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Sneeze Fetish Forum

With Benefits - (12 Parts)


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hey, this is really good! i really enjoy reading this! how about another edward fic, possibly with allergies? seeing as they are mentioned in this story! that would be AWESOME! :wub: Sabrina xx

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Absolutely loving it, as ever. I love the character depth you give us, in both Bella and Edward's perspectives...and I like that Edward's decided to let himself be cared for! Yay!

As an aside, don't know about everyone else, but I'd personally love to hear your "ridiculous intellectual scrutiny" on the books, you ever actually feel like it! ;) I always find people's viewpoints on the Twilight series very interesting...

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Thanks for coming along for the ride! But, you know, everything has to end sometime...


Chapter 12 – Bella

I can tell he is swiftly healing. The unnatural pallor – even for him – that had blanched his face earlier has darkened again into his normal “healthy” tone. His eyes are steady, bright and alert, and his temperature is dropping.

He holds me in his lap for a long time, and we talk quietly. He still feels compelled to ask me questions, all kinds of tiny details holding a deep fascination for him. I ask some, as well, and for once he allows the interruption.

Several times during our conversation, he has to turn away as his cold taps him insistently on the shoulder, usually with a huff or two followed by the fiercely squelched “ihh… Hh’YISSHuu!.... Hh’XGNNt!... ” into his handkerchief. He’s beginning to get enough strength back to try to suppress them, his stubborn control surfacing instinctively.

But each one seems to take a little more out of him.

He’s aware of this, halfway through the evening shifting us so he can lean back against the headboard, giving the pillows to me. It’s always about my comfort.

Around midnight, Edward stiffens, and I sigh, thinking another sneeze is coming, but instead he mutters, “Carlisle,” half under his breath. I pull my arms from around his waist as he brushes a kiss into my hair, murmuring, “Be back soon,” and slipping downstairs.

The minutes drag by like millennia.

Then, he’s suddenly by my side, a soft smile on his face, his ice cold hand slipping into mine. His eyes are golden butterscotch, warm and glowing as they gaze at me.

“Have a good dinner?” I ask, trying for light. He turns away from me and nods, still loathe to expose me to details about his diet, but I don’t relent. “What did he bring you?”

He growls slightly, perturbed. “Fox.”

“Oh,” I remark with a frown. “Will that be enough?”

“Bella,” he sighs, annoyed. “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

I look up at him shyly, squeezing his hand in reassurance. “I’m not going to run away.”

He doesn’t answer, bringing his free hand up to stroke the backs of his fingers across my cheekbones, eyes caressing my face.

I watch as he gives a small sniff, dropping his hand and reaching for his handkerchief again, “ihh-HIIshh! Eh-hNGXT! HehCGNXT!” He clears his throat with a short cough, “Excuse me,” regaining that ridiculous control much swifter than I would have thought would be possible this morning.


As much as I hate seeing him suffer, I was kind of hoping he’d be… human… just a little longer.

And I’m worried when his sense of smell will come back. After two days without being exposed to my scent, I’m already thinking ahead to when the period of adjustment will hit.

I don’t fear him. I just wish he didn’t have to fight so hard, struggle so much, to be with me.

Just after 2 a.m., my eyes slip closed. I can feel him next to me, cold and hard, comforting.

And I sleep…

The sun is already high over the trees when I next awake. Edward is no longer beside me in bed: instead, sitting in the rocker across the room, watching me.

I can see he is not breathing.

“All better, huh,” I mumble.

His eyes are sad. “Yes,” he whispers. “All better.” My spirits sink.

“Is it very bad?”

He doesn’t meet my gaze.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, fighting back tears. I stare at him, skin sparkling and throwing rainbows on the bookshelf behind him in a shaft of morning light, and I can’t help but be captivated by the sight of him. He looks strong and peaceful.

How can I wish him to be ill, simply so that we can lie close without fear? What kind of love is that?

Still, it was nice while it lasted.

We spend the day together, talking. We don’t dare go out as the sun is shining brightly. He keeps his distance from me until late in the afternoon. Then, just as the sun is sinking towards the horizon, he stands. The rocker doesn’t even twitch when his body abandons it, his lithe form striding purposefully towards where I sit on the edge of the bed.

He creeps carefully toward me, eyes locking my gaze in its amber prison. He stops about a foot from the bed and drops to one knee. Extending one hand, he slowly, gently, runs the tips of his fingers from my temple to my chin, his chill touch leaving a trail of fire behind it. His hand cups my chin, lifting it as he leans forward, brushing my lips lightly with his: smooth, cold, and perfect. It takes my breath away.

Ah well.

Everything is back to normal.

The End.

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so damn good!!!

Can't speak!!!!

Can't say anymore!!!

Loved it to BITS!!! :P

Thanks Aprilcot! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

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  • 3 years later...

Hello! So this response is SO late, cause I just got the courage to join. But that was bloody brilliant!!! You have a fantastic writing style! Poor.. Sick.. Sneezy Edward... :-D (I haven't quite got the emotes down yet). And FINALLY! Thank you for making Carlisle sneeze! You wrote him beautifully! ASDFGHJKL! Ahem... Who said that?!? Anyways amazing job, I loved it! Thanks!


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So i know this was written a long time ago but It just got bumped up, and I am SO glad it did!!! This is the best fic I have ever read! You got the characters down perfectly and your writing skills are AMAZING. Everything was sooo detailed and perfect! You even made it logical the way he got sick! And a sick sneezy Edward-- gahh! perfect!! Absolutely loved it!!!! :)

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