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Cold Shoulder - (12 Parts)


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Thanks Alexandria

I'll try to update soon.*

* soon = I dont know when.

But thanks for commenting and liking it.

Edited by prisma
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  • 1 year later...

More about time too.

She looked absolutely adorable. Riot couldn't help but smile. Minx's pout turned into a scowl and her eyes narrowed. The famous German expression "schadenfreude" came to mind. It's meaning , to take pleasure in others misfortunes was something she could relate to but not when it was used in reference to her misery.

"Why are you smiling at me that way?"

" I'm sorry Minx but you are just going to have to face it. You're totally stunning. Even when you're sick"

" Ha!" Minx spat bitterly " That's not what you said before"

" I know. I was caught off guard at first. You don't look like yourself. But even when ill you still look a million times better then half the people in this world."

Minx looked at Riot sceptically.

"would I lie?" Riot asked innocently. " I mean to you" He corrected himself.

Minx could tell he was using his famous charm and as much as she hated to admit it she was falling for it. With Riot is was so easy.

She smiled. " I believe you."

Riot abandoned his perch on the bed and got up.

" Now, I am going to see what is taking that concierge so long. It amazes me how people are so lazy these days!" He shook his head in disbelief

"Mmmhmm" Minx murmured. Her head felt heavy and it was too much effort to form words. She lay her head back on the pillow and slid her body back into a reclining position.

" Don't get too comfortable. I shall return shortly to administer your requested meds."

"Don't worry. I doubt very much I can be comfortable given the position I'm in presently".

Minx was alone again. She became uncomfortably aware of her flannel pyjama's. what had seemed so comfortable before now seemed too hot. She was perspiring lightly and she gingerly wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. She unbuttoned the first three buttons on her top to reveal a light glistening of sweat. She felt dazed and it oddly felt her movements were underwater. She kicked off the rest of her comforter and lay sprawled on the bed. "mien gott" she cursed in her native tongue. She sighed and lifted her copious amounts of her hair of her neck. She piled it on to her head in the hopes of cooling down but it was to no avail. She still felt hot and miserable. She sniffled pathetically and wished she had some actual tissues instead of the roll of toilet paper that lay by her side. Riot will be back soon she thought and fanned herself with her hand. When that proved to be to tiring she gathered all her strength and swung her legs over the bed. She was determined to turn on the air conditioning. She carefully got up and weakly fumbled toward the cooling unit. She felt like a newborn foal who was just learning to walk. She was just adjusting the levels when Riot walked in with the handsome concierge beside him. He moved with catlike ability and confidence. You can tell alot about a person by the way they walk. Minx feeling weaker by the second scrambled into her bedroom before either gentleman saw her.

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  • 4 years later...

Hey I had long given up on this fan fic but I have had an unexpected bout of inspiration so I am updating it now.

Let me know what you guys think

The mere action of getting out of bed demoted her already fleeting strength into sheer exhaustion. . She heard the click of the air conditioner turning on and

sighed with relief. She lay back in bed and awaited Riot. She didn't have to wait long for a moment later he appeared carrying a shopping bag filled with

supplies. At last! Now maybe she could find some relief from this..."Hhe-aAhchew!" She sneezed daintily against her wrist trying to turn away from Riot in the

process. He stood erect at her bedside and peered down at her with a stern expression. "I see I have come not a moment too soon." Minx was glad someone

was looking out for her. Her heart glowed and she felt cared for and loved.

But she had mistook Riots concern and failed to see he was looking upon her with a glower of disgust. "Here." He ordered harshly as he handed her a box of

tissue and stepped away. " I imagine this is much more sanitary then the back of your hand." Minx, oblivious to Riots callous demeanor gladly took the box and

ripped into it as if a child at Christmas. She blew her nose as Riot wrinkled his own in revulsion. He sighed heavily. This was not going to be easy. It was hard

to look upon either of his girls as weak. He did care deeply about Minx and her well being but in her current condition he found feelings of disdain to be the

foremost on his mind. He shook his head suddenly as if to erase all negative thoughts from it. If he was to nurse Minx in her time of need there no room for this

kind of attitude. He would just have to rise above.

"Can you get me a waste bin?" The German asked looking up at him. Riot nodded and returned with a small tin pail that he had found in her bathroom and Minx

disposed of the used tissue. At this Riot gave a small nod of approval. "So what else do you have for me?" She asked him.

"My dear, I think first we shall start out with a choice beverage of Theraflu. Is there any flavor you prefer? I took the liberty of purchasing all the current


"The one that tastes most like champagne." Minx said with a smirk. Sick as she was her wit was intact.

Riot smiled a genuine smile. "I'm almost certain that none will live up to that expectation but lets hope your too stuffed up to tell."

He left the room and came back with a steaming mug. Minx accepted the cup and took a sip gingerly. She swallowed and looked at Riot with glee.

"You were right! I can't taste anything."

"Thank heavens for small miracles." He chuckled.

Minx set the Neo Citrin down by her bedside table.

She looked over at Riot and suddenly felt guarded. She didn't want to start acting all mushy with feelings of gratitude. It wasn't unusual for both her and

Rapture to gush over the obvious brilliance of their leader but now she suddenly felt shy.

She was all too aware of the helpless predicament she was in. She felt herself begin to flush with embarrassment

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