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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Supernatural gift fic - (8 Parts)


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:laugh: I really love the sneezy Dean in this part!! So many sneezes...he's definately spreading germs there.

And awww, its too bad Sammy isn't feeling well ;)

I freaking love stories where one boy has a cold and then the other one catches it...firstly, because they just have to share everything, and they're always together in close spaces (like the Imapala), and also, because like iluvsneezes said, two sick Winchesters are better than one!!

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27jaredjensen: Yes he is spreading germs isn't he? muhahaha!...thank you so much for the feedback

obsessed: I like to be an overachiever lol jk...thank you so much for the feedback

iluvsneezes: I completely and totally agree...thank you so much for the feedback

mads3rv3r: I'm still so happy you are liking it!...thank you so much for the feedback

MusicaDiabolos: Thank you!...I hope to have part 5 up soon...thank you so much for the feedback.

shygreeneyes: hehe...sick Dean and Sam, great sleeping material...who knew? lol jk...thank you so much for the feedback

Okay, Part 5, if not Part 6 as well will be posted today.



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I love your story so much B)

I totally agree, two sick Winchester boys are better than just one.

Aww, and I love this whole trying-not-to-sneeze and fuck-I'm-losing-my-voice thing !

It's a sooooo great story, you got the characters perfectly fine!

I hope there will be more yumminess :)


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Awwwww Sammy's not feelin too well. Thats totally making me squee with anticipation too bad.

Contagion is the best,

please keep it up!

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Just popping in for a sec to say sorry for the delay...work's been crazy...hope to post part 5 and 6 today/tonight.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to read another part of your fab story :D)

I really fell in love with it, I think you're a great and talented writer!

Anyway...I hope you have a bit time and works not that crazy anymore^^

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First off let me apologize. I'm so sorry this has taken me so long. Work went crazy and I had my board exam for nursing (WHICH I PASSED!!!!!!!! YAY!) sooo I was unable to write. BUT! I am back and I will be writing this week as much as possible because sadly on Sunday I will be leaving for two weeks. ANYWHO! Let us torture these boys as much as possible before I have to leave shall we? Is there any illness aspect that I have not done that anyone would love to see incorporated?


LovelyLinda: Thank you so much for the feedback. There is definitely more yumminess to come. Well, I think its yummy I hope you do too. :P

*lovely_lily*: Thank you so much for the feedback. I absolutely love contagion and fevers...and so naturally poor Sam must suffer lol. :yes:

AND NOW...no sneezing yet but the next part will have weak Winchester boys needing tons of TLC

Part 5

Dean was relatively low maintenance as far as taking care of him went. Sam rewet the washcloth once, ran to the local gas station and got a box of tissues and some more Tylenol for their medicine kit. A few restless turns and a few trips to the bathroom to eliminate the large amount of water Sam kept forcing

Dean to drink to keep him hydrated, but other than that Dean slept throughout the night. Sam, on the other hand, was awake the entire night. His sore throat from dinner was now excruciating. His headache seemed to radiate to every joint making them stiff and throb. His head felt full and stuffy, and to top it all off, he could not get warm.

Sitting on the bed, staring at the labtop trying to find more information out about cupping, Sam rubbed his eyes and leaned his head back against the headboard of his bed. The sun just starting to peak through the curtains was a brutal reminder to Sam that he had not slept at all that night, and that today was probably going to be long.

Dean sat up blinking grogginess out of his brain. Clearing his throat a few times, he stopped upon the realization that it was not going to clear. “’Morning,”

Dean croaked.

“Hey, I think I got more on cupping…damn, Kermit,” Sam was shocked to hear how quickly Dean had lost his voice.

“Bitch,” only whispered.

“When’s your date with Miss Piggy?” Sam smiled contently at the fact that Dean might not be able to talk the whole day.

“Right after yours with my fist!” Dean lunged off the bed, pinning his brother to the mattress, fist cocked and ready to hit.

Unable to stop himself, Sam started laughing, “Sorry, I can’t hear you, you want me to date your fish?”

“My fist,” Dean punched Sam in the arm.

“You can’t take it, only dish it?”

“My fist. My fist!” Dean tried yelling but resorted to hit Sam in the arm over and over again, until his brother’s giggles died down and Dean was worn out.

“Okay, okay, your fist,” Sam yawned.

“You look beat,” Dean walked back to his bed.

“I am. You just hit me like 8 times,” Sam used the word’s double meaning but both knew what Dean meant; Sam looked tired and worn out and Sam felt tired and worn out.

Dean took another glance at his brother, seeing him yawn again. “You know, we could just sleep in today…” Sam looked like he wanted nothing more than to get under his covers, curl up and drift into oblivion. Dean zoned out pondering if they could really afford the day off. Catching a glance of movement out of his periphery, Dean noted the slight shiver that ran through Sam’s body. “Are you cold?”

“No, I’m tired which makes me cold.”

“Hate to break it to you, Samatha, but tired does not make you cold.”

“It does for me, Dorothy,” Sam gritted out the end of his rebuttal.

“Dorothy? What are you six?”

“You started it,” Sam was not helping his point.

“You started it,” Dean mocked back.

“Did not.”

“Did too,” Dean smiled a boyish grin knowing Sam was just egging it on for the sake that neither one had anything better to do at the moment. “Seriously, are you cold?”

“Yes.” Hmm, one word Sam was never a good Sam.

“Then, get some sleep…”Dean looked over seeing Sam’s head on the pillow and his eyes closed. Assuming Sam was asleep, “Bitch.”

“Jerk,” Sam smirked rolling over and facing the opposite wall.

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everest: Thank you so much for the feedback.

Now as promised long ago here is Part 6

Hearing the sound of strained whispering, Sam sat up quickly, placing his hand on the wall as the room spun. Trying to see past the bleary images swirling in front of him, Sam was almost certain Dean was choking or dying. Throwing the covers off himself, Sam forced himself upright, using the wall as a support, he walked in the direction of the noise calling Dean’s name. Finally able to see in front of him, Sam found Dean holding a brush as a microphone, his hair dripping and a towel hanging loosely around his waist. Dean was singing. Not choking. Not dying, despite the sounds he was making.

“What?” he rasped when he saw Sam in the doorway.

“I thought some poor cat was being strangled,” Sam smiled.

Dean gave him a blank look. Sam almost thought he had spaced out when Dean snapped forward cupping both hands over his mouth and nose hehhuh’ISKSHOO! Hehh..uhhhikshhh! Grabbing a handful of toilet paper, Dean pitched once more HEHHUH’ISKSHHOOO!

“Dry your hair. Do you want to get pneumonia?” Sam stepped forward grabbing another towel off the shelf and scrubbing at Dean’s hair.

Dean batted Sam away, “What the hell?!” Dean backed up almost tripping over the toilet had Sam not grabbed him by the upper arm.

“Chill out. It’s a towel,” Sam plopped him down on the toilet seat.

“You’re a towel.” Dean grumbled.

“Seriously.” Sam threw his hands up in exasperation. Taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Sam crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall taking in his brother’s appearance. Flushed cheeks pinked more making Dean look like a small boy being scolded. “When did you take your temperature last?”

“I don’t know when did you take my temp last night?”

“Dean?! This is serious! You have to keep your fever under control or you’ll get worse…” Sam was now standing over Dean actually scolding him.

“Spare me the chick flick ending here, Sammy. I have fever, I took a cool shower to cool it down. I’m not an idiot.” Dean started to get up.

“Sit.” Sam pulled the thermometer off the bathroom sink where he had put it last night so as not to lose it.

“Oh no, Mother Hen. I’m done with that shit,” Dean started to walking past Sam.

“That wasn’t a request,” Sam’s eyes burned, less from anger and more from illness. “Sit.”

Dean rolled his eyes, slowly walking back to the toilet lid and sitting down. Opening his mouth, he waited as Sam slipped the thermometer into his mouth.

Dean closed his mouth obediently making Sam satisfied with his own accomplishment. Sam took a seat on the floor next to the tub waiting for the sound of the beep.

Leaning his head back against the wall, Sam silently cursed as the headache from the night before had started creeping up on him and was now almost throbbing loud enough to be heard.

Startling when a cold hand landed on his shoulder, Sam looked up to see Dean squatting down in front of him. “Mine was 100.1. Your turn,” Dean handed over the thermometer.

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YOU'RE a towel. :)

Mm, more thermometer action, and sneezy Dean, and the fish-dating line, heee! I love the brotherly beating and ribbing. I miss that about Season One. Well done.

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"your turn"


I have no idea why, but I absolutly loved that line.

Great job! I officially love this story, and I agree with mads3rv3r, I miss the brotherly bickering in Season One!

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The bickering is absolutely adorable. And of course Dean knows that Sam is sick too, even if Sam is apparently being more stubborn about looking after himself than Dean was!

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Very nice last few parts here :dead:

In part 5, I love Dean losing his voice, all croaky and whispering, and I REALLY love sleepy, cold, shivery Sam so much!

Ahahaha! The first part of Part 6? So freaking hilarious. And I loved Sam getting all exasperated at Dean.

The best part was that while Sam is mother-henning Dean, making him take his temp and all, Dean knows that Sam’s getting sick too, and I love that last line.

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The best part was that while Sam is mother-henning Dean, making him take his temp and all, Dean knows that Sam’s getting sick too, and I love that last line.

So do I! Thanks for posting the next parts, They're great :drool:

The contagion is STILL adorable

And I'm seriosly geussing whether Sam's temp will be lower or higher :jason2:

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obsessed: Sick? No never. :D Thank you so much for updating again and for the feedback.

*lovely_lily*: higher or lower? hmm. Shall we make these boys really suffer? Yes...I think I will. :( Thank you so much for the feedback.

27jaredjensen: yay! thank you so much for the feedback!

shygreeneyes: Heck yeah! Sam has to be more stubborn, he's more silent than Dean. :D Thank you so much for the feedback.

everest: Thank you so much for the feedback. I'm glad I could bring in some old schoolness. Yay! :yes:

mads3rv3r: I added some more thermometer just for you. I'm so glad you are enjoying this fic. Thank you so much for the feedback.

And now onto....

Part 7!...P.S. sorry these are so short but I get the ideas in little bursts and I'm always worried that I might get called into work and then not be able to post. Please forgive the shortness of each part.

“What? I’m not taking my temperature after you, you’re germy.”

“And you’re not?”

“No. I have a headache.” Sam stood walking away from Dean.

“Yes, and I have allergies,” Dean quirked an eyebrow at his brother.

“I don’t have a fever,” Sam laid down on the bed.

“Me neither.”

“And I’m not sick,” Sam buried his face in his pillow muffling it to sound like ‘md ib dot sid’.

“Me neither.” Dean sat down on the bed scooting Sam over.

Sam looked up knowing he’d been defeated. “Just give me the thermometer.” Grabbing it from Dean’s hand he shoved it in his mouth and pushed his face back into his pillow to pout. Dean laughed causing himself to cough a couple of harsh coughs. “Karma,” he heard from the talking pillow.

“Bite me,” he wheezed.

“Don’t tempt me.”

“Stop talking or I’ll shoot you,” Dean sat on his bed wheezing softly.

Sam pulled the thermometer out of his mouth. “Maybe we should run up to that clinic I saw when we drove in. Wheezing is not good…” Sam stopped mid-sentence when he heard the click of a gun being cocked back ready to fire. “Ok, sheesh. Where do you even keep that thing?” Sam grumbled shoving the thermometer back in his mouth.

The alert of the thermometer caused both boys to jump. Both had dozed off on their respectful beds, and were jerked from their peaceful sleep at the sound of a reminder that they were now both sick and feeling very under the weather. Sam sat up and glanced at the digital reading, 102.1F. Well, that would explain the headache, chills and general crappiness that had washed over him. Harsh coughing came from the bed next to him, “Dean?” Sam pulled himself off of his bed and crawled over to Dean’s bed. Using what little strength he had left, Sam wrung out the washcloth he had left on the night stand and laid it across Dean’s forehead and propped him up with pillows glad to hear the wheezing quiet slightly.

“I…can’t…breathe,” Dean’s voice croaked. “Feel…like…I’m…hehhhuh’IsKSHHHHH!” Dean pitched forward struggling to catch his breath. Sam struggled his way over to the bathroom and turned on the shower as hot as he could get it, producing a thick source of steam. Eh-SHHuh! Sam shook his head as the sneeze caused the room to go in circles for a moment. All this steam was trying to relieve the congestion that had accumulated in his sinuses, and now was not a good time. Satisfied with the humidity in the bathroom, Sam grabbed Dean around the waist and put his arm over his shoulders and started dragging him to the restroom. EH-SHHHuh! Another wet sneeze ripped out of Sam causing both boys to topple to the ground just outside of restroom. Grabbing his head, Sam heard Dean groan and curl in on himself. “Come on!” Sam gritted through his teeth. Leaning over, Sam grabbed Dean under his armpits and pulled him one last time causing him to fall backwards crashing Dean on top of him. “Slow your breathing down,” Sam panted from the exertion.

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I love Sam denying that he’s sick at first and both boys taking care of each other and the sneeziness and them being all pathetic and sick. Love it all B)

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Sam sat up and glanced at the digital reading, 102.1F. Well, that would explain the headache, chills and general crappiness that had washed over him.

Higher I geussed right! woot!! :)

This was great, You finally put in a sneezy Sam B) You rock harder for that ;)

Bring on the torture babyyy!!

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Oh! How have I missed this!

I'm so enjoying all the thermometer-ing that's going on here. And I love them both being sick and still trying to look after each other. So cute! Poor sneezy feverish headachy boys :hypoc:

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Oh! How have I missed this!

I'm so enjoying all the thermometer-ing that's going on here. And I love them both being sick and still trying to look after each other. So cute! Poor sneezy feverish headachy boys :drool:

Aww, you don't know how much I love this :clapping:

The little fights with the thermometer are just adorable!!

It's soo cute that both are denying being sick.

In the last part I reeeeeeally loved that line "your turn."

I don't know why, but it's a really turn on :)

I hope you keep on writing such adorable stories,

I really fell for your writing style, it's sooooo lovable :drool:

Lots of love <3


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It's well past 1 am here but I just couldn't stop reading. I haven't seen the original but I just read all of this in one sitting, it's that good. ^_^ You write such wonderful colds. Thank you, I hope you continue as I'm enjoying this very much.

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