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Supernatural Fic (M) - (11 Parts) - Complete


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Okay, continued, but really not sure about this chapter ;)

Part Five

“Don’t tell me. The body was cremated.”


Dean had just finished recounting Bobby’s explanation of the haunting, positioning himself so he was able to firmly anchor Sam to the bed. His brother was a pretty good audience, listening attentively to how the previous owner of the couples’ house had committed suicide in the property’s orchard after discovering his wife had been having an affair. In a bizarre way, it felt kind of like relating some twisted bed-time story to a kid.

Sam leaned against the headboard, collecting his thoughts. “You think maybe it was just a … a … ahhh …”

Shooting him a swift look, Dean saw that he had tilted his head away, eyelashes quivering shut.

“… hu-ahhhehh’SHEWW!” The bed shook a little as his body jerked, and he groaned without meaning to.

“You wanna get some sleep?” asked Dean, gruffly.

“No.” Sam brushed him off with impatience. “I was going to say, you think that Jeff’s killing was just a one off?

Like, he infuriated the spirit ‘cos he was cheating on his wife?”

“Huh. Maybe.” Dean liked the idea. It would mean they could stay in town for a few more days without having to bother about a ghost, and wait for Sam to get better uninterrupted. Plus he could maybe spend some time exploring the local bar scenes, find a girl or two …


“Bless you. Right,” he stood up, slipping the phone into his pocket. “You stay here.”

“I –” Sam half-heartedly confronted the wave of dizziness that met his sudden movement.

“Stay. I mean it, don’t move.” Dean pointed a finger in warning. “Unless you need the bathroom, or something. Although the carpet looks like it’s seen worse anyway …”

“Where’re you going?”

“I’m going to interview this wife of his. We still gotta put the guy to rest, Sammy.”

Sam was almost out of the bed when his breath caught again, and Dean seized the opportunity to thrust him back down. “HESCHH-uh! … uhhh’SHEWW! … uhhhuhhh ... huhhIHShoo!”

He had been sweating before, but now he was shivering – Dean could tell by the tremor of his lips. Why did he have to make everything so goddamn difficult? Perhaps he shouldn’t leave him just now; he looked really miserable. And in denial.

“You gonna be okay?”

“Quit being all fussy.” Sam wasn’t complaining too much: he wouldn’t have minded Dean staying, just wasn’t about to admit it.

He was unsure how long Dean had been gone when the screaming started – at first, a distant whining that made the hairs on his arms stand on end. As it grew louder, Sam was positive that the person was close by; and, from the varied frequency with which the screams were coming, was running. He dragged himself upright, forcing the heel of his hand against his forehead until the blurry shapes in front of his vision vanished. Shit, he needed Dean.

Tearing outside, he acknowledged vaguely that he was still wearing the shirt, tie and dark grey trousers from the suit he had put on earlier. And no shoes. Awesome; just incredible. He headed in the direction of the shouts, the cold wind making his muscles ache and his eyes sting. It sounded like a kid, probably male, and coming from –

At the moment he looked upwards to the bridge, the child was already falling through the air, a streak moving straight downwards to the lake. A figure lurking beside the point where he had fallen. Sam’s brain was numb; he went with his instinct, scrambling down the gravel to dive headlong into the water without a second thought.

And regretted it a millisecond later. The lake was freezing and visibility was impossible: the metallic grey of the surface merged into dense brown, and he had no idea where the kid had got to. He could feel his chest seizing up, and he desperately clamped his mouth shut to avoid swallowing the opaque liquid. His kicks keeping him afloat were becoming feebler, his body shaking uncontrollably. Where the hell was the kid?

The next thing he knew, arms were surrounding him, encircling his stomach, pulling him up to breathe. His head swam, but he could just about make out the tightening of a strong grip as he was hauled out of the lake.

“I leave you alone for two minutes and you decide to go for a freaking swim?” objected Dean, kneeling next to Sam as his brother gasped, shaking.

“Some kid … got attacked … huhh’SHEHH!” Sam was on his knees, palms flat on the stony ground, dark hair dripping in strands hanging in front of his eyes. He sneezed again, in between struggling to catch his breath. “Uhh’HESCHH! … huhh … ehh’Shuhh!”

“Kid?” Dean stopped wringing out the filthy water from his jacket, gazing at Sam in bemusement. “There’s someone else in that lake?”

Sam nodded, coughing violently. Dean scrutinized the lake’s level surface, a rushed debate taking place in his mind as to whether he should head back in. Then uneven footsteps were pounding the gravel nearby, the crunching of a walking stick, a man’s quavering voice muttering obscenities.

“Bloody fools! What do you think you’re playing at?”

Dean rounded on him without missing a beat. “Did you see a kid fall into the lake?”

“That moron just took a dip on private property!” The old man was incensed, a vein in his temple palpitating.

“A kid? Did you see a child?”

Glaring at Dean as though he was insane, the man brandished his walking stick at Sam. “Just him. Now get off my land!”

Dean grabbed Sam under the armpit, his body weight increased by the volume of water in his sodden clothes. Sam seemed to be on the point of passing out, and Dean couldn’t imagine how he’d managed to get down from the motel at all, despite it being only a few hundred metres to the lake. “Come on, Sammy boy. Gotta get you out of here.”

_ _ _

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Aww, poor Sammy. He really didn't need that dip in the lake. Great plot and great writing!

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:puke: I really like this!! Especially parts 4 and 5. And especially Sam diving into a lake. Not a good plan when you're so sick, Sammie... :D

And I'm also a fan of cupping the hands over the face to sneeze. :P

Great job so far, Blue!

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iluvsneezes Posted Apr 2 2010, 10:07 PM

Brilliant chapter, I love it SO much!

Hee, thanks!

MusicaDiabolos Posted Apr 3 2010, 01:27 AM

Aww, poor Sammy. He really didn't need that dip in the lake. Great plot and great writing!

Yeah he could've probs done without it, but the idea of wet Sam ...? (And Dean)

obsessed Posted Apr 3 2010, 03:46 AM

Sam's not very smart.

And he's the smart one too :D

Raining Strawberry Posted Apr 3 2010, 11:44 AM

I really like this!! Especially parts 4 and 5. And especially Sam diving into a lake. Not a good plan when you're so sick, Sammie...

And I'm also a fan of cupping the hands over the face to sneeze.

Cupping hands does rule. :)

LovelyLinda Posted Apr 3 2010, 12:02 PM

I'm with RainingStrawberry

Love the whole hands-over-face-cover thingy,

awww, your story is just soooo cute!

Thanks, Sam just IS cute. And I think the cuppy-hands thing must be universally liked? Or maybe Dean would be better for it; there's something about guys wearing rings.

Part Six

Sam was shivering. A lot. Dean’s confusion had turned to annoyance – he was cold and drenched too, and he didn’t know what the hell was going on. He shoved Sam into the bathroom, motioned to the tub, and turned the shower on full.

Back in the main part of the motel room, he stripped out of his suit and sank onto the double bed, pulling the duvet around him. It was thin and lumpy, but it let him dry off enough to get into some clean clothes. He deliberated for a second, then turned up the heater; deciding that the extra warmth was worth the humming sound and faint smell of burning. As the noise of the shower died, he snatched up a shirt and pair of jeans for Sam, and pushed open the bathroom door.

“Sam? You ‘kay?”

His brother was crouching next to the bathtub, steam rising in spirals from his skin. He didn’t seem to have bothered getting out of his boxers before showering, but his trousers and tie were slung over the toilet seat. One hand was gripping the side of the tub, the other crooked so that the inside of his elbow was directly in front of him.

Hehh’Chuhh! Uhhuhh-SHEWW!huh-uhhuhhhhuhh’Shehh! Uhh-HESCHH!

Dean was pretty certain that Sam had never sneezed that much in his life. If he was being honest, he was more prone to that type of thing himself. Sam just wasn’t a sniffly kind of guy. Whiny, sure; bitchy, definitely. But he was huge and awkward, and his sneezes were correspondingly powerful.

Hehh – uhnn. Go away, Dean. You’re gonna catch this.” His teeth were chattering so hard that the words were barely comprehensible, even though his cheeks were still flushed from the hot water.

“Don’t be such a bitch. I just dragged your ass out of a lake.” Dean handed him the clothes, moving to the other side of the door. “Plus I’ve probably got it already.”

“That d- doesn’t make any sense …” Sam coughed lightly.

“You know what else doesn’t make sense? This whole lake-jumping business.”

Sam reappeared in the doorway, looking pale and shaky. Dean resisted the urge to hold him up, knowing that the attention wouldn’t be appreciated. Instead, he watched him make his way over the bed and hunch up in the corner, knees pulled up to his chest.



He was lying, but it didn’t really matter. Dean shrugged, throwing a hoody in his direction anyway.

“This time, I’m making sure you stay put. Right now, you and I –” He wagged an index finger at Sam. “Need to have a little talk.”

Sam wriggled into the hoody, then jammed a fist under his nose. “Hehhehh …” He turned towards the sharp, frosty sunlight that was seeping in through the nylon curtains, but it didn’t help, only intensifying the irritation. “I saw – I thought I saw – a kid fall off the bridge.”

“So, what, you were seeing things?”

“There was a woman there, too. Dean, she had black eyes.”

Dean gave himself a moment to digest the information. “A demon? Are you serious?”

Sam’s insolent stare was ruined by his twitching nostrils. “…hu’ehhhuhh’CHSHhh! … Ugh. Yeah, I’m serious.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Me neither. Crap, I need to sneeze again …”

Dean covered his ears, miming bracing himself for an explosion.

Huhh … real cute, Dean … uhhh … uhh’EHShh!” He sneezed into his sleeve; something he would normally find gross, but was currently past caring. “What do you think’s g- going … huhh … going … huuh’SHEWW!

Dean swore, expressively. “Bless you.”

“Thanks.” His voice was scratchy, and thick.

“It sounds like this demon was trying to lure you out to that lake. I just don’t get why.”

“Or if it’s got anything to do with the murder that happened here.” Man, it hurt to think. “Bobby was positive it was this professor’s spirit? The two don’t seem connected.”

“I couldn’t investigate it yet; I was too busy stopping my little brother’s imaginary rescue mission.”

Sam glowered at him, rubbing his watering eyes distractedly.

“Sorry.” Dean reached down the side of the double bed, extracting a scrunchy packet and offering it to Sam. “I did get some candy, though.”

“I’m good.” Sam tipped his head back to rest it against the wall, trying unsuccessfully to breathe through his nose and refraining when he discovered it made it itch more.

“Oh, yeah.” Mouth full of M&Ms, Dean refocused. “Jeff’s wife’s gone to stay with her sister again. The house is gonna be empty for a while.”

Sam started to speak, but broke into a coughing fit. Dean flinched at the painful sound, and went to refill the tumbler with tap water. This time Sam was surprisingly grateful, sipping the fluid gradually.

“Maybe we should leave the house for a few days, huh?”


Sam was all set to fall asleep again, so Dean picked up the laptop and prepared to do some research on the deceased professor. Unexpectedly, he was still chilled from earlier, his throat aching. Looking over, he saw that Sam was lying on the side facing away from him, half-edged under the sheets. He supposed that sleeping all the time was better than not sleeping at all; and the guy had been doing more than enough of that lately.

_ _ _

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Sick Sam is so adorable! And is that Dean catching it? The only thing better than a sick Winchester is two of them!

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YAY! I am totally a sick!Dean girl, so I am soooooo excited by this contagious twist! You're awesome!

My favorite part of this section was:

"Go away, Dean. You’re gonna catch this."

Poor Sam!

And I love the idea that his sneezes are as big and strong as he is.

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MMMM, pretty. Yeah, I can imagine Sam's sneezes being pretty darn huge :drool:

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Awww that's adorable! :)

Usually, people attribute a very stifled sneeze to Sammy, because of his shyness, and I do as well. But it's really cute to see him sneeze this way for once! ;) I love him, I ALWAYS love him! :o

And I love Dean too. They're so adorable...

I love this story!

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AW. I really like how you write their reactions! :DDD

Thanks :) I love the interactions in the show - wish the writers'd write us an ep ...

Sick Sam is so adorable! And is that Dean catching it? The only thing better than a sick Winchester is two of them!


YAY! I am totally a sick!Dean girl, so I am soooooo excited by this contagious twist! You're awesome!

My favorite part of this section was:

"Go away, Dean. You’re gonna catch this."

Poor Sam!

And I love the idea that his sneezes are as big and strong as he is.

I could never choose between them! Sam's all cute, and Dean's all awesome ;).

MMMM, pretty. Yeah, I can imagine Sam's sneezes being pretty darn huge ;)

I'm hoping they would be - actually, no, any kind is good ;).

Yay.... I love sick Winchesters

Me too!

Aww, this is SO unbelievably adorable! :wub: I love sick!Sammy so very much. :cryhappy:

Hehe, thanks, I love him too.

Awww that's adorable! :heart:

Usually, people attribute a very stifled sneeze to Sammy, because of his shyness, and I do as well. But it's really cute to see him sneeze this way for once! :laugh: I love him, I ALWAYS love him! :cryhappy:

And I love Dean too. They're so adorable...

I love this story!

Yeah, I thought I'd try a different one from the stifled thing. That is truly awesome though. But I was thinking about how Sam is when he loses control sometimes, like the contrast between his and Dean's 'love' scenes? And he's all aggressive?

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Part Seven

Two hours, thirty-four minutes and the entire bag of M&Ms later, Dean had scrolled through endless newspaper articles, local histories and eyewitness accounts, and had still not managed to make any connection between the house and a demon. Research just wasn’t his style. He did have a lead on the ghost, however. As the guy had been cremated, Dean assumed there was some object keeping him earth-bound, and as it happened, he had an idea of what that might be. The professor’s field had been archaeology: he’d made a discovery on an excavation in a remote part of Egypt and turned up a selection of mummified bones in the surrounding area of an anciently destroyed pyramid. He’d kept one of the metacarpal bones from the right hand on display in his front room. Dean couldn’t wait to see Sam’s face when they had to torch that one.

Sam rolled over, coughing, as he’d been doing regularly for some time. Dean shut down the laptop, and went over to touch his forehead for the second time in as many days. It was a sign of how crappy Sam felt that he didn’t respond with a punch.

“Not good, dude.”

Sam yanked the covers up over his head, mumbling something about wanting to die in peace.

“Are you hungry? When was the last time you ate?” Dean’s concern mainly stemmed from the fact that his own belly was rumbling. He could murder some onion rings right about now.

“Dean, if you want food, go get some.”

“I’m getting you something too. And if you don’t want it, more for me.” Dean was already halfway out of the door, slinging his jacket over his shoulder.

He halted just past the doorstep, drawing in one long, deep breath; feeling it shudder as he lost the battle with his nose. “ESCHhuhh!” He pawed at his face, rather sheepishly. “Hahh’Eshoo!

Okay – the diner was a good place to start. Hopefully the sandwiches there would be as good as the bacon. He was ravenous, but the thought of food was strangely unenticing.

The girl, on the other hand, was not. He recognised her from the day before as Ericka, according to her name tag, and couldn’t help checking out the long legs in Daisy Dukes before his eyes travelled up to her face. With a couple of stops along the way for good measure.

She gave him a small wink, displaying dimples in both cheeks. “What can I get’cha?”

“Uh, a grilled cheese sandwich and two portions of fries, please, sweetheart. To go.”

“To go, huh?” Ericka scrawled a note on her pad, tucking the pencil into her apron and examining the clock on the wall. “Y’know, I get off work in a couple of minutes.”

Dean grinned.

He waited outside for Ericka to hang up her apron, while he picked up the sandwich and fries and dropped some money on the counter. His nose was threatening to be a problem – what was up with that all of a sudden? He held his breath, counting seconds slowly in his head. One, two, thr- shit. “Hh-ha’ESHOO!” Squeezing the bridge of his nose, he glared at an exiting customer and shook his head experimentally, testing the sense of clamminess that was creeping up on him.

He was relieved to see that Ericka had changed out of her shorts, and brought a coat. The evening was several degrees colder than the day had been, and he didn’t much want to give up his own.

“There’s a really good bar just down here.” Ericka started along a narrow street, and Dean followed, cramming the food into the pockets of his leather jacket. It didn’t really matter if it got cold; Sam probably wasn’t going to eat it anyway.

The bar was smoky and crowded, but the atmosphere was chilled and generally at ease. They found some bar stools at the far end of the serving area, and Dean ordered them both drinks from the harassed-looking barmaid.

“So, uh. I’m Dean, by the way.”

“Ericka. So what brings you out here, Dean?”

He waited for her to make a start on her drink, before taking a swig of his whiskey. “M’brother and I, we’ve got some business round here for a few days. Although if nothing interesting turns up, I could have some time to kill.”

Ericka smiled teasingly, as a creaking of chairs and the rusty squeak of the opening door alerted Dean to someone coming into the bar. Sofia Ormond, the murder victim’s secretary, had just entered; a gust of wind sweeping in behind her and causing the hair on his arms to prickle. She took a few steps forwards, then stopped in her tracks, glancing to Dean’s right. As Ericka returned her gaze, she spun hastily around and left without a word, creating a ruffle of muttering in her wake.

Ericka sighed. “The guy she was having an affair with – Jeff, you might’ve heard? He was a local.”

“Yeah, I heard a rumour.”

“Just before he died, he was seen a few times with some blonde woman. Sofia wasn’t happy.”

“Takes one to know one, right?” Dean tried to make light of the situation.

“She thinks it was me.”

“Ah.” He knew that Sam would have wanted him to use this information in some way, perhaps come up with a theory or two; but the smoke in the bar was starting to get to him, and he buried his nose in the crook of his arm defeatedly. “ETSCHH-ah! EiihhShoo!

“You okay?”

“Sure.” He hoped his face wasn’t giving away the growing conviction that he needed to sneeze. He was going to kill Sam as soon as he got back to the motel room.

_ _ _

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;) ;)

I am sooo glad you updated. The latest twists on the case are fun, and now you've got Sam all sick and helpless and cuddly.

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Awwww Sammy you adorable sick boy! :hug:

Love the story, update soon, and please tell me that Sammy will NOT be getting any better anytime soon. :lol::mad:

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and please tell me that Sammy will NOT be getting any better anytime soon. :twisted::lol:

And I am pleading along with her. :nohappy:

Yeah, I thought I'd try a different one from the stifled thing. That is truly awesome though. But I was thinking about how Sam is when he loses control sometimes, like the contrast between his and Dean's 'love' scenes? And he's all aggressive?

Yeah, I had figured it. :) And you know what, I think that that kind of sneeze is what we could hear from Jared in real life. :laugh: After that, naturally, I'd die in front of him. :heart::D:D

Really awesome chapter, anyway! :heart:

Feverish!Sam plus sneezy!Dean is my idea of Heaven! Aw yes, thinking of the episode 5x16, I guess I could have this scenario if I died. :lol:

I'm looking forward to the next part of your brilliant story! :wub:

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I have to say that all these Supernatural fics have made me into a fan. :D Let's hear a Hooray for all the amazing fics, especially this one

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And you know what, I think that that kind of sneeze is what we could hear from Jared in real life. :laugh:
Oh my gosh! You have no idea how much I like that idea! ;) Or maybe you do? :hug:

Note: I know most of you guys (plus Sam and Dean) probably call a ‘tap’ a ‘faucet’ but it’s too weird for me. :P Also, I suck at doing the congested-talk; it feels kind of like it’s missing, but it’s good to imagine? And I’m very tempted to have a go at writing a fic with Ruby/Sam at some point (not this one) – sound like a plan? Or does everyone hate her? (Probably Genevieve Cortese – I generally preferred her version of Ruby.)

Part Eight

He resolved that killing Sam could wait when he returned to find his brother in a miserable heap on the floor next to the bed, using his hoody-covered arms as a pillow.

“Sam?” Dean went to stand over him, concerned. “Bed biting or something?”

“Got hot.” Sam’s nose and cheeks were tinged pink, and he looked dazedly reproachful. “You were gone for ages.”

“C’mon, Jumbo.” Dean shifted him up, onto the double bed this time. “Is all this just to get the double? Really?”

As usual, Sam didn’t appreciate the feeble humour. He was scrabbling helplessly at his nose, breath hitching. “Huhh … huu’ehh … hehh’SHEWW!” He had thrown up an arm to cover his face, and now lowered it with an almost imperceptible whimpering sound.

Dean extracted the fries from his jacket, piling them onto the small table by the bed. The sandwich had mysteriously disappeared somewhere along the way. He dangled one of the fries in front of Sam’s face, attempting to provoke a response.

“You know you’ve got lipstick on your cheek, right?” interjected Sam, sniffling.

“Huh.” Dean couldn’t resist a smirk; then tweaked his thumb in the direction of the bathroom. “I’ll just go wash that off.”

Once out of the room, he turned on both taps so that the water hurtled loudly into the sink, splashing up the walls. Knowing that the only way Sam wouldn’t hear through the thin plaster was if he had the water running, he clamped both hands over his nose. “Hh’ESHOO! … HAH’Shoo!

He knew he was being stupid hiding it, but he experienced a stab of guilt when he could see that Sam felt a million times worse than he did. Even though the moodiness increased and the exasperated tone became constant, the guy was just so pathetic when he was sick. He kind of regressed, getting all hunched in on himself and preoccupied. In turn, this also made Dean reluctant to propose his ideas about tracking down and burning the professor’s old archaeological collection: frankly, he wanted Sam to stay in the motel for as long as it took to get him better.

Sam was caught in the middle of a coughing fit when Dean emerged, his back curved forward a few inches away from the headboard. One arm was wrapped around his ribs, the other positioned so his wrist was in front of his mouth. He twisted away when he saw Dean come in, biting back the coughs until they were silent convulsions from his chest, his jaw clenched.

“Hey,” Dean began, gruffly, wiping his own nose hurriedly on his sleeve and laying a hand on Sam’s rocking shoulder. “It’s okay, Sammy.”

Sam sucked in a couple of deep breaths, recovering, still not looking at his brother. “Don’t … call me that.”

“You sound like you’ve swallowed a porcupine.”

“It’s not that ba – hehh …” He froze, upper lip raised a little as he tore himself away from Dean. “Uhh … uhh’HESCHH-uh! Huh … huhh’SHEHH! Huhh … uhhh … huh-CHSHh! Uhh’SHEWW! ... huhh … ehh ... huhhh’SHEWW!

“Son of a –”

Huh’ihh … hh’CHShoo! Uhh’SHEWW!” Sam groaned, pulling his hood over his head. There was a reason the hoody was his favourite; being giant enough to adequately swamp him. “Ughh. I keep sneezing.” His puppy eyes were directed at Dean, feverishly bright and somewhat dejected.

“Y’know what’d make you feel better?” put in Dean, wafting the smell of the fries towards Sam. “Some food.”

Sam shook his head vigorously, swallowing, the colour draining from his face again.

“Okay, okay, no food –” Dean gripped his arm, steadying him on the bed and disposing of the fries with his free hand. “Sorry, dude.”

“I hate this.”

“I know you do.” Rooting around in the duffel bag, Dean produced a dubiously faded washcloth and went to run it under the tap. He approached Sam with a hint of self-consciousness, hoping that he was too out of it to note how out of character the gesture was. He wasn’t really feeling up to either annoyed or emotional Sam right now; and it could go either way.

Thankfully, Sam was lying scrunched up on his side again, possibly already back to dozing, and hardly acknowledged the wet cloth being poked under his hood. Dean stared wistfully at the unoccupied space at the other end of the double bed, then at the crumpled sheets of the single. He made his choice the next second, adding his weight to the double while leaving as wide a gap as he could in the middle of the bed. Hell, he was already getting Sam’s cold. Sam, though … it was bothering him; he never usually came down this hard. He could hear his brother failing to breathe silently through his nose, feel the heat of his body a few inches from him.

“Dean?” The word was hardly audible, muffled partially by the bed covers, and slurred in a drowsy way.

“What?” If Sam wanted him to switch beds, boy, was he mistaken.

“Nothin’. Just … thanks.”

_ _ _

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Aww, I love their relationship and the way you write it. :D

I don't know that girl you mentioned with Sam, so I say go for it!

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