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Anything For You - (16 Parts)

White Rose

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Joined: 31-May 08

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Age: 13

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Title: Anything For You

Author: TheSneezeLover

Summary: Lori's miserable state is exactly what draws Declan to her. (The story is in Lori's point of view and takes place around season one of Kyle XY)

Characters!: Lori Trager: A somewhat sinical brunette teenager living in the Trager house. Here is a picture of her so you can get a better idea: http://media.photobucket.com/image/lori%20...7c46scd.jpg?o=1

Declan McDonna: Lori's brown haired boyfriend. He is very compassionate but has a really bad home life. Here is a picture of him: http://media.photobucket.com/image/chris%2...livero3.jpg?o=2



I was curled up in my flower spotted bed on Saturday afternoon with a glass of orange juice, listening to my stereo, and reading the latest issue of people magazine. I was the only one home. I was in my purple robe and flannel P.J.s with blue fuzzy slippers. I was really tired even though I stayed in last night. My nose was really stuffy and my head was pounding. Overall, I felt awful.

The doorbell rang. Without thinking, I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

“Hey Trager.” Declan said. I stood in front of him, no makeup, my hair in a messy bun, and in my pajamas.

“Oh, uh… Hi Declan.” I said, trying to hide my embarrassment. I sniffled and wiped my nose on the back of my hand.

“Woa, you okay Lori?” He asked. I loved that about him. Declan McDonna, the boy who comes from a broken home yet always manages to put everyone else first.

I cleared my throat. “Uh, yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” I faked a small giggle.

“You just don’t look well, that’s all.”

“Oh well, I’m…. Fih…. Fine…” I said, but my nose had a different idea. “Ihh…. IhCHEW!” I sneezed into my purple sleeve, trying to make it as little and girly as possible.

“Bless you Lori. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I smiled, trying to re-assure him. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I sniffled wetly.

All of a sudden, I felt his cold hand on my aching forehead. I sniffled again, trying to clear my congestion.

“Trager, come on, you’re not fine.”

I sniffled again. “Yes I am.” I knew I was catching a cold, but I was too proud to admit it for some reason, especially to my boyfriend.

I felt another tickle.

“Hih… CHOO!” I wiped my nose with my sleeve, in desperate need of a tissue.

“Uh Huh, You’re ‘fine.’ Lets see, it’s one in the afternoon and you’re still in your pajamas, your nose is pink, you’ve sneezed twice since I’ve been here, and you are sniffling nonstop. Yeah, you’re doing great!”

I smiled, knowing I couldn’t win. “Well, I uh… just have a little cold. So what?”

“Lori…” He trailed off as he noticed the increasingly sneezy expression on my face.

“Ih… * sniff * Ihchew!” I brought my arm up to my face and sneezed into my wrist.

“Bless you.” Declan said with concern as he rubbed my cheek. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He put his arm around me and started to lead me upstairs. “Come on Trager.” He said compassionately. I rolled my eyes, still too proud to admit I was sick. But, I let him lead anyway.

We reached my room. He still had one arm wrapped tight around me. He brought down my neatly made bed and fluffed up the many pillows. He then led me

down to my bed and tucked all of the covers over me. I was so comfortable. Both in my bed, and being under his care.

“Thank you.” I muttered.

“Don’t mention it.” Declan said as he sat on my bed beside me.

I smiled, but soon felt a strong tickle. I tried so hard to fight it.

“Huhhh… Ihhh…” I hitched quietly. I pinched my nose to try to ease the irritation without sneezing.

Declan looked over at me with concern. He grabbed a pink tissue out of the flower print box on my nightstand. “Lori, don’t hold it back.” He said, handing me the tissue.

I gladly took it from him. “Ih-Chew! Huh… CHEW! ITCHEW!” I sniffled.

He grabbed me another tissue. “Bless you.”

“Thadks.” I said, my voice was thick and heavy.

I accepted the tissue and wiped my nose, even though I desperately wanted to blow it.

“Trager, blow your nose.” He said, as if he were reading my mind.

I sniffled wetly. “Doe.” I said, surprised at how congested my voice sounded.

“Come on Lori. Will you come off of the ‘I’m so tough’ act. Everyone gets sick. It’s not like I’m not going to think you’re cute if you blow your nose.”

“Aw, you think I’b cute?”

“Well, yeah. I always think you’re cute.” He said, embarrassed, “Now blow your nose.”

I brought the tissue up to my nose and gave a hard blow.

“There, that wasn’t so bad was it?”

I laughed. “I guess not.” I said quietly.

He lied down beside me, not bothering with the covers and opened his arms, inviting me in. I shifted toward him. He wrapped his arms around me and I lied my head on his chest. He kissed my head. I closed my eyes in the comfort of Declan’s arms. He held my hand in his and stroked my hair. Then, all of a sudden, at the worst possible time, the annoying tickle returned. It tickled and teased my flaring nostrils. Declan noticed my discomfort . He let go of my hand and reached for a tissue and held it to my nose. It was just in time to catch three enormous sneezes. “Hep-CHEW, Itchew, IhhhChew!” I sighed in exhaustion.

“I’b so sorry Declad.” I said

“Don’t be Lori.”

I sniffled. He was still holding me tight, despite my germy sneezes. He grabbed the tissue box and put it on the right side of me. I pulled a tissue from the box and blew my nose heavily.

“Poor Lori.” He said, rubbing my arm.

“I’m not sick.” I protested stubbornly, with a wet sniffle, not really helping my case.

Declan ignored my last comment. I started coughing hoarse, painful coughs that seemed to rattle in my throat.

“Here Lori, lie down, I’m gunna go get you some tea.” He said, guiding me gently down to my pillows.

“Doe Declad, you dod’t have to.” I said

“Lori, I want to.” Declan flashed me his sweet smile as he left my room and left my door open slightly.

I lied back on my bed and took advantage of the time I had to myself. I grabbed three tissues and let out a loud, gurgling blow. In the middle of this process, Declan poked his head in.

“Lori, do you want…” He started before seeing me. I must have looked pretty pathetic. “Oh Lori…” He walked towards me with a concerned look on his face.

“Huh-ChEW!” I sneezed, muffled into the now soaked tissues.

“Bless you.” He said with sympathy. He stood in front of my bed. I felt so small as I looked up at him, like a little kid, buried under her covers, taking a sick day off of school while the nurturing grown-up is taking care of her.

I sniffled and sighed. “Thadks.”

He walked over to me and sat by my side. He tucked a loose lock of hair behind my ear. “Trager, you look pretty beat.” He said sympathetically.

“Yeah, I kind of… am.” I said, too tired for a real response.

He gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. I smiled. My heart was filled with butterflies as I stared into his eyes.

“Do you want honey?” He asked

I sniffled. “Please?”

He smiled, “Of course.” He left my room and I buried myself under the covers. I was freezing. I closed my eyes to releave my aching head. I lied there for a few minutes. But, my moment of relaxation was soon interrupted by the re-occuring tickle.

“Ih… HuhCHEW!” I sneezed into my comforter and grabbed another tissue. I blew my nose as hard as I could, but it still didn’t releave any congestion.

I lied there, shivering. Soon, Declan came in with a steaming mug of tea. He smiled at me as he walked through my door.

“Here you go, Trager. A nice, hot cup of tea with extra honey.”

I smiled. “Just how I like it.”

He handed me the cup and sat down next to me. I took a sip. The warm tea soothed my aching throat.

“So?” He asked

“You dod’t kdow how good it is right dow.”

He smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”



“Thadks. You kdow, for beidg so dice to be.”

“No problem, Trager.”

I smiled. I was propped up on the pillows leaning against the head board. Declan got on the bed and sat right next to me as I sipped my tea. He put his arm around my shoulder and I lied my head on his solder. I sniffled wetly and rubbed my nose.

“Ew, sorry, that was gross.” I said, still lying on him.

He grabbed a tissue. “Not at all.” He said as he held the tissue up to my nose. “Blow.” He instructed sweetly.

“Yuck, doe. I’ll get all of my gross sicky juice on you.”

“So, you are sick?” He laughed, still holding the tissue to my nose.

“Doe, who said adythidg about beidg sick?”


I laughed. “Fide, I adbit, I feel horrible. I ab sick.” I sighed.

“Aw, Lori.” He took away the tissue, held me tight, and kissed my nose. But, his gentle kiss triggered a deep tickle in the back of my sinuses. He was hugging me, but the tickle was tourmenting me.

“Huhh… Hihhh…” I hitched. Declan separated from the hug and right as he did… “AH-CHEW!!!” I sneezed right onto this chest, leaving a small splatter of spray on his olive green shirt.

He held the tissue up to my nose. “Blow.” He repeated.

I did as he said. I blew my nose as soft as I could.

He kissed my forehead. “Bless you Trager.”

I blushed. “Thadks… I’b sorry Declad.”

He put a quieting finger over my mouth. “Shh. Don’t apologize.” He brought me down to my pillows again. He tucked me under the covers. I lye on my side, facing hi. He rubbed my arm.

I sniffled. “I really ab sorry. I dod’t wadt to get you sick.”

“Trager, I don’t care if I get sick.” He said, “I actually thought that was hot.” He laughed.

I laughed too. “You did, you dod’t thidk I’b gross?”

“No. Trager, do you remember at Prestan’s party when I got champain?”


“And you told me you don’t like champain because it tickles your nose, then your nose started twitching and you sneezed?”

I sniffled, then laughed. “Oh yeah.”

“Yeah, that was really cute.” He admitted

“Really?” I asked.

“Yeah. Everything you do is cute to me. Nothing you could ever do would gross me out.”

My heart melted. “Aw, Declad. That’s so sweet.” I sniffled.

He smiled and gave me a hug.

“You know what might help you feel better?” He said, with his arm around me.

“What?” I sniffled

“Sleep. Did you sleep well last night?”

“Doe. I was up all dight coughing and sdeezig.” I said

“Aw, Trager. Why didn’t you call me?” Declan asked.

“You kdow be. Be ad by stupid… heh… Pride…” I said, my breath starting to hitch.

“Bless you.” Declan said, prediction what was coming.

“Hih….” I paused. The tickle went away. “You spoke too sood.” I said.

He laughed. But, the tickle quickly returned. I released and unexpected “Hih-CHEW!” half covered by my hand.

“Spoke too soon, huh?”

I smiled. “I thought it went away.”

“Oh. Well, bless you” He said, “You should really get to sleep.”

“Thadks. I’b so tired.”

“I can tell.” He said.

I closed my eyes to try to go to sleep.

“Wait!” Declan said, “Not yet.”

“What?” I groaned.

“We have to get you all situated here.” He got up and walked over to my side of the bed. “Here Trager, stand up for a sec.” He said, holding out his hand.

“Doe, I’b fide.” I said, groggily

“Come on.” He said, in a loving tone.

I sighed, “Fide.”

I grasped his hand and stood up, feeling very light-headed. I sniffled.

“You still have your slippers on?” He stated, looking at my feet.


“That’s not very comfortable to sleep in.”

“Dot really.” I said, “But by feet are cold. Everythidgs cold…”

“You should have said something”

“I was warm earlier.” I said.

“Oh.” He felt my forehead. “Lor, you have a fever.”

I sniffled. “Oh.” I said, too tired to care.

“Where’s your sock drawer?” He asked.

“Middle drawer in my dresser.” I said, holding my head.

“Ok.” He said, walking over to my long wooden dresser.

He pulled out my warm pink fuzzy socks.

“Here you go, warm and comfey.”

I slid off my blue slippers and put on my socks.

He went to the head of the bed and re-fluffed my pillows and straitened out my sheets.

“Here. All ready for you.” He said

He tucked me in and smiled down at me. I was shivering.

“Hang on, I’ll be right back.” He said

“He walked out of my room. I hard him rummaging through the linen closet next to my bedroom door.

He came back carrying my thick, lime green blanket. He unfolded it and draped it over me.

“Aw, Declad. This is by favorite bladket.”

“Good.” He said, lying next to me. I turned to face him. I stared into his eyes.

“I really wadt to kiss you right dow, but I dodn’t wadt to get you sick.” I groaned.

He kissed my lips. “I don’t care about getting sick.” He said, “Now, go to sleep.”

I rolled over and he rubbed my back. I stifled a sneeze into my comforter.

“Bless you, Trager.” He whispered.

“Thadks.” I murmered, then I quickly drifted to sleep.

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Thanks so much guys! I am SO glad you like it.

Trust me, it just keeps getting cuter. :)


I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 5:30. I cupped my hands and sneezed into them as quietly as I could. “Hep-Chew!”

I looked to my left, only to find the empty bed. I groaned sleepishly.

“Declad.” I wined, then sniffled, feeling particularly vulnerable.

Soon, my door opened and he walked in. “Well, look who’s up.” He smiled as he walked toward me.

“You didd’t have to stay.” I croaked, hoarsly.

He sat by my side and looked down at me.

“I know, but, I wanted to. And besides, you don’t think I would just ditch you like that, do you?”

“I guess dot.” I smiled a weak, tired smile.

“Are you hungry?” He asked.

I grabbed a tissue off of the nightstand. “Yes. A little bit.” I said, before blowing my nose.

“Good, I made you chicken soup. That’s where I was.”

“Wow. I did’t kdow you cooked.” I said.

“Well, I had a little… Actually a lot of help from your mom.” He admitted

“Aw, thadks!”

“No problem Trager.” He smiled.

I smiled, then my nose started twitching. “Hihh… hih…” I brought my hands up and cupped them in front of my face.

“Heh… CHEW!!!!!” The explosive sneeze exhausted me. What was left of the bun in my hair, fell.

Declan grabbed a tissue. “Geez Trager. Bless you.” He said, handing me the tissue.

I wiped my nose and sighed heavily. “Thadks.”

He held my hand and smiled at me. “Would you like your soup now?”

“Yes please.”

“No problem Lori. Anything else?”

“Doe thadks.” I said, closing my eyes.

He handed me another tissue and smiled.

He gave me a kiss on my warm cheek and left my room. Then, I lied in my bed for a few minutes. I blew my nose with the tissue Declan gave me. But instead of clearing my nose, it only made it worse. “Heh…Choo! IhCHEW! Hep-CHEW! ITCHEW! Huhhhh… CHOOEWH!!!” I sneezed three sneezes into the tissue and left the other two completely uncovered.

The door opened and Declan came in holding a tray with a bowl of soup and a cup of fresh tea. He set the tray on my lap, pushed back my hair, and kissed my forehead. “Geez! Bless you!”

“Thadks * sniff * You heard be?”

“Yeah. I was coming up the stairs. Will your nose ever stop?”

“I dod’t thidk so.” I sniffled.

“Aw.” Declan sighed with sympathy as I took a bite of my soup. He returned to the left side of my bed and sat facing me.

“Mmb. This is so good. Thadks.” I said.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled

Soon, there was a knock on my door. “Lori, can I come in?” My mom’s voice rattled in my aching head.

“Yeah Bob.”

The door opened and my mom came in. She had her sympathetic, maternal face on.

“Aw, Lori…” She said as she walked toward my bedside. “Honey, you look awful.”

I sniffled, “Yeah, I dod’t feel too great either.”

She felt my forehead. “Aw, Honey, you have a fever.”

“Yeah. * sniff * Declad told be.” I said.

“Sweetie, why didn’t you call me at work?”

“I didd’t wadt to bother you.”

“It wouldn’t bother me.” She smiled.

I stayed quiet so my aching throat could rest.

“You’re lucky Declan came by to take care of you.”

“I kdow. If it wasd’t for hib, I would probably be dead by dow.” I said, sarcastically.

“Well, thank you Declan.”

“No problem Mrs. Trager.” He smiled.

“Do you want anything Honey?” She asked me

“Doe thadks Bob, Declad is doing a good job of takidg care of be.”

“Okay,” She smiled, “If you need anything, just let me know.”

“Thadks.” I said.

She left my room and shut the door.

I felt my nose tickle.

“Ugh, I hihh… ab really tired of… hiihhhh… CHEW!” I sneezed into my sleeve, sniffled and sighed. “Sdeezig.”

“Bless you.” He cooed, handing me a tissue.

“Thadks.” I paused and wiped my nose. I groaned, “Ow, by dose hurts so bad.”

He smiled. “Well, its really cute.”

I giggled.

“Can you believe your mom is trusting us, in your room, with the door shut, alone?”

I laughed. “I guess she figured we wodt try adythig sidce I’b sick.” I sniffled.

He smiled. “True.”

I set the tray with the empty bowl and cup on the floor beside my bed.

“Woa.” I said, bringing my hand up to my head, “I’b dizzy.”

“You got up too fast.

“Tell be about it.” I sniffled.

“Here… Trager, you really need a tissue, you can hardly breathe.”

“I kdow.” I sighed.

Declan grabbed the last tissue out of the box. I blew my nose very wetly.

“Crap, Trager. You’re out of tissues.”

I groaned.

“No worries, I’ll go down to the drugstore and get another box.”

“Doe Declad, you really dod’t have to.” I said

“Well, if I don’t you’ll flud your house.” He teased.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” I replied.

“I’ll be back.”

“Thadks.” I said

“Later Trager.” He kissed my cheek. I smiled as I watched him leave my room. He left the door open. Soon, voices echoed from downstairs.

“I’m gunna go get some supplies at the drugstore Mrs. Trager. Take good care of her for me.” Declan said in his ‘I’m trying to impress the parents’ voice.

“Thank you so much Declan. She really appreciates it and, so do I.” My mom replied.

“My pleasure Mrs. Trager.” Declan said, then, I heard my front door shut.

I lied there in my bed comforted by the dozens of pillows and stuffed animals and pillows around me. I snuggled with my favorite blanket and soon drifted to sleep.


Hope you like it!


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Thanks! And, just to describe the new character (Lori's mom, or Nicole Trager)

She is a caring mother who tries to be as involved with her kids as much as she can, although she has a demanding job (a therapist) Here is a picture of her: http://media.photobucket.com/image/nicole%...c56ascd.jpg?o=1

Enjoy the next part!


I woke up to Declan lightly stroking my arm. I rolled over to face him.

“Hi.” I smiled.

“Hey.” He said, “How are you feeling?”

I sniffled, “Dot very good.” I said quietly.

It was dark outside and very dim in my room. There was the small blue light on on the nightstand and the pink light shone from the ceiling in the corner.

“I’m sorry you don’t feel good, Lori.”

“That’s ok. Thandks for beidg here.” I sniffled again.

“No problem.” He said, rubbing my cheek. “I bought some stuff at the drugstore.” He said, revealing the white plastic bag behind him.

“Aw, tha… that’s so…. Sw…. sweet… Heh-CHEW!”

“Bless you.” He said.

“Thadks.” We both sat up slowly. Declan opened the bag and reached in.

“First, I got two boxes of tissues.” He said, as he opened a box. “I got cough drops.” He continued. “And, your mom said you had medicine, so, I didn’t get any.”

“That’s ok. I dod’t wadt bedicine adyway.”

“You sure?” He asked, “It would make you feel a lot better.

“No, I’b ok.” I said

“And last but not least, I got you something that I thought would cheer you up.” He took out a small purple teddy bear.

“Aw, Declad. Thads so dice.” I said, giving him a hug.

“Yeah, well, I just hate seeing you feel like this.”

I smiled, but then I felt my nose tickle. I quickly grabbed a tissue. “Heh…. CHEW!” I paused.

“Bless you.” He said, rubbing my back.

“Th…. Thadks, but… I’b dot… ITCHEW! * sniff * Ah…CHOO!”

“Geez Trager, Bless you!”

I sighed. “Thadks.”

He continued to rub my back and handed me a tissue.

I blew my nose and tossed the tissue in the overflowing waste basket beside my bed.

I held my head and groaned. “Ugh, I hate beig sick.” I sniffled.

“I know.” Declan said sweetly. “Come here Trager.” He opened his arms. I slowly made my way into them. He wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head near his shoulder where his armpit was. We were both lying flat on my bed. His head was propped up on the pillows. He kissed the top of my head.

“I love you Lori.” He whispered.

I closed my eyes. “I love you too.” I said.

I soon fell asleep and I think he did too.

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Guest Sneezy_girl14

PLEASE ADD MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS AND IVE NEVER EVEN SEEN THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::D:D

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Thanks Everyone!


I woke up. His arms were still around me. My green blanket was draped around is and the door was half open. He was still asleep. I took a deep breath, but as soon as I did, I knew I was going to sneeze. I tried so hard to fight it, but it would not go away. But I did not want to wake him up.

“Ihh…. Ih…” I closed my mouth and plugged my nose, but that only made it work.

“Huh…. CHIW!!” I sniffled. I tried to make it as quiet as possible, but it was too strong.

Soon, he moved a little and sighed. He was waking up. He released his arms from around me and sat up.

I sniffled. “I’b sorry Declad.”

“Dod’t worry about it.” He said, sleepishly. I was staring up at him while lying on my pillow. He bent down and kissed my cheek, then handed me a tissue. I blew my nose quietly.

“Woa Trager. It’s eight thirty.” He said, looking at my clock.

“Wow, we slept for a while.” I said, noticing how sore my throat was.

My mom peeked through my door, then came in.

“Well, look whose finally up.” She said. “I came to check on you about an hour ago and you two were both asleep.”

“Yeah. * sniff * I was really tired.” I said.

“Were you cold sweetie? You were shivering.”

“Oh. I didn’t dotice, but thadks for the blanket Bob.”

“You’re welcome Lori.”

All of a sudden, I felt the annoying sharp tickle creep into my sinuses.

“Huhhh… CHEW!! * sniff *” I sneezed into the crook of my elbow.

“Bless you.” Two voices harmonized each other. My mom put a loose lock of hair behind my hear and Declan handed me a tissue and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

“Thadk you.” I said before blowing my nose.

“My poor girl…” My mom cooed.

“Yeah, she’s really sick.” Declan said.

“Aww.” My mom hummed.

“I’b fide.” I sniffled.

“Your daughter’s got a lot of pride, Mrs. Trager.” Declan said.

“I know, she can be so stubborn sometimes.” My mom said, rubbing my hand.

“You guys… Please. I’b fide. It’s just a cold.”

My mom and Declan both smiled at me.

“Okay sweetie. If you need anything, just let me know.

“Huh-CHOO!” I sneezed suddenly, then sniffled. “Okay.” My mom kissed my forehead and headed for the door while Declan handed me a tissue. My mom left the room and closed the door while I was blowing my nose. When I was finished, I tossed the tissue in the trashcan. Declan leaned over and kissed me.

“You’re the best, you kdow that?” I said.

“Well, anything for you Trager.” He said.

I smiled at him.

“Do you want anything?”

“Doe.” I sniffled, “Doe thadks.”

“You should really get some fluids into your system.”

“Doe, that’s ok Bob.” I said, sarcastically.

“Hang on Trager. I’ll be right back.” He said. He left my room and left the door open. He headed down the stairs where voices echoed from the kitchen.

“Hi Declan.” My mom said.

“Oh, Hi Mrs. Trager. I’m just getting Lori some orange juice.” He said,

“Aw, that’s nice of you.”

But, the conversation was soon interrupted by the irritation I felt building up in my nose.

“Huh… SHOO!” The loud powerful sneeze half covered by my cupped hands shot me foreword and my hair fell in my face.

“Bless you.” My mom and Declan hollered from downstairs.

“Thadks.” I croaked back before blowing my nose.

“Poor thing.” Declan said.

“I know. She’s got one bad cold. I haven’t seen her this sick in a while.” My mom said. “Declan, you have been so nice and helpful, and if you want to stay the night to help Lori you are welcome to. Now, I’m trusting you guys ok?”

“Well, thank you Mrs. Trager for trusting us. I will do anything to make your daughter more comfortable.”

“That’s why I’m trusting you.” My mom said.

I blew my nose as hard as I could, but it temporarily relieved the congestion.

I heard footsteps heading upstairs. Declan came through the doorway with a smile on his face and a glass of orange juice in his hand. He gave me the juice and sat on my bedside.

“Thadks.” I sniffled.

“No problem, Trager.” He continued smiling.

“What are you so happy about?” I asked, mirroring his smile.

“I’m just enjoying the irony. Your mom actually invited me to sleep over.”

I laughed. “Well, did you accept the idvitatiod?”

“Why would I turn it down? Actually being given permission to sleep here.”

I just kept smiling. “That’s fuddy.”

“So, what do you want to do Trager?”

“I dod’t kdow. I kida feel like sneezig right dow.”

Declan chuckled . But soon, he realized I wasn’t joking.

“Huh… CHEW! Ih-CHOO! AtCHEW! IngCHEW!” I sneezed hard into my cupped hands. When I was finally done with the fit, I sniffled a few times.

“Bless you Lori!” He said, sympathetically. He kissed my nose and handed me a tissue.

I blew my nose and sniffled. “Thadks.”

He squeezed me tight. I sniffled and groaned.

“Oh, I’m sorry Lori. Did I hurt you?”

“Doe, I just feel horrible.”

“Oh. I’m sorry Trager.”

I gravved another tissue and blew my nose. “Well, it bakes be feel better kdowidg you are.: I said.

“I’m glad.” He kissed me again on the cheek.

I smiled. “We could watch a bovie.” I said, “That’s what I usually do whed I’b sick.”

“Ok. That sounds good.” He said, “What movie do you want to watch?”

“I dodt kdow. All of the bovies I like, you woulddt because they’re all girly bovies.”

“It doesn’t matter Trager. I don’t care. You pick one.”

“Okay. How about REDT (RENT), I usually watch busicals whed I’b sick.”

“Okay.:” Declan said. He got off the bed after handing me a tissue and went over to my TV with the shelf of movies above it.

“REDT should be on the shelf.” I said, sniffling.

“Okay.” Declan said. He took the DVD off the shelf, opened the case, and put the disc in the DVD player. He walked back and put the remote on the nightstand.

“Here, let’s get you more comfortable.” He said.

“Okay.” I said. “Ih…..CHEW!” I sniffled and grabbed a tissue.

“Bless you.” He said, walking to my side of the bed.

“Thadks.” I sniffled, looking up at him with sick puppy dog eyes.

“Here Lori, get up for a sec.” He held out his hand and I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

Declan propped up all of the pillows against the headboard comfortably. He fluffed up the douvet comforter and untangled all of the sheets.

“Here we go.” He said, leading me back down to my bed. The head board was completely covered with fluffy pillows and forting childhood stuffed animals. I sat down and lied back on the pillows. He tucked the covers over me and went to the other side of the bed and sat. Soon, we heard a knock on the door.

“Lori, sweetie, can I come in?” My mom asked behind the closed door.

“Yeah Bob. Cobe id.” I said, getting ready to blow my nose.

She opened the door. “Hey sweetie. I just came in to say good night.”

“Oh….. Hiih…. CHEW!! * sniff * God dight.” I said.

My mom looked down at me, smiled, and kissed my forehead. “”Love you.” She said.

“Love you too.” I said.

“Thanks again Declan” My mom smiled.

“My pleasure Mrs. Trager.” He smiled.

My mom walked out and shut the door. Declan grabbed the remote and pressed ‘play.’ He got under the covers and put his arm around me. He held me close to him. I felt so safe and comfortable.

I lied my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head as the first song came on.



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And, no. I'm actually 14 :clapping: Sorry! haha But i have seen other 13 year olds on this forum.



About thirty minutes into the movie, I started feeling worse. My head was throbbing, my throat hurt, I could hardly breathe, and everything on my body felt awful. But, despite how horrible I felt, I decided not to tell Declan. Soon, I felt a tickle in my blocked nose. “Huh---CHEW!” I separated myself from Declan, freed my hand from his grip and sneezed forcefully into it.

“Bless you.” He kissed my cheek.

“Thadks.” I spoke so thick I was surprised he could understand me. Declan handed me a tissue. I blew my nose as hard as I could, but it only emphasized the pain in my head.

“Trager, are you okay?” He asked, in a concerned tone.

I sniffled. “Just dady.”

“Lori, I can tell you’re feeling worse.”

“Yeah…” I admitted, “I feel awful.”

“Aw, Trager, come here.” He said, holding out his arms and inviting me in once again. I crawled over to him.

“Huh… CHOOOOO!” I turned my head away from him.

“Bless you.” He said

I sniffled. “Thadks. I’b sorry.”

“Why are you sorry Trager?” He asked.

“I keep sdeezig ad I’b all sdiffly ad gross.”

“Lori, its ok. You don’t have to be sorry. Its not your fault your sick.”

“Yeah. I kdow. I just feel bad.” I said,

Declan held me close. I lied my head on his chest and sniffled. He reached over and grabbed a tissue out of the box and held it up to my sore nose.

“Blow.” Declan said lovingly.

I blew my nose as soft as I could. When he made sure I was done, he folded the tissue over and wiped my red-rimmed nose.

“Thadks Declad.” I said

‘No problem.” He kissed my temple.

RENT was still playing, but now I really didn’t feel like watching it. I was cradeled in his arms and all I wanted to do was rest.

“Lori, its almost ten.” He whispered, “You should go to sleep”

“Okay.” I said, “I’b really tired.” I closed my eyes contently, in the comfort of his arms and we slowly drifted to sleep.

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That part was pretty short so, here is part six!


I woke up to my mom knocking on the door. I was still huddled up against Declan.

“Hello?” I said groggily.

The door opened and my mom walked toward my bed. “Hi Lori.” She spoke sweetly.

“Oh, hey Bob.” I said, my voice thick

“Hey. How are you feeling?” She asked.

“Dot butch better.” I said.

“Aw, sweetie...” My mom said, sympathetically

I sniffled. “But Declad has bade be feel better.”

My mom smiled at the half-awake Declan.

“I just came to let you know that we’re all going down to breakfast and, you’re probably not up to if.” She said.

“Yeah.” I said, “Cad I just stay here?” I asked in my winey, ‘I feel awful’ voice.

“Of course, sweetie. Call me on my cell if you need anything.”

“Okay.” I sniffled.

My mom kissed my cheek, then walked out of my room. Soon, I heard the garage door open, then shut. I felt a painfully strong tickle in my nose.

“Huh…” I hitched. The tickle tourchered my nose. I sniffled. Declan looked over at me. “Huh-CHOO!!” The explosve sneeze came out f me so powerfully, it seemed like someone was pushing the sneezed out of my body.

“Bless you my Lovely Lori.” He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I smiled, then sniffled. Declan grabbed a tissue and gently rubbed it against my running nose.

I sniffled again, “Thadks.”

He was stroking my hair. “No problem.” He kissed my head. “Are you hungry Lori?”

“Surprisigly, yes. I dever have ad appitite whed I’b sick.”

“Okay. Well, first we have to get you all nice and comfey here while I make you breakfast.”

“Declad, you really dodt have to.” I said.

“Trager, I want to.”

I smiled as he stood up. He came over to me and tucked the warm covers over me. He fluffed up my pillows and kissed me gently on the lips.

“I’b goig to feel really bad whed you get sick.” I said.

“It doesn’t mater Lori. I have already been exposed to those cute little Lori viruses” He smiled and I smiled back.

“Do you want me to put in another movie?” He asked.

“Sure.” I sniffled. He handed me a tissue and walked over to my TV.

“What movie do you want to watch?” He asked

“Is Grease up there?” I asked

He searched the shelf. “Yes it is.”

“Cad I watch that?”

“Of course.” He said, as he put the DVD in the player.

“Huh… CHEW! * sniff * ATCHEW!!!” I sneezed into the crook of my elbow.

“Bless you Lori.”

I sniffled. “Thadks.” Once the movie was playing, Declan walked over to my bedside and handed me a tissue. I blew my nose hard and threw the tissue in the trash. He gave me a hug.

“I’m gunna go make your breakfast.”

I sniffled, “Thadk you.” I said quietly.

He smiled as he walked out of my room and left the door open. I lied in my bed, miserable, as I sang 50’s show tunes in my head.

The persistant tickle was still there, and would not die down. It was annoyingly strong, but not strong enough to make me sneeze. I wanted to relieve the tickle, so I did it the only way I could think of.

I grabbed a tissue out of the box and twisted it up at one of the corners. I gently inserted it in my right nostril and slowly moved it around inside my nose, coaxing the tickle into a sneeze. It finally made my small tickle large enough to form a sneeze.

“Ihh… HUH-CHEW!” I sneezed a loud, messy sneeze, but I knew it wasn’t the last one. “Huh-CHEW! IhhhCHEW!” I sniffled in preperation for the last sneeze. “Ih….HUH…. HATCHEW!!!”

The last sneeze was the loudest one. None of my sneezes were covered; they were released missly onto my purple robe and comforter, which made me even more worried about the germs Declan was sure to catch.

“Bless you, Lori.” Declan called from downstairs.

“Thadks.” I called hoarsly back.

I grabbed another tissue and blew my red nose wetly into it. I groaned congestedly and went back to watching Grease.

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Oh don't worry. He will! :D Heehee


A few minutes later, Declan came into my room with a tray in his hands. The sweet aroma of breakfast was blocked by my congestion.

“Here ya go Lori. Your breakfast is served.” He said, setting the tray on my lap.

In front of me was my favorite breakfast; blueberry pancakes, a side of bacon, and a cup of tea. “Aw, Declad. This is so dice of you.” I sniffled.

“No problem, Trager.” He sat down next to me on the bed.

“This is my favorite breakfast.” I said

“I know. Remember, I came over for your birthday and your mom made it.”

“Oh yeah.” I smiled.

He smiled too as I took a bite of my pancakes. I swallowed, then felt the tickle return.

“Ih… itCHEW!” I sneezed messily into my fist.

“Bless you Trager.” He said, rubbing my back. “Geez, you’re really sneezy today aren’t you?”

I muttered a congested “uhhuh.” And blew my nose.

I finished then took another bite of my pancakes. He looked over at me, smiled, then kissed my temple. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I sniffled.


Thanks so much for all of the support guys!


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I finished most of my breakfast and set the dishes and tray on the ground. I lied back down. I squirmed until I got comfortable under the covers.

He got under the covers and cuddled close to me like we were spoons. He kissed my warm neck and closed his eyes. I sniffled.

“Do you need a tissue Lori?” He asked.

“Doe, I’b fide…. HepTCHEW!”

“Here…” He said, sitting up. He handed me a tissue and lied back down, cuddling me once again while I blew my nose wetly.

All of a sudden, all I wanted to do was sleep. I was so comfortable and I was struggling to stay awake for Declan.

“Trager,” He whispered, “Do you want to go back to sleep?” He asked, looking over and staring into my tired eyes.

“Yes please. Do you bind?”

“Of course not, Lori.”

“Thadks.” I mumbled, then seconds later, I was asleep.

Thanks again for all of your support guys!

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I woke up to the sound of the garage door opening below my bedroom. I was lying against Declan’s chest. He was cuddled up against me with his arm across my stomach like a child clutching his teddy bear in his sleep.

I looked over at my clock which projected 11:45

Declan released his arm from around me.

“Hey Trager.” He croaked in a sleepish voice.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“Your parents are home.”

“I doe.” I sniffled, “The garage door woke me up.”

“Aw, poor Trager.” He kissed my cheek.

I smiled. But soon, a sharp tickle invaded my nose. Without enough time to cover my mouth, a sneeze exploded out of me. “Ih…. ICHEW!” I sneezed all over Declan’s neck and chest. He rubbed my back and gave me a tissue. I blew my nose, and separated from his grip. “Oh Declad. I’b so sorry! I did’t bead to.” I said.

“Bless you and, no problem Lori. I really don’t mind.” He smiled and stared into my eyes.

I shivered even under the covers and many layers of clothes. I was freezing. That bug sneeze gave me the chills. My teeth started to chatter.

“Come here.” He cooed, opening his arms. I scooted closer to him. I sniffled and wiped my nose as he wrapped his warm arms around me. I was still cold, but I felt much better cradeled in his arms. Soon, I heard footsteps coming upstairs.

My door swung open and Kyle, Josh, and Mom came in.

“Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?” My mom asked


“How can you be fine? You look like crap.” Josh remarked.

“Wow…. Blunt. Thadks.” I snapped back.

“Lori what…. Happened to you?” Kyle asked

“It’s called a cold.” I sniffled.

“Remember Lori, give Kyle some credit. He didn’t have germs on his home planet.” Josh said, pulling his ‘Kyle File’ out from his back pocket.

“That’s enough Josh.” Mom said, “We’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

“We wont.” Josh said, “Kyle and I are going down to the pool to scope babes. Besides, I’m not staying around here, waiting on you all day.”

I glared at him.

“Thanks Mrs. Trager.” Declan said,

“Mom, I can’t believe you’re letting Lori be alone with him. You’re not old enough to be a grandmother.” Josh sassed.

“Josh…” Mom and I impatiently harmonized.

Josh smirked. Mom led them out the door and shut it. I sat up and grabbed a tissue out of the box. I blew my nose and Declan lightly stroked my back. “Ugh.” I groaned, “I feel awful!”

“Aw. I know Lori. You’ll feel better soon.”

“Yeah. I hope so. Otherwise I’ll be at suicide risk.” I laughed.

He laughed too. But not a mocking laugh, more of a sympathy laugh. “Aw. Trager… I’m sorry.”

I smiled. “It’s okay. Thanks.”

I sniffled but, but then regretted it because once again, I felt like I was going to sneeze. I shot up from the pillows.

I rubbed at my itchy nose. “Uhhh…” I half-sighed half-hitched. I took a deep breath in. “HATCHOOO!” Declan set the box by my side, knowing that wasn’t the last sneeze. He stared at me and waited as the irritant teased my nose.

“Huhh…” I hitched… “IhhhCHEW!”

“Bless…” Declan started. Then, he realized I wasn’t finished. He quickly grabbed a tissue and held it up to my nose and mouth just in time to catch…

“Huh… CHOO! * sniff *”

Declan rubbed my lower back. “Blow Lori.” He gently commanded.

I blew my nose and grew embarrassed by the loud sound of the mucus hitting the tissue. He folded the tissue and threw it away. He grabbed another tissue and placed it in my hand.

“Thadks.” I sighed, “I’b sorry.” I spoke in a tired voice.

“It’s okay Lori. All of those sneezes really wore you out huh?”

“Yeah.” I brought my hand up to my head and closed my eyes.

“Here babe.” He led me down to my pillows and tucked the covers over me. He also lied down once I got comfortable. I closed my eyes when I finally felt secure in my position with Declan right beside me. I sighed heavily and yawned. But right then, my nose started twitching.

“Huh… CHOO!” I had no time to cover my sneeze, so the spray landed all over the covers and Declan’s arms.

“Bless you Lori.”

I sniffled and grumbled. “Thadks.” I pouted. I rolled over so Declan couldn’t see that I was about to cry.

“Lori…” Declan hummed sympathetically

“Hm?” I mumbled

“You okay?” He asked.

“I guess.” I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. He slipped his arm under mine and held my hand.

“Declad?” I wimpered.


“I’b sorry.” I sniffled.

“Aw Trager, don’t be sorry!” He sat up. “Come here.”

I sat up too and he hugged me. I lied on his chest still teary eyed. Soon, a tear landed perfectly on his shirt.

“Lori, why are you crying?” He rubbed my back. I was still lying on his chest.

I sniffled. “I dod’t kdow.” He grabbed a tissue and wiped a tear from my eye, then held it up to my nose.

“You know what to do.” He said.

I blew my nose softly.

“There, now that you can actually breathe, you can tell me what’s wrong.”

“Aw crap…” I said. “Hip…CHIW!” I sniffled. The sneeze sprayed on his chest.

“Bless you Lori.” He kissed my head.

I cried a little harder.

“Lori, what’s wrong?”

I sighed. “Ugh, I just hate feelig this way. Its biserable. I just wadt to be able to breathe agaid and stop sdeezig every secodd. Plus, you’re probably catchig all of by gerbs.”

“Aw, Lori. I know you feel awful. But it’s okay. You’ll be okay. And don’t worry about me. I’m here for you.” He said.

I smiled but a tear made it’s way down my cheek.

“Lori…” He hummed, swaying gently back and forith. He held me tight and kissed my head. “I love you.”

I smiled and wiped one last tear off my cheek. “I love you too.”

He loosened his grip and let go of me. He kept his hands on my biceps and looked into my eyes. “You’re beautiful.” He said.

I smiled. “Thadks.” I let out a girly giggle.

“Now, you need some rest. All of those monster sneezes wore you out I bet.”

“Yeah.” I sniffled.

He brought me back down under the covers where he cuddled against me. I happily fell asleep.


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Kyle: In the show, Kyle has Amnisia (idk on the spelling) That is why he was confused about Lori being sick. But, he is very bright and handsome. HERES A PIC! http://media.photobucket.com/image/kyle%20...adisehu.jpg?o=5

Josh: Lori's brother. He is your typical 14 year old boy. Very sarcastic and cynical. He seems to get a rise out of arguing with his sister. :party: And, here is a picture of him : http://media.photobucket.com/image/josh%20...bc52scd.jpg?o=1

Sorry, I forgot to introduce the new characters. Hopefully, this will help you follow along better.

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I woke up to my painfully sore throat. I looked over at Declan. He was asleep still, peacefully resting on my flower spotted pillow. I cleared my throat, sniffled, and stared at Declan. I smiled as I watched him sleep, thinking how lucky I was to have such a sweet boyfriend. Soon, I turned over and looked at my clock. It was 7:35. I turned back over to face Declan. I kissed his cheek for a change, despite my fear of him catching my cold.

He began to wake up. He took a deep breath and smiled at me.

“Hey.” I said.

“Hi.” He cleared his throat.

“Guess what time it is…” I said

“Um… 3?”

“Not even close.” I said, “It’s a quarter ‘till eight.”

“Are you serious Trager?”

“Yeah, I was shocked too.” I said

“Man, we slept for a while! But, that’s good for you. You could use all of the rest you can get!”

“Yeah.” I said.

“Are you hungry Lori? You haven’t eaten since this morning.”

“I am pretty hungry now that I think about it.”

“Okay. So am I. What would you like? I’m up for anything. “

I sniffled, “I dod’t kdow. I’b sure by Bob bade didder.”

“Okay. Do you want me to go check?”

“Ha…. Hold od… Hih… HITCHEW!”

“Bless you!” He said, handing me a tissue.

“* sniff * Thadks.” I said

He smiled. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” He walked out of my room

I lied back, pulled a tissue out of the box, and blew my nose hard. Ever since I had woken up, I had been feeling worse. Everything on my body ached and my nose was completely blocked yet still managed to tickle and run. I threw the tissue away and gazed out my window. It was almost dark, with only a small sliver of sunlight lighting up Seattle. I closed my eyes and heard my mom and Declan downstairs.

“Hey Mrs. Tager.” He said

“Oh, hello Declan.” She said, “How’s Lori?”

“She says she’s okay, but you know her, she won’t admit she’s sick.”

“Oh.” My mom giggled. I rolled my eyes. “Well like I said, she’s lucky to have you.”

“Thanks.” Declan replied.

“So are you guys hungry? I made dinner about an hour ago.” My mom said.

“Yes, that’s actually what I came down here for.”

“There should be leftovers in the fridge. Want me to heat them up for you?” My mom offered.

“No, that’s okay Mrs. Trager. I got it.”

“Okay, thanks again Declan.”

“My pleasure.” He said.

I rolled over and groaned. My head was pounding. I sniffled. The seemingly loud beeps of the microwave echoed in my head.

“Declad…” I moaned quietly,

I sat up and got out of bed. Everything was spinning, my legs felt weak, and I was sweating, even though I was freezing cold.

I somehow made my way down the stairs, completely relying on the white rail.

“Declad…” I moaned softly again.

I stumbled into the kitchen.

“Aw, Lori. What are you doing out of bed?” He asked.

“Declan… I dod’t feel good.” I wimpered. I walked toward him slowly, trying hard not to lose my balance.

“Aw, Lori… Come here.” He held out his arms and hugged my shivering body. “Shh… You’re okay. I’m here.” He hummed.

“I’m…. Dot…. Hu… Hungry adybore.” I said

“Okay. It’s okay. Lets just go back upstairs. You’re fine.”

“I’m…. Sorry.” I said, so quietly it was almost a whisper.

“Sh… Don’t be. Just stay right here. You’re safe. I’m here.” He made sure I was stable and walked toward the microwave to stop it.

“HitCHEWW!” I sneezed to the ground, not having enough strength to cover my mouth.

“Bless you, Love.” He said,

“Th…. Thadks,” I shivered.

“Here, lets go back upstairs and lie down.” He said

“I… cad’t go up…” I said, “Too… hard.”

“Okay. That’s okay. I’ll carry you.”

“Doe… you dod’t have to…”

“Come here…” He lifted me up like a baby. I lied my head on his shoulder. He walked up the stairs as slowly and as delicately as he could. We finally made it to my room and he lied me on my bed. He tucked me in and smiled down at me.

“I’ll be right back.” He whispered.

He came back what seemed to be seconds later holding a white wet cloth. He put it on my head.

“Th… anks.”

He kissed my cheek. “Try to get some sleep. I have to go now but I’ll se you tomorrow.”

I closed my eyes, already almost asleep. “I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you too. Feel better.”

He opened my window and pulled a classic Declan, signature move. He snuck out of my bedroom window…

TBC! :drool:

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Aaaw...Declan's just so nice and sweet....

I don't know whether I want him to catch the cold right now... (Yes! Give him the cold! :bleh: )

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