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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Supernatural fic - (9 Parts)


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Disclaimer: Don’t own them

Summary: Dean catches a cold and is stubborn at first but than finally lets Sam care for him a little.

SPOILERS: This is form this season (fourth I think) so don’t read if you’re worried about it. I believe it’s set around the middle of the season, but anyone who’s watched this season will know when I’m talking about.

(I always wonder whether these belong more in the related fetishes section because it's more cold related but does have some sneezing in it... so moderators feel free to move it if you see fit.)

Chapter 1

“Come on Dean. We need to take a break.”

Sam was exhausted. Ever since Dean told him about what he had done in hell they had been hunting non-stop. Sam was all for hunting, just not the lack of

sleep. And, although he was worried about the emotional stress on Dean he was more distracted by Dean’s physical health.

“So what do you think Sammie? Ghost in Abilene or Ghoul in Austin? *cough*”

Clearly, Dean was ignoring Sam’s request for a break. Stubborn stubborn Dean. That hadn’t been the first cough of the day. Sam had also noticed Dean’s

eyes squinting awkwardly in bright light, sure sign of headache, and the lack of singing along with his beloved car’s radio meant sore or scratchy throat.

Although Sam hated making Dean worry he knew this would be the only way to get him to slow down.

“Mmmm.” Sam moaned and rubbed at his head, pretending to hide his imaginary pain.

Immediately fear lit Dean’s eyes, “Sammie… Sammie… You okay?”

Turning away from Dean, Sam tinted his voice with aggravation, “I’m fine.”

“It’s getting late, maybe we should settle down for the night, I could use a shower anyways.”

Ah, worked like a charm. “I’m fine Dean.”

“Okay, so your fine. I could still use a shower.”

Sam leaned against the window delighted with his success. He’d much rather Dean crash in a hotel where he could be properly cared for than in the car.

Dean looked at the map and found a town close by. Deciding it would be a good resting place he looked over at Sam. Always very protective of Sam, he

hated seeing him in pain. Snapping back to reality Dean started his baby and was back on the road.

Arriving at the motel Dean checked them in, and the boys unloaded their stuff. Sam immediately laid down on top of the comforter. Ah, a mattress at last.

Albeit, not the most comfortable mattress, but it beat the car seats any day.

“HETSCH” Dean stifled a sneeze into his shoulder.

“Bless you.”

Dean did an awkward shrug in response and finished unloading his maps and charts onto the table. Sam may have gotten him into a hotel but that didn’t

mean he had slowed down his search for more cases.

Sam continued to melt into the mattress for a few minutes before he looked back up at Dean. Dean had settled himself at the table and was hunched over

examining his papers. Great, what to do now. Whenever Dean got sick he seemed to run himself ragged until he was on the verge of pneumonia and was

utterly incapable of walking, much less running.

The silence was broken by another sneeze from Dean and before Sam could respond Dean had made his way to the bathroom. Listening intently, Sam could

hear Dean continue sneezing despite the noise of the faucet Dean had turned on. Sam’s stomach grumbled and redirected his attention. Hmmm, food.

Takeout sounded good. Dean stayed in the bathroom for some time and Sam rummaged through menus in one of the side tables. When Dean emerged Sam

noticed Dean’s face was unusually pale and his nostrils had a pink tint to them. Dean could sense Sam’s unwavering gaze and he turned away trying to

ignore it.

Sam was the first to speak. “What do you think of Chinese?”



“Uh, yeah, sure.”

Sam grabbed his cell and ordered their usual while Dean settled back at the table. Propping his head up with his arm, Sam could tell it was getting

increasingly difficult for Dean to maintain his composure.

Ugh, he felt like crap. His head and throat were killing him and he could feel his temp rising minute by minute. Feeling like slowing down equaled letting it

beat him, he wasn’t willing to give into his aching body yet.

“Dean… Dean.”

Spaced out, it took Dean a moment to register Sam’s voice.



“I’m going to take my shower and then you should too.”

“Yeah… yeah.” Dean muttered back.

Sam got his stuff together and took a quick shower, hoping to get Dean in there before the food came. Thankfully it didn’t take long once he exited for Dean

to get in.

Step two of his plan, Sam found a decent action movie on the tv. Sam figured if he could get Dean to eat in bed and watch a movie there he might remain


The shower felt so good on his aching muscles but the steam was really getting to his nose.

“heh EtSCHEW… ESHOOooo”

Dean let out two large sneezes directing them at the floor. Wiping his nose with the back of his hand was clearly not enough so he used one hand to blow his

nose. Despite the stream of clear liquid flowing out his nose was still stuffed and he could feel the pressure of congestion filling his sinuses. Ugh. Leaning his

body against the shower wall he let the water flow down his back.

“Knock Knock…. Delivery”

Sam got up and opened the door. Taking the food he set it up on the bed and waited for Dean.

Dean heard the knock on the door and was reluctant to get out of the shower. He didn’t feel that hungry. Despite his love of cheeseburgers it would be nice to

have something else to eat though.

Dean cleared his nose into his hands and washed them in the shower and made a few attempts at clearing his throat. Then he grudgingly got out of the

shower and changed into a pair of sweats.

“Hey bro. Foods here. I found a movie to watch while we eat.” Dean shrugged. He really didn’t feel like talking.

Sam watched as Dean slowly made his way to the bed and sat down propped up with pillows against the headboard. God he forgot how good a bed felt. As he

melted into the bed a smile formed on his face and Sam couldn’t help but chuckle. Immediately Dean went back to his tough guy self and grabbed a thing of

Sesame Chicken. Sam turned the TV up and both ate silently. Every now and then Dean would cough quietly and pretend it was nothing. Sam would do his

best to not let Dean see as his eyes scanned his brother for other signs of illness. If he hadn’t been worried about him, Dean would be almost comical in his

attempts to hide his illness: coughing during explosions and scrubbing his nose with his knuckle only during distracting parts of the movie. Sam was on the

lookout though and Dean knew he wouldn’t be able to hide this for long.

When the movie ended Sam got up and threw away the empty takeout cartons. Then stepping into the bathroom he prepared for bed and also grabbed the

cheap tissue box in there and filled a plastic cup with water. He hated motel Kleenex but it was better than nothing. Without saying a word he set down the

tissues and water beside Dean’s bed. Both avoided eye contact during this gesture of kindness and Sam went to his own bed and rolled facing away from

Dean. Dean eyed Sam cautiously. Had he hurt his feelings. Wait a sec. He had to be sick… worrying about hurting Sam’s feelings… Dean rolled his eyes at

himself. Checking to make sure Sam was still facing away Dean grabbed a tissue and squeezed his nostrils pushing some of the mucus out. Then he laid

down and covered himself with the blankets.

It wasn’t long before Sam could hear Dean’s congested snores. Only then did Sam allow himself to roll to face Dean. Obviously struggling to breath, Dean

had his head tilted back, mouth wide open. Had Dean not been sick, Sam wasn’t sure he’d have been able to resist the temptation to drop stuff into his

mouth. What!? It’s not like he hadn’t done it to Sam a thousand times in the car.

Hopefully his bro would be better in the morning, but now it was time for sleep.

Ugh, what time was it? Sam woke up to the sound of Dean coughing harshly. One a.m. Great. It took a moment for Sam to realize Dean was still coughing.

As he walked over to his brother he could see beads of sweat pouring down his forehead. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sam rubbed his brother’s back until

the fit subsided. It still took a bit for Dean to uncurl from the fetal position but when he did Sam handed him the cup of water. Dean took it and sipped at it

slowly. Holding it up to indicate he was done Sam set it back down on the table.

“HETSCH…hETSCH” Dean sneezed openly away from his brother.

“Bless you.”

Dean looked up looking truly pathetic. His eyes were glazed his nose was red and dark circles had formed under his eyes.

“Sabbie…. Whad are you do-een here?” Dean asked confusedly.

Yup, fever for sure. Sam laid the back of his hand against Dean’s forehead anyways. Dean still looked at him in a daze.

“It’s okay. Go back to sleep.”

Dean sniffed and closed his eyes. Sam got up and felt Dean grasp at his hand.

“Dod’t leave be.”

“I won’t, I’ll be right back.” Dean’s grip slipped and he seemingly had fallen back asleep.

Sam made his way to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth soaking it in cool water. Ringing it out, it didn’t take long for Sam to return to Dean’s side.

Sitting beside Dean Sam took the washcloth and rubbed it gently across his brother’s forehead. Dean had resumed his raspy snoring and Sam continued this

action until he fell asleep propped against the headboard.

“Sniff… Sniff… Sab.” Dean reached out and rubbed at Sam’s leg.

“Hmmm.” It took Sam a moment to look come to and he looked down and smiled at Dean.


“Are you okay?” Dean questioned, wondering why Sam was sleeping next to him.

“Yeah. You?”

Dean tried to grunt in response but it just turned into coughing.

“That good, huh?”

Dean nodded as he covered his mouth with a fist.

Sam looked at the clock. Nine a.m.

Dean grabbed a tissue and blew gurgly into it. It’s not like he could hide that he was sick now.

“Why werd’t you sleebing?” Dean asked as he still held a tissue to his nose.

“You were pretty out of it.” Sam said somberly.

Dean looked down. He felt bad for making Sam worry and take care of him.


Sam looked up.

“Hey, it’s not your fault.”

Dean’s eyes shut as his head tilted back.

“hETSCHHH …. etSCHHH ….. heh.. HETSCHHHoooo” Dean sneezed openly away from Sammie and grabbed a tissue to blow his nose again.


After wiping at his nose Dean responded, “Thags.”

“Just promise me we can take it easy today?” Sam wanted to ask for the next few days but he knew that might not get such a successful response.

Dean sniffed and nodded.

“Wanna watch some TV.”

“Sure.” Sam took the remote and had to choose between news and soap-operas…soap-operas it was.

“Mind if I get in?”

“I guess I’ll share.” Dean said as he lifted the covers so Sam could get in the bed. Both settled down and Sam was the first to fall asleep, Dean falling quickly


*hopefully TBC*

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Mmmm, I love it! Dean with a cold, and trying to hide it from Sam. Wonderful! I hope it does continue!

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Sneesee and Aprilcot: I'm so glad you're enjoying this.

Moosey: Thank you so much for your comment. It totally made my day.



“Bless you.” Sam mumbled as he groggily rolled over.

“Ugh.” Dean rolled face down in his pillow. His head was pounding, not helped by the sneezing and his throat was now throbbing too.

Noticing his brother not moving, “Hey, You okay.”

Attempting a menacing growl in response Dean failed miserably and became overwhelmed by a hacking cough which he smothered into the pillow.

Sam stretched and slowly sauntered out of bed and refilled Dean’s water cup. When he finished he went and sat along the edge of the bed and rubbed one

hand along Dean’s back. When the coughs were quieted Dean turned and lifted his head from the pillow and sipped at the water Sam handed him. As soon as

his throat was clear he gulped the water down and threw his head face first into the pillow.

Sam rolled his eyes at Dean. Well, at least they wouldn’t be on the road anytime soon. However, being at a motel meant minimal supplies.

“I’m going to go get some stuff from the car.”

Sam grabbed the keys and headed for the car. Although their trunk contained every available thing to defeat ‘mythical creatures’ it lacked the normal

medicine cabinet. However, it did contain a hearty supply of ibuprofen. He also kept some butterscotch candies in the glovebox. ‘Close to throat drops,’ Sam

thought to himself.

When Sam got back inside Dean didn’t even look up. Sam, once again retrieved the water cup and filled it.

Dean easily swallowed the ibuprofen and water handed to him and was delighted with the butterscotch treat. Rolling back on his back Dean lay there sucking

at the candy contentedly. Sam chuckled and Dean glared in response and was back to the tough guy stance again. This just made Sam laugh more and Dean

rolled away from him.

“Oh come on. It’s alright.” Sam wasn’t sure what was worse, stubborn, moody, or pathetic Dean. Either way, at least he was staying put. Feeling a little

restless Sam resumed Dean’s work from the day before. Might as well be prepared for when he was healthy.

*Ring ring*

Sam picked up Dean’s phone.

“Heya Bobby. What’s up?”

“Hey Sammie. Just checkin in.”

“We’re doing okay. Dean’s come down with a cold….”

“Id’s de flu dammit,” Dean interjected loudly followed by coughs. Saying a Winchester was stopped from a cold, now that’s pathetic.

“Either way,” Sam continued, “I think we’re somewhere in Oklahoma. Probably headed to Texas. There’s a case in Austin and one in Abilene Dean had his

eye on. Everything okay there?”

“Yeah, rumors of some demon issues around San Antonio and I knew you guys were fairly close. Hadn’t heard from ya in awhile. Boy’s started to worry me.”

“Sorry about that. We’ll try to check in a little more. I’ll let you know when we leave here. Probably not for a few days though.”

“Okay, well, I’ll let you get back to your vacation. Want me to email you the stuff I got on San Antonio?”

“Yeah. Talk to you later.”

“Okay, will do. Tell Dean hope he feels better.”

“Okay. Bye Bobby.”

“Bye Sam.”

“Everthig okay wid Bobby.” Sniff

“Yeah. Says have fun on your vacation.”

Dean rolled his eyes.

Sam wasn’t about to tell him of the issues going on in San Antonio, there’s no way he’d relax then.

Sam heard rustling and turned to see Dean digging for another butterscotch.

“Hey, don’t eat all of them.” Dean looked up, first like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar and then like ‘wait a sec, I can do what I want’. He quickly

resumed pulling one out.

“You hungry.”

A little, but the thought of food scratching down his throat made him shiver. Sam could sense his trepidation.

“Soup be okay?”

“Yeah.” But first the yummy candy. Dean popped it in his mouth as Sam grabbed the takeout menu and ordered some egg drop soup and hot tea. Yay for


Dean rubbed at his head and grabbed a tissue and blew his nose. He thought about going and helping Sam with the charts but when he tried to get up he

realized just how sore his muscles were. At least the meds had helped his headache some. Thankful for this, Dean grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

Sam looked over and was happy to see that Dean was doing better. Now if he could just stay that way. Dean had a nasty habit of getting better and than

relapsing after refusing to rest. Suddenly Dean’s movement interrupted Sam’s thoughts. He watched as Dean’s head tilted back and eyebrows creased. Stuck

that way it took a second before Dean exploded with two harsh sneezes.


“Bless you.”

Dean took a tissue and wiped at his nose.

Sniff, “Thangs.”

Sam focused back on the papers as Dean settled on Law and Order.


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Gah. Sneezy Dean is a rare and wonderful treat. :twisted: I love the gurgly nose-blowing, and the super-sneaky "I have a headache" Sam.

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Lol, I came online, saw the words 'Dean has a cold' and almost squealed with excitement! Could there be a more beautiful phrase? I THINK NOT.

I love fics that deal with Dean being run down and getting sick after hell, and I think this is great. Sam faking a headache to get Dean to rest was perfect; that's so them!

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Tari: Yay I love making people melt... and wibble

Mad: it's great to have a compliment from such a wonderful Supernatural fanfic writer

Telltale: You are absolutely right. There is no such thing as a more wonderful phrase than, "Dean has a cold."... except possibly "Dean has a cold and Sam catches it too." :twisted:

This part isn't quite as long but hopefully it will be loved as well.


Finally food.

Sam had been listening intently for footsteps and was already to the door when the delivery dude showed up. Although Dean ad mostly lost his appetite, Sam

obviously hadn’t.

Quickly paying for the food Sam turned around and shut the door with his foot.

“So, where you want to eat?”


Ah, Dean had finally wised up to the joys of having a bed again.


Sam set the stuff down on the night stand and got in beside Dean. Then he handed Dean his soup and tea.

Dean hadn’t had tea in forever, and although he originally wished it was a beer he was thankful for the relief it brought to his throat.

Sam, on the other hand was alarmed by the tea. It felt great running down his throat. Too great. He swallowed emptiness to test again. His throat was

sore. ‘Great, at least he had soup,’ he thought to himself.

“What’s up?” Dean had already started on his soup and was surprised to see that Sam hadn’t opened his yet. Shouldn’t he be starving by now?

“Ummm,” it took Sam a moment to answer, “nothing, just spaced out for a sec.”

Dean eyed him wearily for a minute and seeing nothing unusual resumed his eating, pausing only to wipe at his now running nose.

Sam ate slowly, trying to pinpoint every symptom he had. Wiping his nose with the back of his hand he could feel the moist trail it left. Had it not been for the

sore throat and ever increasing headache he could have gladly blamed this on the heat of the soup. Dean, engrossed in the soup and Law and Order reruns,

didn’t notice a thing.

Once finished with his soup and tea, Dean set it to the side and grabbed a few tissues to clear his nose. The soup had definitely loosened the mucus and for

the first time in days he could breathe properly through his nose. Coughing into his fist made him notice the pain in his throat was still there, but not as bad

as before.

Sam finished his soup shortly after.

“I’m going to go take a shower.” Sam could feel the congestion building in his head and hoped to rid some of it in there.

“Okay, mind bringing the map and charts over here first?”

“No prob.” Sam slowly stood up, not wanting his headache to get the better of him and handed some of the papers to Dean. Overall, Dean felt much better,

and Sam was glad to see him contentedly in bed, reviewing maps, watching TV, and sucking on another one of those butterscotches.

‘Yay shower,’ Sam thought as he got in and let his muscles melt under the hot water; but it wasn’t long before Sam felt the prickling sensation in the back of

his nose from the steam.

“HETSCH he’ETSHA” Sam sneezed openly towards the ground. Sam shook his head slightly afterwards and realized that only worsened his headache.

Turning his face into the water he used his hands to clear his nose. Once he had those cleaned off he massaged his sinuses hoping to relieve some of the


Soon Sam felt the water cooling off so he turned it off and got out. The rush of cool air sent shivers down his spine and he dried off as quickly as possible.

Then he wrapped the towel around himself and came out to grab a pair of briefs and sweats. It didn’t take long for him to change and give a final towel dry to

his shaggy hair.

Once that was done Sam got into Dean’s bed and curled up next to him. Dean previously oblivious to his surroundings looked down at his brother confusedly.

It wasn’t like Sam to climb right in next to him, and lay down… in the afternoon…. Unless. Dean decided to keep his mouth shut. Within a few minutes Sam

was asleep and had inched his way closer to Dean. Congested snoring confirmed Dean’s suspicion and he allowed Sam to wrap himself around him.

Every now and then a moan would escape Sam’s lips and he’d move around a little. Dean would gently put his hand on Sam’s shoulder and rub lightly,

occasionally whispering that it would be okay. This calmed Sammie down but always resulted in a tighter hold on Dean.

A few hours later Sam woke up and immediately removed his arm from around Dean, causing Dean to laugh which only turned into a hacking cough. Taking

a tissue he spit the produced phlegm into it and balled it up. Sam sat up and pretended nothing had happened.

“What we watching?” Dean could hear the crackle in Sam’s voice.

“Law and Order still, I think they’re playing all day.”

Dean saw Sam turn away out of the corner of his eye.


Dean grabbed a tissue from the box and handed it to Sam.

“Thags.” Sam said under his breath before blowing his nose.

“You hungry?”


“Well, I am dying for a cheeseburger. Do you care if I go out?”

“Go for it.” Sam coughed into his wrist.

“Anything you want me to pick up for you?”


“Okay, be back soon.”

Dean got up and changed and went to find his beloved food. Sam, on the other hand, collapsed into bed and resumed napping.

Dean, successfully finding a burger joint, one of those magic skills of his, ate and got two pieces of pie, a beer, and some orange juice to go.

Back at the motel Sam heard the door open and rolled over to find Dean carrying in his goodies.

“I brought you juice and pie.”

“Thags.” Sam said and smiled with what little energy remained in him.

Dean sat down and ate his pie while Sam sipped at the orange juice Dean handed him.

“Want you’re piece yet?” Dean said when he was finished.

“Sniff…no thags.”

Dean handed him a tissue and Sam cleared his nose out some. Curling back into the blankets it wasn’t long before Sam was asleep again.


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This just gets better!!! I'm evil haha :twisted:

I need more of sneezy and sick Sam! :twisted::twisted:

Please continue!! :drool::laugh: Thank you!!!! :twisted::cryhappy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it's taken so long. I know it's kind of a short update, but hopefully more will follow soon.


Dean was about to fall asleep when he heard his phone buzz on the table. Slowly, Dean got up and coughed into his fist before answering.

“Hey Bobby.”

“Did you two switch cell phones or something. I call Dean, get Sam. Call Sam, get Dean. Anyways, you headed for San Antonio yet?”

“Why would we be headed for Sad Adtodio?” Dean unsuccessfully tried to hide the congestion in his voice. He really needed to blow his nose but didn’t want

to do it while on the phone.

“Oh… ummm…. No reason.” Shoot, Sam hadn’t told Dean.

“Bobby?” Dean knew something was up. However, his nose decided this was the perfect time to interrupt.

“hURESCH… ESCHOooo” Dean sneezed away from the phone onto his wrist thouroughly covering his arm in spray.

“Ugh, hag od.” Dean set the phone down and grabbed a handful of tissues. It took several blows till Dean felt comfortable enough to talk. Thankfully he

hadn’t woken Sammie who had tossed and turned slightly when Dean had sneezed.

“Sorry bout that.”

“Still feeling that great, huh? Maybe I should talk to Sammie?”

“Firstly, he’s worse off than me right now. Secondly, not a chance. What’s this about San Antonio?”

Bobby had hoped Dean had forgotten.

“You two just have to share everything don’t you?”

“Yes. Now… San Antonio?” Dean muffled some coughs into his arm. His throat didn’t exactly agree with him trying to sound intimidating.

“I take it Sammie didn’t tell you?”

“Ya think? What’s going on Bobby?”

“Just rumors of demon activity. I haven’t heard anymore than what I emailed Sammie so it’s probably not that big of a deal, but I wanted you guys to be

informed and careful while you’re down there.”

“Sammie!” Dean yelled, forgetting he might want to take it easy on Sam right now.

Sam’s eyes shot open in confusion.

“San Antonio?” Dean prodded.

Sam broke down into tears sobbing.

Ugh, how could he have forgotten. Sam’s emotions went haywire when he was sick. Lucky for Sam, because you can’t stay mad at someone that pathetic.

“Listen Bobby, I got to go, I’ll call you back.”

“Click” Dean hung up and rushed to Sammy’s side.

“It’s okay. I didn’t mean it.”

“I’b ,sniff, so sorry. Sniff, I just wadted, sniff, you to, sniff, take id, sniff, easy.” Sam sobbed.

Dean grabbed some tissues and held them to Sam’s nose.


Sam complied and blew his nose messily into the tissues. Dean balled up the soaking remnants of tissue and threw them in the trash.

“It’s okay.” Dean repeated as he sat down on the bed and let Sammie curl his upper body onto Dean’s legs.

Sam continued, still crying but not sobbing.

“I’b so sorry. I should have told you. I… I…”

Dean cut in.

“It’s okay, really, it’s all going to be okay.”

Dean rubbed his hand soothingly along Sam’s back. Then he pushed Sam’s hair out of his face and ran his fingers through it.

“Shhhhh, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Dean cooed.

Sam continued quietly crying, whilst Dean continued stroking.

Eventually Dean could feel Sam’s breathing become slow and raspy. He knew he had finally fallen asleep.

Carefully, Dean tried to lift Sam’s body off of him, but this resulted in Sammie clinging tighter. Guess that call back to Bobby would have to wait. Dean

reached out and grasped the remote and settled in for more Law and Order reruns.

Hope you enjoyed... please comment.

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Yay! An update. I don't mind that it's short. I'm just happy to read more. I loved Bobby's line "You two just have to share everything, don’t you?" Nice work! I can't wait for the next installment...but I will. ^^

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I didn't even know the fic,

but this is a really, really wonderful story!!

I love it ;-)

We all love it!

You really should continue it.

Thanks, you're such a great writer =)

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Omg, this is an amazing fic! Thank you so much for writing it!

I just got into Supernatural and watched all of it in like week. I can't wait till season five! <3!

I think I may be itchin' to write a Sneezy!Dean! fic now, too. He's just so gorgeous and manly and in denial about it. :)

Once again, you're awesome. This is a great fic! Thank you!!!

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I love reading all the comments. They are soooo encouraging. Here's chapter 5...nice and long. Hopefully more will come in a few days.


After a few hours Sam rolled over and threw all the blankets off of him. Dean took this opportunity to escape Sam’s grasp. Release… at last, Dean hated to

be pinned down for too long. ‘Hmmmm, would Sammie remember he had pie if Dean ate it.’ He knew he shouldn’t, but he was hungry. Dean decided he was

too hungry for just a simple piece of pie, might as well call Bobby and then go get some food.

“Bout time you called.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Dean paused coughing into his arm. “You know how Sammie gets when he’s sick?”

“He started crying didn’t he.”

“Of course.”

“Oh man, I remember the first time your dad left him with me. You were just old enough to go on a hunt with him and Sam had caught the flu so your dad

left him with me.”

“That was the Albuquerque Ghost wasn’t it.”

“Yup, that’s the one. Sam had spilled his cup of juice and I had yelled his name. It took me hours to get him to quiet down and even longer to get him off my

lap.” Bobby chuckled at the memory. “Is he still that bad.”

“Let’s see, how long did it take me to call you back?”

Bobby laughed, “Good point.”

“So, have you gotten a chance to check Sammie’s email yet.”

“No, I’m hoping to later tonight or tomorrow. It’s not like I can take Sammie anywhere like this. Wait, I could always drop him off with you.” Dean laughed

which turned into harsh congested coughs. When he was finished he spit the phlegm into the toilet.

“Don’t you dare, but seriously, you know you boys always have a home here.”

“We know.”

“So how’re you doing?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Just take it easy Dean, okay? You don’t need to get pneumonia from this.”

“I’ll try to take it easy.”

“Okay, well, tell Sammie I hope he feels better.”

“Will do. Talk to you in a day or two.”

“Sounds like a plan. Bye.”


Dean set the phone down and looked at Sammie. Beads of sweat dotted his brow. Dean got some water and ibuprofen and sat next to Sam.

“Sammie, wake up.”

Dean, rubbed his shoulder.

Sam cleared his throat some.


“Hey bud, I need you to take some pills.”

Dean helped Sam sit up, and handed him the pills and water. Sam easily gulped them down and leaned against the headboard.

Dean couldn’t believe how bad Sam looked, his lips were chapped and his pale face highlighted his bloodshot eyes and red rimmed nostrils.

“HeISHhh.” Sam let out an exhausted sneeze to his left.

“Bless you.” Dean said quietly.


Dean handed Sam a tissue and Sam pathetically swiped at his nose.

“Cad I go back to sleeb dow?”

“Yeah, mind if I go get some food?”

“Go ahead.”

“Want anything?”

Sam managed to give Dean the look of ‘are you stupid, does it look like I want anything’.

Sam’s eyes had said it all.

“Well, I’ll bring some juice back.”

Sam nodded and rolled over. Dean took this as his queue to leave.

It wasn’t long before Dean reached the burger joint. Once he had parked he just sat there in the car for a minute. God he was feeling awful again. He could

tell his fever was back and his appetite was dissipating. Dean tried to refrain from coughing because it had started hurting his lungs.

A knock at the window distracted Dean from his thoughts. It was Tracy, the waitress from earlier. Dean rolled down his window.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah,” Dean said tiredly.

“You know you’re not very convincing.”

Dean just smiled back.

“You’re brother still sick?”

“Yeah.” Dean turned away and coughed as gently as he could into his fist.

“You to?”

Dean hated to admit he was sick, but denying it just meant making his throat hurt more.


“We’re closing soon and I’m cleaning up. We still have some soup left though. Should I pack some up for you and your brother?”

Dean nodded again, “Thanks.”

“I’ll be back.”

The waitress left and Dean relaxed in his seat.

Dean was roused again to a tap on the window.

“Hey, I packed up some orange juice for you too.” She handed him the bag.

“How much I owe you?”

“It’s on me. Get home and get some rest.”

“We’re actually staying at the motel just down the road.”

“Just you and your brother?”

Dean started coughing again and Tracy waited patiently for him to finish.

“Sorry. Yeah, so much for our road trip.”

“You really don’t sound good. I only have a half shift tomorrow. Can I stop by afterwards… I’ll bring food?”

‘Hmmm’, Dean thought, ‘refuse a hot chick offering to come to his room…and bring food… not a chance.’

“Sure. Room 105.”

“Good, I’ll see you around two. Now you should be getting back to bed.”


“Hope you feel better.”

Dean watched as she walked away. Yay, despite being sick, he hadn’t lost his touch with the ladies.

It didn’t take long before Dean was back at the motel. Sam was still asleep but tossing and turning on the bed. Dean set the stuff down on the table and

brought the juice to the bed. As he sat own next to Sam he started coughing again. Both hands were holding juice so he covered with his right arm. As soon

as his muscles quit contracting he set one juice down and took a sip of the other. Dean could feel the acidic sting as it went down his throat. It did help his

cough though.

Looking over his shoulder he saw Sam’s glazed eyes staring up at him.

“Hey, how you feeling kid?”

“Okay,” Sam sniffed.

Dean handed him a tissue and Sam blew his nose and coughed lightly into it. Juice was next, and Sam gulped his down.

While Sam was occupied with his juice, Dean grabbed some ibuprofen and swallowed them quickly. Then he grabbed a few for Sam. Sam took them without


“You up for some soup?”

“Soup sounds good.”

Dean went and grabbed one of the things of soup and handed it to Sam who had already propped himself against the headboard.

“You already eat?” Sam questioned.

“I’m just not hungry right now.”

Sam eyed Dean cautiously. Dean, avoiding his brother’s attentive gaze, layed down on his side facing away from Sam.

Sam decided to keep his mouth shut and eat his soup. It wasn’t long before the heat of the soup reached Sam’s nose. First Sam tried to wipe at it with his

arm. It wasn’t long before it was running down to his upper lip.

“Deed, cad you had be a dissue.”

Dean reached blindly until he found the box and handed it to Sam. Quickly, Sam snatched up some tissues and blew gurgly into them.

“Ugh, thanks.”

Dean moaned in response. His head hurt, his chest hurt, his body hurt.

When Sam finished his soup he got up and threw away the container. After a quick bathroom stop he made his way back to bed and curled up next to Dean.

Neither of the boys was very successful at sleeping. Dean’s cough got progressively worse through the night and Sam’s nose would not give him a break.

Every few minutes it seemed he was sneezing or blowing his nose. Overall, Sam was feeling a bit better though. He could tell his fever was going down and

he could think a little more clearly. His nose was rubbed raw and driving him crazy, but the worst was over with, Sam hoped. As for Dean, it wasn’t looking so

good. As Sam’s fever went down he became more aware of Dean’s worsening condition.

Dean began coughing again and attempted to muffle it into his arm. Sam rubbed Dean’s back.

“You okay?”

“kfff kfff, yeah, kfff kfff kfff, sorry, kfff, didn’t mean, kfff kfff, to wake you, kfff kffff.”

“Id’s okay, I was awake.”

Sam grabbed another tissue and blew his nose, while Dean continued to cough. Slowly Sam got up and went around to Deans side. Sam helped get Dean to a

sitting position and handed him his juice. A few minutes of sipping dispersed by coughing Dean had finally regained control.

Embarrassed, Dean looked away as he thanked Sam.


“No prob. Let’s get you propped up and some food in you.”

Dean nodded and sipped more juice. Sam went and heated up the soup for Dean in the microfridge.

When Sam came back with the soup, Dean had finished setting himself up against the headboard.

Sam set the soup beside the bed. When he looked back at Dean, Dean mumbled,


“Whad for, sniff?,” Sam asked confusedly.

“For getting sick, and getting you sick, and all of this.”

“Deed, id’s nod your fauld you god sick. Ugh. Jusd a sec.” Dean reached out with a few tissues for Sam.

Taking them Sam turned away as he emptied his sinuses into the tissues.

“Sor…sorry..hETSH,” Sam sneezed and folded the used tissues to blow into again.


“Thanks…sniff. Okay. Why don’t you get started on that soup and I’m going to eat my pie.”

Dean nodded and gratefully ate the soup. Not only did it ease his sore throat, it also warmed his body. Sam grabbed his pie.

“You think you can sleep?” Sam asked

“No, you?”

“No, you okay with me turning on the tv?”

“Yeah, just try to keep it down.”


“Not too bad.” Although Dean could still feel the dull throbbing of his head, it had definitely lessened.

Sam ate his pie and skimmed through the channels. Not a great selection, however, it was the middle of the night. Settling on a news channel, Sam finished

his pie. When he was done he looked over to find Dean curled up under the blankets shivering.

“Hey, you okay?”

“Fine.” Dean’s voice cracked. His body continued to shake.

Sam reached over and felt Dean’s forehead.

“You’re burning up.”

Dean moved his head away from Sam’s hand.

Sam wasn’t sure which was worse, Dean’s stubbornness or when he complied. Both made Sam worry.

Dean could tell Sam was worried. He rolled over towards Sam.

“Sammie, I’ll be fine.”

“We need to get your temp down. You should take a cool shower.”

Dean really didn’t like the sound of that. He was freezing as is, but he couldn’t resist the fearful look in Sam’s eyes.


“Thank you.”

Dean slowly got up. Even sitting made his head pound more and the floor felt as if it was moving. Sam followed him and watched him strip and get into the

shower. Then he got some clean clothes from Dean’s bag and wrote a note to remind himself to check in with the office and reserve a few more nights, plus

get some clean towels and sheets.

Sam could hear Dean coughing in the shower.

“You okay?”

Dean continued coughing.

Sam went into the bathroom and pushed the curtain aside. Dean was sitting in the bottom hunched over coughing and gasping for breath. Sam turned off the

water and filled a cup with water. Dean continued to cough but sat more upright in the tub. Sam handed him the cup and Dean tried to sip at it.

“Are you going to be okay?”

Dean nodded while coughing, trying to reassure Sam.

Sam cringed at the sound of Dean’s coughs and put a hand on his shoulder, not sure what else he could do.

It took a few minutes, but finally Dean got to where he was only coughing every few seconds. Leaning against the side of the tub Dean let his head fall back

some. His breathing was raspy.

“Maybe we should take you to the hospital?”

“No… Sammie… I’ll be fine.” His voice was a mix of crackling and a whisper.

“Let’s…le… HETSCHoooo…heESHhhhh,” Sam sneezed off to the side, “sniff…scuse be…sniff….led’s ged you back indo bed..sniff.” Sam wiped his runny nose

with his arm.

Still feeling out of breath Dean didn’t want to move just yet.

“Go blow your nose… then bed.”

“Sorry.” Sam got up and left to blow his nose. Dean listened to Sammy blow several times. He felt miserable and was concerned that Sammie was feeling

worse than he was letting on. He could here a slight groan escape Sam’s lips.

Sam came back and Dean smiled.

“Well, we make quite the pair.”

Sam chuckled a little and Dean was glad that he could still lighten the mood a little.

It didn’t take long for Sam’s expression to turn to worry again.

“Okay, let’s get you outta there and in some clothes.”

Dean nodded and allowed Sam to steady and help him up. Sam walked Dean to the bed and grabbed the clothes he had gotten ready earlier. Putting them

on, Dean eased his way under the covers and Sam joined him after a quick bathroom break.

His coughing had become less and less and Dean was glad he hadn’t been alone through that. Sam sniffed and Dean looked down at him. Sam had wiggled

his way deeper and deeper into the covers.

“How’re you feeling?” Dean’s voice was hoarse and almost non-existent.

Sam sniffed again before answering.

“Okay, ad leasd I cad breathe bedder dan you?”

Dean handed him another tissue.

“That’s debatable”, he chuckled before coughing slightly.

Sam smiled back before blowing his nose and burying his face into the sheets. Now that Dean was settled back in bed his concern shifted to Sammy again.

He had always been the care taker and protector of Sam and he hated seeing anything wrong.

“You’re not feeling too good huh?”

Sam shook his head and sniffed.

“Come here.” Dean reached his arm out and let Sam curl up into him. When Sam was little it was common for Dean to let him sleep with him whenever

Sammie was sick or scared. Even though they were adults now, it was still comforting to both, and it wasn’t long before they were both asleep and snoring



p.s. Let me know if you like

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You write them so in character and so sweet. I just love it - Sam getting all maudlin and Dean managing to wait until he's better to really crash himself - it just feels so much like them! <3

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  • 2 months later...

I came back to reread Chapter 1... and suddenly there are 5 chapters! Wheeeee!

I'm a Dean girl, so I loved all the sexy Dean sneezes, but then Sam snuggling up to Dean and then BURSTING INTO TEARS and needing Dean to soothe him and run his hands through Sam's hair was completely freaking adorable and a gorgeous bonus.

I'm saving Chapter 5 for later. *hoards*


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