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Supernatural fic - (9 Parts)


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It's not much but at least it's something. Sorry it's taken me so long to continue this.


“Come on kid, up you get; time for a shower.”

Sam shook his head no and clung to the arm Dean had stretched out to help his brother up.

“Sammie… look at me.”

Man he looked awful. Sam’s eyes were bloodshot and watery, his nose, running down his lip, was as red as his eyes, and his hair a tangled mess.

Dean was going to finish trying to convince Sam to get up but started coughing congestedly into his other arm. Afterwards he was left wheezing slightly and

felt a cool hand against his back.

Tracy leaned down and whispered in his ear, “You okay?”

Dean nodded and looked back at Sam, his eyes now watery too.

“Shower?” Sammie questioned, trying to remember if that’s what Dean had requested from him.

“Yeah.” Dean croaked feeling his voice fading fast again.

Sam tried to get up on his own, but when a wave of dizziness hit needed both Dean and Tracy there to catch him.

Tracy helped Dean bring Sam to the bathroom and left so Dean could strip of his clothes and set him down in the bottom of the tub. Sam scrunched his legs

to his chest in order to fit while Dean got the water going.

“Knock knock,” Tracy left the door closed, “I changed the sheets and was going to go get some food, you two going to be okay while I’m gone.”

“Yeah,” Dean cleared his throat, “we shoud survive at leasd.” Dean sniffed feeling his head fill with fluid due to the steam.

“Okay, well, I’ll be back soon.”

Dean waited a sec till he heard the door shut before grabbing some toilet paper to blow his nose with.


“Yeah Sammie?”

“Coud you turn the shower pard od?”

“Yeah.” Dean leaned over and flipped the shower thing, eliciting a freezing stream of water from the top that thankfully warmed up quickly.

Sam blew his nose and cleaned his hands before resting his head against the wall. Dean sat along the edge of the tub and rested his head against the wall

behind Sam. The two sat like that for awhile before Dean broke the silence by bending towards his lap coughing up a bunch of crud that he spit into the


Sam turned his head enough to look at Dean questioningly. Dean smiled as reassuringly as he could. Sam let his head lean back against the wall and

sniffed. Putting a hand on Sam’s back Dean stated quietly, “We’ll be okay.”

Sam nodded and Dean could feel Sam’s body tense before jerking forward with two body wrenching sneezes.


A moan escaped Sam’s lips as he hung his head between his knees.

“Come on kid, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Sam allowed Dean to pour shampoo into his hair and rub it around some. When Dean was finished Sam rinsed it out and put his head back up against the

wall. Dean began coughing again and leaned his head back against the wall too.


Sam turned to face him.

“Can we go back to bed?” Dean’s voice was barely above a whisper and he felt completely drained.

Sam nodded and used the shower walls to help support himself. Dean handed Sam a towel, and himself still unclothed, grabbed boxers and sweats for both

of them. Once he was changed he gave Sam his set and made sure he was right there just in case Sam lost his balance, which thankfully he didn’t. Dean

was in bed first and was sound asleep by the time Sam swallowed down some Nyquil and curled up next to him.

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  • 4 years later...

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