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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hay Fever (Star Trek 2009; Spock [M])


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You know, I could have sworn I'd posted this here. blink.png

Anyway, this was part of a trade I'm doing with cherry. She's a brilliant artist, so in exchange for writing this little ficlet, she said she would draw me something. wub.png I've never done a trade before; I thought it would be an awesome opportunity.

I'm all for shamelessly torturing Spock, so this was a real treat to write. aaevil.gif I thought it would be an excellent time to post it, too, considering kestrel recently decided to play with an allergic!Spock as well. If you haven't already read her fic I highly recommend it. yes.gif

Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoy. Here's hoping for some more Star Trek goodness on this forum! yay.gif


Hay Fever

The rotting wooden door of an abandoned barn was pushed open as the first officer of the starship Enterprise stepped within, following the captain. Other members of the landing party had taken to a different direction, leaving both Kirk and Spock to explore the outer and notably rural region. The planet itself was a source of mystery, seemingly abandoned, yet still showing various signs of life. Apparently, a colony of farmers had once used the land to cultivate crops. For whatever reason, however, the colony deserted their labor and disappeared without a trace. There was scarce evidence to formulate any speculations, but Spock was convinced it had to do with a catastrophe of sorts.

"This place looks like it's been deserted for months," Kirk observed, peeking into an empty pig trough. Remnants of golden grain littered the bottom beneath a layer of filth.

"I believe the proper time interval would be years, Captain," Spock corrected, gazing down at his tricorder readings.

Kirk blinked at the report and then shrugged. Months, years, the point was that the barn wasn't being actively used. While the Vulcan went about gathering some more information about their current location, Kirk continued to roam the space of the barn, inspecting the farming and animal equipment. Rusted plows and shovels leaned against the wall, as well as reins and a wheelbarrow. A nostalgic feeling flooded Kirk's chest. It was appropriate to say this structure sort of reminded him of home.

"I doubt we're going to find any clues here," he stated, returning to where Spock stood. "We're better off contacting the others and regrouping."

"That would be wise," Spock agreed, returning his tricorder to sit at his waist. He looked at Kirk for a moment and couldn't help but notice a rather peculiar expression adorning his face. "Something wrong?"

"Hmm?" Blue eyes looked up at the taller male. "Oh, sorry about that, Spock. This place just takes me back."

He gestured to the barn with a small smirk and then kicked at the bed of old hay that lay beneath their feet. Stray particles arose from the disturbed straw and floated within the beam of triangular light that an open window from above provided.

"Anyway," Kirk continued, deciding to leave the past in the past. "Let's get out of here before I start square-dancing or something."

Such a comment earned Kirk an arched eyebrow as Spock followed him towards the large barn doors. Halfway there, he took note of an abrupt itch in his nose. A curled finger arose to remedy the situation by prodding his twitching nostrils, but that only made the sensation worse. He was forced to halt his footsteps when his breathing began to hitch.

"Hihh...! Hh'ngshh!"

Kirk, too, stopped walking and turned around at the sound of the unexpected sneeze. It wasn't often Spock performed such an action, let alone right in front of him.

"Bless you," he impulsively replied.

Normally, one sneeze was enough to dispel whatever irritation had managed to wedge itself within Spock's impenetrable sinuses, but this time, for whatever reason, the tickle would not be quelled. Just as soon as he'd recovered from the first one, another rush of untamed air targeted him, followed by two more. By this point, Kirk was genuinely interested. Prior to this moment he could have counted the amount of times Spock had sneezed in his presence on one hand.

"Are you …okay?"

"Th-there seems to be an unknown dihhh…disturbance infiltrating my nasal p-passages—hhih'ISSSHT!"

Kirk walked back to his obviously afflicted companion and continued to watch him surrender to quite the fit. "Is it something in here that's getting to you?" As someone who suffered from wicked allergies himself, Kirk was familiar with common allergens. The young man took a moment to look around every which way before offering the ground a concluding look.

Hay. Old, dusty, hay.

It appeared Spock had arrived at the same conclusion. He'd managed to temporarily discontinue his paroxysm by firmly pressing two strong fingers beneath his green-rimmed nostrils. He turned a slightly watery gaze to Kirk and attempted to speak, despite the fact that his breaths were still horribly hitching.

"Caah… Captain, I-I do not appear to bihhhh…be immune to the p-particles that haah…have been released from the hay," Spock barely managed to state, his nostrils flaring in spite of the digits restraining the powerful sneezes that were determined to escape their makeshift restraints.

Kirk felt his own nose beginning to tickle—talk about hay fever—and found it suddenly imperative that both of them leave the barn immediately. With that in mind, he quickly grabbed hold of Spock's arm and brought him outside of the barn and into the cool day.

"Should be better out here," he commented, turning to look at the other. Spock still appeared to be struggling with stopping himself from surrendering to the obvious chaos that had yet to abandon his madly twitching nose. "Hey, Spock, it's okay. You can let it all out. I'm not going to judge you for it or anything."

That seemed to be the missing piece to the puzzle, for Spock instantly withdrew his fingers from beneath his nose and gave into the most violent sneezing frenzy of his life. "Hiih'hh'hiih'NGGSHHT! Hih'IHGGSHTT! Hahh'ISHHST— IH'ESCHHT!" By the time Spock finished, or at least stopped sneezing for the time being, Kirk was not an inch from his side, looking both surprised and sympathetic.

"Bless you," he emphasized, which did nothing to chase away the green hue that dusted over the tips of Spock's ears and cheeks.

The Vulcan sniffed and attempted to regain whatever composure he could. "Pardon me, Captain." Snf!

"Guess I should make a note that hay and my first officer don't mix," Kirk replied, watching as Spock's nose gave another implicative wrinkle, as if simply mentioning the word 'hay' made him want to start up again.

"I have been exposed to a similar environment and encountered no response; however, this particular compilation contained additional substances I did not find agreeable," Spock explained, and then turned away from Kirk to catch another tickly "Hih'ESSCHuh!" in a fist before once again excusing himself.

Kirk offered another vocal blessing and wished he had some tissues or something to give Spock. The one time he didn't have any shoved in his pockets somewhere. "Think you'll live?" It was an attempt at humor, yet it failed horribly when the pointy-eared intellectual arched an eyebrow for the second time in thirty minutes.

"The likelihood that I would not survive from this occurrence is less than—"

"It was a joke, Spock."

The awkward silence that formed afterward was swiftly broken by Kirk, who started to walk forward. Spock took the unspoken hint and followed, yet only after stifling, or at least attempting to stifle a final, "Hh'gnxtSHH!" into the back of his sleeved wrist.


Edited by Spoo
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Squeeeeeeeee! More allergic Spock! I love this! Spoo, has anyone ever told you you're great at characterisation? And I love your sneeze spellings! You've just inspired me to go write more. Thankyou!

(BTW, if you appened to think of a sequel... :razz: )

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Squeeeeeeeee! More allergic Spock! I love this! Spoo, has anyone ever told you you're great at characterisation? And I love your sneeze spellings! You've just inspired me to go write more. Thankyou!

(BTW, if you appened to think of a sequel... :razz: )

Characterization is the one thing, above all literary devices and such, that I strive hardest for. It really lifts my spirits when others point that out, so thank you very much! It's deeply appreciated. :rolleyes:

I'm also glad to have been of inspiration! Your writing is excellent, and I eagerly look forward to whatever else you decide to cook up. :blink:

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Allergic Spock has to be one of my favorites. XD This is very well-written, and I love your dialogue! You have Spock's voice, right there. Lots of times that will ruin a fic for me, when the author doesn't get it. So you're awesome!

*hands Spock a tissue and attempts to pet his head* Kirk is in the way. :C XD

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Hahah! Allergic Spock was :):P I love Spock suffering from allergies. :wacko: thanks soooooooo much for writing this! :hug::lol:

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  • 1 year later...

This was adorable! I :heart: allergic Spock so much! More! More!

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 1 month later...

I.... blowup.gif

HOW HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS?!?!? Spoo!!!!! This is asdfaljdfkls; *ahem* **awesome!! w00t.gifjump.gif *dies*

hypnonew.gif ...Spock.... omgosh I was totally in love with him for a long time after I saw the newest movie... hehehe heart.gif I am really happy now. XDD

Thank you Spoo you are amazing!! hug.gif


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  • 3 years later...

me back.”

He gestured to the barn with a small smirk and then kicked at the bed of old hay that lay beneath their feet. Stray particles arose from the disturbed straw and floated within the beam of triangular light that an open window from above provided.

“Anyway,” Kirk continued, deciding to leave the past in the past. “Let’s get out of here before I start square-dancing or something.”

I thought this part was really funny

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