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Sympathy For The Texan


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Hey there,

I hope you like this fic,

I wasn't brave enough to post it on here,

'cause I don't think I'm a particular good writer...

But anyway, a friend on here told me to post it,

tell me what you think =)

Note: Awww, I'm soo dumb!!

The title should be a wordplay, but I named it wrong.

I wanted to name it "Sympathy For The Texan",

how can I edit it....?

(It isn't finished yet, but possibly I will)

Silently the snow was falling on the tops of the little houses in Washington D.C..

It was a foggy, cold winter’s day and in the dawn the sun tried to get out of the clouds, which were covering up the whole sky.

Curled into his blankets, Mike Nesmith was snoring softly while his friends were getting up.

Suddenly the door flew open and one of them entered his room.

„Mike, it’s time to get up now!” Davy said and gently shook his shoulder to wake him up.

“Noo…I don’t want to,” the Texan mumbled and turned onto his other side,

just to continue sleeping.

“Huh?” his pal asked confused and replied in his classy british accent,

“But Mike, he have to do an interview this midday, it’s better to get up and eat breakfast before the interviewer is coming, isn’t it?”

Mike didn’t react. A quiet snoring was audible instead.

The Englishman shrugged his shoulders and left the room to prepare breakfast since he was always the first one to get up.

Awakened by the sound of rattling dishes, the fuzzy-headed drummer rubbed sleepily over his eyes.

After he had a stretch and yawned heartily, he got dressed and went into Mike’s room, where the dark-haired was still sleeping.

“Hey Mike, we’re late, I overslept myself, Davy’s angry with us, and …

hey, are you even listening to me?” he said and raised his incessantly happy voice.

“Oww…’course I do,” Mike grumbled and cracked an eye open.

“Did you sleep well?” Micky asked him cheerily, but his face fell, when he saw that the face of the Texan

was unusually pale and he had dark circles below his eyes.

“Not really,” he answered and forced himself to a weak smile.

“You look very pale, are you alright?”

Micky asked concerned and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Sniffling Mike gave a shrug and replied,

“I think so, not the best, but not that bad. Well, today’s an interview, isn’t it?

We’d better go downstairs.”

Micky agreed and the Texan got up.

His steps were a bit wobbly at first, because he felt somewhat dizzy.

He managed to get dressed, though.

“Have you seen my wool hat?” he wanted to know because he didn’t spot it in eye-shot.

Micky pointed at his head and Mike noticed that he was already wearing it.

A deep sigh left his lips.

His head ached, he had a sour throat and he felt terribly weak,

this was an apology enough to be a little off today.

“That’s perfect to start a day…” he thought sarcastically.

The two of them went downstairs and met Peter and Davy sitting at the table, waiting for them.

“Morning lads!” the drummer greeted,

Mike mumbled a “Morning” and both sat down at the table.

Davy mentioned, “I got a call from the interviewer, she’ll be here at 12 am. She writes an article for the magazine called Bravo.”

The other Monkees nodded in agreement.

Mike stirred a bit in his bowl of cornflakes, but didn’t eat them.

His sensitive friend Peter took a worried gaze at him and asked shyly,

“Are you alright Mike? You look a bit under the weather.”

Startled, Mike looked up and stuttered,

“Oh, ahm, I guess I’m just a little tired.”, and rubbed his forehead, that what pounding slightly.

“If you think so…” the blonde answered and ate a spoonful of his cornflakes.

It was nearly quarter to 12 when they finished their breakfast.

Cooperatively Peter stood up and cleared the table away while Davy and Micky were talking excitedly.

“I don’t know what to answer, if they ask me dumb questions,”

Davy whined but Micky calmed him down,

“So do I, but I don’t think it’ll be that bad. I’s only a magazine for teens, you know..”

“Do you think, that the reporter’s a pretty thing?”

Micky wanted to know with a significant grin.

“Let’s hope so”, Davy twinkled and gazed at Mike,

who joined in the conversation for the first time with a playfully,

“Lads, I’m married. That’s unfair, my wife’s not here”

“You’re right!” Peter yelled out of the kitchen and made his friends laugh heartily.

They continued talking. The texan watched them gesticulating wildly.

Still sleepy he noticed a slight tickle in his nose, rubbed over it and sniffed gently, but it only made it worse.

“…I like the blonde ones, I think Manchester girls are the prettiest,”,

the Englishman raved, and Mike grinned absently, still trying to get his

body under control, but as Micky continued the conversation the Texan just couldn’t hold it back anymore,

brought a hand up to his face and bent forward with a forceful “Hehh’kSSHh-uhhh”.

Davy was startled by the sudden noise and shrieked.

Micky laughed and Peter wished him a “Bless You Mike” out of the kitchen in his direction.

“Yeah, thanks”, he answered and sniffed quietly.

His headache grew and he felt more and more uncomfortable.

He’d love nothing better than crawling back under his warm quilt and make a nice long nap,

but he couldn’t abandon his friends at the interview.

They’ve gone through success and through bad times, he’d never let them down.

So he bit back a moan.

Although every time he swallowed his throat burned and made him cringe inside.

The blonde one finished tidying up the kitchen and was just before to join the rest, when the doorbell rang.

“It’s okay, I’ll open”, he announced and went to get the door.

His whole face lit up as he opened the door and let the interviewer in.

Sure she was a pretty red haired girl with big green eyes and a perfect smile.

“Hey”, she said and gave him a smile.

Peter blushed and didn’t manage to speak properly, so he just returned her smile.

“I hope you’re ready for the interview! My name’s Tracey, I hope we get on well.”

The Monkees excitedly talked across each other and gave her adoring looks.

Finally Davy pointed on the chair opposite from him and asked like a gentlemen,

“May I bring you something to drink?”

“No, thank you, but it’s very kind of you.”, the reporter said and blinked with her long, black lashes.

Fascinated, he couldn’t avert his gaze of her and smiled sheepishly.

“Okay guys, let’s start with the interview!”

* * *

The first question she asked was, if they missed their families.

Davy was the first one to answer,

“Of course. I travelled from England, you know, I rarely see my family because they’re far away. Sometimes I miss them very much.

I wish they could be here.”

“Oww, sometimes they ARE here, indeed,” Micky remarked,

“His little sister has a crush on me, it’s so embarrassing, she’s 8 years old!!”

The reporter laughed and twisted one of her long, red curls and asked Mike, what he thought of it.

With a somewhat scratchy voice he remembered,

“Oh, she really has. I remember one day where she brought Micky tons of cake,” he quietly cleared his throat and continued,

”It was a cute idea, but the cake was burned and tasted awful.

We all felt so guilty and didn’t want to upset her, so we ate it, even though it was disgusting.”

The Monkees remembered clearly and bursted out in laughing.

“Oww, yeah, I thought I’d puke”, Micky added and wiped his eyes,

which were streaming because of his heavy laughing.

So did Mike, but his eyes got watery from muffling a laugh-induced cough into the crook of his elbow.

Now he was pretty sure, that he was coming down with something.

Sniffling he watched the interviewer asking Peter a few questions about his relationship to India

but didn’t really pay attention to them since his throat still was on fire and the urge to cough was lingering.

Listening how Davy talked about England, he took another sip of his tea, hoping to calm his sore throat down a bit.

Now the interviewer turned to him and wanted to know,

“Is it true that you’re lucky married?”

Dreamily smiling he nodded and answered, “Yeah, that’s true. Her name’s Phylis and she’s the love of my life.”

“Oww, that’s cute!”, Tracey said, giving him a sweet smile.

While she turned to ask Micky a few questions, he was trying to fight a tickle off, that was slowly building up.

Hastily he rubbed over his nose and sniffed as quiet as possible so he wouldn’t disturb the conversation.

“…I like strawberry jam the most,”

he caught Micky saying, just before he knew, that he couldn’t win the fight and quickly turned his head away as his breath got shaky.

“Hehhh,” his breath hitched and he ran a first under his nose,

still trying to starve the tickle off, even though the situation seemed to be


As a last resort, he snatched the green wool hat from his head and brought it up to his face just in time to catch the sneeze.


It sounded kinda muffled, but for one thing it was still audible and for another thing it didn’t help him to get rid of the tickle,

which was still lingering.

Embarrassed because they stopped talking and looked at him,

he mumbled, “Geez, I’m sorry. I did…heh….didn’t mean to…”

Another sneeze broke loose, so sudden he couldn’t catch or stifle it but managed to turn his face to the side just in time.


He let out a relieved sigh, and gave his slightly reddened nose a wipe with his sleeve.

“Bless you,” Tracey and Peter wished him in unison

and Davy looked at him with concern. When they continued their conversation, Peter unobtrusively pushed a clean handkerchief towards

him and twinkled.

The Texan took it thankfully and mouthed a “Thank you”.

Just as he turned around and unfolded it, Tracy moved closer to him.

“Are you feeling alright?” she asked quietly and looked into his brown eyes, which weren’t shining as bright as usual.

“Not the best today,” he admitted and sniffed wetly, hiding the handkerchief on his lap under the table.

Gosh, he really needed to blow his nose, why was she giving him her attention right now?

Possibly TBC since I fixed the beginning

* * *

Okay...Please tell me what you think =)

Mod note: Title edited at author's request. --Prodigy

Mod Note: Edited at author's request ~Mute

Edited by The Mute Poet
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So cute!!! I love it! :) thanks so much for writing it!Peter sounds awsome! :( and Mike's sneezes also sound awsome! :P haha I hope you continue if you can.... :laugh:

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the storyline is great! i love the sick band-member stories, they are a presonal favorite in fact! :( you do need to recheck your grammar though, but its no big deal i mean no one is perfect! please continue!

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Thank you guys soooo much!!

I'm amazed that actually three people read and commented the story *grin*

Yeah...I'm sorry that the grammer is wrong...But I'm not learning english for soooo long,

well, you could correct me ;-)

That'd be great.

At the moment I'm pretty busy with school, but I'll continue if you want me to =)

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yay, you posted it.

im sorry, if i couldnt correct all the grammer..

but still. love it. and i think you can ask one of the administrators to edit the title or somethin'

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yeah...I hope someone's able to correct the title.

It should be just a wordplay, 'cause there's a nice song called

"Sympathy For The Devil" from the Rolling Stones,

so I thought "Sympathy For The Texan" would be funny^^

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Awww, very cute. ;) Thanks for sharing this with us! And you are a good writer, and your grammar is fine. Be nice to yourself, you did a great job! :)

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Awww, very cute. :) Thanks for sharing this with us! And you are a good writer, and your grammar is fine. Be nice to yourself, you did a great job! :laugh:

Aww, thank you :drool:

Usually I don't make that much mistakes,

but it's a little hard to express your thoughts in a language, that's not your mother tongue...

So I'm sorry if the grammar was a bit twisted or whatever,

but if you're able to understand, then it should be alright^^

Do you have suggestions how I could continue the story?

Maybe a lovestory between the reporter and one of the Monkees?

But not Mike, you know, he's married *grin*

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Great storyline and lovely characters! In particular I find Peter really adorable. :blushing:

I'm glad you posted it, it's a very cute story. I'm waiting for the next chapter. :D

Usually I don't make that much mistakes,

but it's a little hard to express your thoughts in a language, that's not your mother tongue...

Same problem. ;)

I'd like so much to trying to write some sneeze fic (in my own language I often write fics), but my English is not good enough. :laugh: Maybe we could ask for some beta reader's help.

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Great storyline and lovely characters! In particular I find Peter really adorable. :)

I'm glad you posted it, it's a very cute story. I'm waiting for the next chapter. :heart:

Usually I don't make that much mistakes,

but it's a little hard to express your thoughts in a language, that's not your mother tongue...

Same problem. :P

I'd like so much to trying to write some sneeze fic (in my own language I often write fics), but my English is not good enough. :unsure: Maybe we could ask for some beta reader's help.

Yeah, that would be nice :-)

Uh...I wrote a fanfic about 60 pages (!!!!)

very crazy, but oh my goooood, just sooo cute them sneezing :lol:

By the way. what's your mothertongue?

Mod Note: Edited at author's request ~Mute

Edited by The Mute Poet
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By the way. what's your mothertongue?

It's Italian. ^^

But no one of my italian friends might be interested in a sneeze fic (as far as I know, at least :wub: ), and plus, no one of them knows about my fetish. So I've never wrote a sneeze fic so far.

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Uhh =P

I love Italy, there food there is just yummy !

Well, okay, ahm...It's the same with me,

but a really bad thing happened to me:

Accidentally I send a SNEEZEFIC to one of my mates,

who is surely NOT a fellow fetishist,

aww my gooooood....

It was just so horrible when he asked me,

where the storyline was, because all he's doing was sneezing.

Ahhh my god, I nearly died that day.

I hope he doesn't know about it now...

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Really awkward, indeed. :D

But you know, for people who don't know even about the existence of this fetish in general, it's hard to come to it by themself. I think he might easily think that you just wanted to write a "funny" story or something. :wub:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a great story so far. I love the Monkees! At first I wasn't sure how I felt about Mike being the sick one, but this melted my soul. :lol:

(Did I mention Mike is my favorite Monkee? How uncanny. First the story starring a sickly George, and now one with Mike. You have read my mind.) :D

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Woooow...I'm amazed *g*

In fact Mike and George were my favourites as well!!

I think I start reaaally to like you^^

Great taste ;-)

I'm pretty busy at school...

That's darn, I'll write 2 tests the following week...

BUt possibly I can continue soon.

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  • 1 month later...

I didn't know this was here until I read the Monkees' thread. What a terrific story, LovelyLinda! You are a great writer, and I love how you made Mike sneeze, vey fitting for him, I think. I do hope that if you become inspired you write more!! :lol:

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  • 2 years later...

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