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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Rainy Days And Mondays


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I was originally writing this for the SF challenge, but I decided I wanted to get it out now and see how people react to a new fandom. I have another idea for an Office fic, so if this one is well-received the other will be submitted to the challenge. Plus, I've been so busy with college that I haven't written in forever and wanted to show the world I was still alive.

As of right now, no sneezing. But don't fear, the next chapter will have them. In fact, I am abou 99% sure it'll start with one. Like, first word. So, without further delay....

Title: Rainy Days And Mondays

Fandom: The Office (US)

Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing. Will return safely later.

Spoilers: Booze Cruise

Summary: Pam and Roy set a date, and it's got Jim down.

A/N: The itallics are when they speak directly to the camera.


Pam Beasley: So it hasn’t really stopped raining in, like, a week. And rain is really pretty and it makes the plants pretty and, you know, revives he cycle of life….Today I slipped in puddle and fell on my butt


Pam, against her better judgment, looked up at her boss who was standing extremely close to her.

“Good morning Michael.”

“Is it Ms. Beasley? How can you call it a good day when one of our own, everybody’s best buddy is missing in action without any explanation? How can you

have a rainbow without green?”

“Well there are only seven colors in the rainbow and a lot more than seven employees, so maybe someone else can be green. Angela can be green.”

“Angela is violet.”

“What about Oscar?”

“Oscar is maroon.”

Pam fought the urge to roll her eyes. “There is no maroon in the rainbow.”

It didn’t faze him. “Where is Jim Halpert?”

Jim, her best friend in this stupid place. Her partner in crime.

The guy who wasn’t here and hadn’t called.

“I don’t know, He hasn’t called in yet.”

“Well that isn’t like him at all, now is it?” Michael mused, leaning his elbows on her desk.

“The roads are kind of bad. Maybe he’s stuck in traffic somewhere.”

“And his cell phone magically stopped working?”

“Battery probably ran out. I’m sure he’ll be here any minute with a perfectly good explanation.”

“Good thinking Pammy. I’m sure that’s it.” He slapped his hands on the desk and walked into his office, Dwight following promptly behind him.


“You’re late.”

Pam didn’t even need to look up from the copier when she heard footsteps approaching. She’d know them anywhere.

“I know. I can explain.”

Now she looked up, and was shocked at just how much water her coworker had managed to accrue on his person. “Geez, you look like a swimming pool. Did

you walk here or something”

Jim shook his head. “Just the end of the parking lot. It’s raining.”

Pam smirked. “No kidding? You know Michael’s on your case.”

Jim wrinkled his nose. “And so the day begins.”

Jim: Yesterday, as I left, I noticed that Pam had left her sweater at her desk. I thought it might be nice to go drop it off, even though I knew she and Roy

were meeting with some wedding people. So I sat in her front yard for three hours. Both romantic and a little creepy. Yeah…when I heard their car I left and

I still have her sweater in my car. Oops.

“You wanted to see me?”

“Pam said you were stuck in traffic and your phone died. Is that really what happened?”

“Uh, yeah. Exactly. That makes total sense.”

Michael smiled. “I knew you wouldn’t be irresponsible. Go get to work buddy.”

Jim nodded and gave him a weak smile. “Can do.”

Jim: I overslept.

Edited by Bongo
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:P wow! that was good so far and I'm so excited for the next part I can't stand it ><

(I was typing so fast I made 7 typos =P)

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Guest Allergicx87

This Story sounds like it's going to be amazing... Great writing. :)

Mod Note: Fixed tags ~Mute

Edited by The Mute Poet
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Wow, this actually reads like one of the shows. We would be so lucky to see Jim in such a state. *wishes*

This was my favorite line Both romantic and a little creepy

Can't wait to read more.


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So here's chapter two. And if you're thinking the sneeze spelling is boring, there is toally a reason for it. And just to put it out there, still not mine.


Dwight froze as droplets of water landed on his desk from Jim’s hair. “Please keep your noggin water to yourself.”

Jim chuckled as he rubbed his nose with his knuckles. “You said noggin. Who says noggin anymore?”

“It’s a clever and colloquial way of referencing the rostral part of the anatomy.”

“Right, it’s the head.”

“If you want to use boring vocabulary, fine.”

Jim signaled to Pam to get her attention. “Want to see something funny?” he mouthed. She nodded, and shook his head like a dog. Water splashed around Dwight’s desk and he glared at Jim.

“Listen wet dog man, some of us are trying to do our work and would prefer to not be covered in second hand rain. Thank you.”

Dwight Schrute: I’m not being oversensitive. I just don’t think it’s too much to ask that my work space be dry. Not to mention the sneezing is becoming annoying. I have never been sick a day in my life. Sickness is for the weak. I am not weak.


“Stop sneezing!”

Dwight’s yell drew the attention of everyone in the office, though he didn’t appear embarrassed at having disrupted everybody’s work.

“Sorry,” Jim replied. “But I think your desk is dusty. Not my fault.”

“Impossible. I keep an impeccably clean desk. Nobody in this office has a cleaner desk than I do.”

Angela Martin: I keep the neatest desk in the office. We voted on it.

"Achoo! Ergh…”

Jim stood up from his desk. “Where are you going?” Dwight demanded. “Did I frighten you with my outburst?”

“Nah, I just need to blow my nose.”

Dwight made a face. “Gross.”

He approached the reception desk. “Hey, do you have a tissue I can borrow? Or keep I guess. Though you’d be welcome to have it back if you really want.”

“Um, that’s okay. Here.” She handed him a couple Kleenex and he turned away from her and blew his nose. “Ew.”

“Ew? Hon, you’re getting married. How can you expect to be a wife and mother and have a family if you think it’s gross when someone blows their nose?”

“I don’t know.”

“Think about it.’’ With these words of wisdom, Jim returned to his desk.

“Did you know that Americans spend almost 3 billion dollars a year on over the counter remedies for the common cold?” Dwight asked immediately.


“Well they do. “

“Awesome.” Jim rubbed his eyes tiredly. “Can you just not talk for awhile? Because that would be really awesome.”

“Well that is very rude.”

Jim Halpert: My head hurts. And my throat hurts. And my nose hurts .Oh, the woe of stalkers.

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Very nice. You write a good Dwight. Can't wait to read more.

And I didn't find the sneezes boring at all, they were suited to him.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually don't know how old Jim is, but I think 26 is a good age.

Also, still don't own.

Chapter 3

“Jim is being rude to me.” Dwight stood next to Michael’s desk with his arms cross indignantly. “As manager it is your job to reprimand him for his insubordination.”

“How is his being rude to you insubordination?”

“I am the assistant regional manager. That makes me his better.”

“No, you are the assistant to the regional manager. We’ve been over this.”

Dwight was unfazed. “It’s the same thing really.”

“No it isn’t. Not at all.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“Absolutely nothing.”

“Awesome. May I do something?”

“You may not.”

“Yes Michael.”


“Hi Dwight,” Jim said brightly as Dwight sat back down in his seat.

“What do you want?”

“Just to say hi. Hi Dwight.”

“Hello Jim,” Dwight answered suspiciously.

“I’m sorry I was rude to you.”

“Did Pam tell you to apologize to me?”

“Yes she did.”

“Well I will except it anyway, out of spite. So there!”

Jim sniffled. “Awesome buddy.”

“That isn’t a nice sounding word at all, is it?” Dwight didn’t answer, just continued to stare at him intensely. Jim faltered under the unwavering gaze. “I’m

fine. It’s just allergies.”

“You don’t have allergies. And even if you did, the rain would have lessened them, not exacerbated them.”

“And you would know that how?”

“Okay, what are you allergic to?”

“The rain.”

“The rain?” Dwight repeated, disbelieving. “How can one be allergic to the simple bonding of hydrogen and oxygen molecules? Both are highly prevalent in

our atmosphere anyway.”

“The chemicals in the water before it evaporates into clouds makes me sneezy.”

“That is unfortunate,” Dwight said.

Jim: The rain? How could I not have come up with a better lie than the rain? Flowers, mold, my neighbor’s new poodle? No, I say rain. Man I need a vacation.

“Do you want me to heat you up some of the chicken noodle soup from the break room?” Pam offered.

“I think I’ll just have a ham and cheese sandwich.”

“Like you always do?” she giggled.

“Yeah, just like you’re going to go eat in the warehouse with Roy like you always do. Why fix what isn’t broken?”

Pam forced a smile. “I guess so.”


“Do you want me to get you some tissues?”

“No. You know what Pam, I’m really fine. I’ve been taking care of myself for 26 years. I know how to do it.”

“Of course. Well…”

“Yo Pam! Ready to eat?”

It was Roy. “In a minute honey. I’ll be right down.”She put her hand on his shoulder. “Feel better Jim”

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Admittedly, I had never heard of this show before and I even had to google to find out something about the characters before reading this but it was SO worth it! :lol:

Like this very much and I just love this part: :fear:

Jim: The rain? How could I not have come up with a better lie than the rain? Flowers, mold, my neighbor’s new poodle? No, I say rain. Man I need a vacation.
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I love the Office. And I love this story. Am a bit upset I missed the latest chapter so long... ah, well. Made a nice surprise today!

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  • 3 years later...

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