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Stupid 21st Century Germs - (12 Parts)


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Title: Stupid 21st Century Germs

Fandom: Doctor Who - I've only discovered the good Doctor and his Torchwood counterparts this summer. Boy, have I been missing out!

Disclaimer: Not my characters, you know the drill. The story is set towards the last part of season 1, during the Captain Jack episodes.

Summary: When Captain Jack comes down with a cold, he looks to Rose and The Doctor for a little caring.

I haven't quite finished this story yet, but I have enough of a head start that I should be able to do my usual daily updates without getting ahead of myself.

Here's Part 1. No sneezing yet, but rest assured that the good stuff is coming. :lol:

Oh, and one more note - this is important if you're not British or if you don't watch a lot of British TV. "Pants" and "trousers" aren't the same thing. In Britain, "pants" means "underwear." And off we go!

Rose carefully brushed her hair back into a ponytail. It was – well, she didn’t know what time it was, not really. She’d just woken up an half hour ago, so it certainly felt like morning, but she had no proper idea of the time of day, the day of the week, the century, etc.

Last thing Rose knew, they were in 21st century London. That’s where they were when she went to bed last night, if it was still last night. As far as she knew, that’s still where and when they were, but she couldn’t say with certainty. When the Doctor got it in his mind to move on, he did it, and he did it when it was convenient for him.

“Hiya,” Rose said as she entered the control room and found the Doctor already up and racing. That was no surprise – she’d never met anyone with as much energy as the Doctor. This morning – if it was in fact morning – he was fiddling with all sorts of wires and gizmos on the control panel of the TARDIS.

“Morning, Rose,” the Doctor said brightly. “Controls are a bit buggered – might be an hour or two before we get off.”

“Fine with me,” Rose told him, leaning over to watch his frenzied hands at work. “So we’re still in London, then?”

The Doctor nodded toward the door. “See for yourself,” he said.

Rose made her way to the door and flung it open, nearly smacking Mickey in the process. “Oi!” he cried.

“Oh! Sorry!” Rose cried with a wince. “Didn’t know you were out there.”

“I thought I’d better come early if I wanted to catch you,” he said, stepping inside. He had a hand behind his back. “Morning, Doctor.”

“Hiya, Ricky,” the Doctor called, his voice garbled by the fact that he was now holding his sonic screwdriver between his teeth.

“We’ll be off before too long,” Rose explained to Mickey. “I’m glad you came.” It was confusing, her and Mickey. When Rose and the Doctor were off traveling, it was just the two of them, and she hardly gave 21st century London a second thought. When they were here and now, though, and she saw Mickey… She hated to think of him waiting around for her whilst she flew about the universe, but she couldn’t cut her ties. She still cared about him.

“I’m just glad I made it,” Mickey said. He brought his hand out from behind his back, revealing a bakery box with a paper bag on top of it. “I brought breakfast.”

“Aw, thanks!” Rose exclaimed. She grabbed the bag, which contained three coffees in Styrofoam cups. Mickey opened the box to display the rolls inside. “Doctor, you want breakfast?”

“Maybe later – cheers,” the Doctor replied. His voice was muffled now; his head was somewhere inside the control panel.

“Eat now, play mechanic later,” Rose prompted.

The Doctor reemerged. “All right, if you insist,” he said. Wiping his hands on his trousers, he approached Rose and Mickey. Rose handed him a coffee, and he selected a choice roll from the bakery box.

The three of them sat about the TARDIS, chatting over breakfast. It was always a bit awkward when the Doctor and Mickey were in the same room. Rose felt like she had to play referee, and she had to make sure she balanced her affections fairly.

“You’re sounding better,” Rose commented to Mickey. When they’d arrived in London, two days ago, he’d been working on getting over a cold.

“Yeah, I’m feeling a lot better,” Mickey told her. “Like a human being again.”

Rose finished her roll, licking icing off her fingers. “These are great, Mickey!”

“Have another,” Mickey offered, holding the box out to her.

Rose shook her head – after Mickey and the Doctor had both had seconds, there was only one roll left. “Oughta save one for Jack.”

“Jack’s still asleep,” the Doctor pointed out. “It’s his own fault if he misses out.”

“Miss out od what?” came a voice behind Rose. At Mickey’s alarmed expression, Rose turned around and had to smile to herself. Jack stood before them, sleepy-eyed with tousled hair. He seemed to have no qualms about being only in his pants in a room filled with fully clothed people.

“Rolls,” Rose explained. “Want one?”

Jack plopped onto the floor beside Rose. “Sure,” he said. His voice was low in the morning, husky. “Borning – is still borning?”

“We haven’t left yet, if that’s what you mean,” Rose told him. “In case you didn’t notice, Mickey’s still here.”

Jack lazily turned his gaze toward Mickey. “Oh. Right. Hi.” Micky didn’t reply. He only continued to give Jack quizzical looks.

“Oh, relax,” Rose said to Mickey. “Just be glad he’s got his pants on.”

“Yeah, he does like to play fast and loose with my ‘No Nudity in the TARDIS’ policy,” the Doctor commented.

“I forget,” Jack said with a shrug.

Rose couldn’t really hold Mickey’s reaction against him. As she got to know Jack, she became more accustomed to him and his 51st century ways, but he definitely took a bit of getting used to, and Mickey didn’t know him well yet. Rose wondered what he would do if Jack started chatting him up in his pants.

Rubbing his nose, Jack looked around him. “Is there coffee?” he asked, making note of the empty cups.

“I only got three – sorry,” Mickey said. “Forgot about you.”

“Doctor, cad you put the kettle on?” Jack asked.

“I am getting back to work,” the Doctor informed him, brushing crumbs off his hands as he rose to his feet. “Make your own tea if you want it.”

“Please?” Jack wheedled, sticking out his lower lip in an exaggerated fashion.

“Gotta get the TARDIS running at full capacity,” the Doctor explained. “Don’t wanna fall behind schedule.”

“Don’t you hate it when he makes comments like that whilst in his time machine?” Rose asked Jack.

Jack smiled, just a little. “What about you, Rose?” he asked, resting his head on her shoulder. “Dod’t you wanna bake be some tea?”

“I think you wanna make yourself some tea,” she told him teasingly. She couldn’t help taking a playful attitude with Jack. He lulled you into it with his manner.

Jack gave a loud sigh. He looked back at Mickey with a doe-eyed expression. “How ‘bout it, Bickey?” he asked.

“All right, do all your time-trotting pals have to have a nickname for me?” Mickey demanded of Rose. “I mean, ‘Bickey’? At least the Doctor calls me Ricky, that’s a name, at least! Bickey? That’s not even a word!”

“Sorry,” Jack said, pressing a finger to his nose. “I didn’t bean to do that.”

“You didn’t mean to?” Mickey asked. “How do you accidently say ‘Bickey’ instead of ‘Mickey’? That makes no sense!”

“I wasn’t trying to!” Jack reiterated defensively. “It’s by dose!” He frowned, rubbing his nose with a sniff. “It’s, um, it’s feeling a little stuffy.”

Now that he mentioned it, Rose heard the congestion in his voice. “All right, Jack?” she asked with a frown.

“Doh,” he told her, sighing dramatically. “I thidk I have a cold, Rose.”

Rose winced sympathetically. “That’s rotten luck,” she said. “Were you feeling ill yesterday?”

Jack shook his head. He sniffled. “Woke up with it,” he said. He covered his mouth with his hands and coughed. Snuggling up to Rose again, he gave Mickey a pointed look. “Whedever you’re ready to apologize,” he said.

Mickey frowned. “Apologize? What’re you talking about? I’ve done nothing wrong!”

“You bean besides getting be sick?” Jack replied.

“That’s my fault?” Mickey asked incredulously.

“He’s got a point – you’re the only one we’ve had regular contact with here who could’ve exposed him,” the Doctor pointed out from his place at the control panel.

“Thanks, Doctor,” Mickey replied sarcastically. “Big help, as always.”

“I do what I can,” the Doctor said cheerfully.

Mickey turned back to Jack. “Fine, I’m sorry you’ve got the sniffles. Now, how’s about you be a man and not whinge about it?”

Not surprisingly, Jack ignored this entirely. He instead pouted pitifully at Rose. “Tea – please?”

Slowly, a smile spread across Rose’s face. “Give me a minute,” she said resignedly. Jack beamed up at her as she stood and went to retrieve the kettle. Sooner or later, Jack pretty much always got what he wanted.

See you tomorrow! Hope you enjoy it!

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Good morning! Here's Part 2.

Jack sniffled, sipping his tea as he stood over the Doctor’s shoulder. “What’s the therbal output?” he asked.

“Still running hot,” the Doctor replied. “If we take off in this condition, we won’t have the energy to make it to last week.”

Jack coughed into his fist, then bent down to look at the control panel. Like the Doctor, he could make sense of it. To Rose, it was a mess of wires and buttons. “Did you try rerouting the –?”

“Course I did!” the Doctor said. “Who do you think you’re dealing with?”

“Not quite ready to go, then?” Rose asked.

The Doctor looked up. “Hiya – didn’t see you were back,” he said. “How’s Jackie?”

Rose had just bid farewell to her mother for the present. She didn’t know how long it’d be – for her or Mum – until they’d see each other again. “As well as can be expected,” Rose told him. “She’s never too keen on me leaving.” She stepped fully inside the TARDIS and joined them at the control panel. “I see Jack put on some clothes.”

“Mutual decision,” the Doctor said. “We decided it was best for everyone involved.”

“Although sobe of us think they cad call an executive order a ‘butual decision,’” Jack added. “Eh-Shhhh-oooo-uh!” He turned, sneezing into his shoulder.

“Bless,” Rose said.

“Thanks,” Jack replied, wriggling his nose. “You don’t catch colds, I suppose?” he asked the Doctor.

“Nope – I’m only susceptible to Time Lord illnesses,” the Doctor told him. “Of course, those are pretty scarce these days.” His voice was cheerful, but his eyes bore the dark expression he had whenever he thought about being the last of his race. Rose rushed in to take his mind off it.

“Did you try switching those two?” she asked quickly, indicating a pair of wires.

“No, can’t say I’ve tried that,” the Doctor replied.

“Seebs he prefers it whed the control paddel isn’t engulfed id flames,” Jack commented. “He’s very particular that way.”

“Very funny,” Rose said. “Did you, uh, override the wotsit and reattach the… whozits?”

“It’s comforting to know you’ll never mutiny and commandeer the TARDIS,” the Doctor said, giving her an affectionate smile.

Jack took a few steps back and pressed a hand over his mouth. “Heh-uh-SHOOOO!” he sneezed.

Rose looked up from the control panel. “Bless.”

“You’re not gonna give that cold to Rose, are you, Jack?” the Doctor asked.

“Wouldn’t dreab of it,” Jack replied. “I wouldn’t wish a cold od anybody.” He drew in a sharp breath and raised his hand to his nose, tensing up. Rose waited expectantly, but Jack sighed a few moments later, dropped his hand as his shoulders relaxed. “I dod’t doh how you people put up with it,” he said to Rose.

Rose frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“51st century – no disease,” the Doctor explained.

This idea flummoxed Rose. “What?! You mean nobody gets ill in your time?”

“Dope,” Jack said. “Everything’s bed eradicated.”

“Nice little period for humanity,” the Doctor commented. “Of course, it’s only a couple hundred years before new illnesses start popping up. That’ll be a wakeup call.”

Rose was still trying to wrap her head around the concept. “Wait, so – oh god, this isn’t the first time you’ve been ill, is it?”

Jack shook his head. He took a swallow of tea and cleared his throat. “After I first becabe a Tibe Agent, I went through a period where I was sick bore often thad I was healthy.”

“Oh right, ‘cause you got exposed to all sorts of things whilst you were traveling through time,” Rose mused. “But didn’t you get awful things, like smallpox and all that?” She frowned. “Doctor, how come I haven’t had smallpox, or some future disease I’ve never even heard of? We’ve traveled all over history.”

“Because you’ve had vaccinations,” the Doctor explained.

“So did I,” Jack told Rose. “Tibe Agents get vaccidated against everything that’s ever had wod developed for it, past add future – polio, diphtheria, chicken pox…”

Rose giggled a little. “You’re vaccinated against chicken pox?”

“Dod’t laugh – I hear it’s doh picdic,” Jack replied.

“Doctor, I don’t remember getting a bunch of shots,” Rose commented.

“That’s ‘cause you just had one,” the Doctor said. “All of history’s vaccinations, completed in one go.”

“I wish the Tibe Agency did it your way,” Jack said. “After vaccidations, by bottom felt like a pid cushion… Hih-eh-Chiuhhhh!” He squeezed his eyes shut as he sneezed into the crook of his arm.

Rose still wasn’t up to speed. “But if you’ve had all these shots, why were you getting ill so often?”

“I wasn’t catching everything, just colds,” Jack explained. “There’s never bed a vaccidation against the cobbon cold. The virus was eradicated id the…”

“34th century,” the Doctor interjected.

“Right,” Jack said, “before addyone bothered to cobe up with a vaccide or a cure. So, addy assignbent prior to the 34th century, I had a pretty even chance of catching a cold.” He coughed a few times and took another sip of his tea.

“Blimey,” Rose said. “So you never had a cold until you were grown?”

“Exactly,” Jack said, “but I certaidly caught enough of theb to bake up for it. By immude systeb’s a little bore acclimated dow, although I probably catch cold bore often thad you do, whed I’be in the appropriate tibe period for it.”

Rose shook her head in disbelief. “That’s absolutely mad.”

“The worst was if you caught a cold, add your dext assignbent was post-34th cedtury,” Jack told her. “That bent you had to stay put udtil you got over it.”

“Of course, you couldn’t expose anyone, could you?” Rose said. “It’d change history!”

“Exactly,” Jack replied. He sniffled, rubbing his nose with the side of his hand.

“What about alien diseases?” Rose asked the Doctor.

“What about ‘em?” he replied.

“Well, we travel to all kinds of different planets,” Rose said. “Am I vaccinated against those diseases, too?”

“No need,” the Doctor told her. “You can’t catch anything alien – the DNA doesn’t line up properly.”

“Hih… ih-eh-Chhhuhhh!” Jack sneezed, pressing a hand to his face. “Lucky I’be traveling with a Tibe Lord, thed,” he said, sniffing. “Duthing like having a live-in durse who can’t catch your cold.”

“Now then, don’t get excited,” the Doctor replied. He flipped a switch, and the TARDIS rumbled to life. “Fantastic – we’re all set to go!”

“Where to?” Rose asked.

The Doctor gave her one of his lovely excited grins. “I don’t know. Let’s find out!”

“If it’s any time after the 34th century, we’ll have to leave Jack in the TARDIS,” Rose pointed out.

“Off we go!” the Doctor cried, and the TARDIS shook as it departed. Rose braced herself for her next marvelous adventure.

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I think I need to actually poke my head out of lurkdom for this one. Not that I'm a massive Who Fanatic or anything... Been a while since I saw anything with good old Doctor number 9! And wonderfully written! I can't wait to read more! And I love the way you've dealt with time travel and illness and the fact that in Jack's time there would undoubtedly have been huge changes in the area of disease. Very clever!

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“I see Jack put on some clothes.”

“Mutual decision,” the Doctor said. “We decided it was best for everyone involved.”

That was my favorite part right there. Laughed for a good five minutes at the least.

I love this story so far! :wub: It's so well written. I was hoping that someone would write some more Doctor Who ones. There are some really lovely ones out there [this is turning out to be one too], but I haven't seen any in a while. Also I am too lazy to write one myself. XD

I can't wait to read more. :rolleyes:

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I'm glad you guys are liking it! I haven't seen Eleven yet (I'm watching Who for the first time), and I warmed up to Ten eventually, but Nine is still my favorite. He's "fantastic"! :innocent: And Jack was just such a fun addition to the Nine/Rose duo.

Here's Part 3. Now, even though I've only seen the control room of the TARDIS, this story works under the assumption that there are other rooms somewhere - a kitchen and bedrooms, at least. It seems only logical, and it makes my job a lot easier. :D Part 3!

“Cover, Jack!” the Doctor called urgently. “A bit of cover would be nice right now!”

Jack cocked his gun and fired a few shots into the pursuing mob of ravenous cobra-headed aliens. “That’ll teach you dot to go id armed with a screwdriver!” he called over his shoulder. “Dow where’s that sodic disrupter you probised be?”

“It’ll be up in a minute!” the Doctor replied. “Hold ‘em off a bit longer!”

“Easier said thad done!” Jack told him. His gun chamber empty, he tossed it aside and unholstered another weapon. “Did I bention that I have a bassive headache, add this isn’t helping?”

“Oh, quit your whinging!” the Doctor said. He made a few last-minute modifications on the machine he and Rose were crouched in front of, then shouted, “Now!” Rose leaped up and pulled on a large lever.

Immediately, the machine started up, crackling with electric blue sparks and emitting a droning buzz. The aliens staggered to a stop and began wailing, using all of their many limbs to cover their ears. Jack dropped to his knee, covering one ear with his free hand and pressing the other against his shoulder – he still had to mind his gun.

“Any second now!” the Doctor shouted over the noise.

The aliens swelled to three times their original size. “Doctor!” Rose cried in alarm.

“Just wait!” the Doctor insisted.

And there it was – one by one, the aliens burst, dissolving into a sort of powder as their bodies scattered. Once the entire horde was dispatched, the Doctor yanked on the lever and shut off the machine.

“Wow,” Jack said as he staggered to his feet, “that sure clears your siduses. Addyone else’s head spinning?”

“Whatever happened to, ‘They’re a peaceful race – we’ve nothing to worry about’?” Rose asked the Doctor.

“Well, how was I to know the Premier had been deposed since I was last here?” the Doctor argued. “He was a decent sort of bloke, never would’ve let his people try to eat our flesh.”

“Cad you ever really trust sobeone with a forked tongue?” Jack asked.

“Oi! That’s racial profiling, that is,” the Doctor told him.

“It won’t be long before the others come looking for us,” Rose pointed out. “All for going back to the TARDIS?”

“Here, here,” Jack said. “Hah-eh-shhoooo!” He turned away from them and sneezed onto the ground.

“Bless you,” Rose said. “Come on – let’s get back to the TARDIS and wait for our ears to stop ringing.”

The three walked slowly down the winding violet road. Jack trailed a bit behind Rose and the Doctor, cupping his hands over his mouth to cough.

“All right, Jack?” Rose asked.

“Yeah,” Jack said quickly. He sniffed hard, rubbing his nose. “Right behind you.”

Back on the TARDIS, Jack went to his cabin to return his guns to their proper place, and the Doctor very prudently decided to take them into space – they certainly want didn’t any cobra-headed company coming after them. “We’ll sit suspended for a bit,” the Doctor told Rose, “have a spot of supper before we land someplace for the night.”

“Fine by me,” Rose said. “I could use a breather.” She moved to the door and opened it a crack, peeking out into the brilliancy of space. She never got used to the sight – drifting out amongst the stars and the planets. It was absolutely thrilling.

Thrilling, however, didn’t put food on the table. Whilst the Doctor played about with the TARDIS controls, Rose headed to the galley and looked for something to eat. There was plenty to make sandwiches, and Rose put the kettle on as she pulled bread, butter, meat, cheese, and assorted vegetables out of the refrigerator.

Jack wandered in and hung back by the doorway. He’d changed clothes – less commando, more “lay about the house”. He coughed a little, clearing his throat.

“Hiya, Jack,” Rose said. “How’s your cold?”

“It didn’t deed to be chased by 4,000 ban-eating aliens that could odly be stopped by ear-splitting doise, I’ll tell you that buch,” Jack said. “Eh… ih…” He paused, raising a hand to his face. “Heh-shhhhhh-ooo! Ugh…”

“Yeah, I suppose life-or-death situations aren’t much of a substitute for bed rest,” Rose commented. “You feeling pretty rough?”

“I dod’t doh,” Jack said, entering and taking a seat at the table. He didn’t have any of his normal enthusiasm, and he seemed quite down. “I have a sore throat add by dose is rudding.”

“Sorry,” Rose said sympathetically. “Will a sandwich make you feel better?”

Jack looked at her with a tired smile. “Baybe, if it’s served to be by a beautiful Loddoner.”

Rose laughed. “I’ll see if I can’t arrange that.” She set to work making sandwiches. “What’s it like, anyway?” she asked. “Being ill after going your whole life without it?”

“Oh, it’s terrible,” Jack assured her. “I bean, you have doh energy, you’re absolutely disgusting, add everything hurts? Who cabe up with that, and why do they hate be so buch?”

Rose smiled a bit. “Come on, now – it’s not all bad.”

“Are you joking?” Jack asked. He turned and coughed into his shoulder.

“Really!” Rose insisted. “There’s some rather nice bits.”

“Like what?” Jack countered.

“Like eating warm soup in bed,” Rose pointed out. “Or, what else? Laying about on the sofa, curled up in blankets and watching something trashy on telly. Midday naps. There are worse things in life.”

Jack folded his arms on the table and rested his head on his arm. “I thidk I could get behind that,” he said. He sniffled.

“Sure you can,” Rose encouraged. “The Doctor and me will get you fixed right up, you’ll see. Don’t be looking so glum.” She cut Jack’s sandwich in half and brought it to him.

“Thadks,” Jack said with a bit of a smile.

“Now that’s more like it,” Rose said. The kettle started to whistle; she took it off the heat.

“Ah… heh-ih-shuhhhh!” Jack sneezed, burying his head in his arm. “Ugh.” He sniffed and wiped his nose. “I rebebber the first tibe I got sick,” he said. “It wasn’t long after I becabe a Tibe Agent. I was od an assignbent id the dineteed sixties – Aberdeed, I thidk. I woke up, add I had doh idea what was wrong with be.”

“Must be quite the shock, never having been ill,” Rose observed, pouring the tea. “Had you ever even sneezed before?”

Jack nodded. “Every dow and thed – you doh, too buch seasoning od your food, looking at a bright light.”

“Right,” Rose replied.

Jack sniffled and took a small bite of his sandwich. “I’d never had a sore throat before, though, and I’d devver bed stuffed up.” He chuckled, just a little. “I suppose you cad’t imagide addywod screwing up blowing his dose, but I didn’t have addy idea what to do.”

Rose knew this couldn’t have been a pleasant experience for Jack, but she couldn’t help laughing. “You didn’t know how to blow your nose?” she asked incredulously.

“I’d devver even heard of it,” Jack told her. “One of the agents I was working with told be I had to 'blow by dose', and I just thought, ‘By dose?! I dod’t doh what that beans, but it doesn’t soud like buch fun!’”

Rose pealed with laughter at this picture of Jack, completely befuddled by how to use a tissue. “I’m sorry!” she gasped through her laughter.

“Yeah, they all thought it was pretty fuddy, too,” Jack replied. “Hih-eh-CHHUHHH!” He turned away to catch a sneeze in his cupped hands.

Rose caught her breath as the laughter slowly subsided. “But you can manage now?” she clarified.

“Yeah,” Jack nodded. “Or rather, I could, if I had anything to blow by dose with.”

Rose’s jaw dropped in surprised. “Oh right – I can’t believe I didn’t think of that,” she cried. “No, I suppose the TARDIS isn’t much stocked with tissues. We should’ve bought some before we left London. We oughta stop somewhere in the 21st century before we go anywhere else; I’ll tell the Doctor. Are you all right?”

“For the tibe being,” Jack told her. “I’d guess you’re worse off thad I ab, having to put up with by sniffling.”

“After dinner – first thing we’ll do,” Rose promised.

The Doctor sauntered in, finding his way to the sandwich Rose had left for him on the counter. “Cheers, Rose,” he said, carrying his plate to the table. “I tell you, those Calderavians aren’t too attractive, are they?”

“Wouldn’t crack the top twenty of species I’ve bet,” Jack commented.

“Being all bloodthirsty makes ‘em even less so,” Rose observed.

“Bakes cuddling bore of a challenge, I suppose,” Jack said. He grimaced a bit as he cleared his throat.

The Doctor talked throughout dinner, reminiscing about a banquet he’d been to at that planet before the old Premier, the one who hadn’t tried to eat him, had been thrown out of power. He did a particularly funny impression of a Calderavian, complete with tongue flicking, that had Rose laughing.

“All right, I’ll make a quick stop in the 21st century,” the Doctor announced when he finished eating. “Just for tissues, Rose – no sitting down to tea with your mum and her mates.”

“In and out,” Rose agreed. As he left, she stood up and picked up her plate. “You finished, Jack?” she asked with a frown. There was nearly half a sandwich still on his plate.

Jack smiled self-consciously and rubbed his nose. “I guess I wasn’t as hungry as I thought I was,” he admitted.

“That’s all right – don’t worry about it,” Rose assured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll be in the 21st century soon. You’ll feel a bit better once you can blow your nose.” A grin filled her face. “If you remember how, that is.”

“It’s dot something you forget,” Jack told her. “It’s like riding a bicycle. Heh-eh-uh-SHHHuhhhh!” His body tensed as he sneezed into his shoulder.

“Bless,” Rose said, giving the back of his neck an affectionate squeeze. “I’ll bring the tissues to your cabin, and another cup of tea if you want it.”

Jack smiled at her. “I love the English,” he said.

“And don’t you forget it,” Rose said playfully, carrying the plates to the sink.

Until tomorrow!

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I'm glad you guys are liking it! I haven't seen Eleven yet (I'm watching Who for the first time), and I warmed up to Ten eventually, but Nine is still my favorite. He's "fantastic"! :drool:

I've started watching Doctor Who for the first time myself this summer. I started out watching Eleven, and he's my favorite. My other Doctor Who obbessed friends have told me that ususally you fall in love with the first Doctor you watch. Nine and ten both have speical places in my heart though as well, lol.

Loved this chapter! I cannot wait for more tomorrow. :]

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I'm glad you guys are liking it! I haven't seen Eleven yet (I'm watching Who for the first time), and I warmed up to Ten eventually, but Nine is still my favorite. He's "fantastic"! :D And Jack was just such a fun addition to the Nine/Rose duo.

Here's Part 3. Now, even though I've only seen the control room of the TARDIS, this story works under the assumption that there are other rooms somewhere - a kitchen and bedrooms, at least. It seems only logical, and it makes my job a lot easier. :)

Well it is bigger on the inside after all :lol: You do see rooms other than just the control room here and then throughout the series, and even more so in the original series if I recall correctly.

It's funny, I didn't think I'd like Ten when he first showed up, but I have to say he's ended up being my favourite. Either him or Four, hard to say. I haven't gotten around to seeing Eleven yet, I have to admit I'm a bit put off by the appearance they decided to go with...

But anyway... I love the conversation between Jack and Rose about his first time being ill and how confusing everything was with nose blowing and everything. And you've got the show's tone done wonderfully in your writing style! Fantastic! :laugh:

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Great fun! Especially the nose blowing elements...

As an old Whovian, I may add that in I think Episode 3 of the first series the Doctor, then known oddly enough as Dr Who, is violently against food, insisting that the others use the replicator to synthesise the scientifically determined rations. [and this is before Star Trek..] However, since this machine seemed to be in its own room,I postulate that some time in the 80s he underwent a quasi-Pauline conversion to foodieism and installed a sonic Aga.

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Thanks for the info, guys who know more about Who than me. :) Sounds like I'm at least half-right, so I'll keep what I've got, and you can just laugh at any mistakes I've made. :D

Here's Part 4. As a forewarning, it's one of a few parts that center mostly around Rose and the Doctor, so not a lot of sneezing. That pesky plot, getting in the way!

Rose looked at her dress in the mirror. They’d arrived in Suffolk sometime in the 1890s, and she’d dressed to fit in. The Doctor didn’t, of course – he never worried about anachronistic clothes – but Rose enjoyed occasionally getting into the full spirit of the time period.

“Oh! Morning,” Rose said, nearly colliding with Jack as he stepped out of his cabin.

“Hi,” Jack said, giving Rose a good look. “Turn of the cedtury?”

“1890s,” Rose told him. “Suffolk.”

“Right,” Jack replied. He put a hand on his door frame and coughed into his fist. His face was pale, and his eyelids were drooping. “Do you doh if we’re taking id addy guns?”

“Don’t know – you’d have to ask the Doctor,” Rose said distractedly. “You all right?”

“Oh – yeah,” Jack told her with a sniffle. “Just deed to wake up a little. Hah-eh-SHOOOO-uhh!” He bent forward, holding onto the door frame as he sneezed into his free hand.

Rose winced. “You’re sounding a bit poorly,” she observed.

“I’be feeling a bit poorly,” he replied, sniffling as he wiped his hand on his trousers. “By throat is killing be, add I have a headache like you wouldn’t believe.” When he caught her concerned look, he straightened up and gave her a very insincere smile. “It’s fide – dothing I cad’t handle. Give be fifteed binutes, add I’ll be ready.” He turned around and went back into his cabin.

“Okay,” Rose said, biting her lip. She headed down the hall to the control room.

“Morning! I have to say, you look brilliant,” the Doctor said when he saw Rose.

“Why, thank you,” Rose replied. “I’m sure you’d look quite brilliant in Victorian clothes yourself.”

“Couldn’t bear the corset,” the Doctor told her, shrugging into his leather jacket, “and I wouldn’t know what to do with a skirt that size.”

Rose smiled, laughing, then set about her purpose. “You know, Jack’s still feeling poorly,” she said.

“Not surprised,” the Doctor said. “It would’ve been remarkable to get over a head cold that quickly, especially with his 51st century immune system.”

“Uh, right,” Rose replied. “I mean, his cold’s worse, and I was just thinking he might be better off staying on the TARDIS today.”

“Has he said he doesn’t want to go?” the Doctor asked.

“Not those words exactly,” Rose admitted.

“So what did he say?” the Doctor prompted.

Rose sighed. “He said he’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.”

“There we go! Problem solved,” the Doctor said.

“But I don’t think he does want to go!” Rose insisted. “Not really. I think he’s feeling ill and he’d rather stay in bed.”

“If that’s what he’d like, he’s welcome to it,” the Doctor told Rose. “If he wants to come, that’s lovely, too.”

“But see, that’s the thing,” Rose went on. “I think he’d appreciate it if you told him to stay.”

“He’d appreciate me telling him what he can and can’t do?” the Doctor asked with a frown.

“It’d be telling him it’s okay!” Rose explained. “He just – he doesn’t like letting you down. He fancies you, you know.”

“He fancies you as well,” the Doctor countered. “Why don’t you tell him to stay in bed?”

“Well, it’s different with you, though, isn’t it?” Rose said. “You’re in charge. I just really think he doesn’t want to go out today, but I don’t think he’ll say so unless he knows you don’t mind.” The Doctor sighed. “Just talk to him, will you?” Rose encouraged.

The Doctor couldn’t say “no” to Rose, not entirely. “I’ll talk to him, but I’m not giving him any orders!” he finally said, heading toward the cabins.

Rose smiled. “Whatever you say,” she replied.

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Here's Part 4. As a forewarning, it's one of a few parts that center mostly around Rose and the Doctor, so not a lot of sneezing. That pesky plot, getting in the way!

Shame on you pesky plot. :cursing: [Just kidding, I rather love the little pesky plot]

I love how Jack isn't denying that he's sick, but at the time he is down playing it a bit it seems. But silly Jack, don't you know if you do that you're just going to suffer more? No that I would mind him suffering more, of course. ;) [That doesn't make me a bad perosn, does it? XD]

Loved the chapter! :evil:

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Aww! Love sick Captain Jack. And really love Rose looking after him, but not smothering him. Seems true to character!

Can't wait to read more.


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Hello again! Here's Part 5.

The Doctor found Jack in his cabin, dressed from the waist down in trousers and boots. “Hiya,” he said, sticking his head in the doorway.

“Oh – Doctor,” Jack said, looking up. He swiped an hand under his nose. “Ub, I was woddering,” he said, “I doh we’re id the eighteed dineties, but what season is it? It’s dot – I bean, is it winter? Or… raiding?” His look was one of trepidation.

“Autumn,” the Doctor said, stepping inside. “A bit chilly, but dry.”

Jack sighed, pushing hair off his forehead. “All right,” he said. “Just give be a binite, I… Eh-hih-ih-SHUHHHH!” He cupped his hands over his mouth. “I just deed to fiddish dressing.”

“No hurry,” the Doctor told him. He glanced about the small cabin. There was an extra blanket on Jack’s bunk – he suspected Rose must have raided the storage compartment. A mess of tissues were scattered at the foot of the bunk. Jack, noticing the Doctor’s notice, sniffled and kicked at the tissues, pushing them under the bed. He hastily yanked on a jumper, pausing to cough hard into the crook of his arm.

“Hold on,” the Doctor said as Jack moved toward his coat, hanging up in the closet. “Come here a minute – I want to have a look at you.”

Jack raised his eyebrows pleasantly. “I’ve bed waiting to hear you to say that, Doctor,” he said suggestively.

“Will you just come here?” the Doctor replied, entering the cabin. “Sit,” he told Jack, nodding toward the bed. Jack did as he was asked.

The Doctor pulled his sonic screwdriver from his jacket pocket and flicked on the light, shining it in Jack’s eyes, nostrils, and ears. “You add I have very different ideas of ‘having a look’ at a ban,” Jack commented. He turned his head, lifting his hand. “Huh-ih-CHIOOOO! Ugh…” He made a face, sniffling. “Could you had be a tissue?” he asked.

The Doctor reached for the tissues and pulled one from the box, handing it to Jack. “Be quick about it,” he said.

“I like a ban who beans busidess,” Jack said. He wiped his nose and then his hand as the Doctor gingerly felt Jack’s neck.

The Doctor bared his screwdriver again. “Say, ‘Ah,’” he instructed.

Jack dutifully stuck his tongue out. “Ah…” The Doctor shone the light down the man’s throat.

“Right,” the Doctor said. “Congestion, sore throat, cough, and from your sensitivity to light, I’m guessing a headache as well.”

Jack fidgeted a bit, looking down at his feet. “Spot od,” he said.

“Any other pain?” the Doctor asked.

“Uh, by dose,” Jack said, sniffling.

The Doctor frowned. “Here?” he asked, lightly touching the bridge of Jack’s nose.

Jack shook his head. “Bore here,” he explained, indicating his reddened nostrils.

“Ah,” the Doctor replied. “That’ll be from rubbing it too much. What you want to watch out for is pain or pressure here.” He indicated the bridge of Jack’s nose again. “That’d be a sinus infection, and I understand they’re quite unpleasant. What else?”

“Kide of tired,” Jack admitted.

“Right,” the Doctor said, nodding thoughtfully. “How’d you sleep?”

“All right,” Jack said quickly. “I just feel a little – you doh, word out.”

“Not surprising,” the Doctor told him. “When you sleep, you renew your body’s energy reserves, and that’s how you fight an illness. Feeling tired is your body’s way of getting you to cooperate.” He touched the tip of his sonic screwdriver to Jack’s temple, then examined the resultant reading. “And that’s your body’s other defense – rise in temperature to sweat out the unwelcome intruders.”

Jack frowned. “I –” his voice cracked a bit; he cleared his throat. “I have a fever?”

“Slightly – 38.2 – nothing to worry about,” the Doctor assured him. “Still, it adds up. Hate to say it, mate, but I think it might be best if you stay back on the TARDIS.”

Jack moved to rise in protest, but the Doctor took him by the shoulder and pushed him back to a sitting position. “Doctor, you cad count od be!” Jack insisted. “I’ll be fide – I cad handle… Ah-heh-chi-UHHHH!” He raised a hand up to his face as he sneezed into his shoulder. Sighing, he ran his hand under his nose. “I won’t be a liability,” he promised.

“Look, it’s nothing personal,” the Doctor said. “Cold or no cold, I bet you could tackle a Cyberman single-handed if we needed you to. But really, I’d just feel a lot better if I knew you were on the sidelines this time around.”

Jack gave the Doctor a glum look. “I just wadda help,” he said quietly.

“Trust me – the best thing you can do to help right now is to take care of yourself and get over that cold,” the Doctor replied. “Next time we go out, I want you at my side, at 100%. All right?”

Jack sighed heavily. “Yeah…” he said.

The Doctor smiled encouragingly at him. “Glad to hear it! So, while Rose and I are out, we both expect you to rest, keep warm enough, and drink loads of fluids – not of the alcoholic variety, mind you. Water, juice, or tea, yeah?”

“Got it,” Jack replied. He stifled a cough. “Orders received, sir.”

“Atta boy, Captain!” the Doctor exclaimed. “Now, let’s get to it!” Dutifully, Jack removed his shoes, jumper, and trousers. Clad in a T-shirt and pants, he climbed into his bunk and pulled the blankets over him. “Good man,” the Doctor told him. He turned to leave.

“D-Doctor?” Jack called, a little hesitant.

The Doctor turned back around. “Yeah?”

Jack wiped his nose, sniffling, and looked up at the Doctor with a hopeful smile. “Since I’be sick?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

The Doctor sighed a little, but he walked up to Jack’s bunk. “All right, then,” he said. Bending down, he gave Jack a short, deliberate kiss on the forehead. “You satisfied now?”

The corner of Jack’s mouth turned up. “It was a little higher thad the mark I was hoping for, but I’ll take it,” he said.

The Doctor chuckled. “Feel better, Jack,” he said, flicking off the light as he left the cabin.

When the Doctor returned to the control room, Rose started smirking upon finding him alone. “Not a word,” he warned her, not breaking his stride to the door.

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Words cannot descibe how much I loved this chapter.

Thank you so much for this lovely part. :P

Cannot wait until tomorrow! :]

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:P LOVE this. I have been so meaning to get into dr. who, and I think you've just convinced me there's no better time than now!
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I like that chapter as well. :lol: Here's Part 6.

Jack rolled onto his back with a sigh. He wasn’t sure how long he’d been lying in bed – he just knew it was long enough. The lovely combination of exhaustion and inability to sleep was making him pretty cranky.

He sat up slowly, so as not to aggravate his headache too much. His nose felt itchy, but just barely – not quite enough to sneeze. He rubbed it with his finger, but the feeling hung around. Great.

Jack felt a little chilly as he pushed the blankets off his legs. When his bare feet hit the floor of the TARDIS, he did a sort of hopping half-dance across his cabin until he procured a pair of socks and some reasonably comfortable trousers. He tossed the trousers on the bed and raised a foot in the air to put on the first of his socks.

Of course, this was the exact moment the itch in his sneeze decided it wasn’t fooling around. “Ah-hih-eh-SHOOOO-ehh!” he sneezed, nearly toppling over as he lost his balance. Thank god Rose and the Doctor weren’t around to see this.

Jack decided he’d better sit down before putting on his other sock, so he returned to the bed. He sniffled glumly as he finished getting dressed. His throat stung whenever he swallowed, and his nose felt runny after sneezing – he grabbed himself a tissue.

Coughing into his fist, Jack left his cabin and wandered to the control room. He’d never been alone in the TARDIS, except when he had a specific task to accomplish, a job entrusted to him while the Doctor and Rose were elsewhere. Otherwise, they were always together, and there was always something to do. Debate about where to go on their next journey. Swap travel stories. Flirt with Rose and the Doctor. Discuss TARDIS technology with the Doctor. But now, alone? What was he supposed to do with himself?

“Heh-uh-Shhhuhhhh!” Sneeze, apparently. It had snuck up on him – he’d barely had time to bring a hand to his face. Jack groaned and wiped his nose.

Unable to think of anything better, Jack walked to the galley. He wasn’t really hungry at all, but he should get something to drink, at least – he’d promised the Doctor he’d stay well-hydrated. Not exactly the type of special assignment he would have preferred, but he supposed he’d better do it.

The kettle was sitting out on the counter, but Jack didn’t feel like making tea. He was beginning to wonder if he’d have the motivation to get back to his cabin after this big excursion. He rubbed his throat as he opened the refrigerator door.

A surprise was waiting for Jack. He’d expected milk and water – milk because Rose often had cereal for breakfast and water because she preferred it cold, rather than getting it from straight the faucet. They were both there, of course, but there was also a large jug of orange juice that he was pretty sure hadn’t been there yesterday. There was fresh fruit, too: one bag of oranges and another of apples.

Jack’s nose was still running. He sniffed a few times and shut the refrigerator door, curiosity piqued. He moved his investigation to the pantry, where he found an assortment of canned soups.

Turning, he noticed that someone has set the can opener out on the table, along with a note written in Rose’s sweet hand. “The Doctor told me just to get the tissues when we were in London, but what does he know about having a cold?” she’d written. “Hope some of these other goodies help you feel better.” The note ended with a smiley face. Jack found himself smiling, just a little.

“Eh…” There was another tickle in Jack’s nose. He turned his head to the side and cupped his hands over his mouth. “…Ihhh-CHI-ooooo-uhhh!” Keeping a finger pressed against his nose, he looked back at the note and smiled again. Wonderful Rose.

A few minutes later, Jack returned to his cabin with a glass of orange juice and a slightly more positive attitude. He lay down after taking a long drink, pulling the blankets up to his waist. He knew he was being a bit pathetic, but he liked that Rose had thought of him. Clearly, she was a lot better at this sort of thing than he was. And leaving him with all the surprises, and her note – it made him feel a little less lonely.

He still wished they were here, though.

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Doctor, Rose, what do you guys think you're doing? Hurry back and taking care of poor, sick, adoarble Jack. He misses you two.

This chapter made me melt. It makes me wish I was somehow there, more so that usual, so I take take care of him.

Thank you for the lovey chapter. :innocent: Early awaiting more tomorrow! :lol:

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Part 7! ^_^

“Heh-ih-eh-CHOOOOO-ehhh!” Jack sneezed loudly, rocketing up to a sitting position. He groaned as his head hit the pillow again. He was absolutely, 100%, no-question-about-it miserable. He hoped Rose and the Doctor were having a better time than he was.

* * *

Rose gaped at the Doctor. “Are you saying that if we don’t stop these…?”

“Ektroi,” the Doctor prompted.

“Right – these Ektroi,” Rose replied. “You’re saying that the entire human race is gonna be covered in scales and grow an extra ear?”

“That’s about the size of it,” the Doctor told her. “They’re not mucking about with these breeding experiments.”

Rose sucked in a deep breath. “Oh, god…”

* * *

Jack stood in the galley, peering down at the boiling pot in front of him. He coughed hard and stirred his bubbling soup – chicken and vegetables. To be perfectly honest, he didn’t have much of an appetite, but after Rose went out and bought all those soups for him, he figured he’d better make something. Besides, he had absolutely nothing else to do.

The Doctor and Rose had been gone for over a day now, and Jack was going stir-crazy in the TARDIS. He’d considered leaving a couple of times – even just to get a taste of Suffolk in the 1890s – but he never made it out the door. For one, he didn’t want to be out when his friends got back; how would that look? And two, the idea of the open air, even though it was still autumn, practically made his teeth chatter. He had a really sore throat, and he’d already gone through a whole box of tissues. Lucky that Rose had stocked up.

“Uh-SHOOOO!” he sneezed suddenly, dropping his spoon as he raised a hand to his face. Chicken broth splattered on the stovetop and across the front of his jumper. “Great,” Jack said with a sigh. He wiped his nose, which was feeling sore, and grabbed a towel to clean off his jumper. He sniffled as he worked at the material, rubbing until he was left with a slightly discolored blotch.

Where were Rose and the Doctor? He hadn’t expected them to be gone so long. He was bored, he was lonely, and he didn’t like taking care of himself. He was no good at it. He felt sick and grumpy, and this soup had better be pretty amazing, or it wouldn’t be worth the trouble.

Turning off the stove, Jack grabbed the pot by the handle and poured his soup into a big bowl, careful not to spill this time. He wasn’t very confident in his ability to make it back to his cabin with a brimming bowl of hot soup and not sneeze, so he brought his soup to the table, along with one of the oranges Rose had bought for him.

“Hih-eh-SHHHuuhhhh!” he sneezed, covering his mouth with his hands. With a sigh and a sniffle, he blew on a spoonful of soup and sipped it slowly. Not bad, he had to admit, but he wasn’t sure if it was quite worth getting out of bed for.

Jack wished he’d brought a blanket with him; he was feeling a little chilled. He tugged on the sleeves of his jumper and had some more soup. With his nose all stuffed up, he couldn’t really taste it too well. Plus, it was hot enough that it hurt his throat if he didn’t blow on it. Still, there was something about it that gave him just a little bit of comfort. Residual affection from Rose? Jack didn’t know, but it made him feel a tiny bit better.

By the time Jack scraped the last of the soup from his bowl, he was cautiously hopeful that he might one day not feel so terrible. Even though he hadn’t been hungry, he couldn’t deny that it had felt good to get something in his stomach. Coughing, he got up and dropped his dishes in the sink on the way to the refrigerator. He got himself a glass of cold water and made his way back toward his cabin – he wasn’t going to do the washing up. Not one bit of it. That would just be overkill.

Back in his cabin, Jack pressed his glass against the side of his forehead. First, he was cold, then he was hot; it was so irritating. “Is it too buch to ask for a little codsistency?” he asked – well, he asked no one. He supposed he asked the TARDIS.

Taking a small sip of water, Jack climbed back into bed. He set his glass down and threw himself onto the mattress, flinging his arms out in a display of dramatic suffering. No good – just made him feel dizzy. Jack pulled the sheet over his head and sniffled into his pillow.

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By the time Jack scraped the last of the soup from his bowl, he was cautiously hopeful that he might one day not feel so terrible.

Love how he's being all melodramatic, it seems very Jack like. Poor guy all miserable and all. :twisted:

Looking forward to reading tomorrows chapter! :]

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On a side note, I finished all of the Ten episodes and have now started on Eleven. coffee-and-cream, I think you're right that your first Doctor is always your favorite, as Nine is still the man, but I kind of love Eleven. He's great fun, and his relationship with Amy puts an interesting spin on the Doctor/companion dynamic.

Anyway! Here's Part 8.

The sound of a slamming door half-woke Jack, and then, the rattling of the TARDIS firing up nearly tossed him out of bed. He braced himself and put a hand up to his aching head.

It was several minutes before he connected the door slam, the flying TARDIS, and the loud conversation and footsteps in the control room to the return of his friends. Once that clicked in his muddled, stuffed-up head, Jack surveyed his cabin and winced. There were an awful lot of tissues strewn about the floor, and the table beside his bunk was cluttered with glasses and day-old orange peels piled on a plate. They were going to think he was such a slob.

“Hiya, Jack,” the Doctor called, poking his head in as Jack hurriedly tried to collect his tissues off the floor.

“Uh, hey!” Jack replied distractedly. “How was the eighteed dineties?”

“Brilliant,” the Doctor told him. “We were very nearly three-eared and scaly.” He left Jack with this remark. Jack wondered if he was sicker than he thought and felt his forehead.

* * *

Rose looked up from the refrigerator and saw Jack shuffling into the galley, trying to balance a plate across the top of four glasses. “Here, let me give you an hand with that,” she said quickly, hurrying over to him.

“Thadks,” Jack said, relinquishing his dishes. He leaned against the counter and watched Rose toss orange peels into the rubbish bin.

“How you feeling?” Rose asked. His hair was chaotic, he was pale, and his nose looked awfully red.

“Oh, you doh,” Jack replied. “Terrible.”

Rose gave him a sympathetic smile as she lightly touched his cheek. “That bad?”

“That bad,” Jack told her. “I thidk I bight be dying – dot sure yet. I’ll let you doh.”

Rose laughed. “Keep me posted.”

“It’s really dot that fuddy,” Jack insisted. “Ah-SHUHHHHH!” He turned away and clapped a hand over his mouth.

“Hey, come on,” Rose said, giving him a bit of a nudge. “You’re really feeling poorly?”

Jack nodded, sniffling. “I cad’t breathe through by dose at all, I have a sore throat, and by head hurts,” he told her with a sort of pathetic puppy-dog look. “I feel awful.”

“That’s too bad,” Rose said sympathetically. “But hey! The Doctor and I chased off the Ektroi, so no one’s gonna grow any extra ears!”

“Oh good, there was sobething about ears,” Jack said. “I didn’t just bake that up.” He closed his eyes and rubbed his temple. “I have to tell you, I really feel like you didn’t hold up your edd of the bargain here.”

Rose frowned. “What bargain?”

“I seeb to rebebber sobething about you probbising to take care of be,” Jack reminded her. His voice was playful, but it seemed there was a seriousness about it, too.

“What d’you mean?” Rose protested. “I got you soup, and tissues, and orange juice, and ice cream –”

Jack’s eyebrows lifted a little. “Ice creab?”

“You didn’t find the ice cream?” Rose asked. She threw open the door to the freezer to reveal the two cartons of ice cream she’d bought.

“Oh,” Jack said, a little sheepishly.

“That’s right,” Rose told her. “I’ve done my part.” She grabbed an apple from the refrigerator and went to the sink to wash it.

“Still!” Jack retorted, following her. “You told be that being sick wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be, and being left by byself od the TARDIS for two days wasn’t really what I had id bide.”

Rose was a little surprised at how hurt he sounded, and when she turned to him, he was staring down at his feet. “What’d you have in mind?” she asked gently.

Jack shrugged a little. Rose didn’t know that she’d ever seen him acting self-conscious before. “I duddo – soft blankets. Warb beals served id bed.” He raised his head, and the corners of his mouth turned up a bit. “Two sexy durses seeing to by every deed.”

Rose laughed. “And where’re you gonna get two sexy nurses?” she asked.

“Well, you add the Doctor,” Jack replied.

“Aw,” Rose said. She put an arm over his shoulder. “I’m sorry. We’ll do better – I promise.”

“Careful, Tyler,” Jack warned. “I’ve bed hurt before.”

“Cross my heart,” Rose promised. “I won’t leave you behind again. From here on out, it’s gonna be all soft blankets and sexy nurses.”

Jack smiled, just a little. “I’be gudda hold you to that,” he told her.

“You’d better,” Rose replied. “Now – you want some ice cream?” Rubbing his nose, Jack nodded. Rose grinned and walked back to the freezer. “Chocolate or vanilla?”

See you tomorrow! ^_^

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Aww, poor Jack feeling all neglected. Cheer up though mate, the Doctor and Rose are back now.

Cannot wait till tomorrow! Have I told you how happy it makes me that you update everyday? Because it makes me very happy. ^_^

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Here's Part 9. More pesky plot. :yes:

Rose found the Doctor characteristically in the control room, already turning dials and flipping switches. “I know just where to go next!” he announced. “Logmagoria! Gorgeous planet – you’ll love it!”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Rose said, sidling up to him.

“Oh yeah? Where’s that?” the Doctor asked.

“Nowhere,” Rose told him.

A momentary frown flickered across the Doctor’s face. “Not following,” he said.

Rose rested her elbows on the control panel. “I think we oughta dock the TARDIS for a couple of days. Not do anything, not go anywhere.”

“You want an holiday?” the Doctor asked skeptically.

“No,” Rose replied with a chuckle. “And anyway, it’s not on account of me – it’s for Jack.”

“Jack? What about him?” the Doctor asked.

“It’s just that he felt sort of left out when we went off and fought with the Ektroi and everything, and I think he might appreciate it if we took a couple days off,” Rose explained. “You know, take it easy until he’s feeling well again. We could look after him.”

The Doctor held her gaze for a moment, then returned to his busy work at the control panel. “I’m telling you, Rose, you don’t get it!” he told her. “Logmagoria is going to have the most exquisite meteor shower you’ve ever seen! You’ll swear that diamonds are streaking across the sky, I promise you! This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we don’t want to miss it!”

“Oi!” Rose protested, waving his hands away from the controls. “I hate to remind you yet again, but you’ve got a time-traveling spaceship! We could go on fifty adventures and still make it back to Logmagoria in time to see the meteors! A couple days of not going anywhere isn’t going to kill us.” She smiled a little. “Time doesn’t stop just because the Doctor stops moving.”

“Jack’s not gonna want us fussing ‘round with him,” he argued. “He’s a grown man.”

“A grown man who never had a sore throat until he was an adult,” Rose reminded him. “He really hates being ill, Doctor, and I just think he could use a bit of caring.”

“I don’t do domestic stuff,” the Doctor told her. “There’s too much to see! Too much to do! You don’t wanna stay holed up in the TARDIS playing house, do you?”

“I want to help Jack out,” Rose said pointedly. “We’re gonna be good friends, we’re gonna take a breather, and we’re gonna help him get over his cold. No more than a few days, and then it’s back to traveling – the three of us. Yeah?”

The Doctor frowned at Rose, giving her a long look. She matched his gaze with her arms folded across her chest; she wasn’t going to budge. “I don’t have to wear one of those nurses’ caps, do I?” he finally asked with a goofy smile.

Rose laughed. “Don’t know how you’d keep it on,” she observed. “Clip it to your ears?”

“Oi!” the Doctor protested.

“Tell you what,” Rose said. “No outfits. I’ll let him know that’s a condition.” The Doctor opened his mouth to reply, and she added, “But, I’ll also make sure he knows that ‘no outfits’ doesn’t mean ‘no clothes.’”

“Yeah, I’d say it’s best if all parties involved stay dressed at all times,” the Doctor agreed.

“We’re settled then,” Rose said. “I’ll tell Jack.”

“Rose,” the Doctor called to her before she left. She turned back to him. “I’m absolutely brilliant, and I’ve seen times and planets you haven’t dreamed of. How is it that our disagreements always end with you getting your way?”

“It’s a gift,” Rose replied with a smile.

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Will admit that the pesky plot annoyed me a little more this time. Only because I go used to sick adorable Jack. Still though I love that pesky plot, and the Doctor too. As well as your writing style. Honestly I feel like I am watching an episode of the show. Cannot wait to read tomorrows chapter! :yes:

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I love how lighthearted and playful this fic is, and Jack sounds like he would make a lovely patient. waiting eagerly for more!

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