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Saiyuki Fic [M] - (5 Parts) - Complete


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Fandom: Saiyuki

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Minekura Kazuya.

Summary: Pointless rambling about the four main characters.

Warning: Don’t think there are any serious spoilers; but a few references to Saiyuki Gaiden.

Notes: Kind of silly; and very limited knowledge of manga/anime in general. Just to warn you. Feel free to criticize. Also, the sounds are based on the ones in the anime.

Part One

“Gojyo?” Goku tugged at the half-youkai’s elbow, watching the fire cast shadows across his preoccupied face.

“What, monkey?”

“Nothing.” Goku’s large golden eyes were reproachful. He was bored, and hungry; and his clothes were still wet from their earlier escapade in the river.

Yiaahhh … Chiiuu! Ughh …” Gojyo shivered, pulling off his jacket to dry it in front of the flames.

Gojyo always sneezed when he was wet, or cold, Goku observed, leaning back on the dusty earth. He’d kind of enjoyed the excitement of that day, although he couldn’t say the same for the others. It’d been that damn water sprite’s fault anyway: getting so distracted by some girl on the other side of the pass that he’d succeeded in overturning the boat. Hakkai had been having enough trouble steering as it was in the rough water, and it had been a close call for the four of them to escape onto the far bank.

Sanzo hugged his knees, unusually clad in a pair of jeans; one wary eye on the scripture, which Hakkai was guarding protectively. Hakuryuu mewed pathetically, and Hakkai reached out one hand to stroke the scales between his wings.

Gojyo flipped a section of dripping crimson hair over his muscular shoulder, and Goku sniggered. “Hey, your antennae are all wet!”

“They’re not antennae – they’re not even d-uhh … demon sensors … yaahh-Chiiew!

“You feeling okay there, Gojyo?” Cho Hokkai drawled, a little amused too.


“Maybe we should get going.” Hakkai glanced apologetically at Hakuryuu. “We should try and find an inn before they all close for the night.”

Sanzo looked up, dubiously. “Better get a move on.”

“I’m starving.”

“Shut the hell up, you stupid monkey.”

Hakkai rolled his eyes as Gojyo and Goku fought, knowing Sanzo’s patience would soon run out. He followed the monk to the front of the Jeep, resting his palms good-humouredly on the steering wheel.

“Two rooms?”

The innkeeper nodded, a bit awkwardly. Sanzo’s scowl halted Goku and Gojyo in their arguing, and they exchanged reluctant expressions.

“Goku, with me.” Sanzo’s statement was a command, not a request. He wasn't about to be left sharing with the water sprite; and the immature pair could hardly room together without destroying the inn.

They grouped collectively, out of habit, in Sanzo and Goku’s room; Sanzo lounging on the bed while the others gathered on the floor to play cards. Gojyo lit up a cigarette, rubbing his cold nose against his sleeve.

Hakkai’s thoughts drifted back to the river - they couldn’t afford to carry on being so reckless in these situations. If Sanzo hadn’t grabbed onto a rock, and Gojyo onto sturdy roots growing out of the bank, things could have ended up much worse.

Still, everything was okay. Gojyo had caught Hakkai, and Sanzo had reached out for Goku – reluctantly, but nevertheless …

Yiaa … aa-Chhiuu!

Sanzo’s violet eyes flew open. He’d almost been asleep, goddammit. “Out. Now.”

“Aww, Sanzo,” objected Goku. “I was winning.”

Gojyo was tempted to argue, but suddenly realised he couldn’t bring himself to make the effort. Better to get a night’s sleep … then maybe find a woman or two in the morning. “C’mon, Hakkai.”

Goku blinked, unused to such a passive lack of response from the scarlet-eyed man. He opened his mouth to query it, then changed his mind.

Burying his face in the pillow, Gojyo coughed, trying to hide the sound from Hakkai. To be fair, he’d normally make it plain that he was feeling rough; but they’d been making good progress on their journey recently, and he didn’t want to hinder that. Jeez, he’d spent too long with that wretched monk …

Hakkai lay awake, staring placidly at the ceiling with his good eye. His gentle nature had been tested over the last few days, and he was glad for the rest – after all, it was likely they would be sleeping in the open again the next night. Not that he minded, especially: it was kinda in the job description.


No reply. Goku ticked off the seconds on his fingers, scratching his neck absent-mindedly.


“What.” The priest gritted his teeth.

“You reckon Gojyo’s okay?”


“Gojyo. Think he’s okay?”

“Shut up and go to sleep.”

“But he was kind of … quiet.”

Sanzo ran his thumb across the steely edge of his revolver, letting the click echo menacingly across the room. “If you don’t shut up …”

Unable to sleep, Gojyo rose cautiously, swinging himself over the window ledge to the outside of the inn. Hakkai’s rhythmic breathing left him fairly assured that his companion was sleeping, so he relaxed a little; massaging his throat with one hand.

He caught a glimpse of blonde hair in the moonlight, seeing the lean form of Genjo Sanzo leaning against a willowy tree trunk in the inn’s yard ahead of him. A cigarette was positioned loosely between thin fingers, which lifted lazily to his mouth. The flashing reflection of the light catching purple irises was the only thing that told Gojyo his presence had been noted: the monk promptly ignored him.

Leisurely, Gojyo held his own cigarette in his teeth as he lit it, turning his back on Sanzo. He arched his spine a little, enjoying the warmth coursing through him while he mentally blocked the itch bothering his nose. He was surprised to find his muscles aching, and hastily pushed the discomfort to the back of his mind.

What was the monk doing out here, anyway? Sleeping wasn’t one of the many things he tended to avoid –

Ahh’Heschh! … hah-ahhhShh!

Gojyo spun around. “Sanzo?”


Shrugging, Gojyo finished his cigarette, and crushed the butt with his heel before returning to the room.

Forcing his heavy eyelids open, Gojyo attempted to focus on the figure in front of him. Hakkai looked a little worried, nudging his shoulder through the bedsheets.

“What’s the matter?”

“Sanzo wants to leave as early as possible … he and Goku are already having breakfast.” Hakkai’s expression was pretty sympathetic.

Gojyo snorted. “You mean Goku is.”

“Well, Sanzo hardly eats at the best of times.”

“Mm … I’m not so hungry.” He pulled his long hair into a ponytail, a few strands straggling across his neck, and reached for a cigarette.

“Okay then.” Hakkai gazed out of the window, appreciative of the calming breeze sifting the mauve leaves. “You’re rather pale.”


“Never mind.”

They left the inn after a short while, Goku raving about the meal he’d had to wolf down. Gojyo wedged himself into a back corner of the Jeep, a cigarette steadied at the edge of his mouth, vaguely hearing the stream of chatter. He wriggled his nose, and then coughed softly.

Sanzo was in the front passenger seat, droopy eyes closed; although Hakkai knew he was perfectly aware of everything that was happening. He himself made occasional murmuring noises to appease Goku, while concealing his anxiety for Gojyo - it was unlike him to be so withdrawn.

“We should stop here.” Sanzo spoke suddenly. “Get some water from the river.”

“I’ll go with you,” offered Goku, cheerfully oblivious.

Hakkai watched them as they moved further into the distance, Goku always a few gambolling paces ahead of the monk. “Well?”

“I … nxxght!” Gojyo stifled the sneeze in the crook of his arm, surprising himself. “Uh-hh,” he responded, thickly.

“Bless you.”

“Right …” His mind was sort of clouded, and he wasn’t thinking straight. He pressed the heel of his hand hard against his forehead, attempting to ease the dull ache. Realising it wasn’t helping, he lowered it again.

Hakkai clambered into the open back of the Jeep, sitting cross-legged next to Gojyo.

“Here.” He flattened his palm against his companion’s forehead, and Gojyo found that he didn’t recoil at the light touch. “You’re burning up.”

“No, I’m good.” Gojyo wasn’t entirely sure why he was protesting so much: at least, there must be something wrong with him to let Hakkai touch his face like that. The two of them were close, sure, but it seemed a little unnecessary.

He shivered, unable to stop himself, and Hakkai’s dark eyebrows raised. “You’re cold?”

No!” He instantly regretted being so abrupt, and grabbed the back of his neck in awkward embarrassment.

Fucking demons. They’d only travelled a few miles further, Goku and Sanzo having returned from the river, when they were attacked: not enough to prove a threat, or even worthwhile exercise, as Goku expressed disgustedly.

Even Goku noticed Gojyo’s evident tiredness; his silver blade darting with less of its customary swift energy. Sanzo, too, took a lesser role; backing up Hakkai’s chi attack, but rarely initiating the action.

“What’s up, kappa?” Goku called, above the noise of the youkais’ fighting.

“Don’t … call me … kappa,” Gojyo responded, irritably; wrenching his weapon from a fallen demon.

“Goku!” Hakkai beckoned him over to help fend off a double attack.

Gojyo groaned silently, his head spinning. Sanzo turned towards him for a brief moment, and in the split second their eyes met, he could have sworn a flicker of worry passed over the monk’s face. He almost opened his mouth to question it, but found himself swaying instead …

“Gojyo!” Hakkai left Goku to deal with the youkai, by Gojyo’s side in an instant to grab him before he hit the ground. He knelt down, the taller man across his lap, frowning in frustration.

“Fucking hell.” Sanzo rolled his eyes, shooting the remaining demon before coughing against the inside of his elbow.

“Gojyo? You ‘kay?” Goku, preoccupied, sent his own opponent flying with an impressive spinning kick. “Hakkai?”

“He’ll be okay; he just passed out.” Hakkai lifted Gojyo with a fair amount of effort, the water sprite’s wine-coloured hair spilling downwards.

“Stupid kappa, getting sick.” Goku felt free to complain, reassured by Hakkai’s words.

_ _ _

Edited by BlueRandom
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Part Two

“Feeling better?” Hakkai smoothed back the strands of long hair that had fallen across Gojyo’s face.

“Sure – where are we?” He blinked dazedly, taking in the dim surroundings.

“Some cave. We were too far from any settlements to stay anywhere, so we found this place instead. For some shelter.”

“I … just need to sneeze …” Gojyo turned his face away from Hakkai, tentatively. “… yiaahh … chiiuu!

A few minutes more of silence.

“Where’re the kid and the monk?”

“Goku’s asleep, back there.” Hakkai indicated the curled up shape further into the cave, and Gojyo was immediately amazed that he hadn’t noticed the snoring sooner. “Sanzo went out for a walk.”

“You alright, Hakkai?”

Hakkai noted, with a concealed smile, that this was one of the rare occasions on which Gojyo raised concern. “I’m fine. I think it was you and Sanzo who took the river the worst – no, don’t look at me like that. I mean that you two were perhaps the most run-down before, and so it affected you more.”

“Sanzo?” Resolving not to object to the use of ‘run-down’, Gojyo’s expression was scornful.

“I’m not sure. He appears to be a little … low.”

“He’s always a little low.”

“Yes, but he’s hardly been sleeping; and I think he seems ill.” Hakkai shrugged indifferently, resuming his stroking of Gojyo’s hair. “You’re still quite hot.”

“I feel cold.”

“Mm … maybe you should try to get some more sleep.” His fingers traced patterns across Gojyo’s headband. It amused him, knowing that his companion would normally push him away at once, but was currently appreciating the gesture. Even so – it wasn’t that he minded taking care of the others; he just wished they could continue with their journey.

Glancing down, he saw that Gojyo had fallen back to sleep. Carefully, he shifted the man’s weight from himself, positioning Gojyo’s arm to allow his head to rest on it. For a moment, he wondered whether he should wait for Sanzo to show up, before deciding that the monk’s timing was too erratic.

... hehh … ahh’SHhh!” Sanzo’s hand lingered against his face, and he moaned softly. “… haahh’Shuu!

They’d had one too many river-based incidents recently, he guessed; shuddering instinctively as he remembered the chill of the water. He lit up a cigarette, his eyes focusing on the dim spark in front of him. Thinking about it, it was ironic that the kappa couldn’t swim.

Ahh-hIHShh!” His nose was irritating him, and he rubbed it impatiently; holding the cigarette a few inches away from him as he sneezed again. “… hahhh’Eschh!

A rustling sound in the undergrowth surrounding him caught his attention, and he slid his gun out, warily. Another scraping noise, followed by an uncanny whimper –

“Sanzo?” Goku’s voice was whining, and he sounded half-asleep.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I couldn’t sleep.” He tilted his head to one side, taking in Sanzo’s annoyed expression and pale features. “Actually, that’s a lie. But I woke up – and I’m kind of hungry.”

“Give me a break.”

“Why’re you out here, anyway?” Goku was persistent. “Gojyo and Hakkai are still asleep.”

“So? I’m not babysitting.”

“Jeez, you bad-tempered monk!”

They lapsed into quiet, disturbed at intervals by Goku kicking restlessly at the ground. A weak sun was starting to creep over the horizon, yellow-white rays spreading over the landscape. Goku’s heart twisted a little at the sight of a bare-branched cherry tree, illuminated pink in the early light, although he couldn’t explain why. He glanced at Sanzo, but the monk appeared not to have noticed. In fact, he was frowning, one hand hovering a few inches in front of his mouth and nose.

… huhh … huhhh … hh-AahShuhh!

Goku looked at him curiously for a second, before being distracted by Hakkai, calling. “Hey – maybe it’s time for breakfast!”

Sanzo couldn’t say that he found the idea too appealing. Actually, he said nothing at all; although Goku was too preoccupied in scrambling back in the direction of the others to realise.

“But I’m so hungry.” Goku’s large golden eyes looked meltingly at Hakkai.

“That’s why we’re heading for a village,” the man replied, patiently. “There should be one sooner or later.”

His hands left the steering wheel briefly, as he rotated his head to check on Gojyo. He was asleep again, so, relieved, Hakkai returned his focus to the Jeep.

“I’m bored.” Goku watched Gojyo regretfully, missing his fighting partner.

“Don’t wake him, Goku.”

Goku was startled by the sharp tone of Hakkai’s voice; and resumed his edgy scanning of the swiftly passing scenery. The river could still be seen, as they were travelling in a direction almost parallel to its course. The motion of its flow induced in him a kind of meditative weariness, and he found himself drifting into sleep beside Gojyo.

… ahhHeschh!” Sanzo covered his mouth with one hand, his index finger arched over his nose. His left eye remained closed as he glanced reproachfully at Hakkai, his hand still over his face.

“Not sounding so good, Sanzo,” Hakkai remarked in a low voice, subtly watching the two asleep in the back of the Jeep.

Sanzo grunted, impatiently. Behind him, Gojyo stirred a little, and Goku instinctively cuddled up tighter against him. Hakkai smiled despite himself, dreading the pair’s reaction when they awoke. The damn monkey looked even more child-like when he was asleep, Sanzo contemplated, almost wistfully.

“We’re approaching a village,” Hakkai told him, urging Hakuryuu onwards over the uneven ground. “Are you going to wake Goku, or should – ”

“Uaahh! Sanzo!” Goku jumped to his feet, causing the Jeep to rock violently. “You let me fall asleep on him?”

“What about you, you wretched ape?” objected Gojyo, sitting up with difficulty. “Trust me, you’re not my idea of a sleeping partner.”

“Hush, you two.” Hakkai caught Gojyo’s eye swiftly, and raised his dark eyebrows.

“But I don’t wanna get sick.”

“I’m sure you won’t, Goku.”

“What about breakfast? Or lunch? I’m so hungry, I could eat … well … a lot.”

“You always eat a lot,” Gojyo muttered, resentfully. He eased the muscles in his back, arching it against the side of the Jeep; then coughed resignedly.

“Uh, Sanzo?”

“What now?”

Goku was pointing into a dense cluster of trees, a little way to the south. A shadow darted between them, succeeded by several more, until a swarming group was emerging from the space.

Sanzo swore, heatedly. “Youkai.”

Gojyo made a sound that could only be described as a whimper, attempting to steady himself on his feet. Hakkai clicked his tongue, shoving him with enough force to knock him down again. “We’ll deal with this. Come on, Goku.”

Goku was already leaping ahead to meet the demons, nyoibou poised readily. Hakkai swerved the Jeep to a halt and followed, with Sanzo a short distance behind; his gun aimed at their attackers.

“There’s a lot of ‘em,” warned Goku, jabbing brutally at the nearest youkai.

“Mm.” Hakkai dispatched a few at once with a sweeping movement. “Strange how they never weary of this.”

The fighting continued for what seemed to Sanzo to be an endless amount of time: waves of fresh demons repacing the defeated ones. Goku was tireless, combining vigorous combat motions with fierce strikes from his weapon.

“Hakkai!” Gojyo’s call appeared to come from nowhere; but he was next to them immediately, forcing away an enemy from Hakkai’s unguarded side.

“Get back in the Jeep, Gojyo,” argued Hakkai.

“Not a chance.” Gojyo coughed weakly against the inside of his elbow, laughing.

Sanzo checked over his shoulder, a sinking feeling contorting his insides. The river was significantly closer than … “Shit!”

“What’s the matter?” shouted Goku, over the wails of his current opponent.

“They’re forcing us towards the river – move, Goku!”

The leading youkai was spluttering with amusement, and Hakkai felt convulsed with disgust. They were so close to the cliff …

“Hakkai!” Gojyo screamed, finding energy he hadn’t realised he had, as his companion lost his footing at the slope. The closest demon lunged at him, and he found himself falling, too: the cliff began to crumble, and the four of them were plunged into the icy waters.

Gojyo was flailing wildly, unable to swim with any competence; repeatedly dropping below the surface. A moment of furious panic, and then the tightening of Hakkai’s grip as he dived for the edge of the river, clinging on to a boulder.

“This fucking river again …” Gojyo mumbled softly, before losing consciousness.

One of Hakkai’s arms was hanging onto the rock, the other supporting the upper half of Gojyo’s torso. Sanzo had caught onto another part of the stony ledge; with Goku dangling from the monk’s hand, twisting in the vicious currents.

“Hold on, Goku!”

Hakkai could see Sanzo was painfully endeavouring to maintain his grasp of Goku’s palm, but the action of the water was overpowering. With an agonizing effort, he heaved Gojyo onto the flat river bank at the base of the cliff, scrabbling for a foothold in order to reach out for Goku. The youth stretched out his other hand, panting; but the oncoming surge of water caught him, tearing him free from Sanzo’s grip.

_ _ _

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:playball: wahhhh awesome update

you really did very well! :lol:

please go on :laugh:

i love your writing :grenade:

i would love to read even more :yes:

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:hug:...I now absolutley love you. <3333333333333333333 Gojyo. Guh 0_0 Gosh, I love that character so much~

The plot is great; you really must continue!! The spellings as well...I don't know, the way you write them really...suits the characters...? xD I can't phrase anything well. *sigh*

I've wanted to read a fic like this for sooooo long >.< And it has been worth the wait :lmfao: Please continue? :P

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Note: Some references to Saiyuki Gaiden and stuff in this part … again, very silly. Sorry ‘bout that.

Part Three

Goku lay on his back in the damp grass, made more so by the water dripping from every inch of him. He was still waiting for his breath to return, his lungs expanding and contracting by impossible amounts.

“Sa – Sanzo?”

The monk’s eyes were closed. Goku sat upright, watching him for several seconds. He was definitely alive, and almost certainly grimacing.

“Where are we? Sanzo?”

“We just got carried downstream.” Sanzo’s voice was slightly husky, he noticed. “Could be a few miles from the others.”


He was beginning to regret going after the monkey: if he had given it any thought at all, he would probably have left him to find his own way out of the river. It had been automatic, though; instinctively kicking off from the bank to catch Goku’s small frame as he was swept away.

“What is it now, monkey?”

“Just checking.” Goku rolled over onto his front, then stood up clumsily. “Come on, Sanzo; let’s get going.”

Sanzo waited for him to take a few steps away before dragging himself up in turn. He was irritated to find his body trembling from the intense cold, his head pounding. Ahead of him, Goku was wringing out his shirt to one side, a stream of droplets splashing onto the ground.

“Hakkai –” protested Gojyo, attempting to push past the dark-haired man.

“No.” Hakkai gathered the dried leaves in place, drawing Gojyo’s lighter from the pocket of his discarded jacket to set them on fire. “We’re staying right here.”

“But Hakkai …”

“No.” He began to stretch their clothes out in front of the flames, patting Gojyo’s bare arm sympathetically. “When this is dry you can put it back on.”

Yiaa … aah … aaaChiuu!” Gojyo groaned. “I’m dizzy …”

“And that’s exactly why we’re going to wait for the others here.”

He had a point, Gojyo couldn’t help consenting. He coughed, flicking river water from his hair. “How come those youkai were able to drive us so far?”

“I think they took advantage of the fact that our party was a little less strong than usual,” remarked Hakkai, slyly. “Don’t worry. In any normal condition, they wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Y’reckon Sanzo’ll head upstream for us?”

“Mm. I hope Sanzo-sama’s alright. At least we could see that he reached Goku.”

Gojyo crossed his arms in front of his chest, rocking uneasily. “Damn. It’s cold.”

“Here.” Hakkai passed him the fire-warmed shirt.

“Thanks,” he muttered, appreciatively.

“We’re quite a long way from the village, now,” stated Hakkai, regretfully. “In walking terms, that is.” He petted Hakuryuu, hearing the creature’s bemused chirp. “It’s a pity – it wouldn’t be fair on the others to go on ahead.”

Gojyo was resting on his side, both arms beneath his head. The sparks were dancing; continuing to do so even after he let his eyelids drift shut. “How long … till they get here?”

“Who knows.” Hakkai sighed, patiently, slipping on his own shirt.

Gojyo fell into a long silence, followed by sleep. Leaning back on his elbows, Hakkai watched the sun starting to set, focusing on pinpoints of multi-coloured brightness. After a while, he picked up Gojyo’s jacket from in front of the fire, and covered him with it. He took in, not for the first time, Gojyo’s impressively tall stature – the long legs being a source of envy for Goku in particular. There wasn’t much difference in height between Sanzo and Hakkai, with about six inches separating each from Goku.

Still asleep, Gojyo’s breath hitched; and he lifted one hand to rub his nose. Hakkai laughed quietly, shaking his head.

Huh … hahh-Shuu! … heh’Shuhh!” Sanzo found himself sneezing repeatedly; strands of blond hair falling across his narrowed eyes. “... ahhShiuuh! … hah-ahhh’Shh! uuhh … uhh’Heschh!

“Umm?” Goku gazed up at him, unsure of how to respond. “You ‘kay?”

Sanzo ignored him, resuming his steady pace. It was the weirdest thing, Goku noticed: his cheeks were slightly tinged pink, unlike his usual lack of colour. He didn’t know whether to be worried about him, or pay no attention to it – but the second seemed like the better option, going by the monk’s general temperament.

“It’s getting dark.” Goku eyed the last rays of the sun skeptically.

“You want to stop?”

“Nah. I’m hungry.”

They continued for a while, each slowing as the darkness grew denser; until Goku spotted a cave at the base of the cliff. He was content to lie down, close to one of the dry, rocky walls, while Sanzo hunched at the cave’s entrance, drawing on a cigarette. The air was cold and silent, and Goku missed the sounds of crickets that were frequent in the summer months. Sanzo’s presence was comforting to him: he never felt quite the same security with the others. Hakkai was more reliable, of course, but he had a steely edge to his character that, when revealed, Goku found intensely frightening.

The monk glanced behind him occasionally, as Goku drifted into sleep. His nose was itching again, and he stood up, walking a few paces away from their shelter. “… huhhh … ahh’Shuu! … ahh’Hiihshh! hahh'Chuu!

He retraced his steps, and settled a small distance from Goku; folding his arms across his chest to try and keep warm.

The clouds were flooding together, grey against the brightening sky. As the first drop of moisture touched his skin, Hakkai awoke; his eyes focusing on the mountains they had been travelling towards. A cluster of precipitation was falling – no, floating …

Snow. Hakkai exhaled in annoyance, his thoughts flitting to Sanzo and Goku. This turn in the weather would be a sure cause for delay, and Hakuryuu would find it difficult to take his Jeep form if the snow banks became too high.

“Ahh …” Gojyo sat upright, exchanging a look of frustration with Hakkai. “Uhh. It’s snowing.”

Hakkai nodded, patting Hakuryuu reassuringly. He was in low spirits, but equally aware that he should keep optimistic for Gojyo’s benefit.

“Goku?” Sanzo nudged him; passively at first, but then with increasing pressure. “C’mon.”

“But it’s snowing.” Goku brought himself up to his knees, still staring at the floor of the cave.

“I thought you were over that?”

“I – ” he broke off, stubbornly. He couldn’t explain it: not so much the snow - that was alright, at least when he was with the others - as the eeriness of the frozen scenery.

“Fine.” Sanzo pulled out a cigarette, taking a step to form a footprint in the newly grounded snow. “I have to keep going. It’s your choice.”

The crunch of his tread ebbing into the distance agitated Goku, who found himself rocking uneasily. He felt split between his urge to follow Sanzo and his deep-rooted wariness of the cold, blank whiteness. His head was recalling images of the empty years he had spent imprisoned, the frost and ice washing out the landscape and leaving it vacant and dead.

He could no longer hear Sanzo’s footsteps.

The only thing that had maintained his courage during that time had been the hope … of someone coming to fetch him. An escape, a way out – and the impression of a promise made to him of which he had no recollection.

With a whimper, he was running in the direction Sanzo had left, his feet pounding the layered earth. The monk turned just before he reached him, and Goku threw himself onto him with all his force.

Sanzo held him tightly for a minute, his chin resting on the dark brown hair. Goku was shuddering and gasping a little, clinging to the man in turn.

Not for anything in the world would I let go of your hand now.

Gojyo was sitting, tensed, his eyes closed and hands cupping his nose and mouth. He lowered them, then sneezed forcefully into the cold air. “Yiaaahh … ‘Chiuuu!

He exhaled miserably, his breath forming visible clouds in front of him. Hakkai sighed, watching Gojyo unconsciously tug a section of hair to cover the scars on his cheek. “They shouldn’t be too long, providing they were able to get out of the river. I imagine Sanzo’ll be eager to carry on with his journey.”

Gojyo laughed, and coughed. “Eager? Are we talking about the same Sanzo-san?”

“I believe so.” Hakkai’s tone was distracted, and he appeared restless. He was etching at a piece of wood with a knife, trying to carve it into shape.

Damn, I need alcohol. Lame bastard excuse for a monk.”

“Now, Gojyo …”

Gojyo coughed again. There was a scuffling noise in the snow, from the other side of the towering rocks jutting out close to them. Hakkai looked up, and they exchanged a glance.

“San-zo!” Goku’s voice was relieved, as he rounded the corner. “Found ‘em!”

“What d’ya mean, you found us?” Gojyo was disgruntled. “We haven’t moved.”

“Shut up, you damn cockroach.”

“Baby monkey.” At this point, Gojyo’s energy ran out, and he subsided into a fit of coughing.

“Oh, for God’s sake, you two.” Hakkai gestured towards the back of the Jeep, eyeing Sanzo with caution. The monk looked really pale, and generally ill. “Shall we get going, Sanzo?”

He nodded, irritably. “… huhh … hh-ahhShiuu! … uh-hh. We should get to the village pretty soon.”

_ _ _

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Part Four

Son Goku, the feared Seiten Taisei and formerly imprisoned rebel from Heaven, was lying contentedly on his back in the room of the inn, with one hand behind his head and the other resting on his full stomach. “That was …” The words left him, and he flopped back, happily.

None of the others had eaten much: Hakkai was too stressed, and Gojyo had given up after a few mouthfuls. The inn had been almost full, to Sanzo’s displeasure, so they had pulled two camp beds out onto the floor of a double room.

“So, who gets the real beds?” piped up Goku, prodding a camp bed unenthusiastically.

Sanzo stubbed out his cigarette blankly, too tired to care. “Goku. Floor.”

“Aww, but Sanzo …”

The pistol clicked, and he pursued another thought track. “What about Gojyo?”

Hakkai, who had been sitting with one eye pensively on Gojyo, tilted his head in the direction of his gaze. Goku followed it, to realise that the man was already asleep on the floor; his left side leaning on the makeshift bed.

“Should we move him?” Hakkai asked Sanzo.

The monk shook his head, moving onto one of the proper beds, and indicating that Hakkai should do the same. Goku raised one eyebrow reprovingly, but stayed quiet; fondling Hakuryuu absently.

Sanzo winced, his eyes narrowing. “… huhh … ahh’Shuhh! … uhhHeschh!” He turned away to face the wall, resting his head on his arm.

“I’m bored.” Goku started to tap out a rhythm on the wooden floor next to him.

“Perhaps we should let Sanzo get some sleep,” suggested Hakkai.

Sanzo made an impatient noise, protesting against Hakkai’s sympathy.

“Hmm.” Hakkai stood up, nodding to Goku. “Let’s have a look around this town. It seems larger than I expected …”

“Can we get some food? Can we, Hakkai?”

The sound of the door closing as they left woke Gojyo, who sat up abruptly. “Uhh. Did the monkey nick the bed?”

Sanzo gave him a vacant look, before raising one hand to his nose. “… hahh-Chiuhh! … ahh-hIHShh!

“I can’t believe Sanzo-sama’s actually sick.” Gojyo’s smile was mischievous.

“Go to hell. You’re the one who can’t keep awake for more than five minutes.”

“You know what? It’s been pretty damn good not to have to put up with your sarcastic bullshit.” The snow was coming down heavily outside the window, although Gojyo could see crowds of people in the street below. He was kneeling on the mattress, his arms folded on the edge of Hakkai’s bed, feeling himself slipping further towards sleep yet again. “So, how long are we staying here for?”

“Just the night.” Sanzo’s voice was low. “Passing through.” His breath caught, and he buried his nose in the crook of his arm. “… hahh’Shuhh!

“Bless you.”


Gojyo clenched his fists. “Just ‘cos you’re ill doesn’t mean –”

“I’m not ill.”



A short time later, they were disturbed by the sound of Goku’s running footsteps, as he rushed into the room.

“Sanzo, it was so great – I had a snowball fight with these kids from the town …”

“Can’t you stay out of trouble for more than an hour?” Gojyo’s voice was bitter.

“Damn monkey.” Sanzo surveyed him through one open eye, sitting on the covers at the head of the bed. “You’re soaking.”

Hakkai, who had returned a second after Goku, forced a towel over his shoulders, instructing him to get undressed. “You have to get dry,” he insisted, seizing the towel again and scrubbing at Goku’s hair.

“Goku, get some sleep,” Sanzo put in. “We’re leaving early.”

“Have we got time for breakfast?”

“We just bought plenty of food,” soothed Hakkai, continuing to towel him down. “Enough for perhaps a week or two, at the least.”

Goku pouted, but Hakkai placated him with a meat bun. Gojyo was asleep again, his mouth slightly open as he lay on his side. Sanzo noticed Hakkai’s worried expression, surprising himself at this attention to detail.

“So, are we going into the mountains tomorrow?” persisted Goku.

“If Hakuryuu’s up to it,” Hakkai replied vaguely; and the small dragon chirped obligingly in answer.

“Shut up,” hissed Sanzo, through gritted teeth.

Resentfully, Goku pulled away from Hakkai, and went to settle sulkily on the camp bed. There was a long silence, punctuated after a while with Goku’s regular snores. Hakkai caught Sanzo’s eye as the monk moved onto the edge of the bed, feet on the floor and elbows on his knees while he smoked.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” queried Hakkai, softly.


“Continuing with the journey tomorrow.”

Sanzo fixed him with a patronising glare.

“You could do with resting up. And Gojyo.”

“We can’t afford any more delays.” Sanzo eyes widened a little in shock as Hakkai sat next to him on the mattress; but he resumed his composure almost at once, massaging the side of his head sullenly with his free hand.

“What if Goku gets ill?”

“He won’t.” Sanzo stared blankly at the wooden floorboards for a second, then turned sharply away from Hakkai. “… haahh’Chshh!

“Well, you don’t normally either, you know,” pointed out Hakkai, sagely.

“There’s nothing the matter with –” He stopped, and sighed, impatiently.

Hakkai watched him in the dim light that cast half of his face in shadow, the sheen of his hair glinting. He was good-looking in a similar way to Hakkai himself: regular, attractive features that contrasted noticeably with each of their personalities. In Sanzo’s case, his stubborn character and less than virtuous habits came as a shock to many people; while Hakkai’s own unpredictable darkness left his outward appearance surprising.

Gojyo, on the other hand, was rougher, and less elegant to look at. He was undeniably striking, though, Hakkai thought, appraisingly; with his scarred face and vivid colouring. And those eyes … not just the colour, but the lengthened shape, and extended lashes framing them. They were closed at this particular moment, of course.

Gojyo coughed in his sleep and rolled over, his long limbs held as close to his body as possible. Sanzo was slipping into a doze, falling in and out of consciousness. Hakkai longed to push back the locks creeping into the man’s face, but did not dare, returning instead to his own bed, above Gojyo.

Hakkai was aware at once when Gojyo awoke, hearing the muffled cough and the whine of discomfort.

“How’re you feeling?” he asked softly, knowing the question was unnecessary.

Gojyo held his face in his hands, an uncharacteristic gesture, and leant against the wooden frame of Hakkai’s bed. Hakkai twisted his body round, sitting upright and resting his chin on the top of Gojyo’s head; wrapping his arms comfortingly across his shoulders.

Goku observed them through half-sleeping eyes, barely absorbing the scene. Gojyo seemed dazed and exhausted, and the closeness of the pair was more apparent than ever. Gojyo had saved Hakkai’s life, of course, at the point when the man had been at his lowest – not something they talked about, but there was an inevitable bond between them that Goku noticed with longing reverence.

Gojyo’s skin was hot to Hakkai’s touch, and he felt feverish. Hakkai knelt down next to him, then hauled him upwards onto the bed. Gojyo made a muted sound, and Hakkai pulled the headband away from his hairline, the forehead beneath burning up.

“Here.” Hakkai passed him a flask of water from the floor by Hakuryuu.

_ _ _

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Yay!!! Thank you for continuing!!!!

Wow! What an update!!!

Thank you!! I love it!!!!

Please continue quickly!!!!! I'm learning to love Sanzo... :(:D:D

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Wooo! I'm so glad you continued :D Thankyou, thankyou!!!

Can't wait to see where this goes <3 Poor Goku. :( Heaven forbid he get sick as well :)

Thankyou~~~ It's just so cute. Well written too. And for someone who says they have little knowledge, you write the characters perfectly. :D

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Thankyou~~~ It's just so cute. Well written too. And for someone who says they have little knowledge, you write the characters perfectly. :D

i totally agree with NameTaken!

NICE update thanks so much :hug:

please continue :blushing::laugh::)

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Nice update! :hug: And your characterization is spot-on. I look forward to more!

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And for someone who says they have little knowledge, you write the characters perfectly. :blushing:

Hehe! I do have very little knowledge of manga in general, but I read Saiyuki pretty thoroughly ... :laugh:

Note: Okay, last part’s up! Just wanted to say thanks for the comments, and taking the time to read and stuff. :nohappy: I also did a couple of drabbles, so I’ll tag those on at the end – they don’t really deserve a whole topic :(.

Part Five

“I don’t think I’ve ever been this cold,” muttered Goku, miserably.

They had been travelling up into the mountains for several hours, and Hakkai was growing increasingly certain that his hands were frozen immovably to the steering wheel. The Jeep made occasional clattering noises of complaint, which he knew would soon mean that they must continue on foot.

Yiahh … aa-Chiuu!” It was the first sound to come from Gojyo for a long while.

“Bless –” Goku began, then froze. “… ixxh’Chh!” The sneeze was small, and his voice almost sounded squeaky.

Hakkai turned in the driver’s seat, and the Jeep lurched. “Goku?”

“It’s just ‘cos my nose is cold,” protested Goku, glancing up imploringly. “Really cold.”

Gojyo reached across to feel his forehead: Goku objected, but Gojyo cuffed him edgily. “I think he’s okay, Hakkai.”

Goku pulled a face, and Gojyo rebuked him again.

“That’s assuming your own body temperature is regular,” added Hakkai, dubiously. “Y’know, it’s not too late to turn back, Sanzo.”

Sanzo made no response. Hakkai and Gojyo had pulled on cloaks, and forced Goku into one through a mixture of coaxing and blackmail, but the monk had remained in his traditional wear. He could feel the chill of the air attacking him, and knew the others would have the same sensation.

“Lousy tempered monk.” Gojyo’s mood was dark, and Sanzo’s silence infuriated him.

“You look pathetic.” Sanzo’s cold gaze took in the huddled figures in the back of the Jeep, and the kappa’s pale face.


They were interupted by a feeble chirrup from Hakuryuu, who promptly shifted into his dragon form.

“Aw-ww.” Goku sniffled, and kicked at the snow. Being rather shorter than the others, his calves were nearly entirely submerged.

“G’dammit, monkey. Move!” Gojyo gasped, pitching to one side and flinging his arm over his face. “Yaahh-Chiuuu!” He stumbled, and Hakkai seized his hood to steady him.

“For Heaven’s sake, Sanzo …”

“No more delays.”

“You might wanna –” Gojyo broke off, coughing, his gaze fixed on a point over Sanzo’s shoulder. “– hold that thought …”

Hakkai was sure he knew what was coming before he spun around.

“Al-right!” Goku beamed. “Time to get warmed up.” He flexed his fingers, attempting to size up the oncoming demons despite the considerable stretch of land between them.

“Gojyo, stay here,” commanded Hakkai. “Look what happened last time.”

“That wasn’t my fault,” retorted Gojyo, although he sounded half-hearted. “Damn river.”

“Why,” began Sanzo, “are they fucking following us?”

“You’re not used to it yet, Sanzo?” Hakkai’s lips were thin with disapproval as he started moving forward to meet the youkai. He rubbed his hands together, knowing they would soon be heated by the strength of his chi and the effort of maintaining it.

Goku and Hakkai centred the fight, Goku based on his sheer energy, and Hakkai on his determination that Gojyo and Sanzo should remain uninvolved. Several times he cut across Gojyo, separating him from a slavering combatant, and was met by grudging compliances. He knew that his companion was struggling to appear strong, and also that he was finding it increasingly hard to do so.

Hakkai lurched forward a final time, preparing to launch an attack on the last youkai alive, when the demon gave a strangled call and fell to the ground. Three figures were coming into view behind where he had stood, through the icy mist thrown up by the fight: a long-haired female and a broad shouldered man flanking a slighter male with piercing eyes.

“What the –” Gojyo scowled, regarding his elder brother with disdain, although Dokugakuji gave away no outward signs of recognition.

Kougaiji, his long hair almost matching the colour of Gojyo’s own, sent a shimmering ball of energy towards Sanzo, where it hit the ground and erupted in flames that sparked and died. It was instantly clear that he was seeking a fight.

Huhh … psshh!” Sanzo tried unsucessfully to stifle a sneeze, while simultaneously trying to reload the small silver gun.

“Hand over the scripture.” The triangular earrings swinging from Kougaiji’s ear lobes glinted in the frosty sunlight.

Gojyo started to laugh, but was cut short as he coughed again. Dokugakuji and Yaone seemed to be considering him, although Kougaiji remained fixated on Sanzo.

“Are we gonna fight, or what?” Goku swung his nyoibou around, twirling it between his fingers.

Yaone and Hakkai bowed to each other, exchanging civilities as they duelled with apparent cordiality. Dokugakuji was beginning to circle Gojyo, the latter compelled by a powerful urge not to reveal any sign of weakness. There were deep shadows beneath his eyes, Goku noticed, but he was countering the larger man’s attacks with ferocity.

“What do you want with us?” Sanzo sounded impatient.

“The scripture, monk.” Kougaiji conjured another attack, which Sanzo avoided by inches.

Goku added his weight to the confrontation, aiming a spinning kick at Kougaiji, and intercepting the duel from Sanzo. Kougaiji was a satisfying adversary for the youngest member of the party when he was on form, and Goku sent forward each wave of combat with relish. The hoods of their cloaks had fallen away, and Goku shook his off entirely, regretting it almost at once.


Kougaiji eyed him quizzically, but Goku took advantage of his opponent’s pause to strike again.

“Not letting your guard down, Goku?” teased Hakkai, deflecting Yaone’s chemicals with ease.

“Nah.” The physical movement was beginning to generate heat in Goku’s small frame.

He was like an animal, Sanzo thought, reflecting as he hung back from the fight, allowing Goku full reign. It was irritating, to be disrupted yet again in their journey; but at the same time, tiredness was sweeping over him –


Gojyo’s shout caused him to spin around, catching a fractional glimpse of Dokugakuji’s fleeting motion as he did so. He was too late: the curved edge of the demon’s sword slashed across him, and he felt pain seer through his chest. Kougaiji made to dive for him, the Maten Sutra at the forefront of his mind, but Goku reached him first, his teeth bared and weapon in position.

“Kou!” Yaone was white, occupied in preventing Hakkai’s sudden attempts to attack Dokugakuji.

Anger was seeping through Hakkai, to a magnitude that he had not experienced in a long time. Goku was asleep at the edge of the cave they had managed to arrive at, slumped against the wall, refusing to leave Sanzo’s side. Gojyo, exhausted, had collapsed a few metres further inside, and Hakkai had coaxed Hakuryuu to nestle under his head, for comfort. Indeed, Hakkai was the only one completely conscious; the only one remaining to seethe with awareness of the events that had just passed. After Sanzo had fallen, Goku had attacked, unrestrained, and with a viciousness sufficient to drive away their rivals. It was not the youth at whom Hakkai’s rage was directed: rather, he was infuriated with Sanzo, for allowing this to happen, and with himself, for being unable to help. His skills at healing did not seem to be affecting the man at all, and he was fairly sure that this was due to the fact that Sanzo was already ill. He had bandaged the wounds as well as he could, and they did seem to be healing, if not immediately.

Hakkai sighed, looking at Gojyo. He knew that he would be racked with guilt for his own part in not impeding the attack – he had failed to keep Dokugakuji occupied. But there was nothing to be done.

“Nn …” Goku stirred, blinking up at Hakkai, unsettled.

Hakkai shook his head. “He hasn’t come round yet.”

Goku’s lip trembled, but he kept still, hugging his knees on the cold floor of the cave. “Is he gonna -?”

“He’ll be fine.” Hakkai forced a smile. “He’s recovering; he lost a fair amount of blood. Just let him sleep.”

“What about Gojyo?”

“I think Gojyo’s just tired. He’ll be back to normal in no time, Goku.” After all, thought Hakkai, these were hardly the worst injuries they had suffered.

Goku sat up abruptly, feeling Sanzo move next to him. “Sanzo?”

The man was coughing softly, propping himself up on one arm; but, from what Goku could make out in the half-light, wincing with each movement. Goku hurried across to the pile of items near to where Hakkai was sleeping, picking up the cloak that no one was using, and pushing it over Sanzo’s shoulders. He scowled, but did not remove it.

“How are … how are y’feeling?”

Sanzo’s irises moved in Goku’s direction. He looked more tired than ever, and Goku knew that he was in pain. It scared him to see his guardian so pale, the pink tinge across his nose and cheeks noticeable even in the dully illuminated cave.

“Are you cold?” Sanzo’s voice was impassive.

Goku shrugged. “Nahh.”

“Here, saru.” Gojyo was sitting up, making room for Goku under the large cloak Hakkai had draped over him.

His younger companion hesitated, and Gojyo smiled a little.

“Alright, then.” He stood up himself, and came to sit by Sanzo; letting Goku nestle next to him, grateful for the insulation. It occurred to both of them how unusual it was for Hakkai to be the only one sleeping, but they had each guessed that he needed time to straighten out his thoughts and recover his composure.

Huhhh …” Sanzo drew in a sharp breath, which caught in his throat. “… huhh … huhh’Shuu! … huh’iiih … hh-Aahshhh!” He hissed, a hand on his ribs. “… huh … huhh … hahh’Shehh!

Goku’s golden eyes scanned the monk, lingering on the bandage across his torso. Gojyo’s grip tightened around him, and he bit back the words of apology that were rising to his lips.

“It’s … not your fault.” Sanzo sounded a little reluctant, to say the least.

Gojyo guessed that was as close to admitting he was wrong as the monk was likely to get. “Damn right. It was your own –”

“Shut it, kappa.” Sanzo made a half-hearted attempt to sit upright and lean against the wall of the cave, glaring at Gojyo in defiance.

“Hey.” Goku’s voice broke into the tension, and he was gazing intently at Sanzo. They regarded each other briefly, Gojyo looking on in slight puzzlement. “Let’s play cards.”

“Play … cards?”


“Seconded.” Hakkai came towards them, his cheery expression in place once more. He spread a pack of cards in front of them, then gathered them up and passed them to the smallest. “Your deal, Goku.”

Goku was soothed by Hakkai’s regained optimism, and responded willingly.

Uhh … huh-uhh …” Sanzo’s face tensed, one hand clutching at the bandage while his eyelids crept closer together.

His companions looked up at him; Hakkai’s appearance sympathetic, Goku’s anxious. Sanzo flushed, embarrassed and irritated, twisting round as much as he could. “… huhh’Chshh!

It was funny how they tended to end like that, the four of them gathered around a game. Some would say metaphorical. Not Goku, though. He was at his most content at these times, basking in the others’ warmth, ready to face whatever the next moment would bring.


_ _ _


Exactly a hundred words each. Yeah.

1. [Kink]

“Don’t you point that thing at me, monk!”

“Then keep your mouth shut in future!” Sanzo’s fingers were poised on the trigger of the small gun, but his gaze had become a little unfocused, and his upper lip trembled slightly. “Just … uhhh … uhh’Chhshh!

“ -Uahh!” The gun had fired, and Gojyo leapt out of the way; the bullet narrowly missing him and planting a kink in the plaster of the wall behind. “You crazy monk!”

Sanzo regarded him disdainfully, his left eye remaining closed as he rubbed his nose with one knuckle. “Like I said. Watch your mouth.”

2. [science Fiction]

Nii Jieni adjusted his glasses so that they gleamed white under the artificial lighting, creating the sinister impression of a villian belonging to a science fiction plot. In Kougaiji’s opinion, that was little less than the truth. “What do you want with me?”

“Well.” Nii considered, regarding the red-headed male with amusement. “It seems your last little escapade gave you more than you had bargained for.”

“I … aahh …” Not now. Please, not now. “We … ahh … I believe we gave the Sanzo party as good as we … aahh’Heschh-ahh!”

A cold smirk. “Yes. I thought as much.”

3. [Frightened]

Goku made a small whimpering noise, and Sanzo let him cuddle by his side; his long chestnut hair wrapped between closed hands in a comforting position. He was frightened, the monk knew: it was the first time since the kid had started following him that they had come close to danger of any sort. The cave they had chosen was dark and secure, but the air was whistling in sharp, freezing circles through the entrance.

Hahh-ngxxht!” He stifled a sneeze in his fingers. Goku stirred, pressing closer to him, and Sanzo lowered his hand, placing it protectively on his back.

4. [Fake]

“You must be joking.” Gojyo’s grimace was incredulous.

Hakkai shook his head. “He’s not a real Sanzo. A fake.”

“So we came all this way – through the rain and the snow and the –”

“Guess so.”

“G’dammit.” Gojyo shook a few icy clusters from his hood, then pitched forward. “Yiahhh-Chuuu!

Genjyo Sanzo was sitting in the passenger seat of the Jeep, eyebrows raised in derisive boredom. “So? Are we gonna move, or what?”

“And this one’s definitely real, Hakkai?” retorted Gojyo, annoyed.

“I’m afraid so.”

“’Cos I’m starting to wonder if the lot of them are worth any of it.”

5. [Pencil]

Goku had the pencil in his hand, its tip grazing the off-white surface tentatively. “Ten-chan, can you show me?”

Tenpou smiled, absently sketched the outline of a cherry tree in blossom.


“Are you alright there, Kenren?”

“Gahh. Ever dust in here?” The tall captain approached, a cigarette lit between his teeth, glancing over his superior’s shoulder. “That’s kinda pretty.”

“I was just showing Goku something.”

Kenren had already become distracted: picked up a book casually tossed to one side, begun to rifle through the pages. “… hehh-Shheww! Man. You should really think about cleaning up around here some time.”

6. [squint]

Goku sniggered as Gojyo held the kitten at arm’s length, his dark red irises glinting with mischief. Sanzo glared at them, eyes narrowed in a tortured squint. “You … hahh … bastard … hahh’Kshh! hu-ahh’Chshh! … huhh … aa’Shuhh!

“Now, Gojyo,” intervened Hakkai, forcing his mouth into a resolute line.

Sanzo had one finger arched across the base of his nose, withdrawing it with the realisation that he could not hold back the inevitable. “… haa’Shiuhh! I hate … huhhh … huu-ehh … hh’Eschh! uhh’hIHShh!

“Let’s see … cats?” suggested Gojyo, teasingly.

“Cats … uhh … and ... haah’Chuhh! You.”

7. [Misplaced]

“Tenpou? What the hell are you looking for under there?”

The marshall spun around, silky black hair dishevelled and tie unknotted. “Oh. I seem to have misplaced something.”

“You look damn terrible.” Kenren reached out, touched a palm to the flustered forehead. “And you’re burning up.”

“I’m fine, I assure you.”

“Yeah? Then what is it that you’re looking for?”

The dark eyes widened, then flickered closed. “Huhh … huh’Chhshhh! Excuse me …”

“You’re excused.” Shaking his head, Kenren guided his companion to the chair by the desk and rummaged in the drawer for a lighter. “Now. Cigarette. Then sleep.”

8. [Joy]

“Ken-niichan!” Goku’s call of giggling protest, all eyelashes and tangled limbs, Kenren tickling him mercilessly as they fought for balance on the tree branch.

Uhh’CHhshh!” Cherry blossoms scattered around Tenpou’s face, brushing the sides of his nose.

It wasn’t quite joy. But neither was it boredom. He was content, thought Konzen, his breathing deep and relaxed as the rays of the sun began to sink pink-tipped below the horizon. The wine from Kenren’s flask was mellow, the sounds of the crickets sweet. And he knew, with an iron determination, that he would never let go of what he had found.

9. [Touched]

Hakkai knelt on the cold floorboards beside Gojyo, smoothing back the red hair damp with sweat and heaving him unsteadily upright. The taller man coughed, but did not resist, allowing his companion to ease him onto the sofa.

“Shh …” Hakkai’s voice was gentle, and he rested a cool hand on Gojyo’s face, only for a second. Took a step towards the door.

“Can’t you … just stay?” Gojyo sounded husky and tired, the dark shadows under his eyes vivid, somehow dejected.

Hakkai lingered, touched despite himself. Hesitated, then moved to sit beside Gojyo, cradling his head in his lap.

10. [Cough]

The sound reached Gojyo from through the open window, travelling on the night air. He knew Hakkai was alone outside, hurting from the memories the day had brought swarming back; letting the harsh weather condemn him for what he still imagined was his fault.

Another cough, softer this time. It was enough: Gojyo jumped down from the window ledge, dropped one of his jackets over Hakkai’s shoulders. “You’re shivering.”

Hakkai did not reply, tilted his head up to the meet the half-demon’s glance. Let the man sit beside him in silence, accepting the mutual understanding between them, and the warmth.

_ _ _

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AHHHHHH wonderful story you had written here :lol:

thanks so much for those 4 cute guys :P

hope to see more of you here :P


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Ah, that ending was sweet. :lol: Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story! And the drabbles were also awesome. I loved Kink. XD

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Haha!!! I love the Hakkai and Gojyo kind of slash parts in the drabbles!

The last part is amazing!!!!

Thank you!!!!!


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  • 1 year later...

My GOD this was written so long ago but it's just so GOOD!!! I LOVE this fandom and Sanzo is just MMMMMH!!!!!! If you ever find the desire to continue these drabbles, I'll read them!! XD

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Wow, this is actually really good! :D I've become so insanely picky about fetishifying my favourite fandoms that I hardly ever read any fanfic any more, but I quite liked your story. You captured the characters well, there was no false sentimentalism and I REALLY like the way you spell sneezes :yes: Great job! Thanks so much!

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  • 1 year later...

My GOD this was written so long ago but it's just so GOOD!!! I LOVE this fandom and Sanzo is just MMMMMH!!!!!! If you ever find the desire to continue these drabbles, I'll read them!! XD

TOTALLY, AKAHANA!! :D *high five* Even though this was posted so long ago (yes, I'm slow) it's perfect!! The characterization of everyone was amazing and EVERYTHING about Sanzo in this made me want to skip and FANGIRL everywhere XD.

If you ever do continue the drabbles, which would be awesome, you have a very interested fanbase right over here! :D

Thanks for writing <3 you're really talented!!!

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  • 6 months later...

This was written so long ago and I STILL read it now! Great story, I could rant on about it's greatness for days! It even helped me write a greater story in my test! Thank you for writing this!

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