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Supernatural gift fic - (8 Parts)


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Fic: Supernatural

Disclaimer: Not mine :shy:

Okay this is short and I don't know if I will write more but this is an idea given to me by someone....not sure if they are okay with me saying their name...anywho, if you like it please leave feedback I'd love to try and make this longer....possibly some contagion :P

“Oh for God’s sake! Spare us all the Dean ritual of denying being sick and take your temperature like a man,” Sam shoved the thermometer into Dean’s mouth. Finally! It had been one hour of convincing him to take his temperature after three hours of him moan and mope about it being allergies and that he wasn’t getting sick. Taking in the appearance of his brother, it was almost a slap in the face at home it was not just allergies. Swimming in a half-frozen lake after their most recent demon probably had not been the smartest move…well, neither had standing in the canoe they had stolen to get out to the small island the demon had been lurking on and yelling, “Stop, you bastard!” causing the canoe to tip Dean out of it.

Hearing a noise beside him, drawing him out of his thoughts, Sam almost laughed at the predicament his brother was in. Nostrils flaring, finger scrubbing furiously under his nose, breath starting to come in short hitches, eyes closed and jaw starting to get slack, Sam scolded, “You better hold that back. Since you won’t let me check your forehead, I have to use the thermometer.” Smirking slightly, “Wouldn’t want to have to use an end that doesn’t sneeze, would you?” Dean’s glare could have melted the glass on the hotel window. “Just making sure.” Sam’s amusement on the situation did not help Dean concentrate on holding the sneeze back.

The struggle grew more and more humorous as the man tried to hold back. Hearing his breathing hitch even higher…Sam really was enjoying the upper hand he had on his brother at this time…he quickly removed the thermometer and shoved a wad of tissues into Dean’s hands. Fully set on revenge, Dean turned his head toward Sam and sneezed three loud and wet sneezes. Hehhh’uhIKSHOO! Hehhughkshooo! Hehhh…hehhhuh’EKSHOOOO! Using the tissues to blow his nose, Dean mumbled a stuffy, “Bitch.”

“UGH! What the hell!” Sam looked at his arm where some of the mist had hit. Running to the bathroom he quickly rinsed…or scrubbed…the first layer of skin until it was a faint pink color. “Dude! No one wants your germs. Oh this is just nasty!” Sam always was more dramatic. “Ugh! Nasty!” Sammy’s new word of the day.

“Come on, Sammy. You don’t be such a baby.” Dean chuckled.

“Baby? You sneezed on me!”

“That I did, Sammy. You shouldn’t threaten rectal temperature taking until you’re ready for a fight,” Dean winking, pulling the tissues up to his nose and blowing thickly. “So, what’s my temp?”

Picking up the thermometer, Sam looked at the numbers. “Nope.”

“Uh, Sammy, last I checked ‘nope’ is not a thermometer reading.”

“Nope, its not. It didn’t read accurately. You’ll have to do it again.” Sticking the thermometer back in Dean’s mouth before he could protest, Sam walked into the bathroom to wash his arm again…you know, just in case it was still…infected? Hearing some commotion in the other room, Sam poked his head out of the bathroom. “What are you doing?” Dean was trying to get up out of bed. “What do you need?” Sam walked over. Dean pointed at the used tissues on the bed. “Used tissues?” Sam smiled at the small glare he got. Dean pointed more desperately at the tissues. “Oh, these?” Sam held up the box of tissues that he had set on his bed. Dean made a reach for them. “No, you’ll mess up the reading,” Sam put the tissues back down. “Its just a runny nose, you’ll be okay for 3 more minutes.” Starting to walk away, Sam heard Dean breath start to catch. “What are you, allergic to the thermometer?” Sam walked back over pulling out three tissues and started handing them to Dean. HEHHHUH’ISKSHOOO! The thermometer shot out of Dean’s mouth causing Sam to duck as it bee-lined for his head. “Jesus, Dean!”

“Bless you would have worked, too,” Dean blew his nose again.

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Yayyyy, more sick!Dean fic! ::does a little cheer::

I love how they're so brotherly and mean to each other here, but really caring too.

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haha! I like the thermometer shooting out of his mouth. And Dean would totally sneeze on Sam...

Great start, I really like it!

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crazy_cat_girl: hehe thats the part that was special ordered for the fic. glad you liked it. thank you for the feedback

obsessed: i think those hearts are a positive. :laugh: thank you for the feedback

telltale: I love both boys, but have not seen the show much so I might be a little off on their mannerisms but i'm glad you enjoyed it. thank you for the feedback

Part 2 will be posted tonight.



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This is cute! Love how Dean sneezes all over Sammy's arm. I also like the way you write the reactions, :laugh:

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Thankyouthankyouthankyou! :laugh:

God, TWO temperature-takings and TWO sneezing fits, and noseblowing and crazy buildup action. Rowrrr.

I love Sam getting all bossy and exasperated, and toying with Kleenex-wanting Dean. And that Dean obeys the temperature-taking rule of "keep your mouth shut," so that even though he snarks and even pulls out the germ warfare, he's ultimately submitting to Sam's impulse to take care of him and make sure he's OK.

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Aww, this is SO good! :laugh: I can't wait for Pt. 2 (perhaps Sammy will catch Dean's cold?) :rolleyes:

Edited by iluvsneezes
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First off....sorry this is late...I hope to have part 3 and part 4 up today. I had work and so I was unable to post like I thought I would be able to. Second, I don't know how to update the title to say that part 2 is ready so....please, help lol. :D

Feedback Appreciation:

*lovely_lily*: Awww yay! thank you so much for the feedback. I, unfortunately, don't know these guys as well as I wish I did so I'm glad I'm getting it.

27jaredjensen: Oh there will be contagion...muhahahahaha...thank you for the feedback

mads3rv3r: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT! *hugs* thank you so much for the feedback.

iluvsneezes: yes contagion is one of my favorites so there will for sure be that but there will be a twist... :D thank you for the feedback


Sam reached forward to feel Dean’s forehead. “Touch it and die,” Dean stared Sam down. Sam’s gaze shifted nervously. “Okay, so, how ya feeling then?”

“Since its allergies, I feel fine.” Dean’s tone dared Sam to ask any more questions.

“If you’re fine, then you wouldn’t mind me checking your forehead for fever.”

“If I’m fine, I don’t need you to check my forehead for fever.”

Sitting in silence for a moment, Sam finally sighed in defeat. “ Jerk.”




Realizing they weren’t getting anywhere, Sam approached the subject differently…reverse psychiatry. “I’m going to go check out the library. If you need anything while I’m out, call me.” Sam didn’t really want to leave Dean, God, only knows what disease he’s coming down with, but maybe Dean would ‘need something’ while he was out.

“Dude, what am I your mom, just go.” Dean grabbed the remote and started flipping through all 4 endless channels they had access to in their hotel room.

Ah, cranky Dean. Good thing he was going.


Having left his jacket at the hotel room, Sam now shivered uncontrollably while staring at the computer screen trying to make sense of the information he was reading. ‘Two cows found with nose piercings’, ‘Set of twins born on 2/22/02’…and the list of no leads went on and on. Pinching the bridge of his nose where a headache had made itself present about two hours prior, Sam reluctantly closed the internet and packed up his notebooks getting ready to head back to the room. He needed to check on Dean and see if his brother was ready for some dinner.

Arriving at the room, he almost had to refrain himself from laughing. Dean was asleep with the TV remote hanging loosely from his head, and a to-go box with a little bit of pie crust left in it on the bed next to him. Dean’s mouth was slightly opened, a small crumb hanging off the corner of his mouth and soft snoring was present as well as a little bit of drool. If only girls would see him now. Dean appeared to be resting pretty comfortably, no sign of fever, never meant there wasn’t fever, just no sign of it. Sam had not realized how long he had been standing there until he heard a low, “Don’t fry that small brain of yours trying to figure out why you can’t look this good.”

“How are you feeling?” The question was direct but not too invasive.


“Oh good nothing’s changed,” Sam could pretend not care just as long as Dean did even though he wanted to feel his forehead to see how ‘fine’ he really was. However, the minor throbbing he had been experiencing at the library was now becoming a roaring train in his head. “Are you hungry?”

“When am I not?”

“Good point.”

“There’s a diner just down the street,” Of course there is, “and the waitress that works there is a 23 year-old, smoking hot burnette who said there were three people killed just a week ago. They had ‘weird circles all covering their back’.”

Not sure if he was actually hungry or not, Sam at least wanted to get Dean to eat. Grabbing a tissue from the box on the nightstand, Dean turned away from Sam and sneezed into the tissue…Hehhuh’iskshoo!

“Bless you.”

“Thanks, Samantha,” Dean tossed the tissue in Sam’s direction. “Be a doll and pick that up, I completely missed the trashcan.”

“Dean, the trashcan is on the other side of the room,” Sam looked at the offending object sitting on the bed next to him.

“I did say I completely missed it.”

Sam pinched the crumpled wad between his thumb and pointing finger and made a disgusted face all the way to the trashcan, dramatically throwing it away as if there was nothing more disgusting in the world. Feeling slightly off-balanced, he put his hand on the wall to balance himself for a moment. Shaking the feeling, Sam grabbed his jacket he had forgotten and headed to the door. “Let’s go, Sleeping Beauty, more pie awaits you.”

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oh my gooooood, this is amazing!!


Oh pleeeease continue!!!!

I really love your writing style,

and the brothers sound so great and cute :D

Can't wait for more

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Mmmm, sneezy cranky sarcastic Dean with Sam trying to feel his forehead. I love the power struggle and that Dean keeps coming out on top. Which actually is not so good for him really, LOL.

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telltale: I love both boys, but have not seen the show much so I might be a little off on their mannerisms but i'm glad you enjoyed it. thank you for the feedback

I think you've got their mannerisms down very well, actually!

I'm continuing to love this. Dean Winchester + cold denial = deliciousness.

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telltale: aww thank you soooo much...hopefully this next part will be to ur liking...thank you for the feedback

iluvsneezes: Omgosh thank you...thank you very much for the feedback

obsessed: Thank you for updating my posts...trust me more sick Sam to come...thank you for the feedback

mads3rv3r: LoL it really is ashame how much I will have to torture him for being cranky :drool: lol...I'm glad u like it...thank you so much for the feedback

LovelyLinda: :wub: Thank you so much for the kind words...I hope I continue to write the boys to ur liking...thank you so much for ur feed back.

Now without further ado....PART 3

P.S. Part 4 will be posted after dinner tonight.

“Sam was just saying how much your pie reminds him of mom’s,” Dean flirted with the ‘smoking hot brunette’. “Weren’t you, Sam?” Dean kicked his brother in the shin under the table knocking Sam out of his trance.

“Oh yes. Just like mom’s,” Sam shoveled a medium-sized bite into his mouth forcing himself to swallow, the acid from the lemons in the lemon meringue pie causing him to whince from the soreness that was developing in his throat.

“Poor, Sam. See, our mom died last year and ever since then when he eats a pie it just brings tears to his eyes. Doesn’t it, Sam?” Dean grinned a shit-eating grin. Sam looked up startled that Dean had noticed his eyes watering from the sting. “He’s just so modest. Poor guy, can’t admit how much he misses his mommy.”

“Oh, you poor thing, let me get you something else, how about some iced pound cake?” The waitress grabbed the pie and quickly disappeared in the back to look for cake.

“What the hell, Man?” Sam kicked Dean as hard as he could under the table, but unceremoniously missed and instead slammed his foot into the seat.

“Now, Sam, you ‘poor thing’,” Dean mocked. “Temper will get you nowhere.” Dean smirked.

“Go to hell.”

“Hey, now. Been there, done that.”

“You bastard.” Sam gritted through his teeth.

“Damn, Sam,” Dean chuckled a moment at the rhyme, then became serious. “What’s your problem?”

“Nothing.” Dean gave Sam the ‘mhmm, right’ look. “Headache. Bad.” Unfortunately, Dean’s mind had already wondered back to the burnette’s long legs as she brought back the cake.

“There you go, Shugie.”

“Yes, Shugie. There you go. Thank the nice lady, Shugie.” Dean laughed.

“Thank you.” Sam muttered. Nancy, as her name tag read, smiled and headed back to the kitchen, Dean following up to the counter and flagging her down to have a ‘Dean and hot chick’ moment.

Despite having remembered his jacket, Sam was still chilly; however, dismissing it to ‘having sat too long in the library without and jacket and nothing that a hot shower couldn’t fix’. Almost zoned out into his own world, Sam was brought back to the present by an all-too-familiar noise. Sam looked up in time to see Dean stifle a second almost silent sneeze in the crook of his elbow while Nancy wasn’t looking. If there was one thing Sam knew, it was that no matter what the occasion, allergies or cold, if Dean stifled, Dean paid for it with a fit.

Sam grinned and turned to watch the games begin.


Dean quickly recovered from the two stifles, glad that Nancy had not noticed. A weak Winchester was a babeless Winchester. Immediately, however, his nose had other ideas. The tickle came back so fiercely that had he not casually but firmly pressed the heel of his hand to his nose for a brief moment, he wouldn’t have been able to stop the next sneeze. Hehh! Breathing a sigh of relief as the sneeze backed off, Dean continued to persue Nancy.

“How long have you been working h..hehhh…here?”

“About 3 years?” Nancy placed order tickets in the order window.

hehh…uhhh…”Scrubbing his nose again, this time with his index finger. “3 years?”

“Mhmm. Started my senior year in high school.”

“Wow. Increhhh[/i]…hehhh…incredible!hehhuh!” pinching his nose shut Dean turned around and looked toward Sam for help. His knight in shining armor allowed the damsel to stay in distress. Hehhh….uhhh…ihhhh…almost desparate at this point not to sneeze in front of her, Dean stuck to nodding and shaking his head to any question she asked. The tickle now strong in his sinuses trying every chance to escape kept Dean busy mentally. It felt as if tiny feathers had floated into his nostrils and all simultaneously flitted back and forth causing the prickling sensation to almost reach a peak that would rival an orgasm. “So, those we..weird circle m..ma..marks…hehh…on the backs of those viihhh[/i]…huhhh…HEHH..victimsbacks,” Dean rushed the last of the sentence, bending over to pretend to tie his shoe as he stifled another silent ihhhuhshh! Damn, he was going to pay big for that.



“Cupping, its believed to help heal the sick in ancient oriental cultures.”

Without warning, the feeling of another sneeze running for the exit known as his nostrils, Dean mumbled some quick excuse about leaving his phone in his car and needing to go get it, he bolted for the door. Making it around the corner of the diner, Dean let loose…or attempted to. Hehh…uhhh…EHH! Stuck! It was fucking stuck! His nose burned in punishment for waiting so long to allow it to release. Eyes watering, Dean tried looking at the street lamp, sniffling through his nose deeply and yet nothing worked. Hearing gravel crunch, he looked up to see Sam grinning in front of him. “Whad?” his voice thick with congestion from unsneezed sneezes.

Sam burst out laughing, and started walking back to the hotel room, saying nothing for fear his head might explode from the sound of his own voice.

Edited by aussiebloke
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Arriving at the room, he almost had to refrain himself from laughing. Dean was asleep with the TV remote hanging loosely from his head, and a to-go box with a little bit of pie crust left in it on the bed next to him. Dean’s mouth was slightly opened, a small crumb hanging off the corner of his mouth and soft snoring was present as well as a little bit of drool. If only girls would see him now. Dean appeared to be resting pretty comfortably, no sign of fever, never meant there wasn’t fever, just no sign of it. Sam had not realized how long he had been standing there until he heard a low, “Don’t fry that small brain of yours trying to figure out why you can’t look this good.”

Last line there= PERFECTION.

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Your sick Dean is so adorably obnoxious. And Sam is just going to run like the Energizer Bunny until he collapses, isn't he?

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scarlett_ohara2: Yay! That line took me so long to come up with some I'm glad u like it...thank you so much for the feedback

obsessed: You da best...here is part 4...thank you so much for the feedback

shygreeneyes: all i have to say is :twisted: ....lol...thank you so much for the feedback

Part 4....I have work tomorrow so there will be no post...PM me if there is a cold something or other you would like me to try and incorporate so that I can continue to make this something you would like to read. Sincerely, Aussie. :D

Preoccupied with the intense need to sneeze, Dean did not notice Sam lie down on the bed and pray for sleep to take him away from the pounding headache. Hehhuh’iskshh! Huhhuh’ISKHOO! Hehhh!...ehhh…HEHHUH’ISKSHOO! Quickly pulling a tissue from the box on the night stand, HEHH..HEHHHUH’EKGSHOO! Blowing his nose, Dean sat back on the bed pressing his fingertips into his forehead trying to combat his own headache. Not surprised at the warmth he felt there, he decided he should try and get some sleep as it seemed his brother was already doing. Digging through the Winchester ‘medicine bag’ and sorting until he found the small bottle of Tylenol, Dean dry swallowed two of them. Hehhuh’iskshoo! Sniffling once, quickly changing out of his clothes, lying back down on the bed and then rolling over, Dean was back in drooling, mouth open land.

Sam awoke sometime in the wee hours of the morning, cold and stiff. Realizing he was still lying on top of the covers with his clothes on, Sam swung his legs around the side of the bed to get up and change. Standing up, Sam’s head reeled crashing him down on top of Dean on the opposite bed. Apologizing for waking Dean up, Sam pushed himself up. Taking note of the fact that Dean hadn’t said anything about the 170 pound sack of potatoes that had just dropped on him, Sam quickly turned on the bedside lamp. His brother wasn’t there. Where is he? Looking around the room, Sam saw the sliver of light coming from under the bathroom door. “Dean?” Sam almost had to crawl to the bathroom, unable to get his balance coordinated.

“Yeah,” a croaky voice on the other side called back.

“You okay?” Sam reached for the door handle only to have the door open right as he got to it.

“Yeah, just using the restroom,” Dean was losing his voice. “Damn, my voice sucks.”

“Some allergies, huh Dean?” Sam had gotten the upper hand…for now.

“Yeah, some cold,” Dean admitted defeat. “I took Tylenol about 3 hours ago, but my temp’s back up to 101.2F, so I started drinking cold water to cool down internally, but I think the only real thing its helped with is making sure I piss regularly every hour on the hour. I’m exhausted.” Dean walked back toward the bed. Sam recognized Dean’s admission was no easy feat, and that his brother must be feeling poorly to have admitted even one of those sentences.

Pushing his own feelings of illness aside, Sam pulled a Dean and put on a front of feeling fine as he walked/stumbled over to Dean’s bed. Huhh’iskshhh! Dean’s head came off his pillow as he sneezed into the crook of his elbow. “This just fucking sucks.”

“You can say that again,” Sam whispered. Reaching out for Dean’s forehead, Dean ducked his head. “Look, Sam, I might be sick but I’m not an invalid.”

“No one said you are, you pig-headed son-of-a-bitch.”

“Maybe you should have better bedside manners, Nurse.”

“Maybe you should shut up and take it like a man, Dean.”

“Maybe you sh..sho…shouihhhehhh…” grabbing a tissue and shoving it to Dean’s face, Dean batted Sam’s hands away and cupped his own around the tissue, his nose and his mouth, bending in half hehhhuh’ISKSHOO! “should stop being so bossy,” Dean yawned. Sam swaggered to the bathroom and wet a wash cloth. Coming back to the bed, he plopped the wash cloth on Dean’s forehead. Now not only feeling lightheaded, stiff and headachy, but Sam felt miserable. He had to get Dean better so he could have his own time to rest. Seeing Dean’s body relax into the coolness of the wash rag set off mental alarms in Sam’s head. Dean was sick, no, Dean was very sick.

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Mmmm, wet washcloth and compliant Dean and Sam worried about the compliance. And that whole trying-not-to-sneeze situation. Aghghhhh. ;)

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