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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Eleventh Doctor (4 m and 1 f) - (5 Parts) Updated 17/2/2012


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Fandom: Doctor Who

Disclaimer: I don't own or make money off Doctor Who... would have been nice though. :mf_laughbounce3:

Authors Notes: As I was writing the second part of the 'Eleventh Doctor; getting used to a new body'-thread, I got a bunch of ideas for one-shots. So I've decided to open a separate thread for those, as in the aforementioned series the parts are more or less related and in this thread they will be completely independent from each-other. So... enough explaining... here's part one. :laugh:

Comments & constructive criticism will make me very happy. :omg:

The Library

They were in the library. Amy looked around in wonder. This was what a library should look like.

Rows upon rows of huge, bound volumes, gilded titles shining at her in different shades of gold. Where-ever she looked, she found wooden ladders on a rail, one attached to every level of shelves, allowing her to take out any book that caught her fancy.

The room was so vastly huge that she could not spot the other end of it... and yes, there was a swimming pool.

She loved it. The Doctor stared at her and laughed. 'How do you like my library, Pond?' Amy was turning around in circles, her arms spread wide, a blissful smile on her face. This was the library that had featured in her dreams ever since fish custard, fourteen years ago, and it was even better than in her imagination.

When she was certain it wasn't a dream from which she would wake the minute she opened her mouth, she turned to the Doctor and gently connected her fist with his shoulder. 'I love it, silly', and rolled her eyes.

He made an 'aha'-noise and half-ran away from her, jumped on one of the ladders, almost fell off (which made Amy laugh) and sailed to a section with exceptionally huge volumes. She couldn't bring herself to think of them as books, they looked too... solemn? She couldn't quite find the word and it did not really matter. The Doctor took out a massive, leather bound volume and skipped down to the ground. She followed him to a large, oaken table, where he dropped it with a resounding thud.

He flipped through the pages until he had found what he wanted to show her. Amy stared at the page, but couldn't make any sense out of it. 'Doctor, what is it?' He looked at her as if she were a five year old and tapped her nose. 'It's you, Amy Pond. Isn't the TARDIS translating it for you?'

Amy squinted at the page, but couldn't make anything from the curly script. 'Nope, sorry.' She turned around half-skipped away just before the Doctor slapped the volume shut. With just a little too much enthusiasm, I might add. A cloud of dust rose from the book and most of it went right up the Doctors nose.

A sharp intake of breath caused Amy to turn around. The Doctor was in agony. His face was scrunched up, he was rubbing his nose firmly and his eyes kept fluttering shut every time he tried to open them again. But worst of all was the relentless hitching. 'Hihh.. heh heh.. heeeh... ehhhh... huh huh NHUH...'

She slowly tip-toed back to him, studying his face which was changing constantly between the most hilarious expressions. He tried to give her an annoyed glare, but the hitching wouldn't give him enough respite to pull it off.

For a while, she just stared, enjoying the sight. 'Ehh... hehheeeehhuuuuuh... huuh... huuuh... eh... heh... iiiih... hiiiiihh... ah... aaah....' His head was slowly tilting back, as though he was preparing himself for the rather inevitable explosion, tears were overflowing from his eyes and rolling freely down his cheeks. She shook her head, made a 'tut tut'-noise and pressed her finger under his nose.

That seemed to work.

The hitching died down and he shot her a grateful look. 'Thank you, Pond', he managed to bring out, still panting. She simply smiled at him. 'You... you cad rebove your fidger dow', he suggested. 'Are you sure Doctor?' Are you absolutely sure about that?' He nodded vigorously, which looked rather silly with her finger under his nose as a parody of a moustache. 'If that really is what you want Doctor', she sighed with resignation and let go.

Immediately, his breath picked up again, hitching in earnest. But he just could not sneeze. 'Iihh.. huh.... eh heh... heeehh... huh.. huh... eeeehhhh... A... Amy? S... ehhh... some he...heeee... help... pl... iiih... iiih... please?' Amy snorted. 'I did ask you if you were sure.' She looked impossibly smug. The Doctor looked vaguely annoyed at her remark. He was taking very shallow breaths. 'Eh... heh.. heh... ehhh... heh heh heeehhhhh... AMY!... eh eh eh... hiihhh...' She rolled her eyes at him. 'Hold still.'

Amy placed a long-nailed finger on his septum and slowly moved it up and down the length of it. 'Ahh... AAHh... AAAhh... hih... hiiih... iiih.... huh... huh... HUH... HETCH! Hih... ih... heheh... heh.. heh heeeh.. huh... heh... huuuuh... HETCH HETCH HETCH HETCH. Eh... eh... eehh... ehhh... EHHH... Amy?.. eh... huh... eh eh eh... you... you can... IIHhh... sss.... ssstop now... HETCH HETCH HETCH HETCHOOO... hehehhhh...' Coming to herself with a shock, Amy realised she was still stroking the Doctors nose, coaxing sneezes out of it in rapid succession. She snatched her hand back, wiped the finger on her impossibly short skirt and blushed.

'Hehheh... heh... huh... huuuhuhhh... HUTCHOO... hetCH hetCH heh.. heh... HETCH...' He bent double with every explosion. After a few more sneezes, he lost his balance and Amy quickly shoved a chair under him before he could hit the ground.

A few rounds of sneezing later, he seemed to have expelled all of the dust. He was breathing hard and looking slightly dazed. Amy returned the book to its shelve before going back to check on him.

'Doctor, shouldn't you ask the TARDIS to dust here?' He looked at her as if she had gone mad. 'How will this be a dusty old library if there is no dust? Really, Pond, some days I don't know what is going on in that head of yours.' He tapped her head with his sonic screwdriver, leapt up and vanished through the door...

Hope you enjoyed it! Next part will probably have something to do with the TARDIS kitchen. :laughbounce:

Edited by Sigrith
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OOh, I like it! Wouldn't I just love to be Amy! Love their reactions.

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@Vetinari: Thanks. :D Yeah, Amy is certainly lucky... although that might change in this next installment. :innocent::laugh:

@cara: It does indeed mean more :D. If I get any inspirition. :laugh: Suggestions/requests are really welcome, especially settings where something could happen. :innocent: And I'm sure you're giving me too much credit... (not that I mind. :D)

Warning: female sneezing as well in this part. :)

The kitchen

Amy was dwelling through the TARDIS. From a distance, she spotted the smoke billowing out of a room that, on arrival, turned out to be the kitchen. 'Doctor, what is going on?'

A vague silhouette made its way over to her. 'Amy? What are you doing here?' He looked slightly disturbed, a bit dishevelled and his face was blackened by the putrid smoke that hung in the room like heavy smog.

'I was about to ask you the same. Doctor, are you trying to set fire to your spaceship?' He looked positively sheepish. 'No, I was not.' 'Well, what were you trying to do then?' He blushed.

'If you must know, miss Pond, I was cooking you dinner.'

Amy made an incredulous noise. 'You, cooking? That I must see!' She promptly sat down at the kitchen table, crossed her long legs and waited expectantly.

She received an exasperated look in return. 'I can't do it if you are looking!' That statement made her smile. 'Awww, you are sweet, Doctor, but by the look of it, you can't cook if I'm not watching either.'

He threw his arms up in defeat. 'Fine! Watch!', followed by a muttered 'women', accompanied by an eye roll. By that time, the TARDIS had disposed of the smoke and the worst of the damage done to the kitchen. 'Thank you, my dear', the Doctor said to the nearest wall. A content hum was his response.

'Now, Pond, watch and be amazed.' She raised one eyebrow. He turned to the counter top and started juggling with several pans. It looked rather impressive, although he wasn't really doing anything but burn the contents even more. When she looked away to study her environment, he quickly cleaned out the pans and started chopping new ingredients.

Amy had to admit, it all looked rather professional. It was only when she looked really close that she could see he wasn't actually doing any cooking.

She let him muck about for a while, getting more amused by the second.

'Oh Doctor?', she half-sang when she decided he had suffered enough. He spun around, knocking over the entire spice rack in the act.

The floor instantly became littered with the ground spices. Before Amy could get up to assist him, he squatted down on the floor and tried to save what he could. It apparently had to involve a large amount of flapping his arms about.

'Uhm... Doctor? You're just dispersing it in the air now. Shall I get a duster?' He stared at her, not quite getting it. Until his nose suddenly became inflamed. Ah... that was what she meant. The dispersion of the spices had a peculiar effect on his nose that he now identified as the urge to sneeze. It was a sensation that did not seize to amaze him. It was such a unique was to expel irritants! Although there was this tribe of octopus-like creatures where they would expel irritants by tickling the affected part of their body with one of their tentacles until an opening formed through which they would rid themselves of the irritant in a way not very unlike sneezing...

He was getting all fired up on the subject, but the words did not quite make it out of his mouth. Another fascinating thing about sneezing. The build-up. It seriously impaired his ability to talk. He felt his muscles tense. 'Ehh... heheeh.... iih... huhhehhh...'

Oh dear, it also affected his balance in this position... 'HETCHI!'

He landed on his back, legs sprawling in the air, sending another cloud of spices in the air. Amy laughed at him, until she too became enveloped in the cloud.

She started rubbing her delicate nose, her breath showing the tiniest hitch. 'D-Doctor!' she exclaimed with a trace of accusation in her voice. Between sneezes the Doctor tried to reply. 'Ah... heh... ehhh... Yes, ehh... hehheh P...Pond?' As she did not immediately answer – she could not, as all her breath was at that point occupied with with building a sneeze – he went on.

'Your... ehh.. your tone of v-voice sug... ehhh... ehhhehh... suggests thaaaah... thaaahhh... that I have... I have... aah.. aaah... ETCH! have done you wrong.' His eyes were watering, tears streaming down his face, spices clinging to his eyelashes, his skin, his clothes... not to mention the considerable amount that had gone up his tortured nose.

'Ah... aah... ehhhehehh... I believe it.. it... HETCH... is customary to... damn it... Hehh... heh... HETCH HETCH HEEETCHU...' he desperately tried to hold them back for long enough, 'tell me what it heh... ehh... is, so I may... may defffend myself... HETCH ehhhhHETCH... AACHOO... or apologise...'

As soon as he finished the last word, he found himself unable to hold back any longer and succumbed to a huge fit, too intense to do more than take desperate breaths between explosions.

Not that Amy was in any state to respond. 'Heh.. heh... heh... heh... hetchii hetchii... ehh... heh... hehehh... hetchii!' She caught the sneezes in her cupped hands, bending slightly forward with every soft, overly feminine explosion. This as opposed to the Doctor's sneezes, which were harsh, bending him almost double at the waist with every violent explosion. He attempted to catch them in the crook of his elbow, but did not quite succeed in this.

When they finally stopped sneezing, having rid their noses of all the irritants, they looked the other in the eye and started laughing until the tears started falling again.

* some time later *

'Doctor, what are your thoughts on take-out?' He smiled at her and agreed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you, ralala.

The Doctor and the pool.

Aka chlorine does not agree with Time Lords


Amy was whining. 'It's so hot. Can we please go and find the pool today?' She started to dispose of her shirt, but the Doctor was there in a flash, preventing her from showing her... whatever was under female shirts...

'Amy', it was accompanied by a deep sigh. 'If you promise to keep your clothes on, we'll go find the pool.'

She pouted. 'Okay...'

So off they went. The Doctor wore a frown that creased his eyebrows deeply. Amy was still sulking. He prayed they would find the swimming pool soon. Well, he didn't pray, because well, once you've met some Gods in person, they tended to become a little less... impressive. Instead, he asked the TARDIS, very nicely, I might add.

She was merciful. They arrived at the pool mere minutes after they initiated their search. It was next to the library this time. A see-through wall separated the two rooms.

The thanked the same Gods he didn't believe in (after all, why believe if you know they're there) that Amy didn't start an argument when he told her to change out of sight.

The Doctor put on his swimming suit. It used to be fashionable around the 1950's... striped, and covering most of the body. Amy emerged in a flimsy bikini and jumped right into the water.

Dignity forgotten, the Doctor followed her. 'Geronimo!' They splashed around for a while, until Amy got bored by the long rambles about water by the easily intrigued Time Lord.

After that, they competed at diving, to find out which of them could swim the farthest under water. The Doctor won and told her how he had learned to swim under water for long stretches.

'It was on the planet Abinocia, which is completely covered with one large ocean, broken only by a few small islands. I got granted an audience with the queen, for which I had to remain under water for hours. As they had more contact with alien races that needed air, they had devised something to allow me to breathe under water. Unfortunately, it was not completely compatible with Time Lord physiology and wore of in the middle of the lengthy farewell speech. Because, obviously, I desperately needed to get to the surface to get more air, I accidentally offended no less than half the population of the planet by turning my back to the ruler to do just that. People tend to get a little hostile when you ignore their queen. Don't know why... but well, that is how I learned to use my breath sparingly when swimming under water. The running part after that wasn't bad to keep in shape either...Are you even listening, Pond?'

Then, he sniffed. That got Amy's attention. He sniffed again. 'Doctor, you all right?' When he looked directly at her, she saw his eyes were a bit blood shot. 'Of course, Pond. Why would I dot be all dight? The choline is just... is just affecting by sinuses.' His breath hitched once. Oblivious to her stare he turned around to swim another lap. At a second hitch, Amy felt butterflies soaring.

Swimming was suddenly the last thing on her mind. Infuriating man! How could he know all her buttons and why was he pressing every single one of them? She had never seen the Doctor sneeze, but she had dreamt about it often enough.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned infuriating man had reached the far end of the pool and was on his way back, when he suddenly stopped a few feet away from Amy. His head reared back, nostrils flaring wide. 'Oh God', she moaned, unable to rip her eyes from the scene. Her knees were trembling in an effort to keep her upright and she felt her blood pounding in her ears.

Though she did not hear him, she did see. One, two, three, four times his head tilted back. At which point the sneeze... got stuck. Amy was quite sure she would faint. Too many of her fantasies were playing out in front of her eyes.

He looked a little frustrated. Yes definitely all her buttons. She knew her lips were moving, but had no idea what she was murmuring. For a moment he looked her right in the eye, a grin plastered on his mouth. Then the grin crumbled and he exploded with a waist-bending sneeze.

Amy whimpered. For a moment the world blacked out and she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, he was right besides her, grin in place and all.

'Sorry, was that a bit much?' The bastard! So he knew exactly what he was doing to her! 'You... you bastard', she managed to spit out. 'Language, Pond', he said cheerfully, still grinning from ear to ear.

Part of her wanted to punch the smile off his smug face. The other part wanted to know more.

She opted for the second one, mainly because she liked being on the TARDIS and preferred to stay there. Especially if there was a chance of that happening again.

The chlorine picked that exact moment to strike again. She had half-opened her mouth to ask him, when he held up one finger in the 'one second' gesture and turned his head away from her. 'Heeehhh... HETCHOO!' He sniffed and looked back at her. She looked about ready to jump his bones. Oh dear. That was something he didn't quite factor into the equation. In fact, if he was being honest, nothing after his teasing had been analysed correctly. Why hadn't he done that?

Ah... yes. This body was a bit awkward when it came to girls. Why again had he thought that teasing her in this particular way was a good idea? 'Easy, Pond. No... no snogging the Time Lord.' Curse the chlorine that made his nose itch again. This really wasn't a good time to sneeze. The thing was... he wasn't sure he could hold it back...

'Amy, lisden to be. I'b going to sdeeze again in a moment, bud I can't... I can't help it. I'm dot teasing you. Do you... you undersdand?' Amy nodded, her pupils dilated. He did not think she had heard a word he had been saying, but he found he had not the breath left to repeat it. The urge to sneeze again was quickly spiralling out of control. He feared that, once he started, he would not be able to stop again.

Oh dear. He really needed to get out of the pool. Or Amy needed to get out of the pool. Or... oh dear... 'Ehmmm... EHHm... huh... hehh... hehhehhhh...' He had to remember something that was a turn off for Amy. 'Heeeeh...heehTSNF. Uhh... heh... ETCH... heh... eh... huuhh.. HHMPFF... huuhm.... eeeehhhm... EEEHHPSSH... huhhmpfsh... eh... eeeh... heheehehh... ehh... HEEEAATCHOO.'

That appeared to have calmed his nose for the time being, although he could feel he was not done yet. Amy appeared too dazed to do any harm at that moment, so he swiftly swam to the edge of the pool, climbed out and rushed away to hide in the bathroom, where he broke loose with a huge fit the moment he locked the door behind him.

Meanwhile, in the pool, Amy was coming to her senses. Where had he been hiding that? And where was he hiding now? She had to explore this feature of him further...

TBC? Comments will make me insanely happy. :twisted:

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Wow! This part was sooo amazingly written! But then again, so is al of your writing! :twisted: But this part reeeally pushed my buttons!!! :lol::lol:

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TBC? YES TBC! Not only was that criminally sexy, it was also very well written! Such a yummy combination. I really like how each story so far is based in an area of the TARDIS we have so far never seen, so they are all like little glimpses into awesome sounding places. Plus, I am so very very jealous of Amy so far in your collection.

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  • 1 month later...

*blushes furiously* I... ehm... sorry for not updating! But, but, I have posted other DW stories *makes pathetic attempt to make the not updating right again*

Thank you for your wonderful comments though! *feels unworthy*

Grey on a Sunday: *blushes* Thanks! I loved writing this bit, as the Doctor is so deliciously clueless. ;)

blush: *blushes more* (pun not intended) Thank you! I didn't have a clue which part of the TARDIS to use as decor next, but if you have any suggestions, I'm happy to try and write more! I'm afraid I've been working on too many stories at once... again. ;)

p.s. I'd probably be jealous of Amy too, if I weren't writing it while thinking from the Doctor's POV. :lol:

So, just a thank you to all who read these one-shots and especially those of you who have commented, and if anyone has suggestions for a room in the TARDIS to use next, or I get inspiration, I'll try to write more!

Edited by Sigrith
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:) Oh my... *fans self* those were just YUM! Especially the last one. Poor Dr. :huh: hehehehe :lmfao: Not that I would be thinking the same thing. *innocent grin*

Very nice!

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Well, you seem to be using different sneeze-causes for each one, and the setting contributes to that, of course. I always imagine the TARDIS having unconventional room types to exploit its infiniteness, so perhaps a garden? That way you have multiple options to go with, whether it be flowers or herbs or indoor-artificial-sun photic even? Maybe a forest or some other conventionally outdoor setting? I know we've seen the enormous wardrobe in the new series, and the swimming pool and library have been mentioned, but I can't think of any other specifically canon places, which means anything else you try out would be new but certainly possible. Ooh also, I found a fanmade map of the TARDIS here which is quite creative and worth looking at even if it doesn't inspire you writer-wise. Anyway, hope I helped the writing process out a bit  :lol:

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A wonderful extension of the TARDIS! I would suggest that they next repair to the TARDIS's pilgrimage cathedral of St James; I hear that the incense used in many planets is particularly sneezy... both for time lords and earthlings...

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  • 2 months later...

Ooh, once again, thank you for all the awesome comments! :blushing:

@blush: thanks for the suggestions (and the map, it's quite cool) :-) As you will see I've used to indoor-sun here (if you don't mind (f) that is), and I'm working on one about a garden, where perhaps Rory might become the unsuspecting victim. :drool:

... and now for something completely different (sort of)... :laugh:

So far all these one-shots have been male, but as this one describes an area of the TARDIS we haven't seen yet I have decided to post it in this thread, despite it being a (f) story.

The setting is slightly different. Amy and Rory are happily married now and she tends to drag him along to explore the TARDIS together...

so... ehm... *puts up flashy warning sign with F on it*

Many thanks to High on Lullabies for beta-ing! :)

and to Blah-San for telling me the concept wasn't horrible and/or out of character (several times).

The Solarium

They opened another door in the seemingly endless corridors of the TARDIS. This one didn't end up in a broom closet or a kitchen or a bedroom.

This door opened up to a solarium, though not one as you would expect. It was more ballroom-shaped, with a huge, luminous dome high up, acting as the ceiling. The Sun, if it could be called a Sun, was artificial, due to them being inside a ship, in the vortex and though the light came from a source much closer than the sun, it was decidedly sun-like. Yellow, strong light. They stepped over the threshold, into the wide, circular space.

She felt a sudden irresistible tickle. 'Itchi!'

'Bless you', Rory offered. She held up one finger. 'W... wait... eh... ehh... etchi!' After a few seconds, she sneezed again. 'Done yet?', Rory asked. Amy closed her eyes and stammered 'n-n... no.' The itch was absolutely relentless. It made her nose twitch and her eyes water. 'Iih.... iiih... etchi.... itchi... itchi...'

It didn't stop. If anything, it got worse. Every time she opened her eyes, a new tickle attacked. Rory quickly grew very worried indeed.

'Amy? Amy? Are you okay?' Tears slowly started overflowing from her eyes. She tried to answer. 'ehh... y-y-eeehh... f-f-f... itchi! Fine... ehh... ihheh...' Another sneeze erupted out of her, and another, and another.

Rory soon couldn't stand watching it any more and pinched her nose shut in the hope he could interrupt the stream of ehm... eruptions for a bit. She blinked at him with tear-swollen eyes, that subsequently fluttered shut when she launched into another build-up that ended up being stifled by Rory's fingers. She made a sound that clearly said 'Ow, that hurt, bugger off' before she sneezed again. He quickly let go of her nose, feeling a hint of dampness on his fingers.

'Uhm... Amy?' She tried to look at him through the unrelenting cycle of itch-and-release. 'I'm going to look for the Doctor now. Stay here, I'll be right back...' He trailed off, realising Amy wasn't quite capable of anything at that moment, let alone moving around. She nodded vaguely and gestured it was fine and please hurry up.

Rory was quite sure he would never cease to be amazed by how Amy could make things clear without uttering a word. With that thought in his mind, he ran off to find the one person on the ship he hoped could help.

Amy noticed that it appeared to get better when she held her eyes shut, and better still if she held her hands in front of them. Soon the overwhelming itch had diminished enough to stop triggering any more explosions.

After a while she thought it was safe to open them again and slowly removed her hands. Immediately her eyes shot open. The itch returned to her nose with an almost stabbing intensity. Instantly, it felt as if there were a thousand dust bunnies floating around in her nose, making her want to...'Ih...ihhheh... itchi... tchi!'

Okay, that didn't work out. Another sharp gasp and she bent forwards at the waist, her abdominal muscles starting to get sore from the strain...

Rory found the Doctor wandering around one of the corridors, his nose buried in a book that was about twice the size of his head. Well, they might have sort of collided going round a corner...



'I want you to look at Amy...'

'Well, in case you hadn't noticed, I have looked at her and you didn't seem to like it that much....' He didn't look up from his book.

'Uhm... yes, but something's wrong with her... could you please follow me?'

Slowly the book dropped and revealed a face with rather floppy hair. He stared at Rory with a confused expression for a moment before putting the book on a table that seemed to have magically appeared and started to move in the direction Rory came from. 'Well, what are you waiting for? Come along, Pond!'

He only had to follow the high-pitched sound that Amy was making in order to find her. It was quite loud and not a noise she usually made; quite odd, even. He wasn't sure he had ever heard her make that particular noise before, though he found he didn't dislike the sound of it. The frequency with which she was making it made him wonder whether it wouldn't make her feel terribly out of breath.

Another corner was turned, after which they reached the solarium.

When he beheld her in the state she was in, he was sure both his hearts skipped a beat. Her hair was ruffled, her nose a deep shade of pink. For some reason he couldn't take his eyes off that particular feature.

'Ehm... Doctor?' Rory interjected shyly. That broke his focus. 'Ah, yes, something wrong you said?' He wished she would stop making that noise for a moment, it really was terribly distracting.

Rory stared at him in a way that clearly said “Isn't it obvious?” Well, yes, it was probably obvious, and he would most likely figure it out the minute Amy stopped doing whatever it was that made thinking pretty much impossible.

A deep, long-suffering sigh from Rory, followed by. 'The sneezing, Doctor. She can't stop.'

Oh, was that what that noise was. Hmmm, he didn't remember that noise being quite as distracting during previous incarnations. Was that a quirk? Well, obviously he had had quirks before, quite a lot if he were really honest, but this was a new one... oh yes, Amy, trouble.

One look at the ceiling and he had worked it out by the slight itch that started plaguing him.

'Okay, Rory, help me get Amy out of here. You hold her eyes closed, I'll carry her.' While he scooped her up, he felt vaguely sorry the sound would stop soon. Unless he was wrong of course, though he was quite certain that was not the case. Why was he so disappointed about that?

When they had managed to manoeuvre out of the room, he kicked the door shut behind them, earning him an annoyed 'ow' from Amy, who's legs were ever so slightly in the door's path, causing his cheeks to turn a light shade of pink.

She had sneezed a few more times when he had been carrying her, bending slightly at the waist, even though he had been holding her quite secure. For some reason his legs had turned slightly wobbly every time she did that.

As soon as the door was closed, he gently put her down on her feet. 'You can take your hands away now, Rory...' He didn't know why his voice sounded so defeated. Amy turned around and glared at him, only to have her expression crumble. 'Ihh... iiiih... itchi!' His hearts most definitely did not flutter. The mere suggestion!

After a few moments, he found his voice again. 'Ehm... well... that should solve it. I'll go and find that book again now. You carry on with... whatever you were doing.' He was already moving away when he realised something. 'Oh, and do try to avoid that room in the future.'

He received a blank stare. 'Oh, come on. Wasn't it obvious? Big room, big artificial sun?' On Rory's face dawned understanding. 'You mean it was just a photic reflex?'

It earned him a death glare from Amy. 'Just a photic reflex? In case you hadn't noticed, it was quite a bit more than just a photic reflex.' Rory shot the Doctor a long-suffering look.

'Well... no, it wasn't, but that's because it wasn't your sun. If the light in there had come from such a source, you wouldn't have had any trouble with it at all. Well, maybe just a little, but that would have been a normal photic reflex. You see, what happened here was that the light, - to which your eyes aren't accustomed because well... this not being Earth and all – that would normally cause just a slight overstimulation of the optic nerve, triggering the trigeminal nerve, didn't cease this overstimulation, and while normally the nerve would become desensitised, it's not quite made for this degree of assault. So though your old yellow sun won't elicit quite this much of a response, this artificial one does and there are numerous other stars out there that will.' The words turned around in his mind for a few moments most pleasingly.

He was just about to start about a species he had encountered which possessed most intriguing traits, but was cut off by Amy, who was waving her hands about. 'Yeah, yeah, no more going into the solarium, I ge-heh...get it.'

Oh great, there went his train of thought. It was really quite annoying. Well, he clearly wasn't needed here any more... what was he going to do again? O yeah, that's right, find a star of the precise same spectral type as the one in the solarium....

TBC :blushing: (though I'm not sure on what time-scale yet :blushing: )

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This is terrific! At last, some f, and ultra-photic Amy! The future possibilities are literally infinite.... [and I still like my baroque pilgrimage cathedral idea; what TARDIS is complete without one? Oh well......]

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Mmmmm! The Doctor really is turning out to be rather naughty ... in a very good way of course! And I love all the different scenarios. And I can imagine Amy sneezing EXACTLY like that!


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  • 1 year later...

*looks at date of last post* Uhm... yes uhm... oops? blushing.gif I finally ended up finishing the next (and possibly last) part in this series. I started writing it over a year ago, which is why it takes place pre-marriage, I hope I've been able to finish it in the right tone (Rory may be a bit too courageous at the end).

I bring you one allergic Rory and a very distracted Amy. ^^

@Count: I'm afraid this is of the male variety again, although I do have 2 Amy-stories still in the works (though I may not finish them blushing.gif ) About the cathedral, I think that suits some of the other Doctor's better... and I did write one such story, although not in the fandom. wink.png

@Vetinari: Thank you so much. Really ever so glad you like it. happy crying.GIF (And well, they did give us a Doctor with a sex drive, it would be a shame to waste it. ^^ )

Hope you enjoy!

The Garden

On their frequent explorations of the TARDIS (more often than not initiated by Amy, who dragged a grumbling Rory along), they found the garden. One of the first things that Amy remarked, after convincing Rory to go in there, was that – whatever she had expected of the garden – this wasn't it. Rory, on the other hand, even though he didn't say it out loud, had exactly expected it to be like this.

The garden was small-ish (but still bigger on the inside), encased by solid stone walls, that were decorated in a decidedly cloister-like manner. On both sides of the entrance was a fountain, half hidden behind bushes. They were small but impressive. The amount of detail was astonishing. It oddly made him think of the Doctor.

'Eh... ehhehh... uhhuh' Amy heard the hitching breaths before she saw them. A few feet behind her, Rory was struggling with a sneeze. She felt a surge of love and care flow through her. 'UCHOO' The involuntary fluttering of his eyes and the hitches had come to their natural conclusion.

She kept watching him to see if it were an isolated event or not. It was not.

Rory's head was in the process of rearing back, his nostrils flaring wildly, eyes glazed (over) by a layer of tears, about to overflow.

His breathing was ragged, sharp inhalations and short, puffy exhalations. One hand was slowly raising towards his face in order to catch the inevitable sneezes.

To Amy, Rory had always been the good-looking one, no matter what the Doctor said. There were many reasons for this, not all of them to do with his physical appearance. One of the reasons that was definitely physical, was his nose. It appeared to be slightly too large for his face, the tip slightly pointed to the ground. The curve in the bridge was subtle, his silhouette showing a fairly straight line down to the tip. Even looking down at him she could see the familiar shape of his nostrils, from angles where they wouldn't show with other people. It was firm and slightly awkward and it made him so much more visually interesting.

Now these glorious nostrils were flaring open wide, trembling with the need to sneeze. Amy suspected he wouldn't stop at one. It looked too... desperate for that.

Quite suddenly, his head snapped forward into his hands. 'HUCHOO... ehh... huhhh... uhhh..... HUETCHOO... hehh... eehhhh... EEEHhhh... HETCHOO... uhhh... uhhhuhh... HUTCHOO...' During every build-up, his head reared back, only to snap forward into his hands with every release.

Amy stood mesmerised. She couldn't look away. Never before had she seen him sneeze that much. Not even when she made him induce while playing Raggedy Doctor as kids.

It made her feel funny. Well, not funny, she was perfectly aware of what the feeling was, but she suspected Rory wasn't really in the mood just then...

Finally, the endless cycle of build-up and release let up enough for Rory to catch his breath. He was panting heavily but his nose was still twitching in the most appealing fashion. After his breathing had slowed down significantly, she breathed a hoarse 'bless you'.

Rory looked up at her with watery eyes. 'Ehm.. thanks.' His voice was rough from the sneezing.

It took her less than a second to close her lips over his, relishing the surprised, dazed look in his eyes. He started kissing her back, slowly growing more confident, until he suddenly started making panicked noises into her mouth and tried to pull away. It took her a few moments to figure out he was going to sneeze again. Despite the overwhelming urge to hug him closer, to feel his explosion against her lips, she let him go.

His breath was coming in small, desperate gasps, his voice rising in pitch with each inhalation. Amy's knees slowly turned into jelly, growing softer with each gasp. Staring at his face, – the watering eyes, twitching nose, flaring nostrils – her mind was blank of anything but the present.

Rory knew what it was doing to her, he had known her too long not to know. He relished in every moment. Anything he could do that made Amy Pond speechless with desire was good in his books. The never-ending tickling had started to become a bit annoying but as long as he could breathe okay there was no immediate need to stop winding her up. It held him on the very edge of another fit now, he just needed something to send him over the edge... Talking was always a good one. As he opened his mouth to speak, he noticed the look in her eyes becoming desperate and if his face wasn't too occupied with the impending sneezes, he would have grinned.

'Ahh.... aahh... Amy?' he stuttered out. It wasn't enough. He put one hand on her shoulder, seeking support for the next volley of sneezes. 'M-maybe we sh-should get ahh.... ahhah... out of the gh... gh.... here.' He did mean it. Whatever was making him sneeze was in the garden and he wasn't quite sure how much he was going to like it if they stayed much longer. The reaction would go on a while longer regardless of whether they were actually close to what was causing it.

She sulked for a minute before taking his hand and dragging him out in her usual, less-than-subtle way. Still, the attack had not struck him. His free hand rubbed his nose vigorously and he snuffled, putting extra emphasis on it for Amy's sake.

Encouraged by a sudden surge of courage, he stopped her and hugged her tight. Before she could do anything, he started kissing down her neck, pausing whenever his breath hitched, then, as he felt the fit arrive, moved his lips up to her ear. 'HUCHOO... ehh... huhhh... uhhh... ehh... HUETCHOO... hehh... EEEHhhh... HETCHOO... uhhh... uhhhuhh... HUTCHOO!' He couldn't resist covering with his arm – nurse's instinct – but he tried to override those instincts in favour of pleasing Amy.

Knowing the reaction would drag on longer, he made good use of his position close to her ear whispered 'Bedroom?' The sound that tore out of his fiance wasn't quite recognisable as a word but the sudden, insistent pull confirmed its meaning.

Rory hoped they might stumble on that garden again some time, memorising the route just in case the TARDIS wouldn't move the corridors...

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Naughty Amy....and I can see that the cathedral idea may not be repeatable though the Garden does seem to have some very Gothick tendencies [as one would expect of a modern Tardis]. But surely some already prepared Amy sneezes can't be allowed to go to waste....?

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Okay, full disclosure, this story is the reason I found the forum in the first place. God bless Google. And I'm glad to see another update - Rory is adorable.

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  • 6 months later...

I LOVE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my holy ******* O.O

I am in love with you, seriously!!

This made my day!!!!!!

Thank you so much for writing these, I feel so incredibly spoiled *_*

I really hope there's more <3

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