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No Worry, Please. - (8 Parts)


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  • Jazz


  • Cerulean Flower


  • Kiwifruit


  • Strong_and_Wild


aaaah! i too think this is AMAZING! please please continue!!! jasper being sad is so cute, and edward sneezing ;)

can't wait for the next post!!!

Sabrina xx

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Once again Jazz you've out done yourself I love jasper {though none of my friends do} And i totally LOVE you for this YAY

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  • 3 months later...

I totally missed out on this, but absolutely love Jasper! What a wonderful fic, and how nice that his "contagion" spreads so quickly!

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Guest Sneezy_girl14

CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS GREAT YOUR OFFICIALLY MY NEW FAVORITE WRITER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!!!! :hug:

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You know what Jasper, Edward, and Emmett would love? If you updated. Otherwise, James, Lauren, and Victoria may creep onto the posts...

Update ;D

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  • 1 month later...

PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!! :o OMG!!! SO GOOD! I have to admit that Edward and Emmett are my fav's but OMG!!! this story was awsome!!! :(:heart:

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Oh. My. Goodness.

Jasper has always been and will always be my favorite Twilight Character.

Not only do I adore him in the books because my friends often associate me with Alice, but oh my do I find him quite delectable in the movies. Although I'm not a fan of them.

Still. I love Jasper.

Hence, I love this fic.


It's amazing.

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  • 9 months later...

Well, jeez. Talk about resurrecting a dead thread, huh? :)

I don't know how many people are interested in me continuing this (because it's been ages) but I can try if you'd like. I'll take a go at it and maybe have something up in the next week or two. How about it? (:

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You'd do that? Continue on this if people wanted? You're amazing and so is this story and yes please, do continue. :)

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