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A Strong Host With a Strong Nose - (3 Parts)


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I've changed my mind about the Nekozawa fic and have decided to write a Mori fic! Please read, it's got really cute Hunny scenes!

Mori's p.o.v

I walked through the doors to the host club; Hunny (and Usa-chan) on my shoulders. Kyouya looked up from writing on his clipboard.

"Ohio, Mori, Hunny."...Hunny pouted.

"You've forgotten about Usa-chan." He accused, wiggling the pink bunny's floppity ear.

"Yes, ohio, Usa-chan." I walked to Hunny and I's table, taking him off of my shoulders and placing him on the chair across from mine.

A sudden tickle hit my nose.

I quickly brought my hand to it.

"Hut`ish!" I sneezed loudly, stifling it into my fingers. Hunny looked at me and giggled.

"Bless you, Takashi." Then his eyes got bigger.

"I hope you're not getting sick." His eyes suddenly sprouted tears.

"Takashi! Takashi! Are you okay? Are you dying? WAH!!!"

I brought my hand to his cheek, he looked up at me through tears.

"Mitskuni." I told him, brushing a stray strand of hair from his soft, chubby cheek.

"I'm not sick, something in the air just tickled my nose." I sniffled.

"I'm okay." I said, reassuring. Just then, Tamaki made his grand entrance.

"Ohio, fellow hosts!." He said, over-dramatically.

"This lovely day, we are animals!" Oh god, Tamaki! He smiled.

"It was my daughter, Haruhi's, lovely idea." I looked down to Tamaki's waist to see Haruhi, holding his hand. The tickle-which had never actually left my nose-strengthened.

"Huh-Huh!-Hut`ish!-Huh-Huh-Huh!-Hut`ISH-Huh." Everyone jumped back, except Hunny, who's chair shifted back slightly when he jumped back.

"B-Bless you, Mori-senpai." Haruhi stuttered, surprised. "Are you feeling okay?" Now that she mentioned it, I did have a soar throat and a bit of a headache, and of course...

"Hut`ish!" I sneezed, uncovered, onto the table. A look of worry flashed across Tamaki's face.

"Haruhi, take Mori-senpai to the infirmary immediately!" Tamaki commanded. Haruhi nodded and took my hand and took me out the door and to the infirmary.

TBC So did ya like it?

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Oh my goodness! Ouran fics are just sprouting up all over the place! Not that I'm complaining, of course. This is wonderful! :laugh:

I really like what you have so far. The sound of Mori's sneeze is very fitting in my opinion (and the image of him actually sneezing is BEYOND delicious). :)

I hope you write more soon!

:heart: Spoo~

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Oh my goodness! Ouran fics are just sprouting up all over the place! Not that I'm complaining, of course. This is wonderful! :wub:

I really like what you have so far. The sound of Mori's sneeze is very fitting in my opinion (and the image of him actually sneezing is BEYOND delicious). :)

I hope you write more soon!

:heart: Spoo~

Much, much thanks. I promise I'll write every day this weekend :heart: And I promise more Hunny cuteness and worry :laugh:

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OMG, Mori is my favorite host, and here you go and give him a cold... :)

More? More? *begs*

:laugh: !!!

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Moriiiii!!! :boom: How lovely to read about him.

i know! i don't know why no one ever writes about him. it makes no sense! he's fucking hot!

;) i love him!

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Part 2 (long chapter :yes:) I posted it like really late :hug: and I'm sorry about calling "Mitskuni" "Hunny" in Mori's p.o.v :

Still Mori's p.o.v

Haruhi and I sat on the two out of maybe 15 or so chairs in the nurses office. I sniffed my ticklish nose repeatedly, it was dripping now, and I tried to sniff all the mucus in, but it just wouldn't go back up. Haruhi noticed and got up and went to the nurses desk, returning with a box of tissues. I took the box gratefully, wiping at my unruly nose. Not thanking her, just simply nodding my head. The tissue cleared all of the mucus, but strengthened the tickle greatly. Which sent me into an unexpected sneezing fit.

"Hut`ish!-huh. Hut`ISH! HUT`ISHOO! HUT`ISH! HUH-ISHOO! ISHOO!" The nurse, who was writing something on some sort of schedule, jerked up and dropped her pen.

"Oh my! Bless you, young man!" She exclaimed. "Are you feeling alright? Arn't you feeling sick at all?" She questioned me. I wanted to say I was fine and 'May I please go back to class?', but I was interrupted.

"H`ish!" Ow. The nurse took that as an answer to her question and took me by the hand to a sick bed, bringing a curtain around it. The rings of the curtain scratched against the shower, resulting in a high pitched screeching sound. When I get sick my ears get really sensitive. I covered them with my hands in pain, and quickly brought my attention back to the nurse.

"What's your name, young man?" She asked.

"Takashi Morinozuka." I replied, yawning. Argh! Why am I so god damn tired!?!?

"Ah, yes, Takashi."

She reached into a jar and brought out a tongue depressor.

"Open your mouth." She told me. I did as I was told. She placed the depressor on my tongue. "Say 'Aah."

"Aaaaaah..." She frowned at me.

"You're throat is very red, and your voice is cracking and soar, does your throat feel soar?" I nodded. I can't keep up this charade anymore. They're going to know that I'm sick.

"Can you say 'My mother makes muffins' and 'Noah naps near noontime' for me?" Ugh! Why was she doing this?!?! She makes my headache even worse! I sniffled and replied...a nasally failure.

"By boder bakes buffids ad ub... doah daps dear doodtibe." She frowned again.

"Congested, too." She reached into a file cabinet and pulled out a thermometer. "I'm going to check your body temperature." I nodded. She pushed a plastic tip over the front of the thermometer and stuck it in my ear. Then I heard a beep noise as she turned the button on...

beeeeeeeeeeep! She looked at the thermometer and frowned.

"100.2" She told me. "I'll send for a ride home for you." She escorted me back to the seat. Haruhi was sitting there, waiting for me, with worry in her eyes.

"What did she say?" She asked me. I sighed.

"She said I have a fever of 100.2 and that she's sending for one of my drivers to take me home." I yawned and stretched my arms out in front of me. Haruhi patted my shoulder.

"Feel better, Mori-senpai." She called when she left the room. My eyes slowly closed and I drifted into sleep...

TBC What'd you guys think of part 2?

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"Can you say 'My mother makes muffins' and 'Noah naps near noontime' for me?"

She is a genius! :lol:

Aww, poor Mori. :stretcher: Please continue!

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  • 2 weeks later...

'Ello, pplz! Just realized that I haven't updated this in FOREVER so here is part 3 for all you special fans.

Mori's p.o.v

"Takashi?" The sweet voice lifted my head from what seemed like my pillow. I felt the sweet air form Mitsukuni's breath upon my face as I blinked my eyes in surprise. My bedroom? There was something wrong with that. Whatever happened to the nurses office? I took a calming breath through my nose to relax myself. Big mistake...

"Hut'schoo!" Uncovered and not stifled. It all came out in a quick way that stung my nostrils. [i[i haven't felt like this in such a long time, it's so unfamiliar. "H'schoo!" Ow. I opened my eyes. Mitsukuni was sitting on the edge of my bed with a tissue box in his hands. He pulled out a tissue and held it out to me. I nodded and took the tissue from his hands. I wiped the edges of my nostrils. I knew that if I blew my nose, love LOVEJust realized that I haven't updated this in FOREVER so here is part 3 for all you fans.

Mori's p.o.v

"Takashi?" The sweet voice lifted my head from what seemed like my pillow. I felt the sweet air form Mitsukuni's breath upon my face as I blinked my eyes in surprise. My bedroom? There was something wrong with that. Whatever happened to the nurses office? I took a large breath through my mouth to relax myself. The relaxation only lasted for about two seconds, so I took a bigger breath, self-consciously breathing some air through my nose as well. Big mistake...

"Hut'ISHOO!" Uncovered and not stifled. It all came out in a quick way that stung my nostrils. I haven't felt like this in such a long time, it's so unfamiliar. "Huh-HUH-huh-H'ISHOO!" Ow. Even quicker. Oww. I opened my eyes. Mitsukuni was sitting on the edge of my bed with a tissue box in his hands. He pulled out a tissue and held it in front of me. I nodded and took the tissue from his hands. I wiped the edges of my nostrils. I knew that if I blew my nose, it would just lead to more sneezing. I tried to throw my tissue to the waste basket, but it missed. Mitsukuni automatically picked it up and threw it, successfully. He sat back on my bed and sighed.

"I could tell you were sick." What? How could he tell I was sick?

"Huh? How could you tell that?" I asked him. "I dod't kdow how adyode could tell that." I tried to lift my head, but it felt so heavy, I just rested it back onto my pillow. Mitsukuni sighed again.

"Well, you just weren't yourself, you seemed tired and off track, and your voice was cracking, too." He seemed sad. I never wanted him to be sad. "And when you sneezed, you sniffled a lot, and you sneezed really loud, much louder than usual." He sniffed and wiped at his eyes. I felt terrible.

"I'm sorry, Mitsukuni." I sighed. "I never wanted this to happen. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Takashi. You can't help getting sick. Everyone gets sick every once in a while. It's not your fault." Then why do I feel so guilty about it? I sighed/yawned. What time is it?I glanced at turned my head to see my alarm clock. It was already four o'clock, I'd left school at 11:15. I yawned again. My eyelids started to feel heavy, but I tried the hardest I could to keep them opened.

"Takashi, you're sick. You need your sleep. I know you're tired. C'mon and go to sleep." He whined to me. I sighed, and nodded. I sniffed the air one last time.

"Hxxght." I stifled into my soft pillow, and I was fast asleep.

So'd ya like it? HOPE SO! TBC

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOVED It!!!!! :) haha Hunny chan made me laugh! oh by the way, just a thought, You should so make one about Nekozawa or Kyouya or the twins! yum! :)

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Hey, I don't know this fandom at all but I love the way you spelled the sneezes, and the way the sneezing kept revealing to people that the protagonist was sick, against her (or is it his?) will. Rrrrr.

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her (or is it his?)

It's his lol

Soooo tired. . .must write. . .too tired. . .sorry. . .*head falls on keyboard* Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)


Mod Note: Merged posts and fixed tags ~Mute

Edited by The Mute Poet
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  • 3 years later...

I would LOVE it if this was continued. Love ouran hshc! The characters was right on!

(How come all the fics I like r not finished and old?)

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