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Tickles and Tribbles - (2 Parts)


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Hello all! I come baring fic!

This takes place some time after the Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles". For those who don't know, a Tribble is basically a ball of fur that makes trilling noises and reproduces more or less as soon as it eats. When I was watching, I couldn't help but wonder, "Wow, with the way those things take over, I'd hate to be allergic." And as my favourite character, Spock ended up being the victim. So, here's part one. Sorry it's short, but I'm too tired to think up more. Will update again tomorrow, hopefully.

Captain James T Kirk was furious.

“Will someone please explain,” he growled through clenched teeth, “how exactly this was allowed to happen?”

For the second time in a week, Jim was up to his armpits in Tribbles. The trilling balls of fur had cascaded out of a previously jammed door, knocking the Enterprise’s captain to the floor. He glared from Spock to McCoy, waiting for answers. McCoy looked greatly amused. Spock maintained his usual emotionless mask, although Kirk thought he saw something very much like a feeling hidden just beneath the surface. If it was humour, Jim thought darkly, he would skin the Vulcan alive.

“It would appear, Captain,” Spock began, “that our search for remaining Tribbles was not as thorough as it might have been, allowing for a second infestation.”

“We must have missed one, and now it’s multiplied!” McCoy put in.

“I believe I just said that, Doctor.”

“Stop bickering, you two, and get me out!” Kirk snapped, shoving an armload of fur balls out of the way. Faced with another Tribble invasion, he was in no mood to deal with the petty quarrels between his first officer and surgeon. Obligingly, McCoy began shifting away armloads of Tribbles. The fur balls trilled and purred at the contact, and McCoy grinned.

“You know, Jim, I almost missed the little creatures. You’ve gotta admit, they’re nice to hold.”

“You forget, Doctor, the disastrous over breeding.” Spock countered. He frowned slightly, a barely perceptible shift in his serene features. The expression was gone as quickly as it came, and he continued. “Given their appetites, the speed at which they multiply, and their lack of any useful function, they are hardly suitably as hh-human companions.”

Jim looked up, noticing the slight faltering of Spock’s speech. McCoy seemed to notice as well, but the Vulcan had his mask firmly back in place. The doctor shifted more Tribbles and scowled.

“I still prefer them to green-blooded hobgoblins. Are you just going to stand there, or lend a hand?”

This time, the change in Spock’s expression was noticeable. There was something like apprehension in his eyes as he leaned down to help Jim up. Up close, Jim saw his nostrils twitch, and as he stumbled forward and leaned momentarily on Spock for support, he realised that the Vulcan was holding his breath.

“Is there a problem, Mister Spock?” he asked.

Spock took a rather shaky breath, as if trying to steady himself. His nostrils twitched again. Jim thought he heard the slightest hint of a sniffle.

“No, Captain. I was merely wondering ih-if the creatures have infiltrated any other areas of the ship. With your permission, I sha-hah-ll perform an inspection.”

Spock took a step back, but Jim placed a hand on his arm.

“Not coming down with something, are you, Mister Spock?”

“I hope not,” McCoy grumbled. “If we’ve got another Tribble invasion to deal with, then the last thing I want is a difficult patient to deal with at the same time.”

“I assure you, Captain, I am -” Spock broke off, a look of desperation quickly hidden behind his emotionless façade. Rather breathlessly, he went on. “I am quite well. Please excuse me.”

Jim and McCoy exchanged a puzzled look as Spock made a hasty yet dignified retreat. Without a word, they followed as soon as the Vulcan was out of sight, carefully stepping over Tribbles. It didn’t take them long to find the first officer.

Spock had come to a halt just outside his quarters. He leaned against the wall, frozen in a moment of perfect desperation and vulnerability. His chest slowly expanded as he took a deep, involuntary breath. His head tilted back, lips parted, nostrils flared, eyes shut. He trembled for a moment, still fighting to maintain his usual control, then, suddenly and violently, lurched forward.

“Hkssh! Hh-hssh! Hh-essh! Hh-h-huh-HUSHUU!”

For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the Vulcan’s miserable sniffles. Then, Jim stepped forward, clearing his throat.

“You sure there isn’t a problem, Mister Spock?”

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i loved that episode! and i actually found myself thinking the same thing! please continue! sneezey Spock is the BEST! :D of course i love sneezey Kirk too. :D i cant wait for more! :drool:

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:o ......OMG! :omg: that was awsome! I love it! suffering Spock is :drool: I hope there is more of suffering spock to come. :twisted:
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Terrific interpretation of a classic episode; nice exposition too. As I recall in the original the tribbles uncover a Klingon spy by reacting badly to him; now, if he were allergic to them.......

It is also said to be the only episode where Spock makes a joke; I think he says "he couldn't believe his ears". You had to be there reallly.......

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:rolleyes: I LOVE a sneezy Nimoy! :blink:

The mere mental image threatens to overwhelm my poor brain with its sheer HOTNESS. :razz:

I love this fic!

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Thank you sooooo much for writing a new Star Trek fic!!!! It seems like it's been forever. I can't creatively write for the life of me, so whenever one finally pops up on the board, it's so exciting! I literally check every night. :razz:

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:P I LOVE a sneezy Nimoy! :yes:

I'm with you there! XD

Lovely fic! Is there going to be more...? I feel like tribbles shed. XD

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:lol: I LOVE a sneezy Nimoy! :wacko:

:) This is AMAZING. I can totally picture Spock being like this...desperately trying not to sneeze to maintain his perfectly calm facade....Mmmmm. Please write more!!!! Leonard Nimoy... :P

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Hi again! Sorry for the delay in posting part two. I'll try and finish either tomorrow or the next day. Thanks so much to everyone for commenting. I really appreciate the support. You guys are what keeps me writing, so thanks a heap!

Caught off guard, Spock very nearly jumped when he heard his captain’s voice. Any attempt at explaining the situation was made impossible as the itch in his nose demanded urgent attention.

“H-ktch! H-ngxxt!”

The painful stifles did nothing to alleviate the tickle, but Spock had no intention of making any more of a spectacle of himself. He hastily reassumed his usual straight posture as Jim and McCoy approached, forcing himself to ignore the insistent tickling that had settled in his nasal passages.

“Are you feeling alright, Mister Spock?” Jim asked, looking both concerned and amused. McCoy was frowning slightly, his sharp eyes already on the lookout for further symptoms.

“Quite, thankyou Captain.” Spock replied, avoiding McCoy’s eyes and forcing himself to refrain from sniffling. “If you will excuse me…”

“No, we will not.” McCoy replied bluntly, approaching the Vulcan. “Hold still a moment and let me look at you. I knew something wasn’t right!”

“Your hah-attentions are unnecessary, Doctor.” Spock fought to keep his voice steady. His nose began to twitch, and he could feel dampness gathering in his nostrils. It took a great deal of willpower to keep from rubbing at his eyes, which had begun to itch and water.

“Nonsense!” McCoy snapped, reaching for his medical scanner. “Up ‘til now I can’t remember you sneezing even once, let alone having to leave the room to hide a fit. Now hold still and let me take a look!”

As Spock opened his mouth to argue, two young female ensigns approached, their arms full of Tribbles. Spock quickly turned his head away from McCoy, only just managing to stifle a sudden, violent sneeze.


The itch refused to die down. Spock found himself stifling convulsively, unable to draw breath without sneezing. His eyes squeezed shut, and a tear of irritation slid down his cheek. McCoy looked from Spock to the Tribbles, a look of understanding dawning on his face. Meanwhile, the two young ensigns exchanged grins, amused at seeing the usually unflappable Spock in such a state. One burst out giggling, and Spock felt himself turning green with humiliation.

“What do you want done with the Tribbles, Captain?” asked the ensign with slightly better self-control. Jim and McCoy exchanged a glance.

“We’ll discuss possible arrangements in the briefing room,” Jim replied, leading the two girls away. Looking over his shoulder, he said softly, “Bones, will you…”

“I’ll handle it, Jim,” McCoy replied. Placing a hand on Spock’s arm, he led the still-sneezing Vulcan into his quarters, where he could be spared any further humiliation.

At last, Spock felt the itch die down a little, allowing him to at least draw a breath or two between each painful stifle. Feeling rather light-headed, he allowed McCoy to gently push him down onto his bed.

McCoy passed his scanner over the Vulcan. It confirmed what he had already begun to suspect.

“It appears, Mister Spock, that the Tribbles don’t agree with you.”

“So ih-it would seem, Doctor.” Spock replied, his voice pathetically congested. He lurched forward again. “Hh-Tch!”

“Stop stifling. You’ll damage those devil-ears of yours, and I don’t want to have to fix any more of you than necessary.”

Despite the taunt, McCoy’s voice was gentle. Spock was a perfect picture of misery. His nostrils and eyes were rimmed with green, and he was flushed with humiliation at having been witnessed in such a state. Wetness was now visible at the edge of his nostrils, which twitched constantly with the need to expel the irritants that had settled deep within his nose. McCoy looked around for a tissue box, but found none. The doctor took a handkerchief from his pocket and pressed it into Spock’s hand.

“Is there any form of treatment you could administer, Doctor?” Spock asked, having given up on pretending to be fine. He wiped at his eyes and nose with the handkerchief, but didn’t blow. McCoy couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

“For a start, blow your nose. You sound terrible. As for a cure, well, I can find something to alleviate the symptoms, but the only real answer is to get rid of the Tribbles, which is going to take time.”

Spock didn’t seem at all pleased at the news that his suffering would be prolonged. His mask faltered slightly as he raised the handkerchief and tentatively blew his nose. As soon as he had finished, his eyes once again took on a desperate look, and he pressed two fingers under his nose. McCoy sighed and gently pulled the Vulcan’s arm away.

“Doctor, please-”

“You’ve got to give in eventually, Spock. Come on, just let it out. You’ll feel better, and I won’t tell a soul.”

Spock nodded, his expression growing more desperate. His mouth fell open as he drew in a shaky breath, then sneezed more violently than ever.

“Hhrrusshuu! Hh-hurrushuu! Hah-hah-hh…HhruSSHUUU!

As he recovered, Spock felt McCoy’s hand rubbing gentle circles on his back. An illogical action, he mused, that seemed to serve little purpose. He allowed it all the same, finding the physician’s touch somehow comforting.

“Why don’t you stay in here for a while, Spock?”

“Doctor, my services may be needed by the Captain.”

“I think we’ve got things under control for the moment. I’ll go and see what I can find to help you out,” McCoy rose to his feet, giving Spock’s shoulder a final pat. “And then we’ll see what we can do about those Tribbles.”

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..........GOOD GOD, MAN!

This is absolutely brilliant. :heart: There's no other words to describe how incredibly wonderful this story is so far! Your TOS!characterizations are SPOT-ON, from McCoy's grumpiness to Spock's strong desire to remain composed at all times. Goodness, I'm officially hooked! Such lovely writing. :heart:

:heart: Spoo~

Edited by Spoo
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..........GOOD GOD, MAN!

This is absolutely brilliant. :heart: There's no other words to describe how incredibly wonderful this story is so far! Your TOS!characterizations are SPOT-ON, from McCoy's grumpiness to Spock's strong desire to remain composed at all times. Goodness, I'm officially hooked! Such lovely writing. :heart:

:lol: Spoo~

I completley agree with Spoo! and hopefully there will be more sneezy Spock. :heart:

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;) Spoo seems to have voiced the mass opinion, because it's certainly mine as well! Couldn't ask for better characterization. Can't wait for the next part! :yes:
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..........GOOD GOD, MAN!

This is absolutely brilliant.

Damnit, Spoo, you're right!

I mean... indeed. Fascinating.

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  • 2 weeks later...
..........GOOD GOD, MAN!

This is absolutely brilliant. :lol: There's no other words to describe how incredibly wonderful this story is so far! Your TOS!characterizations are SPOT-ON, from McCoy's grumpiness to Spock's strong desire to remain composed at all times. Goodness, I'm officially hooked! Such lovely writing. :consoling:

Agreed!! AAAAHHH I love this!! :frust: And I've never really gotten into Startrek before (saw the movie with the whale once), but this makes me want to check it out. I love the dynamics of the characters, especially, of course, how Spock is attempting to deal with the situation. And I love how this story was inspired by an actual episode. Very creative. Am looking forward to reading more! B)

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  • 2 months later...
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