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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Twilight fic --JACOB!! (M) =) - (8 Parts)


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Hi guys!!

So you are all awesome for reading my little story! And sooo nice to leave me such nice comments :byewave:

I feel like i could go on writing about poor, sick Jacob forever. But sadly i'm about to go back to my crazy hectic life at school, and I'd hate to leave you waiting another semester!

So here's the last chapter!

I hope you guys like it!! :)


"Don't touch anything," Edward said under his breath as he reached for the door knob.

I sniffled wetly for the last time as the door swung open, hoping my voice would sound almost normal when I spoke. Bella opened her eyes slowly, looking up to see who'd come come in...and there it was again, that infuriating reflection of christmas morning, clearer than ever before on her pale, drawn face. The knife already buried deep in my heart gave a painful twist.

"Hey Bells, how ya doin?" I asked, my voice slightly hoarse despite my best efforts.

Her face fell as she took in my disheveled, dripping appearance; a small puddle was beginning to gather around my bare feet. "What happened?" she demanded, "You're soaked! And shivering. Are you...cold?"

"No big deal," I told her, lying through my teeth as I gave a futile attempt to still my trembling muscles, "Seth took a little spill in the river, that's all. Had to save the kid," I rolled my eyes for affect, "Anyway your father-in-law here's just gonna check me out real quick and maybe find me some dry clothes."

She looked as if she might argue with me before an arrogant little sigh interrupted her. Rose had appeared in the kitchen doorway, "Oh what a shame," she clucked, "I didn't think you were coming...I just put up the kibble."

Edward was beginning to lead me discreetly up the stairs as I returned her overly-warm smile, "Missed you too, Blondie," I walked as slowly as I could with her brother tugging on my wrist, "Oh, hey Rosie! How do blonde brain cells die?" I asked, just before Edward yanked me out of view and into the hallway. I leaned back as far as i could, popping my head out so she could see, "Alone!!" The punch line hung in the stale air like the final note of a symphony. Satisfied, I let him finally pull me forward, shoulders slumping as we went.

He ushered me into a cramped place that looked suspiciously like a Dr.'s exam room and pointed to the paper-draped metal table in the center, "Sit there, " he said. The spark of defiance his orders usually brought on was weaker now. I was finding it difficult to care about much as my stuffy, itchy nose and throat began to beg for release again. I gave a pathetic sniffle and pushed a knuckle hard against my nose until the tickle was manageable. I heard something slide across the table, felt it bump against my leg, and looked down to see a box of tissues, opened and ready.

"Thags," I muttered, cringing at the coarse, stuffy sound of my voice. I grabbed a kleenex and folded it around my nose, pinching it closed. Normally Edward would have given a condescending command to blow, but he was just as afraid of Bella overhearing as I was, and remained silent, face turned towards the door. I pulled my towel tighter around my body and bent forward to rest my elbows on my knees, closing my watering eyes. Sleep was tugging at my mind, and I wanted desperately to give in. I was fading fast, slipping into my first dream when the sound of the door snapping shut jerked me awake again.

"How are you feeling Jacob?" Carlisle asked, sitting across from me on his slick, wheeled stool.

"Oh, healthy as a horse," I gave a weak laugh, probably a mistake as it set off a few moist coughs that I tried to muffle into the crook of my arm, then stifle when they threatened to get out of control. A cool glass was in my hand before I had time to register who had put it there; I drank gratefully, plopping it beside the box on my right when I'd drained it completely.

"He's congested, obviously," Edward started before I had much of a chance to speak, "Coughing and sneezing a ridiculous amount," He glanced over at me, "Weaker than usual...and shaky, though I suppose that could be a product of the rain."

"I see," I heard Carlisle murmur, "Do you feel chilled Jacob?"

But I couldn't answer. There was something big building and it was all in my sinuses, a tremendous pressure, a torturous tickle. Crap...

Edward's eyes shot to my face, "No, Jacob," he pleaded, "You can't."

I gave a shuddery breath as I pulled out as many tissues as i could and crammed them to my nose, desperate to keep the sneezes at bay. I pinched my nose and held my breath but it was no use; I was losing, just as I had been all damn day. I met Edward's eyes as I panicked, shaking my head to show him there was nothing I could do. I tightened my grip on the tissues as my eyes were forced shut, and braced myself against the table with my other hand

"H'NNGK!" A bright pain shot through my head and throat, red as fire. But I could only gasp again as the second struck, even more painfully stifled than the first, "HuhNNGXT!!"

"Shiit," I breathed, curling in on myself and bringing my hands up to my ears, "I'm surprised they're not bleeding," I was only half joking, my feeble try at humor more sad than anything else as I continued to cradle my head, nose dripping and untended. After a moment or two, Carlisle eased me into an upright position, pressing a new wad of tissues into my hand. I put them automatically to my nose, but the gesture seemed to take twice as long as it should have. I groaned as a shiver crawled up my spine.

"I need to take your temperature," Carlisle told me, placing a finger on my chin to open my mouth, "Lift up your tongue."

He slipped a slim glass cylinder into my mouth. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes; leave it to the Cullens to have an old fashioned thermometer. Edward, Carlisle, and I watched as the mercury began to rise at a frightening rate, three pairs of eyes widening when it reached the very tip.

"Um Jacob, maybe--" Carlisle didn't get to finish his statement. The thermometer exploded in a cascade of silver and glass, landing in several spots on the floor with a comic, timid tinkle. This was a complete disaster.

"Sorry," I mumbled, and I meant it. I should have stayed in the woods where I belonged, found a cave to sleep in...anything but this.

"No, Jacob," Edward said, his voice strangely gentle. He placed a calming hand on my shoulder, removing it quickly when his sub-zero skin set me shivering again. I watched as his agile form stooped down to scoop up the mess, poisonous mercury and all, and dump it into a plastic waste bin in the corner.

"Well," Carlisle began, one corner of his mouth twitching upward, "I think it's safe to guess that you're temperature is abnormally high...even for you." He moved forward to feel my throat and shine a light into my nose and ears. "Looks like you've caught yourself the flu. But I think, considering your special...abilities, that you should recover from this much faster than the average person. One or two days of total rest should do it," He smiled kindly down at me, "Now, let's see about getting you into some dry clothes!"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Ten minutes later I was dressed in Emmet's ill-fitting hand-me-downs. The pants brushed awkwardly against my ankles and the sweater only stretched a couple of inches past my elbow, but they were warm and soft. I turned my head as the door behind me swung open and Edward appeared, a plastic sack slung over his shoulder. His lips spread into a grim smile as he looked me up and down.

"I didn't think they would fit," he said, "but at least it's a step up from that towel. Are you ready?"

I cleared my throat, confused, "Where are we going?"

"Carlisle's set up a room for you in the guest house," Edward said, tossing the half-empty tissue box into his sack, "It's a bit of a walk, but there's a bed, a tv, and a working heater."

He gathered up a few more supplies and then turned towards the door, obviously assuming that I would follow. And I did try, taking one or two steps before my nose gave a painful twinge, and I froze. In a flash, Edward was in front of me again, brow furrowing as I scrubbed my nose fervently with the palm of my hand.

"Sneeze?" he asked.

I nodded, sniffling as my nose ran.

"Can you hold it?"

"Not...heh...if I...talk...huh..." I shoved my wrist under my nose and bit my tongue as Edward cocked his head towards the stairs.

"She's asleep," he whispered, eyes bright, "If we're quiet, we can sneak right by."

He whipped out a couple of tissues for me and then we creeped down the stairs and out of the house, "Follow me," He urged, easing the door shut.

I groaned as he set off in a blinding sprint, taking a moment to readjust the kleenex I was holding to my burning nose before I took off after him into the constant drizzle of rain. My muscles protested as I leapt over boulders and logs, and I just barely made the jump over the river without falling in again. Just as I thought I would have to surrender my pride and ask for a break, I saw it; a cozy little cottage burrowed in a gap of trees. I bounded up the quaint stone path and into the house in front of Edward, panting and shaking. I let the tissues in my hand fall to the floor and the tickly feeling take over. I gasped once, twice, and then flew forward, "HUHCssshhOO!" I almost moaned with relief, and just might have if I hadn't been assaulted by another, stronger itch, "HUTCSHOO!!.....HehASCHOO!!" I swiped a wrist beneath my nose in a weary, slow gesture. I know I'd needed that, badly, but it had worn me out.

"Bless you," Edward said, silhouetted in the doorway. The contents of his sack, mostly medicine, tissue boxes, and what looked like a tall carton of orange juice, were lined up neatly on the kitchen counter, "The bedroom's just behind you to your left. I'm afraid there's not much food here but I'll bring by some more soup later...I suggest you get some sleep. Seth and Leah won't be able to keep up the perimeter too long on their own."

I nodded, watching as he turned to go, "Edward?" I blurted out, voice cracking and dry.

He pivoted again to face me again, raising one annoyingly perfect eyebrow, "Hmm?"

"Um..." I wasn't sure what exactly had prompted me to stop him, but went on anyway, "I just wanted to...well, say thanks, you know...for everything."

He gave me another one of his sad smiles, "You're welcome," he said, already turning to leave, "Get some rest, Jacob"

With that, the door shut and I was left alone again. Grabbing a box of Puffs lotiony tissues and a bottled water from the counter, I headed for the bedroom. And with a final wet sniffle and a few hacking coughs I crawled into the downy bed, sighing. I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow, the unfinished dream from before filling my mind and easing me into a deep, deep sleep.



Thanks for being amazing guys...hope I didn't disappoint.

Maybe I'll be back with a Bella fic soon! ;)

Edited by Rika
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  • TinkerBellx3


I have to say - this is SUPERB. Exquisite writing, great character development, AWESOME tenderness and desperation. Love is not a deep enough word for the depth of feeling I have for this fic. It's ADDICTING. It's ARRESTING.

It MUST BE CONTINUED. Pleeease?? :byewave:

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Bella fic...? YES! OMG YOU MUST! Soooo good!! This is seriously amazing writing!! GAH! *goes back to read again*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my GOD!!! Absolutely amazing. Like others have said, you have perfected the tone of Twilight and the characterization. I have always loved Jacob and didn't think it possible to love him more, but you made me!!

I absolutely LOVE when Edward blesses Jacob ... sooo hot!!

I'm definitely swooning over here. Job Well Done!!!

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  • 3 months later...

This is favourite Twilight fic!

It's well conceived and you capture the characters perfectly, and even the writing style which is hard to do.

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  • 7 months later...

Since this has been brought up, I just HAD to comment- I absolutely LOVED it!!!! Jacob is like my favorite character in the series and you made him SNEEZE!! How dare you make me so happy! :cry::):D I've read it about six times now. You're a great writer!

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  • 1 month later...

I absouletly hate both movies but I love Jacob for being a werewolf not to fond of any other characters but the werewolves and I actually like this story is awesome!

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  • 6 years later...

I read this story a while ago and absolutely loved it!:notworthy: Of course that was way before I made an account on here! So I decided to reread this beautiful piece for the one hundredth time and show my love! Jacob is my absolute favorite character throughout the books and movies!:D You really portrayed the Cullen's, and the wolves so well!

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