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Twilight fic --JACOB!! (M) =) - (8 Parts)


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Yay! This has been rolling around in my brain since I finished the last book. I adore Jacob, almost as much as I loooove Edward. So here we go...if you guys like it enough, I'll continue! Already have a little more written...

Fandom: Twilight

Author: me! :)

Disclaimer: GOd...I really wish I'd invented these glorious characters..but sadly I had noting to do with their creation. All the credit goes to Stephenie Meyers!


Major, major spoilers!

Do NOT read if you're planning on reading Breaking Dawn.

THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW if you're not familiar with the books:

Edward has the ability to hear thoughts, read minds in a way.

Jacob is a werewolve and when he and his pack are in wolf form, they can all hear each others thoughts too.


As I ran, I tried to focus on the trails I crossed, the scent of elk and rabbits, the faded paths left behind by the Cullens' hunting trips. I tried desperately to think only about the way the wind felt rushing through my fur, the sound of my paws thudding against the ground. Anything to distract me from the uncomfortable foreboding feeling that was clouding my senses. Something was wrong. The rest of my dysfunctional little "pack" sensed it as well, and I could feel the nervous energy bristling through them as if it were my own. They didn't come right out and ask the question, but I could feel them probing, searching my mind for the cause of my discomfort.

But I blocked them out, put a wall up. Because, as far as our purpose was concerned, everything was fine. There were no unfamiliar trails. The area was clear, safe. No, the problem had nothing to do with our patrol. Something was wrong with ME.

I was exhausted. But I guess that really wasn't so remarkable. I couldn't remember the last time I'd slept. This whole 'Bella carrying Edward's mutant killer baby' thing was really starting to rattle me. when I had stopped to rest, the sleep I'd gotten hadn't lasted too long. Nevertheless, I shouldn't be so susceptible to this sort of thing in wolf form; my instincts should have taken over and pushed any weaknesses to the back of my mind. So I shouldn't have felt so drained. Still, I didn't even mind that so much. What was really baffling me was the pounding ache in my head, the way my throat had suddenly taken on the texture of sandpaper, and especially the strange burning tickle rolling slowly around somewhere in the back of my nose...or snout. Whatever. The point is, it was really starting to freak me out.

But I wouldn't think about that right now. I couldn't. There were a million more important things to occupy my mind with; there was absolutely no sense in worrying about the side effects of my stupid Bella-induced insomnia. So I shoved the thought away, and forced myself to focus once again on the task at hand, and pushed my paws harder against the cold, dew-damp grass.

At first light, we'll head back to the Cullens' and figure out shifts from there.


Sure thing!

I felt their tension, despite their easy words, and did my best to think reassuring thoughts as we ran. The time passed slowly, and just as gradually I let the human part of me slip away and the animal take over. It was easy like this, nothing but instinct and the job. My last well-formed thought was that I could run like this forever. And maybe I would have, if my body hadn't jerked me away again.

I just had time to register the faint tinges of pink and purple that highlighted the Eastern sky before the old tickle began shifting, traveling further and further down my nose until the feeling was nearly unbearable. I had no chance against it. I had no clue how to react in this body, no idea how to hold it back. In my moment of shock and panic, I let the wall fall from my mind. And then my head jerked forward, "FSHT!" ...Well that was weird. I shook out my coat, sensing numbly that Seth and Leah had stopped running. Greeeaat...



One question and one statement, and then they were bolting back in my direction.

Look, before you two freak out for no good reason, why don't you just consider--


Yeah there's no point in trying to talk us out of it now.

In my head I saw Leah running at top speed, poor Seth panting, struggling (and failing) to keep up. I sat back on my haunches to wait. No point in running. Leah would catch me in no time if I tried. Seconds later, she burst through a gap in the trees, followed several moments afterward by a very winded Seth.

What was that? she demanded.

What was what??

Don't play dumb, Jake.

Yeah, we're just worried is all. Seth chimed in.

Well, uh, that's adorable guys, really. But I don't see what all the fuss is about. It was just one sneeze.

I was about the blame my outburst on the bloodsucker stench that was permanently burned into my sinuses, when the itch flared up again. I tried scrubbing a paw against my nose, holding my breath, everything I could think of. But it was all useless. I shuddered forward with another one of those freaky dog sneezes, "PHSST!!"

Or two...

Seth trotted forward to shove his head against my shoulder. Get up, Jake. Let's go back. When I remained stubbornly rooted to the ground, he added It is dawn after all.

I couldn't argue with that.


YAY! :innocent:

Lemme know what you guys think!

Hope it was all right....

Edited by Rika
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OK so this is a silly reply hahahhahaha but I want to thank you for writing a Jacob fic!!!! I adore him. I haven't read this yet, hence why its silly but its because I'm just about to finish eclipse so thank you for the spoiler warnings :dribble: I'm really looking forward to reading it and since I love him I must really thank you for writing this!!

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Thanks so much for reading guys!

And thanks for the wonderfully kind comments! :)

Oooookidoke. Well here's the next bit.

Sorry if it's not the best, but Jacob's been a little stubborn in giving me the details :)


I'm good for another shift or two, Seth told me brightly as we loped through the steadily lightening woods, I slept all day yesterday.

I'm good, too.

I dug my paws into the dirt, skidding to a stop in front of them. Look, I don't need to be protected or fussed over or whatever. I'm perfectly capable of taking another shift.

Leah, who had sat back in an effort not to slam into me, rose to all fours and came to stand directly in front of me, her body rigid, angry. Stop being such a stubborn idiot, Jacob Black! Honestly, I could care less about whether you take care of yourself or not. But you're no good to us, or her if you're not healthy.

Seth pushed his way between us, glaring at is sister, You're not helping Leah! He turned to me, grinning again. I swear that boy could smile through anything...it was beginning to annoy me. Look, Jake, ignore her. All we're trying to say is that you've been running patrols back to back for days. You have to take a break sometime...right? Even you have your limits.

I wanted to tell him that, no, I didn't have limits, and that I was completely invulnerable to human things like fatigue, vampires, germs...but my nose betrayed me again. A growl tumbled out of my chest as I turned away from them, feeling any remnant of Alpha authority I had slipping through my metaphorical fingers as I sneezed again, for the third time, "PHSSH!!" I had just time to fill my lungs with air before it happened again, "PSSHH!" Dammit!

And then there's that

I turned to see Leah lying casually on the damp forest ground, smug. I growled again, hackles rising, before Seth stepped once again in my way, nervous now.

Come on, Jake! Just humor me okay...go sleep for a few hours and then you can take over for me. No fussing, or anything like that. Its just your turn to take a break. Plain and simple.

I took a few deep breaths, grimacing inwardly at the dry scratchy throat that was getting worse with each one, and tried to calm my temper. It would do no good to have divisions within our tiny pack. Besides, a much smaller part of me knew that they were both probably right. I needed some sleep if I was going to be helpful at all over the next few days. Fine... I'll head back to the Cullens' for a while. Start your shift from here and I'll go on alone. The last thing I needed was Edward getting into one of their heads.

All right , Seth answered, bright as ever. He turned and nudged a still bristling Leah out of the clearing.

I considered sleeping a few miles away from the house, and hopefully outside Edward's radius. But in the end my addiction did me in again, and I found myself running automatically in the direction that would lead me back to her. I couldn't resist the pull to see her, the compulsion to confirm that she was okay...or at least alive.

I tried to clear my mind as I came closer to the house. I couldn't stand the thought of Bella's bloodsucker knowing about...whatever was happening to me. But, the job finished, and very human thoughts in mind, my symptoms were becoming harder to ignore. I skidded to a halt to think of a new plan, praying Edward couldn't hear me yet. After a few moments of deliberation, and several rough scrubs at my nose (God, I was really missing thumbs right now) and I had it, something at least. If I couldn't block Edward, then I would confuse him. So I took off with newfound determination, methodically listing off random words as I went.

Bicycle, Pillow, Chair, Kentucky, November...

When I reached the front porch, in human form and dressed in Emmet's hand-me-downs, Edward was already standing there with the door open, all wide-eyed and baffled. It was almost worth it to see him so rattled. I broke off my mental tirade for a brief moment, to look into his amber eyes. Fix your face. You'll worry Bella. Everything's fine. When he raised one suspiciously perfect eyebrow I went on, It's personal, okay? Stay out of it.


Bella's voice interrupted my thought. I stepped around Edward and felt something clench in my chest when I saw her grinning up at me, "You're just in time! I'm freezing!" she patted the empty spot beside her on the couch.

I fought the urge to walk towards her, to gather her up in my arms and hold her close. I felt Edward tense beside me. Woops, my control was slipping.

No! Don't think. Tangerine, Tango, Oysters...Good..Anything but--Aaah....ORANGE!!

Edward had come to kneel on the floor near Bella's knees, and I could see him attempting to control his expression. I couldn't tell if he was suppressing amusement, concern, or both.

"Uh, sorry Bells," I managed, thinking of anything except how horribly stuffed up I sounded, "Just came by to check in. Gotta take another run around the perimeter."

"But you look so tired," that little crease popped up between her brows. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Bella to be thinking about me at a time like this.

"Don't sweat it Bells, just a few more hours," I assured her, "and then I'll sleep. Promise. I'll--" The tickle cut me off so suddenly that I had no chance to hide it from Edward. I managed to pass it off as a yawn for Bella's sake. But I had to get outta there, quick. I was gonna blow, big time. "I'll send Seth back to be your space heater for a while okay? But I'd better run. See ya, Bells!"

And without another word, I sprinted out of the house as fast as I could. This was gonna be bad. I made it about half a mile before they struck, heaving my body forward at the waist, "HUH-USHOO! HUH-ISSSH!" I wavered, lashes fluttering, gulping for air, before I was thrown forward again, "HUH-UTCHHOOOO!!...aaahhh..." I groaned, scraping the side of my hand underneath my throbbing nose. I sniffed wetly a couple times, noting with despair that I could no longer breathe through my nose.

I sighed.

Edward. I know you heard that. And you're probably smart enough to have figured this out, but I'm gonna tell you anyway, just in case. Don't tell Bella about this. I sent him a brief image of Bella's worried, pale face. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone else either.

If anything, I knew that I could count on him to keep this from Bella. He would do anything to save her from more pain, and it wasn't as if he could be worried enough about me to break that pattern...me, his natural sworn enemy who was helplessly, totally in love with his wife. Nope. My secret was perfectly safe. Comforted by that fact and trying to ignore my annoyance at having let the vampire see me in such a state, I phased and sent Seth a short order to return to the Cullens for an hour or two. I should have found a more protected area, some warm dry place out of the drizzling morning rain, but I was too tired to do much of anything. So I curled up where I was, laid my head on my paws, and fell into a fitful sleep.


TBC?? You tell me!

If you guys like it and want more, I'll be happy to oblige! :D

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I can't read your story yet. I'm still waiting for Eclipse at the library.

However, I did read the first paragraph you wrote, and that much is well written. :D If that counts for anything.

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....................................................................I'm speechless and can't think of a reply. All I can do is stare at the screen with my mouth open.

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Not gonna lie ... squeed when he talked to Edward there in the end. I can just see Edward's reaction. I ALSO love how Jacob figured out Alice's genius idea of preventing Edward from hearing his thoughts. Poor Jacob. I'm looking forward to more!

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Thanks for much for all the kind comments guys! You all are so good to me :blink:

Oookay, here's the next bit; it's a little short, but there's more to come!


I awoke to a hard hand on my shoulder jerking me slowly out of unconsciousness, feeling even more exhausted than I had been before I'd slept. My head was pounding, my throat was burning, and my chest felt tight, congested. I groaned hoarsely, turning away from the offending hand to muffle a sneeze into the pillow that cushioned my head, "HuH-MPH...ugh..." And then there was my nose, impossibly full, yet somehow still running. I dragged a wrist wearily under it to keep it from dripping, pulling the blankets up over my head with my other hand. I wanted nothing more than to stay there and sleep forever. I was about to drift off once more, when a sudden realization snapped me out of sleep. Wait a second...Pillow? Blankets?

I jerked into a sitting position, eyes roaming over the soft blue blankets some one had draped over me, the soft downy pillow that had been placed beneath my heavy head. On the ground beside me were a pair of my old sweats, a box of tissues, and a bottle of cold meds. But the most shocking thing was me...I stared wide-eyed down at my own hands, human hands. I had been in wolf form when I'd laid down; was I so weak that I couldn't control my phasing...what would that mean?

"Sorry to wake you, but you really should eat something."

My head snapped up to see Edward leaning against a tree a few yards away. The sharp breath I'd taken when his voice shocked me sent a few gurgling coughs rumbling out of my chest.

He waited for me to recover before he spoke again, "You should take this, before it cools off."

With a jolt, I noticed the steaming bowl in his hands. I started to struggle into a standing position to retrieve it, but by the time I'd rolled onto my knees, he was there, hand and bowl held out in front of me. i noticed that he was not looking at me, he had his eyes deliberately focused on some faraway landmark. "Damn," I cursed huskily as I glanced downward to find my naked body exposed in the light of the setting sun, "Hang on," I muttered, snatching up the sweat pants and yanking them on, "Okay."

His body shifted subtly, relaxing. He offered the bowl again, and I took it carefully, letting the steam float up and around my face, breathing it in slowly, feeling the healing aroma soothe me. I pressed two knuckles beneath my nose as I felt it twinge again, sniffling sharply, uselessly.

"I had Seth get you some of your own clothes, and run to the store for the other...supplies," he gestured to the tissues and pills beside me, "I think that--" he broke off, sensing that I had stopped listening, waiting until I could refocus my attention.

I fought it off as long as I could, pushing hard against my nose, grinding my teeth in frustration. In the end though, after a few seconds of fruitless battle, I gave in, letting my jaw go slack and my eyes flutter shut, willing the sneeze to just come already. And then it finally did, with friends, "HUH-USHOO!! HUH-UTCHOO!!" I panted, keeping my eyes squeezed shut as I lurched forward again, "HUH-CSHOO!! HUH-ISHH!!"


I resisted the urge to groan, instead sniffling, loud and wet, as Edward kicked the tissue box closer to me.

"What?" I asked, ignoring the tissues and picking up the bowl of still-simmering soup I had placed on the ground during the small fit, "No 'Bless You'?" I feigned my best expression of shock and hurt, then shrugged, "Oh well...guess it wouldn't do too much coming from a vampire anyway." I snatched up my spoon, too tired to ask why he was helping me, too sick to care.



If you like it, of course! :)

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I'm sorry but Edward taking care of Jacob is just really really freaking cute in a way I never thought about before!! And very in character, thanks to Breaking Dawn! Awesome!!!!

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This is quickly becoming my favorite thing to read ever on the internet. I love Jacob sneezing, and the Edward interaction in too yummy.

Edited to add: hehe, nudey-time

Edited by Bongo
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Guest Hana-chan


I swear, I thought I was dreaming when I saw this topic *_*


Jacob is by far my favorite, followed by Edward... and even though I haven't even finished Eclipse yet, I found myself reading this ^.^

I can only hope for more caretaking from Edward... and the love... and the... AHHHHHH, I don't even have to finish sentences to describe the beauty of this story!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Yay! :eek:

You guys make me blush :blushing:

Thank you so much for all the sweet comments! And thanks for reading!!

Here's the next bit!



My head was reeling. I wanted to curl into a fetal position and bury myself under the blankets, wished Bella was well enough to come take care of me, so that I wouldn't feel the need to save face, so that I could act as miserable as I felt and know that I wouldn't be judged for it. But instead, her vampire husband hovered somewhere over my shoulder, a constant reminder of my own failure to 'get the girl', like they say in the movies. Uncomfortable, I fell back to the old humor I tended to use whenever I was at a loss for words.

Sniffling wetly, I turned to batt my lashes demurely at him, "Bless me!" I exclaimed, rubbing my knuckles under my nose, before lurching forward with another, slightly less loud and ridiculous sneeze, "Huh-TSHOO!" I cursed as the uneaten soup sloshed over onto my arm and leg. I pressed a wrist against my nose, frantically trying to hold back any further sneezes as I searched for a place to set the dripping bowl. A heavy sigh sounded behind me, and suddenly the soup was pulled from my hand. I mopped myself up with the blanket, relaxing as the burning on my arm and legs gradually cooled.

"You know," Edward said, tossing the tissues in my lap, "You might stop sneezing if you blow your nose."

"Never works," I mumbled, wrist still pushed firmly against my nose.

He rolled his eyes, "Just try. You'll feel better when you're not so congested."

I scowled down at the box, then back at him, "You sure give a lot of advice for someone who hasn't been sick since the 1920's." But I plucked a few tissues out anyway, turning away from him to empty my nose in several disgusting, gurgling blows. The tickle returned almost immediately, and I balled the tissues up and tossed them to the ground, breath hitching once more, "S-see?" I managed, "It..heh--always...makes it w-worse--HUH-TSHHH!!" I gasped, glaring at the vampire before my eyes flew shut again, "HuH-CSHOOO!!" I did nothing to disguise the groan that escaped my lips. I was too tired to care what he thought.

Edward came to sit beside me, waiting patiently as I ripped out another handful of tissues and swiped them roughly beneath my dripping nose, "You don't have to...save face around me, you know."

I kept my eyes glued to the forest floor...you'd think I'd be used to his freaky mind reading by now, but it was just getting more and more obnoxious. Why was he even here?

He chuckled, "Sorry...but, to answer your question, Jacob, we're protecting the same thing. It does me no good if you're incapacitated. Besides," he smiled grimly, "Bella would rip me to shreds if I let anything happen to you." I glanced over to see that his smile was gone, replaced by the hollow, tortured expression of a burning man. I didn't have to be able to read minds to know what he was picturing...Bella pale, sick, and swollen on the couch...Bella screaming, being broken apart from the inside. He turned away, giving his head a shake as if to break his way out of a trance. When he faced me again, the burning man was gone.

"Eat the soup, Jacob," he said softly, "Take the pills. I'll be back if you need me."

I didn't have to ask how he would know I needed him. The answer was creepy and clear as he turned and sped back in the direction of the house. Sighing, I gave my nose a last pinch before dropping the damp tissue to the ground and picking up the soup. God it smelled good. I wondered briefly who, in a house of vampires who never ate, had cooked it for me. If Edward had kept his promise, it had to be him...and that was just strange. I sipped at it slowly, careful not to spill again. But halfway through the bowl, my breath caught in my throat as an unexpected tickle caught me off guard. The sneeze retreated as a spoonful of hot soup went down the wrong pipe, and my body adjusted its priorities. I choked, coughing once, twice, twenty times. And soon I realized that I couldn't stop; the crackling, hacking coughs threw me forward, the bowl slipping out of my hands and spilling onto the grass. And I coughed and coughed until I thought it might never end, leaning weakly on my elbows, chest aching. After what seemed like ages, I felt strong hands on my shoulder, lifting me up, and a cool glass being pushed into my hand. I gulped the water greedily, finishing it off in seconds. Confused, I looked up to see Edward's face hovering just above my own.

"Thanks," I spluttered, a few more deep coughs rumbling through my chest.

"Here," he said, handing me another glass, "are you all right?"

I nodded, unable to speak; the tickle that had so rudely interrupted my meal was back, "HUH-USHOO!!...ugh...CSHHOO!!" I took a few more gulps of water, then placed the cool glass against my forehead, closing my eyes.

"Jacob," Edward hesitated, brow furrowed, "I know you asked me not to tell anyone about this, but maybe...maybe if I told Carlisle he might be able to help you. Maybe this is more than just a cold..."

He trailed off, watching my expression closely, "No," I said, grimacing at how hoarse and stuffed up I was, "I'll be fine."

Edward opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by a long, mournful howl. We both froze and I turned to see his face focused, eyes in the direction from which the sound had come.

"Seth..." Edward started.

I didn't wait to hear the rest. I jumped up, ripping my sweats off and breaking into a lope as I phased. I heard one resounding word in my mind, shouted so loudly that it hurt my already pounding head.



There you go, loves!

Hope you liked it, cuz there is more to come! :)

Edited by Rika
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EEEEEEEE, I think I died a little inside. I love this story, and I'm so glad you update so frequently. I love Seth to bits, so I hope he's okay.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us. I like Bella and Edward, but Jacob is my favorite character, and I love that you're torturing him for us. And the Edward taking care of him thing is adorable and I never would have thought of it. And also being adorable is the Saving Face thing. Yay

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Oh seth, what trouble have you gotten yourself into THIS time..... Loving the story. Please keep going!!!! *bows and grovels at your feet*

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you have such an awesome understanding of the characters!!! are you sure you're not stephenie meyer in disguise???? ;)

Edited by TinkerBellx3
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Aaah you guys are way too nice to me!

....keep it coming!! ;)

haha juuuust kiddin!

Tinkerbell, that is the best compliment I could hope for! :D Thanks! And lord, I wish I was...I really do.

Weeeell, here's the next part! It's a bit short, but my life's about to get a little hectic and I wanted to post what I had while I could find the time.

Takes a little while to get to the sneezing...sry bout that, but I tend to get wrapped up in plot sometimes. :heart:

Here ya go!!


The howling continued as I raced through the woods, piercing the thick night air like a knife through melted butter. Edward ran beside me, dodging low-hanging branches, leaping over fallen trees and boulders. Their thoughts came rushing at me in frantic, incomplete phrases, stealing my breath and making me tremble. I saw...water rushing by me, ripping me away from the shore and down,down. I felt rocks, rough and sharp. Leah's panic filled my bones, freezing the thoughts in my head, paralyzing my mind into uselessness. She was guilty, unable to help, bitter. I'm too SMALL!!! she thought, again and again and again.

"Seth's in the river," Edward said, his face perfectly calm as he listened with me, "He's holding on. We'll be there in time...perhaps he might find it easier to get a grip on something if he had the assistance of thumbs. Tell him to phase."

Thankful for the distraction, I pushed the thought several times until I was sure he had heard me, until the frightening visions of water and rocks vanished, leaving me alone with Leah's panic.

I held onto my wolf form just long enough to follow Leah thoughts. But, as soon as Edward and I burst through the trees to see her pacing the river's shore, I leaped towards her, phasing mid-jump.

She whined, trotting closer to the river, jutting her head at a spot in the middle of the water, where Seth was splashing and gasping, arms wrapped around a large jagged rock. His fingers were slipping. Without a thought, I dove into the river, shuddering as the the water met my skin. The icy cold shocked my nerves, knocking the breath out of my lungs like a solid punch to the gut. I fought the feeling, breathing slowly and deliberately, letting the water carry me further downriver, and towards the drowning werewolf. When I was close, I shoved my feet against the moss-covered rocks at the bottom, bracing myself against the powerful current that threatened to pull me under. Locking my knees, I sidled slowly to Seth, throwing my arms around him when I finally reached him. I pushed against the water, panting, exhausted, dragging him in the direction of the shore. But , my muscles were fast growing stubborn and cramping; my joints were stiffening, frozen. Panic took hold as my body gave out, and the water overtook us, swallowing us up, Seth limp in my arms.

For the second time that night, I felt a pair of steel hands lifting me up, this time shoved roughly under my arms, hefting me above the river with ease. And again, I found myself unable to catch my breath, felt my body being wracked by deep, dangerous coughs. The hands laid me gently on the grassy shore, pounding my back until a rush of water gushed through my mouth. I groaned, shivering, and twisted to see Seth laying motionless on the ground a few yards away, Carlisle hovering over him. My heart raced as I watched his eyes flutter open, sighed as he coughed up his own stomach-full of river water. As the adrenaline drained from my body, the shivering grew worse, the symptoms I'd felt before the river doubled. I turned to lay on my stomach, resting my cheek on my arm.

"HUH-ESSHHAA!! HUHESSSHOO!!" I let the forceful sneezes rock me forward, too weak to hold them back, "HuH-Tshoo!"

I coughed again, wet and harsh, growling as the relentless tickle returned, "HUH-ISSHH!"

"Oh my!" A bright, musical voice brought my drooping lids shooting upward, "Bless you!" Alice told me, wrapping a warm, dry towel around my shoulders. I looked down to find myself exposed again. But this time I didn't care about my dignity; I was freezing. I stretched the towel to cover as much of my body as possible, trembling violently.

"We need to get you back to the house," I looked up to see Edward standing over me, clothes drenched and hair dripping. He held a hand out for me to take, "Can you walk all right?"

I nodded, leaning forward to take his hand. I jerked back as soon as our fingers touched. Alice, raised an eyebrow, confused, but Edward dropped his hand, waiting patiently. I turned my head to scrub my nose against my shoulder, unwilling to remove my arms from the warm towel. My breath hitched once, twice, then faltered. I growled, low in my chest, as the sneeze stuck. Like a prize idiot, I sat there, jaw slack and panting for what seemed like hours until the sneeze finally came, "HUAASSHOO!! HUHTSSSHOO!!"

Still dazed, I felt Edward heft me to my feet, saw Alice frown and hand him something small and white. I didn't have the energy to react the way I wanted when he pressed the dainty, linen handkerchief to my nose, wiping it once, twice, before folding it and handing it back to a grimacing Alice.

"Stay close...we may need that again," he whispered to her, before redirecting his attention to me, "Let's go."


Hope you liked!

...And, of course...


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I love where this is going. You have the perfect mixture of the plot and sneezing. Not to mention, you totally have a handle on the characters. That's true greatness :drool: Thanks for writing it. Can't wait for the next part!

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