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Sneeze Fetish Forum

No Worry, Please. - (8 Parts)


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Thank you again, all of you, for the amazing feedback.

I'm so happy you all like the story. :P

And I apologize for how long it took me to update.

Forgive me?

- - -

Chapter Five

"I still can't believe you're going to play baseball tonight," Alice frowned, crossing her arms over her chest as the two of them drove out to the clearing where they were to play. The rain was coming down much harder than before, and the the claps of thunder from a distance were sounding closer.

"Why not?" Jasper asked curiously, as if he didn't know. His voice sounded slightly congested, but he was working around that. He'd managed to keep from so much as sniffling in front of Alice in an attempt to convince her that he was well. "Carlisle told you I'm perfectly fine, love."

She sighed and looked out the window. "I just wish you wouldn't play tonight. Especially considering the rain and the temperature."

"When has that ever affected me before?"

"Well, you've never fallen asleep before. You've never really sneezed before, either. So any reference to the term 'before' is irrelevant. And it was obvious you were cold in the car before. You were shivering, Jazz," she stated firmly.

"Alice, I'm fine," Jasper promised. He parked the car in the muddy clearing, and turned to face her. "Trust me? Please?" Alice looked hesitant for a moment, but finally nodded, smiling slightly.


Jasper braced himself for the cold outside, telling himself it wasn't near as bad as he thought it was going to be. Upon stepping out of the car, however, he realized that no amount of bracing could have prepared him for that. Within seconds, his thin shirt was completely soaked with water and he bit the inside of his lip to keep from shivering.

Standing up so suddenly after sitting down in the car made a wave of dizziness consume him and when he tried to walk forward, he slipped, falling on his back into the mud. He stood up quickly, hoping nobody had seen it, but Emmett was already walking in his direction, caught in the throes of a laughing fit.

"Man, what was that?" He said after a moment of straight laughter.

Jasper cleared his throat, but it turned into a harsh, wet cough. "It was nothing, Emmett. I merely slipped."

"Yeah, that's for sure. But why? I thought you were coordinated."

"I am, I don't know what h...hihh-happened. Could you excuse me for a moment?" Before Emmett had the chance to nod, Jasper raced carefully into the woods, making sure not to fall again. He stood there for a moment before the tickle in his nose that he'd felt while talking to Emmett forced him to sneeze.

"Hihh...hehh'kTCHOO! hahh..eh'KTSHOO! heh'CHMpf! Da-hahh...hah'kTCHsh! dammit!" He paused a moment, making sure his nose was finished and then sighed in frustration, running back to where the rest of the family was standing in a circle. Alice quickly rushed over to him.

"Jazz, Edward brought Bella. I know you already knew that, I'm sure you can smell her from here, but I just wanted to warn you ahead of time that she's here. You can do this though, I know you can." Jasper looked over at the close-knit circle in surprise. Sure enough, Bella was standing behind Edward, who was currently looking hesitantly over at Jasper.

Truth be told, he wouldn't have been able to tell she was there had they not said anything. He couldn't smell a thing, and that surprised him, because he knew her blood was sweet. "...yeah, I know." Jasper said distractedly, and Alice smiled, taking his arm and pulling him over to the rest of the family.

"Hey, Jazz, why do you have mud all over your back?" Alice asked confusedly, which sent Emmett into another fit of laughter.

Jasper merely shrugged. "I fell."

- - -

Once again, I apologize. This wasn't even a good chapter.

Gah. The next one's gunna be better though.

I promise.

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What do you mean this wasn't a good chapter!? It's amazing!!! ZOMG you're such an astounding writer!!!

Neeeeeed more... :P

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What do you mean this wasn't a good chapter!? It's amazing!!! ZOMG you're such an astounding writer!!!

Neeeeeed more... :P

I AGREE. You are way too hard on yourself. I LOVED this chapter, and am very excited to read more!

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Aaahhhhh this is amazing writing, I love Jasper so so much!! I absolutely love the way you're handling Jasper and Alice's relationship as well, really cute.

Looking forward to the baseball :drool: !!

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Thank you so much, all of you. ;)

Your feedback is fantastic. And I appreciate the comments on that chapter, despite it's low standards.

I tried to make up for it with this one. I hope you all like it!

- - -

Chapter Six

Jasper's grip on the baseball bat tightened as he stepped up to the plate. This was his first turn batting and he ground his teeth, staring straight forward as Emmett prepared to pitch the ball. Carlisle stood behind Jasper, crouched down with Bella standing right behind him.

"Bella, you're gonna call 'em, okay?" Carlisle said, turning to face her. She nodded, though she looked a bit hesitant. Jasper continued to stare straight ahead, cringing in annoyance as he felt a familiar tickle spreading through his nose. 'Not a good time for this,' he thought silently. He sniffled, but he was certain that it couldn't be heard over the rain.

In an instant, he regretted it. Despite the fact that he couldn't smell her before, sniffling cleared his nose just enough to catch the scent of Bella in the air. However, the smell - though sweet as always - wasn't pleasing to him this time. Rather, it seemed to irritate his nose and intensify the tickle.

"Hihh...ihh...ihheh..." Jasper tried his hardest to concentrate on the ball, but it was becoming more and more difficult. Just as Emmett threw the ball in his direction, he snapped forward with a sharp intake of breath.

"Hehh...ehk'TCHOO! hehh'TSHOO! hah'CHOO!" He took a shuddery, hitching breath, hoping the sneezing would stop. They were harsh and uncovered, having him almost bent at a ninety degree angle at the waist. "hehh...ihh...ihk'TSH! hihh'kTISHOO! Ihh...hih'SHH!" Jasper immediately straightened, readjusting the baseball bat in his hands and regained his stance as though nothing had happened.

His eyes briefly flickered over to Alice, her pixie face hardened in concern and disappointment. He'd promised to her that he was well, and he lied. She never should have believed it.

"Well, that was a strike!" Emmett boomed, and Jasper shot a glare at him. He could hear Bella whispering something to Edward about whether or not that was normal, but he chased the thought from his head. Perhaps if he resumed what he was doing normally, the attention would drift away from him.

"Jasper, I thought you told me you were well," Carlisle said, standing up. "I believe it's quite obvious that you're not."

"I'm fine," Jasper said through his teeth. Alice was by his side in seconds.

"Jazz," she said accusingly, "why did you tell him that? You know it's not the truth."

Jasper sighed. "Can we continue with the game? I assure you that I am fi- hihh..- fine." He got disapproving looks from Alice, Carlisle, Esme, and Edward. Bella's expression was caught between sympathy for him -well, that was new- and nervousness that he might snap and lunge at her at any given moment. Emmett was trying to remain lighthearted about everything and Rosalie- well, Rose was looking at her nails.

"Not that I have any control over what you do, Jasper," Carlisle began, "but if I had known Alice was right, I would have advised you not to come tonight." Jasper groaned inwardly.

"I already tried that," Alice piped in. "He wouldn't listen."

"Please," Jasper said, "can we continue with the game? I don't wish to spoil anybody's fun, and it's been quite a while since we've played. I'm fine, though. I'm not certain what came over me just then, but it won't happen again." Carlisle eyed him warily, but then crouched back down to his position.

"I can't control what you do. I can assure you though that if you are ill, this won't make it any better."

"We don't get sick. Our bodies are not capable of housing the types of bacteria required for such-"

"There's no reason to argue about it, right? Jasper says he's fine, then he's fine," Emmett said, walking up to the plate and punching Jasper's arm playfully. Despite the fact that he felt the punch more than he thought he should, Jasper appreciated the help that Emmett just gave him. "Can I have a turn to bat, though? You can play the outfield, yeah?"

Edward knew exactly what Emmett was doing. Kind as it may be, Emmett was trying to help Jasper out and cover for him. In the outfield, he wouldn't be up by everyone and wouldn't be as close for observtion. "I'll take the outfield," Edward said, but Jasper was already on his way out there. Edward lowered his eyes to Emmett's gaze.

Back in the outfield, Jasper successfully stifled three sneezes without anybody's notice and waited for Emmett to swing. "Hihh...hih'PSHHT! heh'NGXT! hih'NHXT!" When he did, the ball went far back into the woods, and Edward zoomed by Jasper quickly after the ball, giving him an excuse to stand there. Quite frankly, he was so cold, he wasn't sure how fast he'd be able to run. That, combined with the fact that a dull ache was beginning to settle in his muscles that was only increased by his constant shivering.

He sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought.

- - -

I hope you liked it. It's still not as good as I would have liked, but I'm going to be writing a lot tomorrow and Wednesday. ;)

So, I thought I'd ask you. Any requests for anything else to happen in here?

Let me know if there's something you want, ok? I aim to please. :razz:

So...did you like this?

Edited by Jazz.
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i don't know how you can say it's not as good as you'd like

hey i'm new by the way and i love this story and this is my first post

anyway...i love this story it is absolutely fandabytrebledosy!!!!

you are way to hard on yourself! No requests apart from Please Continue!!! :bleh:

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Sorry it's been a few days, guys.

I got caught up in the holidays and (as much as I hate to say it) I also got stuck on this story.

I had no clue what to do, but I wanted you guys to like it.

You can thank Bongo for helping me think of this chapter, she's amazing!

Well...I hope you like it.

- - -

Chapter Seven

Over the course of the next thirty minutes, Jasper slowly seemed to drift away from the baseball game. To his knowledge - and this was merely because nobody had called him out for it - nobody had realized he stopped playing, or they were too into the game for it to really matter to them.

His assumption ws incorrect, however. All six vampires still playing were fully aware he had left, but chose not to bring it up for obvious reasons. Carlisle and Alice both had hoped he'd ditch the game for the sake of his health, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw him standing at a distance from the game and watching.

Alice was still a bit concerned though, stealing the occasional glance at him and frowning as he tried to control his shivering and sneezing. Bella, too, kept shooting sympathetic looks in his direction, but he didn't give it a second thought. Jasper refused to let anyone worry about him, or anyone feel sorry for him.

His nose tickled almost unbearably strong, but he refused to sneeze. Perhaps if he stopped the symptoms of an illness, he could avoid said illness all together. Somewhere in the midst of his internal argument about whether or not he'd be able to keep up with the rest of them enough to be believably 'fine', Bella walked towards Jasper, watched warily by Edward.

"Hi, Jasper," she said somewhat quietly, though slightly reassured by the thought that he'd just gone hunting the day before. She paused a second, taking in the appearance of the blonde vampire. His honey-golden eyes were tired looking and bloodshot, and his nose a surprisingly bright red in contrast to his otherwise pale skin. As well, his cheeks were flushed, as though they'd be unusually warm to the touch. "How are you-...?" Bella almost added 'feeling' to the end of the question but caught herself, not wanting to annoy him.

"I'm fine," he said through clenched teeth, supressing a low growl. He didn't so much as turn his head to look at her. What made her think she could talk to him? Him, of all people! "What do you want?" He snarled. Bella inched back slightly.

"I...I just wanted to see what you were doing over here. You didn't look too good, so I wanted to see if you were okay." Her words infuriated him. Jasper was not a little kid, he needn't be looked after or pitied, especially not by some stupid little human girl who couldn't keep herself out of danger. No, he wouldn't sink that low.

His nostrils flared, but not out of anger, despite what Bella thought. Rather, the bothersome tickle in his nose was spreading and he breathed in deeply, trying to alleviate the itch. Quite the opposite happened however, and the tickle became even worse.

"Hihh...hehh...I'm fi-hihh...ihh fine, thahahh-aanks." Jasper said bitterly, grinding his teeth.

"You know, there's nothing bad about catching a cold. Especially this time of year," she offered, trying to make him feel less...tense...about the whole situation.

"I'm n-ahh...not sick. I don't get...hihh...heh...get sick." He insisted, though his confidence in that statement was slowly diminishing.

"If you say so," she said, and he shot daggers at her. What place did she have in his business? "But you really shouldn't be out here in the rain." Bella was unabashed by his rude and stubborn attitude.

"What part of 'I'm not si- heh'KTCHEW! hih'TSHOO! hehSHOO! -not siiih'KTCHSH! hehh...eh'TCHH! hihh'TCHUH!" He was completely bent over by the force of the sneezes, catching them in the crook of his elbow. Of course, as his nose was focused on making him sneeze, his mind was elsewhere. He'd hoped nobody -except Bella, who was unfortunately standing next to him and was somewhat surprised by what she was witnessing- had seen him. "hehh...HEH'KTSHOOO!"

Jasper groaned upon finishing, straightening and sniffling wetly (though it did absolutely nothing for clearing his stuffiness).

"Bless you," Bella said and he glared at her angrily. "Still say you aren't sick?"

"Leave, dow. Go sobewhere else. Over there," he said, pointing to the outfield, "or there," this time the home plate, "but dod't sday here." He chose to ignore the fact that all eyes were on him. That, or he was too exhausted from that last bout of sneezes to notice.

Edward walked up behind Bella and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Behave, Jasper," he said, instinctively pulling Bella closer. "She was just trying to help."

"Help what? I'b dot sick!" Jasper argued weakly, getting defensive in his tired, congested state.

"When you don't want people to worry about you, it's one thing. But when you start having uncalledfor, rude behavior when someone's trying to help you, it's something completely different."

- - -

Oh wow. Annoyed Jasper and annoyed Edward.

Oh noes!

I hope you liked it. It's certainly not my best work, but I needed to update.

Anything you want in the story particularly?

I'd love to know.

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Poor Jasper. He's in trouble now since everyone knows he's sick...I wonder what he's going to do next. He's putting up such a big fight. Will he give in? You've got me hooked! Update soon!

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YES. Very nice. Poor Jasper... definitely needs to blow his nose... :yuck: Such a rotten cold!

It's odd - I was never really into male sneezing, and not really into sneezing from a cold. I always loved female allergies. But lately all you FANTASTIC writers are really changing my mind. I'm getting more and more converted as time goes on... :P

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Hello, all.

I must tell you now that I thank WolfMotaki for giving me excellent ideas.

:) You can thank her for this.

Again, not my best work, but the chapter after this will be better.

- - -

Chapter Eight

Jasper sniffled hard, opening his mouth to no doubt reply to Edward with some witty remark. However, his words were cut short by a sudden, wet sneeze. "hah'ETSHOO!"

Though he raised his hands in a quick attempt to cover it, Jasper failed, inevitably -and accidentally, despite what the circumstances might lead someone to believe- spraying Bella with his sneeze. Beside her, Edward growled, clenching his fists together tightly.

His eyes widened in horror once he realized what had happened, but Edward didn't give him an adequate opportunity to apologize.

"Do you not have any manners?" Edward asked angrily. Jasper was about to respond when Edward cut him off. "That was absolutely disgusting!"

"Edward," Bella said, placing a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure it was an accident. I don't think he'd do that on purpose." She didn't at all seem fazed by the fact that she had just been sneezed on by a sick (and relatively unhappy) vampire.

"I'm not sure, after how he was speaking to you, Bel-"

"I would never do that!" Jasper interjected, looking genuinely hurt that Edward would even suggest that. "heh'TCHSHOO!" He sneezed again, uncovered as well, as it too snuck up on him much like the last, unfortunately for Bella; she'd been sneezed on twice in the past few minutes.

"O-oh...I'b so sor-" Jasper rushed to apologize.

Within seconds, Edward had Jasper pinned to the car behind him, his arms useless in Edward's grasp. He snarled in Jasper's face. "You are absolutely horrid! What if whatever disgusting virus you have is contagious? You could pass it on to Bella!"

Edward's words were just reinforcing the guilt that was enveloping Jasper. He'd gone from being completely furious to having tears glittering in his golden eyes in mere moments. Could it be that his illness was affecting his sensitivity and ability to control his own emotions?

He frowned, an expression that seemed even more to fit his mood when he realized the tickle in his nose had returned. "Hihh...Edward, pl-hehh...please, I'b sorry...ihh...hiih...could you leehhh- let go?"

"See, he's sorry," Bella said, feeling sympathy for him. She knew what it was like to be sick, to want to be alone. She also realized that he wasn't used to the feeling, so she understood his hostility, despite Edward's inability to grasp it.

"I don't believe it." Edward said, still glaring angrily at Jasper. Jasper, however had tears in his eyes, both from being upset and having to hold back a sneeze if he did not want Edward to kill him then and there.

"Edward, pl-ehhh...hehh...please. I have...hahh......have to snuhh.....huhh...snee- heh'TCHOO!hehh...HEH'TCHH-ah!" Edward refused to let go of Jasper, despite his pleading, and because he'd held Jasper's arms tightly, Jasper was unable to cover his sneezes. Thus, Edward's face got the full force of the sneezes.

Jaspers eyes snapped shut and he cringed away from Edward. Much to his surprise, Edward backed away from him. "I'm sorry, Edward, I didn't mean to...I really am, I wouldn't do that to you...or Bella, for that matter."

The rest of the Cullens gathered around, thoroughly shocked at what they saw. The lack of control of his emotions and increased sensitivity had reduced Jasper to tears and Alice rushed to his side, wrapping her arms around him soothingly.

"What just happened?" Carlisle asked, concern evident in his voice. Edward looked puzzled, and his eyebrows knitted in confusion. He paused a moment, before snapping forward with a harsh "Hah'TSH-ah!"

"...Edward, are you feeling alright?" Esme asked worriedly.

"Jasper...sneezed...and now I feel like I...hehh...hih'TCHMPf! Excuse me."

"So much for not being sick, Jazz," Alice said, whispering in Jasper's ear. "Looks like you're contagious."

Jasper's expression suddenly fell much more than it already had, and the guilt he felt became ten times worse.

- - -

Oh, noes!

Jasper's sad and Edward's getting sick!

I hope you enjoy contagion, because apparently whatever Jasper has infects fast.


Edited by Jazz.
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *running screaming in circles*

hehe...thanks for the acknowledgement ;) OMGOMGOMG!!!! :)

i'm so evil...i love reading about people accidentally sneezing on others...

and now edward too!! EEP!!!

:drool: << now you've gone and given me a heart attack!!

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