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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Supernatural fic - (9 Parts)


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Sorry it's been so long. I guess I just lost the drive for awhile. Thanks for the lovely comments. There is so not enought sneezy Supernatural fluff out there. Anyways, it's not much, but here's chapter 6...


Sam woke up to the sound of knocking on the door. Quietly he got up and wiped his nose with his arm. Slowly Sam cracked the door open.

“Hello?” It was some lady.

“Hi, you must be the brother?”

Sam just stood there.

“Sorry, I’m Tracy. I met your brother at the diner. He said I could come by after my shift…. I brought food.”

Tracy held up two bags.

“ Sorry, Dean must have forgot to tell be. I’m Sam.” Sam’s stomach chose that moment to grumble. “But hey, you brought food, you’ve won me over. Cobe

od id… sniff… sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

Tracy walked in and giggled. Sam turned to see what she was laughing at. Somehow, he didn’t think this is what Dean had planned when he invited a good

looking gal over. Dean was sprawled out on his side, drool leaking out his mouth and pooling on his pillow.

Sam coughed and refocused her attention.

“Sorry, to surprise you like this, but hey, let’s get to the goodies.”

Sam followed her to the table and watched her set her bags down.

“Let’s see. I brought soup, juice, and pie. I also picked up some tissues for you two. Figured you guys could use a break from the sandpaper motels


“Yup, I’m in love.” Sam smiled and reached for the tissues. It didn’t take long for him to open the box and empty his nose into one.

“Glad I could help. Why don’t you go lay down and I’ll bring you your soup?”

“You sure?”


Sam grabbed the box of tissues and headed for the bed. Tracy brought over the juice and soup to him and sat down on the bed next to him.

As she was about to hand it to Sam he help up his finger indicating just a moment. Then he grabbed a tissue and held it over his nose and turned away from



“Bless you.”

Sam sniffed, and gently blew and wiped his nose.


Sam took the soup and set the juice on the side table.

“So, your brother tells me you guys were on a road trip.”

Sam swallowed a few bites of soup.


“Anywhere you headed in particular?”

“We have some frien…frien…”

Sam’s eyes started to close and his head tilted back. He felt the bowl being lifted from his hands which allowed him to turn and sneeze into his arm.

“hETSCH…. Heh hETSHHH…. hITSHHHOOooo” Sam wiped his nose on his arm.

“Bless you.”

“Ugh. Thangs.”

Tracy held his soup and Sam gratefully took it.

“Sorry, what was I saying?”


“Oh yeah…we have some old friends in Texas we thought we might go see.”



Sam and Tracy both turned to face Dean. Dean wiped at his nose before opening his eyes to see Tracy and Sam staring at him. Dean’s eyes opened wide in

shock, why did Tracy have to see him like this. Dean wiped at his face and tried to sit up quickly, too quickly, attempting to compose himself. The dizziness

that followed made Dean collapse against the headboard for support. Tracy quickly got up and rushed to his side.

“Hey, take it easy.”

Tracy rested a hand against his shoulder and felt his forehead with the other.

“Quite the fever you got there.”

Dean coughed and hung his head in defeat.

“Come on you, lay back down. I’ll bring you some juice.”

Dean sat still propped up against the headboard while Tracy got him some juice and opened their bottle of ibuprofen.

Dean swallowed it and tried to croak out an apology.

“Shhh… it’s okay. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”

“heTSHHH…uTSCHHHEW” It was Sam’s turn to interrupt.

“Bless you.” Tracy responded.

“Thangs.” Sam blew and wiped at his nose.

Dean tensed as he realized he hadn’t even thought of checking on Sam.

“Sabbie… you okay?”

“Sniff… yeah, I’ll be fide.” Sam blew his nose again.

Tracy got up and grabbed some tissues from the box by Sam and handed them to Dean.

“Sounds like you could use a few too.”

Dean looked down as he took them and blew his nose as quietly as he could. This just led him to coughing more. And Tracy handed him his juice to sip at.

“Well, you two are quite the couple.”

“We are nod a couple.” Sam and Dean responded.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean it that way… really.”

Dean and Sam glared trying to decipher if she was telling the truth.

“Really, I didn’t mean it.”

Sam mumbled, “Okay,” and Dean just nodded. Then they just sat in silence.

After a minute Dean muffled a cough into his arm.

“Hey, Sam already ate his, but I brought soup. Would you like some?”

Dean nodded again in response.

TBC... eventually... hopefully

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Yay!! This is so awesome! Thanks for continuing! :eek:

Sick Dean makes me melt. And having someone there to see him in all his misery? Oh, poor Dean!

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Another small chapter. I'll be gone for a few days, but if I have time I'll write more today.


Dean ate his soup while Sam and Tracy carried on a conversation about some book. When he was done he coughed and Tracy looked over. Noticing he

was done she got up and took the bowl to the little table in the motel. As she made her way back she saw Sam yawn and suggested they watch some


Tracy and Sam had been sitting on one of the beds so she invited Dean to come lay with them. It wasn’t long before all three had settled into the bed,

Tracy in the middle, with the tissue box on her lap, a sick boy on each side.

Sam found a movie on tv and it wasn’t long before he was curled up snoring soundly.

“So, how long have you lived here?”

“All my life. I lived with my grandparents, got a job at the diner and been working there ever since.”

“Sounds …heh…great… hETCH,” Dean stifle into his hand making his head feel like it was going to explode.

“Bless you.” Tracy handed him a tissue, “you know you shouldn’t do that.”


“No, try to hold it in like that.”

“I think I just figured that out.”

Dean blew his nose and rubbed at his sinuses.

Sam moved around slightly and Tracy looked over at him. His forehead was dotted with sweat and his nose was beginning to run. Tracy took a tissue

and folded it over before wiping Sam’s nose.

Dean watched with a sense of peaceful admiration. It was nice to see someone caring for Sammie, especially a woman caring for him. Dean had a few

memories of his mother taking care of him and wished Sammie had gotten a chance to experience those as well.

“You okay?”

Dean snapped back to reality.


Dean coughed and Tracy brought her hand up to his forehead.

“You still have a fever.”

Dean nodded.

“Think you can sleep?”


“Here, let me grab you some ibuprofen first.”

Tracy scooted off the end of the bed and got some water and pills for Dean.

Dean swallowed them.

“What are you going to do?”

“Mind if I go run some errands?”

“Go for it, you’d be bored out of your mind here.” Dean almost whispered as he let himself sink into the bed.

“I’ll be back to check on you two later. I’ll take the key on the table, okay?”


Tracy grabbed the key from the table and quietly let herself out.

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I don't know anything about this fandom, but this fic has made me a very, very happy fetishist indeed. :blushing:

A bedful of cold-ridden boys... :drool:

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*waits happily for more chapters*

Winchestery-y goodness!

Poor Dean. Trying to be all brave and macho and totally failing. Awww! :)


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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Thanks for the poke mads. I have the idea in my head but I've been feeling really lousy lately (enduring a painfully slow death by morning sickness). Eventually I will type again though... I promise.

And thank you to everyone else posting Winchestery yuminess. It makes me feel a little better.

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Oh, ick. I hope you feel better soon!

And yes, part of that sentiment is my selfish, SELFISH desire to see you finish the story. :eyebrow:


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Thanks for the poke mads. I have the idea in my head but I've been feeling really lousy lately (enduring a painfully slow death by morning sickness). Eventually I will type again though... I promise.

And thank you to everyone else posting Winchestery yuminess. It makes me feel a little better.

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I know it's been awhile, but hopefully this makes up for it.


WARNING: 18+ content

Dean woke up coughing.

Hey sleepy head.”

Dean looked towards the sound of Tracy’s voice. She set down her book and walked over.

“How you feeling?”

“Jusd Gread,” Dean croaked sarcastically.

“Blow.” Tracy handed him a tissue.


Dean coughed into the back of his hand.

“Just promise not to die on me?”

“I’ll work od id.” Dean coughed, head already filled with congestion again.

Tracy handed Dean a few more tissues, all of which were needed to clear out his sinuses.

“Ugh, I feel like crap.”

“You look like it too.” Tracy smiled and Dean glared almost playfully.

A snore from across the room caught his attention.

“How’s Sammie?”

“He’s probably been better. I woke him up when I first got back and had him take some NyQuil I brought.”


“You’re welcome.”

“So what do you think about taking a shower?”

“Oh,” Dean looked down, “it probably reeks in here, huh?”

“Actually I was thinking it was something we could enjoy together.”

Dean looked up and saw a gleam in Tracy’s eye. Who knew being sick could work in his favor.

“Uh… yeah.”

“Also, I did stop by the front office. I’ve known Bob for years and he said just come and pay when you’re ready to leave. I talked to the cleaning lady too,

got some fresh sheets and towels.”

“Do you have any idea how awesome you are?” Dean gazed up at her.

“Well, I like to think I’m pretty awesome.” Tracy replied playfully. “Now how bought that shower.”

Dean sat up slowly and Tracy put a hand on his back to help steady him. Stopping to cough into his arm, it took Dean a bit to catch his breath. Once he

seemed okay Tracy spoke up.

“Why don’t you get in and I’ll come join you once I’ve changed the sheets.”

Dean nodded thankful for a chance to clear his throat without her presence.

The warm water felt amazing flowing over his skin. Dean coughed and spit out the resulting phlegm. He also took this opportunity to blow his nose messily

into his hands. He could breathe for what seemed like the first time in days. His lungs were still rasping slightly, but overall he felt much better. As Dean

leaned into the water he heard a light tap on the door.

“Mind if I come join you.”

“Not at all.”

Tracy pushed the shower curtain aside and stepped in. Her milky flesh glistened in the water and although Tracy was good looking in her waitress outfit, she

was drop dead gorgeous like this.

Bringing up her hands, Tracy massaged Dean’s shoulders.

“Feeling better?”

“Mmmm, much.” Dean leaned in to kiss her, only to find Tracy pulling back. Dean retreated quickly and looked up. Tracy had turned to the side and raised

her hands to her face. Eyelids fluttering, she let out two small sneezes.


Dean’s head tilted to the side questioningly.

Tracy giggled, partially out of embarrassment, “I think the proper response would be bless you.”

“Sorry,” Dean snapped to, “bless you.”

“Thank you.”

“I really hope you’re not getting this… I’m so sorry.”

“No, no, don’t worry about it. It’s just the change in temperature. I always sneeze when I get in the shower.”

“Oh.” Dean was clueless as to what to say.

“Now, where were we?” Tracy pulled Dean close.

“Maybe we shouldn’t.” What was Dean thinking? “I mean, I really don’t want you to get this.” Hot chick, hot chick, why did his big mouth have to open.

“If I’m going to get this I’m going to get it.”

Ignoring Dean’s hesitation Tracy kissed him and let her tongue dart in and out of his mouth. Dean’s hands slid along her waist and back, pulling her closer.

Although Dean was almost completely lost in the kiss his nose was easily able to distract him. Dean tried to ignore the tickle but knew that it was not going


Withdrawing from the kiss Dean tried desperately to warn her.

“I hah.. have… to.”

Dean released his breath as he felt immediate release. Tracy had pressed a finger firmly under Dean’s nose.

“Go ahead and sneeze then.” Tracy smiled and removed her finger.

“Thanks.” Dean felt his breath begin to hitch again and turned toward the shower faucet, allowing his head to slowly tilt back before wrenching forward.

“heETSHHE… heh.. hITSHEW”

“Bless you.”

Dean wiped his nose along his hand.


“Oh just blow your nose already.”

Dean turned to the shower again and cleared out his nose.


“For what?”

“Being so disgusting?”

“You are not disgusting,” Tracy said reassuringly, “you’re a hot sexy guy,” she said as she kissed along his neck up to his ear.

Dean smiled and tried to keep his coughs quiet as they escaped his lips.

“With one hell of a cold,” Tracy added. Feeling Dean sink a little she made sure to include, “which I don’t mind in the least.”

“Thanks,” Dean smiled before leaning in for a quick kiss. Once again, the mood was dampened by his bodily functions, this time a hungry stomach.

“I take it food would be a good idea?”

Dean coughed, “Um, yeah.”

Tracy kissed him again before turning off the water. Only then could they hear moaning coming from the room. Panic immediately lit Dean’s face and Tracy

handed him a towel which he quickly wrapped around his body before racing to Sam.

Sam was tossing and turning on the bed clearly having a nightmare. Dean wiped Sam’s bangs out of his eyes and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Sammie, Sammie, wake up.”


“I’m right here Sam. It’s okay.”

“HETSCH.” Sam sneezed straight towards Dean.

“Thanks Sammie.” Dean said sarcastically although it didn’t appear to register with Sam.

“Whads goig od?”

It didn’t take long for Dean to revert back to protective brother.

“It’s okay Sammie. It was just a bad dream.” Dean leaned to the side and coughed into his arm.

Tracy emerged from the bathroom fully clothed.

“Is he okay.”

“Yeah, jusd a bad dream.” Dean coughed into his arm and cleared his throat.


“Yeah kid?”

“My body hurds.”

“I know kid, I know.”

Tracy came up behind Dean and put a hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you take Sam and get him cleaned up. I’ll change his sheets and then go pick up

some food.”

“You really are amazing.”

“Your welcome.” Tracy leaned down and kissed Dean on the cheek.

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I'm trying to decide if Tracy's incredibly generous or incredibly into guys with colds. Or both. :)

Dean's shower-sneezes? Crazy-hot. Rowr! Thanks for the update and I hope it means you're feeling better.

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Hngn... shower sneezes.

Finger under the nose? HOTTT.

*spontaneously combusts*


And poor Sam, all feverish and miserable.

You're trying to set me permanently on fire, aren't you? :)


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Oooh, what a sick-fest! I love sick-fests! :) What's better than a proper sick-fest with snuffly sniffly feverish boys with adoooooorable stuffy voices sneezing and coughing all over the place???


Edit: because of having a mispelling-fest due to being so horny filled with love for this fic

Edited by Shiny_bug
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