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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Glee, Finn (m) allergy - (2 Parts)


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Glee Fanfic

No spoilers

Rachel was lying down on her bed hugging an old and long forgotten bear. She didn’t know why she was feeling like this; today she heard Finn sneeze and something inside of her just exploded. She knew exactly what exploded, a lust for Finn’s adorable sneezing. She always knew that sneezes made her feel different but Finn’s sneezing was just so incredible she nearly melted in her seat today. She knew what she wanted; she wanted to hear Finn sneeze over and over again and she couldn’t get the image of Finn sneezing out of her mind, it was just such an amazing scene. Rachel knew she had to make him sneeze....but how could she do it?

The next day Rachel saw Finn at school, she was still excited about his sneeze and felt that she couldn’t hold the contentment any longer, but unfortunately she had to. She didn’t want Finn to know how she felt about him or anyone else sneezing, if someone found out, she would die of embarrassment and probably get her dad’s to move out of the state. She couldn’t imagine Finn’s reaction if she told him that sneezes made her ... well, let’s just say really ecstatic.

Later that day she sat next to him and slowly began a conversation with him.

“H-hey Finn” she stuttered a little, she never really felt nervous while talking to Finn before but now it was different.

“Oh hi Rach, didn’t really notice you there”

“Err...Yes, I’m sort of quiet today...” She didn’t know what to say she thought to herself Rachel just spit it out and keep it together. “I didn’t see you in Spanish today” What was she doing!? Talking about school with Finn.

“Oh, I had to go to the nurse because I got a really bad nose bleed in the previous class”

“That explains it all” This is probably the worst conversation she ever had with him. “So what Queen song are you doing?”

“I think I’m going to do...Don’t stop me now” Finn gave a little grin which made Rachel smile.

“Oh that’s really good” Awkward silences were never good she had to break it. “So er... you know, I have to get home quickly today. Me and my dad’s are going to pick out a new... err...umm...computer” She gave a quick smile and run off, she could hear Finn shout “See you” in the distance but didn’t turn around to avoid eye contact. What was wrong with her? She still hasn’t figured out how to make Finn sneeze, she didn’t complete anything today. She told herself I’m so disappointed with you, Rachel Berry, leader of New Directions, it takes a sneeze and you can go from doing everything to doing absolutely nothing.


Sorry that it was really short and also for the lack of sneezing, I promise to do it in the next part though :drool:

This is my first story so take it easy on me, LOL :drool: Constructive criticism is welcome

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I love this! <3

Can't wait to see what happens next, please, please write more soon! :drool:

You're a great writer, keep up the good work! :drool:

Sabbie x

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Great story! She should bring a cat to school for him, in the epi Hell-O it said he was allergic to them :drool:

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Sorry it took me so long to write but right now I'm studying really hard for my exams and I'm finding it really hard to find some free time for myself. Anyways...here's part 2.

After rushing out today Rachel knew that she didn’t have anything to do. She spent a long time thinking about watching the TV. She was flickering through the programs when suddenly she had a thought. She felt like she was floating in the air. She couldn’t believe that she didn’t think of this before. Of course, how could she be so dumb and stupid? It was so obvious; she had the knowledge right in front of her but didn’t use it in any way. She was so caught up with the scene of Finn sneezing that she couldn’t remember something. She remembered that when he mentioned this to her, it caught her attention almost instantly. Her heart was beating rapidly and she was so full of contentment that she whispered. “Finn is allergic to cats”

Okay now Berry, calm down, you got the words out of your system and now you need to make a simple but effective plan. She still couldn’t believe it, at the very thought of it

she found it hard to breathe.

“Dad!!!” she yelled from her bedroom, she could hear her dad putting everything down and starting to walk up to her room.

“Yes, sweetie?”

“Er...Can we got to the pet store; I want to buy a ... cat” She knew that her dad would agree to everything that she asked him for.

“Okay, let me just finish cleaning and we will go straight away”

“Thanks Dad” She gave him a little grin as he closed the door.

Rachel was so happy, she knew exactly how to make all her dreams come true. She put her iPod on and sang along with the songs.

Rachel opened her bedroom door and let the cute, brown fur ball out of her hands and onto the ground. The kitten studied the room; it walked slowly towards Rachel’s bed and jumped on it. Rachel felt her heart melt as she watched the cute kitten find a comfortable place on her bed. She sat on the bed and whispered to the cat “What do you think I should call you” the kitten answered with a simple “Meow” but Rachel said “How about Mittens, does that sound good to you?” Mittens made a soft purring noise and closed his eyes. Rachel couldn’t wait to make Finn sneeze tomorrow; she was so happy that she skipped around the room quietly without waking Mittens.

The next day Rachel woke up to the sound of music playing from her iPod. She already had the energy to jump right out of her bed and start working out as this was her daily routine. After that she had a shower and started to pick out the clothes that she was going to wear for school. She chose a light blue shirt with a big bow at the collar and a black and white checker shirt. It was quite cold outside so she wore a navy blue jumper. But before she put it on she got her new kitten Mittens and made him roll around her jumper so his fur covered every inch of the woolly piece of clothing. Once she had her jumper on she smoothed it out and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked great but her plan was even better.

She got off the school bus and started to walk towards the front door. Her walking pace was faster than normal and had a little skip to it. She had a great view of the school hall but couldn’t see any sign of Finn being in the big crowd of students. He’s really tall so normally she could see him from very far distances but today was different; it was almost like he disappeared. Rachel knew he would come to school, he hardly ever missed school. He’s probably just late Rachel thought and carried on walking through the hall until she reached her locker. She took her biology and maths books as she needed them for her next lessons. If Finn’s not going to come to school she is going to kill him, obviously in a sarcastic way, she could never hurt anyone and she’s a vegan but that has nothing to do with humans, she laughed to herself. She thought about it and walked towards her maths classroom, she could already see the teacher sitting at her desk, oh god she hated her so much and the mood that she was in right now didn’t help one little bit.

Rachel sat through all her lessons without a word. She just kept starring at the clock. It felt like hours have passed but in reality it was only 3 minutes. “Damn” Rachel said quietly without anybody hearing her. She finished all her class work and handed it in to the teacher. Suddenly the bell rang; Rachel felt a huge relief as she walked to the glee club room. Her favourite room and she knew that she was going to see Finn there.

She walked in the room and immediately saw Finn standing up and talking to Mercedes. As they were going out Rachel thought that it would be appropriate to go and hug him. She slowly walked up to the two talking.

“Hi” Rachel squeaked

“Oh hey Rachel”

Finn just gave a big grin

“So anyway..I’ve gotta go and speak to Tina” Mercedes walked off

Rachel took the chance and leaped into Finn’s arms giving him a really long hug that lasted at least 2 minutes before he said.

“Rach, *sniff* is there something wrong?” Finn asked looking quite worried

“No, no, it’s just that I haven’t seen you for the whole day and I started to miss you”

“Please take your seats everybody” Mr Shue shouted over all the students.

Rachel sat down next to Finn so she had a good view of him when he sneezed. Mr Shue was talking about all the events that are going to take place in the near future but Rachel couldn’t concentrate she just stared as Finn’s pre sneeze face. Just let it out she thought to herself and with that said he took a big breath.

Huh..hu..Heashoo..hu ..huh Hasheeeww

The double sounded so cute. Rachel said “Bless you”

“*sniff* Thangs” His eyes were starting to water, his breath started to hitch and Rachel knew that it’s not going to be long until he sneezed again.

Finn rapidly turned away from Rachel releasing 5 sneezes. Huh huh..hu Heashhhh..huh Haesheww.h’ Hechooo..huh ..hu eashooo..h’gnxt. He stifled the last sneeze. The fit left him with streaming eyes red eyes just staring into space. His breathed hitched again, Rachel knew that she was torturing him. She felt bad but at the same time the other side of her was just screaming for more.


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Ooh... evil Rachel... poor Finn... :P

Great story. :D It would be awesome if you could continue this!

I like how you think. :innocent::laugh:


Good luck with the exams!

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Hey I'm studying for exams too! Good luck. :DDD


Pfft, and reading this at the same time? :P

Rachel's so :laugh:, I love it.

Edited by obsessed
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