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Princes Don't Get Sick - (19 Parts)


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Thanks so much, you guys. Oh, and obsessedwithedward, I'm not quite as fast as you think. Like I said in my OP, I usually don't post a fic until I have all or most of it done (I don't want to get sidetracked and leave people hanging). So, the fic's actually been done for about a week, and then I just do a quick copy and paste every morning. :D

Anyway, here's Part 16!

Jack gasped for breath as he coughed – hard, ragged coughs that came from deep in his chest. He buried his face in the pillow, so as not to disturb…

“Jack?” Joseph’s cool hand was touching Jack’s shoulder. “Here, let me get you some water.” Jack struggled to sit up, half-choking on his coughs, which he covered with both hands. Within moments, Joseph was at his side again, holding a tall glass of water. “Here, drink this,” he instructed.

Jack did as he was told, sputtering at first, but the cool water soothed his throat and the coughing gradually subsided. “Thadks,” he finally murmured. “Sorry about that.”

“Jack, if you apologize to me one more time, I might have to smack you,” Joseph warned playfully.

“Old habits,” Jack replied. “Every tibe I get sick, by father takes it as a persodal disappointbedt.” He turned away to cough again.

Joseph tsk-ed lightly. He placed a hand on Jack’s forehead and bit his lip. “You have a fever,” he said. “Lie down.” He guided Jack’s head back onto the pillow and lay down beside him, gently kissing Jack’s back and shoulders. “You’re so hot,” he murmured. “How’d you get such a bad cold, anyway?”

“I dod’t doh,” Jack replied in a sleepy voice. “I’ve always gotted bad colds. As long I cad rebebber.”

“Poor thing,” Joseph purred, pressing his cool cheek against the back of Jack’s hot neck. “And of course, the king and queen couldn’t care less.”

“Oh, they care,” Jack told him. “Just dot id addy altruistic way. Like I said, by… Eh-SHUHHHH! …Yechh…”

“Ooh,” Joseph said sympathetically. “Bless you.” He plucked a tissue from the box he’d placed beside the bed and handed it to Jack.

Jack managed a drowsy smile. “Thadks. Addyway, by father looks at every illdess as a side that I’be dot worthy of his crowd, and by buther is chiefly codcerned with baking sure the caberas dod’t catch be looking weak.” He rubbed his nose and coughed a little.

“Forget them,” Joseph told him. “They’re not here. It’s just you and me, and I care. I’ll look after you…”

* * *


Jack lifted his heavy eyelids and found Shepherd standing over him. “Mmm, Shepherd,” he mumbled – his voice was strained. “What are you…?” His eyes wandered to the window; the sun was low. “What tibe is it?”

“Just after six,” Shepherd told him. “We were dismissed from court, and I thought I’d stop by.”

Shepherd could be so genuinely good that he practically gave Jack cavities sometimes, but Jack was grateful to see him now. After a miserable few days and a long afternoon of fitful rest, Jack appreciated the friendly face. “I, uh… I thought you might like some real tissues,” Shepherd went on. He held up a plastic bag and pulled out a fresh box.

Jack could have kissed him. Toilet paper was rough on his nose, but he hadn’t asked anyone to go out and buy him tissues – he’d felt self-conscious and had been in too foul a mood to ask. “Ah,” he said, endeavoring to remain aloof as he sat up in bed. “Excellent. You cad put theb by the bed.”

Shepherd walked over to the end table and set the tissue box there. He knelt down to pick up some of the wadded-up toilet paper Jack had dropped on the floor. “Leave it,” Jack instructed.

“It’s all right – I’ll wash my hands,” Shepherd told him. Jack sighed. While he was glad Shepherd didn’t plan on catching his cold, he wasn’t wild about the idea of Shepherd handling his dirty tissues. He tried clearing his throat and sat there, restless, until Shepherd emerged from the bathroom, carrying a wastebasket. “Here,” he said. “I thought you might like to have this close by.”

“Thadks,” Jack said in a low voice. He sniffed, squirming a little under Shepherd’s close gaze. “Did you deed addything?”

“Me?” Shepherd said. “No, I’m fine. It’s just – you’re really pale, and you’re kind of sweaty. Have you checked your temperature?”

“Uh, doh,” Jack said, a little taken aback. “I dod’t have a therbobeter here.”

“I thought that might be the case,” Shepherd said. He walked across the room to his shopping bag. “So, I picked up this as well.” He reached into the bag and pulled out an electronic thermometer.

Jack didn’t know what to say. Between being sick and dreaming about Joseph, Jack was feeling emotional, and this simple gesture of actual, friendly concern put a lump in his throat. “I, uh… ah,” he said in a husky voice. He took a long breath and cleared his throat. “Smart thinking, Shepherd. I should probably, ah… I should check od that.”

Shepherd returned to the bed. “Here,” he said, handing Jack the thermometer. Jack took it carefully, mindful not to touch Shepherd’s fingers with his own. He turned it on and placed it under his tongue.

Finding he couldn’t look at Shepherd without the lump returning to his throat, Jack busied himself by fluffing his pillows and smoothing down his sheets. He was unused to having people care about how he felt.

When the thermometer beeped, Jack removed it and made a move to look at it, but his nose had other ideas. “Ah… eh…”

Shepherd reached over to the end table and grabbed a tissue, which he gave to Jack. “Here.”

“Heh-SHIUHHH!” Jack sneezed, dropping the thermometer into his lap. “Ih-Chihuhhhh! Guh…” He sniffled and grabbed another tissue to blow his nose.

“God bless you,” Shepherd said. He picked up the thermometer.

Jack managed a weak smile. “You’re getting better at that,” he commented.

“Well, you’ve given me plenty of opportunity to practice,” Shepherd replied. He looked at the thermometer and frowned. “101.9,” he said.

“What?” Jack asked, surprised.

“Here – you should lie down, Jack,” Shepherd advised. He moved to Jack’s side. Jack waved him away and sank down onto the mattress. “Is there anything else I can do?” Shepherd asked. Jack hadn’t expected the concern he saw in the other man’s eyes.

“I’be fide,” Jack told him, turning onto his side.

“No, you’re not, Jack,” Shepherd insisted. “You’re sick, and you have a fever. What can I do?”

Jack sighed. “Dothing,” he said, letting his eyes close. “I just have to wait it out.” He winced and rubbed his forehead.

“Do you have a headache?” Shepherd asked.

“Doh, I have ad everything-ache,” Jack replied. He clearly wasn’t going to get rid of Shepherd, so he might as well go all in. “By deck add shoulders are sore.”

“There’s a drug store across the street,” Shepherd said. “I could get you some aspirin.”

“Doh – aspirin I do have,” Jack said. “This apartbedt is doh stranger to bording hangovers.” He rubbed his nose and sniffled. “Bedicid cabidet, over the toilet.”

“All right,” Shepherd said. He grabbed the empty glass by Jack’s bed and disappeared.

While he was waiting, Jack wiped sweat from his forehead. He felt sticky hot and woozy. He clumsily peeled off his T-shirt. “Here you go,” Shepherd said, returning with a glass of water and an aspirin bottle.

“Thadks,” Jack said, taking the bottle. He opened it and shook two aspirin into his palm. After helping him sit up, Shepherd handed Jack the water and he swallowed both pills, wincing.

“What about dinner?” Shepherd asked as Jack lay back down. He still hovered over Jack with that concerned look. “Are you hungry?”

“By throat hurts,” Jack admitted quietly.

“Oh,” Shepherd said. “Maybe soup? There’s a place not far from here that will deliver…”

“Doh thadks,” Jack told him. “I’be dot that hungry.”

Shepherd nodded. “Sure,” he said. “I’ll let you get some rest.”

Jack nodded drowsily. A wave of exhaustion had just hit him – he had a hard time keeping his eyes open. “Thadk you for the tissues,” he said. “Add for the lunch earlier.” He turned toward the end table. “By wallet’s here sobewhere…”

“Don’t worry about it,” Shepherd said quickly. “It’s on me.”

A man of David Shepherd’s means treating the prince of Gilboa to anything was illogical at best, but Jack didn’t have the energy to protest. “Mmm,” he mumbled. “All right. Thadks…”

“Not at all,” Shepherd replied. “Feel better, Jack.”

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I really like the way these flashbacks of Jack are interwoven with the storyline around Jack's recent cold. It fits so well and transports an exciting little tension between Jack and Shepherd. It's really a great story and I enjoy every part of it, so please continue :rofl:

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Here's Part 17. Have a great day, everybody!

When David woke, it took him a moment to remember where he was. Jack’s second bedroom was easily the size of David’s whole apartment. He sat up in bed, yawning.

“Good morning, captain,” said one of Jack’s bodyguards as David walked into the main room. “Did you sleep well?”

“All right,” David replied. “I got up in the night a few times to make sure Jack was doing okay. Is he awake?”

“Not yet,” the man told him. “He’s fortunate to have such a considerate friend.”

David stifled a chuckle. “I don’t know that Jack would call us friends.” He walked to the kitchen and opened up Jack’s refrigerator, bare except for a bottle of scotch and leftovers from the Chinese food David had ordered last night. He rinsed the plate and fork he’d left in the sink and sat down at the bar, sleepily eating cold egg rolls.

“Heh-eh-Shiooo!” David looked up and saw Jack coming down the stairs with a tissue box tucked under his arm. The prince looked tired, and his nose was a little red, but he wasn’t sweating like he’d been last night, and he seemed a little more alert.

“Shepherd,” Jack said in surprise as he wiped his nose with a tissue. “Whed did you get here?”

“I spent the night,” David told him. “I stayed in the other bedroom. You’re looking a little better.”

“Why did you do that?” Jack frowned asked with a frown. He rubbed his nose a little.

David shrugged, feeling a little self-conscious. “You really weren’t feeling well last night. I thought I should stick around.”

“Hmmm,” Jack murmured. He flung open the refrigerator door, sighed, and turned to one of his men. “Rud out and get sobe cereal. And for God’s sake, bilk this tibe!”

“Right away, sir,” the man said. “What kind of cereal?”

“I don’t doh – surprise be,” Jack told him. “And get be sobe coffee.” He looked at David. “Did you wadt addything?”

“No, I’m all right,” David replied. The security man nodded and left the apartment.

Jack sat down at the bar beside David and rubbed his eyes. “I don’t really rebebber last dite,” he admitted.

“Your fever went up during the night,” David told him. “You were having bad dreams.”

Jack stiffened a little. “What about?” he asked.

“I’m not sure – you didn’t say,” David said. “Whatever it was upset you, though.” He reached over and placed the back of his hand against Jack’s forehead. “You’re still a little warm, but your fever’s definitely down.”

Jack nodded, turning away from David. “I’be feeling better,” he said. He pulled a tissue from the box. “Heh-ih-CHUHHH!” He made a face and wiped his nose. “What tibe is it?” he asked with a sniffle. “Shouldn’t you be getting to court?”

“It’s Saturday,” David reminded him. “I don’t have anywhere to be. I can stay here, if you’d like.”

Jack was quiet for a moment as he considered this. “It’s dot decessary,” he finally said, getting up from the bar and walking to the couch. “I’be starting to get over by cold – I cad take care of byself.”

“Of course,” David said, “but maybe you’d like some company.”

Jack frowned. “There’s really dot addything to do here,” he pointed out. “Like I said, I dod’t gederally stay here.”

“I don’t mind,” David told him. “You can sleep if you want – I can keep myself occupied.”

Jack shook his head. “Doh – that’s absurd,” he said. “You forget who you’re talking to.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “It’s the prince,” he said matter-of-factly. “Listen – we’re also going to deed a TV.”

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Here's Part 18.

Jack coughed into his fist. “All right – doh bore sitcobs,” he decided. “Whed I laugh, it bakes be cough.”

“Whatever you want,” David told him. He leaned forward to grab another slice of pizza from the open box on the coffee table. Jack flipped through the channels and settled on a crime procedural.

Jack seemed to be doing a lot better. His cough was still bothering him a little, and he kept the tissues close, but he had more energy and he’d lost some of his pallor. More than that, however, he appeared to be in a much better mood. He’d taken a hot shower, which seemed to help a lot, and he’d changed his clothes. He still dressed comfortably – sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt – but getting into some different clothes and getting out of the bedroom had done him some good. He and David had spent most of the morning sitting on the couch, watching the television Jack’s guys had brought back with Jack’s breakfast.

Most importantly, Jack was in much better spirits than David had seen him in the past few days. His cold wasn’t making him so miserable, and he was finally out from under his parents’ thumbs. The pizza had probably helped as well.

Jack plucked a tissue from the box and started blowing his nose softly. “Sorry,” he said to David. “I suppose that’s dot exactly what you wadt to hear whed you’re eating.”

“Don’t worry about it,” David assured him. “Far be it for me to tell my prince when to blow his nose.”

Jack smirked. “Oh, I wouldn’t expect you to,” he replied. “But you certaidly didn’t have to stay here, and uh…” He looked away from David and fiddled with his hands. “…I appreciate it,” he said. He threw his used tissue into the wastebasket beside the couch and got up, walking briskly to the kitchen. David suspected it was because Jack was uncomfortable, having made such an amiable admission. As he washed his hands, Jack coughed into his shoulder.

“To be honest, I’m not sure what else I would’ve done today,” David told Jack. “I don’t have many friends in the city, and on days when I’m not needed by the king, I don’t always know what to do with myself.”

“Ah,” Jack said. “Well, you’re id luck, because that happens to be by forte.” He flopped back down on the couch and pulled a blanket halfway over himself. “Whed no one expects you to be good for addything, you develop a certaid talent fo… Heh-Ih-Chuhhh! …For entertaiding yourself.”

“I’m sure the vast amounts of wealth also help in that respect,” David pointed out.

“Well, it certaidly doesn’t hurt,” Jack replied. He reached forward and grabbed the aspirin bottle off the coffee table.

“Still have a headache?” David asked.

“A little,” Jack admitted. He swallowed a couple of pills and got comfortable on the couch, putting his feet on the coffee table. He sniffled, wriggling his nose.

While it was a safe bet that Jack would be back to his old ways and drop David like a bad habit as soon as he was over his cold, David was actually enjoying himself. Being away from the cameras and the rest of the royal family had a mellowing effect on Jack, and he seemed so much more, well, normal, when he was sick. Just like an ordinary friend. If only for a day or two, it was nice for Jack to treat David like a friend.

David glanced over at the prince. He was nodding off; his eyes blinked sleepily, and his slightly congested breathing was getting slower and more even. His head fell slightly to the side. Carefully, David took the remote and turned down the volume on the TV.

The afternoon passed that way, lazily. David flipped around and watched TV while Jack napped, rousing occasionally (usually to blow his nose or use the bathroom). By evening, Jack’s color had further improved, and he wasn’t wincing when he swallowed.

“You doh, I’be beginning to think this apartbent bite have bore potential thad just serving as ad after-party location,” Jack commented as he followed David to the door. “If I got a good soud system and actually stocked the kitchen, it could bake a good place to get away.”

“You already have the TV,” David pointed out.

“Yes, but I’be dot sure,” Jack replied, looking back toward the living room. “I bite get a different one. This one’s a bit od the small side.” It was a 65-inch flat screen.

David chuckled. “Whatever you say.”

“Well,” Jack said, turning to David, “tha… Hehh-eshooo!” He turned away quickly, sneezing into his cupped hands. “All right,” he said, looking at his hands. “There’s by plads shot to hell – I’d scrubbed theb so I could shake your hadd.” He sniffed and rubbed his nose with his finger. “Have a good dite, then. Thadks for sticking aroud.” He held up one of his hands in an awkward wave.

“Get some rest,” David advised. “Feel better.”

Jack’s mouth curled into a small smile that looked genuine. “Thadks.”

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I'm posting Part 19 as well, because it's not very long. This is the end of the story.

Jack’s driver walked around to the side door and opened it for Jack, who stepped outside. The morning air was a little crisp, and he turned up the collar on his dark coat. “Thanks – that’ll be all for now,” he said in a blasé manner. Jack headed up the steps to the main entrance of the palace.

“Good morning, Jack,” said Thomasina, who was already scurrying about the palace with her usual determination. “The rest of the family is in the kitchen. I believe the king is making omelets.”

“Of course he is,” Jack replied. He handed his coat to a servant and brushed a bit of lint off his shoulder. He strode confidently to the kitchen, but he had to allow himself a quiet moment before actually opening the door.

“Jack!” the queen said, getting up from the table. She walked to Jack and put her hands to his cheeks, lightly kissing his forehead. “We haven’t seen much of you the past few days. You’re looking well.”

“What do you want on your omelet?” Silas asked from his position at the stove.

So this was it. Jack’s mother’s comment about him looking well was the only acknowledgement they were going to make of the fuss over Jack’s cold, the banquet, and the king’s subsequent admonishment. Jack lifted a hand to his mouth to hide the tight frown he couldn’t help making. This was how things went in his family. Parents behaved in ill-fitting manners and then pretended it didn’t happen. Jack got so sick of it sometimes.

But it was all Jack knew. So, once his anger was in check, he put on the smile he used when he was making nice with someone, and he faced his father. “Green pepper and mushrooms, I think,” he said, “and some cheese.”

“Excellent!” Silas replied, and he went to work. Jack poured himself a cup of coffee and took his usual place at the table.

“More protests at Port Prosperity, I see,” Jack’s mother said as she turned the pages of the newspaper. “Why is this being covered?”

“The reporter responsible as been dismissed,” the king said, “and I’ve already called a press conference for damage control. David Shepherd should be here momentarily.”

Michelle leaned across the table as the king and queen continued to converse. “I’m glad you’re back,” she told Jack in a quiet voice. “Takes some of the focus off me.”

Jack smirked. “Home sweet home,” he replied.

The queen looked up as David Shepherd appeared in the doorway. “Sir?” he said, looking to Silas.

Jack turned. He allowed his eyes to linger on Shepherd, who looked quite sharp in his dress uniform.

“David!” Jack’s father said. “You’re early – very good. You have time for an omelet before the press conference.”

“Sounds great, sir,” Shepherd replied.

Silas nodded. “Have a seat. I’ll be finished with Jack’s in just a minute.”

* * *

David sat down at the kitchen table. His eyes flickered to Michelle, but he was careful that they didn’t betray him. “Princess,” he said.

Michelle gave him a polite smile. “Good morning, captain,” she replied.

“Jack,” David said, giving the prince a nod. He did it because he didn’t want it to look like he was singling out Michelle, but he knew there wasn’t much point to it. Now that he was back at the palace, Jack was sure to be his usual self – self-centered, petty, smug. They weren’t friends now. David knew that.

So it was to David’s surprise that Jack nodded in reply and said, “Morning, David.”

“One green pepper, mushroom, and cheese omelet, ready to go,” the king announced.

Jack stood. As he crossed to the stove, he gave David a clap on the shoulder. “Good to see you,” he said in a manner that, while certainly more detached than his behavior at the apartment, seemed to have actual affection behind it. When Jack returned to the table with his omelet, his eyes met David’s briefly, and the prince gave him a small, friendly smile before digging into his breakfast.

Thanks for much for reading - I hope you all liked it!

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I just can repeat what has been said before: this story was wonderful and I enjoyed every bit of it! Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of writing! :bday:

Edited by schnulle
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What an amazing story! And I'm not really a fan of m colds normally; but I must say I'm just fascinated by the premise, and can scarcely believe that there is actually a TV prog about it...

But It's been utterly gripping, especially with the daily doses! A wonderful achievement!

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Thank you for all the lovely comments! I had a blast writing this fic, and I'm happy people enjoyed it!

Sad to say, but there isn't a TV program about it any more, count de tisza. NBC canceled it after, I think, 5 episodes. They at least had the good sense to show the remaining episodes over the summer, but Kings is unfortunately down for the count. It's a shame. It made for very unusual television, but fascinating and really unique. And Jack in particular is such an interesting character to me. He's vain, petty, jealous, and occasionally downright bad, but at the same time, he's putting forth this fake image of himself as the straight playboy prince, and he just gets dumped on so much by his father. He was always great to watch, and I cheered whenever he actually came through for someone and behaved nobly. But, that's usually the way it goes with television, isn't it? Something really different and intriguing comes along, and it gets swiftly and unceremoniously dumped. Grrr. [/Kings-was-awesome rant]

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Perfectly adorable. smile.png

(You do write extremely fast, don't deny it.)

Let's do this one more time.


Amazing. I'll be looking for more from you. =)

Edited by obsessed
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  • 2 years later...

I've only just watched this series but remembered that you'd written this wonderful fic about it.

It was such a delight to re-read, especially now that I've seen the series. You really captured that vulnerable stand-offishness that Jack has and I love the way you showed his relationship with Jack and with his parents.

I so wish there'd been another series of this show. It was really great.

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Bruyere, I'm glad you discovered Kings. It really was a stellar show, wasn't it? So unique, great characters, and all-around gorgeous production values. Plus, it's always nice for me to have someone read the fic who knows the characters. :-)

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