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Sneeze Fetish Forum

In the Morning (Star Trek 2009; Spock/Kirk)


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Hello, everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything writing-related on this forum, so I decided to come out from under my rock and share something I wrote a while back. Originally, I wrote this for my dear friend Masking, because she ROCKS and also because she inspired me to write some Star Trek goodness myself. So thank you for that, Masking! wub.png

Now, a couple of things to keep in mind. This is very much written in the style of the nu!Star Trek movie, or the one that came out earlier this year. This isn’t TOS (The Original Series), so I apologize to all you old-school Trekkies who prefer William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. In truth, I prefer them as well, but it’s nice playing with Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto. wink.png

I suppose that’s all. Oh! Wait a minute. There is one more thing. You’ll find that our dear Captain Kirk has a bit of a…kink when it comes to Spock’s…well, you’ll see. I figure the man is kinky as all get out being the playboy that he is, so this really shouldn’t come as surprising. I give credit to Masking, because she gave Kirk the fetish first in her set of drabbles and stories. heh.gif

Anyway, I need to stop rambling and just get on with the story, haha. This is a random, BOYxBOY one-shot, so I'm sorry if that doesn't float your boat. I hope you all enjoy! happy.png


Kirk had been conscious for a while now.

It was fairly early, and a part of him wondered why the hell he was even awake, but for the most part he felt a heavy sense of satisfaction resting over his body. Of course, that wasn’t the only thing resting there either. A sleeping Spock lay curled beside him, an arm draped across the Enterprise Captain’s bare abdomen while he breathed gently against his neck. The Vulcan was delightedly warm and made an excellent substitute for a blanket, considering practically all of the bedsheets were in a crumpled pile on the floor, along with their shirts.

A night with his First Officer was enjoyable, but a morning bordered bliss.

A sudden shift alerted Kirk that his lover was parting from sleep. There was a deep, lethargic inhale against his neck, followed by the feeling of lips brushing the top of his shoulder. He shivered from the sensation. However, Kirk found himself shivering even more when that light breath tickling his neck grew erratic and hitched. He felt the nose pressed into his neck wrinkle while the nostrils twitched.

Finally, the conflict ended. “’Ihhgshht!

The sneeze was stifled, yet Kirk still felt wetness mist his neck; it elicited a low groan from his lips. A familiar warmth raced down his spine, just like every time Spock chose to intentionally (or unintentionally) indulge in his fetish.

Mmm…good morning to you, too,” he grinned, feeling the other male beside him pull away into a sit.

Spock’s dark eyes looked down into the crystal blue ones below before he gently nudged at his nose with the back of a knuckle. “It was not my intention to bid you good morning that way, Jim,” he stated.

Kirk propped himself up on his elbows and gave the Vulcan a crooked smirk. “Do you hear me complaining?”

Spock sniffed. “It would appear that I have awoken with a disturbance.”

“Yeah? That’s hot. Tell me more,” the dirty-blond replied, turning on his stomach and resting his cheek on Spock’s thigh. His eyes had let to leave that lightly twitching nose.

“It is logical to presume that an unknown entity has settled in my nasal passages, thus creating this…th-thiiihHhn’GSHH!” Spock directed the sneeze into a fist, capturing the release dead-on.

“Bless you, baby,” Kirk purred, trailing an index finger up the other’s side. “So, in other words, you woke up with an unexplainable tickle, right?”

“That is correct,” Spock answered, removing his hand and looking down at his smirking Captain. The last time he’d woken up with a tickle, he had been sneezing on and off for a good majority of the day. Come to think about it…that was also the last time they’d somehow winded up in the same bed overnight.

Kirk couldn’t help but grin in a way that would make the Cheshire cat himself jealous. “Something tells me I’m going to have a hard time focusing on the bridge today,” he mused.

Spock allowed his eyes to close for a moment as he took in a deep, albeit careful breath; his long black lashes brushed against the tops of his olive-tinged cheeks. “Then I will do my best to keep your attention focused on more important matters at hand.” His eyes reopened to find Kirk sitting now, gazing at him with a mixture of amusement and arousal.

“You can’t tell me this isn’t important, Spock,” Kirk challenged, rubbing the tip of his nose against Spock’s and watching in delight as the appendage crinkled beneath his gentle ministrations.

“Jiiiih…! Jim,” Spock warned. His nostrils began to flutter, and the burning that foreshadowed a small fit intensified in the back of his nose.

Unsurprisingly, this did nothing to discourage Kirk. If anything, it only made him that much more adamant about obtaining his desired results. The fullness of his lips began to kiss Spock’s nose, grazing the sensitive side before following the bridge up to its high arch. By this point the Vulcan was drawing in short gasps, displaying his inability to stave off the paroxysm for much longer.

“Alright,” Kirk finally concluded, pulling back and watching his devious plan unfold. “Let’s hear it.”

Spock, or rather his nose, wasted no time with its newly granted freedom. Instantly, the man surrendered to the unbearable tickle and sneezed freely into the air. “Hh’ISSCH! Heh…heh’ESCH’uh! Hhih..hh’GIESCH!

Kirk hungrily watched as the uncovered releases provided quite the delicious spray. When Spock appeared finished, he kissed a corner of his lips. “Bless you.

Deliberately or not, Spock pressed his nose into Kirk’s cheek, sniffling. “It seems the disturbance has abated for the time being,” he reported. “It would be best to take advantage of this opportunity and proceed to the bridge.”

Kirk played with the idea for a moment. “You know what I think?” he asked, his words hot as they ghosted across Spock’s lips. “I think the bridge can wait another five minutes.” With that, he connected their mouths in a kiss, molding them perfectly.

Spock did not protest, nor did he refrain from pulling Kirk back down with him onto the bed. Five minutes seemed quite logical, after all.

Edited by Spoo
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Very cute fic!

I'm a huge TOS fan, (and TNG), not so much a Kirk/Spock person, but this was a neat little story to read. Thank you!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ohhh my gosh~ :D this is... wonderful!!! I've already read it three times and it just gets better each time. Very simple, sweet, and wonderful!

I love this description:

"Kirk couldn’t help but grin in a way that would make the Cheshire cat himself jealous"

because both Pine and Shatner can achieve that devilishly Kirkish grin like no other!

Thank you so much for sharing this.... :) if you do any more ST, I'll be keeping a look out.

eta: I forgot to mention, your sig is too cute!!

Edited by cherry
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Ohhh my gosh~ :) this is... wonderful!!! I've already read it three times and it just gets better each time. Very simple, sweet, and wonderful!

I love this description:

"Kirk couldn’t help but grin in a way that would make the Cheshire cat himself jealous"

because both Pine and Shatner can achieve that devilishly Kirkish grin like no other!

Thank you so much for sharing this.... :drool: if you do any more ST, I'll be keeping a look out.

eta: I forgot to mention, your sig is too cute!!

Awwww! Thank you so much, sweetheart! :P I'm glad you liked it. I definitely will be putting up some more ST in the future. :D Thanks again!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

Ooh this is just...wonderful!!! I'll admit though, I do like to imagine that it's TOS Kirk/Spock :) Love your writing style!!


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. . . I absolutely, completely, one-hundred percent forgot that I even wrote this. :lol: Nevertheless! Thank you, ladies. :D:heart: Re-reading this gave me Kirk/Spock feels. Maybe I'll write something new soon~

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