big deal.” Joan sighed at the impatient man. Once she noticed the blond girl standing in front of her, Joan waved and flashed Cherie a crooked smile before putting out her cigarette.

“Yeah, yeah, I know... Okay...” Joan rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue, causing Cherie to giggle. “Okay Kim... Alright... Yeah... Okay... Bye Kim.” Joan hung up the phone on a still ranting Kim and leaped off the counter. “Hey there.” She said, putting her hand on Cherie's shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.

“Hey...” Cherie sniffled, looking particularly miserable.

“How you feeling, Blondie?” Joan asked, her brown eyes sparkling into the set of tired blue ones in front of her.

“Not so great,” She said hoarsely, “What was that all about?”

“Oh, nothing, Kim's just being an asshole, but, what else is new?”

Cherie sniffled and looked away. “I'm sorry, Joanie.” She mumbled, rubbing her nose halfheartedly.

“For what kid?” Joan asked.

“I don't know, for getting sick I guess. I'm sorry you have to deal with Kim. You shouldn't have to get yelled at just because I don't feel good.” Cherie said, avoiding her girlfriend's eyes.

“Aw, don't worry about Kim, Cher. I can handle him. Ain't no big thing.”

“Well, thanks Joanie, I owe you big time.” Cherie said, finally meeting Joan's eyes again with a sleepy grin.

“Like I said kid, no big deal.”

Cherrie suddenly turned away form Joan as her nose quivered. “Hihh... Tsheww!” Cherie sneezed into the crook of her elbow, shivering.

“Bless you Cher. Where's that bandana you were hanging on to for me?”

“I left it id bed.” Cherie replied, congestedly

“Well, c'mon, let's get you back to bed.” Joan guided Cherie with a gentile hand on the small of her back. She tucked her under the covers, but still noticed the blond girl shivering. “You've got a chill huh sweetie?” Cherie nodded. “Well, I've got something that will keep you warm.” Joan grabbed her black leather jacket that was slung over the back of a chair. “Here kid. Sorry it's not the most glamorous accessory in the world, but hey, it'll get the job done.” Joan smirked as she helped Cherie into the jacket.

“It's perfect.” Cherie smiled, “Now all that's missing is you.”

Joan laughed a little as she got under the covers. “I'm comin', I'm comin'.” She wrapped her arms around Cherie protectively as the blond snuggled into her with a sniffle.

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  • 7 months later...

So, I know this story is super old, but I couldn't resist continuing it. :) Enjoy!

Part Four

Cherie slept for about an hour, cuddled up against Joan. The black haired girl layed awake, running her fingers thorugh Cherie's hair and listening to the sound of her light, congested breathing while she slept, occasionally kissing her forhead to monitor the status of her fever.

Suddenly, the blond's light pink nose started to twitch, and Cherie half-heartedly rubbed it in her sleep, but the tickle that was blooming inside of her nose kept teasing her. Cherie was awakened by her itchy nose, and took a sharp breath in. “Huhh-itsheww! Atshoo! Icheww!” Three powerful, uncovered sneezes were released into Joan's chest as the now awake Cherie rubbed her nose roughly.

“Bless you babe! Not such a nice wake up call is it?” Joan rubbed Cherie's nose with the red bandana.

Cherie sniffled, “Joad!” She said congestedly, “I'b so sorry I sdeezed od you, I...” Joan put a quieting finger against Cherie's lips.

“It's alright. No need to be sorry okay?” Joan replaced her finger with a light kiss and pushed Cheries golden wavy locks behind her ear.

Cherie frowned, “But baby, I dod't wadda get you sick...” Cherie said in a raspy, congested voice.

“I'll be okay, don't worry about me. It sounds like you need to blow your nose, kid.” Joan pressed the bandana lightly around Cherie's nose, but Cherie took the bandana in her own hands and let out a soft, wet blow, relieving some of her congestion.

“The last thing I want is for you to catch my cold. It's bad enough we missed the rehursal today, we can't afford to miss the last couple of shows before we go to Japan, Kim will flip! Besides, this sucks Joanie, and I really don't want you to catch it.” Cherie said, rubbing her nose again.

“Really Cher, please don't worry about me...” Joan paused and looked around the room, even though they were the only two there, and lowered her voice “I love you, and I just wanna be with you... If you're not feeling good, I wanna do all I can to make it better. I don't care about what Kim or anyone else has to say alright?” Joan's hazel eyes sparkled down into Cherie's blue ones as she spoke, and Cherie smiled lovingly at her.

“You're really something, you know that?” Cherie asked, hypnotized by Joan's gaze.

“Nah, I'm nothin' compaired to you.” Joan leaned down and kissed Cherie passionately on the lips. Cherie seperated and turned away as her breath started to hitch. “Huhh-shoo!”

“Bless you.” Joan chuckled and wiped Cherie's nose gently.

“Thadks.” Cherie said before blowing her nose wetly. “Ugh, I can't even kiss you right!”

“Thats okay baby.” Joan sat up against the pillows and looked down at her hands. “I think your sneezes are kinda cute anyway.”

Cherie sniffled, “Aw, you do?”

Joan looked up with a bashful grin, “Yeah, I do.”

Cherie gave Joan a quick kiss on the cheek. “Hey kid, you hungry? You haven't eaten all day.” Joan said, quickly changing the subject.

“Yeah, kinda, but there's not anything to eat in this garbage dump.” Cherie said, wiping her nose on her wrist.

“Well, I'll go get you something. Anything you want, just tell me.” Joan said, holding Cherie's hand.

“Well, I really like chicken soup when I'm sick, but anything is fine...”

“You got it.” Joan hopped out of bed and put on her old black Chuck Taylors. She went over to Cherie and tilted her chin up to give her a kiss goodbye, then went over to the dresser and lit a cigarette. “Try and take care of yourself while I'm gone, I'll be back as soon as I can.”

“Kay.” Cherie said, getting back under the covers as Joan shut the door. Cherie hugged Joan's jacket close to her and fell asleep happily.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's short, but It kind of explains the title. More to come soon! Enjoy!

Part Five

Joan snuck silently back into the motel room and put the paper bag that she was carrying on the vanity, trying to be as quiet as she could. In the process, she accidently knocked down a can of hairspray that made a loud thump when it hit the floor. “Shit.” She hissed as she bent down to pick it up.

“Hey Joanie.” Joan turned around to find Cherie sitting up in bed with a notebook on her lap and a pencil in her hand instead of sleeping like she had anticipated. She took in Cherie's appearance for the split second that stopped the world every time she looked at her. Cherie's blonde hair was messy, her makeup was smeared all over her face, she had a blanket over her shoulders, and her nose was rose red, but Joan thought that Cherie was still the most beautiful girl she had ever seen.

“Hey kid, whatcha doin'?” Joan asked, climbing into bed after taking off her shoes.

“Writing a song... Kim's been on my ass for new stuff for the next album, and I was feeling kind of inspired, so I decided to write.”

Joan laughed. “This is supposed to be your day off!”

Cherie wiped her nose and sniffled, “I know, but I just had to write. I was getting so bored.”

“I was only gone for fifteen minutes!”

Cherie laughed, “Well, it felt like a lifetime!”

Joan kissed Cherie on the cheek lightly. “Can I see?”

“Nah, it probably looks weird just reading it. Can I sing it to you?” Cherie asked, rubbing her nose with Joan's bandana.

“Are you sure babe? You're sick, I don't want you to lose your voice.”

“I'm fine.” Cherie coughed into her fist and sniffled. “Ready?”

Joan nodded and grinned at her stubborn girlfriend.

“I'm not done or anything, this is just a little piece of it...” Cherie cleared her throat and started to sing in her raspy voice.

“ ♪ We hold ourselves together. It's a bond that will never be broken. I know we'll last forever. But there's something that I just gotta say. Wait for me my lover. Wait for me no other. Wait with me, oh please. Wait for me. ♪ “ After finishing the song, Cherie sneezed into the crook of her elbow. “Asheww!”

“Bless you baby,” Joan said, “I like it! And I've got a secret for you.” She winked and Cherie smiled. “I'll always wait for you.” She said, blushing.

“Aw, Joanie!” Cherie gave Joan a passionate kiss. “You're the best.”

“Nah... So, how about that soup? You hungry?” Joan asked, bashfully.

“Mhmm.” Cherie smiled and put her notebook on the old wooden nightstand while Joan retrieved the soup.

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Since the last part was so short, and I have time on my hands for once, I'm going to add 2 parts in one day!! :o

Enjoy! And as always, thanks for reading. :)

Part Six

Joan was helping Cherie with her soup when they heard a knock on the door. “Here kid, hold this for a sec...” She said, handing Cherie the bowl of soup.

Joan leaped off the bed and opened the door, revealing their dirty-blond drummer, Sandy.

“Oh thank God! I thought you were Kim!” Joan said, with a sigh of relief.

“Nah, you don't have to worry about him, he had had enough of us for the day.” Sandy said, rolling her eyes.

“Was he really pissed about me n' Cherie taking the day off.”

Sandy laughed, “Yeah, he said something about you guys being 'sick dogs who were too lazy to get off your asses and show your chops.' Whatever that means... But you know how he gets.” She paused and looked at Cherie in bed, eating her soup.

“Hey Saddy.” Cherie said, congestedly.

“Hey there! Not lookin' too hot Cher.” She said, walking over to Cherie's bedside.

“Not feeling too hot either.” Cherie replied.

“Has Joanie been taking good care of you?” Sandy asked with a smirk.

“Yep.” Cherie said, taking another bite of her soup.

“You two are just too damn cute together.” Sandy said, looking at Joan.

Joan smiled. “Hey, where's Lita?” She asked, referring to the other guitarist in the band.

“She's down at the pool, I asked if she wanted to come up and see you, but you know how she is. She thought you guys were faking just to get a day off. Whatever man...” Sandy crossed her arms.

“Huhh... Hitsheww!” Cherie sneezed forcefully into the bandana, snapping forward and causing her blond hair to fall into her face.

“Bless you baby.” Joan said, climbing back into bed while Cherie blew her nose.

“Obviously Lita's wrong. Poor Cherie!” Sandy said, “Take care of her Joan, I'm gonna go grab a bite.” Sandy said, grabbing her brown leather handbag off of the vanity chair.

“Okay, see ya Sandy.” Joan said, waving good bye.

“Bye.” Cherie said, rubbing her nose on the back of her wrist, and putting the empty bowl on the bedside table. “Huhhtshoo!” She lay back against the pillows and sighed.

“Aw, baby, you're really not feeling good huh?” Joan asked, feeling Cherie's forehand with the back of her hand.

“Hm-mm.” She closed her eyes and frowned.

“What can I do to help, my little Cherry Bomb?” Joan asked, holding Cherie's hand.

“Just cuddle with me Joanie.” She said, looking utterly miserable. “I'm sorry, but can I take another nap please? I'm so beat.”

“Oh baby, no need to be sorry... Come're.” Joan said, holding out her arms as Cherie crawled into them sluggishly. “Close your eyes babe, I've got you.” Cherie layed against Joan's chest for a while, then she leaned up and turned away from Joan, like she was looking at something.

“Whatcha doing baby?” Joan asked.

“I... huhh... I gotta sneeze... Uhhh... tshoo! Huhh... Huhhtshoo... Atsheww!” Cherie's entire frame shivered with each sneeze. She lay back down on Joan, and the black-haired girl wiped Cherie's nose gently.

“Bless you.”

Cherie sighed, “Thags.”

“No wonder you're so tired, Sugar.” Joan said, running her fingers through Cherie's hair. “Baby, you don't have to turn away like that when you need to sneeze... Just let yourself sneeze, I'll take care of you.” Joan said cautiously but compassionately.

“Kay...” Cherie said, too worn out to put up a fight.

“Get some sleep kid, I'm here.” Joan rubbed Cherie's back, and soon, Cherie was asleep.

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Part Seven

The next time Cherie woke up, it was dark. She had been in and out of nightmares, fever sweats, and chills, which were very vague in her memory. The only thing she could remember for certain was Joan's distinct humming of the blonde's favorite songs that no one else in the band particularly cared for. Coming out of her feverish haze, Cherie grew startled. She didn't know where she was. Her legs were tangled up in the covers, she felt lost in a sea of darkness, and all she could hear was muffled commotion from the motel hallway. Soon, diffuse blinking lights flashed in through the curtains in unison with chirping sirens that seemed to be getting closer and closer. “Joan!” Cherie jolted up, with her eyes wide open, breathing heavily. Joan, who was half asleep herself, immediately sprung awake and wrapped her arms around Cherie's waist. “Shh... Hey, its okay kid, you're okay. I gotcha.” Joan soothed

“I don't know what the hell just happened!” Cherie's exclaimed hoarsely, her heart still racing.

“It was just a bad dream babe, you're okay now.” Joan rubbed her back with one hand and held her close with the other.

“That was scary, Joanie.” She said, taking a deep breath.

“I know, but it's all over now. Come're.” Joan guided Cherie back down to the pillows and kissed her forehand which was radiating heat. “You're burning up, kid.” Joan frowned.

“I'm so hot!” Cherie moved restlessly in her arms.

“I know it babe. Hang on okay? I'll be right back.” Joan said, starting to get out of bed

“Don't leave...” Cherie whimpered

“I'll be right back. Literally in a few seconds. I'm just going to get some ice baby.”

“Kay.” Cherie agreed, and with that, Joan leaped off the bed and grabbed the ice bin off of the vanity. She flung open the door, and ran down the hall. Within seconds, she was back with a full bin of ice. She wrapped some in a wash cloth and quickly returned to Cherie's bedside.

“Here ya go, this should help.” She said, dabbing Cherie's wet forehand. “You're alright kid.” She soothed Cherie and began humming 'Starry Starry Night,' one of Cherie's favorites, and the feverish girl quickly started to relax. After a little while, Joan got back into bed with Cherie, and lay there with her arms around her. Cherie's breathing was relaxed, and Joan assumed she was asleep, but Cherie began to murmur something.

“Hey Joanie, wanna know something?” She sniffled

Joan laughed a little, “Sure, tell me.”

“You pretend to be such a hardass, but on the inside, you're the most sensitive, loving person I know.” She said, in a slow, sleepy voice.

Joan smiled. “Only for you Cher.”

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