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Riot of The Stingers cold fan fic (M) - (14 Parts)


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Title: None

Author: (mostly important if you are sharing someone else's work) Prisma

Fandom/Orginal:Jem and the holograms

Disclaimer: (if a fanfict) basically just state that you don't own or make $ from the characters I dont own Jem and the holograms

Rating: (really only a main pt. if 18+)

Summmary:All work and no play makes Riot a sick boy

Authors Notes: (if needed) I love feedback. If there is anyhing you want to see let me know and I can see if I can incorporate it. This is my first Jem Fan Fic so be kind. And thanks for reading. I mean it!

"Eric!!!"Riot roared into the phone."I asked for those budget documents yesterday. Why is there a delay???"

Riot, not having a patient bone in his being was not accustomed to waiting for anything .When he asked for something he got it. That was just the way it was. More often then not it arrived on a silver platter.

He was barely listening now while Eric doled out explanations the singer deemed pathetic.

"I'm not interested in your excuses" Riot sneered over the phone "Just get them to me by the end of the day" He hung up abruptly.

Riot ran his hand through his mane of blond hair and sighed. Having to deal with incompetent music execs like Eric was a small price for everything he had achieved.

Riot , born Rory Llywellyn , was the lead singer of the stingers. One of the most popular bands in the main steam music scene. He along with his female counterparts Minx and Rapture dominated the air waves and video screens with their pop rock sound. He was considered a sex symbol by most women It seemed his air of superiority and arrogance was invisible to any of those he set his charms upon.

Not only was he a gifted musician but also a successful business man. When Eric Raymond had offered him half ownership of the music company in a deal to sign The Stingers he accepted.

He understood Eric and felt about him as he did most people. He could control him. However Eric was just as devious as Riot and the two sometimes bumped heads.

Riot did not like when things did not go his way. It stressed him out and right now that was the last thing he needed. There was a band rehearsal that evening and a meeting the next morning about The Stingers newest video and there was lunch with the investors of their up coming tour. They also had signed on for a benefit show for starlight foundation which was coming up at the end of the week.

There was a sudden draft in the office and Riot shivered slightly. Not a surprise as he was wearing leather pants and a white shirt open at the chest. On most it would be uncomfortably cheesy but he pulled it off to perfection. It didn't hurt that his body was what people would compare to a Greek god's.

He turned the air conditioning off and went back to his desk to finish approving finances on the bands latest wardrobe collection. Ah yes being a rock star had it's perks

3 hours 1 headache and 2 Advil's later Riot was exhausted

He got up from the desk and stretched. He felt very stiff and sore. He clasped his hand round the back of his neck and began to knead the joints in an attempt to loosen out the kinks.


He glanced at the wall clock and realized he was late. Oh well things didn't start until he arrived anyway. Rapture and Minx would understand. They always did.


"I don't understand whats keeping him" Rapture complained.

She and Minx were sitting on one of the couches in rehearsal studio. " I mean he was in the office all day today. How long does it take to ride an elevator to the 6Th floor?"

Annoyed she gathered up the tarot deck she had arranged to give Minx a reading and hastily began to shuffle them

Minx shrugged her slender shoulders. "who cares? He will get here when he gets here.. I'm sure there is some reason for the hold up"

Edited by prisma
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Rating: (really only a main pt. if 18+)

Okay... this didn't make much sense to me, but if there's any part of it that's 18+, it has to be posted in the adult board :wub: Thanks!

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oooh...i like this.... i hope you put a bit more to it....

(and i think thats a cut and paste of the "suggested" intro bit, Lynne)

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The rating thing was copied and pasted so just to varify there is NOTHING 18 + in this story

Thanks for the feedback Chui!!!

Here is the next part

At that moment the door opened and Riot came through.

"Sorry I'm late ladies. I was in the office working out the budget for our latest costumes. I guarantee you'll be impressed with what I've come up with"

"I'm sure we will" Minx agreed

"Yes Riot" Rapture chimed in "You always have the best ideas."

Riot smiled. "Well, lets not waste any more time"

They set up their instruments and began practising. Minx on electronic Synthesizer,

Rapture Playing bass and Riot on lead vocals and guitar.

They began to play but something was amiss. Their usual perfection was not coming across.

Rapture's bass went silent. She set it down and looked at her band members quizzically. "Somethings wrong" She announced

"I can see that. I think it's the fact you've stopped playing" Riot chided

"I mean ..we sound off"

"Nonsense. We never sound off"

"Riot. I think she's right. I heard it too" Minx said hesitantly

"Well I told you not to buy that new keyboard. You're old one sounded just fine"

Rapture and Minx just looked at each other. They knew it wasn't them. It was Riot. He had been singing ever so slightly off key since they started. To the untrained ear no one would notice. But in their band they knew each others harmonies and musical arrangements so well that even the slightest solecism stuck out like a sore thumb.

Neither of them wanted to say anything. To criticize Riot was suicide. Thankfully much of his believed perfection was true at, least to his faithful band mates. But when the rare time came in which there was a minor flaw that needed correction well...... no one wanted that job.

"Never mind. Lets take it from "Under My Spell" Riot instructed. They continued until Riot hit a note so sour that this time he stopped.

"Excuse me" He coughed "I must have a frog in my throat" He admitted somewhat embarrassingly.

It wasn't like Riot to make mistakes and it was even less like him to admit it. Something was up.

"Why don't we take five?" Minx suggested sitting down on the couch again.

"That's a good idea" Rapture agreed joining her.

Riot sighed. "If we must." Secretly he was glad for the break. His headache had come back full force and his joints still ached. He took a seat across from the girls.

"I have an idea" I'll read your cards. Without bothering to hear an answer Rapture began placing the cards on the table.

"Rapture you know I don't go for that kind of stuff."

"Oh come on Riot" Minx purred " let her have her fun"

"You're only saying that cause you don't want it to be you" He smirked.

"I didn't say anything" She made a helpless gesture with her hands and laughed

"OK" He said turning his attention to Rapture "what have we got? But let's make this fast we still have to rehearse and I'm beat. I think I may even have to go back to the office and finish up some paperwork"

"You have to go back?" Rapture said in disbelief " Are you kidding me? You've worked all day already and don't we have a meeting early in the morning with those investor guys?

"Yes we do but your forgetting as part owner in the company I have a bigger stake in this game then you. I cant afford to let things fall by the wayside"

"Exactly! And that's why you should go home early tonight and get a good nights rest. Imagine how it would look if you fell asleep in the middle of the conference?"

'I assure you thaahhhehEH-CHEW!!!" Riot sneezed suddenly and without warning catching himself completely off guard.

"Oh my goodness! Excuse me. I don't know where that came from" Riot brought his hand to his nose and sniffed slightly.

"I do!" Rapture cried. She stared at Riot intently and help up a single tarot card. :The nine of swords

"Look" She insisted.

Riot looked at her and then the card. "Would you like to enlighten those of us that aren't spiritually inclined"

She put on the voice she used when she wanted to instill intrigue and mystery. Which truth be told sounded completely lame " This card means inability to handle two situations at once that are in opposition and may possibly mean illness."

"Oh come'on" Minx said standing up and taking the card to examine it.

" How can a silly little card predict ..well ..anything?"

"These cards hold a mystic power and only those that are gifted enough can use them to predict the future" She said still doing "the voice"

"Rapture don't be boring. I sneezed. That's it. It doesn't mean I'm getting sick"

" The cards can be used as a warning" She said returning to her normal voice " It doesn't necessary mean your getting sick but if you are you should use this message as a precaution to just take it easy."

"I've had enough of this. I don't need cards to tell me what to do. If you dont mind I think id like to get back to practise ..or perhaps you'd like to consult your deck first to see if that's ok" Riot was the king of sarcasm.

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They resumed the rehearsal but there was feeling of tension in the air. Riot was obviously in a foul mood. Minx was pissed with Rapture for being the cause. And Rapture was sulking cause Minx always took Riot's side. They soon decided to call it a night.

"I guess I'll see you two tomorrow. I'm going back upstairs to finish up those documents"

The three said farewell and parted ways.

Riot rode the elevator to the 10Th floor of Stinger Sound and started toward his office. By this time the whole floor was dark and he had to turn on all the lights before he entered the suite. The contrasting brightness hurt his eyes, he squinted and squeezed them shut momentarily.

He made his way over to the desk and found the pile of papers resting neatly just as he had left them.

He sat down and smiled to himself as the lyrics to Jem's song " Getting down to business" ran through his head. Ahhhh Jem. His dearest darling Jem. Ever since he had met the singer he could not take his mind mind off her. He was obsessed. Never had anyone so stubbornly resisted his advances. He found it refreshing. He could have any women he chose but where was the fun in that? No Jem was different. She was the prize that was worth winning. It was only a matter of time. He would see her soon at the benefit concert for her foundation Starlight house. It was just days away and he couldn't wait.

He began to shift through the stack of files. Slowly but surely he manged to sort , review and sign all the required documentation for a few of the new bands the company had just signed on.

It was time to go home and thank god for that. He was more then just tired. He felt completely drained. And although his headache had eased it's invariable presence had not.

Riot turned out the lights got in his car and went home.

Despite the countless starlets he had made in that very location he had never seen his bed look so inviting. He collided with it in a flourish and was out like a light.

Riot slept fitfully that night. Awakening intermittently to vexing darkness.

And that's when the nightmares began.

He was choking again. He couldn't breathe. Gasping for breath he struggled for any intake of air. CoUgHiNg cOuGhInG CoUgHiNg. It hurt to draw breath. It Hurt TOO MUCH.

TOo muCh too MucH it's jUSt ToO MuCh

He heard Minx's voice "Hold on Riot were almost there"

He was in a bed now. A bed?abed? But/there/were/NOBEDS/when/your/on/theStrEEts.

And why was he so WARM when it was the dead of winter.

another VOICE ........

this time.......Rapture's??

"you'll be fine"

And another (voice)!!!!

"Luck KEY.....Justin Thyme ....NewmoanYAh"

Riot awoke drenched in sweat and panting. It was the same dream again: Winter in Germany 1985. After busking and living on the streets a simple cough can turn to something much worse. In this case, pneumonia. He almost died. If it hadn't been for Rapture and Minx he would have. They got him to a hospital. It was almost too late.

Yeah, it's a hard, hard life.

He closed his eyes and succumbed to his restless slumber ,more erratic now then ever.

The sunlight seeped through the blinds of Riot's penthouse condo. Awaking wildly he expected to find himself immersed in blackness yet again, only to be consoled by the horrid reality of morning.

Riot looked at the clock and groaned. He hadn't slept well and he was still in a sleep fog. Which is probably why he didn't notice right away that Rapture's Prediction the previous night had come true.

He got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He moved sluggishly and began to realize that his headache had not left. Nor had his stiff joints. In fact it appeared they had worsened altogether. He swallowed: Odd. His throat felt dry and cracked. If he didn't know better it actually seemed ...sore? And why was his nose so blocked?

'No'. Riot thought.

' No!' His mind repeated with urgency.

'This. Is. Not. Happening.'

'I am not'.......and as if with the realization itself his body seemed to relinquish control.



"Hhharrish!!! HarrAshhHHeeww!!


"HehhhheHITCHSHooo!!!!!!! AHHkighxt!!!ETTCHEW!!!! Ugh. *sniieefff*"

Riot sighed. There was no denying it.. He was ill. Why now? There was too much to do!!

Blast it! Of all the inconvenient times to get sick.

He looked in the mirror his eyes were rimmed with shades of pink they looked tired and he rubbed at them

*koff khoff Koff* Great he was coughing now too!! He cleared his throat which was beginning to feel raw.

All in all he felt like crap. The meeting was in 1 hour. He would just have to grin and bear it.

Edited by prisma
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*eeek* i missed a bit of it!!!

ohhh... i love how you have the bandmates interact with each other... yay! and poor Riot... *le sigh* i cant wait to find out how that meeting goes.

hehehe.... you said he had a frog in his throat.... toadjump2vi1.gif

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Thank you so much Chui. I have tried to stay as true to the characters as possible. It helps to be a Jem freak too!!!

Here is the next part

He got dressed carefully. Normally he would wear one of his flamboyant outfits. He always like to *pardon the pun* cause a riot where ever he went. But today he simply wore a black ribbed turtle neck sweater and black jeans. He honestly did not think he could pull of his ubiquitous black and yellow frock coat and skin tight pants feeling as he did. He pocketed a travel pack of tissues and was out the door.

Minx and Rapture sat at the table in the board room of the Stinger Sound Offices.

They were joined by a couple of stuffy men in suits, a video director, prop designer and a women who like the suits was of an indeterminable position.

They expected Riot any minute. He was late. Again.

In the meantime Rapture was stroking a gold statue of Bast the the cat goddess. She had brought it with her and set it directly inf front of her when she first took her seat When asked what she was doing she looked around the room dramatically and explained that for their new video she wanted to invoke the spirit of the feline Egyptian idol. The video was for for their new song "Egyptian Eyes"

Minx smiled fondly at her friend. What a kook Rapture was. You was never really knew when she was being serious or pulling a hoax but her friends knew all too well that Rapture got a kick out of making others believe her nonsense . Catching her smile Rapture gave her band mate a knowing glance and winked

The minutes ticked by

Minx soon turned her attention to the cute young videoographer sitting next to her

"So darling" Minx murmured in her sexy Russian accent."What are you doing later tonight?" Much to his regret he never got to answer the question as the final member of the Stingers arrived

"Hello everyone. My apologies for being late" Riot's trademark velvety voice sounded strained and painfully hoarse.

A series of greetings went around the room. He took a set at the head of the table.

They began to discuss the plans for the video in regard to concepts and wardrobe and location ideas. The meeting seemed to drone on and one. where as Riot would usually be the centre of all the discussion he couldn't seem to concentrate today. What he did notice that anytime he coughed or sniffled either Minx or Rapture would look at him questiongly. Was he that obviously unwell?

"Well how authentic to you want to play this thing? The director asked " Do you think we should shoot on location in Egypt?" Riot had been feeling need to sneeze even before the question was asked. It had been there torturing his nostrils for a few minutes now and Riot was doing his best to keep it at bay. He was about to answer and all at once it came over him. He held up 1 finger as if to say hold on and then turned away just in time to sneeze in the cook of his arm.


Riot dug out the pack of tissues and turned his back to the room while he blew his nose. He tried to be as discreet as possible. He turned back around and smiled as charismatic a smile as he could muster.

"Yes. Egypt sounds quite fantastic actually" He tried to sound enthusiastic.

"great" The suit said." we will start working on the exact location immediately. Any specific monuments you might like to have in the video"

Why did they keep asking him questions? His nose twitched. He needed to sneeze again. Badly He put his finger above his top lip in an attempt to ward the sneeze off. It did not seem to be helping

"Pardon me . I ..I'm..Ahhchhish!!...Hhemmph!!!Achoo..." He tried to answer the question but the sneezes did not stop there. Nope. They were persistent. "hiitchew! hatchooo! Heeressh!! Hinxt AHHTCHEW" He grabbed a tissue from his back pocket and turned away again as he tried to clear the resulting congestion. It came out sounding much louder then intended and when he finally turned around his cheeks were rosy with embarrassment. Everyone was staring

Edited by chui
~adding a not~
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That should read " He honestly did NOT think he could pull off the black and yellow frock coat"

Yeah I cant edit anymore boo hoo

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Really hmmm could be Im on that crack substance thingie. Yes I just checked its there and I am on the crack

Boo Hoo

To rehab I go!!

Thanks for the edit!!!!!

I think I am so going to buy a glitter and gold jem and rio set on Ebay cause of you!!! MIB!!! Ohh YES!


Edited by prisma
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"Bless you." The room chorused.

"It seems my allergy of cats has extended to the brass variety as well." Riot said indicating Rapture's replica of Bast and trying to make light of the situation.

He was not about to admit he was ill. Not to a room full of business executives. What? And ruin his unquestionable perfection? Not a chance.

He took his seat once more and willed himself to pay attention despite his fatigued condition.

It was not an easy task. His mind was more focused on trying to preserve his illusion of health. He sat upright although his head felt weary. He cleared his throat to keep from coughing. And this time with any sign of a sneeze he excused himself under the guise of going to the bathroom.

This was his 2nd time. He left the office and headed down the corridor to the public rest rooms.

He entered the men's room and sat huddled in the stall sneezing sneeze after sneeze until the fit had past. He rubbed his temples and sighed. He just wanted to go home curl up in his bed and sleep.

But first he had to get through this meeting. He wiped his nose and without looking casually threw the tissue over his shoulder. It landed directly in the garbage. Of course!

The meeting ended shortly after. Everyone filed out and he was left alone with Rapture and Minx.

"So that was productive" Minx said sarcastically."Americans! Their ideas are so mundane"

"We cant just use the same rehashed cliches that everyone has seen a million times. What did they think we would be like 'ohhh look he has a suit. He must be important. Lets listen to his stupid boring old suggestions. I cant believe they didn't like my idea of me changing into a cat and....."

"Enough both of you!! I have a throbbing headache and listening to the two of you is just making it worse!"

Both blond girls looked at Riot. His snappish attitude was as famous as his voice but not usually to them. Well at least ,not as often.

He usually revelled in mocking the music executives he felt were beneath him.

The three of them would always come away from meetings laughing and making fun of their small minded views and pathetic concepts.

"So I figured we would all go to our next meeting together" Rapture suggested

"At least these people have taste. They recognize true talent when they see it. Investing in a Stingers clothing line is a fantastic idea." Minx said arrogantly.

"The next meeting!!!!" Riot exclaimed as it dawned on him " I totally forgot about that"

"You haven't made other plans have you?" Minx enquired.

Riot sighed heavily. "Well actually yes. I have a date with my bed"

"who's the lucky lady?" Rapture leered

At this Riot couldn't help but laugh. His laughter soon turned to harsh ragged sounding coughs.

Minx and Rapture looked at him with concern but said nothing although they both wanted to. Dealing with Riot was sometimes a tricky situation. He was proud, he was stubborn and if he didn't want to admit he was sick then they weren't going to say anything.

"I'm sick" Riot admitted. "As if both of you couldn't already tell. I'm going to do what I should have done yesterday and get some rest." He paused and then looked at Rapture and said " I should have listened to you"

"Well the important thing now is to rest up and get well. Remember we have a concert in a few days" Rapture shook her finger at him in mock scold.

" As if I've forgotten? Jem is going to be there. Any opportunity to see her is one where I can convince her she shall be mine If I am to get well it shall be for her and for her alone"

Oh yes! Riot really did talk like this.

The girls just rolled their eyes.

"Don't forget about your own band or anything" Minx said hotly

What was it about Jem that held such power over Riot?

They had no idea. Jem should have realized ages ago how perfect he was. Oh well. One day she would get it.

"I'm leaving now. Be good little girls and take notes at the meeting" He was only half serious.

"of course" Minx said. Little did Riot know they had plans of their own

When Riot arrived at home the first thing he did was change out of his clothes and don a pair of black silk pyjamas and matching robe. For comforts sake he tied back his wild blond tresses.

He could not wait to get into bed.

Trying to maintain a picture of health had taken it's toll now he felt worse then even!

It seemed to happen all at once. His limbs felt unpleasantly cold , he began to shiver and shake. It seemed his whole body was suddenly made of ice. Shivering all the while he walked over to the fire place and slumped to the ground beside the hearth . A couple of attempts later he had a fire roaring.

He made it over to the bed and crawled beneath the warm feather down duvet. He wrapped the blanket around himself tightly trying to block out any trance of cool air that dared to invade his protected warmth.

He lay there and tried to go to sleep. He felt uncomfortable . He switched positions. It helped little. He tired again but to no avail. He began tossing and turning in frustration unable to find any position that did not leaving him feeling constrained. He tried to lay still when.........."HhehIISSShhoo!" He sneezed abruptly and he went to grab a Kleenex only to realize he did not have any by his bed. He cursed, flung back the covers angrily and trudged over to the bathroom to grabb a box of tissues. He felt another devious tickle as his nose on way down the hall. He stopped mid step. "Hehh...." He inhaled faintly but as the sensation grew stronger his breath become more severe "HEH..EhhhhEAH........" He snatched a tissue from the box and covered his face just in time...."HAIIIeeeISHOOOO" The sneeze was deafening and he doubled over with the effort. It caused a ringing in his ears and left his already irritated throat stinging unpleasantly. Once in bed again he blew his nose and winced. Along with everything else it now seemed tender and raw.

Riot lay there feeling very sorry for himself indeed. He felt 100% dreadful 'Look how perfect I am now' He thought to himself ' Perfectly miserable'

and if this little scene wasn't enough for him to O.D.on self pity he began coughing once again. Deep and heavy they shook him and when finished he took a shaky breath and felt light headed. Roit whimpered. He couldn'tnt have seemed more pathetic if he tried.

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YumYumYumYum....all shivery and in bed and sneezing uncontrollably...


*bites knuckle*

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oh yus.... :dribble::drool::bleh: more? :unsure: pwetty pweese *begs*

and of course you should have a GnG Jem.... dude...i loved playing with my Jem dolls... but they dont fit in half the barbie clothes cuz they're like... two inches taller... i used to marvel at how big the shoes were! :lol:

Edited by chui
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Your wish is my command! Seriously Chui, I am a sucker for feedback and if I feel that people want more the best way to let me know is to do what you did and tell me.

I am touched you like my lil story that much I am having tons of fun with it too.


He snuggled under the covers and prayed for sleep. Finally so exhausted , he was a ripe claim for the Sandman.

At 5pm Riot woke up. He looked at the clock and realized he had slept most of the day although he still felt tired. He put his hand to his head and groaned ' Would this headache ever go away?!' He just wanted to lay in bed but he was thristry. He got out of bed slowly and went to see what there was in the fridge. Yup. Just what he thought: Nothing! Being a celebrity ,he rarely was at home and even when he was he was not cooking! He usually had a chef come in and prepare something if he wanted to dine in. He even knew a few who would come at a moments notice Unfortunately there was nothing to drink either. His mouth felt parched and his throat was noticeably more sore. He was just reaching for a glass to fill with water when he sneezed suddenly into his arm. "Hacitcho!" He set the glass down. "Ah heh..Ehsitcho!" This time into his hands. And then another sneeze! "heheHHEHChoo!!" He was trying to get to the tissues by his bed but they would not stop.

"AhhtisshooOO!!! HeptChooo! Knixt!" Sneezing and walking was not an easy thing to do but finally he made it. "haah...hehh..Choo! HiiiSHHIhoo!MMMurmph!!Heh -Chhaa!!"One after the other they came and Riot sat perched on his bed pulling out tissue after tissue to capture each one as the sneezes came fast and furious. And finally they were done. He sniffed roughly and blew his nose feeling like it was the hundredth time. He sank back in bed weaker now then ever. It was such a wonder how being sick reduced you to such a helpless being.

It was at that moment the phone rang. Riot picked up the receiver realizing how heavy it felt in his frail condition.

"Hello?" Riot croaked

"May I speak to...Riot? Is that you?"

"Who the hell else would id be?. *sniiff*. I'b the only wud thad lives here"

"That's true". she said reasonable. "How are you feeling?"

"Called to gloat have you"?

"Noooo. I called to tell you me and MInx and coming over. We'll be there in 10min"

and before Riot could protest Rapture hung up!

Riot set the phone on the receiver and buried under the blankets. Maybe if he fell asleep again he wouldn't hear them knock. That would never work. It seemed he couldn't win. I mean it was only Minx and Rapture now if it had been Pizazz well that would have been another story all together. Images of moats and boarded up doors with chains and locks came to mind in that scenario. He got up and unlocked the door and hopped into bed again.

He awoke to the sound of knocking.

"Id's ophead" He said as loud as he could and swallowed in pain.

A moment later he heard them enter and come down the hall.

He also over hear Rapture say to Minx " I told you he sounded like crap"

He was sick but he wasn't deaf.

They found their beloved leader laying in bed Covers hiked up to his chin and surrounded by tissues. His normally immaculate appearance was in disarray. His hair was pulled back and he had loose stands and fly aways everywhere. His nose was doing an impression of Jem's hair and was completely pink. It seemed quite chapped as well. His cheeks were flushed and stood out amongst his otherwise horribly pale complexion. And last but not least his eyes were watery and seemed glazed with fever. All in all Riot did NOT look at all like Riot!

Minx and Rapture on the other hand looked amazing. They were both dressed identically in matching nurse outfits that were comprised of black PVC with yellow vinyl crosses on their hats and aprons, black and yellow of course being The Stingers signature colours.

"what in the world are you girls wearing" Riot asked incredulously

Minx laughed and spun around.

"Don't you remember? We wore them on our last tour for the song "Are You Feeling Alright?".

"We thought they would be perfect" Rapture beamed

"We' ve come to take of you!" Minx said ecstatically

" That's right. If you want to be healthy in time for the show we thought some extra TLC couldn't hurt!"

Edited by prisma
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:twisted: *SQUEEEE* ok...so he sounds totally scrumptious right now, all tired and sneezy and just hiding in bed.... :drool: and those outfits! thats just awesome! :innocent:
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Chui thank you for the feedback Oh yesss!!

Next part

"this is all very thoughtful of you girls but really I'm sure ill be fine on my own" Riot made a move to get up to politely escort the two out but when he sat up the room started spinning.

He was overcome by a feeling of dizziness that was quite disorienting.

"Ohhh! My head" Riot moaned as his hand went to to his temple. Minx gently eased him down again in bed. And tucked him neatly under the comforter.

"There , there! She said in what she hoped were soothing tones "You need to stay in bed"

"That never happen before" Riot said in his defense looking quite sheepish.

"Were here to help you Ok? So just relax. We have everything under control" Rapture explained and then went to the hall way and brought back two giant brown paper bags. She set them on the counter in the kitchen. Minx joined her and soon they were playing show and tell with all the stuff they had bought for Riot.

"Apple juice!" Minx announced and got out a glass from the cupboard and poured the amber liquid in. Placing a straw inside She went down the hall to his room and stood by Riots bedside.

"I thought your supposed to have orange juice when your sick?"

"Ha" Minx spat bitterly " Stupid American customs. The acid in the oranges will only burn your throat if it's irritated and there is just as much vitamin C in apple juice.. She held the glass level to Riot head and urged him to take the straw. His eyes were like daggers but he complied. It tasted wonderful. And she was right Orange juice did always seem to burn when his throat was sore.

"Thank you Minx. That was very refreshing"

"See I told you!" Minx left the room and Rapture stepped in "We brought you chicken soup too" she said showing Riot the can. Have you had anything to eat at all today?"

"I haven't been very hungry" He admitted

"Well at least your drinking liquids. If you do get hungry let me know. I make the best canned soup you ever tasted"

Riot smiled "Will do". He coughed softly and cleared is throat a couple of times.

"A-ha!" Rapture announced. She got up and left and when she returned she came back three different types of throat lozenges. "we didn't know what kind you wanted so we got menthol, honey lemon and cherry."

Riot was about to answer but stopped. Rapture could see he was about to sneeze. He sniffed a few time and his lips parted expectantly. His face wore a desperate expression. his brow furrowing all the while. He gasped for a breath and then another. His eyes snapped shut and he surrendered to the unstoppable force. "Heeyaahh ...HEH Choo!!!" He grabbed a tissue

"Bless you!"

"Th-th thank...." Riot tired but failed to get out the words as another sneeze was there just seconds behind the first "Hinxt"

he stifled it painfully against his wrist. Again he was about to speak when he obviously felt the seemingly endless tickle "Oh doe!" He manged "Dot again" This time he exploded with a full cascade of sneezes. "Ugh!!! Excuse Be! I'd so sick of sdneezing" Riot complained his voice thick with congestion. He sighed and blew his nose.

"Oh Riot you really do sound awful!" Rapture looked at him with pity.

"Thanks alot" He said his voice muffled behind the tissue

"I'm serious. Maybe we should call them and cancel the show"

"But what about Jem. I gave her my word. No! We cannot cancel the show. We still have a few days. Im sure ill be better by then. I have to do this. I must do this for Jem" He paused thoughtfully. "You know" He said smiling that charismatic smile of his. " I'm wondering just how good the best can of soup ive ever had will taste?"

Rapture smiled. "you got it!" Rapture got up and left and Minx came in holding a box a box of tissues. "I figured you could used these as well"

"Really? I wonder where you got that idea" Riot said playfully

"I also got you this" MInx said and took out a stuffed toy of bumble bee from behind her back. "it was so cute I couldn't resist and after all we The Stingers"

Riot chucked "Thank you Minx. Its very.....fitting"

Rapture joined both of them in the room. " The soups on the stove but in the meantime I thought you may want to try this"

Rapture pulled an old fashioned looking bottle out of her purse. " This special medicine has ancient medicinal herbs and was passed down from my great aunt who was a gypsy."

"Rapture cut it out. Im really not in the mood"

"No Riot it's true" Minx said backing up her friend. "Once I had this horrible flu and I thought the same thing. But it really worked. I told her to bring it"

"Alright" He said. He took the bottle and lifted out the cork. He took an experimentle sniff. "Oh my god that's foul" He said wrinkling his nose in disgust.

" I know it smells bad but it really works"

"You better be right" He took a macho swig and gagged. It was the most horrid concoction he had ever tasted. He grapped the apple juice off the night stand to wash it down.

" Your soup better be as good as this stuff is bad"

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Thank you so much Chui and Vetinari your support is wonderous beyone belief!!!!!!

Next part

Not a lot of sneezing put plenty of good ole suffering

" I've never had any complaints before" She proclaimed. " Id better see how its doing"

She left Minx and Riot alone.

Minx sat on the edge of Riot's bed and watched him curiously. He was very quiet which was odd for him. He lay still and seemed smaller somehow,metaphorical speaking. She was used to Riot always taking charge and giving the orders and as she regarded him laying in bed it felt so unusual to be the one taking care of him for once. She wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

"Are you ok?" Minx asked softly

"yeah. Sure. I'm just fine" He said evasively Minx knew him well enough to detect the bitterness underneath.

"Do you resent that we are trying to care for you Riot? she asked him straight forwardly

"No. Your both being very sweet. Well other then the fact that Rapture is trying to kill me with that vile mixture" Minx laughed. At least he still had a sense of humour.

"It's just that I don't like being sick" He confessed.

"No one does"

"Well It's more then that. I don't think I'm very good at it!"

Minx smothered a giggle

"Oh Riot! Don't worry you cant be good at everything.I'm going to go help Rapture. If you need anything just call"

"Hey why don't I have one of those little bells?"

" Because Ive seen too many TV shows to know how that's going to turn out"

Minx came into the Kitchen and was met with the most delicious aroma. "Wow that smells fantastic. Ive never smelled canned soup like that before in my whole life"

"I know!" She said proudly "it's my secret recipe"

"Oh let me guess.... snips and snails and puppy dogs tails"

"Does that mean you don't want any?"

" It does smell seriously good but I think we should make sure there is enough for Riot first"

"Well it's almost done. How is he?" As if to answer their question they heard a loud sneeze from the direction of his bedroom.

"Bless you" They both said in unison.

"I guess that answers my question huh?" Rapture said.

"Well I'm going to unpack the rest of the stuff we bought. When do you think we should tell him we're staying the night"

"Maybe he'll be too sick too notice"

"Ha. Yeah right."

Minx headed toward the hallway and Rapture let the soup simmer a couple of minutes before it was done.

Riot stayed put in bed. He felt very helpless and he did not like it at all. He would have again protested against his female companions company but in truth he was starting to think he needed it and that was the scariest part of all. He felt so weak he couldn't even imagine getting out of bed anymore. His head continued to pound. and even the dim lighting in his room seemed to make the pain worse. He wished he was in a dark silent room. Alone. He felt trapped. Starting to shiver he buried down deep in his blankets and curled into a fetal position.

Back in the kitchen Rapture found a ladle and transferred the soup into a bowl for her patient.

She approached his room and knocked...... Nothing. She tired knocking a little louder.

Still nothing. She opened the door to find Riot underneath the covers shivering dreadfully.

"Riot?" she whispered. She heard him mumbled something

"What? She asked in a hushed tone

"I'm cold. Did you turn down the heat?"

"Are you kidding. Its boiling in here."

"I'm f-f f- freezing" He stuttered.

" I brought you some soup. That will warm you up" Rapture said still speaking softly

" I don't want it. I've lost my appet-t-t-tite"

"Are you sure?"

"I just want to be warm. Whats wrong with me?"

"Don't worry" She said warmly "Ill get you another blanket"

Rapture came out of the bedroom and saw Minx. "Whats wrong?" Minx asked as she saw the worried look on her friends face. I just went to give Riot the soup I made and he didn't want any at all. He was shivering really bad. I think he's getting worse.

"oh no. Really?"

"I'm just getting him a blanket. Go make sure hes alright"


Minx went back to his room and found Riot laying still. He wasn't shivering anymore. Which was a good sign. On closer inspection she saw he was bathed in perspiration.

"I'm too hot. I think Rapture turned up the heat too much"

She took a seat beside him and tentatively put her hand to his forehead. It was scotching hot to the touch. she recoiled in surprise. "Oh god! Riot your burning up!!"

Rapture came in just then with the blankets only to see a pile of similar ones on the floor.

"what happened?"

"I'm sick. That's what happened. I have a fever. I feel like s**t. and ..." He couldn't finish as a coughing fit took hold of him. It sounded very wet and deep and serious. His eyes watered from the effort

He stopped and gasped for a breath. and then he sank back on his pillow and reached for a remaining blanket on his bed for security and held it tightly to himself.

"I really don't feel well." He said sounding completely defeated

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Next part

"Poor thing" Rapture cooed as she carefully stroked his forehead.

Minx got up and told the two she would be right back.

She reappeared with a bowl of cool water, a wash cloth. and a thermometer which she handed to Rapture. She set the bowl beside the soup on the table by the bed and dipped the small towel in. She wrung it out and began to caress his forehead.

"I'm going to take your temperature " Rapture instructed. "Ok?"

"Yes, fine" He snapped sounding irritated. His patience for this whole scene was wearing thin. Why couldn't they just leave him alone?

She placed the instrument underneath his tongue as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Now you have to leave it place for at least 3 min"

Riot didn't say anything but his eyes spoke volumes. They looked at her condescendingly as if to say ' I'm not an idiot'

After about two minutes Riot felt his nose began to twitch. Rapture could see the urgency in his eyes. Recognizing the signs she said "If you need to sneeze try holding it back. You just have 1 minute to go"

He sniffled a few times when that didn't work he gave his nose a violent rub and held his knuckle under the bridge. He felt the tickle worse then ever. He began to inhale in short and quick breaths.It was clear he was losing the battle as he fought off the increasing teasing sensation of the sneeze. He tried to hold out as long as he could but when he could bear it no longer he pulled out the thermometer just in time to sneeze 3 times in succession. He turned to Minx and between drastic breaths gasped "wh- whats wrong with you? H-h-hand me the t-t-tissues for christs-s- -sakes!! She complied as Riot rudely snatched the box from her. "HehCHOO!, IIIiiisssSHHeewww!!!! ,Choo!*SNiiiFFF* ,Eptchew!"

"Gah!" Riot growled. "I don't thing I cad take eddie bore of this" He sniffled miserably. He was about to blow his nose when he paused. He seemed hesitant and almost fearful. By this time his nostrils had turned from pink to a serious scarlet. Rapture could just imagine how sensitive and sore they were. He relented and blew his nose resulting in a very liquid like sound. He winced afterwards.

"That looks painful" She said in sympathy

"Have you ever skinned your knee and had layers of skin come off?" He asked rhetorically

"Imagine touching that raw exposed flesh and having to rub it constantly"

Rapture did and cringed

Riot looked at her "That's how it feels" He said to her as if it was her fault

Minx and Rapture could both tell that Riot's temperament was going downhill fast.

What else could they expect. On a good day he was ill mannered to most. Unless he wanted something from them. Of course both girls were the exception but who else did he have to take his bad mood out on

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I love feedback. Yes I do. If you have some I would love it



Minx picked up the thermometer from Riot's bed where he had discarded it. She took a look and her brow furrowed.

"well?" Riot looked at her through narrowed eyes. " What does it say?" he asked full of contempt.


"what? That's impossible! Let me see!" He demanded as he grabbed the glass tube from her hand. He glanced at it and realized what she said was true " I don't believe this. You must have done it wrong!" He accused furiously pointing in Rapture's direction.

Rapture sighed and took a deep breath. "look Riot,,,,,,,,,," She began " It's not wrong. Your sick. it's not your fault,,,,,,,,,,,,"

"Of course it's not my fault" He interrupted. " It's yours!"

Rapture laughed bitterly " How is this MY fault" She asked baiting him.

"Your the one with the tarot cards. You probably put some gypsy hex on me" Riot knew he was talking nonsense. He knew what he was saying was absurd. He didn't care. He was mad and he wanted to blame someone. Something. Anything! It was so unfair! Why did he have to get sick. Things like this weren't supposed to happen to HIM. He was after all "Riot!" That in itself was enough explanation.

"I thought you didn't even believe in stuff like that?!" Rapture shot back

"Well it turns out I was wrong!" He shouted.

" Guys!" Minx announced " This is no time to fight"

" He started it" Rapture pouted

"You are both behaving like children" She pulled Rapture aside and whispered harshly

"what are you doing? Riot's ill. Do you want to make him worse"

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to him!"

Rapture pursed her lips and gave Minx a look but turned around and walked back over to where Riot lay. He really did look pathetic and she immediately began to feel guilty.

"Look " she began and almost had a deja vu. " I'm sorry. I Iost my temper and I,,,,,,,,I'm sorry" She finished.

"Forgiven" Riot said simply with a dismissive wave of his hand before coughing into it.

"Is there anything we can get for you?" Minx asked him kindly.

"Yes! Some piece and quiet would be nice!"

Rapture did not need to be told twice.

"If you want anything we will just be in the next room" she said quickly walking out with Minx behind her. she was thankful to be out of there. Riot seemed like a ticking time bomb.

"God hes cranky!"

"How happy are you when your sick? Minx challenged. "You know how people get when they aren't well"

"I'm not nearly as volatile as that"

"Well lets just try to be patient. It's not that serious. Just a bad cold. He should be ok in a few days. Hopefully in time for our show."

"Lets hope so. For all our sakes."

And no sooner had Rapture spoken those very words then she heard her name bellowed from inside the blond singers bedroom.

"Rapture! come here at once!"

She smiled a smile as cheerful as it was fake. "His majesty calls"

She crossed the hall to his room all the while grumbling to herself

"Yes Riot?" She enquired with a sweetness she didn't feel.

" This soup. It's cold"

"I thought you didn't want it"

"Yes, well I changed my mind"

"fine" she said shortly. " I'll warm it up" she took the soup from the table turned to leave and then thought better of it and before Riot could ask anything else of her she faced him again. " Anything else before I go"

"No that will be all. You may leave now"

"Yes master" She muttered under her breath.

" What was that" Riot asked

"Oh nothing" she answered casually.

She returned to the kitchen feeling very much like a yo yo.

"I need to warm up the soup. Its cold"

"Guess he changed his mind. Well at least he has an appetite. That's a good sign"

"How much you wanna bet he wont eat it"

"Why don't I bring it to him before you two kill each other" Minx suggested.

She didn't like the way Riot was acting anymore then Rapture did. But she recognized a potentially bad situation The last thing she wanted was the two at each other throats. That wouldn't do at all!. Anyway she could prevent that, she would. When the soup had resumed it's previous temperature she took it back to the room. She knocked and when she didn't hear anything she entered to the room to find Riot in the mist of yet another full blown sneezing fit. She watched as he sneezed helplessly. They came about like rapid fire and he barley had enough time to take a breath between each one. He seemed powerless against the torturous experience. After the 10th one it seemed to stop. Riot groaned and looked up to see Minx in the doorway.

"Bless you" she said with so much sympathy it hurt. He rubbed his nose and blinked back the resulting tears. "Thang you" he said and sniffed pitifully.

She hated seeing him like this. she felt so bad for him. She made up her mind that no matter how mean Riot was to her she would be as nice to him as possible.

"I brought you your soup. Do you want to try some now?"

She sat on his bed with the bowl balanced on her knee and was about to start spoon feeding Riot when he looked at her with a concealed rage and said in a tone so icy it sent shivers down her spine.

"I'm not a f**king child,,,,, Ingrid" He knew she hated when anyone used her real name and it amused him to see her eyes flash. Minx's temper could rival Riot's any day but when push came to shove, although a rare time it was, she knew when to control it. Now was one of those times. "No problem. Here you go" she handed the soup to Riot and high tailed it out of the room before she could say anything else

"He's getting to you too? Isn't he?" Rapture smirked when she saw the look on her German friends face

"He's impossible" She said through gritted teeth."but I promised myself I would be nice to him."

"well I didn't" Rapture said.

Minx did not like the sound of that at all.

Having nothing to do until Riot next called on them they plopped in front of the T.V. and decided to watch the latest music videos. They always got a kick out of seeing their stuff broadcasted. They liked to keep up to date on what number they were at on the current countdown. They turned on the T.V began watching a segment called "way back play back" It was tracking the hottest songs from the 70's The song " Turn the beat around" By Vicki Sue Robinson came on and immediately the two jumped up. " I love this song!" Minx cried and they turned it up and began dancing around the large living room.

The television was turned up so loud that they did not hear Riot shouting from the next room.

Riot sat up in bed his head throbbing worse then ever.

"Turn it down!!!" He barked. He waited but nothing happened.

"Didn't you hear me?" He shrieked his voice getting louder. " I said turn down the god dammed T.V!!!! Are you deaf??" His throat was scorching sore now. This only infuriated him more.

He stormed out of his room and headed into the living room to give the two a decent tongue lashing. He went straight to the T.V and turned it off. And was about to rip into them when he opened his mouth to speak and,,,,,,,,nothing came out.

He tried again. His throat closed up and he began coughing. He swallowed again excruciatingly. "Why is the T.V so loud?' he rasped He meant to sound threatonging but it came out bearly above a whisper.

"Riot! Your voice!" Minx was taken aback. "It's gone!"

He was about to reply that 'of course it wasnt gone' but again he opened his mouth and tried but nothing came out. Absolutly nothing.

This was not good. Not. Good. At. All

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Thanks Chui

Next part!

He placed his hand on this throat and swallowed thickly.

Riot looked shocked. His eyes were wide with disbelief. Was this some kind of colossal joke? Things were just getting worse and worse. This wasn't funny anymore. He looked at Minx questioningly as if maybe she had the answer to this cruel farce. And why did he

suddenly feel so lightheaded,,,,,as if,,,he was ,,,,,,,,going to,,,,,to His knees went weak and he stumbled. He grabbed the edge of the bookshelf nearest to him just in time

Minx and Rapture rushed to him. "Are you OK?.You almost fainted"

" Oh Riot Why are you out of bed?" Minx asked dismayed " Here let me help you" Too weak to argue Riot complied. What choice did he have?

She let him put his weight on her as she led him back to bed. She tucked him in motheringly. " I bet that fictional bell is looking pretty good right now?" She smiled at their private joke.

"The first thing I am going to do is get you some tea with honey for that throat of yours"

Riot looked at her sadly unable to speak

"Now, no fretting ok? If you listen to us you will get your voice back. You will. I know how strong you are" She looked at him seriously. She had so much love for him. For this band. As The Stingers they had gone through so much together and seen each other at their best and at their worst. In the end it just made them stronger. They were thick as thieves. They were a family. She look at Riot with a gentle sternness "But please remember no talking. At least for now."

Riot sighed heavily and nodded his agreement.

She left his bed side and went about her promised task of procuring some tea with honey. For some reason she thought the golden ingredient coming from the insect that their name was dirived from would have an unusually profound effect

In his room Riot lay still. He wanted to get better and yet It went against his principles to accept help. He didn't need it. Not usually. Here he was sick as a dog and was he still going to deny the assistance that his band mates had bestowed upon him? It seem inane!

He should be thankful. He was thankful.now the he realized it. It was just hard to show it sometimes. He decided right then and there to listen to everything they had to say.

At that revelation the phone rang. Rapture came bounding in the room. She picked up the phone with overwhelming eagerness. She smiled at Riot.

"Hello" she said into the receiver. " Oh! Hi Jem!"

Riot's eyes were a blaze of intense distress. It was Jem. Jem was on the phone!?? Oh she cant see me like this he thought and then he realized how dumb that was. Of course she cant see me! But she cant talk to me either . I mean *I* cant talk to her!! Of all the times for her to call and she chooses NOW???

Rapture was about to hand the phone to Riot who looked at it forlornly when she stopped. She covered the receiver "Oopps silly me. I forgot"

Rapture was clearly enjoying the agony displayed on Riot's face. She turned back to the phone and said " I'm sorry Jem! Riot cant talk to you right now. Yes I'll let him know you called" She hung up the phone.

"That was Jem. She said to let you know she called" she flounced out the room.

He stared after her. Thinking of the billion things that he would have said to her were he well. How dare she take advantage of his weakness like this???

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