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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Cold for Two


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I had no idea this forum was crawling with so many Ouran fans! Seriously, it’s beyond amazing. You all are too much, haha. In any case, having participated in writing some delicious Tamaki and Kyouya goodness, I’ve decided to take it upon myself to continue the fun with some TWIN goodness this time around!

These lovely boys are the twins for all who aren’t familiar with them~ Also, this is Mitsukuni “Hunny” Haninozuka and Takashi “Mori” Morinozuka. You can find pictures of Kyouya, Tamaki, and Haruhi in my other Ouran fics. :blink:

I noticed that there's another killer twin story on here, and I'd like to thank that one for giving me the final inspirational boost I needed to complete this. Enjoy, everyone!


It was the strangest phenomenon Haruhi had ever witnessed.

Now, being in the Host Club she’d had her fair share of interesting situations and scenarios when it came to the intimate twins, but this was certainly the most unique occurrence. She couldn’t help but keep her large caramel-colored eyes glued on the fascinating scene that had been taking place that late afternoon. Despite the fact that it had happened earlier as well, it had significantly grown worse as time progressed, leaving the brothers miserable with each passing moment of their shared illness.

Presently, the mischievous doppelgangers were draped upon the ornate settee like languid cats, Kaoru in Hikaru’s arms while the elder brother rested his chin on top of his identical sibling’s head. Every so often the atmosphere around them would be punctuated with thick, drawn-out sniffles or chesty coughs that left the pair exhausted. Each held a crumpled tissue in their fisted hands, ready to attend to their crimson-tinted noses.

And then, quite simply, it would happen – the very quintessence of Haruhi’s unkempt curiosity.

The incident generally started with Kaoru; however, this time around it was Hikaru who was affected first. It began with a small crinkle of his nose, and it was followed by a sharp sniffle. Afterward, his lips would slowly part and his breathing would begin to hitch in preparation of what was to come. Otherwise motionless, Kaoru moved slightly with every quivering inhalation his brother took during the build-up.



Normally, one would see it only fit for Hikaru to finish out with his sneeze, but, for some bizarre reason, Kaoru would always be the one performing the actual release. The same occurred for the other in a mirroring circumstance. In other words, one would swell to climax, and the other would see it to its end. It just didn’t make sense. For Haruhi or the other members of the Host Club, who were also occupying the room.

Mitsukuni Haninozuka and his quiet cousin, Takashi Morinozuka, were seated at a table, where the smaller relative was happily indulging in some double-chocolate cake. His pink stuffed bunny was also enjoying the cake as well. Every so often the tall, dark-haired one would reach out to wipe the little blond’s mouth, to which he would receive a giggling, “Thanks, Takashi!”

On the other side of the room sat Kyouya at his usual table, clacking away at the keys on his laptop. Several intricate pie graphs and charts reflected off of the screen and onto his glasses, masking the dark irises that lay beneath the elliptical lenses. Occasionally, he would pause from his wordless task and adjust his spectacles. Merely six feet or so away from the alleged “mother” of the club, the “father” was pacing. His hands were tightly clasped behind his back and his facial expression was unmistakably panicked.

In spite of their current activities, each host had noticed the cold-ridden twins and the frequent bodily functions they’d been providing for the past hour or so. While it wasn’t as big of a deal to most of them, Tamaki claimed that it was an unacceptable outrage. Hosts didn’t get sick, the blond had stated, quoting the word "sick" with his fingers while uttering the accursed and, in his case, hypocritical phrase.

“Furthermore!” the president continued, pointing an accusing finger towards the pair, “you’ll have to temporarily take leave from your Host Club duties and quarantine yourselves immediately! Who knows what ghastly infection has already bestowed upon this very room by your inconsiderate expulsions!” His violet eyes scanned the chamber nervously.

“We’re covering our mouths, aren’t we?” the twins retorted tiredly, a bit off from perfect vocal sync due to their infirmity.

“That doesn’t necessarily guarantee that germs aren’t still infiltrating the air,” Kyouya remarked, keeping his attention on his laptop screen.

PRECISELY my point!” Tamaki agreed with a firm nod. “We’ll have to burn your uniforms and the couch before we leave!”

“Don’t you think that’s going a little too far, senpai?” Haruhi asked, arching a thin eyebrow. “I mean, it’s not like they have the plague or anything. Everyone catches a cold.”

“Yeah, boss,” Hikaru smirked, debating whether or not to aim his next nasal assault in the king’s direction.

Everyone,” Kaoru clarified, finishing his brother’s sentence.

Tamaki squirmed uncomfortably and covered his nose and mouth with the top of his shirt, as if it were a makeshift mask. “I’ve already had the unfortunate experience of being on my deathbed! I don’t need an unnecessary relapse of the dreadful experience!”

“Tama-chan wasn’t on his deathbed!” Hunny giggled in between bites of his delicious cake. “He just had the sniffles!”

“Yeah,” Mori added solemnly.

“THAT’S NO EXCUSE!” Tamaki exclaimed, filling the entire room with a shrieking volume. Did these poor souls not realize that their health was being jeopardized by those no-good lookalikes?!

As one of the more rational members of the club, Haruhi crossed the room and approached her schoolbag to search for something within. Eventually, she pulled out a bulky-looking thermos that she escorted to the twins casually. “Here,” she offered, holding out the cylinder-shaped container. “I made some soup last night because it was cold outside, and I didn’t finish all of it for lunch today. You guys can have it if you want.”

From across the room, Tamaki looked as if he had been shot, crushed, and repeatedly trampled on. “You…you never offered me soup…” he squeaked pitifully.

“I didn’t have any with me at the time, senpai.”

A matching set of smug smirks stole both Hikaru and Kaoru’s features before they extended two sets of slender arms to reel Haruhi inward, where they snuggly trapped her between their warm bodies.

“How thoughtful of you, Haruhi,” Hikaru cooed in a sugary sweet voice, which urged Tamaki to clench both of his fists at his sides tightly.

“We’ll make sure to drink every drop,” Kaoru added, joining his double in nuzzling either side of the girl’s cheeks with one of their own.

Suddenly, the younger twin felt a prickle in his nose and pulled away from Haruhi to avoid contaminating her with an unnecessary spray. Turning completely from the brunette, he made to direct his fit in the crook of an arm, but, as the oddity from before would have it, Hikaru instead suffered, and luckily managed to pull away at the last moment to stifle the outburst behind a clamped hand.

H’gkxt! Hhih’NGxt!

In the aftermath, both sniffled, yet only Hikaru thanked Haruhi when she blessed him.

“YOU IDIOTS! Are you TRYING to spread your disease to my little girl?!” Tamaki cried, crossing the room in an instant in response to the severe offense.

While Haruhi easily plucked herself from between the brothers (as if she were used to such behavior from them) she found herself in yet another entanglement of arms. This time, however, she was unable to squirm free. In fact, the more she tried to pry herself away, the tighter Tamaki’s arms became around her petite body.

“I’ll protect your precious immune system!” he declared, glaring rusted daggers at the sniggering twins.

“I hardly think you’ll be doing much ‘protecting’ if Haruhi isn’t able to breathe, Tamaki. Must I constantly remind you not to hold her so tightly?” Kyouya sighed, adjusting his glasses.

Tamaki paled and released the poor girl, who had taken on an unhealthy bluish hue. He nervously watched as she staggered and swayed before righting herself and turning to offer him an irked expression. He swallowed thickly. Just as Haruhi opened her mouth to say something, which probably rested along the lines of ‘I don’t need protection, senpai’, Kyouya found it the perfect opportunity to speak first, halting any pending words.

“In any case,” he began, shutting his laptop and finally directing his calculating gaze towards the twins, “it’s better if you both see to the vestiges of your illness at home. I’m afraid we can’t have you infecting our clients, can we?”

Hikaru and Kaoru had been indulging in the delicious soup Haruhi had given them, though looked up when addressed by the Shadow King himself. They had known that from the beginning, yet had only stuck around to add further anxiety to their frantic leader for the fun of it. However, they truly were beginning to feel rotten and figured that heading home sounded better than pestering the Host Club King with their antics any further. Sluggishly, they rose to their feet and each partook in a sniffling spree.

From the table that was lined with cakes, Hunny waved both his hand and his bunny’s hand towards the pair. “Bye-bye, Hika-chan and Kao-chan!”

Mori nodded his goodbye, as did Kyouya, and Haruhi (who had turned away from the kicked puppy that was pouting in the corner) called out to the leaving brothers.

“Feel better.”

The only response from Hikaru and Kaoru was a shared gasp, and then an identical “Hhp’KSSH!” in unison this time.


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haha I so love you right now! you put some of my favorite things in here! 1. Ouran 2. The twins and Kyouya! YUMMMMM!!!!! 3. TWINS!!! LOVE TWINS!!! especially those two! and finally 4. some sneezy goodness. lol. :rolleyes: AHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE Ouran!!!! :P YUM!!!!!! sneezy twins! :blink: haha as you can see I'm a little excited now. (no not at all.... :P ) haha. anway...... thanks so much for the story and you should so continue if you can. :wacko:

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Ha ha, that's hilarious! And cute... I was just wondering if Hikaru and Kaoru sneezed like this not to long ago, so the fact that you wrote this was, to say the least awesome. :pooh: Oh, I love it and I can't wait to read more!

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omg... this is quite possibly one of my favorite things you have ever written! you got the characterizations PERFECT!!! from the devious, devilish, wonderful twins... to Tama-chan skulking in the corner... and Hunni! :D this is just wonderful!

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That was soo cute!!!!!!!!

I love the twins!!!!

Again, I'm afraid I know nothing about Ouran, so I can't fully appreciate how well you've written this, but I do know it is AMAZING!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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yes!!! omg I love the twins so much. I was so frustrated that no one ever got sick in Ouran, considering the "cold/ fever episode" is supposed to be a staple requirement of every shoujo anime right?? but I have totally thought about the twins getting a cold before...*lovelovelove* XD

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Oh God, your characterization is perfect. XD Tamaki was amusing without being overbearing, and Kyouya...! Not to mention the poor, sniffling twins. I love that you made them sneeze that way, because I'm sure they would. XD Great job! I loved it. :D

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  • 2 years later...

Love the twins!!!!! Omg u totaly got the charactors right on! I can hear the charactors voices saying the lines in my head! It was so amazing I think I might explode with excitement! It's like waking up in heaven! (Now I'm sounding like tama-chan.) anyway, it was amazing. Definitely the best Hikaru and kaoru fic EVER! Keep wrighting fics. You rly have a gift for it.

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  • 9 months later...

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