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Sneeze Fetish Forum

No Worry, Please. - (8 Parts)


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This is my first Twilight fic, so wish me luck and I hope you like it. :nohappy: I've got the next chapter written, too. It's got a bit more sneezing than this one, but this is just an introduction, really.

- - -

Chapter One.

It was another incredibly rainy day in the tiny town of Forks, but the students in the cafeteria of the high school seemed to pass it off with practiced ease. After all, Forks did have the reputation of being the wettest, rainiest place in the continental United States.

It seemed almost unfair, though, being it a cloudy day in mid-December with temperatures bordering on freezing, that there was still rain, not snow. Or, so thought most of the students.

A select few students, Dr. Carlisle Cullen's children, were impartial to the weather unless it was incredibly sunny (a rare occasion in a town such as this one) when they would immediately be taken out of school.

The latest rumor was that they were a very nature-oriented family, and they went to hike. The Cullens seemed to find a bit of amusement in that fact. "Well, it isn't completely deceitful," Edward mused quietly as they sat at the table, the same one closest to the window every day. "

"Ha!" Emmett's sudden outburst caused a few curious students to look over, but they looked back to their lunch trays seconds later, embarrassed for having made partial eye contact with him. He lowered his voice a great deal before continuing. "When is the last time you've gone 'hiking', Edward?"

"Well, there was that once, in the Appalacia..." He knew it was no use trying to argue with Emmett. Even if he was more of a physical person than he was an intellectual, he was loud and stubborn enough that he could always win, even against patient Edward. "Regardless, what I meant was that technically, we're in the woods, so they're not completely wrong."

Emmett shrugged, and picked up a different conversation with a very dejected looking Rosalie, who seemed slightly offended that nobody had been talking to her.

"You're quieter than usual, Jazz." Alice said suddenly, looking at her husband with surprise and concern. Jasper was gazing out the window thoughtlessly and hadn't even heard what Alice said. "I don't think I've heard you speak since yesterday morning. What's wrong?" Her perfect, pixie-like mouth was turned down at the corners in a frown.

Jasper didn't respond, but rather, leaned his face against his fist and closed his eyes. Edward, noticing this, tried reading his thoughts to see what he was thinking, but that was precisely the problem. He wasn't thinking anything. In fact, if one didn't know he was a vampire who couldn't sleep, they might think he was an overly active teenage boy who neglected to get enough sleep the night before.

"Jazz?" Alice said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Whatever he'd been doing, asleep or otherwise (though Edward and Alice hadn't thought of the former, all things considered), he jolted up, eyes wide and almost falling out of his chair. Alice had to supress a giggle as he straightened himself in his chair.

"What were you doing?" she said after he resumed his normal position. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were asleep." Jasper laughed quietly and shrugged it off, so Alice dropped the subject. He ran a hand through his golden-blonde hair and frowned inwardly.

Perhaps...perhaps he had fallen asleep. But that was nonsense. He just felt so... so exhausted, so weak, that it wouldn't surprise him if he did settle into a slumber.

"Maybe you should talk to Carlisle about that," Edward said, and Jasper looked up at him.

"It isn't anything important," Jasper said, though Edward noticed that his voice seemed a little off, a little...nasally, if that was even possible. "I'm sure it'll pass." Alice looked between the both of them confusedly.

"What will pass?" Alice said. She, unfortunately, was unable to read minds.

"Nothing," Jasper said quickly, with a faltering smile. Almost seconds later, Alice's face smoothed out and she had a blank expression. When her vision left, she turned to Jasper. "Bless you," she said, smiling. But then she paused, and thought a moment. "Wait, why did you sneeze?" Jasper just looked at her confusedly.

"What are you talking ab-hehh..eh’KSHhh! ...oh."

- - -

So, uhm, what do you think? :nohappy: I hope you liked it.

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That was AMAZING! OMG! I LOVED how Alice blessed him before he even sneezed, b/c she can see the future, and she knew he was gonna sneeze. Please continue!

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Haha! I love the part with Alice blessing Jasper before he even knows he's going to sneeze. This is great! More please? :kisscheek:

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Thank you so much for your kind words. (: I tried to get this update up as soon as possible for you guys.

You make me smile. 'Cause we just love a sneezy Jasper. :wub: Haha.

- - -

Chapter Two.

Four sets of eyes were now focused on Jasper, looking at him in surprise. He looked down at his untouched lunch tray in embarrassment. "Well, that was peculiar," Edward said after a moment of quiet. "Are you certain you're feeling alright, Jasper?"

"Yes, I'm sure," replied Jasper, although his attention was not on the conversation in front of him, but rather the annoying tickle that seemed to have made it's way into his nose. "I am perfectly..." He paused, rubbing a slender finger under his flairing nostrils. "Please excuse me one moment, I...hihh...I think I might...ihh..ihhk’schh! hehk'Tsshh!." He caught the sudden sneeze in his hands. "I'm sorry. As I was saying, I am perfectly fine."

The other four faces at the table looked skeptical, especially so after Jasper tried to inconspicuously sniffle afterward to no avail.

"Jazz, Edward's right." Alice said, brushing a loose lock of blonde hair out of Jasper's face. "Maybe you should talk to Carlisle." She was genuinely worried about her husband, obvious due to the expression on her face. And Jasper's weak attempt at relaxing her wasn't working. Would his exhaustion have anything to do with his inability to soothe her?

"Perhaps you should sign out early," Edward suggested. "Go and speak to Carlisle, see if he might know what's wrong."

"That's hardly necessary, Edward," Jasper said firmly. "I'm quite healthy, actually." He was lying through his teeth and he knew it. He was sure Edward knew it too, but that didn't stop him. "I'm sure it was just...something in the air," he said, thinking quickly for an excuse.

"You are aware that I know what you're thinking, are you not? It's pointless lying to me."

"Yes, but I'm being truthful." Another lie. Edward raised an eyebrow in his direction, but the bell rang before he had the chance to argue. Jasper stood up, tossing his bookbag over his shoulder and picking up his tray, walking away from the other four quickly.

He wasn't ill, unwell. He couldn't be. It was impossible.

"You don't know that," Edward said from behind him. 'Damn,' Jasper thought.

"Don't expect me to keep this from Carlisle. He should know. Maybe he can help you."

"I don't need help," Jasper said stubbornly, his voice showing early signs of congestion. He always hated being the weakest one. Leave it to him to be the one to fall ill, then.

"Alice is worried about you." Edward was playing the one card he knew would get Jasper to be reasonable. "She hopes you aren't-" He was interrupted by a halt in Jasper's footsteps and a quick intake of breath.

"Hehh…eh’KSHhh!" The force caused him to double over slightly, and seconds later, he straightened and continued walking.

"She hopes you aren't coming down with something, and she's got decent reason to think that. You cannot be mad at her for worrying." Jasper ignored the comment and continued to walk. "Well, if you're going to be stubborn about it, then, fine. It's your loss. However, I suggest you take this." Edward held out a clean, white handkerchief, and when Jasper was hesitant taking it, he reached forward and placed it atop his pile of books before turning and walking away curtly.

Jasper was relieved when he walked into his fifth period Physics class and realized he'd have the table to himself for the enire class period. He sat down, placing his books in the empty chair beside him and resuming the position he was in earlier with his head rested tiredly against his hand. His eyes wandered up to the clock at the front of the room. A whole hour of physics was ahead of him and he doubted that he could pay attention that long.

It was almost funny. You'd think, after living as long as he had, an hour would not seem like an extensive amount of time for someone like Jasper Hale. However, this particular hour was the only thing keeping him from his room where he could relax and be alone. He didn't, however, want to sign himself out early and make Edward think he was right. Jasper was not weak.

However, his nose might have been. At least, at that particular time it was. He sniffled quietly, trying to allieviate the persistent itch in his nose. He clenched his jaw and scrunched his nose, fighting a clearly losing battle.

When he realized that it was no use trying to postpone the inevitable, Jasper grabbed the handkerchief off the stack of his books and held it up to his face, lips slightly parted and nostrils flairing as his breath hitched.

"Hehh...ehh...heh'TCHmpf! Eh'kTCH! heh'TCH! ...heh...hihh..." He paused, the last sneeze stuck and unwilling to come out. He'd taken the handkercheif away from his face, assuming that it wouldn't come. "Exc- heh'SHOO! Excuse me."

"Are you alright, Mr. Hale?" Ms. Burke, the Physics teacher, asked curiously. She'd never heard sneeze nor sniffle from any of the super-healthy children of Dr. Cullen, and this seemed to surprise her greatly.

"Yes, ma'am. I'b -" He stopped, sniffling to try to clear the congestion from his voice. "I'm fine, thank you. I apologize for the interruption. I'll see to it that it doesn't happen again."

"Are you sure?" She questioned again.

"Actually, ma'am, I wondered if you might permit me to be excused for the rest of this period. I apologize, but I'm feeling a bit under the weather."

- - -

So, did you guys like it? I promised there'd be more sneezes. Let me know what you think?

Edited by Jazz.
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Alright! Its awesome to see a fic actually dedicated to Jasper. Incredibly written as well, perfect amount of sneezing. A good amount, but not too much. Excellent work! Keep it up please! :(

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I love this story so much! Jasper is one of my favorite characters, and I wish he played a bigger part in the books. I love Alice predicting his sneeze--too adorable!

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OMG!!!!!! this is the best ever Jasper his my favorite person ever im totally obsessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool:

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I'm quite happy you all like this story. It makes my day when I see comments from people when I sign on.

It's difficult to write this, as I share a room with my sister who would find it incredibly creepy if she read this, but I'm going to try to update once a day.

Maybe more. (: I already have the chapter after this one written, too. :rolleyes:

- - -

Chapter Three

Upon stepping out of the classroom, Jasper sighed, leaning against a row of lockers. He wasn't quite sure what to do, so he mulled over his few options.

He could go home, of course. He was excused from fifth period, so he'd be fine as far as leaving was concerned. But when he got home, he'd have to answer to Esme why he was home so early. It was going to have to be a lie, as he didn't want her worrying. Quite frankly, he didn't want anyone worrying about him.

Jasper had tried to convince himself that, despite the constant sniffling and sneezing that plagued him, he was perfectly fine. In that case, he could wait in the car for all the others. And if asked why he was so early, he could claim his class was let out early. Yes, that was perfect, wasn't it?

He was so lost in thought that he hadn't noticed when a small figure appeared in front of him. "What are you doing out here, Jazz? ...no, that's a silly question, I already know. I saw it. Scratch that." She smiled sweetly, but her smile faltered when she noticed he wasn't even paying attention. "Jasper?"

Her voice startled him back into reality and he looked back down at her in surprise. "What are you doing here, Alice?" He winced at how congested his voice sounded, and thought longingly for a moment about the handkercheif from before in his pocket. No, not in front of Alice, that would not end well. Instead, he settled for a slight sniffle. He immediately regretted it however, as it spread an intense tickle throughout his nose.

"...are you even listening to me?" Alice pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. Truthfully, he hadn't heard a word.

"Hihh...ye-hehh...yes, I did." He was struggling to keep his nose at bay in front of her. "Hihh..."

"Bless you."

"Huh?" Jasper inquired, trying his hardest to convincingly play dumb. Needless to say, it didn't work.

"You're being silly," said Alice. "I don't need my visions to tell me that you-" she poked his chest playfully, "have to sneeze." As she said the last word, she ran her finger down the bridge of his nose and touched the tip of it, giggling cheerfully.

That was all it took. The sudden touch, though relatively light, was enough to send his nose over the edge. "Hihh...ihk'SHOO! Hehh'TCHOO!" Both were incredibly forceful and uncovered, causing him to double over a bit. He quickly reached in his pocket to get the hanky, holding it up to his face. "IhkTSCH! Hih'tsch!" He quickly placed the handkercheif back in his pocket where he wouldn't be tempted to use it to blow his nose. Not in front of Alice. Not that it would matter after that display. "Excuse be," he said stuffily, "I'b terribly sorry."

"Jazz," Alice sighed, "don't apologize. It isn't your fault. I do wish you would talk to Carlisle, particularly." She wrapped her arms round his waist and rested her head on his chest. "I'm worried about you."

He frowned, kissing her forehead gently against his better judgement. (What if whatever this was -if he was in fact falling ill- was contagious?) "No worrying, please. I'm quite fine, Alice."

"Oh, quit lying. You know it's obvious." Jasper merely sighed. "There's nothing wrong with admitting you're unwell, Jazz. I rather wish you would, just so you would let me help you."

"I don't need help. I'm not weak," he said, quiet but firm.

"Nobody ever said you were. Really. And this," she said, referring to the predicament he was in, "this changes nothing. You don't have to be weak to ask for help."

"I'm sorry, Alice."

"Don't be. Now, come on, I'm taking you home," she said, smiling again as she waved the keys to the Volvo in her hand. "I'll swing by and pick everyone else up after school."

- - -

It's not as long as it could have been, I know, but I felt the part at the end was kinda important. Next chapter includes the car ride home.

And just a question. In a future chapter, would anyone like to see some vampire baseball in a cold December thunderstorm? Of course Jasper would tag along. (; Just an idea.

Edited by Jazz.
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May I just point out to you that you area genius and that this is one of my favourite fanfics of all time and that you are my idol and that I think you are really Stephenie Meyer in disguise? Just thought I should point that out.

And Jasper with a cold playing baseball? Did you even need to ask? The answer, obviously, is...OH MY GOODNESS, PLEASE CONTINUE BEFORE I DIE OF JASPER DEPRIVATION!!!!!

Sorry, that was a bit uncalled for. Still, you get my point. I love it.

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as i said before AHHHHHHH OMG i love it sooo much hurry and post more please please please please!! your my favorite writer now i absoulutly love you :rolleyes:

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Hmm...a baseball game could be fun! Sniffly, sneezy Jasper out in a cold thunderstorm...sounds good to me! :laugh: As usual I like the story. Keep posting ^^

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Thanks so much for all the feedback! This is the best response I've recieved for a story.

And the whole baseball thing, that'll be coming up in a very near chapter. Not this one,

but either the next, or the one after that.

- - -

Chapter Four

By the time both Jasper and Alive were in the Volvo- and yes, Jasper did protest, but Alice had her mind set on taking him home- they were soaked with icy cold December rain. Alice didn't mind so much, as she didn't really feel it and couldn't be bothered with an umbrella, but Jasper felt oppositely.

He tightened his jaw in an attempt to keep his teeth from chattering and crossed his arms in front of his chest, shivering violently. Looking over at her husband sympathetically, Aliced saw that he as shivering and immediately turned up the heat in the car before pulling out of the parking lot.

"It should warm up in here in a moment," she said, placing one hand on top of his and rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand soothingly. In quite the role reversal, her touch relaxed him greatly and he closed his eyes, leaning up against the headrest tiredly.

Within moments, Alice noticed that he was sound asleep. She sighed, turning her attention back to the road. Maybe she was overreacting to this. But then again, maybe not. When was the last time she'd actually seen a vampire sleep? Not pretend to, but actually, genuinely sleep?

She hadn't. Ever. She glanced over at his tired form every time he slightly shifted position, and couldn't help but giggle when she heard him snoring quietly. It really wasn't funny, considering how horrible he must've felt, but Alice couldn't deny that it was quite a cute sight. Albeit terribly sad, but cute.

What only felt like moments later, she pulled into the driveway and parked the car. She really didn't want to wake him up. He looked so peaceful sitting there with his head tilted back against the headrest and his lips parted just slightly so he could breathe, because God knows he couldn't out of his stuffy, red nose.

Not that Jasper really needed to breathe, though. None of them did. It was just habit for him by that point. More comfortable, as well.

"Poor baby," she sighed, brushing a hand over his cheek gently. It felt strangely warmer than usual. Perhaps she was just worrying too much, though. "Jazz," she cooed, "time to wake up. We're home." He opened his eyes slowly, and, upon realizing what had happened, shot up suddenly.

"I wasn't sleeping," he said suddenly, pausing as a wave of dizziness washed over him. Before it even had a chance to pass, the unpleasantly familiar tickle in his nose returned from earlier. "Hehh...heh'KtCHOO! hih'kTSHOO!" The force of the sudden sneezes caused him to double over, hitting his head on the dashboard and successfully cracking the plastic. He straightened his posture again. "I was ju-huhh.." He fought the urge to sneeze a third time, and it eventually backed down. "I was just relaxing."

She raised an eyebrow. "Well, either way, bless you. And look-" she said excitedly, pointing out the window, "Carlisle's home." Alice beamed happily, though she'd never tell Jasper she was the one that called and said that she and Jasper were coming home early and she would need his help.

Jasper suddenly wished he didn't have to get out of the nice, warm Volvo.


"Carlisle, this is hardly necessary," Jasper said, though it sounded a bit peculiar as he spoke around a thermometer in his mouth. He didn't, however, have it under his tongue like he should have. Perhaps then, the temperature mightn't be accurate.

Though he still felt a slightly bothersome tickle in his nose, he'd managed to keep everything in control in front of Carlisle. No sneeze, sniffle, nor cough had escaped him once. It was highly unpleasant, but better than anyone finding out he might be ill.

"Alice is merely overreacting." He said. Carlisle shook his head. Of course, Alice had left to go pick up the others from school, so it was only Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper in the house. "I'm perfectly healthy."

"Well," Carlisle said, "I don't see anything wrong with you." He took the thermometer from Jasper's mouth and looked at it closely. "Perhaps you're right. And you're certain you feel well?" Just as Carlisle was about to place his hand on Jasper's forehead just to ensure there wasn't a fever, Jasper stood up.

"I apologize for your having to waste time on me for something like this," Jasper said sincerely.

"Nonsense. It is in no way wasting my time. If not because you're ill, because I want Alice to be happy." He smiled. Jasper nodded. Carlisle opened his mouth to speak, but it was interrupted by someone running in the door, though the sound could be closely compared to a stampede.

Emmett. And he had a huge grin on his face.

"Alice said there's gunna be a thunderstorm tonight," he said excitedly. "Who's up for a baseball game?"

"It's been quite a while since last time we played, hasn't it? Yes, that sounds like fun," Carlisle agreed.

While Emmett and Carlisle talked happily about the plans for the evening, Jasper supressed a groan. If everybody went, that meant he would have to go as well. Thunderstorms meant rain. Cold rain. Not to mention how tired he felt.

He silently excused himself and walked up the stairs to the room he shared with Alice, immediately going into their bathroom and closing the door behind him. Jasper grabbed a few tissues from the box on the counter that were previously for display purposes only, and tried to rid his nose of the pesky tickle that didn't seem to want to leave.

"Hihh...ehk'tsch! hih'tsCH! ihh...hehh...heh'TCHmpf!" He blew his nose thoroughly, which seemed to stay clear for all of about ten seconds. It would have to do though. At least, for the time being. He tossed the tissues in the waist basket in the corner of the room, walking out and into the bedroom.

"So," Alice said. Apparently she'd come up to the room after she got home. "What did Carlisle say?"

- - -

I thought this would be a good place to end this chapter. It's kinda long.

So what did you guys think? I hope you liked it. :D

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OMG!! I just read all of it in one go, and this is all I have to say...jkdsn:JNFu bzvs b hzdfkjvs":x!!!! OMG!

I love you...:dribble:

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AAHHH jaspers soooo sneaky cant wait much longer hurry hurry lol I totally love you for this : )

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Ack! Jasper!!!! Are you trying to kill me? :):boom:

That was amazing, thank you...really looking forward to more, especially yummy baseball-in-the-cold with poor, sick Jasper...

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