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It May Be... - (No Longer Updating)


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I know there's at least one Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) fic on here already, but I'll give a short description of the characters anyway. Ciel Phantomhive is the main character. He's thriteen, and an earl, and he works as a secret agent of the queen's to investigate crimes and cover up anything that might reflect badly on the royals. His butler, Sebastian, is a demon who has been bound to Ciel for a little over two years. Here's a pic of the two of them. Note: Sebastian doesn't usually have wings.

Tanaka is the steward, Maylene is the clumsy maid, Bard is the trigger-happy cook, and Finny is the super-strong gardener.

About this fic: Just a little something I wrote because I wanted Sebastian to sneeze. I don't think that he can actually become sick canonically, at least not with a cold, but hey... It's all for your enjoyment? biggrin.png


It may have been that he didn't feel well. That was why he was slightly late in preparing dinner for the young master and his guests. However, he did not remark upon it. Ciel had no reason to doubt his abilities.

And yet, how his head hurt…

And it may have been that he didn't feel well – how did a demon catch cold, anyway? – that was why his hand was slightly unsteady as he poured the wine. It was detectable only to him, of course. Well, perhaps Tanaka, too. The man was far too perceptive for his own good.

And yet he poured the wine and retreated behind his master's chair, as always. He smiled, and regretted it. It was as if the action had awakened a dormant sensation in his nose… a tickle that was incredibly irritating. He thought wistfully of his handkerchief, tucked away tightly in his breast pocket, but immediately denied himself its comforts. To sneeze, here, in front of the young master and his associates, would be unforgivable, a true breech of decorum.

He tried to sniff very, very quietly.

Perhaps Ciel's head turned a fraction of an inch. His chin lifted slightly, questioningly, though his eyes stayed riveted on his companion's face – and indeed, why? The poor bastard was as ugly as sin – as he attended to the latest news of his company.

Sebastian did not sniff again.

…Until he needed to, that was. The tickle really was persistent, and it had begun to root itself in deep. He felt his eyes narrow involuntarily, and fought the urge to sneeze valiantly, raising his hand to his face and laying a finger under his nose. Nonetheless…

"Hehh-ttch…" He tried to stifle the sound. Of course, the anticipated feeling of release evaded him; rarely were embarrassments covered up so conveniently. He sniffed again.

It seemed Baron Crowne had not witnessed his indiscretion, enthused as he was about coal prices. However, his ever-astute young master did turn this time, raising a delicate eyebrow.

He assured the boy, wordlessly, that he was fine. His body gave him away.

"Hehh-chtt!" It took two fingers under to stifle this time, and he felt his shoulders rise. The irritant had not yet been expelled, it seemed. He sighed slightly in frustration. And where were his manners? "Excuse me."

"Certainly," said Ciel, but he was frowning worse than usual.

Sebastian waited for the boy to attend again to his dinner to rub his nose - discreetly of course. He had already drawn enough attention to himself. Improper for a butler of his standing. Improper for a demon such as him.

And quite unavoidable, it seemed.

"Ahh-hccht! Ahh-hiih-hecheh!" Sebastian sniffed sharply, trying to quell the incessant urge. As his young master spun around again, visible eye wide with surprise if not alarm, he quickly inspected his gloves. Thankfully, they were unmarred…

"Bless you," said Ciel, ignoring the irony of the sentiment. "Are you sure you're feeling well, Sebastian?"

Sebastian opened his mouth to reply, glibly, that yes, of course, he was fine, but a third sneeze interrupted him. He could feel his face heating slightly – another rarity! – as he pulled out his handkerchief. It was perhaps fortunate, however, that he was kept from speaking. He was, after all, bound to tell the truth to his young master.

"Perhaps you should retire."

"I do not believe that is necessary." And it may have been a lie, but it was a very, very small one. Sebastian folded his handkerchief and cleared his throat and tried not to think of the pounding in his head. "You still require my services, young master."

"Maylene can bring my tea," said Ciel, though they both knew she would just as likely drop it down the stairs in her haste.

"And what of the dishes?"

"Bard can do them," insisted his small lord, though the last time he had the cook had melted the glaze off the porcelain with his "sterilizing" flamethrower.

"Please do not suggest that Finnian can prepare your bed!" said Sebastian, imagining the excitable gardener tearing down the comforter and flinging Ciel's four-poster out the window with it.

His young master smiled slightly. "Tanaka can do that." He lifted a hand and made a dismissing gesture. "Really, you look awful, anyway. No one wants to look at that face."

Sebastian blinked, unaware that he looked anything less than professional, but accepted his master's veiled order to take the night off. It may have been Ciel's frighteningly kind expression that convinced him. He hadn't known that the young earl could look so… human. Still, he took the hint, allowing his lips to lift at the corners.

"Yes, my Lord."

Ciel had returned to his conversation with Baron Crowne by the time Sebastian had set the servants straight in their duties and left the room. The butler hesitated a moment by the stairs, wondering… would the young master be all right without him? But he reminded himself that everyone employed by the Phantomhive family was exceptionally skilled in the art of protection. Ciel would be safe for another night.

The mansion was another thing entirely, and it was this thought that kept him up as the moon rose steadily, not the sneezes or the coughing…

The poor Wedgwood. It would never be the same.


The end. Like? No? biggrin.png Wedgwood is a china company, by the way. Very nice porcelain.

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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It seemed Baron Crowne had not witnessed his indiscretion, enthused as he was about coal prices. However, his ever-astute young master did turn this time, raising a delicate eyebrow.

He assured the boy, wordlessly, that he was fine. His body gave him away.

“Hehh-chtt!” It took two fingers under to stifle this time, and he felt his shoulders rise. The irritant had not yet been expelled, it seemed. He sighed slightly in frustration. And where were his manners? “Excuse me.”

I love this part! I thought it was lovely. :]

Edited by obsessed
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:D Oh yes. This is love. The more Black Butler the better, after all. Your writing style is so perfectly suited for this. I enjoy your fanfiction to bits. Thank you so much! This made my evening.

I agree with obsessed on the quote there, but I also liked this one:

He thought wistfully of his handkerchief, tucked away tightly in his breast pocket, but immediately denied himself its comforts. To sneeze, here, in front of the young master and his associates, would be unforgivable, a true breech of decorum.

He tried to sniff very, very quietly.

Perhaps Ciel’s head turned a fraction of an inch. His chin lifted slightly, questioningly, though his eyes stayed riveted on his companion’s face – and indeed, why? The poor bastard was as ugly as sin – as he attended to the latest news of his company.

Sebastian did not sniff again.

…Until he needed to, that was.

Daww! Cute. And yes. The ending worked quite well. I also enjoyed the parts of Sebastian speculating how all the work will possibly get done without him, and realizing prior that something horrible is going to go wrong.

Also, I tried to send you a PM but it didn't work. While I'm taking ages to write it, I am still working on the Kanda fic. You can hopefully expect it soon. Emphasis on the hopefully. :D

Edited by a red nine
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Thanks! Glad you like it. :3 I certainly had fun writing it.

@ a red nine: No problem whatsoever. I will enjoy it now, or weeks from now, or next year. XD I can't possibly complain; this little thing took me a week to write. I'm slow.... :D

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Aww, sniffly butler! How lovely! He's such a darling. B) I would love to read more.

He thought wistfully of his handkerchief, tucked away tightly in his breast pocket, but immediately denied himself its comforts.
Adorably perfect. :lol:
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You just made my day! >:D I'm so incredably happy now!!! :) Sneezy Sebastian B) is just soooooooooo........ :twisted::lol::drool::drool: I LOVE IT!!!!! :twisted: I think that you should continue this if you can so we can have more Sneezy Sebastian. :twisted:

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What a delightful read. B) Sebby is positively delicious. And so is your writing. <3

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Wow! I didn't think I'd get such a response. :P Thank you so much for all your kind words!

I think I will write a continuation. After all, colds don't go away after just a day, do they? >:3

Please don't hold me to a time schedule, though! XD

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha! I might be late, but there is no hiding Sebby wrong from this fangirl. >:3!

Oh GOD! XD This was so perfect I couldn't help but read it three or four times until the giggling went down a little (not much!). So very incharacter for everyone and the ending was so perfect! LOL I love the servents!

And you've totally inspired me (along with the drama track) to help produce more of the Sebby wrong since the world totally needs it. I know I do. :D

Hope to see more, you're le awesomes! :D

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Thank you, everyone! :crazy: Here is part two. There will be more.


“Heh-kessh!” Sebastian blearily opened an eye. Daylight streamed in from between the blinds of his window, falling across the foot of his narrow bed, thankfully not shining in his face. He brought a hand up to his mouth to stifle a soft cough and groped around on the bedside for his pocket watch. Its polished face informed him that it was close to eight o’clock. If he didn’t get up soon, he would be late in waking the young master. Not to mention he had to put on tea.


He sat up. Slowly. His headache had eased somewhat from the night before, but the crown of head still twinged with the possibility of a new one. He sighed.


It may have been a sneeze that woke him, but it was duty that got him moving. Ignoring the scratchiness in his throat and the burning in his nose, he stripped himself of his nightshirt and moved over to his simple wardrobe. He dressed in his uniform, only mis-buttoning his shirt twice, and combed his hair. Then he donned a jacket for good measure. Not because he was cold; because he liked to look professional.


Demons did not get cold.


Ciel was already awake when he arrived pushing breakfast on a cart. In fact, his young master looked about ready to start calling for him.

“Sebastian. There you are.” The boy gave him a sharp look. “You’re late. Are you still sick?”


“I’m feeling better.” Sebastian gave the boy a reassuring smile. “Tea. Today it’s Earl Gray. Would you like raspberry or strawberry jam on your scone?”


“Raspberry.” Ciel accepted his plate. “What am I doing today?”


“Lessons, young master,” replied Sebastian distractedly. His nose was itching again. He carefully set down the teapot. “History with Miss Greene and piano with Miss Engles.”


“And you for the violin, right?” sighed Ciel. He frowned, looking out into the middle distance. Clearly, he was not really attending.


Sebastian was grateful. He turned aside and pinched his nose quickly, stifling a sneeze that could have given him away. There was simply too much housework to be done to leave it all to the staff. He rubbed his nose a little before abandoning it. Ciel was looking at him again.


“I’m ready to get up,” he declared, climbing out of bed and setting his saucer onto the tea tray. “I think the blue today, Sebastian.”


“Yes, young master.”


Ciel was dressed quickly. Even with congestion detracting from Sebastian’s focus he could easily manage any of his young lord’s suits. He took special care with the buttons, though. By the end of it, the boy looked as pristine as always. With but the addition of a well-made top hat, he could have been off to any of the parties of London. Sebastian checked his watch. It was almost nine.


“I’ll be in the study.” Ciel was posed in the doorway now, watching with disinterest as his butler folded his nightshirt and put it away. “Let me know when my tutors arrive.”


“Of course.” Sebastian smiled blandly until his young master left the bedroom. As soon as he was gone, however… “Eh-hssht! Ehtchoo!” He sighed.

It was going to be a very long day.




Sebastian began his morning by sorting the day’s tasks into three categories: things that were safe for the staff to do, things that only he could do without possible loss of life or property, and things that were safe to have Tanaka do in the case that he himself was too busy. Today, he assigned Finny to trim the hedges and Maylene to dust the upstairs curtains. Bard was sent to town with the instructions to buy ingredients for dinner. Tanaka was allowed to relax.


Everything else was his duty.


He started in the mansion’s impressive library, his aim to organize the books by subject and author. They had become inexplicably messed up since the last time he’d been in there. Last week. Sebastian sighed.


“This is someone’s fault,” he murmured, removing the first collection of volumes from a shelf. Perhaps his young master’s. Ciel did not like his lessons – perhaps loathed would be a better choice of words – and often did his best to halt their progress. Well, Sebastian would have none of it today. He made quick work of the first shelf, and the second. It was the third shelf that began to give him difficulty…


The tickle began quite lightly as motes of dust from the books rose at his removing them. If Sebastian had had a hand free, he could probably have stopped it in its tracks. As it was, he sniffed sharply in an attempt to delay, if not eliminate, the irritation.


It had the opposite effect.


“Heh-kessht!” he sneezed into his shoulder. “Heh-chsst!” He sniffed again. The tickle had not left, merely receded for the time being. Sebastian narrowed his eyes in frustration but quickly shelved the books in their proper places and pulled out his handkerchief. He was just glad that no one had been around to see that.


Just as a relieved sigh left his lips, there was a loud knock at the library doors, a split second before they were hauled open.


“Mr. Sebastian!” called Finny’s voice. “Are you in here?”


Dabbing his nose one final time, Sebastian folded his handkerchief and tucked it away, walking to the end of the stack. “Yes. Is there something you need?”


“The young master’s tutors are here.” Finny smiled at seeing him, but paused. “Are you… are you feeling any better?” A worried crease marred his forehead as his blonde eyebrows came down in confusion. “You look a little pale…”


“I’m quite fine.” Sebastian gave the boy his own reassuring smile. “Thank you for telling me.”


“Ah, yes! No problem!” And the gardener raised his hand in a salute before leaving the library, presumably going back out to his hedges.

Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck to ease some of the tension there, then matter-of-factly brushed the book dust off of his jacket. “Heh…heh-kissht!”


It was time for his young master's lessons.




Next part is coming out I-don't-know-when! But there's plenty more Sebastian-torture planned. XD I'm evil.

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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Guh, this is so gooood. :crazy: Thank you so much for sharing <3

More Sebastian-torture? I can't wait. :cry:

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Ohmygawwwww *falls over garbling nonsense* So absolutely wonderful. And the characters are so perfectly written! Thank you, thank you, LPK! I cannot wait to see what else you have coming.

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Yah I like this. Don't know the characters but the scenario is lovely. :wacko: Love collected and composed men in denial of illness!

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Thank you all for the comments! :P I've rarely, if ever, reduced so many people to incoherency. I'm proud of myself. XD

Here's part 3!




Sebastian knocked on the door of the study with purpose, murmuring his customary “Excuse the intrusion”, before opening the door and striding in, Ciel’s tutors close behind him. Miss Engles was a tall woman in her boots, only marginally shorter than Sebastian, with rich, chocolate-colored hair pulled up under her hat. Mis Greene was quite the opposite: petite, pleasantly round, and blonde as wheat. They were both wearing forced cheerful expressions as they filed into the room.


“Young Master; Miss Engles and Miss Greene,” announced Sebastian in a rather hoarse voice. He blinked in surprise and cleared his throat. “Would you prefer history or piano first?”


“Neither,” declared his bratty master. He still hadn’t turned his desk chair around, and was apparently absorbed by something out the window. Sebastian frowned and bid the two women wait with a short wave of his hand. He strode over to Ciel’s chair.


“Young master,” he sweetly began, “you must now do your lessons. The fact that you do not want to does not change that. In any way.” He put a hand on the back of Ciel’s chair and swiftly turned it around. “Your tutors, young master. History or piano first?”


Ciel was pouting now, but Sebastian had no time for his antics. A quick check of his watch told him that things were already behind schedule. He had to start lunch, finish in the library, and make sure the other servants had done their jobs correctly. Then there were the accounts to see to, correspondence to be answered, and summer linens that had to be exchanged for heavier, season-appropriate ones. Ciel would just have to suck it up.


“History, I suppose,” sighed the boy at last. “Better to get it over with.”


“Excellent,” replied Sebastian, mentally adding a pay raise for the tutors to his list of things to arrange. “Miss Greene, he is yours for the hour.” She curtsied slightly, and anxiously smiled at her young charge. “Miss Engles, please make yourself comfortable here, or in the music room. Certainly you may use the piano if you wish.”


“Thank you, I shall.” She departed.


“Oh, Sebastian,” said Ciel before he sat down with Miss Greene, “Make me a parfait. Bring it up here when it’s ready.”


Sebastian felt a vein throb in his forehead. “No I will not,” he snapped, though he remained smiling. He darted another glance at his watch. “I simply have too much to do, and it would spoil your dinner anyway. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He bowed with as little decorum as he could get away with, and left the room, Ciel staring after him.




Once he was free of the study and safely out of view, Sebastian leaned back against the wall, shoulders sagging with exhaustion. Really… Must his young master be such a brat all the time? He could feel a muscle in his jaw jump and tried to relax somewhat. He was getting too worked up over nothing.


“Heh…eh-kssht! Heh-kssht!” Sebastian bent with the force of the sneezes, uncovered now where no one could possibly observe him. He doubted that a demonic cold – or whatever this bothersome illness was – was contagious to humans anyway. Still, after a moment, his manners took over, and he removed his handkerchief from his jacket pocket to cover the next two. “Heh-chmmp! Heh-chmmp!” He sniffed heavily. His head had begun to throb again.


But work waited for no man, or no demon as the case may be. Wearily, he straightened. Perhaps he could lighten his load a little… Maylene could change the bedcovers. Tanaka could do the accounts, loath as Sebastian was to disturb the elderly steward.


“That’s se- heh…Heh-kssht! Settled…” Sebastian raised a hand to his face and tried to scrub away some of his fatigue. “I’ll begin lunch, then.”




Tired from a long and trying history lesson, Ciel sat listlessly at the piano, his hands sagging out of the proper position. Beside him, Miss Engles demonstrated a simple melody. It was one Ciel had learned weeks ago and had perfected, too. He felt his mind drifting… He was angry with – no, worried about – well… Something was clearly wrong with Sebastian. If the demon was better, he had no right, or cause, to snap at Ciel like he had. And Ciel should reprimand him. Somehow. If the demon was still sick, then Ciel had to figure out why and how to fix it. And then reprimand Sebastian.


He did not enjoy it when his servants were rude to him.


“Earl, are you paying attention?” Miss Engles asked, her voice nasal with displeasure. Ciel had noticed that she dropped her friendly façade when his butler was not around. Perhaps she had designs on Sebastian? Ciel frowned.


“No.” He turned to look at her, oozing insolence.


“Why, I ought to-! Hmph.” She jabbed a finger at the sheet music resting before them. “Play.”


Ciel sighed and let his thoughts wander as he started to pick out the notes again.




Maylene crouched behind the kitchen doorframe, her hands trembling where they gripped the wood. Must things always go so badly? And why had Bard insisted that she be the one to tell Sebastian? He knew that she… And they would be alone, and… She felt her face redden. This was going to be awkward.


She could see Sebastian inside the kitchen, peeling potatoes for lunch. Already, he had set aside the ham and cheese sandwiches, furnished with mustard dressing and lovely garnishes of lettuce. It looked delicious, as always. Maylene felt her stomach rumble and hoped the young master would take lunch soon so she and the other servants could enjoy Sebastian’s cooking. She supposed that Sebastian himself ate before he brought up the dishes, because he certainly didn’t eat with the young master, yet he never joined the others in the kitchen afterward. He was just a private person, she supposed.


What would he say if he knew she was watching him now? He looked so… peaceful. Lost in his own little culinary world. He seemed to even be humming softly to himself, his eyes almost closed and the corners of his mouth – Maylene blushed again – turned up only slightly, as if in quiet, but calming, contemplation.


Suddenly, Sebastian stiffened, and his face constricted in an expression of profound distaste. He swiftly put down the potato he was holding, brushed off his hands, and drew a white handkerchief from his vest. Then he sneezed.


Maylene almost died.


W-what was Sebastian, the manor’s steady and constant butler, doing? Was he still unwell? But Finny had assured her that morning that… And Sebastian, in such abandon! Maylene’s head was spinning with it. Such a shapely nose… And his hands, so thin but so powerful! Raised to that face… With that irritated and yet vulnerable expression! She could hardly breathe!


…What if he did it again?


A squeak of anticipation and anxiety escaped her as she fell to her knees, clutching the doorframe for dear life. She felt much too hot. Much.




She started. Mired in her fantasies she had missed Sebastian’s steady approach and now found him above her, eyebrows together in a bemused expression. His nose was slightly pink. Maylene struggled with her melting insides to try and speak. “Y-yes, Mr. Sebastian?”


“What are you doing?”


Maylene squeaked again. Yes! She had forgotten her important news. The news she had been sent to tell Sebastian many minutes ago. She cursed her foolish heart. “I was- I was coming to tell you…”


Sebastian sighed. “To tell me what?” He already looked more stressed, and Maylene felt a twinge of guilt for ruining his afternoon.


“To tell you… that Lady Elizabeth is here…”




Ha. Ha. Ha. Poor Sebastian. For those who don't know, Lizzy is Ciel's fiancee. The last time she came over unannounced, she 'beautified' the manor and dressed up the servants. Sebastian even got himself a pink bonnet. XD I'm a bad person.

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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Wow, you updated so quickly! And may I again compliment you on how in character it is. :D I love it! It's all great!

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Sneezy Sebastian mmmmmmm sneezy sebastian........ :yuck::puke::doh: I hope u continue this so I can have some more sneezy Sebastian. :blink: thanks for writing these!!!! :fear:

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Thank you all! Here's part 4! :P




“Lady Elizabeth…?” Sebastian looked down at her blankly.


“Y-yes, Mr. Sebastian.” Maylene fidgeted a little with the hem of her skirt, avoiding his eyes. She could feel a blush burning her face and neck. They were so close together… “She just arrived.”


“Ah.” Sebastian blinked, then sighed. “Right. Well, please have her wait in the sitting room while I alert the young master.” He hesitated for a moment. “Is her mother here as well?”


Maylene shook her head quickly and thought she saw the ghost of a relieved smile flit across Sebastian’s face. He turned his back to her then and headed back to the counter where his potatoes were.


“Thank you, Maylene.”


“Yes! I’ll go see to her.” She got up shakily and straightened her glasses, but hesitated a moment before leaving. Sebastian had tensed again… But all he did was rub his nose irritatedly, one long finger pressed beneath, before letting out another frustrated sigh.


Maylene reluctantly went to do her job.




Fetching Ciel was not a task that he particularly wanted to do at the moment, but it was necessary. Sebastian plastered on a cheerful expression that he wasn’t feeling at all, and rapped smartly on the door of the piano room. “Young master,” he said, and was annoyed to find that he had to clear his throat again. “You have another guest.”


A fraction of a second later, the door swung open, narrowly missing Sebastian’s face, and Ciel marched out imperiously. Behind him, Miss Engles glared from the piano bench.


“Hello,” said the boy, calm as he could be.


“Hello?” responded Sebastian, fighting an urge to reach a hand to his forehead to see if it was still there.


“I quit,” announced Miss Engles, storming past them both. “And I’ll show myself out!”


There was silence as the sound of her footsteps echoed from the stairwell, then the foyer, and then, briefly, the front walk, before the door was slammed shut.


“I’m glad,” Ciel said finally, smirking. “She was a terrible instructor.”


“You’re a terrible pupil,” murmured Sebastian distractedly, lifting a hand to his nose. It seemed that Miss Engles had been wearing a rather strong perfume. “I’m honestly… honestly, not surprised.” He took a short, hitching breath before quelling the sneeze with a quick pinch to the bridge of his nose. He sniffed.




“In any case,” continued the butler, speaking hurriedly now, since his sneeze had not, unfortunately, vanished but had returned with a vengeance, “Lady Eliza… Elizabeth, heh, is waiting! Ehkissh!” He turned away from Ciel as another sneezed rocked him, fumbling for his handkerchief.


The young lord frowned. “Sebastian, are you all right?”


“Ce-certainly, my lord. Heh-kissh! Ehehkissh!”


“No you’re not. I thought I told you never to lie to me?” Ciel crossed his arms and glared at his butler, though he felt a small twinge of… something. Concern? “Kneel.”


Sebastian did so, too tired to argue and unable to ignore the order anyway. He kept his handkerchief over his nose. “Yes, my lord?” he asked in a slightly congested voice. He sniffed.


Ciel came over and unexpectedly planted his small hand on Sebastian’s forehead. He contemplated for a moment. “You have a fever, Sebastian.”


“Do I?” Sebastian sniffed again and folded his handkerchief. “Hmmm.”


“Yes, you do. And now I’m ordering you to go to b-”


“Ciel!” Suddenly his master was engulfed in a cloud of gauzy blue fabric, white lace, and golden curls. “I missed you, so I came to see you! I hope that’s okay. And! I brought more clothes for you to try. You’ll love them, I know it!” Lizzy spun the poor boy around for a minute or two. “I’m so glad to see you!”


“Welcome, Lady Elizabeth,” said Sebastian, straightening. “I apologize for the delay, but the young master was at his lessons.”


“Ohh… Was that one of your teachers who practically ran out, Ciel? She looked mean.” Lizzy stopped twirling and looked down at the boy caught in her grasp.


“Ahem… Yes. Lizzy, get off.” Ciel peeled off her restricting arms with a sigh. He still had to give that order. “Sebastian, I want you to-”


“Serve lunch? Certainly, my lord.” Sebastian smirked. “I would be glad to. Lady Elizabeth, have you eaten?”


“No, not yet.”


“Then I cordially invite you to eat with the young master,” said Sebastian. He held out an arm to indicate where the dining room was, though she had been to the manor before, and placed a hand on Ciel’s lower back to propel him forward.


“Thank you! Ciel, you can sit next to me!” And she grabbed him again, pulling him off down the stairs. Over her shoulder, Ciel was giving Sebastian a disappointed look. He had a feeling that, with Lizzy here, his orders were only going to continue to be interrupted…




Why is torturing that poor demon so much fun?

Edited by LeapYearKisses
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