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Twilight fic --JACOB!! (M) =) - (8 Parts)


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As most of the female population, I am in love with the Twilight Series and think you are doing a fantastic job with this! Keep it up, I cannot wait to read more!

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  • 1 month later...


Well, I'm having a catch-up-on-fic-reading day, and I don't know whether you're planning on continuing this but I thought I'd tell you that what you've written already is...just, WOW.

You have a wonderful, natural writing style - everything you write sounds exactly like Jacob could be thinking it and it's just really easy and nice to read...and I've been in love with Jacob since forever so this is really :cry: for me!

If you still want to, please continue!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

YIPPPEEEEE! I had no idea there were so many Jacob fans out there to write such yummy fics! I haven't read past New Moon yet. Just got into this series last week. But, I couldn't help myself when I realized this was about Jacob! Amazing stuff! I absolutely adore him, and love where this is going! Thank you! More please! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so on team edward, but this story is making me think about switching sides! I love the way you write jacob and I can't wait to find out what happens next.

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  • 4 weeks later...

omg, this is really good! i love your understanding of the characters! how about writing a edward sneezing fic?

i would really love it if you did, you are a truly amazing writer! Sabrina xx

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Hey guys!!

Thanks so much for all the kind comments and encouragement! You guys make me smile :P

Anyway, it's been forever since I started this thing and I'm more than a little rusty on the "jacob" voice, but I hate to leave things unfinished! So I figured I'd try to write a couple of chapters and finally end it haha

I hope it's okay!

Oh and sabrina, I've always wanted to do an edward fic, but I feel like I just wouldn't do it justice...but maybe I'll skim over a couple of the books and give it a shot! I think I might try a Bella one first tho!

Weeeell, here you go! ....be gentle; like i said:rusty lol :)


My limbs were heavy as I staggered through the inky woods, Edward's steel grip like a vice on my right arm and Alice's delicate hand supporting my left. My body ached for the comforts of the Cullen's house: a warm bed away from the harsh wind and brittle cold. But every instinct begged me to stay away, tugged at the edge of my tired mind and tinged it with guilt. How could I even think about going back to the house now, where I would be coughing and sneezing and breathing everywhere? How could i take the risk of one tiny germ making its way into my Bella, infecting her? It wasn't just a simple matter of chivalry; this thing could kill her now, in her weakened state. The virus had to be incredibly strong to get into my system anyway. No. I would be miserable for a while, maybe a long while, but this could ruin her chances of life. I didn't want to share the blame in what happened to her...I was counting on blaming the bloodsuckers, but I wouldn't be able to stand knowing I was partly responsible too.

I was about to focus all my energy on skidding to a halt when Edward did it for me, jerking me backward on wobbly legs. I turned to see him staring off into space, eyes narrowed. My groggy mind made the connection slower than usual; he'd heard me. Of course! Edward would side with me, if nothing else. The jolt of joy dwindled as I realized what this meant: more time shivering out in the rain, curled up in wolf form just for the advantage of a thick coat, still freezing.

Alice took a step back to look at Edward's face, no doubt assuming he'd sensed some other danger, "Edward," she probed, "what is it?" But her brother didn't answer or turn to face her; his frown deepened. After a few moments of confusion, a sudden understanding flashed across her pixie face. "No, Edward!" she exclaimed obviously offended by whatever future she'd seen (most likely my pathetic figure laying in fetal position out somewhere in these woods) "Haven't you heard of pneumonia? Bella would die before she let--" She cut off suddenly, realizing with shame the mistake she'd made.

Edward's eyes squeezed shut for an instant and then opened; he remained perfectly still, a figure carved out of ice. I was scared to open my mouth, scared that I would find myself begging for a warm room and a bed, anything but more of this wet and cold. Instead I sent him flashes of logic and comparison, Bella and me, over and over again. I tried to show him that I would be fine, and hoped he would ignore my current misery. I did my best to shake off their hands and stand on my own, but my tired body protested and my legs trembled. A new tickle was inching its way into my nose; I tried to give a quiet sniff to ward it off, but the sound was wet and harsh and only increased the urge. I bit my tongue and held my breath as Alice's eyes shifted towards the sky.

"Edward, please," she soothed, "It's going to start raining soon. Pouring, really. We have to move."

Finally the sculpture moved, and when he turned his face to us his expression was frantic, panicked, "But, Alice, I don't know if...I can't do--"

"HURRAASHOO!!....HUESSHHOOO!!........HuHTSHoOO!" The sneezes ripped their way out of me without mercy, and brought both pairs of eyes shooting in my direction. I gave my nose a few scrubs with the damp towel I was still holding, muffled a few miserable, hacking coughs into its fabric.

"Bless you," both the vamps chorused at once. Well that was weird.

"Uh, thags," I muttered thickly. Furious at my lack of control, I shoved a wrist under my nose to prevent any further interruptions and shot Edward a pleading look. You know I'm right. He appeared to be at a loss for words, torn between two ways of protecting the one he loved; keeping her safe from my potentially deadly germs, or saving her the pain my suffering would cause. Alice was right ; it would crush Bella to think of me sick and out in the rain. Edward's eyes shot to Alice, then to me, and then back again with inhuman speed. It was almost worth it to see him in such distress. I might've laughed if I weren't so damn tired. But right now this situation was anything but funny, and was becoming less so with each passing moment.

I was the only one that flinched when the first giant drop fell, slapping me in the face like an angry girl. A second later the rest came flooding down, huge, cold, and twice as angry as the first. I pulled my towel over my head and clutched it tighter to me, shivering as a brittle wind joined the storm. Alice fidgeted, impatient as Edward made a feeble attempt to shield me from the biting cold.

"We'll take him straight to Carlisle," Alice said, tinkling voice somehow carrying with ease over the sound of the wind ripping through the trees, "Right past Bella and upstairs. He'll know what to do, Edward. Bella won't catch this thing."

He locked eyes with her, listening intently as images of possible futures flew through his mind. I made myself as small as possible as they both concentrated, not trusting myself to speak; the freezing rain was hacking away at my sacrificial resolve. Once again I thought of how this might've gone a year and a half ago: Bella wrapping a blanket around my shoulders, bringing me chicken soup, keeping me warm...

"Do you mind?" Edward snapped. I looked up to see him whirl around to face me, expression fierce.

"Oh..." I tried to stifle a laugh and sent myself into another coughing fit, gasping and spluttering like a complete fool, "sorry!" I managed once the spasms subsided.

The two resumed their huddle, brows furrowing again. They were whispering now, but my muddled senses couldn't pick up the words over the storm. I was starting to feel too weak to care about the obvious fact that they were talking about me , too exhausted to care about much of anything other than finding a way out of the cold and wet.

I gave a great sniff as another tickle wormed its way through my sinuses, rubbed a knuckle against my nose in an attempt to crush it into submission. But the urge only intensified, impossible to ignore, until my whole body was throbbing for release. I felt my eyes drift shut and the breath heave in and out of my chest as the sneeze built.

"HuHESHOO!" I snapped forward, sneezing freely toward the puddle-gathering ground. I stayed there, bent in half as I gasped again, "HuHMPSHOO!" When I finally straightened again, both the bloodsuckers had turned to look at me, their stares so penetrating that I found myself averting my eyes, sniffling, "sorry...again," I mumbled. Without a word they resumed their stations at my side, and we set off once more on the trek to the Cullen house, stopping every few moments so that I could aim a sneeze or cough down towards the sticky mud.


TBC ooof course!

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AHHHHH I love this story so much!! You are an absolutely astounding writer, this was soooo worth the wait!!

And it's TBC?? Thank you!!!! *hugs* You're so amazing :)

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aah, this is really goooood :)

i would look forward to reading a bella fic by you as well, and i believe you could write a really excellent edward one, if this one is anything to go by :P Sabrina xx

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I always think it's funny when people keep reviewing fics that haven't been updated in months because they're clearly trying to get the author to keep writing when they usually do not. But you did. That's' amazing. I love it now as much as I did during summer. Thank you for continuing!

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I just found this one again and i freaked i love this story soooo much!!! thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you are so feaking amazing to have written this!

1) its jacob related

2) sounds like the style twilight was written in

3) its HOTTTT! :P

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Oookay, so I have a friend coming in town and might not be able to get on here for a few days! ^_^

So I thought I'd give you guys a little teaser while I finish the last chapter!

Thanks again for reading and bein so nice to me guys! :yes:

Here's the next little bit! Enjoy!!


"All right," Edward said, guiding me to a stop at the edge of the woods, "If you have to sneeze or cough or breathe, now's the time to do it." Alice gingerly handed me her pathetic excuse for a handkerchief and then they both took a step back, waiting. I gaped as Alice crossed her arms and tapped her foot, echoing the pattering sound of the rain. Edward glanced over his shoulder at the silhouette of his massive house; being away from Bella this long was obviously starting to wear on him.

"Um," I stammered, unable to decide whether to be amused or just annoyed, "I know it's been a while for you guys, but it just doesn't work that way. I can't just summon all my sneezes up right now and then be done with them."

Edward gave a low growl, but didn't take his eyes off of the house; he was listening again. Alice dropped her arms with an exasperated sigh, "You're going to sneeze, Jacob. Just give it a second."

"Oookay..." I said, feeling my dignity slip away as the seconds ticked by, "Look, I really don't think anything is gonna happen. Can we just-" I broke off as my nose gave a sudden twitch, "Oh...there it is."

"Don't hold anything back," Edward whispered, "Get out as much as you can."

I had time to give a short nod before the sneeze took hold, throwing me forward so that I almost lost my balance, "HURASHOO!" Edward laid a steadying hand on my shoulder as I panted, letting that tickly, irritating feeling consume me. But the sneeze was stuck again, tormenting me. I found myself trying to push the feeling away, scrubbing my nose and fighting to force my eyes open.

"Let go!" Edward gave a commanding hiss.

"HUHESHA!!" I gasped again, turning away for privacy as I felt my face burn, "HuHESHOO!.....HuHTSHOO!" My eyes were watering, irritated tears spilling over onto my cheeks to be lost in the constant stream of rain. I reared back again, praying it would be the last, "HUHCSHHOO!!"

I gave my head a clearing shake and closed my eyes as I pressed a hand to my throat. That had hurt like Hell. I felt a gentle nudge on my arm and looked down to find the hanky still clutched in my hand. I must have looked ridiculous as i folded the tiny, lacy square of fabric over my nose and emptied into it as much snot as I could in a gross, gurgling blow. My nose still felt full when the handkerchief was. I sniffled as I turned around again, Alice's ruined hanky dangling awkwardly in one hand. She stared at it for a moment, grimacing as I held it out to her.

Edward stepped forward to knock it out of my grasp and to the forest floor, "Leave it," he told me, that obnoxious commanding tone still present, "I'll get it later. Now, are you ready?"

I gave my running nose a final swipe with my towel, straightened my shoulders, and cleared my throat, "Yup," I said, my self-assurance faltering slightly when my voice cracked.

Edward sighed, shaking his head, "Let's go"


~TBC if you wish!!! (although it might be a week or so :P )

Edited by Rika
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If we wish? I WISH I WISH I WISH!!! I'll stay up all night to wish upon a falling star if I must!!!

:) this story!!

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I'm not a Jacob fan, so I didn't read this for a while, thinking I wouldn't be interested. I WAS WRONG. Please! Continue!! :)

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I started reading this like years ago when I hadn't read Twilight, now I've read the first book, and my friends hate Jacob, but I find him cute. Needless to say



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I've been waiting a very long time until I finished Breaking Dawn to read this, not to be disappointed in the least! Team Jacob approves, I assure you. :)

PS. thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou. Can't wait to read more. :laugh:

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