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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Anything For You - (16 Parts)

White Rose

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I LOVE THIS STORY! Your congested spelling is perfect and this story is so sweet! I also can't wait until Declan gets it :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, as promised, I am updating you guys. I am so sorry it took so long! I have had this thing written on paper for a while, it's just so time consuming to get it onto my computer. Oh well, in two weeks, I'm out of school and you guys will be getting updates galore!!



I woke up to a hand stroking my arm. I sniffled, “Declad?” I moaned

“No Sweetie. It’s mom.”

“Oh.” I said, blinking my eyes open. My mom was sitting on the side of my bed. She had a gentile hand on my thigh.

“I know you’re not up to school Honey, and, I have an emergency at work. Dad is at work and Kyle and Josh just left for school. Will you be okay here by yourself?”

“Yes.” I croaked, then cleared my sore throat.

“Okay. I made you breakfast.” She walked over to my dresser and got a tray she had recently plenished with two slices of plain buttered toast and a glass or orange juice. She put the tray over my lap, then looked at her watch. “Ooh. I have to get going. Sorry I couldn’t stay home with you today. Call me if you need anything okay baby?”

“Okay. Thadks Bob.” I said.

“Anytime Honey. Feel better. I love you.” She smiled sweetly down at me.

“I love you too.” She bent down and kissed my forehead. She waved goodbye, still wearing her maternal smile, and shut the door. Soon, I heard the garage door open, then shut.

I ate my toast and drank my orange juice and set the tray with the dirty dishes on the floor. “Ih… CHOO! Huh…. Huh…. HUHCHEW!” I sneezed into my fist, then groaned, feeling particularly sorry for myself.

I opened up another box of tissues from the bag Declan brought me from the drugstore. I crawled back into bed with a tissue pressed up to my nose.

Even though I just woke up, I felt exhausted. But, not just that. A part of me was depressed. I missed Declan. I just decided to go back to sleep.

Thanks again guys!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks so much for being so patient with me!!

PART TWELVE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I woke up a few hours later to my phone vibrating on my nightstand. The clock read 10:20.

I flipped my phone open and it revealed a text from Declan:


Open The Window...


I smiled and got out of bed. I opened my blue mosquito net curtans and slid open the window. Declan crawled in.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He kissed me.

"Fide.... I guess. You kdow.... By paredts aredt hobe, you could have used the frodt door.... A'd..." I trailed off as I noticed he was holding something.

"Just thought you'd get a kick out of it." He smiled and I grinned back.

"This is for you." He held out a red gift bag. My smile grew bigger. I reached in the bag and found a single daisy, a little travel pack of tissues, tea and hot cocoa mix, cough drops, and a can of soup. Attached to the daisy was a note:


Feel Better!

I love you!



"Declan. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." I said, "Thank you!"

He smiled at me. "No problem, Trager."

"Wait.... Aren't you suppose to be in school?" I asked

"Yeah, there's nothing really important going on, so, I got out early because I figured you could use some company."

"Aw, thanks. But, how did you get out of Mr. Miller's class? He's really strict and he never lets anyone go early."

"I have ways." He smiled

"Aaah, my mystery man came to my rescue." I said

"Someone had to." He gave me his million dollar smile and leaned in to kiss me.

We kissed, then seperated.

I smiled. then sniffled. He led me to my bed by gently placing his hand along the small of my back.

I lied down and he tucked the covers over me. He walked over to the other side of the bed and sat beside me.

"HupChoo!" For the first time, that wasn't me. Declan sneezed into his cupped hands.

"Bless you baby. You're not getting my cold are you?" I played with his spiked brown hair.

"No, no. Why would you think that?'

"Um, because you've spent the past two days with me. You've gotten sneezed on, coughed on, you held tissues up to my nose, you've kissed me, hugged me, and slept with me... Not in that way, but you know what I mean."

"Well, that doesn't mean I'm getting your cold. It was just... a random sneeze. That's all."

"Okay..." I said, doubtfully, feeling as if we were swiching rolls.

I held a tissue up to my running nose.

"Why are you worrying about me anyway? Look at you. My poor girl. I don't think I've ever seen you this sick before."

I smiled, "Yeah, well, I'll live."

He noded. I parted my lips and tilted my head back knowing what the sudden intense tickle would result in.

"Huhhh.... It-CHEW!" I sneezed into my hand. My hair fell in my face.

"Bless you." He said.

"Ugh, thadks." I said, sniffly.

He smiled and handed me a tissue. I blew my nose and lied back down. He lied back down too. He was propped up on the pillows but I was all the way down. He cuddled against me. I felt so safe, as if he were protecting me.

"You're so pretty." He spoke softly, his eyes twinkling down at me.

I chuckled to myself. "Aw, thadks babe."

"So, what do you wanna do?" He asked

"I don't know. I'm kinda tired of movies, and I don't feel like going to sleep." I yawned.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire..." He teased jokingly like a little kid.

I laughed sleepishly.

"But seriously, you really should get some rest."

"Nah... I'm good."

"Here Lor, come here..." He said. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my temple.

"Lori, you're shivering."

"I'b really cold. *sniff*"

"Aw." He held me tighter, then reached for the lime green blanket at the end of the bed. He tucked us both under the covers and wrapped the blanket and his arms around me. I rested on his chest. I was so comfortable being all cuddled up with Declan. Soon, I drifted halfway to sleep. He gave me another kiss and I drifted into a deeper sleep.

TBC!! :shy:

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I woke up to the painful scratchy feeling in my throat and a painfully congested feeling in my nose. I sniffled to try to relieve my blocked nose but it only resulted in a headache and my throat feeling even more scratchy. I was still lying on Declan. I had an intense urge to cough, but I didn't want to wake him up.

Soon, I couldn't bear it. I coughed into my fist. The several rattling coughs were painful in my chest. I tried to be as quiet as I could, but the coughs were so strong, so it was tough. Soon, what I was trying to avoid, happened. Declan was blinking his eyes open.

I sniffled, "I'b so sorry Declad. I did't bead to wake you up."

"No problem, Trager." He spoke in a groggy, sleepish voice.

"I'b sorry. I had to cough."

"Lori. It's okay." He said, smiling down at me.

"Huuuuh......Ihhh.... Huh...." I suddenly had an intense tickle in my nose.

Declan looked confused.

"Ih.........*sniff* Huh....."

"Is the sneeze stuck love?"

I shook my head "Yeh....... Huh..... Yes....."

"Aw. Poor Lori."

"Shu........Huh.....Shut up." I laughed at how funny I must have looked to him.

"Hiiihhh...." My tear-filled eyes searched the bed for the tissues. "Ugh.... huh...."

"Aw, baby, do you need a tissue?"

"Uhhh.....uhhuh..... Huhhh....huuuuuuh..... ihh."

He reached over to the nightstand and quickly grabbed a tissue.

"Here love..." He held the tissue up to my nose.

"Tha....... Thadks....HUHHH... CHOOOOO!!! ITCHEW!!! HumTCHEW!!!! ITCHEW!!! Huh.... CHEW!!!" The powerful sneezes were caught in the tissue Declan was holding.

"Woa Lori. Bless you." He kissed my temple.

I sniffled. "Thadks Declad. I'b SO sorry! That was dasty!" I said, my eyes were still filled with sneezy tears.

He handed me another tissue. "Not at all. Here Lori, blow your nose."

I blew my nose. It was painful and the sound of it made me cringe.

"Sorry." I repeated.

"No more sorrys. You're cute no matter what, so not another word about being gross." He said.

All I could do was smile at him. He kissed my nose.

"Thadks." I said

"No problem." He said, "I love you."

"I love you too!" I said, exhausted by the powerful sneezes. It must have been obvious because he layed me back down and tucked the covers over me.

"Go back to sleep Lori. You're tired."

"Thadks." I said, closing my eyes.

"You're welcome. He kissed me and cuddled my warm body.


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I woke up to a cool wet cloth on my forehead. I sniffled and blinked my eyes open to reveal Declan and Mom standing over me. I groaned. My entire body ached and felt like it was on fire. The room was dark, with only the small pink light shining at me from the corner.

"Hey sweetie." my mom said.

"He..... Hey." I said, trying to wake myself up a bit more.

Declan waved at me.

"You gave us a scare for a little while." My mom said.

"Why?" I asked, still a little confused.

"You're fever shot right up and you started shivering." Declan said.

"Yeah. Don't you remember us taking your temperature?" Mom asked

"Nuh.... No." I said, as I felt a tickle in the back of my sinuses.

"Oh. Well, it was 103.4" My mom informed me in her worried voice.

"Oh....... Hep-TCHEW!" I sneezed openly in the air which, I am sure, landed somewhat on Declan and Mom.

"Bless you." They both chorused. Declan grabbed a tissue from the bedside table and held it up to my nose.

"Here babe." He said, "Blow your nose."

I was far too exhausted to argue, so, with the little strength I had, I blew my nose.

"Thadks.... I'b sorry." I said

"Don't be." Declan kissed my forehead.

Mom still held the cloth to my forehead.

"Mom....?" I heard Josh call from downstairs.

"Hang on sweetie, I better go see what Josh wants." She said, smiling down at me. I smiled back, too tired to respond.

Mom left and shut the door behind her.

Declan dabbed the cloth to my head and kissed my cheek. He lied down next to me.

"You okay Trager?" He asked.

"Yeah.... I will be." I said

"Good." He smiled.

All of a sudden, he stopped dabbing the cloth to my head. He got this odd expression on his face and turned away from me.

"Heh.... HeTCHushhh.... HipCHoo!" He sneezed forcefully over his shoulder. I grew a bit more worried about him.

"Aww, bless you baby." I said

He turned back to face me and sniffled. I grabbed a tissue from the box and handed it to him.

"Thadks." He said, with a congested tone in his voice.

"Aw, sweetie, I knew you were catching my cold." I said, rubbing his cheek.

"Nah. I'm fine." He said, before wetly blowing his nose. When he was finished, he threw the tissue in the trash can and continued with a sniffle. "Besides, you're the one with the 103 degree fever. You don't have time to worry about my sniffles." He said, looking down at me. He sounded freaking adorable!

I giggled, "Okay..." I said, doubtfully. "But at least lay down next to me. You could use rest too." I lifted the covers up and let him crawl under them. He lied on the pillow. "Maybe you should get some sleep babe." I said

"But.... What about you?" He asked.

"I'll be fine. Mom loves this kind of stuff. She never leaves my side when I'm sick." I said

"Okay. Thanks Trager." He said.

"You're welcome." I kissed him.

He smiled and closed his eyes. I rubbed his shoulder and he slowly drifted to sleep. After I made sure he was asleep, I fell asleep myself...


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Love this... DON'T YOU DARE NOT ADD TO THIS!!!! Just kidding, ;) but I'd love TBC :D

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Part Fifteen!!!


I woke up to my empty stomach gurgling at me. I turned over and faced Declan. He was still asleep and was snoring slightly.

I decided to get up and go downstairs to get some food. But, to my dismay, my body was far too weak still to support my weight. So, I lied back down and groaned.

I watched Declan sleep peacefully but soon, a strong tickle distracted me. I tried to relieve it by sniffling, but that only made it worse.

"Itchew! *sniff* Hatcheww!!!" I covered my sneezes with my comforter and sniffled.

"Bless you, Sweetie." My mom was making her way into my room.

"Thags." I said. "Sh... Declad is still sleepig." I whispered as well as I could, putting a quieting finger over my mouth.

"Oh." She whispered back with a smile. "Do you need anything Honey?" She asked in a quiet voice, rubbing my arm.

"Actually, I am a little hungry." I said

"Good. That means your body is working off the fever/"

I smiled.

"Okay, what would you like? I'll make anything you want, or I can order take out." My mom said

"Doe, you dodt deed to do that." I said, "Cad you just bake be sobe soup ad a side of toast with orange juice?"

"Of course I can. Coming right up!" She said.

"Thadks Bob." I said. She kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.

I lied in my bed for a while, constantly dabbing a tissue to my nose. Finally, Mom came with my dinner.

"Here you go Hon."

"Thadks Bob."

She set the tray on my lap and left the room.

Declan was starting to wake up.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He answered groggily.

"How are you feeling?" We questioned each other at the same time and smiled.

"I am fine." Declan sniffled and rubbed his nose.

"Aw baby, you need a tissue?"

"Nuh..... No.... HetCHOO! *sniff*"

"Aw, bless you!"

"Thadks." He sniffled, clearly needing a tissue.

"You sure you don't want a tissue??" I asked


I smiled at how stubbern he was.

I took a bite of my soup. "Humpxhoo!" He stifled a sneeze in his fist.

"Bless you baby." I said. I leaned over to kiss him, but he backed away. "Hatchoo!! *sniff*"

"Double blesses!" I said, but soon felt a tickle in my own nose. "Hetchew!" I sneezed into the napkin my mom gave me with dinner.

"Bless yourself!" He hazily smiled. "Um..."

"Yeah honey? What is it?"

"I uh... I guess I'll take you up on the offer of the Kleenex..." He admitted with shy eyes and one hand held up to his nose.

I giggled. "Okay." I handed him a tissue and grabbed one for myself.

We blew our noses in unison...


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"Aw, baby. You sound awful!" I said.

He forced a laugh. "So do you."

I smiled. "Hey.... Now I know why Mr. Miller let you out of his class. You were sick all day weren't you?"

"Doh. I.... I was just..... HETCHOO! *sniff*..."

"Bless you." I said

"Ugh, thadks." He rubbed his nose roughly with the used tissue.

I laughed, "Dod't thidk you cad distract be with your cute sneezes." I kissed his pink nose.

He laughed, but his laughter soon turned to hitching. "hih..... hih.... HEITCHOO!"

"Bless you." I said, grabbing a tissue. I held it up to his nose. "Now blow."

"But....." He argued stubbernly

"Just blow baby." I said

He gave a loud, wet blow. I grabbed myself a tissue and did the same.

"Anyway, he let you out because you were clearly sick right?"

"Ugh, fide. Trager, you got be to adbit it..."

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

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