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Your Greatest Obs Ever (FEMALE)


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Last year I witnessed one of my best obs ever. It happened in the office I work at during summertime. Here in California Santa Anna winds can cause a lot of trouble to allergy sufferers, and oh boy what a show I did witness.


I used to sit beside a woman in her late 20s, skinny with very pale skin, short neck length black hair that was wrapped in a bun during that day, and she was wearing an orange long sleeve shirt and baggy jeans. She's kinda cute but not really my type, we almost never have conversations other than work related but she is very sweet and a little shy.


On average I'd say she sneezes 3 times a day, always half stifled, sometimes a double with 20 to 30 seconds in between. She is also very sniffly in the mornings, I don't really know how to spell sneezes but they sound like a hhppt-SSSHH, with a wet sound at the end. I don't always bless her but she always replies with a sweet "thank you" and on rare occasions blows her nose.


It happened around noon, she might have sneezed a single in the morning but there were no signs of more incoming sneezes until she suddenly got very sniffly for a minute or so, then rubbed her nose with her index finger and sneeze a quiet hhhptt-sshhh. I turned to bless her and she thanked me. 15 seconds later and she sneezed again. Then 20 seconds passed and she sneezed a third time after a couple of sniffles. I didn't think about it that much, for me it was just a rare triple from her, but 15 seconds later she sneezed a fourth time, and my attention fully changed to the sneeze attack she was having.


I was now pretending to work on the computer while having full focus on her sneezing, just turning to bless her and then looking at the screen as if I was working. About 20 seconds later she sneezed a fifth sneezed that sounded more forceful than the other four. I turned to bless her again, to what she smiled and sweetly replied: "You don't have to keep blessing me, I'm having a sneezing attack". Oh my god I totally MELTED inside 🫠. I tried to keep it cool and said: "Allergies getting to you huh" to what she replied: "Yeah the weather is crazy right now". I asked her: "Are you catching a cold?" And she said: "I don't really know hahaha". I was seriously dying inside 😳.


Some seconds passed and she grabbed her purse, pulling out a brown scarf and immediately sneezed a sixth time onto it. Completely silent stifled. At this point she stopped working and turned a little, facing in my direction just waiting for the next sneeze to come. I was acting as if I didn't hear it and did not bless her. She then repeated this pattern for about 5 more sneezes, each with 20 seconds or so in between and I think I did bless her once more. She was a bit sniffly afterwards but didn't sneeze again that day.


Hope you like it I tried to add every detail I remembered, and I sure didn't had any work done for the rest of that day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Newbie here,

first time ever posting an observation so here it goes.

  This was a few years back on our back porch during a barbecue. We were all sitting around drinking and chatting. I was talking with a friend of a friend . A woman in her late 30s mid 40s long dirty blond wavy hair, slim build cute face and a nice smile. So we’re talking and mid sentence she studders, nostrils start to flare, her head tilts back, mouth open, eyes closed,  she draws in a deep breath and aaahhhtshuooooo!!! This loud completely uncovered sneeze with the girly chooooo at the end. A second or two passed and again she sneezed but this time the hesitation and the face just before she sneezed was just incredible. She gets a couple more words out and again I can see another sneeze building she tries to hold it back but it’s to overwhelming and aaahhhhhtshuoooooo. “Oh my” she says “I’ve got the sneezies.”as she pulls a hanky from her purse and blows her nose.

  And that was it, right there I was squirming in my pants. But I put my best poker face on and tried not give away my dirty secret . But my god it was such an incredible sneeze fit.
    I’ve spoken with her a number of times as she’s a friend of a friend and I’ve heard her sneeze a number of times. Which is so amazing by the way.  I’ve kind of got a little crush on her since that amazing moment. Oh and one more thing she has an identical twin sister whom I’ve met but never seen her sneeze. I would assume it would be the same being a twin but who knows maybe they sneeze different. I’ll have to investigate further. For Science of course !!!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 25/6/2008 at 0:06, 12 to 6 said:

Ohh... recordé otro encuentro loco que tuve con esta maravillosa función corporal...

Estaba sentado en clase con esta chica latina increíblemente hermosa. Podemos llamarla P.

Era una clase de cocina y estábamos recortando pequeños artículos de periódicos y revistas, y luego haciendo un collage tipo confeti de imágenes que incluían comidas de varias partes del mundo.

P estaba sentada justo a mi lado, y había tenido la suerte de oírla y verla estornudar antes, pero no era nada especial en el pasado. Quiero decir, no puedo enfatizar lo hermosa que es esta chica, honestamente un 9 o un 10. Parece una Salma Hayek bronceada.

Así que estábamos conversando sobre qué imágenes usar, cuando de repente ella aparta la mirada abruptamente, agarra mi brazo con fuerza y dice: "Ufff, pensé que iba a estornudar".

Así que en este punto estoy absolutamente enamorado de ella, y si la escuela se incendiara, no habría apartado la mirada de ese hermoso rostro...

Pasaron unos minutos y justo cuando pensé que el estornudo ya había desaparecido, ella me agarró del brazo otra vez y dijo... "¡¡¡aaaaaaaaa HITCCCCCEWWWWW !!!" directo a la pila de fotos de confeti sueltas, enviándolas a volar por todos lados y causando que algunas personas en la clase se rieran y se burlaran de ella, principalmente por su increíble apariencia.

Entonces ahora me mira y dice, "Ugh, me siento muuuuucho mejor ahora, ¿no odias cuando eso sucede?" con una mirada traviesa en su rostro.

Me senté allí, sin querer graduarme nunca.

Wow a great observation, it must be fantastic to have a pretty girl grab your arm and sneeze like that.

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On 29/12/2012 at 2:44, deepinhale said:

Tengo muchísimos recuerdos maravillosos de estornudos. Es muy difícil recordar el mejor de todos. Por eso, hoy os dejo con el que más me acuerdo. ¡Me reservo el derecho a cambiar de opinión!

Para empezar, soy fan de la mayoría de los estornudos femeninos, pero mi tipo favorito es el superpoderoso. Me refiero a los estornudos que hacen temblar la habitación, que hacen que el cuerpo se doble, los estornudos nucleares. Tengan en cuenta que no me gustan los estornudos exagerados y estridentes, y me gusta pensar que puedo notar la diferencia. Algunas mujeres simplemente no pueden contenerse y las amo por eso.

La mujer que probablemente es el modelo con el que he comparado a todas las futuras estornudadoras fue mi maestra de segundo grado, la Sra. M. Probablemente tenía entre treinta y cinco y treinta y cinco años en ese entonces, una mujer alta con cabello rubio ondulado, peinado hacia la gloria de principios de los ochenta. No era delgada, pero definitivamente era atractiva, tenía esa maravillosa madurez femenina que solo se da con unos pocos niños. Poseía un pecho regordete y lleno y caderas bonitas y redondeadas, pero aún conservaba la cintura. Tenía un rostro suave y agradable con una nariz plana y ancha que hacía honor a su apariencia.

La señora M estornudaba mucho. Hasta donde recuerdo, estornudaba al menos una vez al día, a menudo más. Nunca estornudaba más de una vez, que yo recuerde, pero siempre eran sensacionales. Estaba hablando con nosotros cuando se detenía a mitad de una frase y soltaba una explosión gutural: "¡¡ ...

El estornudo más memorable de la Sra. M ocurrió en la cafetería durante el almuerzo. Había un escenario en la parte de atrás con un micrófono siempre instalado. Los maestros se acercaban al micrófono cuando era hora de recoger a su clase y dar instrucciones. Ese día, la Sra. M se acercó al micrófono para decirnos que termináramos y limpiáramos nuestra área. Ella apenas había comenzado a hablar cuando de repente fue invadida por uno de sus estornudos masivos. Se las arregló para alejarse un poco del micrófono, pero no antes de amplificar parcialmente un estornudo que no necesitaba amplificación, "¡AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASRRCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Fue alucinante. Por supuesto, el micrófono transmitió aproximadamente la mitad del estornudo, el resto fue solo retroalimentación que continuó después del estornudo. La Sra. M estaba claramente avergonzada, dijo rápidamente: "¡Lo siento, lo siento! ¡Fue solo un estornudo!" Solo un estornudo de verdad. ¡Qué mujer! ¡Espero que todos lo disfruten!

I like exactly the same sneezes, how wonderful to have a teacher like that, I would have loved to have that obs presence

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5 hours ago, Ignaciosneeze said:

Wow a great observation, it must be fantastic to have a pretty girl grab your arm and sneeze like that.

It was,  but it would be better if she felt the same about me and my sneezes 🥲lol. At least we have this forum. 

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3 minutes ago, robsneeze said:

It was,  but it would be better if she felt the same about me and my sneezes 🥲lol. At least we have this forum. 

Would you be interested in speaking privately with me? 

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7 minutes ago, Ignaciosneeze said:

Would you be interested in speaking privately with me? 

Sure but I’m not verified yet I don’t know how we could do that. 

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4 minutes ago, robsneeze said:

Claro, pero aún no estoy verificado. No sé cómo podríamos hacer eso. 

Give me some means of contact for you and I'll talk to you.

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Just another friendly reminder that all posts must be in English, and that personal info is not to be posted in public. Once users are verified they can exchange personal messages.

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37 minutes ago, webmeistro said:

Just another friendly reminder that all posts must be in English, and that personal info is not to be posted in public. Once users are verified they can exchange personal messages.

I apologize, it won’t happen again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/12/2024 at 2:32 PM, Brolycannon said:

I turned to bless her again, to what she smiled and sweetly replied: "You don't have to keep blessing me, I'm having a sneezing attack". Oh my god I totally MELTED inside 🫠

This melts me too! While some people may say it because they may be frustrated themselves, a lot of times it’s a situation like this, where it seems like it’s that they feel embarrassed that they can’t stop and think maybe it’s bothering me and I feel obligated or something.

I’ve never had the courage to, but I always want to say “Aww, don’t worry; I don’t mind!” Or like “It’s okay! know I don’t have to; I want to 🥰”  But instead I definitely do what you did where I respect their wish and just try to ignore and maybe throw in one or two more randomly. Haha. 

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On 7/9/2024 at 11:10 PM, robsneeze said:

“Oh my” she says “I’ve got the sneezies.”

That is absolutely adorable! I would find it hard to keep control too 🙈

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  • 2 weeks later...

in my last year of school, when we were all scared eighteen year olds coming up to the final exams, i was friends with a girl who was highly academic. she was the type to study hours after school, aspiring doctor. long, curly blonde hair and a kind of interesting nose, both elongated and upturned at the tip.

i remember she caught a horrendous cold right before our chemistry final and was far too stubborn to call in sick and risk her pristine results. the first inkling of this i got was when i was walking behind her in the direction of the class, she had her arms filled with books to the point that someone else had to open the door for her, and although i didn’t see the front of her sneeze, i saw the violence with which her head of blonde curls ducked over the pile of books in her arms as she let out a “HURAAAAASHOO!” it wasn’t screamed necessarily, simply naturally so desperate and violent that it came out loud and aggressive. 

i thought that would be the best of it, but then we reached class. as i said, we had the final that day, and the class was to be held in absolute silence. i could hear her sniffing throughout the first part of the test, and tried my best not to look up and to be a good student - until abruptly about halfway through the paper she stopped writing altogether and sat up, her hands steepled together in front of her nose: “HURAAAASHOO! HURAAASHOOO! HURASHOOOOO!” 

she just kept going, each sneeze as desperate and itchy and huge as the last, and the best bit? the classroom was totally silent due to it being a test, so they sounded even louder. “HURASHOOO! HURASHOOOO! HURAAAAAASHOOOO!” 

people were starting to look up now, and as a teenage girl she must have felt so insecure and on the spot, but all she could do was just continue to let them out: “HURAAAAASHOOOO! HURAAAAASHOOOOO! HURASHOOOO! HURAAAASHOOOOOO!” 

ten in a row, in total. i think i looked at her in awe for a minute before asking if she was okay - she was, just tired and coldy. i cannot tell you how many times i replayed that fit in my mind! funnily enough, years later i was out on the street in the city i currently live in and heard a “HURASHOOOOO!” and looked back only to realise it was her - the sneeze sound was so familiar i knew who it was immediately! turns out we moved to the same city, although i’m not close enough to her to have witnessed anything like that magic again.

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7 hours ago, ameraboo said:

En mi último año de escuela, cuando todos éramos unos jóvenes de dieciocho años asustados que se acercaban a los exámenes finales, era amigo de una chica que era muy académica. Era del tipo que estudiaba horas después de la escuela, aspirante a doctora. Cabello rubio largo y rizado y una especie de nariz interesante, alargada y respingada en la punta.

Recuerdo que cogió un resfriado terrible justo antes de nuestro examen final de química y era demasiado terca como para llamar y decir que estaba enferma y arriesgar sus impecables resultados. El primer indicio de esto que tuve fue cuando caminaba detrás de ella en dirección a la clase, tenía los brazos llenos de libros hasta el punto de que alguien más tuvo que abrirle la puerta, y aunque no vi el frente de su estornudo, vi la violencia con la que su cabeza de rizos rubios se agachó sobre la pila de libros en sus brazos mientras soltaba un "¡ HURAAAAASHOO !" No fue necesariamente un grito, simplemente naturalmente tan desesperado y violento que salió fuerte y agresivo. 

Pensé que eso sería lo mejor, pero luego llegamos a clase. Como dije, teníamos el examen final ese día y la clase se llevaría a cabo en absoluto silencio. La oí sorber durante la primera parte del examen e hice todo lo posible por no levantar la vista y ser una buena estudiante, hasta que, de repente, a mitad del examen, dejó de escribir por completo y se sentó, con las manos juntas frente a la nariz: “¡ HURAAAASHOO! ¡HURAAASHOOO! ¡HURASHOOOOO! ” 

Ella siguió , cada estornudo era tan desesperado, picaba y era tan fuerte como el anterior, ¿y lo mejor? El aula estaba en completo silencio porque era un examen, así que sonaban aún más fuertes. “¡ HURASHOOO! ¡HURASHOOOO! ¡HURAAAAAASHOOO !” 

La gente empezaba a mirar hacia arriba y, como adolescente, debió sentirse muy insegura y en apuros, pero lo único que podía hacer era seguir soltándolos: “¡ HURAAAAASHOOOO! ¡HURAAAAASHOOOOO! ¡HURASHOOOO! ¡HURAAAASHOOOOOO !” 

Diez seguidos, en total. Creo que la miré con asombro durante un minuto antes de preguntarle si estaba bien. Estaba, solo cansada y con frío. ¡No puedo decirte cuántas veces repetí ese ataque en mi mente! Curiosamente, años después estaba en la calle en la ciudad en la que vivo actualmente y escuché un "¡ HURASHOOOOO !". Miré hacia atrás solo para darme cuenta de que era ella. ¡El sonido del estornudo me resultó tan familiar que supe quién era de inmediato! Resulta que nos mudamos a la misma ciudad, aunque no estoy lo suficientemente cerca de ella como para haber presenciado algo así de magia nuevamente.

Magnificent observation, these are the ones I love, how he looked physically in height and build ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so I’d gone back to school to study a course, and one of my friends(I’ll just call her Kiera) was going back, too(we’re both 18 by now)

Now, I’ve never known her to be allergic to anything, but she must have been because she only sneezed in this one classroom, but not in the others.

I was so lucky, because throughout almost the entire day we were in that room. Her sneezes were kind of like “eh-iksch! eh-itscth! eh-itsch! itch! itsch!” And in small fits, starting with a few with some build up then more with no time in between.


and I’m like 🤭🤗

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On 8/19/2024 at 1:47 PM, ameraboo said:

in my last year of school, when we were all scared eighteen year olds coming up to the final exams, i was friends with a girl who was highly academic. she was the type to study hours after school, aspiring doctor. long, curly blonde hair and a kind of interesting nose, both elongated and upturned at the tip.

i remember she caught a horrendous cold right before our chemistry final and was far too stubborn to call in sick and risk her pristine results. the first inkling of this i got was when i was walking behind her in the direction of the class, she had her arms filled with books to the point that someone else had to open the door for her, and although i didn’t see the front of her sneeze, i saw the violence with which her head of blonde curls ducked over the pile of books in her arms as she let out a “HURAAAAASHOO!” it wasn’t screamed necessarily, simply naturally so desperate and violent that it came out loud and aggressive. 

i thought that would be the best of it, but then we reached class. as i said, we had the final that day, and the class was to be held in absolute silence. i could hear her sniffing throughout the first part of the test, and tried my best not to look up and to be a good student - until abruptly about halfway through the paper she stopped writing altogether and sat up, her hands steepled together in front of her nose: “HURAAAASHOO! HURAAASHOOO! HURASHOOOOO!” 

she just kept going, each sneeze as desperate and itchy and huge as the last, and the best bit? the classroom was totally silent due to it being a test, so they sounded even louder. “HURASHOOO! HURASHOOOO! HURAAAAAASHOOOO!” 

people were starting to look up now, and as a teenage girl she must have felt so insecure and on the spot, but all she could do was just continue to let them out: “HURAAAAASHOOOO! HURAAAAASHOOOOO! HURASHOOOO! HURAAAASHOOOOOO!” 

ten in a row, in total. i think i looked at her in awe for a minute before asking if she was okay - she was, just tired and coldy. i cannot tell you how many times i replayed that fit in my mind! funnily enough, years later i was out on the street in the city i currently live in and heard a “HURASHOOOOO!” and looked back only to realise it was her - the sneeze sound was so familiar i knew who it was immediately! turns out we moved to the same city, although i’m not close enough to her to have witnessed anything like that magic again.

Aww I feel so bad for her.. but at the same time I can imagine how exciting that must have been to witness🤭 but HOW were you able to focus on the test after that??

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