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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Rosalie Cullen's Allergies (with feathers inducing..)


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So it's allergy season [spring] in Forks, Washington :blink: This story takes place before Edward is with Bella.

oh and anything in italics is someone's thought, and when it's from Edward's POV it means he hears someone thinking it in his mind.

- - -

Edward's POV

I sat at our usual table in the cafeteria with my "siblings" with me. Alice, was sitting on my right, bubbly as usual, and Jasper sat on my left, with Rosalie across from me. Alice was talking to Jasper about nothing in particular, while Rosalie just played with her blonde hair. I sighed inwardly, trying to ignore all the scents that tortured me so, but not nearly as much as it did with Jasper. I knew Alice was just trying to distract Jasper from thinking about hunting, when there were so many people around us. I looked at the one empty seat around our table, where Emmett would usually be sitting with Rosalie, except Emmett had felt like skipping school today.

"I think I need some more clothes too," Alice stated, fiddling with the red apple on her tray, not having any intentions of eating it. "Maybe one of those cute spring dresses with the cool patterns on it."

"Don't you already have enough clothing to fill 5 large closets?" I mocked.

"Yes, but I don't have any new clothes," Alice smiled and leaned into Jasper's shoulder.

I rolled my eyes at her, knowing she went shopping at least twice a week. And that was a minimum.


I heard Rosalie groan in my mind, and looked towards her. She now had her head lying in the palm of her hand on the table, and her back was slightly slouched.

Alice seemed to notice too. "Rose...what are you doing?"

"My head hurts, that's all," Rosalie mumbled, closing her eyes. Why won't it stop hurting, dammit?! She ran her finger under her nose and sniffed. "You know what? I think I'll just go home early...hang out with Emmett," she said and stood up. She grabbed her plastic cafeteria tray and dumped its untouched contents of food into the garbage, then stalked off, her heels making loud clacking sounds against the hard floor.

- - - -

Rosalie's POV

I quickly walked to my red convertible in the parking lot and opened the door and sat down. I turned on the car, and drove out of the parking lot and onto the road. I pressed on the gas pedal and drove waaay over the speed limit. Everyone in my family did (and got away with it). My head was still pounding, and the sun was coming out through the clouds. I sniffed again, annoyed by my nose. "What the hell is wrong with me?" I muttered out loud. Because of my speeding, I made it home in 5 minutes. As I took the keys out of the car and began to step out, my nose was still persistent and was starting to tickle.

Out of nowhere, my breath started hitching and sneezed so hard I doubled over. "Heh..Huh.. HUT-CHOO! ATCH-OO!" I sneezed into my sleeve, and glared at the droplets that appeared. Rubbing my sleeve on my jeans, I sniffed again, and leaned against the door of my car. Vampires don't get sick... I thought to myself, feeling VERY confused.

I put my hand to my head again as it throbbed and walked up to the front door. I pushed it open, and saw Emmett sitting on the couch, watching a football game. He looked up from the tv at my appearance.

"Hey Rose! What are you doing home early?" He asked, glancing at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room.

"Um...just missed you that's all." I took my hand off my head and hung my jacket on the coat hook.

"Oh, well come sit then," Emmett said, motioning with his hand to sit next to him.

When i began to walk towards him, my nose started tickling again, but i tried to keep a straight face. I sat down and he pulled me into his arms in a cuddly embrace.

"I missed you today too babe," he murmered in my ear.

"You..heh...hu-didn't have to stay home," I reminded him, my breath hitching.

He seemed to have noticed my body moving every time my breath hitched, and he turned me towards him so he could look me in the eye.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his amber eyes looking all concerned.

"Yeah, I'm..huh..fine," I replied.

He didn't seem to believe me. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Um...not really," I admitted.

"What's wrong?" He began running his fingers through my hair, something he knew i loved. I only ever let him touch my hair.

"Well, for some reason my head hurts and I sneezed twice before I came in here and I have a sneeze stuck in my heh..hu-nose..." I trailed off.

"It's probably allergies," Emmett said simply.

I looked up at him. "Since when do vampires get allergies, Emmett?" I asked sarcastically.

Emmett shrugged. "Since now, I guess."

"Ugh!" I sighed. I rubbed my nose with my hand, trying to see if that would make me sneeze, but to no avail.

"We could coax that sneeze out if it's bugging you that much," he whispered.

"How?" I wondered.

"Let's go upstairs," Emmett stated, not really answering my question. He reached out his hand, and i took it, then we quickly went upstairs, nose

tickling the whole way.

We entered our room, where there was a huge king sized bed with pure white sheets. The walls were a light blue color, and it was dimly lit, with the curtains closed.

"What are we doing here?" I asked in annoyance, partly because he wasn't answering my questions, and also because this tickle wouldn't go AWAY!!!!

"Lie down," He pointed to the bed, still ignoring my question. I did as I was told.

"Hmmm..." he said, opening a bedside drawer and taking out a long feather.

I stared at him in confusion. "A...huh...feather? Why?"

"It'll induce your sneezes. I used this once when I had to sneeze," Emmett explained.

I tried to remember the last time Emmett sneezed, and couldn't think of any. "When did you have to sneeze?" I asked.

"It was a long time ago. I think you were away shopping with alice or something," Emmett said, and he climbed into bed on my right side. "Face me," he instructed.

I turned towards him, still curious to what he was going to do.

- - - - -

Emmett's POV

I stared at my gorgeous wife who was lying across from me. I knew this would coax her sneezes out, so I brought the feather up to the outside of her nose, to see if this would help. Rosalie's once confused eyes, were now starting to understand what I was doing. Her eyelids slightly fluttered. "Huh...heh...hu-Emme-heh," Rosalie's breath was so breathy, but I knew I had to go farther. "It's...not...heh..working," she said with desperation. I stopped and started to put the feather in her nose, and going deeper and deeper...

Rose's eyes began fluttering like crazy, and she couldn't even talk, she was hitching so badly. "huh..heh..hehhh..huh...". Everytime she hitched her curvacious chest would move up and down in her shirt (this isn't 18+) with each hitch, turning me on. Before I could say anything, she leaned forward and went into a huge sneezing fit.

"Heh..HUT-CHOO, ESCH-IEWW! HUTCH-XXXNT! HUH...HUH...ASHIEW! ETSCHEWW!" All of her sneezes had lots of spray, some landing on the bed, some on the feather, and some on me. I put my arm around her, feeling badly, but for some reason...I was still turned on. What a strange feeling... I thought. I'd never experienced this feeling from something like this before.

Rosalie sighed, but only for a second and she errupted into loud, rapid fire sneezes, "ACHOOO! HET-CHEW! HUP-CHOO! HEP-SHIEW! Huh.. HUT-CHIOOO!" She sniffed loudly and laid her head on the pillow.

"ugh...i'm so...ASHIEW! sorry."

"It's okay, Rose," I hugged her, feeling some of the wetness on her bare arm.

Rosalie sighed and leaned her head into my chest. "Thanks, that helped a..ah..ET-XNNT.. lot," she said, stifiling the sneeze so she wouldn't get any wetness on me. Although I wouldn't have minded.

"Why do you look like dat?" She asked, a bit conjested, looking up at me.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I dunno...your eyes look kind ob dazed," she said.

"you just look really hot right now," I said.

She smirked. "How is sneezing hot?" She asked.

I shrugged and kissed her on the lips. At first she was eager, but then she started trying to push me away. She turned her head away and sneezed, "ATS-CHOO! Ugh.." she said. She got up and walked into the bathroom that connected to our room and blew her nose. It sounded really wet, and she used about 4 tissues.

She climbed back into bed and we continued where we left off.

- --

first sneeze-fic. sorry if it sucks lol. but emmett with a sneeze fetish? HOT! ;):goof::)

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Excellent atory. What could be better than tickling a lady's nose with a feather until the sneeze becomes inevitable; and sprayey......

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  • 1 month later...

Couldn't agree more. Emmet with a sneezing fetish... *drool* :cryhappy:

Also, I think you have depicted the characters very well!

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  • 2 years later...

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